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Activity 7.

Interview 1. Lionel Messi

I: Hi, how are you? It is really a pleasure to have the opportunity to talk with you.

LM: Hi, i´m fine, thanks, nice to meet you.

I: Coldu you tell me your full name?

LM: Sure, it´s Luis Lionel Andres Messi.

I: Where are you from?

LM: I´m from Rosario, a city from Argentina.

I: What was the first teamm you played for?

LM: It´s Newwell´´s Old Boys, a team in Rosario.

I: At what age did you arrive in Barcelona?

LM: I arrived in Barcelona at the age of 13, the club gave me the opportunity to play for threm and
they paid everithing i needed.

I: At what age did you debut with the Barcelona team?

LM: I debuted with Barcelona at the age of 16.

I: What was the first title you won with the Argentina team?

LM: It was The under-20 World Cup.

I: What has been your best year playing with Barcelona?

LM: It was in 2009, I won the Champios League, La Liga, Spanish Club titles and the FIFA World
Player of the Year Award.

Interview 2. Barack Obama

I: Hello, how are you? It´s a true honor to be able to talk with pne of the most influential people in
the modern world.

BO: Hi, i´m so happy to be here, ready for the questions!

I: You lived in many places since you were Little, can you tell me about that?

BO: That´s right, i was born in Honolulu Hawaii, when my parents separated i was two years old,
my mother remarried, so we went to live in Jakarta, Indonesia, at the age of ten due to various
circumtances i had to return to Hawaii after a short time, to live with my grandparents.

I: How were your studies i Hawaii?

BO: I studied ath the Punahou Academy and i graduated with honors in 1979, despite being a great
student i suffered racism as one of only three African-American students in the school.

I: How did this change your pespective on being African-American?

BO: I realizd the society in which we live, which made me doubt if i was in the right place ori f the
was something wrong with me for being the way i am.

Interview 3.

I: Hello, how are you? It´s a real pleasure to be with one of the most successful writers of recent

PC: Hello, the pleasure is all mine!

I: I know that from a very Young age you kenw that you wanted to write, how did that turn out for
your family?

PC: My parents did not agree with my decisión and they discouraged me by not seeing a future for
that profession in my country, Brazil.

I: You continued to have many problems in your adolescence and they were hard on you, how was
the process of overcoming that?

PC: I have forgiven, it happens with love, all the time, when you have this love towards someone
else, but you want this person to change, to be like you, and then love can be very destructive.

I: What was your fist approoach to writing?

PC: I wrote song lyrics for Brazilian musicians protesting the country´s military rule, i was
imprisioned three times for my political activism

I: How did your trip to Spain in 1986 influence you?

PC: That visit to spain changed my life, i walked more tan 500 miles along the Road to Santiago de
Compostela, a site of Catholic pilgrimage, it was a spiritual awakening and after tha i wrote my first
book The Pligrimage.

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