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Form 3 Course Work

Drama Presentation and Play Bill

Page 24-27
Group 4 Members:
Azariah George, Azareel George, Shadan James, Sedeisha Gibbs, Malika Abul-
Haqq and Jada King

Theatre Play Bill

Students would also be asked to create a Theatre play bill, which takes the
form of a program.
The following must be included in the bill
Original art of the group's interpretation of that part of the play at the front of
the bill
A summary of the play
A summary of the specific act that would be presented
A Who's who in the play- A section with a picture of all the actors with a short
bio about them inclusive of age, any experience with acting and favorite line
from the excerpt.
Costume designer Notes: The costume designer should give a short note on
why the choices those costume choices were made.
Director notes: A short paragraph as to why the director (chosen by the group)
presented the excerpt in that particular way. What lessons he or she learnt
along the way.
Visual Bloopers: Pictures of rehearsals etc.
A summary of the play
The king is practicing how he is going to address the public on the mancrow
eating up the "whole world" and is getting furious at the servant for saying his
lines of the proclamation then he finishes with his proclamation practice
addressing the citizens and informing them of the threat of mancrow and offers
a reward for whoever can slay mancrow Gran is worried about Soliday and
wondering where he is complaining he already went hunting. Soliday then
informs Gran that he is going to help the king and take on the task of slaying
mancrow to which Gran begins to tell him that even though she is old but
keeps getting interrupted, Soliday reaffirms he is going and Gran tests him by
looking him in the eye and deems him worthy of going. Soliday was going out
to kill mancrow and gran have them special arrows and a fight insinuates
between them. After soliday fires all her arrows Anansi appears and claims to
have killed Mancrow, the trickster tricked the entire kingdom into believing he
killed mancrow and took all the glory and praise until his
schemes were unveiled and he changes his ways and triumphs.

A summary of the specific act that would be presented

The King realizes that Mancrow is a murderous killing bird and has given
anyone the right to kill him in order to win the hand of his daughter. Soliday is
telling his grandmother that he is going to kill Mancrow, and Soliday confronts
Mancrow and attempts to kill him before Anansi swoops in and apparently kills
Name: Jada King
Age: 14 years old
Experience: No experience with acting
Favorite line: Gran - “Don't interrupt me when I'm enjoying being a miserable old woman! I
may be old and creaky-kneed…”
Favorite character: Mancrow
Name: Shadan James
Age: 14 years old
Experience: No experience with acting
Favorite line: Soliday - “Just sit still then, ugly one and eat my arrows one by one.”
Favorite character: Soliday
Name: Azareel George
Age: 15 years old
Experience: No experience with acting
Favorite line: Mancrow - "Trying to kill me you pitiful thing, it’s like tying up the night with a
noose of string"
Favorite character: Mancrow
Name: Azariah George
Age: 15 years old
Experience: no experience with acting
Favorite line: King - "That mythical, magical, murderous bird whose wings have plunged us
into night and fearful fumbling fidgeting fright"
Favorite Character: Mancrow
Name: Malika Abdul-Haqq
Age: 16 years old
Experience: I never acted before.
Favorite line: Live on the outside, grab what I can be myself-quick spider man.
Favorite character: Anansi
Name: Sedeisha Gibbes
Age: 15 years old
Experience: I have a lot of experience in acting
Favorite line: Mancrow - What’s this? Your faith? Your doubt? Your sins? Your patience?
Mercy? Might? That's odd........ i usually get this right. That means I’m wrong which as King
said Means that i might as well be.......... Thud he's dead
Favorite character: Soliday
Costume designer Notes
King costume yellow crown, red cape.
Yellow crown: I chose yellow crown because yellow brings positive feelings, emotions,
energy, happiness
It boosts confidence, curiosity.
Red cape: I chose a red cape because red is one of the most powerful color, it
defines and power.
King costume: I chose for king to wear a crown because it shows and gives a sense of power
n reign over a country and typically kings wear long capes and have a staff as a sign of power
so we chose for that character to wear those

Soliday costume: white shirt and brown or black pants

Soliday seems like an important and interesting character. I chose white shirt and brown
pants because I felt like it matches his character and his character giving strong hunter as his
grandma repeats in the story "You've just been out Hunting" which has led us to believe he
goes hunting usually so we portrayed his character and dressed him like a hunter
would clothe himself

Gran: Gran is a very supportive, confident character i chose a brown wig and black glasses
along with a long nightgown because usually old characters ah seen in old night gown
clothing and since this is an old-time tale, I felt that a nightgown will suit her character and
often old ppl have less sight so we add glasses to give her an old time look and added a wig
to finish the look of an old lady

Servant costume: typically, servants are mistreated persons and are in a sense of poverty or
as portrayed back in the day so a chose for this character to wear a ripped stained very old
white shirt to show its old and stains to it and then an old ripped pants nearly ripped apart

Anansi Costume: He employs trickery, manipulation, and deception to outsmart more

powerful beings, secure his desires, or gain an advantage. Anansi's tricks can range from
elaborate schemes to simple wordplay, making him a master of manipulation and subversion
so I choose black clothing.
Costume Designer Notes
Mancrow costume: black dark clothes
I chose black clothes for Mancrow because he’s the BIRD OF DARKNESS, and black defines a
strong-willed and determined character and often linked to power, mystery and evil

Director Notes
The excerpt was presented in that way to portray not just the verbal feature of the play but
the body language aspect. This included visualization of the words spoken such as; facial
expressions and gestures and nonverbal behaviour. Body Language is important because it
strengthens and enhances the verbal communication being portrayed by the cast. It allows
the audience to understand the emotions being conveyed by the cast. Being the director of a
play required a lot of creativity and leadership skills in order to carry out the
instructions effectively.
Visual Bloopers….

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