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RBTI Analysis


• Feel Younger, Healthier and Happier (when followed)

• Knowledge about Preventative Health Care

• Relief from Symptoms

• Clarity about What You Can Do

• Ways to Improve Your Health and Energy

• Greater Insight Into What is Happening Inside Your Body

• Non Invasive Testing


RBTI Analysis can help you understand what is happening at the biochemical
level of the body. Whenever your body is out of balance in any way it will show
in the testing results (formula). As RBTI Analysis Consultants we have been
trained to look at the formula derived from your samples and target specific
areas where improvements can be made to help restore balance.

The nature of symptoms isn’t important. More important is how far away from
balanced the numbers are. For instance when the pH is out of balance the body
will have difficulty in absorbing all of the necessary minerals needed to feed the
liver. This can result in many different symptoms and conditions from disease
to hormonal imbalance to anxiety, depression, irritable bowel, to aches and
pains and headaches. The body will suffer somewhere until the minerals that it
needs are supplied.


Ream’s Biological Theory of Ionization (RBTI Analysis) has been used in
clinical practice for over 50 years and has helped many thousands of people. It
is named after Carey Reams the scientist who through extensive laboratory
testing and mathematics came up with what he called the formula for perfect

RBTI Analysis is used to measure the residues and components in samples of

urine and saliva. This enables us or any other trained practitioner to see at a
glance where your body is out of balance and how to design a program to help
you achieve optimal health.

A similar system is used in naturally based agricultural practices to enhance

crop yields with healthier fruit, vegetables and livestock. Developed and refined
over many years it has been successfully used to assist the health of babies,
children, teenagers, adults and senior citizens. RBTI Analysis allows your
practitioner to target the area of greatest need.

The residues and components of urine are still used today in medical science to
test for imbalances in the body. Any variations from perfect balance indicate
how well or how poorly you have been digesting, assimilating and processing
your food and therefore what energy you have available from that food.

“We don’t live on the food that we eat, we live on the energy created by the food that we eat”
Carey Reams

We look for many factors including whether the pH of the body is in balance or
out of balance and where the greatest amount of stress is held in the body.

RBTI Analysis (Urine-Saliva Analysis) assesses:

1. Carbohydrate in the Urine (An indication of your oxygen levels and

available energy). Low carbohydrate levels or high levels indicate that your
liver and pancreas may not be working effectively to control your blood
sugar regulation. Steps can then be taken to help regulate these functions.

2. PH of the Urine (Showing how effectively nutrients are being absorbed).

Experience has shown that the further away from balanced your urine pH is
the more likely that symptoms or disease may develop in your body. This is
a strong indicator of mineral deficiencies and the pointer to which calciums
your body will most benefit from.

A poor pH balance is a major cause of illness and disease. Ignored

imbalanced pH can affect your blood and oxygen carrying capacity
along with all cellular activities, hormone systems, immune
functions and all other bodily functions. Experience has shown that
most minerals and supplements require a balanced pH to be
efficiently absorbed.

3. PH of the Saliva (Irregularities can be a major cause of weight gain or of

inability to gain weight. They are also an indication that liver and pancreatic
function is out of balance for some reason and that some form of
intervention is called for). Reams found that by noting these imbalances in
either urine or saliva pH he knew which form of calcium was needed to help
bring the body back into balance.

4. The amount of cellular debris in the Urine (A measure of how well your
body is disposing of cellular waste).

5. Salts and toxins (Showing balance of electrolytes and a guide to your

body’s need for water). Too low elimination of salts and toxins can indicate
electrolyte imbalance whereas too high is an indication of insufficient water
or overload of salt. These will both affect your energy and the connections
between your brain and your body.

6. Nitrate Nitrogen (NN: Alkaline in nature, showing how well protein is being
broken down in your small intestine and a key to your body’s need for

potassium). A high NN number indicates that your upper body is under
pressure and would benefit from intervention.

7. Ammoniacal Nitrates (AN: Indicate how much putrefactive waste is being

absorbed, primarily from the bowel).

The total of your NN and AN numbers show the level of the urea’s being
passed in the urine, another pointer to major stress factors and tiredness.
Low or high urea numbers indicate that the body is overloaded or may not
be able to detoxify effectively and therefore symptoms may develop and
the possibility of developing a serious disease or condition is increased.

In addition to the above we also screen for:

♦ Leucocytes (a pointer to infections in the body)

♦ Urobilinogen (liver deficiencies)
♦ Nitrite (a sign of bacterial infection)
♦ Protein – Nutrients (kidney problems)
♦ Blood (digestion, kidney/bladder problems)
♦ Specific gravity (energy imbalances)
♦ Ketones (dietary concerns)

From these results we put together a program individually tailored to

your body’s needs.

How Does RBTI Analysis Work?

The testing procedures are performed on a urine specimen and a saliva

specimen. The urine and saliva samples are taken after a main meal with no
food or drink other than water for at least two hours and no water for at least
30 minutes.

Urgent changes are sometimes needed where the analysis indicates that the
body is in severe overload. Otherwise changes are suggested in a step by step
manner with monthly or bi-monthly RBTI Analysis to track whether the
changes indicated have been sufficient to help rebalance the body.

What Then?

Just like a plant we need the correct “soil” for healthy growth. In our case
rather than soil we need a healthy diet that is correct for our bodily needs and
the right acid/alkaline balance in our body to be able to absorb the nutrients
from our food and supplements efficiently.

RBTI Analysis gives an accurate assessment of the way in which your body is
functioning. From this assessment a series of steps that are individually tailored
for you are recommended to help you bring your body into balance. Returning
your body to balance leads you back to wellness.

Depending on your individual biochemistry as measured by RBTI Analysis the

steps recommended may include some or all of the following:

1. Modifying your diet to eliminate or reduce dietary stress factors. This
generally means eating more in line with the true needs of your body.
You will be advised further on this by your practitioner at follow up
consultations. In our experience eating that is overloading your body or
causing disharmony is a major cause of symptoms.
2. Improving your digestion with the use of digestive plant enzymes.
These are often essential to help protect your body from further
overloading and to help take pressure off of your liver and pancreas.
3. Improving bowel elimination to ensure 2 to 3 easy comfortable bowel
movements daily. Waste materials that remain in the body for too long
can be a major cause of disease. Whenever the pH of the body becomes
imbalanced it is likely that some bowel irregularities may develop.
4. Stopping or reducing inflammatory factors. Inflammation in the body is
often a signal that the body has become overloaded and some dietary
and perhaps supplementary intervention may be called for.
5. Improving your immune function. A strong healthy immune system is
your body’s first line of defence against organisms that would do harm
to your body. It has been proven that a weakened emotional state or
too much stress can be a major cause of a weakened immune function.
Again, all factors need to be taken into account when dealing with your
6. Supporting your nervous and digestive systems by correcting
acid/alkaline imbalances with the correct calcium’s and minerals for your
body. Calcium is the most important mineral and the most abundant in
your body. You need a wide variety of calcium’s to correctly balance all
of the systems of your body and to maintain a stable pH.
7. Supporting your Endocrine system for correct hormonal balance.
• Your hormonal system is dependent on the functioning of the liver as
well as the functioning of your hormonal glands.
• Without correcting any liver imbalances it is very difficult to bring
your hormonal system into balance.
• Again the pH of the urine and saliva is a good indication of how your
liver is functioning.
• Any imbalances in this area have been found to then affect the
hormonal system.
• Trying to correct hormonal imbalances without taking into account
the functioning of the liver may bring about other imbalances.
• Reams found that using the correct Calciums for an individual’s body
was often the quickest way to rebalance the hormonal system.

Your detailed report is attached to assist you in planning your health changes.

“Why Guess When You Can Be Sure?”

Dr Peter Holsman
Well Being Institute of Australia
1 Ward Street, Ashburton 3147

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