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The Sixty Point Exercise

Locate the life in each of these points by bringing your attention

there and keeping it there till you achieve real contact with that point. A
way to do this exercise is to switch points every two –or however many
seconds or—breaths you feel comfortable with.
You begin by moving through the right side of the body then
crossing over at the soles and back up through the left half of the body.
The forehead/ third eye, eye, ear, side of neck, shoulder, upper
arm, elbow, lower arm, wrist, back of hand, thumb, index finger,
middle-finger, ring finger, little finger, palm, outside of right thigh, hip,
upper leg, knee, lower leg, ankle, heel, top of foot, big toe, next toe,
middle toe, next toe, little toe, sole of foot. Then you switch to the left
Sole of foot, little toe, next toe, middle toe, next toe big toe, top
of foot, heel, ankle, lower leg, knee, upper leg, hip, outside of thigh,
palm, little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger, thumb, back
of hand, wrist, lower arm , elbow, upper arm , shoulder, side of neck,
ear, eye, third eye.

Centre forehead, eye, side of face, ear- side of head, side of neck,
shoulder, upper arm, elbow, lower arm, wrist, back of hand, thumb plus
each finger, palm, knee, anterior thigh, posterior thigh, calf, ankle, heel,
top of foot, large toe + each toe, sole of foot.


This exercise is usually shown after the 60 point exercise. It is a

basic preparatory exercise and should be well established, and then it
can be done more quickly, about 10 minutes as a basic preparation
before practically all the other morning exercises.
Check posture, spine erect, head balanced on spine. Start with
relaxing the eyes. Stretch your eyes to the right, to the left, up and
down without moving the head.
Hold your eyes stretched in each direction for about 5 seconds
Relax the face, nose, lips, tongue, throat and back of neck. Relax the
right shoulder and move your attention down your arm with the impulse
of relaxation.
When you have relaxed all your fingers, transfer your attention to
your right leg and again travel down the leg with your attention and with
an impulse of relaxation to your right foot. When the right foot is fully
relaxed, go with your attention to your left shoulder. Now as you did
with your right arm and leg, do with your left arm and leg. When the left
leg is fully relaxed, let your attention travel from your throat down your
back and torso and abdomen with the impulse of relaxation paying
special attention to your breathing which should be rhythmic, deep and
Now begin sensing from the eyes and let sensation follow the
same path as you followed with relaxation. Use your attention for this.
Now put your attention on the soles of both feet and keep it there until a
strong sensation is well established. Let this sensation flow and rise up
through the feet. The lower legs and thighs to the body as if filling a
vessel with water.
Let this continue up the body until the whole torso is filled to the
shoulders. Then put your attention on the finger tips of both hands and
the palms sensing the whole of both hands. When this is well
estab1ished, let it rise up both arms to the shoulders until it joins to the
filled torso and legs. Continue this filling across the shoulders up the
neck and finally to the top of your head. Take your time for all this. Do
not rush. Now sense your whole presence. Let sensation be distributed
evenly throughout your whole body from the crown of your head-to the
soles of your feet.

The six point exercise and blending exercises

Breathing and breath are two of the most central parts in our
work. All creatures breathe and we all share the same air. The air has
no fixed boundaries, it extends into infinite space.
In anyone instant I may breathe in an atom that was on the sun or one
of the planets. The air also carries 'the imprint' of the finer spiritual
energies. This is one of the secrets. The air is impartial.
We all breathe the same air. In this work we call the air
the/second being food. The way we extract this food is by conscious
reception of the air and by blending it with the higher energies already
existing in us. We do this with the help of the chakras which are both
energy accumulators and points of contact between our physical body
and our second being body. These chakras or energy accumulators are
for energies we use during our daily life.
The endocrine glands, thyroid and adrenal glands supply force and
sensitivity to our emotional centre. The sex centre can connect us to the
Great Accumulator. The spinal marrow the moving centre. the back of
the head the instinctive centre. The centre of the head the intellectual
centre. Understanding of these chakras is a science and it can be utilized
to help us utilize undesired energies and to work on changing our
habitual patterns.
(For channeling sex energy, use the centre of the head chakra. For
fear, stage fright, etc., use throat chakra. For helping to give up
cigarettes or other similar habits use back of the head chakra. For more
deep seated patterns, e.g., drug addiction, all can be utilized in
cooperation with a mantra.)
Although the chakras do help us to nourish our higher bodies and
in our daily lives, it is the latifas that provide the key to the final
awakening of our perceptions.
Before the 6-point Exercise is introduced, the student should be
given 2 or 3 weeks experience of blending energies. There are several
exercises to do this and they are necessary so that a real CONTACT has
been produced.
Contact is the way one makes real and establishes a connection
which once done it is more difficult to deceive ourselves. Therefore
before passing into more advanced exercises, be sure to do this well.

Blending Exercises

The following exercises are for introducing blending: 1. I AM, 2.

LORD HAVE MERCY, 3. GOSPODEE POMELOE (more complex Lord Have

I AM Blending Exercise. Begin with a reminder about breath and

breathing and about finer substances in the air which we call "active
elements" and how these can be blended with existent energies. After
relaxation and filling sense the right arm strongly taking sufficient time
to establish this (thus this exercise can only be shown to students who
have worked at sensing). Evoke the feeling of III in the breast. Put your
attention on your breathing; follow a particle of air from nostrils to
lungs. The breathing should be slow, rhythmic and unforced.
In the inbreath feel “I”, on the outbreath blend with the sensation
“AM” in the limb. Repeat this for 1 or 2 minutes, then move to the next
limb, following the sequence: right arm, right leg, left leg, left arm.
Then start one limb round, right leg, left leg, left arm, right arm. Then
left leg, left arm, right arm, right leg. Then left arm, right arm, right leg
and left leg. If there is time this sequence can be reversed beginning
with the left leg.

The simple Lord Have Mercy Exercise.

Begin with relaxation and filling. Put attention on breathing and

follow a particle of the air down through the nostrils and-throat to the
lungs. Introduce a short pause between inhalation and exhalation. The
pause increase the intake of active elements to our being bodies. Now
arouse the feeling in the breast of "Lord have mercy", grant me access
to the unconditioned world. This in itself is a positive feeling and if
properly evoked opens channels to the other world.
(Or one can reach it inwardly by feeling a state of Remorse of
Conscience which will awaken the Unconditioned.) Now sense the right
arm strongly. Time should be given to allow this to be worked at.
Now without the pause breathe in "Lord" and on the outbreath
blend the feeling in the breast with the sensation energy in the limb.
This should be done for 1 or 2 minutes and then move to the next limb
in the same sequence as the previous exercise.

Gospodee Pomeloe (a more difficult exercise)

After deep relaxation, consider how you are and what your
actions are like. Put attention in your breath and let arise a feeling of
asking for help. Say aloud several times "Gospodee Pomeloe" and let it
resound and vibrate in the breast. When this is established let the
Gospodee Pomeloe continue silently in the breast at the same time
having in one's head the thought "Lord Have Mercy". New sense the
right arm strongly and then blend the feeling energy with the
sensation energy in the limb. Continue with the same sequence as the
previous exercise.
Addition to the above exercise, the 'Circle of Sensation'. After
relaxation, begin with sensing the left foot and bring sensation up the
leg as if filling a vessel with liquid, take your time over this, then
continue from the left leg to the palm of the left hand and up to the
shoulder. Repeat this with the right foot and continuing to the right
shoulder maintaining the sensation on the left side. Do this carefully.
Now again begin with your attention on the left foot and reinforce the
sensation already established moving with your attention a little faster
than before come up the left leg, the left arm and to the left shoulder
and then across the body to the right shoulder, down the right side to
the right foot and then across to the left foot again thus establishing a
'circle of sensation'. (Although not truly circular, it is most often ex-
perienced as a circle).
Having established this circle, repeat "Gospodee Pomeloe" in 'the
breast while maintaining in the head the thought "Lord Have mercy".
Now let the rate of travel of your attention of sensing correspond
with your breathing. Breathe in with sensation rising up the left side and
out going down the right side. Allow the feeling in the chest to blend
with the sensation in the limbs. After doing this exercise for 21 minutes
or so let it come to an end and just be aware of the whole of your
common presence.
Further addition to the above: In the circle of sensation try to add
a second point of concentration opposite to the first, e.g. opposite the
left foot is the right shoulder, etc.
Additional notes:
Filling to knee and while continuing in the leg transfer part of
attention to palm while at knee and go up arm as go up rest of leg and
torso to meet at shoulder.

[Handwritten I am page]

The six point exercise and Blending Exercises

Breathing and breath are two of the most central parts in our
work. All creatures breathe and we all share the same air. The air has
no fixed boundaries, it extends into infinite space. In anyone instant I
may breathe in an atom that was on the sun or one of the planets. The
air also carries 'the imprint' of the finer spiritual energies. This is one of
the secrets. The air is impartial. We all breathe the same air. In "this
work we call the air the/second being food.
The way we extract this food is by conscious reception of the air
and by blending it with the higher energies already existing in us. We do
this with the help of the chakras which are both energy accumulators
and points of contact between our physical body and our second being
body. These chakras or energy accumulators are for energies we use
during our daily life. The endocrine glands, thyroid and adrenal glands
supply force and sensitivity to our emotional centre. The sex centre can
connect us to the Great Accumulator. The spinal marrow the moving
centre, the back of the head the instinctive centre, the centre of the
head the intellectual centre. Understanding of these chakras is a science
and it can be utilized to help us uti1ise undesired energies and to work
on changing our habitua1 patterns.
(For channeling sex energy, use the centre of the head chakra. For
fear, stage fright, etc., use throat chakra. For helping to give up
cigarettes or other similar habits use back of the head chakra. For more
deep seated patterns, e.g., drug addiction, all can be utilized in
cooperation with a mantra.)
Although the chakras do help us to nourish our higher bodies and
in our daily lives, it is the latifas that provide the key to the final
awakening of our perceptions.

Before the 6-point Exercise is introduced, the student should be

given 2 or 3 weeks experience of blending energies. There are several
exercises to do this and they are necessary so that a real CONTACT has
been produced. Contact is the way one makes real and establishes a
connection which once done it is more difficult to deceive ourselves.

The Six Point Exercise

Begin with relaxation and filling and then an explanation (see above).
The exercise may be shown then in several ways:
1. Now put your attention on your breathing and let it become rhythmic
and relaxed. Trace a particle of air from the nostrils down to the lungs
and out again. After several breaths, introduce a pause of a few
seconds. Observe that when you exhale, a certain substance remains in
the lungs. This contains the active elements; the pause increases our
intake of these substances. Now during the pause, put your attention on
your throat and direct the active elements from the breast to the throat.
As you exhale maintain your attention in the throat.
Now take an ordinary relaxed breath without the pause keeping
attention in the throat. Repeat this seven times. Now repeat the
exercise but put your attention on:
- your solar plexus
- your sex
- your whole spinal marrow
- the base of the skull, just above the Atlas vertebrae
- in the center of your head, well behind the centre of the
Now if for instance you are going to the sex chakra. You need
during the pause for about 1 heartbeat to have your attention directed
to each prior chakra, i.e., Breathe in, pause attention 1 heartbeat
throat, 1 heartbeat solar plexus, then to sex for a longer pause.
Continue activating the chakras for about half an hour. If difficulty
is experience in directing the energies from the breath to the chakra it
will help to wish to do it. The feeding of the 2nd body is not "in time" it
is made possible by an instantaneous connection.
2. The exercise can be done with just one breath with a normal
(missing word).
3. After the experience, the exercise can be done with a very long
pause (about 1 minute, called a "holding") either for each chakra or
while holding moving in a circular movement, throat, solar plexus, sex,
spine, back of head, center head, throat, solar plexus, etc
4. During the holding making this circular movement and
experiencing oneself in the centre.
This chakra exercise is used at a later stage as a preparation for
more advanced exercises and is done just in for example 7 breaths with
holding and inter-breaths going once to each chakra, or circulating
seven times.
Later on the heart chakra which is in the centre of the breast can
be introduced but it is not part of the 6-point exercise

[Handwritten note]
6 point
full relaxation and filling.
2 conscious breaths  become aware of a particle of air, aware of that
which is held, energy.
Breathe into chakra. Go through preceding chakras to proceed to one
that is focus. Between chakras relax breath, but attention still on
chakra. “The sic chakras are the interface between the first being body
and the second being body.”

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