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A HRIS, which is also known as a human resource information system or human
resource management system (HRMS), is basically an intersection of human
resources and information technology through HR software. This allows HR
activities and processes to occur electronically.

To put it another way, a HRIS may be viewed as a way, through software, for
businesses big and small to take care of a number of activities, including those
related to human resources, accounting, management, and payroll. A HRIS allows
a company to plan its HR costs more effectively, as well as to manage them and
control them without needing to allocate too many resources toward them.

In most situations, a HRIS will also lead to increases in efficiency when it comes
to making decisions in HR. The decisions made should also increase in quality—
and as a result, the productivity of both employees and managers should increase
and become more effective.

A Human Resources Information System (HRIS) is a software or online solution

that is used for data entry, data tracking and the data information requirements of
an organization's human resources (HR) management, payroll and bookkeeping
operations. A HRIS is usually offered as a database.

HRIS is geared toward enhancing the capacity of HR management to:

 Absorb new and promising technologies

 Simplify workflow

 Optimize precision, stability and credibility of workforce data

 Simplify the deployment and collection of data

TYPES OF HRIS (Human Resource Information System)

There are 4 Major types of HRIS :

I. Operational HRIS

II. Tactical HRIS

III. Strategic HRIS

IV. Comprehensive HRIS

1.Operational HRIS

Operational HRIS is of immense help to the manager. It provides the manager with
all the required data to support routine and repetitive human resource decisions.

2.Tactical HRIS

Tactical human resource information systems provide managers with support for
decisions that emphasize the allocation of resources. Within the domain of HR,
these include recruitment decisions, job analysis, and design decisions, training
and development and also employee compensation plans.

3. Strategic HRIS

Strategic HRIS focuses on supporting labour negotiations, workforce planning, and

certain specialized human resources software.

Major types of strategic HRIS comprise the following:

A. Information Systems Supporting Workforce Planning- Organization that are

involved in long-term strategic planning, such as those planning to expand into
new market areas, construct factories or offices in new locations, or add new
products, will need information about the quantity and quality of the available
workforce to achieve their goals.

B. Specialized Human Resource Information Systems Software -There has

been a great deal of software that has been designed for the proper functioning of
the human resources. Software that is specifically designed for the human resource
management function can be divided into two basic categories: comprehensive
human resource information systems software and limited-function packages that
support one or a few human resource activities

4. Comprehensive HRIS

The computerization of HRIS has resulted in an integrated database of human

resource files., employee files, position, skills inventory files, affirmative action
files, job analysis and design files, occupational health and safety files, and many
other human resource files are constructed in a coordinated manner using database
management systems software so that application programs can produce reports
from any or all of the files.


1.Personnel Administration: It encompasses personal information of an

employee. These may include name, address, date of birth, marital status, and the
date of joining the organization. It also contains the name and address of next kin
of the employee concern.

2.Salary Administration: One of the functions of HRIS is to provide a report

containing information like present salary, benefits, last pay increase and proposed
increase in future

3.Leave/Absence Increase: HRIS is also used to control leave/absence of

employees. This is done by maintaining a leave history of each employee.

Every employee can be issued an identity card writing every employee’s token
number coded on it.

4. Skill Inventory: Recording employee skills and monitoring a skill data base is
yet another use of the HRIS. Such a skill record helps identify employees with the
necessary skill for certain positions or jobs in an organization

5.Performance Appraisal: HRIS maintains performance appraisal data such as

the due date of the appraisal, potential for promotion, scores of each performance
criteria and alike.

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