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Industrialisation with particular reference to the development of basic and heavy

industries is also considered to be one of the basic objectives of planning in the

underdeveloped countries. Apart from strengthening the infrastructure of the
economy, industrialization brings in its wake inventiveness, a modern and
entrepreneurial outlook, the environment for rapid technological process, indeed
the whole complex of industrial civilization which is necessary for a progressive
nation. For this reason, the Soviet Planners placed the supreme importance on
the development of industries. The objective of the First Five-Year Plan (1928–32)
in former Soviet Union was the development of production forces through steady
industrialization. India also aimed at rapid industrialization in the Second Plan. It is
now universally recognised that rapid industrialization is necessary for attaining a
higher rate of economic growth in addition to its favourable impact on the
resource utilisation and on the creation of employment opportunities. Indeed,
there is a fairly strong empirical association of industrialization and high national
In a predominantly agricultural country like India, the priority is very often placed
upon the development of agriculture as is evident from the Indian Planning. But
the economic, sociological and political factors may reinforce one another in
making industrialisation a desirable policy for developing countries
In order that industrialization may benefit the country as a whole, it is important
that disparities in the levels of industrial development between different regions
be progressively narrowed down, and for this purpose the State should provide
the required facilities to those areas which are lagging behind industrially or
where there is greater need for providing opportunities for employment : only by
securing a balanced and co-ordinated development of the industrial and the
agricultural economy in each region, can the entire economy attain higher
standards of living.

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