An Analysis of Factors Responsible For L

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1.1 Background to the Study

Production both in private and public organizations is simply the

interrelationship between input and output. Inputs are resources such as labour

materials and work done product, distribution or service rendered. In Nigeria,

works have been exercising some or certain problems that have been militating

against productivity levels, which have completely affected the gross domestic

product of the nation. The government is trying to see what maintains

productivity to an impressive level, the ministry of labour and productivity,

National productivity centre, are doing everything to alleviate the issues and

problems of low productivity of the Nigerian worker. Increased productivity is

very vital for the health of the country because it will help to improve the

conditions of the environment, enhance security and improve the standard and

quality of life of the citizens.

Workforce productivity remains a primary element for success in most

organizations, including those in government. Knowing what factors influence

productivity is a prerequisite to improving performance. Over the years,

researchers have found that productivity is affected by relatively few

influencers, and workers are generally aware of what those influencers are

(Armstrong, 2006; Clawson & Newburg, 2005; Hankin, 2004; Newstrom &
Bittel, 2002; Williams, 2003). Based on such insight, a study was implemented

to directly identify those factors that most influence the productivity of the more

than five million workers in state governments in the United States (State

Government Employment Data, 2005). Identification of the specific

productivity limiters operative in the government workplace will yield

opportunities for significant productivity gains in public-sector organizations.

In Nigeria workforce productivity has been highly neglected over the

years where government workers possess a nonchalant attitude towards

discharging their duties in government owned institutions but this trend is not

seen in private institutions, this is due to poor management, ineffective

leadership, outdated systems, employee’s dissatisfaction and poor working

conditions of government owned institutions are among the factors that are

responsible for low productivity in workers. It is against this background that

this study seeks to investigate the factors responsible for low productivity of

Nigerian workers, a study of the Nigerian security civil defence corps.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

There is significant evidence that productivity advancement in

government organizations has not kept pace with the increases found in the

private sector (Killefer & Mendonca, 2006). Williams (2003) documented

efforts to measure performance in the New York City government in the early

1900s. Political issues limited the success of most attempts to measure or

improve productivity in the city. Attempts to measure and control productivity

in the federal government have not faired any better. Between 1987 and 1994,

federal government productivity increased at one fourth the rate of the private

sector (The Grail of Efficiency, 2005).

In 2003, the Nigerian Federal Government passed the Government

Performance and Results Act designed to require strategic plans and annual

performance reports from all federal agencies. However, by 2008, the act and its

requirements were mostly being ignored (Friel, 2008). Later, the Senate

extended the Government Performance and Results Act to require gathering of

data on key performance indicators. But, yet again, government agencies have

not put the data collected to any productive use (Brodsky, 2010). Finally, in

November 2011, “The federal labour-management council accepted

recommendations to improve the government’s performance management

system, approving for agencies a roadmap that emphasizes better training for

supervisors and more communication between employees and their bosses”

(Lunney, 2011). With all these laws and acts being enacted and without proper

implementation of such law will still not produce and lasting result.

As Nigeria strives to attain its 20:20:20 goal it is imperative for it to

analyse the factors responsible for low productivity experienced in government

workers and government owned institutions.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The purpose for this research is to analyze the factors responsible for low

productivity of workers in service organization using Nigerian security and civil

defense corps as a case study with a view to find out how the organization is

performing in terms of its employees productivity. The specific objectives are

i. To examine the effect of lack of training on workers’ productivity in

Nigerian security and civil defense corps.

ii. To examine the effect of ineffective leadership on workers’ productivity

in Nigerian security and civil defense corps.

iii. To examine the effect of employee dissatisfaction on workers’

productivity in Nigerian security and civil defense corps.

1.4 Research Question

The following research questions were formulated based on the prior stated


i. To what extent has lack of training impacted on workers’ productivity in

Nigerian security and civil defense corps?

ii. To what extent has ineffective leadership impacted on workers’

productivity in Nigerian security and civil defense corps?

iii. To what extent has employee’s dissatisfaction impacted on workers’

productivity in Nigerian security and civil defense corps?

1.5 Research Hypothesis

The following hypotheses will be stated in null form.

HO1: Lack of training does not significantly influence workers productivity in

Nigerian security and civil defense corps.

HO2: Ineffective leadership does not significantly influence workers’

productivity in Nigerian security and civil defense corps.

HO3: Employee dissatisfaction does not significantly influence workers’

productivity in Nigerian security and civil defense corps.

1.6 Significance of the Study

It is hoped that, when the study is successfully completed will serve as a

source of policy guidance to the study organization and provide necessary

incentive for increasing employee’s productivity.

It will help to enlighten the management of the organization on the need

and importance of having effective leaders in the organization.

It will enlighten the employee on their roles and obligations to the

leadership in the organization and other related matters. It will identify the

reason why employees react positively to a particular leadership style of a

manager and also aim at discovering what makes workers to be dedicated and

committed to their duties.

The research will help to challenge both the management and workers in

the organization on both the importance attached to increase employee’s


This study will serves as a partial fulfilment for the award of Bachelor of

Science Degree in Business Management to the researcher. Finally, this work

will be of immense benefit as aid and guide to future researcher on factors

responsible for low productivity in workers.

1.7 Scope / Limitations of the Study

The scope of study is exclusively restricted to the Nigerian security and

civil defence corps. However, it should not be misconceived that the study has

no relevance to other organizations in Nigeria they are bound to face such

problem considering the globalize nature of organizational environment.

Some of the constraints encountered in carrying out this research work


Finance; the study is one that requires money to enable the researcher to

browse more information and also to carry out the research work effectively but

due to this financial constraint, the researcher could not get everything required

for this project thereby hampering the best work on the study.

Time; this study is one that required longer time to enable the researcher

get the necessary and quality data for effective work but since it is a project
research of student which takes only three months that is a semester work

as required by the school, the researcher is less of valid information to use.

Attitude of respondents; To make this study a very viable one, some vital

information is requested from the Nigerian security and civil defence corps,

which the management are not willing to release, and workers inability to

identify their motivating factors and reasons for low productivity in their work


1.8 Structure of the Study

Chapter one comprises of the introduction of the research work which

includes the background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the

study, research question, hypothesis, significance of the study, scope of the

study, and structure of the study.

Chapter two critically reviews related literature. This encompasses the

introduction, the conceptual framework, theoretical framework, factors

responsible for low productivity, employee’s productivity and empirical review.

Chapter three examines the research methodology in terms of the

introduction, the research design, the population, the sample size, the nature and

source of data, the method of data collection, the techniques of data analysis, the

decision rule and the limitations of the methodology.

Chapter four focuses on data presentation and analysis as follows: the

introduction, data presentation, test of hypothesis and the summary of findings.

Chapter five presents the summary and conclusion of the research work.

It looks at the recommendations, limitations of the study, suggestion for further


1.9      Definition of Terms

This deals with definitions and terminologies relevant and identified with

the field and area of the subject matter, they are as follows;

Worker: This is defined as someone of legal age who agrees to undertake or

perform an assigned task or service as proposed by his employer who agrees to

pay him for the execution of such task.

Employee: This is an individual who works part-time or full-time under a

contract of employment, whether oral or written, expressed or implied and has

recognized rights and duties.

Employer: A legal entity that controls and directs an employee under an

express or implied contract of employment and pays (or is obligated to pay) an

agreed sum known as salary or wages, in the completion of such task or


Organization: This is a social unit of people that is structured and managed to

meet a need or to pursue collective goals, through assigning roles,

responsibilities and authority to carry out different tasks to achieve a common


Productivity: Is a measure of the efficiency of a person, machine, factory or

system in converting inputs into outputs. Productivity is a critical determinant of

cost efficiency.

Performance: This is defined as the accomplishment of a given task, measured

against preset or known standards of accuracy, completeness, cost and speed. In

other words, it is the fulfillment of an obligation in a manner that releases the

performer from all liabilities if under a contract.

Motivation: This is an internal and external factor that Oto be continually

interested and committed to a job, role or subject, also seen as an act of

encouraging someone or the employee.

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