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Emergency Saving rhinos

Mixing elements rescue teams South Africa’s rangers take to

New film uses fire, water, air and earth to increase the skies to combat poaching
to explore ‘racial’ harmony LIFE, PAGE 16 CHINA, PAGE 4 WORLD, PAGE 11

TUESDAY, July 4, 2023 RMB ¥2

Innovation seen as key to breaking industrial bottlenecks

and ZHU LIXIN in Hefei
emerges at the forefront of technolog-
ical innovation by achieving break-
ges in traditional industries and at the
same time speed up breakthroughs in
occasions this year that high-level
self-reliance and strength in science

the progress
throughs in artificial intelligence, core technologies for a modern indus- and technology are key to Chinese
China’s efforts to promote inde- quantum computing, new energy trial system. It will further enable the modernization.
pendent innovation will accelerate and many other future industries. country’s industrial development to Anhui might not seem like
the construction of a modern indus- Fu Baozong, director of the indus- be strong enough to withstand exter- another Silicon Valley, but it has
trial system, which will help the try department at the Beijing-based nal risks and challenges.” seen great scientific and technolog-
country counter external curbs on Academy of Macroeconomic His comments echo President Xi ical innovations. It aims to build

of humanity crucial technologies, said industry

experts and company executives.
They made the comments as East
China’s Anhui province, for decades
overshadowed by coastal regions,
Research, which is part of the Nation-
al Development and Reform Com-
mission, the country’s top economic
regulator, said: “Prioritizing innova-
tion will consolidate China’s advanta-
Jinping’s remarks during his inspec-
tion of Anhui in 2020, where he
emphasized that for Anhui, innova-
tion is key to leapfrog development.
Xi has also emphasized on various
China’s own global technology and
innovation center for modern
industrial development.

See Innovation, page 3

He calls for worldwide efforts to bridge

civilizations, carry on common values Setting off on medical mission
By CAO DESHENG proposed by Xi in March at the CPC in Dialogue with World Political Par-
ties High-Level Meeting, called for
President Xi Jinping called on respecting the diversity of civiliza-
Monday for implementation of the tions, advocating the common val-
Global Civilization Initiative, saying ues of humanity, valuing the
that China is ready to work with all inheritance and innovation of civili-
parties to carry on the common val- zations, and strengthening interna-
ues of humanity, featuring peace, tional people-to-people exchanges
development, fairness, justice, and cooperation.
democracy and freedom, and to The initiative is widely hailed as
jointly promote the progress of another major public good provided
human civilization. to the world by China after the Glob-
Xi, who is also general secretary of al Development Initiative and Glob-
the Communist Party of China Cen- al Security Initiative, put forward by
tral Committee, made the remarks Xi in 2021 and 2022, respectively.
in a congratulatory message sent to Foreign participants at Monday’s
the third Dialogue on Exchanges event commended the Global Civili-
and Mutual Learning Among Civili- zation Initiative, saying that it will
zations and the first World Confer- inject fresh, strong energy into the
ence of Sinologists. The dual event common development and progress
opened on Monday in Beijing. of human society in a world fraught
Xi said in the message that with multiple challenges and crises.
throughout the long course of As the world faces mounting chal-
human history, nations from lenges, there are more reasons for
around the world have created civi- countries with different cultures to
lizations with their own unique promote dialogue and consultation
characteristics. in order to solve global problems,
Equal exchanges and mutual they said.
learning among various civilizations Simplice Mathieu Sarandji, exec-
will provide strong spiritual gui- utive secretary of the United Hearts
dance for addressing the challenges Movement party and president of
of the times and achieving common the National Assembly of the Cen- Peace Ark, the largest hospital ship of the People’s Liberation Army Navy, sets off from Zhoushan Port in Zhejiang province on Monday
development for humanity, he said. tral African Republic, said that in for humanitarian medical work in five countries. The ship will offer medical aid to residents of Kiribati, Tonga, Vanuatu, the Solomon
Xi called for efforts to let cultural today’s world, in which different Islands and East Timor during Harmonious Mission 2023, its ninth such mission. HAN LIN / FOR CHINA DAILY
exchanges transcend estrangement, countries’ futures have become
mutual learning transcend clashes, increasingly intertwined, it is
and inclusiveness transcend feelings important to pursue inclusiveness
of superiority.
He expressed hope that Sinologists
from various countries will act as
and coexistence of civilizations and
promote exchanges and mutual
Yellen visit signals bid to strengthen China-US dialogue
messengers bridging Chinese civili- Alice Lau Kiong Yieng, a member
zation and the civilizations of the rest of the Central Executive Committee By ZHOU LANXU conveying their mutual intention to unlikely that a single visit by a senior
of the world, and will strive to pro- of the Democratic Action Party and move forward and ease the tense sit- US financial official would achieve
mote cultural exchanges and deputy speaker of Malaysia’s House uation,” said Zhang Xiaotao, dean of substantial progress in resolving the
enhance cultural understanding, of Representatives, described the US Treasury Secretary Janet Yell- the School of International Trade deeply rooted disagreements
friendship and cooperation. Global Civilization Initiative as a en’s scheduled visit to China signals and Economics at Central Universi- between the two sides, especially
The event, with the theme of “visionary project that advances that the world’s two largest econo- ty of Finance and Economics. when the US has adopted a “de-risk-
“implementing the Global Civiliza- human civilization”. She said the ini- mies are trying to strengthen regu- Yellen’s long-awaited visit comes ing” strategy to cover for the frag-
tion Initiative to create a new vision tiative identifies the strength of uni- lar dialogue, potentially laying the as China-US economic ties remain mentation of supply chains, which is
for modernization,” was organized ty in diversity and illuminates the foundation for a substantive ease in plagued by broader geopolitical ten- proving to be costly for the world.
by the Chinese Association for Inter- path to the future of mutual respect bilateral economic tensions, politi- sions and disputes in multiple areas, Although Yellen has called the
national Understanding. and understanding. cal advisers and experts said on such as semiconductor technology, US Treasury Secretary notion of an economic “decou-
More than 300 representatives Colin Patrick Mackerras, a Sinolo- Monday. supply chains and debt issues, rais- Janet Yellen pling” from China “disastrous”, she
from nearly 80 countries participat- gist and emeritus professor at Grif- The spillover risks of the United ing hopes that her visit may help set- is still expected to emphasize the
ed in the event, including political fith University in Australia, States’ piling up of national debt tle some of the differences. strategy of “de-risking” and insist
leaders, cultural figures and Sinolo- criticized some Western countries and US sanctions on Chinese tech Senior financial officials of China lenges, according to the US on the concept of economic compe-
gists. Vice-President Han Zheng for preaching that their civilizations companies are among the main and the US can express their views Department of the Treasury. tition, Zhang said.
also attended the meeting and deliv- are superior to others, and said that areas of concern on which Chinese and opinions more clearly during Zhang Lianqi, a member of the “On the one hand, the US hopes to
ered a speech. various civilizations are equal and officials are expected to declare their face-to-face conversations, Standing Committee of the 14th communicate with China and gain
The Global Civilization Initiative, should learn from one another. their standpoint during the dia- said Wen Laicheng, an expert at the National Committee of the Chinese China’s support, but on the other, it
logue with Yellen, they said. finance ministry’s China Govern- People’s Political Consultative Con- continues to intensify trade actions
The US treasury secretary is ment Debt Center and a professor ference, the country’s top political against China, such as adding Chi-
Surveying riot damage scheduled to visit China from
Thursday through Sunday, accord-
at Central University of Finance
and Economics. “The visit, from
advisory body, said that US sup-
pression of China’s semiconductor
nese companies to its entity list for
sanctions and making other coun-
ing to China’s Ministry of Finance. this perspective, is highly impor- and other industries is expected to tries block China in terms of tech-
Her visit comes close on the heels of tant and positive,” Wen added. be the key topic of discussion. nology product export,” said Wen of
US Secretary of State Antony Blink- While in Beijing, Yellen plans to Chinese officials may also Central University of Finance and
en’s trip last month. discuss with Chinese officials the express their concerns over the Economics. “There is no sign of
“After Blinken’s visit paved the importance of the two countries spillover risks of climbing US improvement in this regard.”
way for more high-level China-US responsibly managing their rela- debt after the suspension of the
exchanges, Yellen’s trip indicates tionship, communicating directly US government’s $31.4 trillion Inside
that the two countries are resuming about areas of concern and work- debt ceiling, Zhang said.
regular channels of communication, ing together to address global chal- Experts cautioned that it is Editorial, page 8


Special economic zone home to scores of enterprises from around world
By LIN SHUJUAN enterprises from around the world. manager at Hodo Group, a leading
L’Hay-les-Roses Mayor Vincent Jeanbrun (center, right) and Valerie in Sihanoukville, Cambodia Jointly developed by private Chinese private textile and garment
Pecresse, president of the Regional Council of Ile-de-France, inspect companies from Cambodia and maker based in Wuxi, Jiangsu prov-
a market on Sunday that was damaged during rioting in L’Hay-les- China, the zone is considered a ince, and a key investor in the zone,

Roses, which is near Paris. Jeanbrun’s home was attacked amid riot- joint venture between landmark Belt and Road Initiative is among those who have witnessed
ing sparked by the killing of a teenager during a traffic stop on June 27. Chinese and Cambodian collaboration project between the every step of the SSEZ’s develop-
YVES HERMAN / REUTERS See story, page 10 enterprises launched 15 as the area in which it is located two nations. ment since it was set up in 2008.
years ago has already had used to be nothing more than a vast Since it was launched, the zone’s “This place was literally built
a profound impact on the Cambodi- wilderness. import and export volume has expe- from scratch,” the 41-year-old said
国内统一编号: CN11-0091 国际标准编号: ISSN0253-9543 邮发代号:1-3 an economy and local people’s lives. Now, the 11.13 square kilometer rienced significant growth, rising during his latest visit to the zone in
© 2023 China Daily
To many people in Cambodia, the SSEZ, located in Sihanoukville’s Prey from $139 million in 2013 to nearly mid-May.
All Rights Reserved A member of the Sihanoukville Special Economic Nob District, is Cambodia’s largest $2.5 billion last year.
Vol.43 — No.13458 Asia News Network Zone, or SSEZ, is somewhat surreal, industrial park and home to 175 Xiao Jianxin, assistant brand See Zone, page 2
2 | Tuesday, July 4, 2023 CHINA DAILY


Zone: International investors attracted

From page 1 risen from being a remote coastal age. This has allowed Lin to build her
town to becoming a global technolo- own home and live in much
“Apart from a nearby fishing vil- gy manufacturing hub. improved surroundings.
lage where a few hundred locals lived The SSEZ, which is set to spear- Her two sisters and their husbands
in straw huts, this area had nothing — head the development of Sihanouk- also found work in the SSEZ, further
no electricity, no running water, no ville, has become a popular improving the family’s financial situ-
roads,” Xiao said. destination for international inves- ation.
Changes to the landscape took tors. One of the first European com- Lin said working in the zone has
place rapidly after the two countries panies to invest in the zone was given her a secure job. The SSEZ also
agreed to develop the area, Xiao Horseware Products (Cambodia) Co, offers a bright future, not only for her-
added. which is based in Ireland and spe- self but for her children, who now
In just a few years, it was trans- cializes in equestrian products. study at a local primary school.
formed into a modern industrial The company said it has experi- Xiao, from Hodo Group, said estab-
park, while Bet Trang, the fishing enced exponential growth since set- lishing the SSEZ has had a profound
village, was developed into a bus- ting up in the SSEZ in 2010. It now impact on social stability, adding that
tling town complete with a full has 287 employees and a monthly he used to see numerous children
range of amenities, including gas output of 22,000 products, which are playing outdoors in the past, as many
stations, telecommunication stores, exported to Ireland, other European families could not afford to send
barbershops, wet markets and res- countries and the United States. them to school.
taurants. Caffco International (Cambodia), a Cao said enterprises at the indus-
Xiao said that every time he visits US business that produces Christmas trial park used to launch a program to
the zone, he sees new facilities. A trees and decorations for export to encourage every Chinese worker to
one-stop service center was set up the US, is another company that has donate $100, enough to cover a local
in 2010, a sewage treatment plant in thrived in the SSEZ. child’s annual tuition fees.
2015, a power plant in 2017, and a Lamar Thompson, CEO of Caffco, “The program is no longer running
university in 2019. On his latest trip, said the business decided to set up because most locals, who have found
Xiao learned that a 189-km highway operations in the SSEZ, as its proxim- jobs in the zone, are now able to pro-
connecting Phnom Penh, the Cam- ity to an international port meant it Top: The Angkor Wat tem- vide for their children’s education,”
bodian capital, and Sihanoukville was convenient and affordable to ple complex in Cao added.
was completed last year. transport the company’s goods. Cambodia. LI YIFANG / FOR Many parents encourage their chil-
The highway, which opened to “Since the company started to CHINA DAILY Above: Workers dren to learn Chinese, Cao said.
traffic in October, was built with operate in the SSEZ in 2014, it has commute to and from the Lin is fluent in the language after
investment from Chinese compa- grown at an average rate of about 10 Sihanoukville Special Eco- spending much of her spare time
nies. It reduces the journey time percent per year,” Thompson said. nomic Zone on learning it from her Chinese col-
between the two cities to just two On May 22, General Tire Technolo- motorcycles. LIN SHUJUAN / leagues. “Proficiency in Chinese guar-
hours. gy (Cambodia), a subsidiary of Chi- CHINA DAILY Right: Cambo- antees a good job here,” she said.
“The SSEZ basically looks no differ- nese tire maker Jiangsu General dian women at work in the The zone has not only brought
ent from any modern industrial park Science Technology, launched opera- SSEZ. LI YIFANG / FOR CHINA more job opportunities for locals, it
in China. If there is a slight difference, tions at the park. Backed by invest- DAILY has created business opportunities
it is simply because the SSEZ is newer, ment of $300 million, the factory for them.
or even bigger,” Xiao said. project is the largest within the SSEZ. Ouk Pearith, who comes from a city
Cao Jianjiang, general manager of The plant will primarily process local north of Preah Sihanouk province,
SSEZ Co, which oversees develop- rubber into tires. has run a grocery store next to the
ment in the zone, said facilities have Cambodian Prime Minister Sam- SSEZ since 2020.
constantly been upgraded and new dech Techo Hun Sen and Chinese He said business has been so brisk
amenities added to attract more Ambassador to Cambodia Wang
The SSEZ has that he had to recruit his relatives to
international businesses. Wentian cut the ribbon at the plant’s encouraged demand for manpower that will large-scale enterprises such as the tire help run the store, which sees sales of
In addition to helping companies inauguration ceremony, highlight- Chinese directly help the Cambodian econ- factory. He said a thermal power sta- up to $2,000 every day. The addition-
situated within it, the zone has paid ing the project’s significance. omy,” he said. tion has been built in the area to pro- al income has enabled him to buy a
special attention to catering to work- Hun Sen described the tire factory companies to Chen Jiangang, president of vide greater energy support for heavy car and plot of land, on which he has
ers’ needs. as another result of the fruitful coop- effectively SSEZ Co, said that as Cambodia’s industries, and construction of the built a large home that has spare
Over the years, the industrial park eration between Cambodia and Chi- largest industrial park, both in zone’s second phase is underway. rooms for rent.
has introduced a health clinic, a law na as part of the BRI. address the needs terms of size and occupancy, the “When the SSEZ is fully complete, Ouk’s store is located on Pou Thoe-
consultancy center and two educa- “The factory has brought new capi- of Cambodia’s SSEZ has become a pillar of Sino- it is expected to host up to 300 com- ung street in the center of Bet Trang,
tional institutions — the Preah Siha- tal, modern technologies and tire Cambodian cooperation. panies and employ 80,000 to 100,000 the most populated area of Siha-
nouk Cambodia-China Friendship manufacturing expertise to Cambo- economic growth, While China’s industrialization has people,” Chen said. noukville. Tens of thousands of
Polytechnic Institute and the Siha- dia. It will increase the national econ- creating a entered a stage of maturity, with workers, some from other parts of
noukville Institute of Business and omy’s added value and directly raise numerous competitive industries Boon for locals Cambodia, now live and work in the
Technology, Cao said. our farmers’ incomes,” he said. mutually and strong production capabilities, Lin Yada is one of those now living area.
Tao Guozhong, general manager of beneficial Cambodia has been actively promot- a better life as a result of the SSEZ. Banteay Chhmar, Bet Trang town
Foreign investors the factory, said it can manufacture 5 ing its own industrialization, as seen The Cambodian national said she head, said most locals now commute
Sihanoukville boasts Cambodia’s million semi-steel radial tires and
relationship for in the Cambodia Industrial Develop- used to live with her parents and sib- on motorcycles, which were previ-
only deep-water port. The city, carved 900,000 all-steel radial tires annually, the two countries ment Policy 2015-25, Chen added. lings in a tiny home near the zone, but ously considered a luxury. “It’s no
out of the jungle in the 1960s, is and when fully operational, it will under the Belt “The SSEZ has encouraged Chi- her quality of life started to improve longer a surprise to see a family own-
named after former King Norodom hire up to 1,600 Cambodians. nese companies to effectively address after she joined a garment factory in ing two or even three motorcycles,” he
Sihanouk (1922-2012). Hong Vanak, an economics and Road the needs of Cambodia’s economic the SSEZ in 2012. said.
Cambodia intends to build Siha- researcher at the Royal Academy of Initiative.” growth, creating a mutually benefi- After being trained at the factory, For Ouk, the SSEZ has opened a
noukville into its version of Shenz- Cambodia, was quoted by The Phom cial relationship for the two countries Lin quickly rose to become a team new chapter in his life.
hen, Guangdong province, where in Penh Post as saying the factory is a Chen Jiangang, under the Belt and Road Initiative,” leader on the cutting line, and she “Such a life was unimaginable
1980 China built a special economic strong and long-term project that will president of SSEZ Co Cao said. now manages 45 employees in two before the zone was launched,” the
zone, the first in the country, as an boost Cambodia’s economic growth. He added that the SSEZ will con- teams. Her monthly salary has risen farmer turned businessman said.
experimental site for a market econo- “Once the company is fully oper- stantly strive to improve its infra- from about $100 to nearly $600, “The industrial park has brought new
my. In four decades, Shenzhen has ational, there will definitely be a structure to support the operations of which is close to triple the local aver- opportunities for us.”

Left: Workers learn how a production line operates at the newly built General Tire Technology (Cambodia) plant. LIN SHUJUAN / CHINA DAILY Center: Employees of companies in the SSEZ attend a celebration marking
the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. LI YIFANG / FOR CHINA DAILY Right: Students attend a language class at Sihanoukville Institute of Business and Technology located in the SSEZ. LIN SHUJUAN / CHINA DAILY
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, July 4, 2023 | 3

Export curbs
Survey: Factory Etched in clay

imposed on
activity expands gallium and
at slower pace By ZHONG NAN and MA SI

China will impose export restric-

Stronger policy support needed on macro tions on industrial products and
materials containing gallium and
level to benefit market players, analyst says germanium from August 1 to ensure
its national security and interests,
By OUYANG SHIJIA with the official PMI for China’s man- said the Ministry of Commerce in a ufacturing sector remaining in the notice on Monday.
contraction zone for the third con- According to the relevant provi-
China’s factory activity expanded secutive month after ticking up to 49 sions of China’s Export Control Law,
at a slower pace in June, a private in June from 48.8 in May. Foreign Trade Law and Customs
survey showed on Monday, pointing China’s nonmanufacturing PMI Law, gallium, which is used in the
to the strains on the manufacturing came in at 53.2 in June, down from production of semiconductors and
sector due to still-weak demand and 54.5 in May, according to the NBS. Participants compete in a clay-sculpting contest during the first national farmers’ skills competition optoelectronic devices, and germa-
highlighting the need to step up Lu Ting, chief China economist at in Liaocheng, Shandong province, on Monday. As many as 300 contestants from across China gath- nium, an important raw material
countercyclical policy adjustments. Nomura, said that his team expected ered in Liaocheng for the event to showcase their embroidery, paper-cutting, clay-sculpting, painting for the semiconductor industry, as
Analysts said that while China’s manufacturing PMI to remain in con- and other skills. The two-day event ends on Tuesday. KONG XIAOZHENG / FOR CHINA DAILY well as their related products, can-
economy has stabilized and tractionary territory in July, due to not be exported without permission
improved since the start of the year, ongoing property woes and external after July.
the weak purchasing managers index challenges, while the nonmanufac- Export of other industrial materi-
highlighted the headwinds facing the
broader economy. They called for
both short-term stimulus measures
turing PMI could weaken further on
fading post-COVID pent-up demand
for in-person services.
Students warned against paid consultants als such as gallium nitride, gallium
oxide and zone-refined germanium
ingot have also been prohibited.
and long-term solutions to deal with “Amid the worsening downward Exporters would now be required
the structural issues. spiral of major activity data, we By DU JUAN consulting services,” said the of a college candidate in Shanxi to apply for export licenses in compli-
The Caixin China General Manu- expect the government to introduce authority. province. “However, I didn’t take ance with relevant regulations and
facturing PMI — which gauges oper- a raft of supportive measures after Students in China need to com- help from any apps or companies submit their applications to the Min-
ating conditions in the sector — the moderate 10-basis-point rate cut There is a 950 million yuan plete the college application pro- because I’m not sure how capable istry of Commerce through provincial
came in at 50.5 in June after 50.9 in last month and believe it will increas- ($131.15 million) industry cashing cess within a short time after those are,” she added. commerce authorities. The ministry
May, above the 50-point mark that ingly play the role of borrower and in on college admissions. As an gaokao, the nationwide college According to Chinese corpo- will review the documents within a
separates growth from contraction, spender,” he said. “We see a step-by- increasing number of Chinese par- entrance exam, based on their rate information provider Tian- stipulated time, and may jointly
media group Caixin said on Monday. step policy response as more likely.” ents turn to paid service providers, grades. yancha, there are more than review them with relevant depart-
Wang Zhe, a senior economist at Ning Jizhe, vice-chairman of the who claim to be using AI-driven If their grades are higher than 1,850 enterprises in China with ments. Based on the review, the min-
Caixin Insight Group, said that China’s China Center for International Eco- technology, to decide which uni- the threshold announced by col- names or business scope that istry will decide to either grant or
factory activity expanded for a second nomic Exchanges, told a meeting on versities their children should leges they are applying to, they suggest involvement in the col- deny licenses.
consecutive month in June on slightly Friday that China’s GDP growth rate apply to for their undergraduate will be enrolled. Otherwise, they lege application process. Many Han Xiaomin, general manager of
improved supply and demand. for the first half of the year will likely studies, experts have warned have to find a place in other internet giants such as Baidu, JW Insights, a Chinese semiconduc-
Referring to the 12-month outlook reach around 6 percent, and the against opting for such services. schools. Tencent and Alibaba have also tor market research company, said
for output, manufacturers polled by country has the conditions and capa- Chen Huajun, a professor at According to data from the developed such apps. There are the restricted items are important
Caixin expressed their optimism, sup- bility to meet its annual growth tar- Zhejiang University’s College of country’s education ministry, as of also many in-person consulting materials for semiconductors, and
ported by hopes that economic condi- get of around 5 percent this year. Computer Science and Technolo- June 15, there are 3,072 colleges services to help candidates. The they are closely related to applica-
tions and sales will improve. Despite the challenges and diffi- gy, said that AI, assisted by big data and universities in China. A total fees range from hundreds to sev- tions in military industry. There is a
However, business confidence for the culties ahead, Chinese manufactur- technology, can help analyze infor- of 12.91 million candidates are eral thousands yuan. good ground for China to have
coming 12 months slipped to an eight- ers expressed strong optimism about mation, which is good. vying for admissions this year. The domestic market consult- export control on these materials to
month low in June, as some manufac- China’s steady growth. “It can help fill the information Against this backdrop, a large ancy firm iiMedia Research esti- safeguard its national security.
turers expressed concerns over She Shangfeng, vice-president of gap (between universities and stu- number of service providers are mates that the market value of the The move may be a countermeas-
relatively sluggish market conditions. Great Wall Motor, a pickup manufac- dents), but can only be used as a offering new tools, which they college application industry has ure against the US-led chip export
“A slew of recent economic data sug- turer and global leader in intelligent reference,” Chen was quoted as say- claim are based on artificial intel- reached 950 million yuan, a six- controls on China, Han said.
gests that China’s recovery has yet to new energy SUVs, said he still has a ing by Qianjiang Evening News. ligence, to help with the college fold increase from 2016. Gallium nitride, for instance, is a
find a stable footing, as prominent rosy outlook for the development of A fraud alert has been issued by admission process. Hundreds of However, there is no such entity new, higher performing semicon-
issues including a lack of internal the automotive sector as well as the Beijing Education Examinations such apps are available in mobile as “a college application planner” ductor material. Its ability to con-
growth drivers, weak demand and dim- broader economy. “We will continu- Authority against “application app stores. on the official list of occupational duct electrons more than 1,000
ming prospects remain,” Wang said. ously invest in emerging fields includ- consulting services with a high “It’s a headache helping my qualifications released by the times more efficiently than silicon is
Wang added that Caixin’s manu- ing the new energy vehicles as well as price tag”. “Schools and teachers daughter decide which universi- Ministry of Human Resources now well established, experts said.
facturing PMI for June also points to digital and smart development,” he are forbidden to work with com- ties she should apply for because and Social Security. This means
issues such as an increasingly dire told China Daily on the sidelines of panies or institutions that make of the overwhelming amount of there are no clear standards for Contact the writers at
job market, rising deflationary pres- the World IoT Top 500 Summit, which money by providing application information,” said Li Jie, mother people who provide such services.
sure and waning optimism. was held on Monday in Beijing.
“In the future, stronger policy sup- Huang Ying, vice-president of Chi-
port is needed on the macro level,
along with higher implementation
efficiency from a micro perspective,
nese tech heavyweight Lenovo Group,
also expressed strong confidence in
its business in the second half of the
Innovation: Anhui bets big on industries of the future
to ensure that policies benefit market year, given the rising demand for new
players directly and therefore bolster technologies and services in fields From page 1 gather more than 100,000 high-lev- understanding and match the was also emphasized by President
employment and market expecta- such as artificial intelligence. el talents from across the world, OpenAI chatbot’s capabilities in Xi during the two sessions—the
tions,” Wang said. The center, known as USTC Sili- form a diversified funding system English by October.” annual meetings of the National
Data released by the National Inside con Valley, was set up in Hefei, capi- with over 200 billion yuan ($29.86 Before that, the model will go People’s Congress, the top legisla-
Bureau of Statistics last week shows tal city of Anhui, last year. USTC, or billion), nurture 1,000 high-tech through three rounds of key tech- tive body, and the CPPCC, the top
the pressures facing the economy, Comment, page 8 the University of Science and Tech- enterprises and more than 50 listed nical upgrades, Liu said, claiming advisory body, in March, where he
nology of China, the Anhui provin- firms and unicorns. that it has already outperformed said that strategic capabilities in
cial government and Hefei Zhang Lianqi, a member of the ChatGPT in text generation, emerging fields must be bolstered
Pooch patrol municipal government are the
founding partners. Together they
Standing Committee of the Nation-
al Committee of the Chinese Peo-
knowledge-based questioning and
answering, and mathematical
in pursuit of new advantages in
national development and interna-
will invest in and support global ple’s Political Consultative ability. tional competitions.
talents to incubate their tech Conference, said: “To build a mod- Hu Yu, senior vice-president of Pan Wang, secretary of the board
breakthroughs at the center. ern industrial system, there must Geovis Technology Co Ltd, a Bei- of leading power battery firm
Wu Hailong, chairman of the ser- be a group of world-class enterpris- jing-headquartered digital earth Gotion High-Tech, said: “The com-
vice platform company of USTC Sil- es that are developed and led by solutions provider, said: “Driving pany will continue to map out
icon Valley, said: “The soul of the innovation. Only through innova- technological innovation will make industrial chains on a global scale,
valley is to innovate in the system tion can Chinese companies occu- a huge impact. The commercial beef up research and development,
and mechanism for entrepreneur- py a dominant position in the aerospace sector, for instance, has and make innovations on core
ship, and to bring together forces global industrial competition, and incorporated technologies like big technologies, so as to boost China’s
from the government, university form the right to speak on the glob- data, artificial intelligence and new energy competitiveness on the
and research institutes as well as al stage.” deep learning and will empower global stage.”
companies.” A case in point is voice recogni- China to gain a lead in the next Wang Zhen, deputy head of
“Ideally, a scientist can do tion software firm iFlytek based in round of technological revolution.” Shanghai Academy of Social Scien-
research and development, incu- Hefei. The company unveiled in Looking into the future, Anhui is ces, said: “Gathering different
bate ideas into a business, find May its own artificial intelligence also betting big on strategic, emerg- innovative factors will make a huge
partners, start a company, cooper- language model called SparkDesk ing industries for long-term inno- difference. Inland regions of China
ate with industrial chain providers to challenge the United States’ vative development. The local may have the opportunity to be
all in a single building in the val- ground-breaking chatbot ChatGPT government has outlined several emerging centers for innovation
A robotic police dog patrols during a public security bureau open ley,” Wu said, adding that the gov- in education and enterprise uses. future industries, including new and entrepreneurship, in the same
day event in Yantai, Shandong province, on Sunday. The event, ernment wants to make each Liu Qingfeng, chairman of iFlyt- energy, in its development plan manner as Silicon Valley.”
which was held over the weekend, showcased nearly 1,000 pieces of building in the valley an “innova- ek, said: “It is expected that the during the period covered by the
police equipment. TANG KE / FOR CHINA DAILY tion consortium”. large model will surpass the cur- 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25). Contact the writers at
By 2025, the valley is expected to rent level of ChatGPT in Chinese Developing future industries

China urges Japan, ROK to bolster regional solidarity or deeds that may drag the region
into a cold war or hot war, he said.
They should uphold sovereignty
Attended by former officials,
former diplomats and experts from
the three countries, Monday’s forum
and territorial integrity of all coun- was the first of its kind to have been
By WANG QINGYUN for Trilateral Cooperation in Qing- framework comprising trilateral lead- instigating confrontation and divi- tries, pay high attention to reasona- convened offline since the COVID-19 dao, Shandong province. ers’ meetings, more than 20 ministeri- sion in Asia, he pointed out. ble security concerns of all countries pandemic.
Wang, who is also director of the al-level meetings and over 70 dialogue If such a trend is allowed, it will and address their differences During their meetings with Wang
China, Japan and the Republic of Office of the Foreign Affairs Com- mechanisms. seriously disrupt trilateral coopera- through talks, he added. on the margins of the forum, some
Korea should continue to respect one mission of the CPC Central Commit- The trilateral cooperation has tion and increase tensions in the Referring to major issues includ- participants from the ROK and
another and coexist in peace, senior tee, said the three countries should developed into the most influential region, he warned. ing the Taiwan question, the senior Japan expressed their hope to deepen
diplomat Wang Yi said on Monday, send a clear message through the subregional cooperation mecha- “China respects Japan’s and the diplomat urged Japan and the ROK exchanges with China and speed up
calling on the three countries to bol- forum that they are renewing their nism in Asia, providing an impor- ROK’s development of relations with to honor the commitments they have the recovery of trilateral cooperation.
ster solidarity and oppose Cold War cooperation. tant driver for the modernization of all countries in the world, but no rela- made “without any ambiguity”. They said they hoped the forum will
mentality and coercion. China, Japan and the ROK, which the three countries as well as the tion should be used to contain or Wang also called on the three coun- be the start of the improvement of
Wang, a member of the Political account for one-fifth of the world’s region, Wang said. besiege their neighbors,” Wang said. tries to resist “decoupling”, create a relations among the three countries.
Bureau of the Communist Party of population and more than a quarter of In recent years, however, “a cer- The three countries, which favorable environment and stable
China Central Committee, made the global GDP, launched trilateral coop- tain power outside the region” has “depend on and benefit from one expectations for companies and Inside
remarks during the opening ceremo- eration in 1999. So far, the three coun- been hyping up ideological differen- another”, should strengthen their speed up their talks over the establish-
ny of the 2023 International Forum tries have established a cooperation ces and forming exclusive cliques, mutual trust and oppose any words ment of a trilateral free trade zone. Comment, page 9
4 | Tuesday, July 4, 2023 CHINA DAILY

Chiseled history

rescue teams
to increase
Medical responders to ensure nation
is fully prepared for future threats
By ZOU SHUO treatment of the injured, she said. “We always believe that we need
to protect the safety and health of
China plans to increase the the people at all costs, and when
number of national medical emer- handling such emergencies, peo-
gency response teams from 40 cur- ple’s health is the top priority,” she
rently to 70 by 2025, a senior said.
health official said on Monday. Li Weimin, president of West
Guo Yanhong, director of the China Hospital of Sichuan Univer-
National Health Commission’s sity, said the medical emergency
medical emergency response response team at the hospital has
department, said the country is been certified by the World Health
accelerating the establishment of a Organization as the highest level
national emergency medical aid non-military emergency medical
base and will establish a national team globally.
base for major epidemic disease
control, and expand the base for Visitors examine a statue during an exhibition of ancient painted sculptures and murals at Taiyuan Museum, Shanxi province, on Sunday.
poison treatment. The exhibition selected more than 70 sets of cultural relics from the history of Shanxi’s Jincheng, showing the essence of the city’s culture
The country also plans to estab- In case of major from the Tang to Ming dynasties (618-1644). WEI LIANG / CHINA NEWS SERVICE
lish treatment teams for major
epidemics and improve the ability emergencies, we can
to handle critically ill patients dur- efficiently send
ing major epidemics, she said at a
news conference.
There are 540 medical experts
in 22 departments on the 40
experts from the
national teams to Infrastructure construction Briefly

93 people arrested
conduct medical
national teams and they are all
seasoned and authoritative
experts in their fields, she said.
Each national team is a mobile
treatment and also
conduct medical
continues in Xiong’an New Area for online gambling
Police in Southwest China’s Yun-
nan province have arrested 93
hospital and has a complete rescue consultation online.” By ZHANG YU in Shijiazhuang are expected to be employed there. transforming into an emerging, people suspected of involvement
system. They can offer out-patient Research, industry insight and mar- sophisticated and modern city. in an online gambling ring, the
Guo Yanhong, director of the
and in-patient medical services National Health Commission’s ket expansion will serve the integrat- The construction of a number of public security bureau of Zhao-
and can conduct operations and medical emergency response A number of key projects in ed development of informatization apartment blocks for professionals tong city announced on Sunday.
medical examinations, with some department Xiong’an New Area, Hebei province, and smart cities in Xiong’an, he was also completed in June, accord- Police said that more than 900
even equipped with intensive care have entered new development added. ing to a report by China Media million yuan ($125 million) was
units, Guo said. The team has played an impor- phases with new buildings roofed A key meeting on Friday of the Group. involved in the case. A total of
Guo said apart from national tant role during past emergencies. by the end of June, the latest step in Political Bureau of the CPC Central It’s hoped that personnel in man- seven online gambling apps were
teams, the country has established For example, in the earthquake the process of transferring Beijing’s Committee — the Party’s core lead- agement and scientific research shut down. In 2021, police in
6,500 provincial and lower levels last year in Luding county, Si- non-capital city functions to the ership — reviewed policy measures from some State-owned enterprises Zhaotong found that an individu-
of medical emergency response chuan province, the hospital sent neighboring area. to support the area’s high-standard directly under the central govern- al surnamed Wang, along with
teams. three teams to the quake zone to Xiong’an Smart City Science and and high-quality construction, ment in Beijing can be transferred, others, had organized gambling
“In case of major emergencies, save patients, he said. Innovation Center — an innovation according to a summary of the the report said. activities on internet platforms
we can efficiently send experts Meanwhile, the hospital has hub under construction — saw its meeting. According to official data, State- with huge capital flows. After 16
from the national teams to con- established a team of experts from first building roofed on Friday. It called for a steady and orderly owned enterprises have set up more months of investigation, the
duct medical treatment and also different departments at the hospi- Located in an internet industrial approach, within manageable lim- than 150 institutes in the area, and police raided nine gang premises
conduct medical consultation tal to conduct online consultations park, the project includes office its, to advance the implementation another 30 subsidiaries of those inside or outside of the province,
online,” she said. for patients in the zone, he said. space, labs, exhibition halls and and construction of landmark relo- enterprises are expected to settle in seizing some 80 mobile phones
With its large population, China The teams have admitted more innovation centers, Yang Xiangfu, cation projects. the area this year. and 27 computers.
is at risk for public health emer- than 200 patients, including more an official from the project’s con- In April 2017, China announced Supporting infrastructure includ-
gencies and is also prone to than 50 in serious and critical con- struction company, was quoted as plans to set up Xiong’an New Area ing a service center for residential Yellow alert issued for
national disasters, accidents and dition, and none of the patients saying by Hebei Daily. about 100 kilometers southwest of communities, a kindergarten and a
safety incidents, which all require died, he added. The project’s first phase is expect- Beijing to take on functions nones- primary school in Xiong’an’s Rong-
geological disasters
ed to be complete in September next sential to the city’s role as China’s dong area is expected to be com- Chinese authorities on Monday
year, Yang said. capital. plete by the end of this month, issued a yellow alert for possible

Police warn public of At that time, some 2,000 people Since then, the area has been according to local authorities. geological disasters triggered by
rain in parts of Henan, Hubei,
Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou,

pay-on-delivery scams Man detained for stealing personal data Yunnan and Shaanxi. The Minis-
try of Natural Resources and the
China Meteorological Adminis-
tration warned of risks of rain-
By CAO YIN bers, from two other people, and By ZOU SHUO 2019 with a master’s degree in infor- stances are serious, shall be sen- triggered geological disasters in Zhang was also found to have pur- mation technology and works at tenced to a maximum of three years those regions from 8 pm Monday
chased more than 200,000 pieces technology multinational Tencent. in prison and fined, Zhao said. to 8 pm on Tuesday. China will
Beijing prosecutors are warning of personal data online. A graduate of Renmin University The incident quickly became a When the circumstances are espe- face multiple natural disasters in
residents about a scam that uses They used the information to of China has been detained by Bei- trending topic on Sina Weibo over cially serious, the suspect shall be July, including floods, severe con-
pay-on-delivery parcels, calling on cheat consumers out of more than jing police for allegedly illegally the weekend, and netizens have sentenced to three to seven years in vective weather, typhoons and
people to double check the infor- 300,000 yuan. obtaining the personal information asked for the graduate to be held prison and fined, he said. high temperatures, authorities
mation of senders. Zhang and Sun were later sen- of fellow students, police said on accountable. According to an interpretation on warned.
“Fraudsters were found to have tenced to seven years and six years Monday. An official from the university’s criminal cases of infringing people’s
sent deliveries at random in line in prison, respectively, for infring- The public security department in student admission office told China personal information issued by the Media issue social
with personal data they obtained ing upon personal information the capital’s Haidian district said in Newsweek that Ma has leaked infor- Supreme People’s Court and the
through improper channels, and and fraud by the Haidian District a post on microblogging platform mation of students who entered the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the
responsibility reports
then required receivers to pay on People’s Court, the prosecutor said. Sina Weibo that the graduate is sur- university from 2014 to 2020 and top judicial authorities, people Over 500 media organizations,
delivery. The payment wasn’t very She added that the two people named Ma and the case is under most of the students’ privacy during found obtaining, selling or provid- ranging from central news agen-
high, and the contents inside were who sold the personal data to the investigation. the time has been violated. ing more than 5,000 pieces of per- cies to county-level media cen-
low-priced goods,” said Chen fraudsters were also convicted of On Saturday, a Weibo user The official said that the universi- sonal information constitutes ters, have collectively issued their
Yutong, a prosecutor from the first infringing upon personal informa- claimed a graduate from the univer- ty intends to sue the graduate and “serious circumstances”, and when social responsibility reports for
branch of the Beijing People’s Proc- tion, and each was given a prison sity obtained student ID photos hold him accountable through the the case has led to a major economic last year. Additionally, several
uratorate. term of three years. along with other personal informa- law. loss or serious social impact, it provinces, including Heilong-
“Many receivers paid for the As online shopping has become tion and created a website so people Zhao Zhanling, a lawyer at Beijing becomes “especially serious circum- jiang, Shaanxi and Hunan,
deliveries, as some believed the a way of life, many items are paid can rate students’ appearances Yunjia Law Firm, said the man is stances”, Zhao said. expanded coverage to include
parcels were sent by friends and for by consumers through the based on the photos. suspected of committing the crime “The case reflects that many col- media outlets at the provincial,
some had forgotten what they had internet, “so we need to pay special The stolen data include students’ of infringing on people’s personal lege students do not have enough prefectural and county levels.
bought online,” she said. “They attention to parcels requiring pay- names, ID numbers, birthplaces information. knowledge of the law. No matter The news agencies reported from
didn’t think too much, nor checked ment on delivery, especially small and dates of birth. According to the law, those found what the reasons behind his actions, the aspects such as the political,
the senders’ information before packages demanding micropay- The post also claimed the student illegally selling or providing people’s he will be held accountable when he service, humanistic care, cultural
the payment, because the amount ments, which are probably fraud graduated from the university in personal information, if the circum- violates the law,” Zhao added. and moral responsibilities.
was small.” traps”, she said.
Chen introduced the latest swin- She suggested residents check Tibet political adviser
dle at a news conference on Mon-
day, recalling a case solved by the
with senders when receiving pay-
on-delivery packages.
Summer under investigation
capital’s prosecutors. “If you find anything abnormal, sunflowers Jiang Jie, vice-chairman of the
Tibet Autonomous Regional
Between May and June 2021, a it’s best to refuse to pay the money
man surnamed Zhang and his and call the police in a timely man- People take photos with Committee of the Chinese Peo-
partner, surnamed Sun, then an ner,” she added. sunflowers in Beijing ple’s Political Consultative Con-
employee of an express delivery Last year, a total of 1,179 people Olympic Forest Park on ference, has been placed under
company, randomly sent more were charged with fraud-related Sunday, as tempera- investigation for suspected severe
than 170,000 parcels containing crimes across the capital, accord- tures remain high in the violations of Party discipline and
foot-bath products worth 2 yuan ing to Du Miao, a prosecutor from capital. PROVIDED TO CHINA laws, an official statement said on
(27 cents) across the country, and the procuratorate. DAILY Monday. Jiang is being investi-
the pay-on-delivery price for each “While working with public gated by the Communist Party of
package was 69 yuan. security agencies to regulate the China Central Commission for
According to the prosecutor, handling of fraud-related cases, Discipline Inspection and the
Zhang and Sun had bought over we’ve also focused more on taking National Commission of Supervi-
100,000 pieces of personal infor- advantage of technologies to find sion, according to the statement.
mation, including names, home and fight fraud from the root,” he
addresses and mobile phone num- added. XINHUA—CHINA DAILY
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, July 4, 2023 | 5

HK police Mini-miner Guizhou’s green gains to be
offer cash showcased at coming forum
rewards for By LI LEI
The forum, which is expected to
include over 2,500 participants this

fugitives Guizhou province, home to a

sprawling cloud computing indus-
year, also serves as an important
avenue for promoting Xi Jinping
Thought on Ecological Civilization,
try, is poised to showcase its which calls for promoting the har-
By WILLIAM XU in Hong Kong progress in advancing cleaner monious coexistence between development via the Eco Forum humanity and nature; serving Chi-
Global Guiyang 2023, which will na’s strategic diplomatic goals;
Hong Kong police on Monday open on Saturday in the provincial showcasing the green development
said they are offering a reward of capital Guiyang, an official said. achievements of all countries; and
HK$1 million ($128,000) for each The two-day event will feature a bolstering ecological conservation
of eight fugitives wanted for series of events including exhibi- worldwide, Yang said.
endangering national security. tions, field studies and contract- Speaking at the news confer-
Earlier, a Hong Kong court had signing ceremonies for a host of ence, Wang Zhibin, director of the
approved the issue of arrest war- projects in renewable energy and Ministry of Ecology and Environ-
rants for the eight people — three eco-friendly materials, among oth- ment’s ecological conservation
exiled former lawmakers, includ- er fields, Vice-Governor Yang division, said the Thought has sig-
ing Ted Hui Chi-fung, and five Tongguang told a news conference nificantly altered Chinese people’s
people who allegedly advocated on Monday in Beijing. perspectives and actions related to
separatism and sought foreign The exhibitions will display a environmental protection, and it is
sanctions on Hong Kong. range of products and services part of the Chinese wisdom of
The police said that anyone with the promise of reduced car- achieving sustainable develop-
who provides information that bon emissions, cleaner production ment.
would lead to these people’s and waste recycling, he said. He said that the average concen-
arrests will be given the reward. “The forum will demonstrate tration of PM2.5 — particulate
The police officers will freeze Guizhou’s green development matter with a diameter of 2.5
the suspects’ bank accounts and achievements in an all-around micrometers or less — in major cit-
other assets to cut off funding for fashion to a global audience,” said ies across the country dropped
their illegal activities, Chief Yang, who is also deputy director of 34.9 percent between 2015 and last
Superintendent Steve Li Kwai- Young students control a mini-excavator to mimic mining on an extraterrestrial surface during an aero- the forum’s executive committee. year, making China the country
wah of the Police’s National Secu- space innovation competition for teenagers in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, on Sunday. About 1,000 stu- Authorities in Guiyang hosted its with the fastest-improving air
rity Department said at a media dents from nearly 400 schools participated in the event. LIU LI / FOR CHINA DAILY first such forum in 2009, and in quality in the world.
briefing on Monday afternoon. 2013, the event emerged as an inter- In addition, more than 300 wild
Ted Hui Chi-fung, a former law- national convention with a focus on animal and plant species have
maker who jumped bail and fled promoting ecological civilization. been placed under State protec-

Lifetime childlessness
Hong Kong at the end of 2020, is Over time, the meetings have tion.
charged with three offenses: incit- become a vehicle to forge global “Over the past decade, China
ing secession, inciting subversion partnerships and exchanges in has maintained an average eco-
of State power and collusion with environmental protection, curb nomic growth rate of more than
external forces to endanger nation- carbon emissions and fight cli- 6.6 percent, while the growth rate
al security — three out of the four mate change, the vice-governor of its energy consumption has
crimes proscribed by the National
Security Law. Hui is charged with
having committed the most crimes
among the eight wanted.
Li said Hui advocated “Hong
rate to grow, study says said.

Children on parade
been just 3 percent,” Wang said.

Kong independence” and called on

the people to overthrow the gov- Research attributes change to delaying marriage and childbearing, and
ernment of the Hong Kong SAR improving education levels, the size
and the central government marriage, improved education levels and proportion of Chinese women
through multiple media platforms. who decide to never have kids will
Hui also asked overseas govern-
ments and politicians to impose
By WANG XIAOYU 5.16 continue to grow,” it said.
A survey led by the National
sanctions on the Hong Kong SAR percent Health Commission in 2021 showed
and the nation, Li added. Over 5 percent of Chinese women of women at age 49 in 2020 had
that 9.5 percent of all females born
Also on the wanted list is Kwok remain childless over their lifetime, never given birth, rising from in the 1990s planned to never have
Wing-hang, a barrister and former according to extrapolations from 1.29 percent in 2010, according kids, and the rate was 11 percent for
legislator, who Hong Kong police data recorded in 2020, a fourfold to the study. those with a college degree or high-
say was proposing to foreign poli- jump from a decade prior but er.
ticians to take extreme measures
to sabotage Hong Kong’s Linked
remaining much lower than in most
developed countries, a recent study 9.5 The study noted the prevalence of
infertility in China, which is esti-
Exchange Rate System to under- revealed. percent mated to stand at around 10 per-
mine Hong Kong’s status as an However, China’s rate of childless- of all females born in the 1990s
cent, will likely rise in the future and
international financial center. ness is expected to continue to rise planned to never have kids, further drive up the lifetime rate of People jam the street during a temple fair in Wuyi county of Jin-
Nathan Law Kwun-chung, also in the future and could impede according to a study by the childlessness. hua, Zhejiang province, on Monday, as the annual fair resumed
a former lawmaker, is charged efforts to realize an appropriate fer- National Health Commission in “The National Healthcare Securi- after three years. During the event, which has been held for more
with advocating separatism and tility level, highlighting the need to 2021. ty Administration said this year that than two centuries, children parade dressed as characters from
collusion with external forces. devise response strategies in it is mulling including fertility treat- traditional Chinese operas. HU XIAOFEI / FOR CHINA DAILY
The remaining five people — advance, it said. ments in its medical insurance pro-
Kelvin Yam, Yuan Gongyi, Kwok The study, published recently in with a college degree or higher grams, and this policy can play a
Fung-yee, Mung Siu-tat and Lau the domestic journal Population reached nearly 8 percent in 2020, role in helping couples who want to
Cho-dik — are alleged to have con-
ducted various activities to endan-
ger national security, including
Research, used data from the latest
two national population censuses
conducted in 2010 and 2020 to cal-
compared with 5 percent among
women with a primary school or
junior high school diploma.
have a baby at a later age realize
their plans,” the study said.
China registered its first popula-
China’s defense minister
calling for external sanctions on
Hong Kong’s judges and prosecu-
tors. They are currently based in
culate the rate of childlessness
among different age groups.
It found that 5.16 percent of wom-
The rate among women living in
cities was 6.3 percent, compared
with 3.7 percent for women in rural
tion decline in over six decades last
year, and the central leadership
has recently stressed the signifi-
meets Russian navy chief
countries including the United en at age 49 had never given birth, areas. cance of maintaining an adequate
States, the United Kingdom, Aus- rising from 1.29 percent in 2010. Northeastern regions have the fertility level to achieve long-term By JIANG CHENGLONG patrols and contests on a regular
tralia and Canada. Because first-time childbirth after country’s lowest fertility levels and and balanced population develop- basis, and expand practical coop-
According to Articles 37 and 38 this age is rare, the figure can be tak- the highest lifetime rate of childless- ment. eration in professional fields to
of the National Security Law, the en as an indicator of lifetime child- ness, which was estimated to stand “In China, few babies were born State Councilor and Defense actively contribute to regional and
law applies to people outside Hong lessness. around 6.3 percent in 2020. out of wedlock and families with Minister Li Shangfu on Monday even global peace and stability.
Kong, including those who are not Some countries use 42 years as The report noted that the rate of multiple children are rare. As a met with the Russian Navy’s Com- Yevmenov stated that Russia
permanent residents of Hong the threshold for counting the rate childlessness among women aged result, the rising lifetime rate of mander-in-Chief Nikolai Yevmen- attaches great importance to
Kong, if they commit an offense. of childlessness. By this standard, 20 to 30 grew by over 10 percentage childlessness in the country will ov in Beijing. enhancing practical cooperation
Li warned that people who China’s rate would stand at around points from 2010 to 2020. exert a strong and nearly irreversi- According to a statement by the between the two militaries in vari-
donate money to them through 6.7 percent, still much lower than 11 “The rapidly rising rate among ble impact on the number of new- Minister of National Defense, Li ous fields.
online platforms may also be in percent in the United States and 19 younger women reflects delays in borns and overall fertility level,” said that under the strategic gui- He said Russia is willing to main-
breach of the National Security Law. percent in European Union coun- marriage and childbearing, while said the study, adding that the phe- dance of the heads of state of both tain close coordination with China,
In a statement issued on Mon- tries. the relatively slower growth rate nomenon calls for heightened pre- countries, China-Russia military firmly implement the important
day afternoon, the Office for Safe- The study found that well-educat- among older women points to caution. exchanges and cooperation have consensus reached by the two lead-
guarding National Security of the ed women and those living in urban declining fertility levels and the ris- It suggested creating a more fer- steadily developed, and the two ers, continuously expand naval
Central People’s Government of areas and northeastern provinces ing phenomenon among Chinese tility-friendly environment for the navies have close interactions and exchanges at all levels, jointly orga-
the People’s Republic of China in were more likely to never have chil- women of opting to never have younger population and establish- frequent exchanges. nize important exercises such as
the Hong Kong Special Adminis- dren. kids,” the study said. ing a monitoring and alert system Li expressed the hope that both joint maritime exercises and
trative Region, expressed its firm The study showed that the rate of “With accelerating urbanization, for measuring lifetime childless- sides enhance communication at patrols, and constantly push bilater-
support for the police’s move, say- lifetime childlessness for females the deepening trend of delaying ness. all levels, organize joint exercises, al military relations to a higher level.
ing that it ensures the National
Security Law is fully and accurately
implemented and safeguards the
constitutional order of the SAR.
The HKSAR government said in
Singer breaks silence to deny allegations of ‘forced abortion’
a statement that it fully supports
the police’s move to put the eight By JIANG CHENGLONG media posts alleging that in 2021, He underscored that the relation- denouncing some of the allegations motional content involving Cai on
fugitives on its wanted list. Cai had a one-night stand with a ship between them was consensual that it said were made up and hyped their Weibo accounts.
A government spokesman said woman and asked her to have an and involved no illegal acts, but he deliberately to mislead the public. Furthermore, content related to
it is the common responsibility of Chinese pop singer Cai Xukun abortion after she found herself also expressed an apology. “These rumors have seriously Cai cannot be found on major apps
all the people of China, including responded to recent allegations on pregnant a month later. “This lesson for me is painful, damaged the singer’s personality and websites managed by China
the people of the Hong Kong Monday, admitting that he had had The posts included screenshots of these two years I have been in rights and social public image, and Media Group, including the China
SAR, to safeguard the sovereign- a “relationship” with a woman but WeChat chat records, pictures of remorse,” Cai said, vowing to strictly are suspected of insult and defama- Central Television News app and
ty, unification and territorial stressed it was “consensual” and medical diagnoses and a letter of manage his words and deeds, and tion,” the statement said. It also said
integrity of the country. that their “private affairs” had been understanding between the woman accept the public scrutiny. that a number of lawsuits had been On Friday, Keep Running, a reali-
Since the implementation of settled appropriately. and Cai. However, Cai didn’t respond to filed in court, though it didn’t reveal ty show program produced by Zhe-
the National Security Law on Cai also denied the allegations “I was single two years ago and the claim that his mother attempted against whom. jiang Television, announced on its
June 30, 2020, the National Secu- made on Chinese social media last had a relationship with Ms C, and the to monitor the woman by hiring a As of Monday, no brand Cai Weibo account that the scheduled
rity Department of the Police week that the woman had been personal matters between the two private investigator and illegally endorses had announced any Friday airing of its program would
Force has arrested 260 people. underage and that she was forced to parties were properly resolved in installed a hidden camera in her changes in their agreements with be postponed due to production
Among them, 161 individuals and have an abortion. 2021 with no further entanglements door because the mother suspected him. adjustments.
five companies have been charged The popular singer’s statement between us,” said Cai in a statement the woman of lying. However, some of those brands, According to a preview of the pro-
under the law, according to police. came a week after an entertainment that garnered more than five million Following Cai’s statement, his such as Nestle China, L’Oreal and gram, Cai was scheduled to appear
blogger who claimed to have inside interactions on microblogging plat- work team also issued a brief state- Vivo, which have cooperation deals as a guest together with various
Mike Gu contributed to this story. information made several social form Sina Weibo within three hours. ment on its verified Weibo account, with the singer, have deleted all pro- well-known celebrities.
6 | Tuesday, July 4, 2023 CHINA DAILY


Dogged persistence helps pet

detectives locate missing animals
An employee of All Back Pet Search Technology edits a video that shows how the company’s detectives manage to locate missing pets. ZOU HONG / CHINA DAILY

The unexpected Heartbreaking moments

Zhao is always relieved when he
disappearance of secures a happy ending. He has wit-
a furry friend can nessed too many heartbreaking
moments when pets were found to
cause anxiety and have been hit by cars and were lying
dead on the roadside, while others
lead to heartache. had disappeared without a trace, leav-
Yao Yuxin reports. ing an eternal mystery about where
they had gone.
In one case, a young woman in

i Yuanyuan’s dog was miss- Yantai, Shandong province, posted
ing. It was a little before 9 search notices on her WeChat
pm on March 14 when the account every day. Her dog had run
Beijing mother stepped up into the mountains, and despite
outside to get some potting soil for searching for two days, Zhao
her flowers and the dog slipped couldn’t find it. He suspected that
away from her side in the darkness. the dog had most likely been eaten by
After returning with the soil, Li wild animals in the mountains.
casually closed the door, assuming “My heart aches: I truly don’t
that her furry companion had fol- know how to move forward,” the
lowed her back inside. young woman wrote in a WeChat
The 33-year-old cherishes the conversation with the pet detective.
dog, named M Bean after the Chi- “I know I still have work to do and
nese name for M&Ms. She brought a life to live, but my dog is part of my
the black Teddy Bear breed home life. Its absence has taken a piece of
from her husband’s place nine years my soul with it.”
ago while they were still dating. It Desperate pet owners may even
was just 4 months old. Since her turn to fortunetellers in the hope of
husband died in January as a result gaining hints about their pet’s
of COVID-19, Li has regarded the whereabouts. One owner told Zhao
dog as more than just a pet. that a fortuneteller had informed her
“She is the solace my husband left that her cat, which had been missing
for me. Just like the significance our for 13 days, had run 4 km south to a
daughter holds in my life,” said Li, place with water, where it was bask-
who uses her husband’s photo as Clockwise from top left: Zhao Hui searches for a missing pet. The sort of equipment used by pet detectives. Zhao uses a detector to locate ing in the sun under a corner of a wall
her WeChat profile picture, while the missing animal. Song Zhilong, who became a pet detective after he lost his own pet, plays with his corgi. PHOTOS BY ZOU HONG / CHINA DAILY near a garbage dump.
the background image on her The vivid description left Zhao
WeChat moments is a wedding feeling ridiculous. “It doesn’t make
photo of them holding hands. a corner. A friendly dog is far more abandoned by family members. lance cameras 200 meters away on can further hinder the process. sense,” he said. “Anyway, a cat
Over the next two days, Li devot- likely to be taken in by a stranger, He was once engaged to find a either side of the community’s Not everyone can grasp the couldn’t have run that far.”
ed every moment outside of work whereas a less sociable one would flight attendant’s missing cat, only entrance. lengths people will go to locate a Many years ago, Zhao lost a Corgi
and sleeping to searching for her be more likely to roam the streets. to discover that the animal had “It couldn’t just disappear into lost pet. When Li, the pet owner, dog that he was unable to find. For a
beloved pet until midnight, only to Communication with pet owners been secretly discarded by the thin air, could it?” Zhao asked him- sought access to footage at the local long time, his son sat on the balcony
return home empty-handed, with is not always smooth. Over- woman’s mother. Despite being self. police station, she was met with every day, looking down and eagerly
no trace of the female dog. whelmed by the loss of their friend, confronted, the senior remained He had no choice but to review amusement as the officers jokingly asking him, “Daddy, do you think
Having turned to the internet in some weep as they explain how tight-lipped about the cat’s where- the surveillance footage of the last questioned the value of such an Dumpling (the dog’s name) will
search of ways to retrieve her lost important the animal is to them, abouts, leading to a heated alterca- time M Bean had been seen. This endeavor for “just a dog”. come back?”
pet, Li stumbled upon the profes- and they are unable to answer the tion between mother and daughter. time, he noticed a man who seemed Just as he was about to give up, When Zhao first became a pet
sion of pet detectives. Approxi- questions posed by the pet detect- To crack the case, Zhao shifted fixated on the animal. When the Zhao suddenly remembered his detective, he was often moved to
mately half an hour after receiving ive. his focus from studying feline dog disappeared from the camera’s previous searches for cats and dogs tears when he witnessed owners
a call for help on March 17, pet Some highly distraught people behavior to understanding human view, the man swiftly followed, in the same area. He recalled that a embracing their returned pets and
detective Zhao Hui knocked on Li’s may even provide incorrect or mis- psychology. He discovered that the walking out of the frame as well. large camera was installed on the shedding tears of joy. He would
door, to be greeted by her careworn leading information. older woman had a habit of taking After several seconds, the man road the black SUV had passed also feel guilty and blame himself
features. On the back of Zhao’s right hand, leisurely walks in a nearby park. reappeared, holding M Bean in his down. He hoped that it would have when he couldn’t find a pet.
The 38-year-old became a pet there are two raised scars running Zhao searched the area but found arms. Just as he reached the road- a powerful light-suppression fea- Nowadays, he sees his work more
detective for All Back Pet Search from his wrist to his fingers. They no trace of the cat. side, a black Ford SUV arrived. The ture that could potentially enhance as a profession, and when he tries his
Technology Co in Beijing last year. “I are reminders of the time he trust- He found himself at a loss, but man got into the car and it drove the visibility of the license plate at best but can’t find the lost pet he
enjoy intriguing and challenging ed an owner who said their cat had during a cigarette break he instinc- away. night. accepts the situation with equanimi-
work,” said Zhao, who uses the name a gentle temperament and attempt- tively looked up and saw the cat sit- However, the night shots made it He went to the police station, but ty. He advises the owners to adopt
“Against the Wind” on his WeChat ed to capture it without wearing ting above him — she had been difficult for Zhao to catch a glimpse as often was the case, he was the same approach.
account. gloves. In another incident, Zhao perched on a tree branch for nearly of the license plate number. To denied access to the surveillance
spent two days searching for a dog 28 hours without coming down. make matters worse, the cameras footage because he was “only” look- Happy ending
Tough case with pink ears based on the photo that could have provided a clearer ing for a dog. Li was finally reunited with M
At first, he thought finding M provided by the owner. Later, he Puzzling development view were malfunctioning. As he However, when he shared Li’s Bean in Beijing. However, as the dog
Bean would be a straightforward discovered that the photo was inac- In the case of M Bean, it was evi- watched the car approach a high- story, telling the officers about how had been taken for ransom, it came
task, considering the abundance of curate because the owner had actu- dent to Zhao that the dog was no way, Zhao felt a wave of despair her husband had recently died and at a cost of more than 10,000 yuan
surveillance cameras around Li’s ally dyed the animal’s ears several longer in Li’s home. Surveillance wash over him. how the dog was a genuine source ($1,380), which was equivalent to
neighborhood. To make an initial months before so the pink color had footage revealed that the little dog Gaining access to surveillance of comfort, they relented. three months’ salary. She didn’t tell
assessment of where the lost ani- mostly faded away. had run around the residential footage is no simple task for pet The license plate number finally her mother-in-law about the money
mal might have ventured, Zhao first Before setting out to search in complex several times without detectives. Sometimes, the juris- appeared. After checking the she had paid out.
inquired about the dog’s personali- earnest, Zhao made it a priority to encountering its owner and had diction of cameras on different records, Zhao discovered the name “I feel very fortunate,” Li said. “I
ty, notable physical features and determine whether M Bean was eventually dashed out of the com- sides of a street falls under the and phone number of the owner of believe that my dog’s life is worth
whether she had been neutered. really lost, because he has encoun- pound. responsibility of different police the vehicle, which was registered that much money.”
For instance, at a crossroads, a tered numerous situations where However, what puzzled everyone stations, requiring additional time in Anhui province, about 1,000
bold dog would likely cross the the pet hadn’t even left the house, was the absence of any further for negotiation. Malfunctioning kilometers from Beijing. Then, Contact the writer at
street, while a timid one might turn had been secretly given away or sightings of the dog by the surveil- cameras and a lack of maintenance Zhao called the car owner.

Knowledge of creature comforts and psychology secures success of “lost pet” information, Zhao said. In
addition to posting notices in neigh-
borhoods, he has found that seeking
assistance from nearby pet stores —
By YAO YUXIN Dogs generally tend to choose a By contrast, cats tend to find a He has a deep understanding of the ly. However, he often faces suspicion for example, asking them to share
roughly consistent direction and keep secluded spot to hide and won’t come psychology of cats and dogs: he or is mistaken for a thief when he is search information in their WeChat
Reviewing surveillance footage is walking in a straight line when they out unless they are extremely hungry. knows that cats are naturally inclined holding a flashlight, quietly inspect- customer groups — is highly effective.
the first step for a pet detective go missing, pet detective Zhao Hui “No corners or crevices should be to climb and explore high places, so if ing every nook and cranny of a build- “People who have pets themselves
before heading out to search for a said. That’s why the Teddy Bear and overlooked,” Zhao said. “Even a small one goes missing in a building it is ing or neighborhood. can better empathize with the own-
missing animal as it can provide an Shiba Inu breeds give him the biggest hole or drain by the roadside, if disre- likely to be found by searching However, most of the time dogs end er,” he said. “They know how heart-
idea of the direction in which the headaches as they can run up to 10 garded, could mean missing out on upward along the stairs. Cats are also up in someone’s home, which wrenching it can be when their
lost animal may have gone. kilometers in a day. finding an errant cat.” highly alert so Zhao has to tread light- requires the extensive dissemination beloved friend goes missing.”
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, July 4, 2023 | 7

Walls blocking scenic
Traditional treatment

area upset tourists

Meri Snow Mountain promises to make rectification
after complaints that people must pay for views of site

By LIANG SHUANG could also buy a joint ticket of 150 behavior “shortsighted”. yuan that includes two more spots, “Without tourists attracted by an
including the Feilai Temple. area’s good reputation, various servi-
A renowned scenic area in Yunnan The post resonated with many ces in the tourism sector, including
province on June 26 promised recti- tourists, who believe the scenic area those centered on dining, accommo-
fication after it sparked public was unreasonably profiting from the dation and shopping, would not be
annoyance by building walls along natural beauty. They also listed other possible, let alone sustainable devel-
highways to block views of the site, scenic areas that conducted similar opment,” Yu Haibo, a professor in Medical workers in Huzhou, Zhejiang province, stick sanfutie plasters, traditional Chinese medicine
which meant that the only way tour- behavior. tourism at Nankai University, told patches used to cure illness, on local children on Monday. WANG ZHENG / FOR CHINA DAILY
ists could get a glimpse of the natural For example, walls have also been China Newsweek, adding that the
wonder was by buying a ticket. set up on the roads leading to the negative reputation of one scenic
The Meri Snow Mountain Scenic Hukou Falls on both banks of the Yel- area will potentially impede the
Area in Dechen county, Yunnan, said
in a statement that it would make the
Feilai Temple and the Great Jinsha
low River, which is under the juris-
dictions of Yichuan county, Shaanxi
province, and Jixian county, Shanxi
growth of tourism in the entire
According to Li Lei, a lawyer at the
Linfen gets smart about pear farming
River Winding scenic spots accessi- province, respectively. Ocean Law Firm in Beijing, scenic
ble to the public for free. According to a report by China areas that are built using public TAIYUAN — In Xixian county, cutting-edge technologies such as quality of cultivated land.
The statement said the highway Newsweek, officials in both counties resources such as natural wonders located in Linfen, Shanxi province, the internet, big data, cloud comput- Thanks to this smart platform,
section contains many sharp turns claimed that the walls were meant to should take into consideration pub- a smart pear orchard spanning ing and the internet of things. The pear production in the county
and steep slopes and advised tourists guarantee the safety of tourists rath- lic interest based on the Tourism 33.3 hectares has been developed integration of a big data service cen- includes a series of digital opera-
to drive carefully, adding that there er than prevent them from getting Law, and should put social benefits in cooperation with the Shanxi ter has played a crucial role in elevat- tions in seedling selection, planting,
are multiple angles and locations “sneak peeks”. But tourists com- ahead of profits. Academy of Agricultural Sciences. ing the intelligent production pest control and meteorological
available around the Feilai Temple plained that short, thick roadblocks In addition, regulations state that In this orchard, every pear is capabilities of the orchard’s agricul- analysis.
for them to enjoy the view. But it did would have been enough if safety construction in scenic areas needs to assigned a unique QR code that tural cloud platform. According to Wang, the platform
not provide details on what would was indeed the concern. be done according to the master plan enables monitoring of the entire In comparison to the average yield not only helps with production but
happen with the walls. On Saturday, videos online have of the area, and the composition of growth process, from flowering to of 30,000 kilograms per hectare in also promotes sales, as its tracking
The promise of rectification was shown that the wall on the roads that the plan requires the solicitation of fruit development, including track- traditional orchards, the smart system can collect first-hand mar-
triggered by a travel blogger who lead to the Shaanxi side of the Hukou public opinion, or public hearings if ing watering schedules and detect- orchard can double the output to keting feedback data.
recently posted a video complaining Falls have been torn down, according necessary, Li said, adding that it’s not ing any instances of infestation. 60,000. Pear farmers can learn about the
about 3-meter-high walls being to a report by Xiaoxiang Morning clear if plans to build the walls had “The QR code serves as an ID Located in the Loess Plateau, Xixi- market demand through the system
erected on the side of the G214 News, which is based in Changsha, included public feedback. card, recording the life of a pear,” an stands as a prominent fruit pro- to accurately identify their custom-
national highway that passes by the Hunan province. However, no expla- “It’s the scenic beauty that the said Wang Yibo, an agriculture offi- duction county boasting an ers and carry out targeted promo-
Great Jinsha River Winding scenic nations were given to the newspaper walls blocked, but it’s the tourists’ cial from the county. expansive pear fruit plantation area tions.
spot. regarding the change. hearts that were lost,” Yu said. “I no longer need to spend my of 25,333 hectares. In 2022, the county’s fruit produc-
The walls completely blocked The Meri Snow Mountain Scenic Meri Snow Mountain has long entire day working in the fields,” There are 64 villages in the county tion hit 30 million kg, with online
views of the site from the highway, Area told Red Star News in Chengdu, been a renowned scenic area due to said local villager Liu Jianlong, who that rely on pears as their primary sales accounting for 24 percent.
forcing tourists to pay to enter a pan- Sichuan province, that the local gov- its natural grandeur as well as its explained how his son assists him in industry, accounting for 80 percent “My family harvested 46,500 kg of
oramic platform set up by the scenic ernment had entrusted a local tour- holiness in Tibetan Buddhism. Its remotely monitoring the orchard’s of the farmers’ income. pears last year, with almost 80 per-
area if they wanted to witness the ism company to operate the sites, main peak, Kawagebo, which has an condition through a smartphone, Xixian has built a smart agricul- cent sold online,” said Liu, adding
breathtaking beauty of a horseshoe- which signed contracts with local vil- altitude of 6,740 meters above sea enabling timely updates and mini- ture integration platform composed that they earned an annual income
shaped bend of the river, which is the lages to return some of the profits to level, has never been summited, and mizing the need for a constant phys- of 12 systems, including water-fertil- of 120,000 yuan ($16,768) from
upper reach of the Yangtze River. villages to boost the socioeconomic mountaineering activities have been ical presence in the fields. izer integrated management, dis- pears.
The entrance fee to see the wind- development of the region. banned to show respect for locals’ Established in 2020, the smart ease and insect monitoring, and the
ing spot is 60 yuan ($8.30). Tourists Some experts have called such beliefs. orchard is operated with the help of monitoring and evaluation of the XINHUA

New Zealand special

NZ companies seek to MitoQ: Revolutionizing cellular health

shine in expo spotlight in China’s e-commerce landscape
With China making moves to
encourage foreign companies to During New Zealand Prime Min-
play a bigger role in its market,
The enthusiasm of New Zealand companies ister Chris Hipkins’ visit to China
business leaders expect that the shows that the opportunities in the Chinese from June 25 to 30, MitoQ, a pio-
country’s prestigious trade fairs market and the appeal of Chinese partners neering cellular health brand, was a
such as the annual China Interna- key representative of the country’s
tional Import Expo and its ongoing are unparalleled for global companies. The growing health products category at
consumption upgrading will pro- sixth CIIE will write a new chapter of a lunch briefing with Hipkins and
vide attractive growth opportuni- NZBRIC executives.
ties for countries, including New openness and cooperation. It will reinforce MitoQ’s Head of China Zoe Li took
Zealand. China’s firm determination to support trade the opportunity to share the brand’s
They said that the prospects for journey in China’s thriving e-com-
economic and trade cooperation liberalization and economic globalization” merce world.
between China and New Zealand Dong Yifan, assistant research fellow at the Beijing-based China Contrary to New Zealand’s well-
are broad, with consumption Institutes of Contemporary International Relations known and traditional reputation in
upgrading forming a key growth agriculture and primary industries,
point for New Zealand companies MitoQ distinguishes itself as a high-
operating in the country. tech company dedicated to cellular
Leo Liu, general manager for pating in the CIIE brings great ben- Dong Yifan, assistant research health.
China of Grin Natural Inc, an Auck- efits to Milk New Zealand. We con- fellow at the Beijing-based China Li said that the company’s hero MitoQ holds a brand activity in New Zealand in March.
land-based oral care brand and a sider the CIIE as a platform for Institutes of Contemporary Inter- ingredient, the MitoQ molecule, is a PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
five-time CIIE participant, said as launching new products, gaining national Relations, said: “The pioneering antioxidant that is sup-
the trade between China and New media attention, expanding distri- enthusiasm of New Zealand com- ported by decades of global scientif-
Zealand grows stronger, Grin will bution channels, engaging in panies shows that the opportuni- ic research dating back to as early as from over 100 reputable institutions establish a robust online presence in
continue to increase its investment exchanges and learning with our ties in the Chinese market and the 2000. including University of Cambridge, China.
in China and it will take part in the peers.” appeal of Chinese partners are The brand’s mission is to empow- Harvard University, University of Li emphasizes the brand’s focus
sixth CIIE, which will be held in Liu, from Grin Natural Inc, said unparalleled for global compa- er the health and ambitions of Colorado and more. on using e-commerce platforms and
Shanghai in November, to further that the Regional Comprehensive nies.” everybody by starting from the The studies cover various fields, digital marketing initiatives to
expand its presence in the country. Economic Partnership has also “The sixth CIIE will write a new smallest unit of the body, cells. including Parkinson’s disease, vas- enhance online visibility and
“We will partner with domestic provided fresh cooperation oppor- chapter of openness and coopera- cular endothelial function and exer- engage with consumers. Through
research and development insti- tunities for Grin Natural, as the low tion. It will reinforce China’s firm Scientific breakthrough cise rehabilitation. collaborations with prominent Chi-
tutes to introduce more healthy or zero tariffs on bilateral trade determination to support trade lib- tech: The MitoQ Molecule To date, MitoQ has accumulated nese retailers, MitoQ aims to ensure
and environmentally friendly between China and New Zealand eralization and economic globaliza- “It all starts small, like everything 18 clinical trials with dozens more in broader accessibility to its products
products into the Chinese market allow Chinese consumers to pur- tion,” said Dong, adding that a great in life,” Li talks about MitoQ’s the pipeline. and services.
and meet consumers’ demand for chase imported oral care products growing number of foreign compa- humble beginnings 20 years ago Commenting on China’s diverse
segmented oral products,” he said. from the Oceania country more nies are keen to display more prod- when two professors at New Zea- Expanding in China: e-commerce landscape, Li recogniz-
Justine Arroll, trade strategy conveniently. ucts at the expo this year to meet land’s University of Otago invented A strategic market es its constant evolution, presenting
manager of Fonterra Co-operative The Philippines became the final the surging needs of Chinese con- the pioneering antioxidant known “China holds tremendous signifi- opportunities for agile brands. She
Group Ltd, a New Zealand multi- member to activate the RCEP sumers. as MitoQ, short for mitoquinol mes- cance for MitoQ,” said Li, emphasiz- expresses confidence in MitoQ’s
national dairy company, said that agreement in early June. Over the past five CIIEs, compa- ylate. ing the brand’s commitment to the ability to capitalize on these oppor-
the CIIE is now the seminal event The fully implemented RCEP nies from 171 countries and regions, This breakthrough antioxidant Chinese market. tunities with its innovative product
in Fonterra’s calendar in China. pact will facilitate businesses to including 44 of the world’s least possesses a superpower – the ability Recently celebrating its 10th pipeline, strong local team and stra-
“Fonterra has been involved with better explore new market oppor- developed countries, showcased to be absorbed directly into the anniversary, MitoQ entered China tegic partnerships.
the CIIE since its inception in 2018 tunities, promote product and ser- over 2,000 new products, technol- mitochondria, the powerhouses in 2017 through e-commerce, estab- By establishing a robust presence
and over that time, we have grown vice innovation, and improve their ogies and services at the business within cells to support the body’s lishing its first flagship store on in China’s digital ecosystem, MitoQ
the footprint of our booth from 50 competitiveness to better serve exhibition, and secured tentative reaction to oxidative stress as peo- Tmall Global. aims to forge strong connections
square meters to 260 sq m this consumers in the Asia-Pacific deals worth nearly $350 billion, ple. Since then, MitoQ has continued with customers and deliver optimal
year,” said Arroll, revealing that region, Liu said. according to information released MitoQ is uniquely designed to to expand its distribution on Ali cellular health solutions to the Chi-
Fonterra will launch a brand-new According to China’s Ministry of by China International Import support better energy, vitality, skin Health, Tmall Direct and JD. Plans nese market.
high-protein ultra-high-tempera- Commerce, the full-force imple- Expo Bureau, the event’s organiz- and healthy aging at the cellular lev- are also underway to launch its Dou- As MitoQ continues to revolution-
ture milk during the upcoming mentation of the RCEP agreement er, in May. el. yin flagship store this year. ize cellular health, it is poised to
event in Shanghai. demonstrates the commitment and In the meantime, 131 countries The efficacy of the MitoQ antioxi- make a lasting effect on China’s
Similar views on the expo were actions of all 15 participating coun- and international organizations dant has been extensively studied, Strategy: Online presence health-conscious consumers and
expressed by Terry Lee, managing tries to support a multilateral trad- have participated in the expo to with more than 730 research papers Looking ahead, MitoQ aims to shape the future of wellness.
director of Milk New Zealand, ing system that is open, free, fair, promote global opening-up and
another dairy company. “Partici- inclusive and rules-based. cooperation. ADVERTORIAL
8 | Tuesday, July 4, 2023 CHINA DAILY


Candid communication crucial to keep Zheng Huawei

China-US differences from boiling over

t is, as both countries acknowledge, of vital administration can figure out the right way to
importance for China and the United States maintain and develop the relations between the
to maintain normal channels of communica- two countries. The China hawks consider it natu-
tion in order to prevent the differences ral that the administration make it a priority to
between them from developing into conflict or contain the rise of China even at the cost of the US
even confrontation. economy.
It is crucial that both sides know about and Even though they have come to realize that it is
understand each other’s concerns, which will help foolish to decouple from China and it is impossible to
iron out the mistrust between them in the long run do so as the economies of the two countries are deep-
and avoid misunderstandings. ly interdependent, they will not be willing to do
Given the importance of China-US relations not things conducive to the development of bilateral ties.
just to the two countries themselves, but also to the As a result, it is unrealistic to expect that the rela-
global economy and world stability, there is more tions between the two countries will take a turn for
than enough reason for the two sides to deepen the better in a short period of time. It will take time
engagement as much as possible on all levels. for politicians in Washington to realize that to
That US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will visit make the bilateral relationship tolerable, it is the
Beijing from Thursday to Sunday is a positive sign US that must make the greater compromises to
that communication between the Joe Biden meet China halfway because in most cases the US
administration and Beijing is being stepped up as it has been making one provocative move after
comes soon after US Secretary of State Antony another.
Blinken’s visit last month. Blinken said a couple of days ago in an interview
Central Intelligence Agency Director William that the US will continue to do and say things that
Burns said on Saturday that decoupling from Chi- China doesn’t like. Likewise, China will continue to
na would be foolish given the deep interdepend- do things that the US doesn’t like. But that does not
ence of the US and Chinese economies, echoing mean the two countries are adversaries. Opinion Line
Yellen’s remark in a House Financial Services Com- It means they need to keep talking candidly and
mittee hearing that it “would be disastrous for us to sincerely to ensure that things are kept in the right
attempt to decouple from China”.
However, the noise in Washington about
decoupling will hardly abate unless the Biden
perspective, and Washington must act on the
straight and narrow to ensure its words can be
Economic recovery trend good,
but more momentum needed
SCO can uphold multilateralism with unity
China’s purchasing managers’ external demand has produced a engine, although the impact of

he clique-building of the United States tant remarks at the 23rd Meeting of the Council of index was 49 in June, up 0.2 per- negative transmission effect on weakened external market on its
serves the purpose of divide and rule. Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Orga- centage points from May, indicat- domestic demand. domestic economic circulation is
Being open and inclusive and dedicated nization to be hosted by India via video links on ing a marginal improvement of its The June PMI shows that the generally under control.
to promoting common development and Tuesday. manufacturing industry. employment index fell by 0.2 per- Based on the June PPI and con-
shared security, the Shanghai Cooperation Organi- Together with other participating leaders, he will However, the PMI has been below centage points to 47.4, highlighting sumer price index alone, it is difficult
zation transcends traditional bloc politics, empha- chart the course for the organization to achieve the critical point for three months the country’s employment situation to conclude that China will face pro-
sizing partnerships rather than traditional greater progress and boost the development and since April, meaning the prosperity has not fundamentally improved. duction and life deflation, but it does
alliances. prosperity in regional countries. index for China’s overall manufac- The current high youth unemploy- reflect insufficient production and
turing industry is still weak. Accord- ment rate is not only a projection of life demand. The low-level CPI
Formed 22 years ago to combat terrorism, If all the SCO member states take the meeting as
ing to National Bureau of Statistics the insufficient vitality of supply and reflects people’s insufficient demand,
extremism and separatism, the SCO’s cooperation a chance to demonstrate their commitment to mul- data, the indexes of production and consumption sides, but also a reflec- but it also provides the authorities
has expanded over the years to encompass eco- tilateralism by further strengthening their commu- new orders in equipment manufac- tion of the systemic weakness of over- more room for monetary adjustment.
nomic, cultural and other fields. The SCO’s achieve- nication and coordination, they will ensure the turing and such high-tech manufac- all economic recovery. Stabilizing The government can implement
ments have also drawn more countries into its SCO continues to play an important and construct- turing sectors as automobiles, employment is of particular impor- precise policies to inject impetus
orbit, and both its membership and number of ive role in international and regional affairs. aerospace equipment, electrical tance to stabilizing the economy. into both ends of production and
observer states have grown. Iran is set to be wel- By creating the conditions for more countries machinery, and computer commu- As the external market is still full consumption, thus consolidating
comed as the latest member. to participate in global governance on an equal nication electronic equipment are of uncertainties, China’s internal its economic foundation and main-
The SCO has effectively promoted the expansion footing, the SCO has transformed into an organi- in the expansion range, while real demand is unlikely to ease in the taining its economic recovery
and deepening of regional cooperation, and it has zation with profound significance. History has estate has failed to meet develop- short term. China should be highly momentum.
proved it can interact effectively with other multi- proved and will continue to prove that multilater- ment expectation, and the weak wary of the weakening of its export — BEIJING YOUTH DAILY

lateral institutions, making it a very attractive alism prevails over unilateralism, good-neighbor-
alternative for countries uncomfortable with the liness and friendship transcend beggar-thy-
West and their foreign policies.
As Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao
neighbor policies, and mutually beneficial
cooperation is preferable to zero-sum games.
Washington most vulnerable in Taiwan bet
Ning said in a news briefing on Friday, regional By acting on the Global Development Initiative,
countries as well as other members of the interna- the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civili- The US-based Rand Corporation will promote US arms sales to the piece today will be an abandoned
tional community are looking to the SCO to play a zation Initiative proposed by China, the members has released a report about playing island ruled by the Democratic Pro- chess piece tomorrow.
bigger role in safeguarding regional security and of the SCO and its wider “family” can forge an even Taiwan, which is part of China, gressive Party, which claims it As for the US, it needs to know
promoting common development. closer SCO community and uphold peace, develop- against its central government, wants to seek “independence” that continuous arms sales to Tai-
China views the SCO as a priority in its foreign ment, cooperation and mutual benefit for the Eura- where it concluded that “Taiwan is against the historical tendency of wan is not going to help it in the
affairs, and President Xi Jinping will deliver impor- sian continent and the world at large. vulnerable to defeat (by the Chinese national reunification of China. long run. Whatever weapons it sells
mainland) within 90 days.” However, neither the DPP nor to Taiwan won’t undo the trend of
The report evaluated Taiwan’s the US should be fooled by the national reunification of China, and
Underlying issues fertile ground for unrest capacities and claimed that US
intervention is necessary in case the
advertisement. The DPP needs to
know the US has a tradition of
its arms sales to Taiwan and hyping-
up of military assistance to it will
Chinese mainland “attacks” Taiwan. betraying its business partners and only arouse deeper splits in its own
There is no way to know why sacrificing their interests for its society. To risk US soldiers’ lives for

he riots in France, which erupted nation- According to the French National Institute of Sta- Rand published such a report, but own. To quote Zhu Fenglian, a must-lose bet challenging China’s
wide after a teenager of North African tistics, the living conditions of the country’s 7 mil- clearly the military-industrial com- spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs core interests will be a fatal mistake
descent was shot dead by police during a lion immigrants are marked by greater poverty and plex in the United States will bene- Office of the State Council, Taiwan that will put any decision-maker in
traffic stop on June 27, have shaken the difficulties related to employment. fit the most from it. By scaring the will be no exception to the US’ the White House on the list of worst
country and shocked the rest of the world. For years France has been applying a “color- Taiwan authorities with a possibly “America First” policy, and any presidents in US history.
So far, more than 3,000 people have been blind” approach to public policy to reflect its tradi- worst-case scenario, Rand’s report political force that acts as its chess — ZHANG ZHOUXIANG, CHINA DAILY
detained, with the violence accompanied by wide- tion of universalism in the hope of uniting all
spread arson, looting and vandalism. Hundreds of French citizens regardless of their color and race. It
police and firefighters have been injured in the even removed the word “race” from the country’s What They Say
worst social upheaval in the country for years. Constitution arguing the term was outdated.
The riots have forced Emmanuel Macron to
delay what would have been the first state visit to
But turning a blind eye to the sensitive issue has not
prevented the gap between the reality and ideal from Decoupling, de-risking just political weapons
Germany by a French president in 23 years which widening, nor has it helped the government properly
was scheduled to start Sunday evening. address racial disparities that are becoming more Editor’s Note: The following are excerpts of an address New Development Bank President Dilma Vana Rousseff,
Racial discrimination in law enforcement seems acute within the country. France, like many other former president of Brazil, made at the 11th World Peace Forum in Beijing on Sunday, as translated from the Chi-
to have been the direct cause of the riots — there European countries, has taken in a large number of nese reports about it:
have been 21 fatal police traffic-stop shootings in immigrants and refugees from North Africa after the
France since 2020, most of the victims being of “Arab Spring” and the wars and chaos caused by the The current global macroeconom- ilization is simply abandoned in this divide the world into camps or to
Black or Arab origin. Yet the latest killing was just US-led Western powers in the Middle East. This has ic situation is in a very uncertain way, and the model of different promote common prosperity, to
the lighter that sparked the gas. The unleashing of aggravated racial tensions. Many people in France moment, facing the impact of infla- development paths pursued by dif- embrace the Cold War mentality or
violence and fury on such a scale reflects the wider have already called on the government to recognize tion, debt and many other issues. In ferent peoples is ignored. to adhere to multilateralism, to
problems in French society, such as poverty, jobless- that universalism is a myth and explore alternative this disturbing situation, political “Decoupling” and “de-risking” copy other countries’ development
ness and increasing social alienation. By the end of ways to address the problems that have emerged. and institutional building and have been the buzzwords on the models or to go their own way in
2020, there were 10 million French people living in At the same time, it should be noted that the vio- adjustment have become urgent and international stage recently. The light of each country’s national
poverty, which was eight times more than in 1980. lence is being exploited by some who hope to make necessary. We should seek inclusive impact of these concepts has not conditions, to address climate
The COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine trouble for Macron, who has been a vocal critic of and sustainable development and only weakened economic globaliza- change through effective resource
conflict have further aggravated the problem. Europe’s Washington-led stance on the Ukraine con- create an environment of common tion and financial relations, but allocation or to simply maintain
prosperity and peace for the benefit also been used as a political weap- the status quo.
Moreover, immigrants and their descendants are flict. With the immediate anger seemingly burning
of people of all countries. There can on to prevent the rise of new play- One of the most serious threats in
more likely to be unemployed than non-immi- itself out, it is to be hoped that order can be restored be no peace without inclusive and ers on the international stage. the world today is the new protec-
grants in general. The jobless rate among immi- in France at an early date before the flames of unrest sustainable development, and no sta- Globalization itself, although less tionism, such as curbing the devel-
grants reached 12.9 percent in France in 2020, are fanned and spread throughout an already troub- bility and security without peace. dynamic, has been producing deep opment of emerging countries. This
compared with 7.4 percent for non-immigrants. led Europe. The idea of cooperation and con- interdependence between econo- has been the case with containment
sensus is different from the rhetoric mies and different parts of the policies aimed at China — whether it
that seeks to impose an antagonistic world, and this interconnectedness is unilateral tariff increases, moves
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CHINA DAILY Tuesday, July 4, 2023 | 9

Bek Bumhym

Fostering harmony among China, Japan and ROK

hina and the Republic of Korea are Cooperation in the Post-Covid Era: Com-
connected by the Yellow Sea, while munication, Connectivity and Community”
Japan and the ROK by the Korea as its mainstream, it is co-organized by the
Strait, a waterway dotted with China Public Diplomacy Association and
innumerable islets. The three countries are the Qingdao Municipal People’s
separated just by water. Government.
Warm currents originating along the Keeping in mind that the cru-
equator travel through the East China Sea cial issue for the trilateral cooper-
and the Yellow Sea to reach the Liaodong ation is mutual perception among
Peninsula. These currents flow along the the countries, the TCS has made
eastern coast of China, wrap around the “Public Diplomacy and Mass Com-
ROK’s Jeju Island, and continue moving munication: Mutual Perception
northeastward toward the North Pacif- among China, Japan, and
ic past the western side of Japan’s Korea” the theme of the first
Kyushu Island. (political) session, discussing
If you set sail from the coastal city this issue from the public
of Ningbo, Zhejiang province, and diplomacy’s perspective, and
head northeast, you will reach Yeon- “Mutual Perception Improve-
gam in Jeollanam-do in the ROK, and ment: From the Lens of Local
will arrive at Fukuoka in Kyushu if you Community Exchanges” the
continue further eastward. theme for the third (socio-cultur-
Since ancient times, the sea has al) session.
served as a conduit for transport- The TCS has also made “From
ing schools of fish, people, goods, Exclusion to Inclusion: Connecting
and a channel for cultural, sci- the Digitalized World” the second
entific and technological (economic) session, boosting trilat-
exchanges. The seas have eral cooperation, and finding ways
indeed been a channel for to address the problems faced by
exchanges between diverse the three countries, in particular
civilizations. the aging population. People
China, Japan and the Korean aged 65 or above accounted for
Peninsula have influenced each 30 percent of Japan’s total pop-
other not only through land but ulation in 2022, are projected
also through the sea. China, to comprise 20 percent of the
Japan, and the Korean Peninsula ROK’s total population by
are geographically inseparable. There- 2024, and accounted for 14.2
fore China, Japan and the ROK have percent of China’s total popula-
maintained a close relationship. This tion in 2021.
is the reason why the country simi- Some prominent figures,
larity index between China and the including senior politicians
ROK, as well as between Japan from China, Japan and the
and the ROK, is higher than that ROK, as well as those from the
between most other countries. fields of diplomacy, economics,
media, and academics are expected
Improving understanding to take part in the IFTC and propose
an urgent task solutions to the problems facing the
The Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat, an three countries.
intergovernmental organization based in LI MIN / CHINA DAILY
Seoul, named “harmony” the word of the Necessity for holding
year for 2023, which symbolizes the China- the Trilateral Summit
Japan-ROK relationship, after people of the As neighbors which cannot be changed,
three countries voted for it in an online poll the three countries should overcome the
in January. This shows most of the people since the 2010s and the pandemic have a small-scale “trilateral community” where former Japanese prime minister Yukio common challenges together by improving
in the three countries want “harmony” weakened exchanges and cooperation the people of China, Japan and the ROK Hatoyama endorsing the idea. mutual understanding, maintaining peace
among China, Japan and the ROK. It also among Beijing, Tokyo and Seoul, and come together to discuss issues and help Both Beijing and Tokyo hoped to play and pursuing common development, and
shows they want the three countries to increased their differences. The world is resolve them. host to the TCS headquarters, but Seoul, banishing the ghost of “exclusive national-
improve their mutual understanding which entering the era of “new normals” at a time Many TCS staff members can speak not located in the middle between Beijing and ism”.
has rapidly declined since the outbreak of when existing systems such as the World only English, which serves as the working Tokyo, became the host city. The TCS has The three sides should draw inspiration
the COVID-19 pandemic. Trade Organization-led multilateral trade language, but also other languages includ- three goals: to maintain lasting peace, com- from the story of crested ibises. There was a
Besides, according to the results of public order, and the global value and supply ing Chinese, Japanese and Korean. mon prosperity, and shared culture among time when crested ibises were on the brink
opinion surveys conducted by the Center chains are crumbling under the impacts of As for the trilateral meetings, they have the three countries. The TCS also supports of extinction in Japan and the ROK. So Chi-
for International Security and Strategy of COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. been regularly held since 1999. The cata- the Trilateral Summit and ministerial meet- na, which had a healthy number of ibises in
Tsinghua University, the Central European The world, including China, Japan and lyst for these meetings was a breakfast ings in various fields, apart from carrying Hanzhong, Shaanxi province, shared with
Institute of Asian Studies in Slovakia and the ROK, is placed in a precarious situation. meeting between former Chinese premier out various projects in the political, eco- the two countries some of the wild birds
the East Asia Institute in the ROK, in 2022 It is like a small boat swaying on a stormy Zhu Rongji, former Japanese prime minis- nomic and socio-cultural fields to improve and helped them bring the ibis back from
and 2023, improving mutual understand- sea, not knowing how to find a harbor. ter Keizo Obuchi and former ROK presi- trilateral relations. the brink of extinction. The ibises are now
ing among China, Japan and the ROK is a Every country has to rely on its own com- dent Kim Dae-jung on the sidelines of the Although the TCS is an influential inter- thriving in all the three countries through
task that should not be delayed. pass to reach its own harbor. ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and the ROK) governmental organization, it has the trilateral cooperation.
Since Japan and the ROK established meeting in Manila in November 1999. This potential to evolve into a true multilateral It is essential for the three countries to
diplomatic relations with China in the late A platform for discussions was possible because unlike the current cooperative network with further institu- strengthen their cooperation to find a path
20th century, economic and trade, and cul- and helping solve problems intensification of global confrontations tionalization. In fact, the TCS has been to meet the challenges of the era of “new
tural and people-to-people exchanges Established in September 2011, the Trilat- such as the US-China strategic competi- making efforts, with special focus on the normals” amid global uncertainties espe-
among the three countries have significant- eral Cooperation Secretariat is similar to tion and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, in future generations, to improve mutual cially by holding the Trilateral Summit. For
ly increased, benefiting people on all sides. the Association of Southeast Asian Nations the 1990s and 2000s, regional integration understanding among the three countries. the future generations of China, Japan, and
China has established itself as the “world’s headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia. The and globalization were the prevailing To achieve these goals, the TCS is imple- the ROK, it is important that they broaden
factory” and become the “world’s second- TCS consists of three consultative board trends. menting 120 cooperation programs in the their understanding and learn to accept the
largest market”, while the ROK has become members, four directors and about 30 staff This breakfast meeting developed into three countries. differences and expand commonalities with
a developed country in a short span of time. members, all of them from China, Japan the annual China-Japan-ROK Trilateral an open mind.
And Japan has gained significant political and the ROK. The term of the secretary- Summit from 2008, hosted by the three TCS organizes International
and economic benefits through exchanges general (and two deputy secretaries-gener- countries in rotation. And it was former Forum for Trilateral Cooperation The author is deputy secretary-general of
with China and the ROK. al) is for two years, and he or she is ROK president Lee Myung-bak who pro- To this end, it will also hold the Interna- the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat.
However, the intensified strategic compe- appointed by rotation by the governments posed the idea of establishing the TCS, with tional Forum for Trilateral Cooperation in The views don’t necessarily reflect those of
tition between China and the United States of the three countries. The TCS functions as former Chinese premier Wen Jiabao and Qingdao. With “Revitalizing Trilateral China Daily.

Sanbei project’s success essential to further expanding green coverage

any young Chinese people After decades of painstaking sandstorms in the Sanbei area. Beijing, for achieve its goal despite its scale, complexity
today may be ignorant about instance, used to have on average 26 sand- and its length of time. During my visits to
the Sanbei (the Three Norths) efforts, they have turned storm days a year in the late 1970s. Now the Sanbei region over the past decades, I
Shelterbelt Project, although what till a few decades ago they have shrunk to three a year. have frequently heard people talking about
they have greatly benefited from the Women aged above 50 have their own the Party’s indispensable role in the project.
world’s biggest and longest tree-plantation was a desert into huge sun- stories to tell about the sandstorms. They Farmers in Minqin county, Gansu prov-
Kang Bing program. will tell you how children in those days ince, for instance, told me about the Party’s
flower farms, which draw
President Xi Jinping’s inspection tour of were frustrated by the sandstorms, for they role while harvesting sunflower seeds. After
The author is former deputy editor-in-chief the Sanbei Shelterbelt Project in the Inner thousands of tourists in couldn’t go to school or play outdoors dur- decades of painstaking efforts, they have
of China Daily. Mongolia autonomous region in June once summer and produce tons of ing the frequent sandstorms in April and turned what till a few decades ago was a
again drew public attention to the 45-year- May. They will also tell you how decades desert into huge sunflower farms, which
old environmental campaign, which sunflower seeds in autumn. ago they had to cover their faces, even their draw thousands of tourists in summer and
Editor’s note: The Three-North Shelterbelt according to the plan, will continue until eyes, with scarves during sandstorms when produce tons of sunflower seeds in autumn.
Program has effectively curbed desertifica- 2050. they were forced to venture outdoors to The same was repeated by farmers in
tion and become a green “Great Wall”, pre- In 1978, the central authorities and naked mountain slopes. attend to some work. Kubuqi, Inner Mongolia, who were growing
venting sandstorms, conserving water and announced a 72-year project to plant bil- After generations of hard work, 336,000 The younger generations should treasure watermelons on former arid land under the
soil, and safeguarding agriculture in north- lions of trees to build a green screen along square kilometers of desert land — equiva- the improved environment and be grateful shade of trees they had planted under the
western China, writes a veteran journalist China’s northwest, north and northeast lent to the size of Finland or Vietnam — has to the participants in the Sanbei project Sanbei project. On the “reclaimed land”, they
with China Daily. regions in order to prevent desertification, now turned green. A green belt covering who devoted their career and life to make were growing not only watermelons but also
reduce soil erosion and improve the envi- more than 30.14 million hectares is taking the skies bluer and air fresher. Not to forget herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine.
ronment and conserve the ecology. The shape along the country’s 10,000-kilometer that top Party and government leaders of However, we should not indulge in pre-
launch of one of the biggest environmental northern border. different generations have been planting mature celebrations, because the progress
projects, however, failed to draw the world’s The forest cover in the project area is trees since 1979 on National Tree Planting made is still fragile. Any relaxation in
attention, perhaps because few people now 13.57 percent, a remarkable increase Day. It is thanks to such efforts that the efforts and any mistakes in planting trees
believed the Chinese people were serious from the 5.05 percent four decades ago. Sanbei Shelterbelt Project has been suc- could lead to the loss of all achievements.
about such an ambitious project that would These achievements show the project is cessful until now. No wonder President Xi has said the next
take more than a lifetime to complete. steadily marching toward achieving its “Such a project would be impossible 10 years are critical, for they will decide the
The Chinese people have proved those 2050 goal of afforesting 35.08 million hec- without the leadership of the Communist battle against desertification.
skeptics wrong. Millions of people from 13 tares of land and raising the forest cover Party of China,” President Xi told ministers Only if the battle is won can the environ-
provinces, autonomous regions and munic- percentage to 14.95 in the project area. and provincial leaders in a meeting held to ment and ecology in northern China see
ipalities in the northern region have been The emerging green “Great Wall” has not discuss the future work of the Sanbei real improvement. And we cannot afford to
mobilized to plant trees and grass on arid only stopped further desertification from project. lose that battle.
land, deserts, including the Gobi Desert, the north but also remarkably reduced Today, few doubt that the project will It’s a battle we can and must win.
10 | Tuesday, July 4, 2023 CHINA DAILY

Grandmother wants
Swamped road

French riots to stop

Overnight unrest appears to slow on 6th tear gas and fought street battles
with youths around the city center
night after teen’s death in Paris suburbs late into the night. There was also
unrest in Paris, in the Riviera city of
By CHEN WEIHUA in Brussels Nice and in Strasbourg in the east. Across France, 297 vehicles were
torched overnight along with 34
The grandmother of the 17-year- I say to the people buildings, many of them linked to
old boy who was fatally shot by who are breaking the government. In all, a total of 99
police in a Paris suburb last week city halls have been attacked,
has called for an end to the worst things: Stop. Don’t according to the Interior Ministry.
rioting in France in nearly 20 years break windows, don’t Nahel’s funeral was held on Satur-
that stretched into the sixth night day with hundreds of people attend-
after his killing. damage schools, ing the service to pay their respects.
Cars run on a flooded road following torrential rains in Kurume City, southwestern Japan, on Monday. Nahel, who was of Algerian don’t damage buses. He was buried at the Mont-Valerien
Rain clouds have continued to develop since Sunday in Kyushu region, according to the Japan descent, was shot in the chest by an cemetery in Nanterre. The police
Meteorological Agency. MASAKI AKIZUKI VIA YOMIURI SHIMBUN officer in Nanterre after he failed to Stop it.” officer who fatally shot him was
stop the car during a traffic check on Nadia, grandmother of Nahel charged with culpable homicide
June 27. and jailed on Thursday.
His grandmother, identified as parents who abdicated that respon- The riots amount to the worst cri-

Indian female wrestlers push for reforms Nadia by French media, said on
Sunday the rioters were using the
teenager’s death as an excuse to
sibility “either through disinterest or
deliberately” would be prosecuted.
Nearly 45,000 police personnel
sis for Macron since the “Yellow
Vest” protests gripped much of
France in late 2018.
cause unrest and that the family were deployed again on Sunday
KHARKHODA, India — Indian he sexually harassed the six female women appointed at all levels of wanted peace. night to deter rioters who have ‘Particularly shocking’
women wrestlers and their fami- wrestlers, who have represented training and running the wres- “I say to the people who are break- torched cars, looted stores and tar- French Prime Minister Elisabeth
lies, demonstrating against alleged India internationally, with an aide tling federation, while others ing things: Stop. Don’t break win- geted town halls and police stations, Borne condemned the attack on the
sexual harassment by a top sports saying his innocence would be want the government to set up an dows, don’t damage schools, don’t including the home of the mayor of home of Vincent Jeanbrun, mayor
administrator, are pressing for proved by the judiciary. official group of guardians to trav- damage buses. Stop it,” Nadia told a Paris suburb, which was attacked of L’Hay-les-Roses, as “particularly
reforms, ranging from guardians If convicted, he faces up to three el to events along with women BFM Television. “Nahel is dead. My while his wife and children were shocking” during a visit to the town
accompanying contestants to years in jail. contestants. daughter had just one child, she’s asleep inside, French Interior Minis- on Sunday. She called for tough pun-
demands for more female officials “It is a matter of tremendous sad- “I can assure you that every girl lost him. ... My daughter has no life ter Gerald Darmanin said. ishment for the perpetrators.
in senior ranks of the sport. ness, but the wrestlers have done will feel protected and we are work- left. I have lost my grandson and my Many of the rioters and protest- “We were all very shocked” by this
A trial court admitted last month the right thing by raising their voi- ing toward addressing all the con- daughter.” ers are young people from working- “intolerable” attack, she told the
a case of sexual harassment and ces,” said Mona Dahiya, the mother cerns raised by female wrestlers,” While unrest across France class communities. The average age press after the visit.
intimidation against the chief of the of two teenagers Deepika and Ish- Sports Minister Anurag Thakur said. appeared to slow on its sixth night, of the more than 2,000 people Borne assured all mayors that
Wrestling Federation of India, or anshu, who are training to be wres- Yet in Haryana, home to more President Emmanuel Macron post- arrested is 17, Darmanin said on the Macron government would
WFI, Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, an tlers in the northern Haryana state. than 5,000 wrestling schools with a poned a state visit to Germany to deal Saturday. not “allow any violence to go
influential lawmaker of Prime Min- “We are worried if some of the top history of turning out top female with the crisis. He was scheduled to The situation appeared less tense unchallenged”.
ister Narendra Modi’s ruling party. wrestlers could experience this, then athletes in India, women wrestlers meet leaders of both houses of parlia- on Sunday. Overnight, 157 people The unrest delivers a blow to
However, the delay in taking it can happen with our girls too.” expressed dismay. ment on Monday and with more were arrested in relation to the France’s image a year before the
action drew global attention when The Dahiyas, along with nine “We couldn’t believe how some than 220 mayors of towns and cities unrest nationwide, according to the Paris Olympic Games. Several
top wrestlers threatened in May to female wrestlers and their parents, of the top wrestlers were forced to affected by violence on Tuesday. Interior Ministry — a fraction of the nations have warned their citizens
throw their medals into the Gan- are setting their eyes on WFI elec- leave their practice ground and The riots appeared to be driven by number taken into custody the to be vigilant, which could pose a
ges, the holiest river in Hinduism, tions scheduled this month to take to the streets to seek justice,” a teenage backlash. Macron has night before. Three police officers significant challenge for France in
in protest about five months after achieve their demand for reforms wrestler Anjani Kashyap said. blamed social media for the spread were also wounded. It was a sharp the peak summer tourism season if
accusing Singh of groping young of a system that provides guidance “It showed a scary side of the of the unrest and called on parents drop from the 719 arrests made on protests were to envelop prominent
women during tournaments. to more than 53,000 young female sports culture in the country.” to take responsibility for their teen- Saturday and the 1,300 on Friday. attractions.
In domestic media interviews, wrestlers. agers. Justice Minister Eric Dupond- The biggest overnight flashpoint
Singh has denied the charges that Some parents said they want AGENCIES VIA XINHUA Moretti told France Inter radio that was Marseille, where police fired Agencies contributed to this story.
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, July 4, 2023 | 11

Saudi Arabia Floral spectacle
Beijing wins applaud
to enhance among the Arab youth
economic ties By YANG RAN
Foreign Studies University.
“Through these global initia-

with China China’s sense of responsibility and

capability has helped it win approval
tives, the Arab youth sees China as
a responsible major country.”
China is proven to be a reliable
among the more than 200 million partner for development and a pro-
By JAN YUMUL Arab youth, a recent poll has shown, moter of peace in the Middle East.
and LESLEY LIU in Hong Kong while the United States faces declin- After years of economic cooperation
ing support in the Muslim world. based on common interest, China
The ongoing visit of a Saudi Arabi- The 15th annual Arab Youth Sur- has grown to be the largest trading
an delegation to Chinese cities is vey conducted by public relations partner of the Arab states collectively.
enhancing official and business col- firm ASDA’A BCW this year inter- China is this economic and
laboration in technology and indus- viewed 3,600 people aged 18-24 industrial powerhouse, so people in
tries, with agreements and exchanges across 53 cities in 18 Arab states this region are starting to see the
being made. from Saudi Arabia, Syria to Egypt potential of a stronger tie with Chi-
Saudi Minister of Communications and Sudan. na, and “there is also a warming of
and Information Technology Abdul- Eighty percent of the respondents diplomatic ties in the region, specif-
lah Alswaha is leading the delegation see China as a “strong ally” or “some- ically in the Gulf”, said Jarallah.
on the first official tour of senior gov- what of an ally”, making China the
ernment officials since the China-Sau- second among 11 countries on a list Peace agreement
di Arabia summit last December. They that included Turkiye, the United In March, China brokered a peace
visited Hong Kong on Sunday before Artists from Italy’s Flower Sway Poles perform during the B-FIT in the Street! international festival in States, the United Kingdom, France, agreement between Iran and Saudi
coming to the Chinese mainland. Bucharest, Romania, on Sunday. The festival took place over the weekend in the Romanian capital. Germany, India, Pakistan, Russia, Arabia, ending years of tensions.
Hong Kong Chief Executive John ANDREEA ALEXANDRU / AP Iran and Israel. Turkiye topped the The rapprochement triggered a
Lee Ka-chiu said on Sunday that he ranking and the US was the seventh. wave of reconciliation in the Middle
has felt “a deep sense of warmth and There is a “move away from his- East. Last month, China hosted Pal-
friendship” in the exchanges since torical allies in the region like the estinian President Mahmoud Abbas
his visit to Saudi Arabia in February. US, the UK and Europe”, because and reiterated its willingness to play
Lee said Hong Kong’s annual Belt
and Road Summit will celebrate the
10th anniversary of the Belt and
Road Initiative in September and
will feature a dedicated Middle East
Biden’s Europe trip to “young Arabs are a little bit tired of
foreign meddling in their country”,
said Juman Jarallah, an editor
from the National News, in a video
released by the Dubai-based news
a positive role to assist Palestine in
achieving internal reconciliation
and promote peace talks.
“China is always trying to make
everything good with Arab countries,
forum for the first time.
He also said his government has
prioritized revitalizing its relations
with the Middle East in general and
Saudi Arabia in particular, and invit-
focus on NATO boost agency.
“With China, you don’t have the
kind of tarnished history as you
would have with the US,” she said.
The survey showed that in
trying to fix things between Saudi
Arabia and Yemen, also with Iran.
China’s role as the promoter of peace
makes it popular in the region,” said
Mohammed Ahmed, 24, from
ed the Saudi delegation to explore recent years China’s popularity Yemen. He now studies e-commerce
opportunities in the Guangdong- Alliance meeting comes at critical point Kyiv has urged Western allies to among young Arabs has been grad- at University of International Busi-
Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. escalate pledges of military support. ually increasing, an expert said. ness and Economics in Beijing.
The Saudi delegation had a tour of as fierce fighting reported on battlefield The latest developments came “In the post-pandemic era when In contrast to China’s growing
the Hong Kong Science and Technol- after Ukrainian officials said Rus- young Arabs focus their attention popularity among Arab youth, sup-
ogy Parks, or HKSTP. Alswaha said it WASHINGTON — US President Wednesday to discuss Stockholm’s sia launched its first overnight on social and economic develop- port for the US has been declining
is an opportunity for Saudi Arabia to Joe Biden will head to Europe in a NATO ambitions. drone attack on Kyiv in 12 days. ment and employment, the three over the years.
diversify to a factor-based economy, week on a three-nation trip, includ- Turkiye’s President Recep Tayyip Ukraine said all the drones were Global Initiatives for Develop- “Many young Arabs now feel
join hands with Hong Kong and ing a NATO summit, focused on Erdogan has said Sweden is too lax downed. ment, Security and Civilization that the US plays a destabilizing
build an innovation bridge and a reinforcing the Western coalition on “terrorist groups and security A Russian military official said proposed by China suit the core role in their societies. The unilater-
gateway for humanity. backing Ukraine as the conflict threats”. He denounced Stockholm on Monday there is no need for fur- demands of the Arab youth,” said alism and hegemonic policies of
“If there’s a gateway for humanity with Russia extends well into its last week for allowing a protest dur- ther mobilization in Russia to Liu Chen, associate professor of the the US have caused a lot of disas-
and a partnership for life to join second year. ing which a man burned pages from replace Wagner troops who have School of Arabic Studies, at Beijing ters in the Arab world,” said Liu.
hands and how we can continue to The main focus of Biden’s five-day the Quran. left the battlefield in Ukraine.
empower people, and safeguard the visit will be the annual NATO sum- All nations in the alliance have to “There is no threat at all regard-
planet, it is definitely this partner-
ship between the kingdom and
mit, held this year in Vilnius, Lithua-
nia. Also planned are stops in
ratify the entry of a new member
ing a drop in the combat potential,
both in the midterm and long-
Pouring out woes
Hong Kong,” Alswaha said. Helsinki, Finland, to commemorate The NATO meeting comes at the term perspective,” Andrey Karta-
HKSTP Chairman Sunny Chai the Nordic country’s entry into the latest critical point on the battle- polov, head of the State Duma
Ngai-chiu said Hong Kong and Saudi 31-nation military alliance in April, field. Ukraine’s President Volodym- Defense Committee, was quoted
markets offer complementary val- and the United Kingdom, the White yr Zelensky says counteroffensive as saying by the state-backed TASS
ues. “I’m proud to see our park com- House announced on Sunday. and defensive actions against Rus- news agency.
panies grow in our city and scale into Biden will begin his trip on Sun- sian forces are underway. In developments related to the
Saudi Arabia, as well as the new day in London, where he will meet Zelensky said on Saturday he grain deal, Russia’s envoy to the
paths being paved for Saudi compa- with King Charles III. In June, Bid- wanted his country to receive an United Nations in Geneva said
nies to come to Hong Kong,” he said. en hosted British Prime Minister “invitation” at the Vilnius summit there are currently no grounds to
Jerry Li, managing and founding Rishi Sunak at the White House, to join NATO once the conflict with maintain the “status quo” of a deal
partner of eWTP Arabia Capital and where the two leaders pledged Moscow is over. that grants safe passage for Ukrain-
director-general of the Saudi Ara- more support for Ukraine. ian grain to be exported via the
bia-China Entrepreneur Associa- Jens Stoltenberg, NATO’s secre- Key goal Black Sea.
tion, said Hong Kong has the tary-general, visited the White The Kremlin has said preventing Western capitals were blocking
potential to play a role in technolog- House on June 13, where he and Ukraine from joining NATO is still progress on reconnecting the Rus-
ical advancements between the Biden made it clear the Western a key goal of its military operation, sian Agricultural Bank to the
whole of China and Saudi Arabia. alliance was united in supporting arguing that Kyiv’s membership in SWIFT banking system, Gennady Community leaders hold a news conference at the site of a mass
Nicolas Aguzin, CEO of Hong Ukraine. the alliance would pose an existen- Gatilov told the state-backed Izves- shooting in the Brooklyn Homes neighborhood on Sunday in
Kong Exchanges and Clearing, said Finland joined NATO in April tial threat to Moscow. tia newspaper. Baltimore, Maryland. At least two people were killed and 28 were
investors around the world are and the move effectively doubled In the latest developments, “What we are seeing now does wounded during the shooting on Saturday night. NATHAN HOWARD / AFP
aware of the economic importance Russia’s border with the world’s Ukraine said on Sunday that Rus- not give us grounds to agree to
of Asia. He said that as Saudi Arabia biggest security alliance. Russia sian troops were advancing in four maintain the status quo” on the
is diversifying its economy and mov- has long complained about NATO’s areas in the east of the country deal, he said in the interview, pub-
ing from energy toward technology,
Hong Kong is in a unique position to
help with this as it is “the most inter-
expansion eastward.
Sweden is also seeking entry into
NATO, although alliance members
amid “fierce fighting” but reported
its forces were moving forward in
the south.
lished early on Monday.
The deal, allowing grain from
Ukraine to reach the global market,
German right-wing party
national city of China”.

Contact the writers at

Turkiye and Hungary have yet to
endorse the move. Biden will host
Sweden’s prime minister, Ulf Kris-
Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minis-
ter Hanna Maliar said that Russian
troops were advancing near Avdiiv-
was renewed again in May but for
only two months, until July 17. scores another victory tersson, at the White House on ka, Mariinka, Lyman and Svatove. AGENCIES VIA XINHUA
By EARLE GALE in London tivizing efforts of the European Union, subsequently became

S. Africa takes aerial route to fight rhino poaching The right-wing, anti-immigrant
Alternative for Germany party, or
known as anti-Islam after mor-
phing against the backdrop of high-
profile instances of terrorism. The
AfD, took another big step toward party has since branched out again,
By NDUMISO MLILO track and arrest poachers with the major political power on Sunday by criticizing the financial policies
in Johannesburg, South Africa help of dog squads. by getting its candidate elected of Scholz’s three-party coalition
For China Daily The dogs are monitored through mayor of a town. government, again harnessing dis-
GPS collars. As they close in on the The success at the mayoral level quiet among many voters, in this
South Africa’s national parks have poachers, the helicopter airdrops followed the AfD’s first election victo- case about the nation’s relatively
put in place various measures to rangers who catch them. The chan- ry at the district level a week earlier. high rate of inflation and the loom-
combat rhino poaching which ces of success with this method are The wins came as the party ing cost of its transition to a green
threatens the existence of the endan- 80 percent, Louw said. enjoyed record-high levels of sup- economy.
gered animal. He said: “The GPS shows how port in opinion polls, with pollsters The party first created waves in
Isaac Phaahla, media specialist for many times the dogs bark every min- giving it between 18 and 20 percent 2017 when it secured 13 percent of
South African National Parks, a lead- ute and how fast they are running. of the popular vote, putting it on par the vote in a general election. Many
ing conservation authority in the They run at a maximum speed of 45 with Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social pundits expected that success to be
country, said they have been constant- kilometers per hour during a chase.” Democrats. short-term.
ly revising their strategies to fight According to Louw, 200 suspects Hannes Loth, who was elected However, Ursula Munch, direct-
poachers, who keep changing their have been arrested in the last five mayor of Raguhn-Jessnitz town in or of the Tutzing Academy for Polit-
tactics. One of the measures adopted years and 90 firearms recovered, the eastern Saxony-Anhalt state, ical Education in Bavaria, told
recently is the use of helicopters that A rhino is dehorned amid mounting fears of a rebound in rhino saving the lives of 80 rhinos. will serve as the AfD’s first full-time German state broadcaster Deut-
carry rangers and deploy them when- poaching at the Balule Nature Reserve in Hoedspruit, Limpopo He said that Kruger National Park mayor. The party has had part-time sche Welle that the party has bene-
ever required to arrest poachers. Province, South Africa, on April 26, 2021. SIPHIWE SIBEKO / REUTERS started using dogs when the arrest mayors and unpaid officials elected fited recently from voters
South Africa is home to the largest rate was between 3 and 5 percent, before in smaller communities. perceiving the government as una-
rhino population in the world, but now it has risen to 80 percent. Raguhn-Jessnitz has a popula- ble to act decisively.
accounting for 80 percent of the He said 12 more cameras will be been visiting schools to educate stu- Isaiah Mashaba, a headman in tion of around 9,000. “The politics of the coalition gov-
world’s total. A total of 448 rhinos installed in strategic areas. South Afri- dents about wildlife conservation. the Ximhungwe area in Bushbuck- After his win, Loth took to social ernment are unsettling people,” she
were killed in South Africa for their ca has also signed a memorandum of These communities share informa- ridge Municipality, said they are media to thank his supporters, told DW. “And I think people who
horns last year as against 451 in 2021. understanding with China, Mozam- tion with the park officials about sus- working with the national parks to describing the result as “wonder- were also dissatisfied by politics in
“We have installed cameras in are- bique, Zimbabwe, Eswatini and Viet- picious movements of people, tackle poaching. ful” and saying, “I will be mayor for general are now getting mobilized
as with the highest number of rhinos nam to tackle rhino poaching. Phaahla said. Meanwhile, Phaahla said South everyone in Raguhn-Jessnitz.” more and more by the AfD.”
at Kruger National Park. The camer- Last year, a South African man The Southern African Wildlife African National Parks is in the pro- The party’s success a week earlier Silke Borgstedt, director of the
as help us to track suspicious-look- named Gumede Sthembiso Joel was College is working with South Afri- cess of procuring drones to be used saw lawyer Robert Sesselmann, Sinus Institute, told DW the party
ing vehicles (in the park), which we arrested at Changi Airport in Singa- can National Parks to fight poach- to fight poaching. elected as district administrator in has also seen a broadening of its
intercept and search,” said Phaahla, pore with 34 kilograms of rhi- ing. Dian Kobus Louw, from Sonneberg, in the state of Thuringia. base, with its mainly older, poorly
adding the measure has resulted in no horns worth $1.2 million. Southern African Wildlife Col- The writer is a freelance writer for The AfD, which was formed in educated rural supporters now
several arrests. The officials of national parks have lege, said they have been able to China Daily. 2013 to oppose the perceived collec- joined by others.
12 | Tuesday, July 4, 2023 CHINA DAILY

Sweden Splash of colors
Relocations spur change
condemns in fortunes of US states
Quran By HENG WEILI in New York
The two governors, whose states
sit on opposite coasts, also have

burning The shifting economic situations

of the four largest US states by popu-
sharply criticized each other’s poli-
cies, for example, on abortion access.
Newsom has called DeSantis a
lation — California, Texas, Florida “sixth-grade bully”.
STOCKHOLM — Sweden’s and New York — also mirror the “California continues to be the
government on Sunday con- political gap in the country. dominant economic engine,” he said
demned last week’s burning of a New York and California saw the in a Fox News interview last month,
Quran outside Stockholm’s main steepest drops in tax revenue this fis- adding he would be willing to
mosque, calling it an “Islamopho- cal year, while Florida and Texas pad- debate DeSantis.
bic” act, after an international ded their wallets, largely thanks to DeSantis has called Newsom’s
Islamic body called for measures COVID-19 pandemic-fueled migra- focus on Florida “bizarre” and
to prevent future burnings. tion, according to a recent report. recently visited San Francisco to
“The Swedish Government Relocations can have a major highlight the city’s crime and drug
fully understands that the Islam- impact on state revenue because New problems. He filmed a video saying
ophobic acts committed by indi- York, with Wall Street, and California, the “once great city” has collapsed
viduals at demonstrations in home to Silicon Valley, have some of due to leftist policies.
Sweden can be offensive to Mus- Participants celebrate after the Colorful Run in Luzhniki, Russia, on Sunday. The 5-kilometer route the highest earners in the country.
lims,” the foreign ministry said in includes four color zones where colored powder is thrown at runners. SERGEI KARPUKHIN / TASS New York and California saw their Taxpayer exodus
a statement. populations fall by nearly 300,000 New York State, which had some
“We strongly condemn these each in the fiscal year ending in June of the strictest regulations, has seen a
acts, which in no way reflect the 2022 — while Florida and Texas, taxpayer exodus to low-tax locations

China’s role in global

views of the Swedish government.” which have no state income taxes, as its revenue is down nearly 20 per-
The condemnation came in added 888,000 people collectively, cent, according to Bloomberg News.
response to a call for collective according to US Census Bureau data. Texas, meanwhile, reported 12.2
measures to prevent future Qur- The population gains and losses percent growth in tax revenue,
an burnings from the Organiza- among the four states were even more while Florida has brought in 9.9 per-
tion of Islamic Cooperation. significant going back to April 2020. cent more, according to data com-
The 57-member body met at its
Jeddah headquarters to respond
to Wednesday’s incident in
which a 37-year-old Iraqi citizen
living in Sweden, Salwan Momi-
food security hailed Different approaches to the pan-
demic, such as whether schools and
restaurants should have remained
open, were factors in the reloca-
tions, along with the cost of living.
piled by the Urban-Brookings Tax
Policy Center in Washington, DC.
In Texas, the windfall has resulted
in a record $33 billion surplus, lead-
ing Abbott to propose tax cuts.
ka, stomped on the Islamic holy Qu Dongyu’s reelection as FAO chief to Its goal is to achieve food security There also have been political Recent data from the Internal
book and set several pages alight. for all and ensure people have regu- skirmishes among the four states. Revenue Service shows that New
The OIC urged member states boost cooperation with member states lar access to enough high-quality In the past year, Texas Governor York and California combined lost
to “take unified and collective food to lead active, healthy lives. With Greg Abbott and Florida Governor more than $90 billion in adjusted
measures to prevent the recur- ROME — Delegates from mem- since 2009, exclusively for South- 195 members, including 194 coun- Ron DeSantis have sent migrants gross income of residents during the
rence of incidents of desecration” ber nations of the United Nations South and Triangular Cooperation. tries and the EU, the FAO works in who entered the US at the border pandemic.
of copies of the Quran, according Food and Agriculture Organization The Chinese government has more than 130 countries worldwide. with Mexico to “sanctuary” locations, Also, for the first time, six rapidly
to a statement released after the praised China’s remarkable contri- also provided considerable agricul- China is one of the founding mem- such as New York City and Chicago, growing states in the South — Flori-
extraordinary meeting. butions to global food security, and tural technical assistance to devel- bers of the FAO. Since resuming its and famously in 2022, to affluent da, Texas, Georgia, North Carolina,
“The burning of the Quran, or expressed anticipation for closer oping countries. To date, China has seat in the organization in 1973, Chi- Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts. South Carolina and Tennessee — are
any other holy text, is an offen- collaboration in the fight against dispatched more than 1,000 Chi- na has maintained close cooperation In New York and California, the contributing more to US GDP than
sive and disrespectful act and a poverty and for zero hunger. nese experts and technicians, with the UN agency, broadly joining Democratic Party has long been the Northeast, home to the long-dom-
clear provocation. Expressions of The remarks came after Qu Dong- through the FAO, to Africa, Asia, the and supporting its campaigns. dominant while Republicans run inant Washington-New York-Boston
racism, xenophobia and related yu, incumbent FAO director-gener- Caribbean and the South Pacific. FAO’s partnership with China Florida and Texas. corridor, according to Bloomberg.
intolerance have no place in Swe- al, was reelected earlier on Sunday, Egypt is honored to have a part in has covered many of the country’s DeSantis is seeking the 2024 The Southeast accounted for
den or in Europe,” the Swedish winning 168 of 182 votes cast during the China-proposed Belt and Road food and agricultural development Republican presidential nomina- more than two-thirds of all job
foreign ministry said. the 43rd session of the FAO Confer- Initiative by aligning the initiative priorities. Around 500 FAO pro- tion, while California Governor growth across the US since early
Countries, including Iraq, ence, the highest governing body of with Egypt’s national projects in the jects have been launched across the Gavin Newsom is regularly men- 2020, almost doubling its pre-pan-
Kuwait, Morocco and the United the Rome-based UN agency. His sec- seaports and Suez Canal, said Rady. country since 1978. tioned as a potential Democratic demic number. It also has 10 of the
Arab Emirates, have summoned ond term will run from Aug 1, 2023, The collaboration serves not presidential candidate, although he 15 fastest-growing large cities in the
Swedish ambassadors in protest to July 31, 2027. only the interests of the two coun- XINHUA maintains he is not running. US, according to Bloomberg.
against the burning incident. Qu, who was elected in June 2019 tries, but also that of the world and
Saudi Arabia has summoned to head the UN agency and the first all humanity, he added.
Sweden’s ambassador to Chinese national to serve in the
denounce the incident, the offi-
cial Saudi Press Agency reported
on Monday.
position, is expected to further
boost China’s cooperation with the
FAO and its member nations in the
Exploring new areas
“Bangladesh and China enjoy
extremely cordial bilateral relations,
Potential of krill oil market in
The foreign ministry sum-
moned the ambassador on Sun-
day to urge Sweden “to stop all
coming years, said delegates to the
session on Sunday.
China’s efforts in eliminating pov-
and we have a multifaceted collabo-
ration,” said Shameem Ahsan,
Bangladeshi permanent represent-
China is huge, says Aker BioMarine
actions that directly contradict erty and ending hunger have greatly ative to the FAO. “And I think both
international efforts seeking to impressed many delegates, including countries can immensely benefit by
spread the values of tolerance, Bassam Essam Rady Abdelhamid collaborating and even exploring By ZHANG LINWAN
moderation and rejection of Rady, Egypt’s permanent representa- new areas of cooperation.”
extremism, and undermine the tive ambassador to the FAO. During the session, the Chinese
necessary mutual respect for “I think China has made a tremen- Minister of Agriculture and Rural Aker BioMarine, a biotech innova-
relations between peoples and dous job during the past years and it Affairs Tang Renjian reaffirmed the tor from Norway, expects China to
states”, the agency reported. will continue to make progress, country’s international responsi- become one of its largest markets in
Swedish police had granted especially at this critical moment bilities as a major developing coun- the next few years.
Momika a permit in line with free that the world is witnessing, after try for global food security. “Chinese consumers are really open
speech protections, but authori- the crisis of COVID-19 and the crisis China will firmly practice multi- to new products and technologies.
ties later said they had opened an of Russia-Ukraine,” said Rady. lateralism, and work with other China now is the fastest-growing mar-
investigation over “agitation Egypt, an active participant in countries to ensure global food ket in the world for krill industry,” said
against an ethnic group”. FAO’s South-South Cooperation Pro- security, eradicate poverty, achieve Matts Johansen, CEO of the company
On Sunday, Iran’s Foreign gram, appreciates China’s “major zero hunger, and push to achieve that harvests the shrimplike crusta-
Minister Hossein Amir-Abdolla- and pivotal role” in this field, he said. the UN 2030 Sustainable Develop- cean.
hian said Iran is holding off send- Since the South-South Coopera- ment Goals, said Tang. Aker BioMarine was founded in Executives from Aker BioMarine, a biotech innovator from Norway,
ing its new ambassador to tion was launched by the FAO in Founded in 1945 in Quebec City, 2006 based on the health benefits of attend the Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin.
Sweden, Hojjatollah Faghani, 1996, China has always been active- Canada, the FAO is a specialized UN krill. Rich in phospholipid omega-3s, PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
following the burning. ly involved and played a very agency leading international efforts krill oil has a positive effect on the
important role in the SSC and has to defeat hunger. It has been head- health and well-being of humans, ani- by CIMC Raffles Group in Yantai,
AGENCIES VIA XINHUA donated $130 million to the FAO quartered in Rome, Italy, since 1951. mals and fish. This has been proven Shandong province.
by extensive scientific research. Aker BioMarine is concerned with
“Our mission is to improve human the aging population in China and is
Fire fury health, while ensuring the planet also
stays healthy,” Johansen said.
trying to be part of the solution.
According to projections made by
A general view “To us, it makes no sense to take the National Health Commission, the
shows a fire in a something out of the ocean to number of Chinese people aged 60 or
makeshift parking improve our health, if it simultane- above will exceed 400 million by
lot in Bad Wimpfen, ously compromises the health of the around 2035, accounting for about 30
Germany, on ocean,” he added. percent of the total population.
Sunday. At least 12 Today, the company has become “I think how to stay healthy will
cars were damaged one of the largest krill harvesters and become a focus for both governments
by flames and heat suppliers in the world. Its business and people. What we really need is Matts Johansen, CEO of Aker
in the fire on covers offshore harvesting and pro- preventative health measures, not BioMarine
Sunday, some of duction, logistical operations, as well just therapeutic medication,” said
them severely. AP as onshore manufacturing and sales Johansen. facilities,” Johansen said.
of krill-derived products. Over the past few years, the krill oil “We hope to work with our Chinese
“We are proud to have established supplier has made huge investments counterparts to develop the krill oil
an entire supply chain — from har- in science, research and development, market in a sustainable way, from
Briefly vesting to production — and devel- as well as intellectual property, with harvesting to products, ensuring a
oped innovative and sustainable the aim of understanding the nutri- win-win situation for suppliers, con-
harvesting methods,” Johansen said. tional value of krill oil and ensuring sumers and society,” he said.
JAPAN ISRAEL THAILAND In China, Aker BioMarine has set their products are supported by scien- Johansen also emphasized their
4 injured in Tokyo Scientists make cancer Ailing elephant returns up two offices: one in Shanghai and tific evidence. commitment to sustainability during
one in Beijing. According to the company, krill oil the Summer Davos Forum that con-
building explosion cells ‘commit suicide’ home for medical care All its products including those for has the potential to lower the risks of cluded on Thursday in North China’s
An explosion tore through a build- Israeli researchers have developed a An ailing elephant that Thailand dietary supplements, aquaculture various lifestyle diseases. Meanwhile, port city of Tianjin.
ing in downtown Tokyo on Monday, method that makes cancer cells pro- had presented to Sri Lanka more and pet food have been introduced it can help improve overall life quality In the last 10 years, Aker BioMarine
scattering debris across a busy duce their own toxins and thus than two decades ago returned to into Chinese markets. and thus save billions of dollars for has cut its carbon dioxide emissions
intersection and sending smoke “commit suicide”, Tel Aviv Universi- his native land for medical treat- “China holds particular signifi- society. Currently, Aker BioMarine is per ton of krill produced by approxi-
into the air, but the fire was soon ty said on Sunday. In a study pub- ment on Sunday. The male elephant cance to us due to the close ties and seeking cooperation with Chinese mately 50 percent. By implementing
contained and four people were lished in the journal Theranostics, was flown directly from the South collaboration between China and partners in order to provide the best sustainability initiatives, such as the
injured, Japanese media reported. the researchers encoded a toxin pro- Asian island nation’s capital to Chi- Norway, the market outlook and our krill oil possible for the benefit of con- reuse of energy and efficiency projects
Video footage aired by public broad- duced by bacteria into mRNA mole- ang Mai Province in Thailand. A six- good teamwork with existing part- sumers. on vessels, it aims to reduce carbon
caster NHK showed flames through cules and delivered these particles person team accompanied the ners,” Johansen said. “We know that China is building a intensity per ton of krill produced by
the windows of the shattered sec- to cancer cells. The cancer cells pro- elephant on the flight, which took The company’s newest vessel, Ant- batch of krill-harvesting vessels, krill 2030 and reach net-zero carbon emis-
ond floor of the building, in Tokyo’s duced the same toxin, as they were about six hours. arctic Provider, for example, was built industrial parks and oil-extraction sions by 2050, according to Johansen.
downtown area. The cause of the the bacteria itself, killing them with
blast was not immediately clear. a success rate of up to 60 percent. AGENCIES—XINHUA ADVERTORIAL

Critical sectors Shares

rebound led
key to future by major
growth path movers
Industries include next-gen IT, AI, By SHI JING in Shanghai
biosciences, new energy, materials
China’s A shares jumped on Mon-
By FAN FEIFEI said Li Xianjun, an associate day, the first trading day of the sec- researcher with the Institute of ond half of the year, on strong
Industrial Economics at the Chi- performance by market heavy-
China will double down on efforts nese Academy of Social Sciences. weights.
to nurture strategic emerging More efforts should be made to Experts said the bullish senti-
industries including next-genera- achieve breakthroughs in core ment was supported by the coun-
tion information technology, artifi- technologies in key fields includ- Fruit from Africa is on display during the third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo in Changsha, try’s on-track economic recovery
cial intelligence, biological sciences, ing basic materials and software, Hunan province. GU PENGBO / FOR CHINA DAILY as well as a rally by emerging sec-
new energy and new materials and precision components, integrated tors.
foster new growth engines. This will circuits and high-end equipment, The benchmark Shanghai Com-
be part of a broader push to speed
up the construction of a modern
industrial system backed by the real
to enhance China’s independent
innovation capacity, Li added.
“The manufacturing sector, as
China-Africa business ties set to shine posite Index rose 1.31 percent to
close at 3,243.98 points, while the
Shenzhen Component Index
economy amid external uncertain- the main part of China’s real econ- gained 0.59 percent to end the day
ties, according to the country’s top omy, is playing an increasingly By ZHONG NAN in Beijing and tive value of expressions of intent Clean energy has gained heavy at 11,091.56 points. The total trad-
economic regulator. crucial role in motivating enter- FENG ZHIWEI in Changsha for transactions was $400 million, attention, as the government aims ing value of the Shanghai and
In an article published on Satur- prises to bolster technological said Hunan’s provincial depart- to drive energy transformation Shenzhen bourses stood at 1.02
day in Qiushi Journal, a flagship innovation, facilitating the devel- Economic and trade ties between ment of commerce. toward sustainable sources. trillion yuan ($140 billion).
magazine of the Communist Party opment of other strategic emerg- China and African countries will get The exhibition showcased 29 “Our government is also eagerly There was a net inflow of 2.69
of China Central Committee, Zheng ing sectors, and enhancing the further enriched on the back of an African countries’ products span- seeking the assistance of Chinese billion yuan in northbound capi-
Shanjie, head of the National Devel- country’s core competitiveness on improving business environment of ning 1,600 categories, up a stagger- companies to facilitate the devel- tal, which refers to the amount
opment and Reform Commission, the global stage,” Li said. both sides that will enable compa- ing 166 percent from the previous opment of its local travel industry.” overseas investors put into the
called for efforts to beef up research China has maintained its posi- nies to engage in each other’s mar- edition. Zhou Xiaoyan, vice-president of A-share market via a stock connect
and development in tech frontiers tion as the world’s largest manu- kets — and this, in turn, will help Government officials and busi- the Beijing-based China Council for program linking the Shanghai,
and forward-looking fields, while facturing nation for 13 straight maintain the stability of global ness executives who attended the International Investment Promo- Shenzhen and Hong Kong
highlighting the need to consoli- years, accounting for nearly 30 industrial and supply chains in the expo said they are keen to explore tion, said by leveraging their respec- exchanges.
date the country’s leading position percent of global manufacturing years ahead, government officials potential opportunities across vari- tive strengths and resources, China A robust performance by finan-
in competitive industries. output in 2022, according to the and business leaders said after the ous sectors, including agriculture and African countries can foster cial services providers, perennial
Heightened efforts will be made Ministry of Industry and Informa- conclusion of a key expo. and energy. greater integration in key sectors market heavyweights, contributed
to transform and upgrade tradi- tion Technology. They also said growing coopera- like manufacturing, agriculture, to Monday’s rally.

tional industries by leveraging Pan Helin, co-director of the Digi- tion between the two sides will cre- infrastructure and technology. A-share insurance companies
advanced technologies, re-engi- tal Economy and Financial Innova- ate a conducive environment for Such integration, she said, can reported the biggest daily increase of
neering the industrial foundation tion Research Center at Zhejiang businesses to expand their opera- lead to increased productivity, 4.63 percent on average. Bank shares
and tackling key issues in major University’s International Business tions, thus creating jobs, fostering billion improved efficiency and enhanced rose 1.45 percent on average, while
technologies and equipment, School, underlined the importance growth and driving green develop- value of agreements for 120 competitiveness for businesses stock prices of securities brokerages
while shoring up weak links in of stepping up support for micro, ment. projects signed during the operating in both sides. rose 1.38 percent.
industrial chains, Zheng said. small and medium-sized enterprises Both China and Africa can work expo in Changsha These moves will also help Afri- Other market heavyweights,
He said China should advance and further optimizing the business toward win-win as China’s remarka- can economies reduce vulnerability such as listed airport management
high-level opening-up, further environment, given that enterprises ble success in pursuing high-quality They also said the platform has to external shocks and strengthen providers, reported an average
attract foreign investment, support have played a prominent part in development and achieving sus- helped expand trade relations their resilience, said Zhou. increase of 4 percent, while shares
enterprises to enhance their capaci- driving technological innovation. tained economic growth can inspire between China and African coun- Apart from exporting construc- of hotel companies climbed 3.95
ties in global operations and take an “Faced with increasingly fierce African countries, said Ashish Shah, tries, facilitating valuable exchanges tion machinery like excavators percent.
active part in formulating interna- international competition, the director of country programs at the and fostering mutual growth. and bulldozers to Africa, Zoom-

tional economic and trade rules. construction of a modern industri- Geneva-based International Trade Solomon Telila, minister of the lion Heavy Industry Science and
Zheng also stressed the efforts to al system is of great significance to Center, at a seminar during the third embassy of Ethiopia in Beijing, Technology Co Ltd plans to ship
promote the in-depth integration push the manufacturing sector China-Africa Economic and Trade said China has notable advantages more agricultural machinery to
of digital and real economies, accel- toward higher-end, smarter and Expo, which concluded in Chang- in the field of new energy and promote the modernization of trillion yuan
erate the industrialization of digi- greener production, and inject sha, the capital of Hunan province, stands well-positioned to assist agriculture in Africa this year, total trading value of the
tal technologies and the digital strong impetus into China’s eco- on Sunday. African nations in establishing var- said Wang Yongxiang, vice-presi- Shanghai and Shenzhen
transformation of industries, and nomic recovery,” Pan said. Agreements for 120 projects val- ious renewable energy projects, dent of the Changsha-headquar- bourses on Monday
establish digital industrial clusters Li Dongsheng, chairman of con- ued at $10.3 billion were signed including solar power plants, wind tered engineering equipment
with global competitiveness. sumer electronics maker TCL Tech- during the four-day expo, accord- farms and hydropower initiatives. manufacturer.
China’s emphasis on speeding up nology Group Corp, said, “China’s ing to the organizers. And 99 coop- These collaborative endeavors China-Africa trade soared more The Caixin China General Manu-
the building of a modern industrial manufacturers should transition eration projects valued at $8.7 hold the potential to enhance the than 16 percent year-on-year to facturing Purchasing Managers’
system underpinned by the real from exporting products to export- billion were announced, including quality of life of people in Africa 822.32 billion yuan ($113.52 billion) Index, which updated its numbers
economy will help improve the ing industrial capacities, ramping up 74 big-ticket projects involving 11 while contributing to the conti- in the first five months of this year, on Monday, came in at 50.9 for
resilience of its industrial and sup- localized operations abroad and African countries — the highest nent’s energy security, said Telila. data from China’s General Adminis- June. Though the reading fell from
ply chains, strengthen the capacity speeding up their layouts in overseas number ever recorded. Agreed Simplex Banda, Malawi’s tration of Customs showed. 51.3 in May, it has remained in
to buffer against external risks and markets to cope with changes in the The event attracted 1,700 foreign minister of trade and industry. expansion territory for a second
shocks, and gain a competitive edge global economic landscape and ris- and over 10,000 domestic attend- “Malawi is prioritizing new energy Contact the writers at consecutive month.
in strategically important fields, ing trade protectionism.” ees — another record. The cumula- and mining sectors for investment. The better-than-expected Caixin
PMI data in June translated into an
overall buoyant sentiment on the
Fonterra to expand into A-share market on Monday and
may lead to a bullish stock market in
July, said Li Daxiao, chief economist
Logistics activity
picks up pace in June premium dairy segment of Yingda Securities.
Listed carmakers surged 4.34 per-
cent on average, with these compa-
China’s logistics sector expand- nies witnessing the biggest daily
ed at a faster pace in June as By WANG ZHUOQIONG Free Trade Agree- capital inflow of 2.35 billion yuan on
market demand and business ment and the Monday.
operations improved, industry Regional Compre- According to data released by the
data showed on Monday. The Fonterra Group, a New Zealand- hensive Economic China Automobile Dealers Associa-
index tracking the country’s based dairy and nutrition multina- Partnership pact tion on Friday, 1.85 million passen-
logistics market performance tional corporation, said it will came into effect. ger cars were sold in June, 5.7
stood at 51.7 percent last month, expand its China business into pre- “The Chinese percent higher than the month
up 0.2 percentage point from mium categories to serve health- market is incredi- before.
May, according to the China conscious consumers. Peter McBride bly dynamic and Whole-year sales of passenger
Federation of Logistics and Pur- Fonterra executives said the com- is strategically cars are expected to grow positively
chasing. A reading above 50 pany will focus on lower-tier cities important to Fonterra. The bilater- A view of the booth of Fonterra Group during an expo in Shanghai. this year, the association said.
indicates expansion, while a and on enhancing innovations, to al cooperation continues to create PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY Analysts from Shenyin Wanguo
reading below reflects contrac- encourage consumption of cheese exciting new products to cater to Securities said a price war waged by
tion. Most subindexes edged up and butter at restaurants in China. the changing tastes of consumers carmakers has started to subside
in June. Peter McBride, chairman of Fon- in China,” he said. to continue to do so, said Teh-Han pops and even cheese dumplings. since April and pent-up demand
terra, who visited Beijing and Fonterra’s presence in China Chow, Fonterra Greater China CEO. Other examples include our from consumers is likely to be
300 supercharging Shanghai last week as part of a spans consumer brands, food and According to the China Agricul- ‘Cheese Pro’ products, which are a released.
business delegation accompanying ingredients. The third-quarter ture Outlook 2023-32 published by mix of cream and cheese, and help Combined with a number of stim-
stations in pipeline New Zealand Prime Minister Chris results for its financial year 2022-23 the Ministry of Agriculture and customers to save time when mak- ulus measures, car consumption will
South China’s Shenzhen, Guang- Hipkins, hailed “healthy” bilateral showed its normalized earnings Rural Affairs in May, the country’s ing tea macchiatos,” Chow said. pick up, benefiting shares of automo-
dong province, has announced ties between the two sides. before interest and tax for the Chi- dairy sector has maintained a Such innovations and localization tive companies.
plans to construct 300 new He said: “We have benefited nese market were 342 million New strong momentum of growth. The reflect Fonterra’s research capabili- Trading in new energy firms
supercharging stations over the greatly from the healthy bilateral Zealand dollars ($210 million), up 12 report forecasts dairy consumption ties, he said. This year, Fonterra remained active, with nearly 1.35
next three years in a bid to fur- relationship between China and percent year-on-year on the back of in China to reach 60.98 million opened its fifth Fonterra Application billion yuan of capital inflow seen
ther facilitate charging for new New Zealand. China is a vast mar- reduced tariffs on liquid milk, butter metric tons this year, up almost 4 Centre in China. The facility in on Monday.
energy vehicles. The announce- ket, a growing economy in pursuit and cheese under the New Zealand- percent year-on-year. The number Shenzhen, Guangdong province, fol- Shares of glass fiber provider
ment was made at International of high-quality development, and China FTA, which took effect on Jan is expected to climb to 79.02 tons by lows those in Beijing, Shanghai, Shandong Jinjing (Group) Co Ltd
Digital Energy Expo 2023, where provides ample opportunities to 1, 2022, the company said. 2032 at average annual growth rate Chengdu in Sichuan province and and wind power equipment suppli-
the city also debuted its first ful- New Zealand companies, including The company has now priori- of 3.3 percent. Guangzhou in Guangdong province. er Dajin Heavy Industry surged by
ly liquid-cooled supercharging Fonterra, in expanding our pres- tized the introduction of high-qual- Chow said Chinese consumers In response to the rising demand the daily limit of 10 percent.
demonstration station. The pro- ence and success in this market.” ity nutritious dairy products from have recognized the benefits of for health- and wellness-related A-share prices of new energy
posed construction project is Since the signing of a bilateral New Zealand into the China mar- dairy in terms of not only nutrition products in China, Fonterra has companies have been overly
part of a broader initiative to free trade agreement in 2008, New ket. “Our strategy is to sell premi- but also taste. developed new products like its slashed in recent months and the
establish Shenzhen as the “City Zealand’s dairy exports to China um dairy to more people, online “We are always looking at inno- new brand Nutiani, and probiotics sector is expected to bounce back,
of Supercharging” by 2030. have grown from 6 percent of total and in-store,” McBride said. vative ways of using dairy products and protein drinks launched last said Wang Liying, chief wealth
exports to over 30 percent now. Dairy consumption in China has in local cuisine such as cream year, which seek to boost immunity consultant at Orient Securities in
XINHUA - CHINA DAILY Last year, the China-New Zealand grown significantly and is expected cheese, tea macchiatos, cheese lolli- and cognition. Beijing.
14 | Tuesday, July 4, 2023 CHINA DAILY

Red Hat bullish
on market of
open source
US firm to offer digital solutions, help
Chinese partners become IT self-reliant
By CHENG YU of open-source software exceeded 8 million as of April, ranking only
behind the United States.
China has become not only one of Data from CSDN, a leading devel-
the world’s most vibrant open- oper community in China, showed
source communities but an impor- the number of Chinese developers
tant contributor to the global open- registered last year was 35 million.
source ecosystem, said Victor Tsao, Up to 94 percent of them use open
president of Red Hat, a US-based source and 42 percent have partici-
open-source solutions provider. pated in open-source projects.
“To help China’s open-source “The Chinese market is full of
development, we will offer local opportunities,” Tsao said. “More
companies with digital solutions Chinese companies have gradually
that can help them achieve self-reli- realized the value and openness of
ance in information technology and open source and only when they
ensure the safety of related industri- embrace it can they give birth to
al chains,” Tsao said. more technological innovations.”
Open source, Red Hat, whose business includes
which anyone can hybrid cloud infrastructure, middle-
inspect, modify and ware and cloud-native application
share, creates shar- and covers 40 countries and regions,
Employees load anchovies for export to China at a facility in Kwale, Kenya. WANG GUANSEN / XINHUA ing and openness in has supported Chinese companies in
software develop- a variety of industries, such as manu-
ment. It is consid- facturing and finance.

Kenyan fishermen upbeat over exports to China ered a driver of Victor Tsao
software technology
and industrial innovation worldwide.
“More opportunities will arise as
the country has striven to build an
open-source ecosystem and is beef-
“No company can ignore the Chi- ing up efforts in driving the digital
NAIROBI — Braving an early gear to help improve the volumes In January 2022, Kenya and nese market. It’s not only an impor- economy,” he said.
morning chill that swept over a of our catch.” China signed two protocols tant open-source market but a Wang Huaimin, an academician at
scenic beachfront in Kenya’s coast- He said he is currently able to aimed at facilitating bilateral critical contributor to an innovative the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said
al county of Kwale recently, Abdi Now that we have supply 3 to 4 metric tons of ancho- trade in avocados and aquatic open-source ecosystem,” Tsao said. in a note that China has developed
Dura offloaded a bucket full of secured a new vies daily to the processing factory products, setting the stage for the “The market is home to a large rapidly in the global open-source eco-
anchovies, locally known as dagaa, established by Huawen Food, cush- export of anchovies, popular number of open-source profession- system and has transformed from a
onto a waiting truck for delivery to market for the small ioning him from market volatility worldwide for their rich nutrient als who have been increasingly con- participator to a leader in terms of
a processing factory in a nearby fish, we expect our locally. content. tributing software and industrial global open-source development.
village. Granted permission by Chinese Daniel Mungai, director-general innovations for global technological The country has highlighted the
The 30-year-old father of two, income to increase Customs authorities to export of the Kenya Fisheries Service, said advancement.” role of open source in driving the
who was born into a fishing family and look forward to sun-dried and frozen anchovies by securing a new market in China The US company earlier said it software industry and the construc-
in a village on the shores of the to the Asian nation, Huawen Food for its anchovies, the country’s plans to build a new data center in tion of a digital China in its 14th Five-
Indian Ocean, said venturing into purchasing new has forged a partnership with economy stands to gain from new China this year, to gather data for Chi- Year Plan (2021-25) for the software
the deep waters in search of ancho- fishing gear to help local fishermen to facilitate a foreign exchange earnings. nese language courses. It will also and information technology services
vies, a popular delicacy along the seamless supply of the small fish Mungai said Kenya looks for- invest to support the country’s open- sector.
Kenyan coast, has always felt sur- improve the volumes caught in the Indian Ocean, said ward to cooperation with China in source ecosystem as well as the boom- By 2025, China aims to build two
real. of our catch.” Liu Zhiyong, the firm’s executive order to boost value addition on ing digital transformation market. to three open-source communities
Currently, Dura is among hun- director. anchovies and revitalize the entire According to the Ministry of with international influence and
Abdi Dura, a fisherman based
dreds of fishermen in Kwale who Liu said the factory, upon com- fisheries subsector that contributes Industry and Information Technolo- cultivate more than 10 high-quality
in Kwale, Kenya
are supplying anchovies to Hua- pletion of the two phases of devel- 0.5 percent to the country’s gross gy, the number of Chinese developers open-source projects, the plan said.
wen Food (Kenya) Export Process- opment, is expected to process domestic product.
ing Zone Ltd, a Chinese firm that about 200 tons of anchovies daily, Rishadi Iki Hamisi, the
has established a factory for pro- the China-Africa Economic and boosting revenue streams for local 70-year-old chairman of a fisher-
cessing, drying, and packaging the Trade Expo held from June 29 to fishermen. men’s lobby in Kwale that has
small fish in a serene village on the July 2 in Changsha, capital of Cen- Mohamed Salim, 56, said since inked a deal with Huawen Food to
edge of Kwale. tral China’s Hunan province. entering into a partnership with supply anchovies, hailed the
Huawen Food recently facilitat- Earlier, on hand to witness the Huawen Food to supply anchovies opening of a Chinese market for
ed the export of the first batch of flagging-off ceremony were Dura to the company’s factory, his the small fish, describing it as a
dried anchovies to China at a cere- and his fellow fishermen, who income has been on an upward tra- “watershed moment” for coastal
mony graced by senior officials, cheered the move, as they always jectory. With 36 years of experience fishermen yearning for economic
investors, and local fishermen. look forward to improved revenue as a fisherman, Salim said the vitality.
Salim Mvurya, Cabinet secretary streams. export of anchovies to China is a Mwanamgeni Juma, a 28-year-
for the Ministry of Mining, Blue “It is an exciting moment to giant stride that marks the begin- old mother of one, said attending
Economy and Maritime Affairs, witness the maiden export of ning of transformed livelihoods for the flagging-off ceremony of the
termed the inaugural shipment of anchovies to the Chinese mar- local fisherfolk and their depend- first batch of anchovies destined
anchovies sourced from local fish- ket,” Dura said. “Now that we ents. for China has reassured her that
ermen “a historic moment for the have secured a new market for “It is my hope that the export of the economy of her fishing village
country”. the small fish, we expect our anchovies to China will be sus- will be revived.
The first batch of anchovies was income to increase and look for- tained and open new opportunities Visitors gather at the Red Hat booth during a high-tech expo in
showcased at the third edition of ward to purchasing new fishing for local fishermen,” Salim said. XINHUA Shanghai in June. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, July 4, 2023 | 15

Northeast city shows way in seafood trade
Landlocked Hunchun in Jilin province develops its marine economy to become key export-import hub

By ZHU WENQIAN in Beijing and nism with railways, Customs, and

LIU MINGTAI in Changchun other organizations to continuously
improve the level of opening-up.
Previously, Wang Jindong never This has led to a one-hour Customs
imagined making a living selling clearance in advance at highway
seafood in a small landlocked city in ports and 24/7 Customs clearance at
Northeast China. But now, in a railway ports.
strange twist of fate, Wang has At the Hunchun Northeast Asia
become widely known in the sea- Cross-Border E-Commerce Indus-
food industry as the “king of king trial Park, a variety of products —
crabs”. including food, chemicals used in
“I traveled through numerous daily life, and unique handicrafts
port cities before finally settling from the Republic of Korea, Japan,
down in Hunchun. Despite being Russia and other countries — are for
remote, it is a land of treasure that sale.
faces eastward and has access to the “For many years, our company
Pacific Ocean,” the seafood mer- has been mainly processing seafood
chant said. products for import and export.
Hunchun is a city in the Yanbian Now, we would also like to expand
Korean autonomous prefecture our business through e-commerce
located in the eastern region of Jilin channels,” said Zhao Kuizheng, gen-
province. It is about 15 kilometers eral manager of Hunchun Xingyang
away from the Sea of Japan. Seafood Co Ltd, which is located in
The city, which achieved a break- the industrial park.
through by focusing on seafood From being approved as one of
trade, has vigorously developed its the first border cities to open up to
marine economy and has been the world in 1992 to the establish-
approved as the only national ment of a marine economic devel-
marine economic development opment demonstration zone in
demonstration zone that is not 2020, Hunchun has focused on
directly coastal. developing the marine economy
Hunchun has taken a unique path and expanding international
to development by leveraging its cooperation.
strengths and deviating from con- This trend has accelerated with
ventional norms. China’s further opening-up and the
Despite lacking direct access to Belt and Road Initiative.
mud flats, seaports, coastlines and Hunchun firmly believes that
other resources, the city, located at building more projects will serve as
the junction of China, Russia and a strong engine and foundation for
the Democratic People’s Republic of the growth of the marine economy,
Korea, is surrounded by several and the city has already embraced
high-quality Russian ports. new business opportunities.
This was just the right mix for An employee at a seafood trading company displays a king crab in Hunchun, Jilin province, in April. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY At Hunchun Laoji Food Co Ltd,
Wang, who seized the opportunity located in the Jilin Hunchun mutual
to establish the Hehe Seafood Co in trade goods landing and processing
the marine industrial park of the years, has sounded a clarion call for industrial base, workers are busily
Hunchun international cooperation “strengthening itself through the slicing, processing and packaging
demonstration zone. marine economy”. various seafood products.
King crabs caught in the deep sea In the process, Hunchun has These prepared dishes will soon
in Russia the night before are shaped a comprehensive industrial be shipped to regions nationwide,
shipped to Hunchun the next day chain that includes cold-chain sea- and consumers can easily enjoy a
and distributed to various regions in food trade and processing. seafood feast by simply heating up
China, helping Wang’s business to The city has attracted more than the dishes.
expand continuously. 20 aquatic processing companies Semi-cooked and quick-frozen
In 2021, his company imported and over 100 seafood trading Chinese food requires only simple
4,260 metric tons of king crabs and enterprises. reheating, and can be delivered with
other seafood products from Russia, In fact, the volume of live crabs extended quality guarantees. Such
achieving a trade value of 1.26 bil- that Hunchun imports from Russia food has become increasingly popu-
lion yuan ($173.7 million). accounts for about 80 percent of lar since the COVID-19 pandemic,
Despite being close to the sea, China’s total live crab imports from given that only minimum prepara-
Hunchun is not directly coastal. Russia, according to the local tion is involved.
It was once a border town known government. “Hunchun is blessed with abun-
as “the bottom of the pocket”, indi- “Hunchun will further speed up dant seafood resources, and the pro-
cating the underdeveloped state of the building of transportation infra- cessing industry has a strong
its infrastructure and the local structure connecting Northeast foundation. We have identified and
economy. Asia, and build itself into a national utilized such advantages. We have
However, with the opening of the logistics hub with ports bordering extended our business line and suc-
Changchun-Hunchun expressway, the land,” said Sheng Xiaoru, Party cessfully developed some 20 types of
the Changchun-Hunchun intercity chief of Hunchun. precooked seafood dishes, which
railway, and the resumption of the Last year, port throughput at have been highly popular in the
Hunchun-Makhalino railway Hunchun reached 3.92 million tons, A crane transports seafood containers at a railway port in Hunchun in March. YAN LINYUN / XINHUA market,” said Li Jing, a representa-
between China and Russia, Hun- up 22.6 percent year-on-year. Its tive of Hunchun Laoji Food.
chun has successfully implemented total foreign trade value was 15.3 bil- By 2031, annual sales of China’s
a strategy of utilizing nearby ports lion yuan, up 44.1 percent over the lion yuan, up 31.7 percent year-on- established several foreign shipping communication and cooperation ready-to-cook meal market are fore-
for sea trade. previous year and achieving a year, which accounted for 13.3 per- routes for domestic trade. It has channel linking Northeast China cast to exceed 1 trillion yuan, grow-
Hunchun’s foreign trade partners record high, said the local cent of the province’s total foreign shipped goods to major Chinese with the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei ing some 60 percent from 634.1
now cover 72 countries and regions government. trade value, the local government ports such as Ningbo, Zhejiang region, the Yangtze River Delta and billion yuan in 2026, according to a
globally, including Asia, Europe and In the first two months of this said. province; Qingdao, Shandong the Pearl River Delta. research report by CITIC Securities.
North America. year, despite relatively weak province; and Shanghai via the Port Meanwhile, Hunchun has further
The inland city, pushed to think demand globally, its total import Smooth Customs of Zarubino in Russia. enhanced the “smooth Customs Contact the writers at
outside the box over the past few and export value reached 3.16 bil- In the past few years, Jilin has This has become an important clearance” coordination mecha-

Self-heating hot pot set to make waves

By ZHANG XIAOMIN rants as well as convenience prod- exporting a self-heating hot pot in
in Dalian, Liaoning ucts sold in supermarkets. its overall package form is the heat- However, the cost of assembly in ing pack, a critical component that
Japan was much higher than in Chi- releases a flammable gas when it
Recently, a batch of packaged self- na due to higher labor costs. This comes in contact with water, said
heating hot pot products was prompted the company to seek a Wu Jinlian, general manager of Da-
shipped to Tokyo from a port in Jin- more efficient method of exporting lian Linghang International Logis-
pu New Area of Dalian, Liaoning its products. tics Co.
province. The successful seaborne ship- “The heating pack is classified as
This marked the first-ever sea- ment of the first batch of self-heat- a dangerous good for export. But,
borne shipment of Chinese self-heat- ing hot pot products in their entirety since there are clear international
ing hot pot products in their entirety. was a result of that strategy. shipping rules for heating packs, it
“Previously, self-heating hot pot “It expands our business. We used is not a problem to ship them sepa-
products were only exported as indi- to only provide part of the ingredi- rately,” said Wu.
vidual ingredients and heating ents. Now, vegetables, soup base, There are no clear regulations on
packs, which were shipped sepa- vermicelli, pickled vegetables, table- how to transport the assembled self-
rately from various ports in China ware, and heating packs are all heating hot pot products, which
and then assembled at the destina- transported from qualified suppli- contain both food and dangerous
tions,” said Zhang Lei, general man- ers across the country to Dalian, chemicals, she added.
ager of Dalian Maruyama Food Co. where they are assembled and With the help of staff from the
The company, which is based in exported by us,” said Zhang. Dalian section of China (Liaoning) Consumers check out self-heating products at a supermarket in Shanghai in January.
Wafangdian, Dalian, received certifi- Recently, self-heating hot pot Pilot Free Trade Zone, Wu contacted PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
cation from Japan’s Ministry of Agri- products have developed rapidly to Luo Wei, the research office director
culture, Forestry and Fisheries in satisfy picky palates in the form of of the Dalian dangerous goods
1995, and has been exporting meat instant meals. They are popular transport research center of Liao- Based on the solid test conclu- “With this identification, we can “Basically, nothing goes wrong.
products, such as chicken, pork and among youngsters in China, and ning maritime safety administra- sions, they determined the interna- find a suitable warehouse that can With the significant reduction of
beef, to Japan for over 20 years. demand for such exports is increas- tion, who has for long researched tional general safety transportation meet the storage requirements of production and logistics costs, the
Last year, it exported nearly 2,000 ing each year. safe transport technology of danger- requirements for the product and both dangerous items and animal resulting price advantage will fur-
metric tons of meat products, Self-heating hot pot requires no ous goods carried by ships. issued the first domestic identifica- goods,” said Wu. ther enhance the competitiveness of
including about 20 tons of beef, for a external heat source like fire or elec- “We purchased a dozen brands of tion report on the safe transporta- She said that since Japan’s Cus- self-heating hot pot products in the
well-known hot pot brand. tricity. When the components in the self-heating hot pot products, tion conditions of self-heating hot toms clearance requirements for international market,” said Wu,
In 2021, the company started pro- heating pack are mixed with a bottle repeated trials and tests and verifi- pot by sea. food and hazardous chemicals are whose company is currently work-
ducing beef hot pot packs for the of cold water, they release heat ade- cation, assessed their safety risks, Luo and her colleagues also went particularly strict, this batch of over- ing to export self-heating hot pot
brand, specifically for its Japanese quate for cooking the food. and constantly optimized the cargo to the product assembly workshop all packaged goods has not yet been products to the Republic of Korea
market, where it has hot pot restau- One of the biggest challenges in transportation plan,” said Luo. and packing site for guidance. cleared. and Southeast Asia.
16 | Tuesday, July 4, 2023 CHINA DAILY

here is a household prov- shared their personal experiences,
erb in China which says: which injected the story with a
“Water and fire could nev- depth that explores how people
er tolerate each other”. from different cultures handle
However, Elemental, the latest Dis- their differences, and sometimes,
ney and Pixar animated film, makes frictions.
it possible. Cultural metaphors are preva-
Premiered as the closing film of lent throughout the movie.
the 76th Cannes Film Festival earli- Lumen’s parents, also immigrants
er this year, the tale was released from a remote city belonging to the
simultaneously in China and North Fire “race”, take a ship voyage to
America on June 16. begin a new life in Elemental City.
Blending bold imagination with Despite growing up in a culturally
universal themes like family connec- diverse environment, Lumen is
tion and parenting, the 102-minute asked to make a promise to marry a
movie fictionalizes a fantastic fellow Fire member before her
metropolis where four “races” — grandmother passes away.
with each representing one of the This scene is inspired by the real-
four natural elements: fire, water, air life experiences of the director.
and earth — live together. Sohn’s parents emigrated from
Due to their differing characteris- South Korea to the United States in
tics, the daily lives of the residents the 1970s and held a family belief
are always filled with unpredictable that Sohn, who was born and raised
and fun-filled events. For instance, if in New York, should marry a wom-
the Fire members get exposed to an of Korean descent.
rain, their flame-like hair might be “It was crazy when I was in high
extinguished, but they can quickly school. When my grandmother was
reignite themselves and regrow passing away, we were all around
their hair. her. She suddenly said in Korean:
Ember Lumen, a 20-something ‘Marry a Korean!’ And then she
member of the Fire “race”, lives passed away. It created a lot of pres-
with her immigrant parents and sure for me growing up, especially
helps run their grocery store. How- when I fell in love with someone
ever, trouble ensues when she loses who wasn’t Korean,” recalls the
her temper one day and accidental- director, whose wife is an Italian-

Mixing the elements

ly causes a fire in the basement, American.
which leads to a burst water pipe. As Sohn has transferred his
As a result of the accident, Lumen youthful memories into inspiration
meets Wade Ripple, a health for the movie, he has also faced
inspector from the Water “race” many challenges in visualizing the
who is unexpectedly sucked into Elemental City — a work of fantasy
the pipe. Despite their supposed that requires everything to be built
inability to touch and hug each oth- from scratch.
er, a romantic spark is ignited With inspirations from canal cit-
between the two. New Pixar film explores the challenges and triumphs of the immigrant ies like Venice and Amsterdam, the
movie assembled a team of over 50
experience in a multicultural society, Xu Fan reports. special effects artists. They were
divided into two teams, with one
When you pitch your group responsible for creating big
action scenes, such as explosions or
ideas or tell a story, floods, and the other group in charge
having supportive yet of bringing the characters to life.
“Every piece of fantasy starts
critical people around from something real, and this was
you can be our biggest challenge. We built
brick by brick a city which I would
invaluable, regardless call an immaculate reality,” says
of whether the idea is Sohn.
Beyond its stunning visuals, the
good or bad.” film explores a timeless and relata-
Peter Sohn, American director ble theme: the conflict between fol-
lowing one’s dreams and fulfilling
one’s parental obligations. Despite
The movie’s Chinese version, her father’s wishes for her to take
which has pop idol Wang Yuan sing over the family grocery store after
the end credit song, casts actress he retires, Ember Lumen, who has
Song Zu’er and actor Zhang Xin- a natural talent for art, yearns to
cheng to voice for the two protago- explore the world beyond.
nists. Sohn says that Ripple, the Water
During an interview with China man, growing up in a vastly differ-
Daily, director Peter Sohn says that ent environment that allows him to
his original idea for the story start- pursue his dreams, creates a con-
ed seven years ago when he drew a trast that helps the audiences con-
little doodle and became fascinated nect with the female protagonist’s
with the concept of how fire and struggles and encourages them to
water could be connected. reflect on their own pursuits.
After pitching his idea to deci- For the veteran filmmaker, who
sion-makers and fellow animators has worked in Pixar for more than
at Pixar Animation Studios, the vet- two decades, the most valuable
eran director, who has been work- thing is that the artists could share
ing there since 2000, recalls that their ideas in a safe environment.
they were intrigued by his pitch but “When you pitch your ideas or tell
did not entirely understand the a story, having supportive yet criti-
concept of the story. cal people around you can be invalu-
Throughout years of character able, regardless of whether the idea
and plot development, the movie Top: Pixar’s latest movie Elemental recounts the unlikely relationship between a woman from the Fire “race”, named Ember Lumen, and is good or bad,” he explains.
gathered input from more than 100 a man from the Water “race”, named Wade Ripple. Clockwise from above left: A poster for the movie. Elemental City is home to residents of
first- and second-generation immi- “races”, each representing one of the four natural elements, including the Earth “race”. A panoramic view of the city. Chinese pop idol Wang Contact the writer at
grants working at Pixar. They Yuan at the movie’s Shanghai premiere. Lumen joins a family dinner of the Water figures. PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, July 4, 2023 | 17


Pitch-perfect ode to the past

A fresh take on old rites and music steeped the Dragon Boat Festival in the sights and
sounds of tradition at the NCPA, Chen Nan reports.

or a moment, the concert The other 10 music works were all
hall of the National Centre named after one of the 12 funda-
for the Performing Arts, mental pitches, such as Taicu,
where works by Western Jiazhong and Nanlyu.
composers such as Beethoven and According to Zhao Cong, a veter-
Mozart are usually performed, was an pipa player and president of the
transformed into an imperial palace China National Traditional Orches-
of ancient China. tra, the 12 musical works were
Twelve yellow bronze bells were arranged based on the 12 funda-
hung on the back of the stage. Two mental pitches.
traditional Chinese-style folding “Some of the music works were
screens stood on the sides of the adapted from ancient Chinese
stage. music pieces and some were com-
Musicians clad in traditional Chi- posed by contemporary Chinese
nese clothes came onto the stage composers. The new arrangement
playing various musical instru- allowed the audience to enjoy music
ments, such as Chinese drums, bam- on the basis of the 12 fundamental
boo flutes, sheng ( Chinese free reed pitches,” says Zhao, adding that the
wind instrument) and guqin (the program took the orchestra about
seven-stringed Chinese zither), that three years to prepare.
originated centuries ago. Some of the music works are well-
On June 21 and 22, the China known to the audiences, such as A
National Traditional Orchestra, Moonlit Night on the Spring River, a
under the baton of conductor Liu signature pipa piece of the Chinese
Sha, performed two concerts at the classical repertoire, which is named
NCPA titled Ode to Huangzhong after a Tang Dynasty (618-907) poem
Dalyu. by Zhang Ruoxu, and the ancient
Huangzhong and Dalyu are the Chinese melody, Three Variations on
names fort two relative pitches of the Plum Blossom, which was origi-
the 12 fundamental pitches of Chi- nally conceived for the guqin.
nese music, also known as the 12 To provide the audience with an
laws of music, which are used for immersive experience, Tian Qinxin,
tuning purposes. It’s closely related Clockwise from top left: Noted pipa player Zhao Cong (center) at the concert Ode to Huangzhong Dalyu. The stage of the performance is a renowned theater director, who is
to liyue, or rites and music, a vital designed in the style of an imperial palace. Conducted by Liu Sha, the concert also features musical instruments of the ethnic groups in the the president of the National Thea-
part of Chinese traditional culture, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. tre of China, was invited to be the
as recorded in the Confucian clas- Below: A children’s choir singing at the concert. PHOTOS BY JIANG DONG / CHINA DAILY director of the concerts.
sic The Book of Rites which writes: “The concert is a combination of
“Music is an echo of the harmony different ways of presenting
between heaven and the Earth; and make harmonious sounds that the Chinese Ensemble, was com- ancient Chinese music, such as
rites or ceremonies reflect the could be played at grand ceremo- posed by Hao Weiya. It featured solo performances, ensembles, a
orderly distinctions in the opera- nies. He traveled to the mountains musicians of the China National large orchestra, vocals and dance.
tions of heaven and the Earth”. where he saw bamboo around him. Traditional Orchestra playing 10 My job is to not only let audiences
In olden days, rites and music He cut some of the reeds down and ancient Chinese musical instru- listen to the music but also see the
were believed to be essential for to various lengths and carved some ments, such as qing (chimes used as music from ancient China,” says
maintaining a harmonious and holes in them and began blowing. a percussion instrument in ancient Tian, noting multimedia technolo-
orderly society. They were promi- After modifying his bamboo pipes Chinese music), sun (Chinese pot- gy and the set created a space from
nent in big ceremonies and sacrifi- he discovered the 12 fundamental tery flutes) and xiao (Chinese verti- the past.
ces. pitches. cal end-blown flutes). Zhao says that the concert will
Legend has it that a man, named The concerts featured 12 music The second music work, titled tour overseas next year.
Ling Lun, who was in charge of the works that corresponded to the 12 Dalyu, composed by Gu Jianfen,
court’s music, was assigned by the fundamental pitches. The first was performed by a children’s choir Contact the writer at
ruler to explore the rules of music work, titled Huangzhong — Ode to and the orchestra.

Young talent injects new vitality into village

HANGZHOU — When he learned cement factories. And it boosted shaped like a key, and it relies on a preneurs a working environment haustible supply of talent resources
that Yucun village in Anji county, eco-tourism industry, and has today renewable photovoltaic power sys- and accommodation facilities. for the countryside.”
East China’s Zhejiang province, was become a model of China’s beautiful tem to offset carbon emissions. He says the community provides Zhang Hang, a digital nomad, and
recruiting “global partners” last countryside. Chen cooperated with the Shang- We came to Yucun apartments, youth hostels, digital his team opened their studio in
July, Anji native Chen Zhe decided In 2021, Yucun was named one of hai Animation Film Studio to install from the city because nomad communes and boutique Yucun last year, focusing on making
to return from Shanghai to his the “Best Tourism Villages” by the models in the cafe that were based homestay facilities for the young short videos. “We came to Yucun
hometown. United Nations World Tourism on characters from animations pro- we yearned for the people working in Yucun, with a from the city because we yearned for
“It’s pretty bold for a small village Organization. duced by the company, such as Mon- waters and green total of more than 4,000 beds availa- the waters and green mountains
to call for talent from all over the “Thanks to the program, Yucun key King Sun Wukong, Calabash ble. here,” he says. “Working in such an
world,” says Chen, who had been has entered a new stage of develop- Brothers and Black Cat Detective. mountains here. ...we Xu Song, owner of a digital idyllic environment, we have
working in brand marketing before ment, and its rural areas are becom- “It feels like Yucun is a laboratory have improved both nomad commune in the young tal- improved both our moods and
his move back home. ing more and more attractive to with many possibilities, and it can ent community of Yucun, says that working efficiency.”
Yucun is rich in quality limestone young people,” says the village’s Par- inspire the development of villages our moods and digital nomads — people who work Chen says that 10 percent of his
resources, and more than half of its ty chief Wang Yucheng. across China,” Chen says. working efficiency.” remotely and have professional cafe’s revenue this year will be
locals relied on quarrying in the When Chen returned home last “Rural revitalization depends on skills — are an important group for returned to Yucun as part of the vil-
1980s and ’90s. But as its environ- year, he had only planned to stay people, especially the younger gen- Zhang Hang, digital nomad, rural vitalization. His commune lage’s collective income.
in Anji county, Zhejiang
ment deteriorated and several peo- there for a day or two, but his visit eration with ideas and vitality,” says province
aims to gather young people in the Last year, Yucun received 700,000
ple lost their lives when mining for stretched to three months. During He Miao, Party chief of Tianhuang- village, bringing new blood into tourists, with its tourism revenue
limestone, the locals decided to that time, local authorities invited ping town which administers local development. totaling about 35 million yuan and
make a change. more than 60 young people, includ- Yucun. abroad to work and live in Yucun “Even before the construction of the per capita income of locals hit-
In June 2003, Zhejiang launched ing Chen, to work together to devel- She notes that since the village’s and surrounding villages. our commune has been completed, ting 64,000 yuan.
a “Green Rural Revival Program” op new business models for the global partners program was In order to support young people it had attracted more than 40 digital “We believe that hope for the
which aimed to renovate about village. launched, 42 projects have been starting businesses in Yucun, the nomads from across the country,” future lies in the youth, and we hope
10,000 incorporated villages and Chen opened a Chinese comic- introduced there, covering research local government proposed the Xu says. to work with them to build a more
transform about 1,000 central villa- themed cafe in the newly built youth and education, cultural creativity, establishment of a large community “A single room in the commune beautiful countryside and expand a
ges among them into examples of library in the village, in March, lead- the digital economy, and the agricul- of young talent. The Qinglaiji costs 2,000 yuan ($279) a month, new path of green development,”
moderate prosperity in all respects. ing a team with an average age of ture and forestry industries. The Project, which has a scale of more and a bunk in a room for six people says Wang, Party chief of Yucun.
In the two years afterward, Yucun under 30. The modern building, program has attracted over 1,100 than 30,000 square meters, will be only costs 400 yuan a month,” Xu
shut down limestone quarries and converted from a cement factory, is young people from home and open soon to provide young entre- says. “We are providing an inex- XINHUA
18 | Tuesday, July 4, 2023 CHINA DAILY

A career scripted in history
Oracle bone specialist innovates to bring her message to a wider audience, Yang Feiyue reports.

i Ying has her eyes wide developed more than 100 scripts,
open, apparently in shock, and the data traffic was steadily
as she points out the rarity increasing.
of her college background “But I sensed a lack of meaning
in oracle bone script studies. and value,” she says.
“You can’t possibly imagine how She eventually listened to her
obscure this profession is. Every- inner voice and launched her own
one who hears about my profession career.
reacts with this flabbergasted “I gave myself up to six months,
expression,” she explains with a and even if I failed, I figured it
theatrical look in one of her most wouldn’t be too late to find a job
popular videos on her Douyin again,” she says.
account. From the beginning, she made a
As she shares related embarrass- detailed schedule, with set goals.
ing moments, like being asked if “I wanted to use actions to prove
her graduation paper was written my seriousness,” she says.
in the form of oracle bone script, a In order to trace the origins of the
resigned smile appears. Chinese characters in use today, Li
For the rest of the 150-second vid- needs to spend time consulting dic-
eo, Li concisely explains the origin, tionaries, reading up on extensive
functions and significance of the literature and books, and then con-
ancient script and gives her audi- verting them into concise and
ence a comprehensive picture of accessible copy for only two or
the field. three minutes of delivery.
“Many of the words we use now One of the difficulties is to find
don’t have a counterpart in the oracle informative content.
bone script, which was mainly used “Currently, there are over 1,000
by official historians for divination characters unveiled, but not every
during the Shang Dynasty (c. 16th- character has a fascinating and
11th century BC),” explains Li, who engaging story behind it. There-
was born in Tonglu county, Hang- fore, I need to search through a
zhou, East China’s Zhejiang province. large amount of information to find
Nearly 160,000 pieces of scripted a suitable subject and an interest-
oracle bones have been discovered ing angle to talk about the charac-
over the past 120 years, and they ter,” she says.
are scattered among museums at Her efforts have paid off, as many
home and abroad, as well as librar- of her fans have urged her to
ies, and science and technology update her works.
institutes, according to He Yuling, a Chen Nianfu, professor from
researcher with the Institute of Zhejiang Normal University, says
Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Li’s efforts have helped to fill a void
Social Sciences. in the popularization of oracle bone
With sheer volumes that have script knowledge.
been discovered, the oracle bone As compared with other disci-
scripts have now been put into sev- plines, there are relatively few
eral categories for deeper studies, researchers specializing in oracle
including those on weather, hunt- bone script, and as a result, efforts
ing activities and sacrificial rituals, to promote the science among the
Li says. public are far from enough, Chen
One of the major approaches in says.
studying the language has been Lei Liming, professor from Zheji-
identifying the meaning of specific ang Gongshang University, believes
words, she adds. the popularity of Li’s video is not
“It’s extremely difficult, and accidental.
that’s why our country is offering “At the moment, there is a high
substantial prize money for those level of attention given to tradition-
who manage to decode an unsolved al culture, including oracle bone
word,” Li says. scripts and other ancient scripts,
Other study directions include which has become a common
analyzing the scripts’ grammatical awareness and shared concept
structure and interpreting their among the nation, society and the
content to better understand social public,” Lei says.
conditions of the past. “However, the dissemination of
The video was her first work, and oracle bone scripts and other
took her more than five hours to ancient scripts still relies mainly on
finish. traditional books, newspapers and
“I felt the initial draft was writ- work has made her determined to about choosing Chinese language Clockwise from top: Li Ying reg- would often gather at the profes- specialized databases, which are
ten in a too cryptic and specialized publicize the ancient words that and literature for her undergradu- ularly visits the library to study sor’s place, drinking tea and listen- not only expensive but also have
manner, overly difficult to under- have been very close to her heart. ate years at Zhejiang Normal Uni- oracle bone scripts and ancient ing to his stories about oracle bone limited reach and impact.”
stand, so I revised it word by word, So far, she has delivered more versity, where she then went on to history; preparing to film a short inscriptions. Lei considers the enjoyable and
sentence by sentence, ensuring than 40 videos that cast light on zoom in on oracle bone scripts for video publicizing oracle bone “These gatherings became our educational approach Li has
that every sentence could be oracle bone scripts in various her Master’s degree. scripts; Li (left) pays a visit to class time,” Li says. applied to appeal to the public wor-
understood by people not in the aspects. She was initially drawn to the her tutor upon graduation with a She says she spent most of the thy of promotion.
field,” she says. Her vivid explanations conjure mystery and poetic meaning fellow student; a book of oracle time reading and studying books At the moment, Li spends a con-
Moreover, she made a point of up images of the historical scenes behind the strokes of the ancient bone scripts helps her find recommended by the professor. siderable number of hours reading
interlacing her delivery with funny and seem to bring the hieroglyph- characters in her sophomore years. topics for short videos. “Every week, we would gather every day, and going to the muse-
emoji to make it more audience ics closer to modern life, as she “I was particularly interested in PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY with fellow students to exchange ums and secondhand book markets
friendly. demonstrates a ruler’s “love letter”, the origins of things at that time, ideas, present reports, and engage to get inspiration in integrating
To date, the video has received and ancient people’s anxiety so I chose the direction of oracle in discussions at our mentor’s ancient and modern knowledge.
more than 160,000 thumbs-up on toward body image. bone inscriptions,” Li says, adding home,” she says. “In a broader sense, oracle bone
her account, where she is known by “Many people find these charac- that they are the earliest and most “Looking back now, I find it quite script studies can grow our cultural
the alias Li Youxi and has more ters intriguing, because the forma- mature writing system discovered remarkable.” confidence, while on a personal lev-
than 220,000 followers. tion of characters at that time was in China to date and helped shed Everyone who hears Li soon met with another embar- el, it allows me to remain focused
“It was the middle of the night inherently interesting,” Li says. another 1,000 years of light on about my profession rassing situation after graduation on a subject that I truly love and
when I finished filming,” she “By delving into those oracle history. last year. avoid being restless,” Li says.
recalls. inscriptions, we can get a glimpse However, there was only one (oracle bone script She found pertinent job opportu- “Currently, I consider myself
When she got up the next into the thoughts and culture of the professor at the university who studies) reacts with nities were slim pickings. more of a promoter, but my goal is
morning, the video was viewed people of that era … and perhaps specialized in the study of oracle Eventually, she landed a job to become a researcher in the field
more than 1 million times and also learn their wisdom in dealing bone inscriptions, and in that par- this flabbergasted being a short video director at a in the future.”
earned her more than 10,000 fans with mundane matters,” she adds. ticular year, Li was literally in a expression.” new media company in Zhejiang’s
overnight. Li has loved literature since high class of her own as a student. provincial capital Hangzhou. Contact the writer at
The sudden popularity of her school, and she didn’t think twice Students from different grades Li Ying, vlogger In the following months, she

Trip to the barber for a cut above the rest need not be hair-raising
Getting a haircut can be a hair- edge I gained about isometric or sideburns would look like. This is search churned out umpteen num- appointed time, I arrive at the and typing some instructions on
raising experience in China, espe- orthographic representation of the orthographic, or the angled, ber of photos of both Hollywood salon, and after an exchange of the translation app, such as “please
cially if you’re an expatriate, if it’s objects. The isometric view reveals view. and Bollywood celebrities with dif- pleasantries, I take my seat. keep it short, keep the sideburns
your first time and if you don’t as much detail as possible, while I have had some close calls in the ferent kinds of hairstyles. I ran- I shoot my usual instructions, and keep it uniform on all sides”.
know the language. the latter shows an object from a past, with some barbers trying to domly selected some of them and and I share no photos with them. Those were enough. Scissors and
The problem, certain angle. knock off the sideburns with a copied them onto my mobile photo “It’s the usual,” I tell either him or the razor did the rest.
though, is not insur- The first time I went for a hair- swish of the knife, or to “mow” it album. her in the local language or the lan- My haircut was finished in no
mountable. cut, I shared my photographs so it off with an electric razor. While I shared these pictures guage we both speak, and they time. A 10-minute haircut for 10
I managed to could give him a fair idea about my Timely intervention has averted with the hairstylist, I let him understand. yuan. The rating: Almost a perfect
devise a way to frontal appearance, current hair- imminent disaster several times. decide which one was good for me. I also don’t hesitate to point out 10!
explain to the barber style, the partition line, among oth- I’m not trying to imitate those rock After calling out meiyou, a couple when I’m not happy with the hair- With this, my search for a salon
Manjunath what kind of haircut er things. That, in a nutshell, is the stars of the ’60s or ’70s with side- of times, he finally gave his OK for cut. Some don’t like it, but some that can give a decent haircut
R. Setty I would need. isometric view for you. burns so long they would almost be the third photo. don’t mind it. seems to have ended. Otherwise, I
Second A background in I’m not a selfie person, but I’m touching the jawline. Mine are of But sadly, despite all the home- Meanwhile, in Beijing, I came was even contemplating a Yul
Thoughts engineering helps. glad I did have some photos of decent length, and not too thick or work, I realized I’m not happy with across a salon that gives a haircut Brynner look.
Not that I have one, myself on my mobile. thin. But, of course, I would like to the haircuts I’ve been getting. for an unbelievable price: 10 yuan The moral of the story: Commu-
but a few things I learned at school I had also taken selfies of my retain them. Compare that with my experi- ($1.39), thanks to a colleague who nication is the key.
during the sheet metal class seems hairstyle from different angles, Now for the rear hairstyle, whose ence back in India. I make an introduced me to it.
to be coming in handy. especially sideways, as I wanted photos I obviously could not take. appointment with a hairstylist I It entailed two things: scanning Contact the writer at
Take, for instance, the knowl- the hairstylist to know how my The solution: The internet. A quick am comfortable with. At the a QR code for making the payment
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, July 4, 2023 | 19


Pay dispute
S. Africa’s
World Cup
CAPE TOWN, South Africa —
A standoff between South Afri-
ca’s Women’s World Cup squad
and the national soccer associa-
tion over pay and other issues
forced officials to field a make-
shift team of little-known players
that included a 13-year-old for a
game against Botswana on
The game was supposed to be
the final warm-up match for the
African women’s champion on
home soil before it headed off to
the Women’s World Cup in Aus-
tralia and New Zealand, but it
turned into an embarrassment
on and off the field as the entire
World Cup squad sat out the
South Africa’s team of replace- Max Verstappen (left) celebrates his Austrian Grand Prix win with Red Bull teammate Sergio Perez, who finished third, following Sunday’s race in Spielberg. AFP
ment players hastily pulled
together from local clubs lost 5-0

Verstappen stays on track for title

to Botswana at Tsakane Stadium
near Johannesburg. They were
4-0 down at halftime in a game
that was delayed for an hour at
the request of the South African
Football Association (SAFA) so it
could scramble and put together Defending champion increases overall lead as tricky Spielberg circuit frustrates chasing pack
a team.
South Africa coach Desiree
Ellis said one of the players she Reigning Formula 1 champion race. “From the outside maybe it brought made me feel better. It’s “It’s been a bit of a rough patch for that is known to be particularly dif-
drafted in was aged 13. In a post- Max Verstappen continued his looks like a big risk, but when you’re looking good for the future,” Leclerc me so now hopefully we are back ficult to stay within the white lines.
match interview, Ellis didn’t relentless march toward a third in the car it doesn’t feel like a risk at said. “Obviously, there’s still a lot to and we can keep that consistency “Has he got a penalty yet?” Hamil-
comment on the problems. straight world title with another all,” Verstappen said. do, Max and Checo (Sergio) have a now.” ton asked about Perez, and contin-
The World Cup players only dominating win at the Austrian The victory also took the 25-year- lot of pace.” Red Bull has won all nine races, ued complaining about other
arrived at the match at halftime, Grand Prix on Sunday, far away old Dutchman onto 42 F1 wins over- Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton, all 11 when including the two sprint drivers going wide after his own
when they emerged to watch from the chaos behind him as multi- all, one ahead of the late Ayrton Ferrari’s Carlos Sainz Jr. and several races with Verstappen’s victory in penalty, forcing team principal Toto
from the stands. ple drivers were given time penal- Senna and alone in fifth place on other drivers received five-second Saturday’s sprint following Perez’s Wolff to intervene.
SAFA also didn’t immediately ties for going off track limits. F1’s all-time list. time penalties for going off track success in Azerbaijan. “The car is bad, we know, please
comment on what sparked the Verstappen started from pole Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc — last limits. After Aston Martin lodged a After a safety car came out briefly drive it,” Wolff said.
standoff but Thulaganyo Gao- position for the fourth straight race year’s winner here — finished 5.2 protest that some penalties had not at the end of Lap 1, Verstappen got Governing body FIA said it had
shubelwe, the president of the and notched his fifth straight win seconds behind Verstappen in sec- been imposed, the race classifica- away cleanly on the restart. not had enough time to complete all
South African Football Players and seventh in nine races so far this ond place, with Red Bull’s Perez tion changed as Sainz, Hamilton Hamilton, who had started well of its track-limit reviews during the
Union, said the incident was season. He increased his champion- placing third, 17.2 sec behind. and Alpine’s Pierre Gasly were given and was fourth in the early going, race and will recommend to the cir-
partly caused by poor pay for ship lead to 81 points over his Red But Verstappen’s winning margin additional five-second penalties. began struggling to control his car cuit to add a gravel trap at the exit of
the players. Bull teammate Sergio Perez. was shortened by his late pit stop on This moved McLaren’s Lando and started to go off track limits. Turns 9 and 10 where several of the
“They are fighting for their “I think our stints were perfect so his team’s home track in Spielberg. Norris up to fourth spot and Aston When a virtual safety car (VSC) track infringements occurred.
rights,” Gaoshubelwe said of the a great day, I enjoyed it a lot,” Ver- Making a clean start, he held off Martin’s Fernando Alonso into fifth, came out on Lap 15, most teams opt- Many drivers have called for grav-
South African players in a video stappen said. “I am just enjoying Leclerc on Turns 2 and 3 and easily while Sainz dropped from fourth to ed to make another tire change. But el to be added but the track owners
posted on his union’s official driving this car and racing for this regained the lead from him follow- sixth and Hamilton fell to eighth Verstappen and teammate Perez have been reluctant because the cir-
Twitter account. team.” ing a tire change at the halfway behind his Mercedes teammate stayed out. cuit also hosts a motorbike race in
“SAFA doesn’t want to So much so that he even got his point of the 71-lap race at the Red George Russell. Aston Martin’s “I could see already a few laps mid-August, and such a move would
include money in their con- way to come in two laps from the Bull Ring. Lance Stroll jumped up one position before the (VSC) that we were pull- be unpopular with MotoGP riders.
tracts. We must fight for the end for a shot at the fastest lap, “Most important to me was lap to ninth as Gasly fell to 10th. ing out quite a gap so I knew I would “The stewards very strongly rec-
rights of these players.” despite his team’s reluctance to take one, stay in front after that,” Verstap- Perez started 15th and passed get it back,” Verstappen said. “Just ommend that a solution be found to
Gaoshubelwe, who was the risk. Typically, he got the bonus pen said. Sainz with 10 laps left to collect his following our own plan was the best the track limits situation at this cir-
standing next to some of the point for it on the final lap to com- It was only Leclerc’s second podi- first podium since his second place way forward.” cuit,” was the FIA’s conclusion.
players outside the team hotel plete a perfect weekend after his vic- um of the season, but put him in at the Miami GP two months ago. Drivers kept going wide of track
in the video, said their com- tory from pole in Saturday’s sprint optimistic mood. “The upgrades we “It’s a good comeback,” Perez said. limits on the 4.3-kilometer circuit AGENCIES VIA XINHUA
plaints had been “dismissed” by
SAFA. He was also seen in dis-
cussions with the players and CYCLING
accompanied them to the stadi-
um when they turned up at half-
Gaoshubelwe claimed SAFA
president Danny Jordaan was to
Tour’s increasingly bumpy ride puts safety in spotlight
blame for the standoff.
South Africa’s sports minister, VITORIA-GASTEIZ, Spain — might earn him a blockbuster con-
Zizi Kodwa, said in a statement Mark Cavendish and the bulked-up tract and his team a new advertising
he would be meeting with the fast men were due to dispute the deal. The most determined riders
players’ union on Tuesday “to first bunch sprint of the Tour de pursue victory regardless of danger.
hear the serious concerns France at Bayonne on Monday in an
expressed by the team”. ever more dangerous competition. ‘Switch off your brain’
The meeting would be about While the death of Gino Maeder on “In a bunch sprint even though
the players’ “welfare” and issues the Tour of Switzerland last month the risks are high you need to switch
related to their contracts, Kod- was a reminder of the dangers of off your brain. If you don’t you have
wa added. high-speed mountain descents, fren- no chance,” said Axel Zingle of the
The squad is due to fly to New zied sprint finishes on flat city-center Cofidis team.
Zealand in two groups on Tues- roads have always carried the risk of The death of Swiss cyclist Maeder
day and Wednesday. spectacular crashes. brought not only safety into the
The South African Broadcast- In recent years, as the urban envi- spotlight but also the behavior in
ing Corporation reported that ronment has become a slower, safer the peloton.
players were also annoyed that place for casual cyclists, one of the “Falls are often caused by the rid-
their farewell game before the culprits increasing the risk for the ers themselves,” Dutch star Mathieu
World Cup was held at Tsakane professionals is the bike lanes them- van der Poel said this week.
Stadium, which holds just 5,000 selves. “With Gino it looks like it was
people and is not a high-profile And that is causing concern for sheer bad luck though.”
soccer venue. the Tour de France which tradition- Tour organizers are working with
The players viewed that as a ally finishes with high-speed laps urban authorities to temporarily
mark of disrespect from their through the glamorous center of remove as much of the road furni-
national soccer association, the Paris. ture as possible.
SABC reported. “It’s getting more difficult to orga- The peloton powers up a hill during stage two of the Tour de France from Vitoria-Gasteiz to San Sebas- “But we can’t tear everything
SABC and other television nize finish lines in town centers,” tian in Spain on Sunday. Victor Lafay won the stage as Adam Yates retained the yellow jersey. REUTERS down,” ASO said.
networks broadcast images of Tour de France race designer Thier- Tuesday’s stage-four finish is on a
the World Cup squad members ry Gouvenou told AFP. motor racing circuit at Nogaro, but
standing around outside their Thrilling finales in downtown 96 speed bumps, a race record. And “In daily life this is just the ticket, likelihood of a high-speed crash those kinds of finales are less
team bus at a hotel shortly areas are hugely popular with fans the pack will continue to find obsta- but for cycle racing it doesn’t make when the speeds tip toward 80 kph attractive to fans and TV viewers.
before the game was due to kick and provide a televisual spectacle to cles in its path after crossing the bor- an easy fit,” said Prudhomme. approaching the finish. Races will end up finishing in
off. SAFA CEO Lydia Monyepao rival the Tour’s summit showdowns der on Monday. More and more bike lanes and “Since COVID there has been an “supermarket parking lots”, said Ste-
was seen speaking with the in the mountains. “In a country such as France roads roundabouts are appearing. explosion of them and so much the phen Delcourt, manager of the FDJ-
players. Kerbs, roundabouts, traffic are not made for going fast any- “Local politicians need to mark better. But for us it’s one more obsta- Suez team and president of the
South Africa won the Wom- islands, speed bumps and the newer more, but to slow speeds down,” said their territory this way by showing cle,” says Gouvenou. UNIO, which works for safety in
en’s Africa Cup of Nations last phenomenon of cycling lanes, pro- former world champion Philippe voters they are doing something. Changes along Paris’ world-fa- women’s cycling.
year for its first major title, yet tected by a small ridge of concrete or Gilbert of Belgium. After every election there’s a new mous Champs Elysees and on Rue Meanwhile, roadside spectators,
the players have often com- stone, are all meant to slow traffic traffic island filled with flowers de Rivoli, which now has a bike-lane armchair fans and cyclists alike, will
plained that they aren’t given the and create a safer urban environ- ‘Mark their territory’ along the road,” grumbles Philippe divider down the middle, have orga- continue to hold their breath as the
recognition or benefits that the ment. Tour director Christian Prudhom- Mauduit, director of the Groupama- nizers in a cold sweat. peloton charges over obstacles
men’s team gets. The opening stage of this year’s me says road furniture is “doubling FDJ team. The pressure increases in the Tour toward the finish.
Tour, around Bilbao in the Basque in presence every six or seven years The omnipresence of road furni- de France. A rider can dine out for
AGENCIES VIA XINHUA Country on Saturday, bounced over along the Tour route”. ture has massively increased the life on one stage win and that win AFP
20 | Tuesday, July 4, 2023 CHINA DAILY


Tightening her grip on greatness

Zhang Weili looks to cement legacy as China’s UFC champ steps back into Octagon for latest title defense

ith the Ultimate Fighting Championship
expected to imminently confirm its return
to China, reigning strawweight queen
Zhang Weili is determined to keep hold of
her belt and bolster mixed martial arts’ soaring momen-
tum in her homeland.
Back on top again in one of the most competitive wom-
en’s divisions, the superstar is opening a new chapter of
her storied career, with renewed focus on extending her
supremacy and helping to accelerate MMA’s move into
China’s sports mainstream.
The mission got underway on Monday as she departed
for combat sports capital Las Vegas to prepare for the
first defense of her second reign against Brazilian chal-
lenger Amanda Lemos — an opponent Zhang has long Bantamweight prospect Song Yadong will fight at
held in high esteem. UFC 292 in Boston on Aug 19. GETTY IMAGES
“I remember watching her fight a few years ago when
she was not even ranked. I felt back then that she was Lemos, aka “Amandinha”, is considered a sizable
capable of climbing the ranks, because of her punching underdog against Zhang but is predicting a fierce battle.
power and her impressive movement,” Zhang said of Lem- “Weili is very dangerous, so I have to stay alert to all
os in an online interview last week. her moves,” Lemos (13-2) told MMA Fighting’s recent
“Somewhere and somehow I felt we would meet in the Trocacao Franca podcast.
future and here we are.” “We’re studying her explosiveness in training. It’s
But while Zhang clearly rates and respects Lemos, she going to be a super tough fight. We’ll give our all in there.
is confident of ultimately seeing off the challenger when She wants her belt, I want that belt for myself, so it defi-
they meet in the co-main event of UFC 292 in Boston on nitely won’t be left in the hands of the judges.”
Aug 19.
“Amanda is a very complete fighter, but I’m even bet- ‘Exciting moment’
ter,” said Zhang, who dethroned American veteran Carla UFC 292 will feature another Chinese talent — men’s
Esparza via a second-round submission in New York in bantamweight fighter Song Yadong, who will square off
November to recapture the 115-pound (52-kilogram) belt. against American Rob Font in a preliminary 135-pound
“I’m bracing myself for all possible scenarios and per- bout.
fecting my all-around craft — striking, grappling and Song (20-7) has won four of his last five fights and is
wrestling. ranked eighth in the division. The “Kungfu Monkey” is
“Yet I am preparing for and fighting against only one looking to leapfrog the seventh-ranked Font to establish
opponent — myself. I believe I can retain the belt against himself as a potential title challenger in his next bout.
any challenger as long as I deliver my best in a bout.” “We have a big and exciting moment next month with
Schooled in the traditional sanda, or Chinese kickbox- UFC 292 featuring two of our biggest stars Weili and Ya-
ing, system, “Magnum” Zhang, who holds a 23-3 record dong from China,” Kevin Chang, UFC senior vice-presi-
with 11 KOs, shot to fame in August 2019 when she wrest- dent and head of UFC Asia, told China Daily in a recent
ed the strawweight belt off another Brazilian fighter, Jes- interview.
sica Andrade, with a TKO win in Shenzhen, Guangdong “Weili is defending her belt against a very tough oppo-
province. nent in Lemos but feels confident as ever. She’s a beast
She lost the crown in her second defense to American and she has a global fan following because of her style.
challenger Rose Namajunas two years later. However, a It’s pretty obvious from her recent performances to say
second straight win against former titleholder Joanna the least.
Jedrzejczyk of Poland with a spectacular KO secured with “We’re confident of seeing some impressive things
a spinning backfist last June landed her a second shot at from her again.”
the title, then held by Esparza. Chang anticipates Song’s bout could be another step
Been there, been knocked down and now back strong- for the bantamweight on the road to becoming the first
er — but Zhang says her evolution as a fighter is not just male Chinese world-title challenger in UFC.
about the work she puts in at the gym. “Yadong is right on the cut of title contention, and with
“I’ve become calmer, not just as an athlete but as a a victory over Rob Font he might be next in line (for a
human being,” said Zhang, whose UFC career hit an all- title shot), just depending on that fight and how it goes,”
time low when she lost her rematch against Namajunas he said.
via split decision in November 2021. With Chinese stars performing well and the country
“After all the ups and downs, I’ve learned to always focus now open again for international sporting events, Chang
on myself and the present, and to not get carried away by indicated that a live UFC fight night in China is on the
any attention, praise or criticism from the outside. way.
“A fighter is powerful when she beats her opponent, “It’s still a bit too early for us to make any official
but one steps closer to greatness only after going beyond announcements, but you can expect to hear from us very
oneself. soon,” he said.
“I feel like I still have a lot of potential technique-wise “We have this huge pool of our next generation of Chi-
and physically to tap into even though I’ve won the divi- nese athletes and they need a chance to shine on the
sion twice. I’d like to try to go beyond myself and see China’s Zhang Weili will defend her UFC strawweight title against Brazil’s Amanda Lemos world stage and where better to do it than in China. So
where I can be.” when they square up in the co-main event of UFC 292 in Boston on Aug 19. GETTY IMAGES we do have big plans going forward.”

Get fit with UFC’s help!

The Ultimate Fighting Championship is sharing Shanghai. more people in scientific fitness through the spired fitness competition,” said Kevin Chang, “I think it goes much broader than that,”
its high-performance training expertise with the The competition is divided into three age mass media, stimulate their enthusiasm for UFC senior vice-president and head of UFC Asia. Chang said of the UFC’s investment in China
launch of a nationwide fitness contest in China. groups — 6-12, 12-16 and adult – and will feature sports, explore their sports potential and make “We also have expertise in training the non- including the establishment of the Shanghai PI.
The UFC, with support from Migu Co Ltd, a a variety of contests such as striking skills, wres- sports and fitness a part of public life,” said Hu technical aspects of all sports of which strength “We want to come in and lend our expertise in
subsidiary of China Mobile, recently announced tling test, reactions and grip strength test. Qin, secretary general of the China Martial Arts and conditioning are particularly relevant here … overall sports science in the various aspects of
a partnership with the General Administration of The series is aimed at raising awareness of Development Commission. We’ve trained countless elite-level athletes of all training for athletes of all disciplines to improve
Sport of China’s leisure sports administrative the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle, Recognized as a global standard-setter for sports disciplines, and this has contributed their chances of success.”
center to jointly host an MMA-inspired physical improving fitness levels among the Chinese pub- high-performance physical and rehabilitation greatly to how we’ve designed the format of the Migu, a major digital content aggregation plat-
fitness competition series. lic, and encouraging greater sports participation services, the UFC has designed the programs competition.” form, and China Mobile, the largest wireless car-
The first-of-its-kind series, featuring training of all ages and backgrounds. and tests, established the rules and scoring sys- The joint initiative to launch the fitness con- rier in China, will promote the competition via
methods and standards tailored for MMA ath- “In collaboration with China Mobile Migu and tem and provided the equipment for each event. test reflects the UFC’s commitment to not just their extensive platforms and by producing
letes, kicked off its opening leg in Chengdu on the UFC, the new ‘Comprehensive Physical Fit- “We know how to test and evaluate the vari- helping develop the country’s burgeoning MMA “compelling original content”.
Saturday and is scheduled to conclude its first ness Competition’ aims to make use of interna- ous techniques in our sport. And these have all scenes but also facilitating the entire sports and
season at the UFC’s Performance Institute in tional scientific training experience to engage been integrated into this mixed martial arts-in- fitness sector, Chang added. — SUN XIAOCHEN


Hoopsters aiming high in the villages of Xinjiang

Just as his idol Kobe Bryant did in court,” he said proudly. In addition, Yenge Awat has also who often livestreams the prepara- chance to compete in the Chinese interest-free loan, aiming to house
the NBA, Hazritili Emin is pursuing Nearby the court, swarming ven- embraced the power of the internet, tion of local food on social media. University Basketball Association no fewer than 100 sheep and 20 cat-
his passion on the basketball court dors sold fruit, cakes and noodles. with the village organizing a three- After finishing his game, Hazritili (CUBA) league. That might be the tle at the beginning.
— but for this young farmer, the “In the past, when our village hour livestream almost every even- bought a watermelon nearby and reason why he was chosen to repre- “I hope that I can pay back the
game is more about community organized basketball games, people ing to promote local specialties such shared it with his teammates. sent players taking an oath at the loan next year, and then I’ll think
than championship rings. from other villages were unwilling as walnuts and red dates. For him, the chance to shoot opening ceremony of his hometown about expanding the business,” Haz-
Hazritili is one of many hoops to join us, but now even people liv- “Through our livestreaming, more hoops with his old buddies played a competition. ritili said of his ranch.
enthusiasts participating in a com- ing far away are willing to come to people across China have learned big part in his decision to return to Hazritili joined the armed forces Hazritili also hopes to help his vil-
petition that recently tipped off in play here with us,” he said. about our specialties, and our vil- Yenge Awat. as a sophomore and resumed his lage team qualify for the regional
Bachu county, Kashgar prefecture in In the Uygur language, Yenge lage’s income has grown as well,” said “Now that we have a decent court studies two years later. When he competition finals to be held in
Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Awat means “new prosperity”, and Adil Amat, a young village leader. in our village, we are more motivat- graduated this summer, he decided Hotan prefecture in late July.
autonomous region. the village, which has 508 house- As Hazritili showcased his basket- ed to play basketball. Young villagers to return to Yenge Awat to run his Perhaps a bigger goal has already
Hazritili, a graduate of Xinjiang holds and a population of over ball skills, Raziye Amar, a Serikbuya prefer playing basketball to drinking own business, raising cattle and taken root in his mind — to compete
Normal University, was the star of 1,900, benefitted from the local gov- township official, was live-broad- and gambling,” said Hazritili. sheep. in the national “Gorgeous Country-
the show in a recent game, scoring ernment’s financial aid, training casting the game on a popular short- The 1.90-meter guard took up the “My family started cultivating side” tournament — better known
17 points to lead his Yenge Awat vil- programs and other business- video platform. sport in a rural primary school sheep in my childhood, so it’s not as the “CunBA” or “Village BA” — in
lage team to a 40-32 victory over a friendly policies. “After watching my live broadcast under the guidance of his uncle, unfamiliar to me,” he said. Southwest China’s Guizhou prov-
neighboring village. Yenge Awat has witnessed a rise and knowing there are basketball known locally for his prowess on the After setting up the cattle and ince in October.
“As the competition is held in my in livestock farming in recent years matches in Yenge Awat, they come court. Hazritili excelled in high- sheep sheds, Hazritili applied for a
village, I couldn’t wait to step on the and was lifted out of poverty in 2019. here to earn money,” said Raziye, school games and later earned the 300,000 yuan ($41,480), three-year XINHUA *

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