HMT A Part Questions

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1. What is (ondubian Aud tacnse 9 Houw does it dyper Pom

theut taase
Conduuton s the tunse o et faom one part a suhbstan
do ano kh prl he Sum Sebstanu

."foomy ore Subs tane o anotber tn physital contat wtto fb wftsout

Cuppge clable dsplaiu mant a osleutles

In khe case Conveckioy the het kraosfea ocees duu to the

bulb mVement oleelw whe cy inn Conutivg l e is no
cpeuaba duplaonenl
2 whub is
The scte 3.flao
Jo Hhe dixctig heut flw, and chanye in kenesekuee oth

a d
Q--kA dt bompocka gzdiwt

33 slate th asunplond on colach founies aw i bad.
1- Condubon heut talces plau undy sleudy gtate undthug

3 he dempelekue qladint cns lant

no indermal heut gcnwatws
The bunding suyeu au totlwonzl ih churete
Tae aleuiel s hoqentow and rsentpi
A. stke Some essental Reuituus feuues lao
s abplitake to all Matte
2lt is bel oo eapevimankel evdene ycannot be cened fn
frst prtcrolu

5 Heo is thmab condutrtly 4 mMakenal dlyad

" IE is the cunount
Untt au Cos time Cind unit hitoes ohen te duyerne

-Matenl stoutwe
2: Mostwe Content
3 Densthy q, the mtidl
A presswe cnd konpaukut
to) Cts- A fe
ene dper
bempeoetue ecnge cind koanger deut
eel popotunal
e to direet
ly Convetug
s by
lusw lons Neo
coovetun for
dt (Ry)
= yenurl In
cond Kio) Sesitbane
enduutur themoal 6 cw
knouwn Is
Ao Ru end deanalagus
o iseauatunn
I , toocempling By
qzeauo, flow ut Anala9g y
CK) ulane tutod
(dvydyertna pelnlizl I
law oho's
Rsstane elebotal eleuotthy
an n flo3w he
wito angy compaul
by bewauy pToas boanyer heat The "
susistune1 Buzmed whed
and caplug Breyly tu
Alcume and nosdes baut

De do m1iny Ohe pootuy 2 he fluel wrb
Due to bulle ovemend 9 euds hot swngus
ooly oues in flud
the taunsfe hut trugh spue or
Conugh spue ulte by

No mdium necdel

q. whut ae the wachensis heut toune mechuts ms genaluy

Mutter 9

0 In soldy
" Lattice vibatun The fastest moving moleculs on alns n
He hoes t pt Some

, thui's enungy to aduient aolauls

" By banäpoatq foce eetop - toee elecbons povtl an

.about tot. te hut cesied by foee elautoons

. Tue woale hevi ugh inehe enengy are in Canti nuct

Aandom mtun exhange enengg and omentum
. whn a alule from te
otth a molele foo re low tenperutee giÝn. t Luse
to wheb s
Constant betwen t hut plun and tu lhnmmodynunte deiving



A\so lenowh as cathical adius

ay ez with
The thickns upto waieh heut flou nctuJes and
heul flouw dleyeses is tezmd as cotcal hucknss.
and sphw t s caled cotticad aadius.
Dijenale, kekwen steady nsteudy stale , coo dutay
Cens ent)
skadiy slade ;- Bu tonperckun a tue body dou not tny
wth Lime, it is Sutd to be in a steudy° slate

B khe body atealy

slate aqber Sne persd. Dasing tus pesiod Ha kenpes ate Vaes
wity lne and he kody is Sanid to be an cuikedy os baantiad
(3. Jhat you
you meun
hy Lmpd psanekei aralysu ?
The paocess tn ich liu mbernl usisleane is
in lompurison wfty is suype ssislana s caluel
Gsumd ayiyibe
nleotontan baty
or conling pnas. he Lenprsutre, tenypetuu,
Conssdesd to ke nifotm ct a gvengven tin.Sueh anaysy
Lumped paranabes analysd
Io kus analysus

teams :
Baundary layes thilenus 01) Däplaument thikenus
) Mbmuntum thic knus tuienys

The velortiy cotoio the boundny laycr focTeas fom 2to at tu

ko the velothy 2 the main soeam cyrplohaly

dyrl fe wich ta ve locthy

Ataches 49 pexcent 9 the ve lodty 9 thtre stemi
’5s genurally termuel as homuhal thtcdous

Man fre shram 4 dplud

. IEt an adlitul all tutcenyy thut ould hae to addd to
Conmpansate for thu Auutn in flao ate on awunt baundusy
Layer foanatio

Momentun thien
Monwskn thaens i dyined a bu duanu tomuyh oheh thu bokal
Seuond be equal to Pt we
fhheray pate .
(y Enqy Ehckneis

flud en auant 4 busdasy Layr fotmutin

Byee Data bnk

3 Defne lal and avetuge skn ftchop opent

4. Defuuhde hlw ree and fooud (oovetiug 2

FRu uK Alahwcd cooveLkiop :- foee on natwal
apvectun tcws ohen the flued
Htds: thn dnsen pntns q thu flud maue hot
dounad beauge 3 u
as comped witte tu foru an tu luy dense
Eiul coo vectwo i- whug the wote is done to blow ot
he propeLty tesa t hat cems nto play a fu on

Sina in fre ccoechin hut tranges cocfrnt au lou

and synold'y numbes is not an independnt pananteu, a neo
not an
dimuns wnus grouptng pluug tu mayos nole whuclh inpottu 3

- Erpluin diyerent phunoranon IoVeled in balkny pw 43S !

6) peol botliry
Io khs case the llyuid abve he ht

ngng ndudl by bubble olln and datachmut

Tus reyeKs to w Situctros ohue
flud mshi Is Induud by tutepal meuns. The hud
and fasad to flaw

Hhe, sahwatiio tempetcahue and ubbly au frmud un tthe viuathy

kotling potot
bergpesabuwL. The vaput bubey foaed at the sold Suja ae then
popelad khoub Bha diud by buoyancy yeut and eveo tbually
escape fromn a fre swyae
Compre flm Condosabin Dxpuise coadensatun.

Ganclonsatun Candrgate k<tsut

· In dupoge Condrgaböo hu vapoe Condnses tnto Snoall diaeutl dopes

daups fom n Cneele and pis on ke Bwyae, rocO ip

32e, boece
knoce B6
os dhopets and eventual
&un 6 ofthaut fonoing
Conden ecops
3. How ae
kau hud achangey clas yyed !
1- Nutue 4 hud eubange peet
) diret contut huat exhungel
balees place
heudehaye fae) y dint o q
"ID this Ahe
cald plds and kanger huad and
mus bamye
q fhot and 6
kuas plau Sialtunously
eg: Colng keo towey diret Conteut fead lacete
Indiut Contut eet euhanyes

i) Rgenurato

het ae on ettn Srde

cod puids pas altesoutey orout exchunging wall
teo flud cannot to be cllw weed
Thwe puthels provling alternadely o nr

AdvantugcJ .Ad vantag


-ps advantege
ls hent tounsse ca-ctftutnt

Aluid plau

Te tuv Steands entes at boa tor ene

’ counk - Plow hut exhunge
Io lli's u two pluc plow in posile didtios. The
not and cold pluds entes at tu pposite end. Taa
diyerene Betwn u tuo plwde Jamuins noshe on lys
nuaaly consant
| ht

CUSS One andtey

Spey usualy ant aglt augles

hot flewel out

i0 Desy Gnd consoutus feutu

catd plud
shll and bube
tube eelosed by

Mulbibe sll and tube

Tube Huuq
Cundng tng Alud Aumuind ad Baltngy padflud mu'ny at
constand Aemocrahu Constaut lempegutw
Ilet outlet
Bu hot plud osy uknt uut


A) Ex platn -
) LMTp i) AMTD 6v) NT


() MTD -
s dyined as that LompesutuL dypesuou wice, (ons haunt
It is
would gie he Same sai actualy
uodw vaabe toodelaons tmgesutunedferena
((i) AMTO - Aortymatit en
kempnatus dfeuoay
Whe kmpesuku antatÝw tu pluds a alal e y
a oppriulely
Sroll, Bhun tempesatue vauttog Cve
lines aod acleauutely auwate neselke au obtained
AyTD 2

transe ko the manim poibe het tansye.

Manuy ssibe but t
NTU Aumbes toonsjes wnit mebad
The cyjeckiees e is eu fuochiy Seveul vanabw aod
s Sueh it is nconve nient to Coobine they (n a
abuan fosm). Howeea, by con piling a nondinensiùna grou'sy
E Cao be eapresed as ufunchuo a, tne -nun dimnsinal paanateu
Ths metuc u enown y NTU mehaod.
ohat is fouliny four ?

flw diat o Gubshn


leng Pormel du ho Au Poulins

5 whch one g IS esfetive pasulld flew heteha

LMTD aunts -flow

plauw nit is alys goeaked Bruo khat
a ponalled Aouw undt: hste counkes flow heutenehanye an
transgel noJNe heut trun pcuallel flow
he Countenflow het eauhanges nuds a snallu heutiny
Bame 2ate heut trnaye
hse Rusons Cuter -flou heut enahunyer
geneully wed.
) Total emssive pouwe cb) Monocuhe eussiVe pouwe poutihy
Atsonpbivthy , Raylalithy s Touns toissiufy
em'sSive powa is dyined cs the Job
9 Ttal emassie power(E);- The eusie
amaunt a Aelatiun emlted by wbody per unit w and lime
unit w Ey’ Euygive powy a blae body.

E ’ Gmssive powy 4, a eed body

b Manocaah (specu) Bmssive powe ( ) It is deythed as the nele

ensgy Aacliated per cnt

c) Emussiuthy Ce) ;- It is
it s aho dyned as bhe aato 2 he emss ve pouer
to sadeth hut.
4 any bady to he ematsive powe g a kleue bady 4eel
Inwdet Aoualuy Bylaked
pmiuipla Makmal Sue
Absozphuty )- foukio 9 frctdort hudatay ahsesbed
fraton intdnt datin ylated

2- Dejíne .
Blace body i) whik body au )qpuayue ledy Gu) ozoy Bady

öBlauk &ody- Ablue kody


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