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My profound gratitude goes to almighty GOD, who gave me the grace to carry out

this research and for seeing me through in the course of my studies. It wasn’t easy

but through him, it was made possible.

I appreciate almighty God, who guide and protect me throughout all the years up to

the final year. Now am about to graduate, it is only by his grace, love and kindness

that he shown upon me, I also say thanks to my lecturers, especially my supervisor

Mr. Mohammed Ali, D.E.O Mr. Salama Sajo, Prof. S.T Umar Head of department,

Mr. Boniface and Abraham Donatus Papka my lecturer.

Above all, my studies will not have been successful, without the support and effort

of my parents Mr. Daniel Kodina and Mrs. Afiniki Daniel. And also my brothers

and sisters Godwin Ezra, Jonah Daniel, Titus Daniel Timothy Ezra, Naomi Daniel,

Christiana Daniel, Rhoda Daniel, Alice Daniel, Martha Daniel Yuwana Daniel and

also my friends Mr. Javan Uchahyel, Mark Benham, Dauda Ezra, Destiny Racha,

Usman, Emmanuel Philibus, Micah Stephen.

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