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Jake P.

Amplifying Teaching and Student Engagement with EdTech Tools
May 26, 2023

1. What are the key concepts that you have learned in this session?
 I have learned that TPACK describes the kind of knowledge required by
Teachers for the successful integration of technology in teaching.
 I have learned that if use technology in a proper ways we can have still have a
interactive learning in a classroom.
 I have learned that Plickers is an assessment tool to check student
understanding without the need to have students use device.

2. How can you integrate this in teaching and in the field of education?
 I can integrate this in my class by using different learning styles that suits to my
students ability.
 I can use Online smart drawing activities that can enhance my learner skill on
how create artwork using technology.
 I can integrate this by giving some informative video that relates to my topic,
graphics or other media.
3. Make a summary of the session either in paragraph or bullet form.
 Sir Jeric Rima discussed about Amplifying Teaching and Student Engagement
with educational technology and tools.
 He started to ask “What is teaching?”
 Teaching is the concerted sharing of knowledge and experience, which is usually
organized within a discipline and more generally. The provision of stimulus to the
psychological and intellectual growth of a person by another person.
 TPACK means Technological, Pedagogical and Content knowedge.
 There are benefits of Integrating technology in the Classroom like Interactive
Learning Experiences and Excitement.
 TPACK describes the kind of knowledge required by Teachers for the successful
integration of technology in teaching.
 Students engagement increased by 55% after the introduction of smart
technology into classroom.
 Students undoubtedly enjoy using technologies such as VR and tablets, which
can hold their attention with videos, graphics, and other media.
 Fun Technology inspires student to continue learning and creates intrinsic
 Plicker is an assessment tool made by a teacher who was looing for a quick and
simple way to check student understanding and this tool allows teachers to
collect on-the-spot formative assessment data without the need to have student
use devices or paper and pencil.
 Plicker provides teachers with the data needed to inform their instruction it is
helpful for teachers and fun for the students.
 Plicker work by Prepare Classes and Question, Scan answer and Review result.

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