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Design Stusio Ply Melding Bates & Battery Chargors Power Supp eve Converters ‘Spot Welders Inverors Feaueney Prodcts Teonsial Resources Surplus Conauting Power Humor About Us Poloies Ske Map (ur EU Branch view can Wf VisBis, YaPowerStream @ tune 8, 2022 How to calculate battery run-time Notes for Design Engineers: How to calculate how much battery capacity you need. mow el your pin. The marketing Garment ase you a spesiftin an al sys is atin ru tne, mince the barery se and cor Bu they won lo mach man fe acsepable how mec ine an weight wil the ake ‘pot with what cost escapee? yt ean a hymn me peri ith hoping for mic nd dt wat ov psy cae ty ot petthe rele Theme you were oping fr was compete seca, bets peel bt ‘Yourrvenge to wait? wosk nd come bck wih “God news, ma outa pn fora BOM of ol S000 an hy trimming the power budget eliminating alton oft far) we ot to ufo ver 5.5 eoonds Before recharging "And ten sit back and hope fr beter guidance fom market! You sealy knew ta oud ep you wih your specifi buat eas you can se he following design estimation lous ge the makeing depart =a cies How much battery capacity do you need fo run your device? Here now you estimate it. Step 0. titers on measzoments fee charge Afra lecone rely on) hte sored he ey apres fiscs weal ered hate measue of charg se culo nd ta ingle electon bs 102 19 cau of charge. One sop Rowing na wi far ene second wl we ane oe af huge, which 24x 10°18 onr where isthe caren coulomb, i th curso in ang dhe tine in sends, ‘Tacamount of cag using aug ht wie (ondtig 1.0 ang) 60 sean 60 ouums and in oe Bo you Baers wore vient davloet hy cainer who seer oth whatever's aie” pte of marie, They ‘ot te of paling ont thes se so vide by 3600 everytime they wate now bow ag 24000 coulmbs would Tester aa eae up wih the wautborized unt oF amp-hours Late, won salle: bateis were sed thy cae bp ith milan hows Don't confined the hyper Amphoe nent aps inc hum Divide by amps and you et ous, cde by hoes tcl yu ot amp Simp ae ii ape pr ho pours: the ny, Vn ea ed he er psiecond cane when ou sy “soalomb”evenbody goes Based 9 Doo’ getme stong, ove amp-ous fr unis isa handy rule of bum. Arp ous is how mh charg i stored inthe ‘ater ite btery cbanges vols ding te dsc sta pret measure of awe much egy is tred fois {you woud ased wat-hous Maluplygg he average or ual bey vlae ines he bate capi pos {Bre youan eine of aw many wat-hous te tary coi Fs 0vig Where is the energy stored in wat-ou', Cs he capac in amp-hours, and Vavg she average vaiags during elschargs. Ve hoursis a measure of energy, ust ko Klowatsnoure- Multiply by 3800 ana you got wal sacands, wish leo Known a Joos [As lng at we ae in he rela, ight slo eto hat since the chaps nn captor Q-CV thax tery canbe ‘ated fea well 15 walt AA alkane bat tht ares 2 sp bo af huge ha 720 cola) bathe ‘vivlen capacitance of 4400 Fras OF cour tery makes an sly weit apacor beau the wage doesnt ‘Gop proportorlly othe stored charg, ths igh eqtaen resistance, de. Also, Sou meson tt you dn nays gst te amp-hours you expt out of buy This sepa in Pat 3 elo athe Pekar let This ey called ia ral rater ass here The bigest eos conse whee you Aschurge bare fat Some tr, sch st Cabri, Aang, o Leal Aci become sect when you ‘Shhuge quickly Apia sel lead uci tty wl give only half ae cpeiy when charged a C1 mate ‘The following method assumes that you know how many amps you need for the gadget under power. oa the watts go to Stop A below. Design Stusio Ply Melding Bates & Battery Chargors Power Supple eve Converters Spot Welders Inverors Feaueny Prodcts Teena Resources Surplus Conauting Power Humor About Us Poloies Ske Map (ur EU Branch view can Wf VisBis, Step 1. Back ofthe emsans eth cent awn x mp, he ie Thou then he apy Cin ambos coat or example, your pump is eaving 120 mand you wart itt ea or 24 bows Step 2, yeti consderatonr ean good torn hater lhe way downto er rng cack charge ple: For example, fy want ate ead ait ‘tery foemany eyes you should’ rn ips 80% fs ce leaving 20% Ie inthe baer. Tis ot onl exten the sme feces You gat bes the bate degrade by 20% before you sea geting esr ie tan he desig eal for exons ‘Step 3: te of dshage consderntons Some ater chemistries give mach fewer amp ours iyou charg he fas. This called he Pekar fet. Tis bigefet in laine carbon sn, nen and len aed bates. or example oa draw a IC on lend acd Batley Yu ‘wl only etal fhe capert tha you would have iyou had dao OC. tia small fet ia NICd, Lit fon, iia Pyne and NIE bates or lend ai atc the ted capaci (Le. the amber of A stamped om he sie of the haley) en fora 2 hour dcharge ate. you are charging as slow rte you wl othe ed me of spo of ee Hever, thigh seharge res he caacsy fal ecpy Aral of ound haters hot Sacharpe ate raving 10 aps fom 10 amp hoa eyo 1) yo wl ony et af he ate capa amp-oasor 10 atpour Thatey) Chars ht Gel tise fr fect shag ate canbe sed fr reste acourcy Far example he ta Shee sed Bs or eum, f yourporble guitar amplifier draing steady 20 amps a you wat ast 1 hour You woul stat out (©-20amps 1 hour= 20H ‘Then proceedo Step? '=20aH/04-25AH e 1515501 “Tus you wold needa 30 amp bor seed ed aid ater as the air fr 1 hur at 20am average daw, Step 4. Wiaityou dan duve x ontat od? The cou thing to do the hing od. Fgueou an verge power dea, Considers epetitive eye where each pele i bout const of 29 amp for ¥ sso followed by O. amp for Tevet ofthe hour The average cet would be calle allows (6500s te number af seconds in an hour) ‘more tan shor IC oles lowed bya ret period. So the werage crenata ako 20 hort hen 0 [pcos ote capt predicted by 220 hour ate, even boop Yu re owing io high ae poles. Ac es data Fendt come withot dong he st youre you know the watts instead of amps, follow the following procedure Stop A: Convert watts to amps ‘Actually, wats isthe fundamental unit of power and wat-hous is he nergy stored. Tho Key fo Use the Wals you know io calculate tha roe tte Dairy vlng For example, say you wantto run 250 att THOVAC tht bulb ram an inv e § hous ‘iatenoure = watts" hours = 250 wats "5 Route = 1250 wat hours ‘Account fo the aency ofthe invert, sy 85% ‘rtnoure © watts * hours efelency «1250 /0.85 «1470 wat-ous ‘ince watts = amps“ vos vide the watt nurs byte vltage of te bate to get amp-noursof battery storage ‘Amo-houts (at 12 vas) = watthours/ 12 vols = 1470/12= 1228 amp-hours. IFyou ae esing a aiferent ollage batey the arp-nours wil change by ding iby the Bateryvokage you ae using Design Stusio Now go back'o Stops 2-4 above to rofne your calculation Prayer Making Batenee& EEEERTERN © $10.00 Tet Pecton © £1000 Pucase Gucrtes @ S100 Lowes Pice Guarise Battery Chargors Power Supp eve Converters (Contacts) ‘Spot Welders Inverors met arobot Ereaueny Prodcts Teonsial Resources Surplus Conauting Power Humor cone ‘Tank you for consiering PowerStream Poloies Ske Map (ur EU Branch view can Wf Indostialbateryenginesing. Batley design. Custom bat infrmation-Batry no. Buldng batary packs. Baty PowerStream Technology VisBis,

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