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aA TRAE — ansammEs?: BAL PERG RER sy a20%, AR FANY LOOSE) =. RAVER CR KIBG INA. BL Cy DIS, $8801, ANIA, 38804) A. A) CREAT AVE, SEAN LL, SRSA) ETO LF AFORE ATE, GR RA SS, FEE HB RTE. eT 201847) 1. How did Susan do in thel00-eter race? A B c 2. Where did the old man live? a B c 4, Which is the man the speaker is talking about ae le 5. What do people eat with inthis country? i A B Cc B. ORR CRIA 10 BM, E/iviBl 1 Fp, 3% 10 34) ‘ARIE STE AYE, A A Be fs TY A, HE I TOS La ER, FEE SR OE AA ER. ABORT A. Wi — BOE, BLE 6 lve. 6. What is the weatherlike? A. Rainy. B.Windy. — C. Sunny. WRB ERM, FS 7 NEE 7. What is Lily's dress made of? A. Silk. B.Cotton, —C. Paper. RS EOE, BI 8 NE. 8 Which robot does the womanlike better? A. The one with a square head, _B. The one with a roundface. _€, The one with green eyes. RSE DUBL RTE, FIA 9 Ne 9. Where does the conversation probablytake place? A. Ona bus, —B, On atrain, ©. On a plane. Wi LETHE, BL 10 ee. 10, Howlong did ittake the woman to get honeftom France? A. 3 hours Bll hours —C. 14 hours. WESSEL, FLA 11-12 AN Il, What doos the man think of Tina? AL A shy girl. B, Aconfidentgirl. C. An unftiendly girl 12, How can Tina start a conversation according to the man? A. By making smal talk. B. By singing a song. C By keeping smilng. WSCA, AH 13-15 see. 13. What's the possible relationship between thetwo speakers? Kathe cab “Mabe RRA Take A, Husband andwife. B, Fatherand daughter. €. Motherand son. 14. Who are their new neighbors? A. The Browns. B. A young couple. C. A big family 15, When did the Browns put their house on the market? A. Severaldays ago. B. Severalwecks ago. C. several years ago. C,H CARAT 10 AVE, AE ASK 1 5}, J 10 54) HUERTA, CERAM S METI, MEERA FIER, IEE BRE at SUE ATE AAO. 2S — BOBS, FLEES 16 20 vel. 16. Steven visited his grandma. A. once a month —B. twice a month —C,_ three times a month 17, Steven didn’ tlike the sweatars because A. they were too small B. theywere for adults C. they made himlook funny 18. Stevenlived 18. Steven felt in a small flat is A. alone B.with his parents C. with his classmates 19. Steven felt when his grandma asked about his sweaters. Ac ange B, easy CC, awkward 20, Infact, Steven’ s sweaters. A. were stolen B. were given away C, were thrown away WA A, IAS 21-25 Avail 21, Peppa Pig, a British cartoon, has been translated into_ languages AM B. 40 c. 80 22, __ are fond ofthe cartoon A. Only adults B, Only young children €. Both children and adults 23. According to the passage, visitors cannot have. A. a horse ride B, a balloon ride ©. a boat ride 24, The Peppa Pig theme parks in Bei jing and Shanghai will be open just in time for A. the Year ofthe Dog B. the Year ofthe Pig C. the Year ofthe Tiger 25. The passage is mainly about __ Raith cae Mahe” RRL Take A. What PePPa Pig likes B. how popular Peppa Pig is C. why kidslike Peppa Pig D. OSES CARLA 5 cll, AE Ae 1 FP, 3E 5 FP) HASNT UAE — FH FM WAGE REM SA ARE TT AES TY ARK, HHSRSESE ANBAR. MCT. Li Shizhen and Bencao Ganguu Date of Li's birth: July3rd, __26 Li's life experience: ¥ *_27__ the national exam three times andtumed to medicine Cured (1%) the son of the Prince of Chu got # govenment position; read medjeal books and found 28 in some of them Airote a book providing _29 and clear information on medicine Bencao Gangma: ‘Introduction of more than 1,800 Chinese medical plants Description of the type, form taste, _30 and use of 1,094 medical plants Sy RR CAA 15 Ava, SB Ava 1 Zt, E15 St) FEE ESTES EP, UE TT DUS AU RRS, JR AHR boat ii Te A eT al. now study says that going to bedlate is harmful to our health, AA BA, / C.A, the D. The, the 32, The th ree upstairs are too small to have enough for a double bed. A. room, room — B, room, rooms — C, rooms, room D, rooms, rooms 33.~ How soon will we get the offer from a new high school? ~ about two months. An B.For . Among D. During 34, Boxing Day, the26th of December, got name firoma time gave boxes ofgifts to poor poople who had to work at Christmas. Ait’s Bits Cone’ s D. one 35. According to a survey, four out of five women do housework at home, but only ofmenwould do it. four fifth B. fourfifths C. two Fifth —D. two fifths 36. _My grandpa practices playing the guitar____ in the university for the elderly every Aithe sak “Mabe ae KREG Take day. _ cool! It’s never too old toleam, Avhard B.hardly C. great D. greatly 37. china is getting more and more independent of westem technology, it is leading in many fields, such as the self-driving car industry. AS Boor Cbut — Deand 38, It 1s sajd that the number of forest ParkS in Guangdong to more than 1,000 so far, Ajincrease —B. increased C.has increased D.will increase 39. _ what do you think of the movie Operation Red Sea? _wonderful. I've never seen a movie _ than it. A. more excited B. more exciting C._m0SteXcited D. most exciting 40 _ 1 saw the light of your room was still on at two o' Clock last night. _ Oh, 1 a football mateh of the Russia World Cup. A. watched B, was watched —C, am watching D. was watehing 41.-Yuan Longping, a famous Chinese scientist, is now doing research on sea rice -If farmers __ start planting rice in salty water. China’ s food supply will surely rise A.can Bican’ t c. must D. mustn’ t 42, After long years of war, many people in Syria are homeless. I think it important. a peaceful world. B.not build € to build D.not to build 43, Many shops in Chinato shut down as a new law against ivory( $4) trade came into effect on January Ist. 2018 A. ordered B. didn t order C .were ordered —_D,_weren’ t ordered 44, -Could you tell me____you'd like me to pay you? “Youd better use mobile payment. I don't care it is Ali Pay or We Chat Pay., whether —B how, why C what, whether D what, why 45 -Nould you mind my tuming up the TV? The New Year concert has just begun. Just go ahead. Raith cae Mahe” RRL Take A.Please don’ t B.Better not C. I'm afraid not D. OF course not Sy SERBS (AAA 10 veal, eve 1 SP, 3 10 5h) JE PUTAS, FEAR, Wa PEAR A TA, eh RE, TR YL A Ase ITER A wealthy man love his son very mich. AS he wanted his son to lead a happy life, send him to see a wise old man for his advice on happiness. When the old man learnt about his_46_, he handed the boy an empty bowl and said. “Go to the river miles away and 47_it with water, I will tell you about it 48 no water is spilt ( #)when you reach here “Although the boy was very surprised at this, he had no choice but to_49_this task. The boy_50_on foot for the river and some time later came back with a bor! of water, The old man asked him, “Did you notice the beautiful flowers along the road and the birds singing the trees? ” The boy could say nothing about them because he gave his_51 attention to the bowl in his hands The old man smiled and said, “Bring me_52 bowl of water, but this time enjoy the flowers and the singing of birds as well. When he returned, the boy was able to _53 everything he had seen to the old man. But. hon he looked down at his bowl, he found 54 that most water was gone, He forgot all about his bowl while enjoying the beautiful things along the road, “Well, young man, “the old man said. “Enjoy the beauty of the world, but never forget the water in your bowl. This is the_55_ of happiness 46. A.research —_B, promise C. purpose D. experience 47. Acwaxh B fill C. compare D. connect. 48, Ait, Bountil C.unless D.while 49. A put ou B pick out € point out D carry out 50. A. set off B paid off C. got off D.kept off 51. A public B weak C.quick D. full 52. Avany B. every C. another D. the other 53. A change B. imagine C. examine D. describe BA. AL lazily B sadly C. luckily D excitedly Rithe cht “hate” RES TaAbe 55. A. result Because C. secret. D.decision BURA (AR AUIA 15 Ava, Avia 2 4p, FE 30 54) GRE ASB PATI, A Aap el el SEU Aa a Tl FA il he a A A 8, IPH Lx A Tsk TERR A BIPC would like to invite beekeepes to the World Bee Day Activities 9:00 a.m- 4:00 pm, Sunaay, May 20th 2018 Landhill Hall, Cornwall Bees are now jn danger and its number is going down every yearlargely beCauSe of human activity, whjle @ thjrd ofthe world’s food production depends on this yellow and blaCk insect (FES) and other pollinators (feH27E bi #) May 20th thjs year js the first World Bee Day. It was createdlast year by the UN, after Slovenia put forward the idea, to draw people’ s attention to the important role of beeS and other pollinators in keeping the planet healthy. A day for all those who are interested inleaming to improve the quality (Wit) of their bees! A day also for those who want toknow more about bee keeping! Bring your family with you and have fun! Let’ s celebrate everything connected With bees and the coming of spring! Activieies for the whole family talks on bees/bee products for sale/wax (#8) & candle-makinglessons Bee Communication: Dr Gavin Ramsay will explain the dances ofbees, telling you about what smart behaviors bees have. Cleaning beeswax & candle-makinglessons : Classes will be given bykate Black. Cafe: Lunch and tea/coffee/cakes are available atthe cafe. These activities are held by BIPC, the Bee Improvement Program for Comal]. Tickets are $8 for members of BIPC and $10 for non-members. Half price for a child. ALL the money will go to the City Bee Protection Project. Book your place by emailing bengreen@hotmai l. com Kathe cab “Mabe RRA Take 56. The danger that bees are facing is caused by_. A. beekeepers B. foodproduction C. human activity Db. otherpoll jnators 87. The World Bee Day was created A. to advise people to keep heal thy B. to help beekeepers sell more bee products C. to celebrate the COmin9 of SP [ ing D. to make peopleknow the importance ofbees 58. During the 58.During the activities, you can learn all the following EXCET. A. to make a candle B. to improve the quality of bees C, to make tea and coffee D. to understand the dances of bees 59, Bill, amember of BIPC, and his 5-year-old son will pay___for tickets to the activities. A. 10 dollars B12 dollars C.16 dollars De 18 dollars 60. The money fron the sales oftickets _ A will be used to protectbees B, will make BIPC very rich C. will be given to beekeepers D. w ill be spent on the celebrations B There’ s much lo see under the sea, but you need to remember that Light behaves differently in water than in air The objects appear closer to you than Ihey exactly are. You might find yourself reaching out to touch something and completely mis ing it. 0b jects under water will appearlarger than they would on the surface, too* Be careful not to tell any stories about the big fish that got away. That fish might not be so big afte all! It” s just because sometime s things can seem to be as much as about 33 percent biggxe in water! What’ s more, in deeper water, colors just don’ t seem as bright. In fact, it looks as if some colors are missing. Remenber the color of an object resultsfrom the wavelengths (BK) of light that are reflected (52S) from its surface. And] ight is taken inas it moves down through the water. Swimmers wear wet suits to keep warm underwater, Let's take a bright red, yellOW, and blue wet suit as an example. These colors are hard to miss on the sulface ofwater. Watch carefully the changes in color as you descend in the water. The red part nowlooks almost black because the red light wavelengths, thelongest among these three colors, are missing. Raith cae Mahe” RRL Take As you go down deeper, the same thing will happen to the yellow part and in the end to the blue part. Even at a place ofabouté to9 meters underwater, you will look terrible, like a ghost (9848) !And you have to wait for your retum to the surface to enjoy the bright colors again! 61 _ You miss the object underwater when you want to touch it because. A. your eyesight is quite poor B. you are not quick enough C, it is not as close as it seems D. it disappears very quickly 62. The exanPle ofthe wet suit is used to exPlain the change of ___of an object underwater. A. the size B. the color C. the position D. the welght 63, The underlined word “descena” probably _____in Chinese in this passage ALTE BBE CORD. PAE 64. Which ofthe following is true? A.A four-meter-long fish looks three meterslong undervater. B, The wavelengths of red light are longer than those of blue Light C. Much water will be taken in by the swimmer deep in the wat er D.You will see a ghost if you go as deep as 6 to 9 meters into the sea 65, The best title of this passage is A. The Standard of Color Underwater B.The Direction of Light Underwater C.The Brightness of Color Underwater D, The Behavior of Light Underwater c WE Ui ACE Ret Fe eC RE, Ee (St, NARS HS — +P ain, JRE bot a A Ta METER, Raith cae Mahe” RRL Take 66. Lisa becomes interested in ‘traditional Chinese painting and She wants toleam how to paint bamboo in ink. 67 Alan is from India. He is studying Chinese history. He hasteamed a ot about the four great inventions of ancient China. 68. Sam is anAustralian boy living in Beijing. He takes great interest in traditiona | Chinese opera(a musical play). He hopes. to take a class ofthelocal opera 69. Mary likes classio#3s88(H) Chinese works. She has read the one about Monkey King since she came to Unsna. FO. Susanioves Chinese paper cating. She wants iy make 2 Chinese“Fu" to put up ‘onher window this Spring Festival’ By RDGKS CAAA 10 AVE, ‘A. In this weekend's story-telling time, youtl hear plenty of stories about Chinese traditions, for example, why people put up the Chinese “Fu” upside down on the door or window. B. Beijing Opera is a form of traditional artin China Our dubs setup for fans and welcomes you to Join tus. We have invited some famous Local actors to sive acting classes. C. Paper cutting sounds simple but is difficult to do. Bring red paper andleam the making of paper cutting You can take home the paper cutting yOu make in class. D. We will hold a competition on the four great inventions of ancient China next month. The : firstround will be a written test. The next round will bea short speech in Chinese E. A show offraditional Chinese ink paintings will be held in the Ast Museum this weekend. Many works ofanimals by famous artists will be on show. FA discussion will be heldin our reading club this ‘weekend. The topicis about Joumey. tothe west, ‘one ofthe four great classic Chinese works G. Traditional Chinese painting is aform of fine artsin Chinese culture. In our training class, Me. sun will teach you how-to paint bamboo with brushes and ink step by sep. AEA 1.5 4, 3% 15 FP) WALES M ialse FO, FHA SEE ENR —AERIEM, EFFI. SAE ARES WiLL Johnson has worked hiS way up the list of most popular stars in his country. In fact, it is not surprising that Will is so successful if we know about his early life. some valuable lessons he learnt as a Child have strongly influenced him _71__ his later life. One of thom was from hls father _72__ was strict with him and his brother. Once, Will and his brother Harry 73 __ given a job to rebuild a broken brjck (i) wall In the yard. The Wall WaS fifty feet. 74 and around sixteen feet high The boys had to mix concrete (K¥Z)and place only one brick at a time. They didn’ 1 know why their fathe gave them_75 a hugejob. _76_ with the allitude(. 4HE)of"’ one brick more’’, both Will and Harry rebuiltbthe wall in_77_ period ofbsix months. Each time they were about to give Aithe sak “Mabe ae KREG Take up, their father 78 them up patienLly. Both brothers were so sad aboul the job at_79 but after completing the task, they felt a sense of pride. and so did their father. Even today when Will thinks that he on’ t be able to do something, he will look back to this experience and keep telling_80_, “one brick at a time” Ty RSG (AKMAA AL BRIABS, J 20 54) A, fe SNH OE 5 ASR, AME 1 SP, 385 ZPD RR SERA” (— RAUL DX PSD AHR, HR TA A BREEAM REM Le It’ sa Mailbox-+ It’ s a Bird House. Fe! No, Wait. It’ s a Library! Sunshine Park Has A Little Free Library! Bryan Lim is excited to be the director ofthe Little Free Library for our neighbors in Sunshine Park Community! ‘The way it works is simple: @ We bring to thelibrary a number of good books that we hope w hil interest our neighbors. @ You stop by and take whatever catches your eyes. @ You retun and bring other books for thelibrary whenever you can, Books are always a gift, Never for sale! Join us for our small opening at9 am on March25th, 2018. CaL1 9051 6601 or email bryandbeautiful-gathering. com for more information! Take a book LJ Leave a book Wee =f More about Little Free Library: The idea was started in2009 in Hudson, Wisconsin, when Todd Bol placed a homemade wooden box in his front yard. The boxlookedlike a one-room schoolhouse. Inside were a dozen or more books free for the taking. It was put there in memory of Todd’s mother, a teacher wholoved reading. She had died several years earlier. iis neighbors and fiiendsloved it, so he built several more and gave them away. Later, more people joined Todd in starting the project called Aiaithe oat ‘Mabe’ REG TAS Little Free Library. In 2017, the fe were more than sixty thousand Little Free Libraries in over eighty countries around the world. B. BRK (AMD 15 4}) RUBBER ERIS h, REESE Mee b. PIE EC “RUD AA” HARP MY Bryan Lim, =A MZ ST Todd Bol, BRR MRA “JER PA” AAR. ALAR ELH: 1, PLAS Se iC Sh ah, FE a SP 2. 3 PRL A Ach CP) 23. HA” PPE BSA, Fifa ial BL. HER Information Card ‘The name of the community this Little Free Library serves al The opening date of this Little Free Library 82. The place where Todd Bol placed his first wooden box 83. The job of Todd Bol’s mother a ‘The number of the countries which had Little Free Libraries in 2017 _| 85. 1. ANE HRED BR; TELE T LPI S BALE IES 5 2. AAVE DE, TIRE 80 NALA. PECTS ALA RBA Ri RIDE, LS ER Dear Todd, Thope this email finds you well. I am looking forward to your reply. Best regards Ai the ALE aR eae RR GD StBR yD AK 20 ial, ELL 4b, 3 30 54) 1-5 ACBCA 6-10 ACBBC 11-15 AAABB 16-20 ACCOR © 21-25 CAB 26. 1518 27, failed 28. many mistakes 29. correct. 30. nature Sy RORREE ACKIBA 15 NB, VEL SP, SE 15 5) 31-35 BCABD 36-40 ADCBD. 41-45 ACCAD Sy FEM ACK IBIAT 10 sil, ELL 4 3% 10.44) 46-50 CBADA. 51-55 -DCDBC Wl, BRR CA ANAT 15 vl, tHE 2 4}, 38 30 Fh) 56-60 CDCBA. «61-65 CRDBD-—«65-70 GBF Fi, A (AKA 10 ial, EA ah, HE 5 SP) (oem: S| AY | I Z| X|X|KT DR WE :Z+xxtk. Com) TL in 72. who / that 73. were 74. wide 75. such 76. However 77. a 78. cheered 79. first 80. himself Ae RGR AKI A/D HARDY, 38 20 94) CA) (aeuEeN 81. Sunshine Park Community 82. March 25th, 2018 83, His front yard 84. A teacher 85. Over eighty (CB) FBifiaeie Dear Todd, Thope this email finds you well. 1 am Bryan Lim, a director of the Little Free Library for— our neighbors in Sunshine Par_k Communi ty. Knowing that you runa little free library aswell, so I would like to share my experience with you. On one hand, this kind of Library is creative and very convenient for people who enjoy reading. Moreover, on the other hand, not only can it be beneficial to our neighbors but also it can be functioned much more easil__y. However, everything has its pros and cons. The library is free, which Aiaithe chk (MME OR’ LER SG TAS means it is free for everybody. Therefore, it’s ve——ry hard for us to monitor whether books can be returned on time. 1 am not so familiar to deal with the problems. I urgently need. your advice. Can you do me the favor? I am looking forward to your reply. Best regards Rithe cht “hate” RES TaAbe

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