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Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme




Cost Put to Tender: Rs. 849,59,28,124.23

NAME OF WORK: Ukai Reservior based Uchchhal,

Songadh and Nizar taluka, Di.Tapi ,lift Irrigation



Date of Downloading Up to Dt.25-01-2019 to 25-02-2019,

18.00 Hrs
Date of online Submission Up to Dt.25-01-2019 to 25-02-2019,
18.00 Hrs
Date of Submission of Tender Fee, Up to Dt.01-03-2019, 18.00 Hrs
EMD & Other Documents(Physical)
Date Pre-Bid Conference Dt.02-02-2019, 12.00 Hrs
Date of opening of PQ Bid Dt.26-02-2019, 12.00 Hrs



Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

Tender Cost
Name of the Work Time limit for the Work
(In Crores)
Ukai Reservior based Uchchhal, Songadh and 849.59 Time Limit 36 months for
Nizar taluka, Di.Tapi ,lift Irrigation Scheme Construction and 10 years
Engineering, Procurement and Construction for Operation &
(E.P.C) contract for construction of Intake well Maintenance after
with pumping station in Ukai reservoir near commissioning
Village Selude and Naraanpura for Uchchhal,
near High level Canal for Songadh and near
village Nevele for Nizar including supplying and
laying M.S pipeline of various dia for UL1 &
UL2, UL3 for Uchchhal, Motatarpada and
Medha line for Songadh and NL1.NL2, (Left side
of Tapi river),NR1 and NR2 (right side of Tapi
river) of size is varying from 2200 mm to 900
mm and thickness 15 mm to 7 mm
respectively and for DI pipe dia 800 mm to 250
mm including designing, providing, lowering &
laying underground pipeline distribution
network in command area with allied work etc.
complete including operation and maintenance
of commissioned project for 10 year

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme














Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme


1. Operation & Maintenance (O&M) 1

1.1 Preface __________________________________________________________________________ 1
1.2 Scope of Work ____________________________________________________________________ 1
1.3 Administrative Provisions _________________________________________________________ 3
1.3.1 Risk and Obligations of the Contractor _____________________________________________ 3
1.3.2 Defect Liability and O&M Period ___________________________________________________ 3
1.3.3 Insurance ________________________________________________________________________ 3
1.3.4 Personnel ________________________________________________________________________ 4
1.3.5 Vehicle __________________________________________________________________________ 5
1.3.6 Computer / Printer and Accessories ________________________________________________ 5
1.3.7 Daily, Weekly and Monthly Statement ______________________________________________ 6
1.3.8 Assignment ______________________________________________________________________ 6
1.3.9 Completion of the Contract _______________________________________________________ 6
1.4 Technical Provisions _____________________________________________________________ 6
1.4.1 Maintenance _____________________________________________________________________ 6
1.4.2 General Preventive Maintenance ___________________________________________________ 7
1.4.3 Scheduled Maintenance Checks ____________________________________________________ 7
1.4.4 Mechanical Mandatory Spare Parts, Electrical Tools & Test Equipments, Electrical
Mandatory Spare Parts and Instrumentation Mandatory Spare Parts __________________ 9
1.4.5 Consumables and Utilities Services, Spare Parts & Stores and Miscellaneous
equipment _______________________________________________________________________ 9
1.4.6 Inspection ______________________________________________________________________ 10
1.5 Financial Provisions _____________________________________________________________ 12
1.5.1 Method of Invoicing _____________________________________________________________ 12

2. Mechanical Tools & Test Equipment for O & M Period 13

3. Mechanical Mandatory Spare Parts for Mechanical Work 16

4. Electrical Tools & Test Equipment for Pumping Station 19

5. Electrical Mandatory Spare Parts for Pumping Station 22

6. Instrumentation Mandatory Spare Parts for Pumping Station 29

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

1. Operation & Maintenance (O&M)

1.1 Preface

The contractor shall operate and maintain all the works executed by him and system
as a whole with due care and diligence, so as to have the intended quantity of water
available at the delivery points with the required efficiency and reliability. All the man-
power, machineries, plants, equipments, vehicles and other facilities shall have to be
arranged and provided by the contractor as per the provision of the contract. Terms
and Conditions narrated in tender documents of this Package are also equally
applicable in the Operation and Maintenance period.

1.2 Scope of Work

The O & M period of this contract shall be 10 years including Defect Liability Period of
3 years. During O & M period, the Contractor shall operate, maintain and upkeep the
following services:

Note - O & M for all three lift irrigation scheme shall be monitored separately
and to be operated and maintained separately individually by the bidder. All
necessary equipments and staff shall be provided separately for each LI

1. Drawl of raw water from the intake to tail point of this tender.

2. Pumping and delivery of water through pipeline from Pumping station to the end
point (or) at intermediate point, if any, as per the direction of the Engineer-in-

3. Operation and Maintenance of up-keepment of the pipeline for UL1 & UL2, UL3
for Uchchhal, Motatarpada and Medha line for Songadh and NL1,NL2, (Left side of
Tapi river),NR1 and NR2 (right side of Tapi river) and all lateral pipes which are in
system for field irrigation are also to be maintained including all supporting

4. Operation, maintenance and up-keepment of all civil structures including,

pipeline, steel structure, valves, Pumps and motors, all the electrical, mechanical
and instrumentation components, including Surge Control Devices, SCADA
system, as per system requirement, so as to meet the required standard of
performance. . Regular painting for all steel structures shall be done at every three
(3) years during O & M of 10 (Ten) years period.

5. Maintenance of all Buildings and all the components including switchyard,

compound wall, internal road, storm water drainage, street lighting and other
allied works within the Pumping station premise;

6. Management of the Pumping Station, plant, pipeline, supply and discharge

arrangement, communication arrangement, reporting and record keeping.
Cleaning and desiltation of sump have to be done regularly to keep the sump

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

7. Providing O & M training to the staff of department / employer.

8. All the internal Roads, approach road and functional areas shall have to be kept
neat and clean.

9. For any additional work, which is not included in the scope but is required to
meet operational and maintenance shall also be taken into consideration to meet
the project purposes.

10. The items and consumable which are having life lesser than the O&M period of 10
years shall be replaced as and when their life ends and or as per manufacturer’s
recommendation to upkeep the system operations in good working conditions.

11. For Main Pipeline & Lateral pipeline (Distribution net works):

a. All type of rising main/gravity main including chambers shall be maintained and
repaired by contractor as and when required.

b. All sluice valves/ BF Valves/ Air Valves/ Zero velocity valves/ Air cushion valve
to be kept under working condition and periodical maintenance to be conducted.

c. For distribution network , All pipe network, Controlling valves, Flow meters,
Chambers, Chak outlet arrangement are to be kept under working condition and
periodical maintenance to be conducted.

12. During Maintenance of the pipeline, if any leakage from or damage to the pipeline
is found, the same shall have to be repaired / replaced within 24 hrs. of occurring
such event. All materials, equipment and labours shall have to be employed by the
agency to attend such repairs. Cleaning and desiltation of pipe have to be done
regularly by flushing, etc.

a. At the time of such repairing, all the required materials like pipes, valves,
specials or any other material shall have to be provided by the contractor. The
contractor shall keep sufficient stock / inventory of all such items. Such
repairing shall immediately be carried out by the contractor at his own cost
including labour, excavation cutting, fitting, welding, testing, refilling etc. to
complete. The contractor will be responsible for loss of any property or crop of
private land owner and compensation will have to be paid by contractor. The
provisions of Clause No. 2.15 (work on site) under Chapter 2 of General
Conditions of Contract regarding ROW/ ROU for O&M period shall also be
applicable. If contractor fails to do so and complain is received by department
then the department will make the payment to private owners and recovery will
be made from contractor’s bill.

b. In case, any type of valve or part of the valve not working properly then the
contractor shall arrange either to repair or to replace the same. Cost of such
repairing or replacement shall have to borne by the contractor and no separate
payment will be entertained for this work.

c. Contractor shall have to carry out leak detection survey (visual) along the
pipeline each month and leakage observations and repairing work record shall be
maintained chainage wise by contractor. MS rising main and all the valves fixed
on it such as sluice valves, scour valves, air valves, air cushion valves, butter fly
valves, zero velocity valves, flow meters, water meters and valve chambers shall
be maintained by the contractor.
Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.
Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

d. Quantity of water as pumped from head works shall reach to distribution point /
delivery point (within the permissible limit of leakage losses). For any
unauthorized connection from the pipeline or pumping station, taken or given by
anybody, without written permission of the Engineer-in-charge, the same shall
be responsibility of the contractor. Prevention and removal of unauthorized
connection will be carried out by contractor and intimated to department. All
type of valves including air valve and scour valve, sluice valves shall be inspected
regularly by contractor. A program for inspection shall be prepared by contractor
and strictly observed it. Special care shall be taken by contractor for air valves
that it shall not be tempered by anybody.

e. Shut down: Under unavoidable circumstances, shut down shall be provided

depending upon necessity and on approval of Engineer-in-charge.

1.3 Administrative Provisions

1.3.1 Risk and Obligations of the Contractor

The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the care of the facility (or) any part
thereof (or) materials and plant from the date of issue of Interim Certificate (Phase I)
from the department for the whole of the Works, to the date of completion of the
Operation and Maintenance period.
 In the case of risks causing loss (or) damage any such determination shall
take into account of the responsibility of the Contractor.
 If any loss or damage happens to the facility (or) any part thereof (or) materials and
Plant for incorporation therein, during the O & M period for which the Contractor is
responsible for the care thereof, or from any cause whatsoever, the Contractor
shall, at his own cost, rectify such loss (or) damage so that the facility (or) any part
thereof (or) materials and Plant conform in every respect with the provisions of the
Contract to the satisfaction of the Department. The Contractor shall also be liable
for any loss or damage to the works in the course of O & M carried out by him for
the purpose of complying with his obligation under this Clause.

1.3.2 Defect Liability and O&M Period

The O&M Period shall commence from the issue of Commissioning Certificate (Phase-
II) for a period of ten (10) years as per clause 14 if Conditions of Contract (Volume
II), including defect liability period of 3 Years. In case of foreclosure of O & M for any
reason, the defect liability period shall continue for three (3) years from the date of
issue of Phase-II certificate.

If the Department wishes to go with an extension to the present O & M Period, then
the department will give 180 days prior notice of its intention to exercise such option
to the contractor. The decision of the Government / department shall be final
whether to extend or not the O & M period.

1.3.3 Insurance

The Contractor shall, without limiting his or the Employer’s obligations and
responsibilities insure

full replacement cost.

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

or’s Equipment and other things brought onto the Site by the
Contractor, for a sum sufficient to provide for their replacement at the Site.

The insurance detailed above shall be in the joint names of the

Contractor and the Employer at the Contractor’s cost and shall cover the
Employer and the Contractor against all loss or damage from whatsoever cause
arising, from the start of the operation and maintenance to the date of completion
of operation and maintenance period. Any amounts not insured or not recovered
from the insurers shall be borne by the Contractor in accordance with their
responsibilities under this chapter. The Contractor shall also, except if and so far
as the Contract provides otherwise, indemnify the Employer against all losses and
claims in respect of:

Which may arise out of in consequent of the Operation and Maintenance of

the facility and the remedying of any defects therein, and against all claims
proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof
or in relation thereto.

The insurance policy shall include across liability clause such that the
insurance shall apply to the Contractor and to the Employer as separate insurers.

The Employer shall not liable for or in respect of any damages or

compensation payable to any workmen or other person in the employment of the
Contractor or any Subcontractor. The Contractor shall indemnify and keep
indemnified the employer against all such damages and compensation, and
against all claims, proceedings, damages, costs, charges, and expenses
whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto. In the event that the
contractor fails to comply with the above provisions, the Engineer-in-charge shall
take necessary actions to get the insurance with the above coverage and all the
costs thereof shall be recovered from the amount payable to the contractor.

1.3.4 Personnel

All Contractors’ personnel employed at the plant at any time during the period covered
by the present Contract will be provided by him. The Employer is not liable for
personnel in any way and cannot be held responsible in the event of litigation of any
sort between the Contractor and members of plant personnel or their representatives.

All decisions related to staff numbers, timing and qualifications sho ul d be got
approved from the Engineer-in-charge.

The Contractor undertakes to comply with applicable legislation and the codes of
labour laws, occupational and safety hazards preventive measures on matters of
health, hygiene and safety, and shall assume responsibility for works required in
the event of any change in applicable regulations.

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

The Contractor will provide the minimum following personnel for the full term of
operation and maintenance period. Details of qualifications and experience required
shall be as under:

Table 1.1: Detail of qualifications and experience for Personnel

Sr. Category of No. of Person Educational Qualification Required Minimum Experience

No. Staff Required Required

1 Manager 3 B.E.(Mech.) 5 Years in similar

2 Supervisor 6 Diploma (Civil) 5 Years in similar
3 Pump 18 ITI Electrician 3 Years
4 Helpers / 18 ITI (Fitter) 2 Years
5 Mechanics 6 Diploma (Mech.) 2 Years in similar
6 Electrician 5 Diploma (Electrical) 2 Years in similar
7 Watch Man 10 Std. 7 Pass -
8 Billing Clerk 3 H.S.C. (With computer 2 Years
Basic Knowledge)
9 Support Staff 10 S.S.C.
10 Safety Person 5 Certified course in Industrial 2 Years
11 Store keeper 5 B.Com. 2 Years

All staff is to be deployed for 365 days for each year. The staff shall have to be
deployed among three (3) working shifts at Head Works, both PS and also along the
pipeline. Accordingly, deployment schedule to be adapted. However, the Manager,
Safety Person and Store Keeper are intended for General Shift services.

Above staff requirement is minimum, additional staff required for smooth and efficient
operation of the system is to be deployed by the contractor as per requirement for
which no extra payment will be admissible.

For the non-compliance of the employment of key personnel: If the successful

bidder does not recruit / depute the key personnel identified as per schedule, then
the department shall arrange for such manpower. All the cost and consequences in
this regard shall be borne by the contractor.

1.3.5 Vehicle

The contractor shall refer Clause-3.18 of Special Conditions of Contract.

1.3.6 Computer / Printer and Accessories

The contractor has to provide at site two (2) nos. Computers with internet connection,
one (1) printer, scanner & copier, consumables and all required stationeries with all
peripherals and all licensed softwares (updated from time to time) to keep and
maintain all the records, data maintenance schedules in soft and hard copies.

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

1.3.7 Daily, Weekly and Monthly Statement

Daily, weekly and monthly statements for electricity consumed, total hours of pump
operation, total qty. of pumping, average power factor and monthly consumable &
repair maintenance during the month shall be furnished by the contractor to

1.3.8 Assignment

The Contractor will not be entitled to sub-contract any part of his obligation to any
third party without prior approval of the Employer.

1.3.9 Completion of the Contract

On the date of Contract Completion or if the Contract is terminated, all the

installations, works and equipment placed under the Contractor’s responsibility
shall be handed over to the Employer, at no cost, in good working condition, except
for normal wear and tear. The Employer may perform any inspections, tests or expert
appraisals he shall consider necessary with a view to checking that the property is in
good working order.

At the end of O&M period, the Contractor shall be entitled to receive the Final
Certificate within one month, as per the Clause 14 of Condition of Contract of
Volume II.

1.4 Technical Provisions

1.4.1 Maintenance

The Contractor shall be responsible for preventive and corrective maintenance of civil,
structural, mechanical, electrical and computing equipment as well as
miscellaneous equipment as described in the tender document.

The Contractor shall ensure that measurement systems operated correctly with the
required degree of precision at all times. Performance Standards

It is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that plant systems are at all times able
to operate at duty conditions.

The Contractor shall operate the plant strictly within the operating ranges and shall
manage the operation of the plant to achieve optimum performance as far as
possible. Meter Reading

All water conveyed by the Contractor shall be measured through the meters
installed at pumping station and at the end of the pipeline. The meters shall be
inspected and certified as to its accuracy jointly by the Employer and the Contractor.

The Contractor shall be entitled to appoint a representative who shall together with
Employer's representative on the last day of each fortnight or if such day is not a
working day on the following day, jointly carry out a reading of water meters and
jointly certify the record of such readings.

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

The contractor is responsible to keep update the calibration of measuring

equipments as per standard methods / requirements.

1.4.2 General Preventive Maintenance

General routine preventive maintenance shall be covering the following aspects. The
list given below is indicative and not exhaustive. All additional measures shall have to
be taken by the contractor to achieve the performance of the system as directed by

Frequency of
Sr. No Description
General cleaning of all equipment and building.
1 Daily
Watering of plants and tree daily.
Cleaning of sump and strainer of each pump at regular
2 As required
Replacement of gland packing for the pump, sluice valves etc.
3 As required
whenever required.
Greasing of bearing and lubricating all moving parts as per the
4 Monthly
5 Tightening of all loose nut-bolts and other fasteners Weekly
6 Lubricating and test operation of the valves Monthly
If it is observed that power consumption of water pumped is
7 increased, the contractor has to trace out the fault and rectify Daily
the same to bring to the standard value.
De-weeding and cleaning of the Transformer yard and other
8 Monthly
Drying and refilling of silica gel in the breather of the
9 Monthly
transformer Regular watering on the earth-pits
Check for any oil leak in the transformer and intimating and
10 Weekly
repairing of the same
11 Air blowing of motors, H.T. & L.T. panel etc Quarterly
Check for any loose connection in all electrical equipment and
12 Monthly
rectification of same
Checking and replacement of bulbs, tubes, chokes, starters,
13 switches, control etc. throughout the plant and including Weekly
street and overhead lights

1.4.3 Scheduled Maintenance Checks

The contractor shall carry out the following scheduled maintenance activities. The list
given below is indicative and not exhaustive. All additional measures shall have to be
taken by the contractor to achieve the performance of the system as directed by
Engineer-in-charge. All the civil components of pump house, other steel components
and structural members and other components shall be repaired /strengthen if
required and painted regularly at the interval of 2 years. However the maintenance
guideline given by original equipment manufacturer shall also be observed.

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme Checks to be Performed Daily

 Supply of electricity
 Volume of water as per requirement
 Vibration in the pump sets, moving assemblies etc.
 Tightness of all the equipment
 Rise in temperature of bearings in motor, in moving parts and other units etc.
 Working of gauges and other measuring devices
 Operation of stop log gates/valves Checks to be Performed Weekly

 Supply of electricity
 Tightness of all electrical connections
 Tightness of all cable connections
 Temperature rise due to loose connections
 Watering of earth pits
 Operation of all sluice and butterfly valves, scour and pressure relief valves, gates
and air valves
 Current and voltages in all electrical equipment
 Observations on water quality
 All parts of the machinery and electrical equipment liable to wear and tear shall be
replaced by the contractor every 6 months Checks to be Performed Monthly

 Gland packing
 Wear and tear of moving parts
 Adoption of electrical energy conservation method and energy consumption.
 Electrical contacts
 Motors
 Metering of electrical equipment
 Contractor shall be equipped with dewatering pump of capacity of pumping water
equal to 1.0 km. length of pipeline in 24 hrs. The unit shall also consist of power
generating set Checks to be Performed Quarterly

 Relay testing and calibration if possible of meters, gauges instruments, flow meters
and temperature scanner panel and flow indicator unit
 Speed of motors
 Level gauges and flow meters signals Checks to be Performed Half Yearly

 Cleaning, checking/tightening of HT and LT circuit/panel
 Tightening of PMCC

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

 Auxiliary DB, Capacitor bank

 Battery and Battery charger Checks to be Performed Annually

 Overhauling requirement of all equipment
 Improvement required if any in operation of plant
 Testing and calibration of all instruments
 66 KV VCB cleaning, testing.
 Transformer cleaning, checking silica gel, oil checking filtering/replacing

1.4.4 Mechanical Mandatory Spare Parts, Electrical Tools & Test

Equipments, Electrical Mandatory Spare Parts and Instrumentation
Mandatory Spare Parts
All the mandatory spare parts/ tools/test equipment etc. are meant for use by the
department after O&M period. However, those shall hand over to department on
commissioning of the project. Such mandatory spares shall be procured from Original
Equipment Manufacture – whose equipments are already used for this project and
shall be replaceable in place of the original one.
The contractor shall construct the separate store in the pumping station premise
for storage of these mandatory items. All these items shall be properly tagged
and kept in bins / racks / cup-boards etc. with proper records. The contractor
shall be solely responsible for the safety and security of this store.
The commissioning certificate shall be issued only after receipt of the above mandatory
items by the department in quantity and quality.

1.4.5 Consumables and Utilities Services, Spare Parts & Stores and
Miscellaneous equipment
In addition to the Clause No. 1.4.4 above, the contractor shall keep adequate spare
parts/ consumables etc. on their own apart from the spares handed over to the
department for trouble free O&M of 10 years. Consumables and Utilities Services

Unless stipulated otherwise elsewhere in the document, for the duration of the O & M
period, the Contractor s h a l l be responsible for the supply and control of
lubricants, spare parts and consumable materials excluding electrical power and
water, necessary for the continuous operation of the works.

The Contractor will manage the consumables and utilities services to ensure their
most economic consumption and to minimize wastage.

The quantities of all the unutilised spare parts and consumable materials will be fully
handed-over to the Employer at the end of the O&M period. Spare Parts and Stores

The store’s inventory, the issuing and recording of spare parts will be the
responsibility of the Contractor.

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

The Contractor is also responsible for providing spare parts and material required for
the operation and maintenance period, and shall bear the cost for the same,
including the cost of storing and safeguarding.
 The Contractor will make all necessary arrangements to ensure the continuous
supply of spare parts and material for the works and the rate of supply of these
materials shall be in such quantities and amounts as would ensure uninterrupted
 Spare parts shall be supplied by the Contractor and the same will be used during
10 years operation and maintenance period. Any spare parts used during the O&M
period shall be replaced by purchasing new spare parts and total set of spare parts
shall be handed over to the employer after completion of 10 years O & M period /
extended O&M period. Miscellaneous Equipment

 Workshop Equipment: All the necessary and required workshop equipment for the
proposed project shall be supplied by the Contractor under this Contract.
Contractor shall give a comprehensive list of the same.
 Housing Complexes: Cost of maintenance and housekeeping including domestic
water supply and drainage, roads, gardens, electrical installations, etc. shall be
borne by the contractor.

1.4.6 Inspection General Provisions

The Employer shall check the operation of the plant or designate an organization of
his choice to carry out inspections regularly. The Employer or the organization
appointed by him shall check that the Contractor is performing the tasks for which
he is responsible with due diligence. The Contractor shall at his cost provide all the
assistance the Employer requires to complete these inspections.

Before any inspection, the Employer shall give prior written notice of three days to
the Contractor, indicating the name(s) of the person(s) empowered to carry out such
inspection in the name of the Employer. The contractor shall cover all the cost
associated with periodical inspection, testing, measurement of guaranteed
technical parameters, plant visits as and when required etc. Measurement and Analysis

The Employer has the right to perform any analysis or inspection he deems
necessary. Before any inspection, the Employer shall give a prior written notice of
three days to the Contractor and shall cover the costs of such action. The water
quantity shall be measured by flow meters installed at the pump house and also at
the end of pipeline section.

The flow meters shall be inspected and certified upon their availability by the
Employer and the Contractor. Thereafter, the said meters shall be tested and their
accuracy verified once in every six (6) months by the Employer and the Contractor.
After each inspection, the flow meters shall both be sealed in the presence of
representatives of Employer and the Contractor in a manner that is adequate to
prevent the tampering of said meters by any person. All such calibration charges
shall be borne by the contractor.

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Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

The Contractor shall be responsible for the security and protection of flow meters at
the designated point. If there is any malfunctioning of the meters, it should be
replaced at the Contractor’s cost. Plant Complex Visits

At the end of each month, or at the initiative of the Employer, a visit shall be
organized so that both parties can check the condition of the installations at the
plant complexes.

A report shall be drawn-up to record the opinions of both parties. The Employer
reserves the right to call in equipment manufacturers or specialized technicians for
these visits.

These visits shall provide an opportunity for examining maintenance programs and
operating procedures. Documents to be provided by the Contractor

 Operation Log Book: The Contractor shall keep a permanent record of plant
operation (logbook). This log book shall be kept at the site and shall be presented
on request to agents approved by the Employer.
 Daily Report: On a daily basis, the following information shall be recorded in the
log book:
 Reading from the different meters, indicators and recorders (including but not
limited to consumption of energy, volume of water conveyed, operating times
of the different items of equipment)
 Computer documents and tapes/CDs produced by monitoring and surveillance
equipment which shall be attached to the log book,
 Report of visits by persons other than those of the Employer and the Contractor
to the Facility
 The Contractor shall also indicate any significant modifications to the set-up
characteristics of the installation, shut-downs, anomalies or incidents that have
occurred with respect to operation.
 Monthly Report: The monthly report shall include but not be limited to:
 Volume of water conveyed
 Electricity consumed totally
 All the problem areas in the facility
 The status and progress of the training programs
 Semi Annual Report: The Contractor shall provide the Employer by March 31 of
the pa r ti cu l a r year (n) with an annual report for the preceding year (n-1). This
report shall include
 All technical statistics related to plant operation as supplied by the operation
 A statement of works carried out during the preceding year n-1 in connection
with the Contractor’s maintenance obligation

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

1.5 Financial Provisions

1.5.1 Method of Invoicing

The contractor shall prepare and submit to the Employer an invoice every month with
all documents supporting its calculations for the preceding month. The invoice shall
be submitted between the first and fifth day of the month.

The Employer shall pay to the contractor after verifications and due deductions as
provided in the contract.

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

2. Mechanical Tools & Test Equipment for

O & M Period

For Pumping Station at Shelud and Naranpura

Item Description Quantity Unit
Double open ended Spanners
5-32 mm
1 32-36 mm 2 Set
41-50 mm
50-56 mm
Box Spanners
5-32 mm 1 Set
32-36 mm 1 Set
41-46 mm 1 Set
Single Open-ended Spanners
3 2 Set
52 mm
56 mm
Allen key Spanners:
1.5 – 16mm covering the entire range 1 Set
Pipe Wrenches
300 mm long No.
5 1
450 mm long No.
600 mm long No.
Pipe Die set with wrenches BSP threads
6 1 Set
covering 12mm to 50mm range
Ratchet Die set complete with threaded
7 1 Set
Chasers up to 100mm
Torque Wrenches
8 Up to 50 kgm 1 Set
Up to 100 kgm 1 Set
Dial guage 0.01mm accuracy with magnetic
9 1 Set
10 150mm Feeler gauges 0.01mm to 1 mm 1 Set
Thread Gauges 10mm to 52mm covering all
11 1 Set
Thread gauge for pipe threads –
12 12mm,20mm,25mm,32mm,40mm, and 50mm 1 Set
nominal bore
Precision square level 0.02mm/metre for
13 1 No.
verticality checks
14 One Set of tube cutter for tubes up to 12mm 1 Set
15 Grease guns 2 Set
Coupling Puller suitable for main drive
16 2 Set

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

For Pumping Station at Ukai Reservoir and Champavadi Pond
Item Description Quantity Unit
Double open ended Spanners
5-32 mm
1 32-36 mm 2 Set
41-50 mm
50-56 mm
Box Spanners
5-32 mm 1 Set
32-36 mm 1 Set
41-46 mm 1 Set
Single Open-ended Spanners
3 2 Set
52 mm
56 mm
Allen key Spanners:
1.5 – 16mm covering the entire range 1 Set
Pipe Wrenches
300 mm long No.
5 1
450 mm long No.
600 mm long No.
Pipe Die set with wrenches BSP threads covering
6 1 Set
12mm to 50mm range
Ratchet Die set complete with threaded Chasers
7 1 Set
up to 100mm
Torque Wrenches
8 Up to 50 kgm 1 Set
Up to 100 kgm 1 Set
9 Dial guage 0.01mm accuracy with magnetic base 1 Set
10 150mm Feeler gauges 0.01mm to 1 mm 1 Set
11 Thread Gauges 10mm to 52mm covering all sizes 1 Set
Thread gauge for pipe threads –
12 12mm,20mm,25mm,32mm,40mm, and 50mm 1 Set
nominal bore
Precision square level 0.02mm/metre for
13 1 No.
verticality checks
14 One Set of tube cutter for tubes up to 12mm 1 Set
15 Grease guns 2 Set

16 Coupling Puller suitable for main drive coupling. 2 Set

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

Item Description Quantity Unit
Double open ended Spanners
5-32 mm
1 32-36 mm 2 Set
41-50 mm
50-56 mm
Box Spanners
5-32 mm 1 Set
32-36 mm 1 Set
41-46 mm 1 Set
Single Open-ended Spanners
3 2 Set
52 mm
56 mm
Allen key Spanners:
1.5 – 16mm covering the entire range 1 Set
Pipe Wrenches
300 mm long No.
5 1
450 mm long No.
600 mm long No.
Pipe Die set with wrenches BSP threads covering
6 1 Set
12mm to 50mm range
Ratchet Die set complete with threaded Chasers
7 1 Set
up to 100mm
Torque Wrenches
8 Up to 50 kgm 1 Set
Up to 100 kgm 1 Set
9 Dial guage 0.01mm accuracy with magnetic base 1 Set
10 150mm Feeler gauges 0.01mm to 1 mm 1 Set
11 Thread Gauges 10mm to 52mm covering all sizes 1 Set
Thread gauge for pipe threads –
12 12mm,20mm,25mm,32mm,40mm, and 50mm 1 Set
nominal bore
Precision square level 0.02mm/metre for
13 1 No.
verticality checks
14 One Set of tube cutter for tubes up to 12mm 1 Set
15 Grease guns 2 Set

16 Coupling Puller suitable for main drive coupling. 2 Set

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

3. Mechanical Mandatory Spare Parts for

Pumping Station

For Pumping Station at Shelud and Naranpura

Sr. No. Description Quantity Unit

(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Mechanical Pumps
(a) Bearings 2 Set
(b) Flexible couplings 1 Set
(c) Shaft sleeves; sleeve nuts and lock nuts 3 Set
(d) Impeller wear rings 3 Set
(f) Casing rings 3 Set
(g) Impeller 2 Nos.

(h) Impeller shaft 2 Nos.

(i) Gasket 3 Nos.

(j) Stuffing box packing rings 5 Sets

(k) Impeller – (spare impeller considering the 2 Nos.

head loss and friction co-efficient for
worst operating condition)
2 Induction Motor
(a) Bearings 2 Sets
3 Valves
(a) Limit switch / Micro switch assemblies for 5 Nos.
extreme positions
(b) Actuator – complete unit 2 Nos.
(c ) Complete set of gasket, Gland Packing & 1 Set
Thrust Brg.
(d ) Spindle, Spindle-nut, Fasteners, Bolts & 1 set
nuts, Washers, etc.


For Pumping Station at Ukai Reservoir

Sr. No. Description Quantity Unit

(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Mechanical Pumps
(a) Bearings 2 Set
(b) Flexible couplings 1 Set
(c) Shaft sleeves; sleeve nuts and lock nuts 3 Set
(d) Impeller wear rings 3 Set
(f) Casing rings 3 Set

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

(g) Impeller 2 Nos.

(h) Impeller shaft 2 Nos.

(i) Gasket 3 Nos.

(j) Stuffing box packing rings 5 Sets

(k) Impeller – (spare impeller considering the 2 Nos.

head loss and friction co-efficient for worst
operating condition)
2 Induction Motor
(a) Bearings 2 Sets
3 Valves
(a) Limit switch / Micro switch assemblies for 5 Nos.
extreme positions
(b) Actuator – complete unit 2 Nos.
(c ) Complete set of gasket, Gland Packing & 1 Set
Thrust Brg.
(d ) Spindle, Spindle-nut, Fasteners, Bolts & 1 set
nuts, Washers, etc.

For Pumping Station at Champavadi Pond

Sr. No. Description Quantity Unit

(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Mechanical Pumps
(a) Bearings 4 Set
(b) Flexible couplings 2 Set
(c) Shaft sleeves; sleeve nuts and lock nuts 6 Set
(d) Impeller wear rings 6 Set
(f) Casing rings 6 Set
(g) Impeller 4 Nos.

(h) Impeller shaft 4 Nos.

(i) Gasket 6 Nos.

(j) Stuffing box packing rings 10 Sets

(k) Impeller – (spare impeller considering the 4 Nos.
head loss and friction co-efficient for worst
operating condition)
2 Induction Motor
(a) Bearings 4 Sets
3 Valves
(a) Limit switch / Micro switch assemblies for 10 Nos.
extreme positions
(b) Actuator – complete unit 4 Nos.
(c ) Complete set of gasket, Gland Packing & 2 Set
Thrust Brg.
(d ) Spindle, Spindle-nut, Fasteners, Bolts & 2 set
nuts, Washers, etc.

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme


Description Quantity Unit
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Mechanical Pumps
(a) Bearings 4 Set
(b) Flexible couplings 2 Set
(c) Shaft sleeves; sleeve nuts and lock nuts 6 Set
(d) Impeller wear rings 6 Set
(f) Casing rings 6 Set
(g) Impeller 4 Nos.

(h) Impeller shaft 4 Nos.

(i) Gasket 6 Nos.

(j) Stuffing box packing rings 10 Sets

(k) Impeller – (spare impeller considering 4 Nos.

the head loss and friction co-efficient for
worst operating condition)
2 Induction Motor
(a) Bearings 4 Sets
3 Valves
(a) Limit switch / Micro switch assemblies 10 Nos.
for extreme positions
(b) Actuator – complete unit 4 Nos.
(c ) Complete set of gasket, Gland Packing 2 Set
& Thrust Brg.
(d ) Spindle, Spindle-nut, Fasteners, Bolts 2 set
& nuts, Washers, etc.

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

4. Electrical Tools & Test Equipment for

Pumping Station

For Pumping station at Shelud and Naranpura
Sr. No. Item Description Qty Unit

Electrical Tools and Test Equipments

1.0 Tools
Set of Spanners of size 6mm to 32mm width across flat
(a) 2 Nos.
(i) Adjustable wrench of 36 mm jaw width
(b) (ii) Adjustable wrench of 23 mm jaw width 2 Nos.
Heavy duty screw driver with full size insulated handle and
blade length.
(i) 100mm 5 Nos.
(ii) 150mm 5 Nos.
(iii) 200mm 5 Nos.
2.0 Test Equipments
(a) 5000 V megger, motor operated 1 Nos.
(b) 2500 V megger, motor operated 1 Sets
(c) 500 V megger, motor operated 1 Nos.
(d) Multimeter (Battery operated) as per specification 2 Nos.
(e) Tong Tester 2 Nos.
3.0 Crimping Tool
Hand operated crimping tool with three built in dies uitable for
(a) crimping copper & aluminium cables of sizes 1.5 mm2 to 1 No.
Hand operated portable hydraulic crimping tool with dies
(b) 1 No.
suitable for crimping cable of sizes 10 mm2 to 1000 mm2

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

For Pumping Station at Ukai Reservoir and at Champavadi Pond
Sr. No. Item Description Qty Unit

Electrical Tools and Test Equipments (MPS-1)

1.0 Tools
Set of Spanners of size 6mm to 32mm width across flat
(a) 2 Nos.
(i) Adjustable wrench of 36 mm jaw width
(b) (ii) Adjustable wrench of 23 mm jaw width 2 Nos.
Heavy duty screw driver with full size insulated handle and
blade length.
(i) 100mm 5 Nos.
(ii) 150mm 5 Nos.
(iii) 200mm 5 Nos.
2.0 Test Equipments
(a) 5000 V megger, motor operated 1 Nos.
(b) 2500 V megger, motor operated 1 Sets
(c) 500 V megger, motor operated 1 Nos.
(d) Multimeter (Battery operated) as per specification 2 Nos.
(e) Tong Tester 2 Nos.
3.0 Crimping Tool
Hand operated crimping tool with three built in dies uitable for
(a) crimping copper & aluminium cables of sizes 1.5 mm2 to 1 No.
Hand operated portable hydraulic crimping tool with dies
(b) 1 No.
suitable for crimping cable of sizes 10 mm2 to 1000 mm2


Sr. No. Item Description Qty Unit

Electrical Tools and Test Equipments

1.0 Tools
Set of Spanners of size 6mm to 32mm width across flat
(a) 2 Nos.
(i) Adjustable wrench of 36 mm jaw width
(b) (ii) Adjustable wrench of 23 mm jaw width 2 Nos.
Heavy duty screw driver with full size insulated handle and
blade length.
(i) 100mm 5 Nos.
(ii) 150mm 5 Nos.
(iii) 200mm 5 Nos.
2.0 Test Equipments

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

Sr. No. Item Description Qty Unit

(a) 5000 V megger, motor operated 1 Nos.

(b) 2500 V megger, motor operated 1 Sets
(c) 500 V megger, motor operated 1 Nos.
(d) Multimeter (Battery operated) as per specification 2 Nos.
(e) Tong Tester 2 Nos.
3.0 Crimping Tool
Hand operated crimping tool with three built in dies uitable for
(a) crimping copper & aluminium cables of sizes 1.5 mm2 to 1 No.
Hand operated portable hydraulic crimping tool with dies
(b) 1 No.
suitable for crimping cable of sizes 10 mm2 to 1000 mm2

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

5. Electrical Mandatory Spare Parts for

Pumping Station

For Pumping Station at Shelud and Naranpura
Sr. No. Item Description Qty Unit
1.0 66/6.6 KV, Power Transformer
(a) Complete set of gasket 1 Set
(b) 66 KV HT & LT bushing 1 No.
(c) Dial type thermometer 1 No.
(d) Oil Level Gauges 1 No.
(e) Winding Temp Indicator 1 No.
(f) Silica Gel Breather 1 No.
(g) Set of Valves (each of one) 1 Set
(h) Buchholz relay 1 No.
2.0 6.6/0.433 KV, Transformer
(a) Complete set of gasket 1 Set
(b) L.T. Neutral bushing complete with metal part 1 No.
(c) Silica gel breather 1 No.
(d) One valve of each type 1 Set
3.0 66 KV SF6 circuit Breaker
(a) Bus bar support insulator 3 Nos.
(b) Shunt trip coil 2 Nos.
(c) Closing coil 2 Nos.
(d) Indicating lamp assembly complete with series resistors 10 Nos.
(e) Primary, secondary fuses 5 Nos.
(f) SF6 Gas bottles 1 Nos.
(g) Set of Gaskets 1 Set
(h) Auxiliary switch assemblies 1 Set
(i) Limit position switches 3 Nos.
(j) Local/Remote Selector Switches 3 Nos.
(k) Breaker control switches 3 Nos.
4.0 6.6 KV Vacuum circuit Breaker
(a) Vacuum bottles 3 Nos.
(b) Auxiliary switch assemblies 1 Set
(c) Limit position switches 3 Nos.
(d) Local/Remote Selector Switches 3 Nos.
(e) Breaker control switches 3 Nos.

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

Sr. No. Item Description Qty Unit

5.0 6.6 KV metal Enclosed Switchgears
(a) Bus bar support insulator 3 Nos.
(b) Indicating lamp assembly complete with series resistors 10 Nos.
(c) Primary, secondary fuses 5 Nos.
(d) Auxiliary switch assemblies 1 Set
(e) Local/Remote Selector Switches 3 Nos.
(f) Breaker control switches 3 Nos.
6.0 6.6 KV Soft starter panels
(a) Tripping coil 1 No
(b) Closing Coil 1 No
(c) Auxiliary Contactor 1 No
(d) Transducer 1 No
(e) Thermistors Relay sensor 1 No
(f) SMPS 1 No
7.0 6.6 KV HT capacitor panels
(a) Lot
HT HRC FUSES each rating 1
(b) Set
Post insulators with assembly 2
(c) Nos
Indicating lamp 5
8.0 LT Metal enclosed Switchgear
(a) Indicating Lamps With Series Resistors 10 Nos
(b) Ammeter 0-400 A 3 Nos.
(c) Voltmeter 0-500 V 3 No.
(d) Power Factor Meter 1 No.
(e) Fuses (of each type) 5 No.
(f) Heavy Duty Air Break Switches 1 No.
(g) SPN MCB 1 No each 2 Nos.
9.0 Maintenance free, sealed lead Acid Battery
(a) Inter cell Connectors 50 Nos.
(b) Battery stand insulators and Cell insulators 10 Nos.
(c) Nuts, bolts, washers, etc. 1 Set
(d) Vent plugs cum level indicators 1 No.
(e) Complete set of Spare cell 5 Nos.
(f) Battery inter row connector 2 Nos.
(g) Battery inter cell connector 5 Nos.
10.0 Battery charger and D.C. Distribution board
(a) Battery Charger
(b) Indicating lamp assembly comp. with series Resistor 2 Nos.
(c) Indicating lamps 3 Nos.
(d) Red, Green, Amber cover for indicating lamps (of each 5 No.

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

Sr. No. Item Description Qty Unit

(e) Fuses of each rating (of each type) 1 Lot
11.0 Push Buttons activator Push button contact element 10 Nos.
12.0 Window Air Conditional 4 Nos.
13.0 EPBAX system & its accessories 1 Set

For Pumping station at Ukai Reservoir and at Champavadi Pond
Sr. No. Item Description Qty Unit
(MPS-1)For PS
1.0 66/6.6 KV, Power Transformer
(a) Complete set of gasket 1 Set
(b) 66 KV HT & LT bushing 1 No.
(c) Dial type thermometer 1 No.
(d) Oil Level Gauges 1 No.
(e) Winding Temp Indicator 1 No.
(f) Silica Gel Breather 1 No.
(g) Set of Valves (each of one) 1 Set
(h) Buchholz relay 1 No.
2.0 6.6/0.433 KV, Transformer
(a) Complete set of gasket 1 Set
(b) L.T. Neutral bushing complete with metal part 1 No.
(c) Silica gel breather 1 No.
(d) One valve of each type 1 Set
3.0 66 KV SF6 circuit Breaker
(a) Bus bar support insulator 3 Nos.
(b) Shunt trip coil 2 Nos.
(c) Closing coil 2 Nos.
(d) Indicating lamp assembly complete with series resistors 10 Nos.
(e) Primary, secondary fuses 5 Nos.
(f) SF6 Gas bottles 1 Nos.
(g) Set of Gaskets 1 Set
(h) Auxiliary switch assemblies 1 Set
(i) Limit position switches 3 Nos.
(j) Local/Remote Selector Switches 3 Nos.
(k) Breaker control switches 3 Nos.
4.0 6.6 KV Vacuum circuit Breaker
(a) Vacuum bottles 3 Nos.
(b) Auxiliary switch assemblies 1 Set
(c) Limit position switches 3 Nos.

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

Sr. No. Item Description Qty Unit

(d) Local/Remote Selector Switches 3 Nos.
(e) Breaker control switches 3 Nos.
5.0 6.6 KV metal Enclosed Switchgears
(a) Bus bar support insulator 3 Nos.
(b) Indicating lamp assembly complete with series resistors 10 Nos.
(c) Primary, secondary fuses 5 Nos.
(d) Auxiliary switch assemblies 1 Set
(e) Local/Remote Selector Switches 3 Nos.
(f) Breaker control switches 3 Nos.
6.0 6.6 KV Soft starter panels
(a) Tripping coil 1 No
(b) Closing Coil 1 No
(c) Auxiliary Contactor 1 No
(d) Transducer 1 No
(e) Thermistors Relay sensor 1 No
(f) SMPS 1 No
7.0 6.6 KV HT capacitor panels
(a) Lot
HT HRC FUSES each rating 1
(b) Set
Post insulators with assembly 2
(c) Nos
Indicating lamp 5
8.0 LT Metal enclosed Switchgear
(a) Indicating Lamps With Series Resistors 10 Nos
(b) Ammeter 0-400 A 3 Nos.
(c) Voltmeter 0-500 V 3 No.
(d) Power Factor Meter 1 No.
(e) Fuses (of each type) 5 No.
(f) Heavy Duty Air Break Switches 1 No.
(g) SPN MCB 1 No each 2 Nos.
9.0 Maintenance free, sealed lead Acid Battery
(a) Inter cell Connectors 50 Nos.
(b) Battery stand insulators and Cell insulators 10 Nos.
(c) Nuts, bolts, washers, etc. 1 Set
(d) Vent plugs cum level indicators 1 No.
(e) Complete set of Spare cell 5 Nos.
(f) Battery inter row connector 2 Nos.
(g) Battery inter cell connector 5 Nos.
10.0 Battery charger and D.C. Distribution board
(a) Battery Charger
(b) Indicating lamp assembly comp. with series Resistor 2 Nos.
(c) Indicating lamps 3 Nos.

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

Sr. No. Item Description Qty Unit

(d) Red, Green, Amber cover for indicating lamps (of each 5 No.
(e) Fuses of each rating (of each type) 1 Lot
11.0 Push Buttons activator Push button contact element 10 Nos.
12.0 Window Air Conditional 4 Nos.
13.0 EPBAX system & its accessories 1 Set


Sr. No. Item Description Qty Unit

1.0 66/6.6 KV, Power Transformer
(a) Complete set of gasket 1 Set
(b) 66 KV HT & LT bushing 1 No.
(c) Dial type thermometer 1 No.
(d) Oil Level Gauges 1 No.
(e) Winding Temp Indicator 1 No.
(f) Silica Gel Breather 1 No.
(g) Set of Valves (each of one) 1 Set
(h) Buchholz relay 1 No.
2.0 6.6/0.433 KV, Transformer
(a) Complete set of gasket 1 Set
(b) L.T. Neutral bushing complete with metal part 1 No.
(c) Silica gel breather 1 No.
(d) One valve of each type 1 Set
3.0 66 KV SF6 circuit Breaker
(a) Bus bar support insulator 3 Nos.
(b) Shunt trip coil 2 Nos.
(c) Closing coil 2 Nos.
(d) Indicating lamp assembly complete with series resistors 10 Nos.
(e) Primary, secondary fuses 5 Nos.
(f) SF6 Gas bottles 1 Nos.
(g) Set of Gaskets 1 Set
(h) Auxiliary switch assemblies 1 Set
(i) Limit position switches 3 Nos.
(j) Local/Remote Selector Switches 3 Nos.
(k) Breaker control switches 3 Nos.
4.0 6.6 KV Vacuum circuit Breaker
(a) Vacuum bottles 3 Nos.
(b) Auxiliary switch assemblies 1 Set

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

Sr. No. Item Description Qty Unit

(c) Limit position switches 3 Nos.
(d) Local/Remote Selector Switches 3 Nos.
(e) Breaker control switches 3 Nos.
5.0 6.6 KV metal Enclosed Switchgears
(a) Bus bar support insulator 3 Nos.
(b) Indicating lamp assembly complete with series resistors 10 Nos.
(c) Primary, secondary fuses 5 Nos.
(d) Auxiliary switch assemblies 1 Set
(e) Local/Remote Selector Switches 3 Nos.
(f) Breaker control switches 3 Nos.
6.0 6.6 KV Soft starter panels
(a) Tripping coil 1 No
(b) Closing Coil 1 No
(c) Auxiliary Contactor 1 No
(d) Transducer 1 No
(e) Thermistors Relay sensor 1 No
(f) SMPS 1 No
7.0 6.6 KV HT capacitor panels
(a) Lot
HT HRC FUSES each rating 1
(b) Set
Post insulators with assembly 2
(c) Nos
Indicating lamp 5
8.0 LT Metal enclosed Switchgear
(a) Indicating Lamps With Series Resistors 10 Nos
(b) Ammeter 0-400 A 3 Nos.
(c) Voltmeter 0-500 V 3 No.
(d) Power Factor Meter 1 No.
(e) Fuses (of each type) 5 No.
(f) Heavy Duty Air Break Switches 1 No.
(g) SPN MCB 1 No each 2 Nos.
9.0 Maintenance free, sealed lead Acid Battery
(a) Inter cell Connectors 50 Nos.
(b) Battery stand insulators and Cell insulators 10 Nos.
(c) Nuts, bolts, washers, etc. 1 Set
(d) Vent plugs cum level indicators 1 No.
(e) Complete set of Spare cell 5 Nos.
(f) Battery inter row connector 2 Nos.
(g) Battery inter cell connector 5 Nos.
10.0 Battery charger and D.C. Distribution board
(a) Battery Charger
(b) Indicating lamp assembly comp. with series Resistor 2 Nos.

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

Sr. No. Item Description Qty Unit

(c) Indicating lamps 3 Nos.
(d) Red, Green, Amber cover for indicating lamps (of each 5 No.
(e) Fuses of each rating (of each type) 1 Lot
11.0 Push Buttons activator Push button contact element 10 Nos.
12.0 Window Air Conditional 4 Nos.
13.0 EPBAX system & its accessories 1 Set

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme

6. Instrumentation Mandatory Spare Parts

for Pumping Station

For Pumping Station at Shelud and Naranpura
Item Description Qty Unit
1 Flow indicator cume totalizer 1 No
2 Level indicator 1 No
3 Pressure indicator 1 No
4 Ultrasonic Level Sensor 1 No
5 Conductivity type level switch 1 No
6 Pressure transmitter 1 No
7 Pressure gauge ( Suction & Discharge) 2 Nos.
8 Pressure switch 1 No
9 Temperature Scanners 1 No
10 Rechargeable Battery for flow meter 1 set

1. For Pumping Station at Ukai Reservoir
Item Description Qty Unit
1 Flow indicator cume totalizer 1 No
2 Level indicator 1 No
3 Pressure indicator 1 No
4 Ultrasonic Level Sensor 1 No
5 Conductivity type level switch 1 No
6 Pressure transmitter 1 No
7 Pressure gauge ( Suction & Discharge) 2 Nos.
8 Pressure switch 1 No
9 Temperature Scanners 1 No
10 Rechargeable Battery for flow meter 1 set

2. For Pumping Station at Champavadi Pond

Item Description Qty Unit
1 Flow indicator cume totalizer 2 No
2 Level indicator 1 No
3 Pressure indicator 1 No
4 Ultrasonic Level Sensor 1 No
5 Conductivity type level switch 1 No
6 Pressure transmitter 2 No
7 Pressure gauge ( Suction & Discharge) 4 Nos.
8 Pressure switch 2 No
9 Temperature Scanners 1 No
10 Rechargeable Battery for flow meter 2 set

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.

Uchchhal, Songadh and Nizar Lift Irrigation Scheme


Item Description Qty Unit
1 Flow indicator cume totalizer 1 No
2 Level indicator 1 No
3 Pressure indicator 1 No
4 Ultrasonic Level Sensor 1 No
5 Conductivity type level switch 1 No
6 Pressure transmitter 1 No
7 Pressure gauge ( Suction & Discharge) 2 Nos.
8 Pressure switch 1 No
9 Temperature Scanners 1 No

Geo-Designs & Research (P.) Ltd.


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