Backward Phenomenon On Natural Circulation Flow Based On Power Differences in FASSIP-01

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Backward phenomenon on natural circulation flow based on

power differences in FASSIP-01 loop
Mulya Juarsa  ; Anhar R. Antariksawan; Surip Widodo; ... et. al

AIP Conference Proceedings 2001, 050005 (2018)


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Backward Phenomenon on Natural Circulation Flow
Based on Power Differences in FASSIP-01 Loop
Mulya Juarsa1,a), Anhar R. Antariksawan1), Surip Widodo1),
M. Hadi Kusuma1), Agus Nur Rohman1), Giarno1), M. Hadid Subki2)
Center for Nuclear Reactor Technology and Safety,
National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN)
Building 80 Puspiptek Area Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15310, Indonesia

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Nuclear Power Technology Development Section (NPTD), Division of Nuclear Power (DNP),
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, AUSTRIA

corresponding author:

Abstract. The R&D of thermal-hydraulics for passive cooling system to optimize thermal management during
the accident and operation of NPP become an important research topics related to the improvement of the
accident management of NPP. The need for experimental research using medium scale test facilities becomes an
important need to investigate passive cooling systems for improved reactor safety. FASSIP-01 Loop is a medium
scale test facility which water inside the rectangular loop which the water flow is driven by natural circulation
due to the differences of density in heater area and in the cooler area. The purpose of this experiment is to
investigate the natural circulation phenomenon during start-up condition since the beginning until stable flow.
The experiment has been done with heater power variation is 4845 watt and 5928 watt, the flow rate variation in
cooler area is 10.38 LPM and 43.10 LPM with the pipe of rectangular loop was not isolated. The result of
experiment from 0 s to 5000 s shows the backward phenomenon which was occurs due to decrease in water
temperature near the pipe wall. The backward flow point difference between two heater powers is 0.0165 LPM
for coolant flow of 10.38 LPM and 0.0088 LPM for coolant flow of 43.10 LPM. The density of water in cross
section of rectangular pipe is not the same for a few times.

Keywords: backward, natural circulation, start-up, stable, flow, density

Loss of flow accident (LOFA) is one of the postulated design basic accidents (DBA) in light water-cooled
reactor (both, PWR and BWR). LOFA event was occurred due to malfunction or failure (caused by no
electrical source) the reactor coolant pump (RCP) to fulfill its design and safety function. Lesson learn from
Fukushima Daiichi accident in March 11 at 2011, it caused core damaged as the result of no electrical source
to RCP from generator as power back-up system during station black out (SBO). The absence of RCP during
transient cooling process causes the accumulation of decay heat in the reactor core. In this situation, it can be
said that the worst case is the failure of active cooling system in the thermal management action. Thus, to
increase the safety features of the reactor in the future, the use of passive cooling system and the cooling
system without electrical power input become highly considered to be implemented in the design of the next
generation of nuclear power plants. The R&D of thermal-hydraulics for passive cooling system in the use of
thermal management during the accident and operation will be continued as an important issue and research
topics related to the improvement of the accident management in nuclear power plant in the world [1].
The investigation on natural circulation phenomenon has been conducted through some research that has
been done since several years ago. Research parameters included the effect of friction loss, pressure drop,
and buoyancy force inside pipes have been investigated since year 1981[2]. Then, research that discusses
flow characteristics and geometric effects on natural circulation phenomena has been done by several
researchers, both experimentally and by computer simulation [3-7]. All the research works were conducted in
rectangular loop with open or closed loops for steady state conditions. But, the flow characteristic and the
effect of geometrical in natural circulation phenomenon could be said is still un-clear, especially in instability
flow during start-up condition. It causes more investigation of natural circulation phenomenon is continuing,
and given the importance in enhancing of the safety features in the future reactors. Then, many experimental

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Thermofluids 2017 (THERMOFLUID 2017)

AIP Conf. Proc. 2001, 050005-1–050005-6;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1717-5/$30.00

facility have been constructed in the world wide to investigate the unique phenomenon of the natural
There are many experiment facilities has been owned by other institution. KAERI (Korean Atomic
Energy Research Institute) have ATLAS test facility with 3 inch pipe for natural circulation experiment for
APWR type [8]. ATLAS facility has the following characteristics of ½ height, 1/144 area, 1/288-volume
scale with full-pressure simulation of APR1400 (total height 14.8 meters). Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) also
builds PANDA test facility with total height of facility is 25 meter. The facility has dedicated to investigated
passive residual heat removal system and containment response during accident which is related to BWR
type reactor (ABWR, ESBWR). PSI has a Large scale Investigation of Natural circulation and miXing
(called LINX) facility with pressure vessel area is 9.43 m3 [9]. TALL-3D facility is thermal-hydraulics loop
has been constructed by Royal Institute of Technology, this facility focus on investigation of natural
circulation instability. TALL-3D experimental facility have a total height of 6967 mm, primary side width of
1480 mm and loop pipe inner diameter 27.8 mm [10]. This paper presents an investigation of natural
circulation flow using FASSIP-01 loop and the objectives has focusing on flow behavior during start-up
condition. The experiment was conducted using the scenario of experimental matrix with heater power
variation (4845 watt and 5928 watt) and cooler flow rate variation (10.38 LPM and 43.10 LPM), curve
analytical has been done based on natural circulation flow rate data measurement. In this experiment, all

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pipes in rectangular loop did not isolated.


FASSIP-01 Loop Facility

Previous research has focused on preliminary investigations on the characteristics of temperature

differences and height differences between the heater and cooler areas. The experiment has been done using a
test facility with a small scale with rectangular loop [11-12]. Then, since 2015 the medium scale
experimental facility for investigating natural circulation flow phenomenon called FAsilitas Simulasi SIstem
Pasif mode 01 (FASSIP-01) loop has been constructed by the Center for Nuclear Reactor Technology and
Safety (PTKRN), National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN) since 2015. FASSIP-01 loop
research facility has been constructed to investigate natural circulation flow based on the rectangular loop
with medium size which is placed vertically. The HSS (heat sink system) loop used as cooling system to the
cooler tank in the rectangular loop. The geometrical size of the rectangular loop is 3.5 m width and 6 m high,
which was placed in a vertical position [13].

Experimental Setup

FASSIP-01 loop consists of a heater tank as a heat source (with total electric heater of 20 kW), cooler
tank connected to heat sink system (HSS) loop, and an expansion tank to compensate a sudden pressure rise
during experiment (Figure 1). The piping SS304 of rectangular loop composed of 32 sections with each
section is 1 inch in diameter and 50 cm of length. The HSS loop consists of pre-cooler tank as a cold water
source which is cooling by copper coil and connected to the refrigerant, a high speed pump with flow rate
variation from 0 to 45.09 LPM. Measurement system consists of type K of 50 thermocouples with average
error of 4.2% and installed along the rectangular loop, 1 flow meter FLR1009ST-I type for low flow with
maximum flow 0.5 LPM with error of 6.43%. All data from measurement points was collected in PC through
data acquisition system (DAS) consisting of a few of temperature module (NI-9213 and NI-9214) and a
universal module for flow and pressure (NI-9203). The modules were plugged in cDAQ-9188 using LAN
cable connected to PC.
The experiment has been done for 25000 seconds with matrix experiment using 2 heater power variation
in heater tank and 2 coolant flow variations in HSS loop to set the coolant in the cooler tank. The matrix
experiment shows in Table 1.
TABLE 1. Matrix experiment
Coolant Flow in HSS, Q HSS [LPM] Heater Power in Heater Tank, P ht [watt]

Recording data is done 5 minutes before the heater and the pump in HSS is turned on according to the
parameters as in Table 1.

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FIGURE 1. Experiment Setup of FASSIP-01 Loop


The result of water temperature measurement and natural circulation flow rate in FASSIP-01 loop during
25000 seconds presents in Fig. 2 – 4. In case of temperature history only focusing on heater electric power
5928 watt and coolant flow rate in HSS loop 43.10 LPM. Fig.2a shows the graph of water temperature profile
in heater area for inlet and outlet temperature in rectangular loop (TH-Rec IN and TH-Rec OUT), also
average temperature of water in rectangular loop (inside heater tank) and water inside heater tank (TH-Tank
Ave and TH-Rec Ave). Fig.2b shows the graph of water temperature in cooler area with water temperature
readings in respectively is inlet and outlet temperature in rectangular (TC-Rec IN and TC-Rec OUT), inlet
and outlet temperature in HSS loop to cooler tank (TC-HSS IN and TC-HSS OUT), and average temperature
of water inside rectangular loop and inside cooler tank (TC-Rec Ave and TC-Tank Ave).
Temperature Histories of FASSIP-01 Loop in Heater Area
150 Temperature Histories of FASSIP-01 Loop in Cooler Area
Exp. Parameter 50
140 TH-Rec IN Exp. Parameter
Temperature Measurements, T [oC]

P = 5928 watt
TH-Rec OUT Q = 43.10 LPM TC-Rec Ave P = 5928 watt
Temperature Measurements, T [oC]

TH-Rec Ave
45 TC-Tank Ave Qp-HSS = 43.10 LPM
120 TH-Tank Ave TC-Rec OUT
110 TC-Rec IN
90 35
80 9291 s
70 30
50 25
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 10
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
time, t [s] time, t [s]
FIGURE 2a. Temperature histories in heater area FIGURE 2b. Temperature histories in cooler area

Fig.2a. shows that from the beginning, water temperature inside heater tank and rectangular loop in gradually
was increased from around 26oC around 103oC for 9291 seconds. This condition is a start-up profile, where a
massive increase in water temperature rise occurs in the heater region. Start-up profile is a period when
natural circulation flow in instable condition. Since, water temperature in heater area (TH-Rec Ave and TH-
Rec OUT) become stable, the natural circulation flow rate in rectangular loop also stable. But, the time to

reach a stable point between temperature in heater area and natural circulation flow is different. This situation
is shown in Fig.3-4.
Current experiments have been conducted with the condition of rectangular pipes was not isolated. This work
is done to determine the effects of heat loss during the natural circulation flow process. Fig. 3a and Fig.3b
shows the natural circulation flow rate for heater power 4845 watt (black color) and 5928 watt (red color) in
coolant flow at HSS loop is 10.38 LPM. Then, Fig. 4a and Fig.4b shows the same pattern of the natural
circulation flow rate for coolant flow at HSS loop is 43.10 LPM. The experimental results show that at start-
up condition, especially from 0 seconds to 5000 seconds, there is a reversal pattern and it is called
“backward” phenomenon (from Fig.3a and Fig.4a this phenomenon can be seen).

0.10 0.040
in cooler area Backward phenomenon

NC Flow Rate Measurement, QNCM [LPM]

NC Flow Rate Measurement, QNCM [LPM]

P = 4845 watt 0.035
Qp-HSS = 10.38 LPM P = 5928 watt at Qp-HSS = 10.38 LPM in cooler area
0.08 0.030
0.0265 LPM 2064 s
0.07 0.025 e
0.065 LPM cre

e in

stable flow rat

0.06 0.020 flow

flow rate increase incre

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0.052 LPM flow
0.05 6859.7 s 0.015

1224 s
0.04 0.010

0.010 LPM

0.038 LPM stable flow
0.03 0.005
flow rate increase
0.032 LPM
0.02 8129.4 s 0.000

0.01 backward -0.005 P = 4845 watt

phenomenon P = 5928 watt
0.00 -0.010
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
time, t [s] time, t [s]
FIGURE 3a. Natural circulation (NC) flow rate FIGURE 3b. Backward flow
for coolant flow rate 10.38 LPM for coolant flow rate 10.38 LPM

As described above, the backward phenomenon is a flow condition that decreases the flow rate due to
different flow patterns in a volumetric flow. For coolant flow 10.38 LPM as shown in Fig.3b, time to reach
backward point is different, for heater power 5928 watt is 1224 s and for heater power 4845 watt is 2064 s.
The same condition also happened for the coolant flow of 43.10 LPM, as shown in Fig. 4b for heater power
5928 watt is 1927 s and for heater power 4845 watt is 2816 s. The difference in time required to reach the
point of backward phenomena based on differences in the coolant flow can be concluded that a large cooling
capacity is still giving the effect of increase in the flow of NC quite effective. It can also be explained that,
the effect of heater power differences shows the difference in the performance of the backward flow point.
Although in two different coolant flow, the conditions are the same.

0.10 0.040
in cooler area Backward phenomenon
NC Flow Rate Measurement, QNCM [LPM]

NC Flow Rate Measurement, QNCM [LPM]

P = 4845 watt
Qp-HSS = 43.10 LPM 0.035 at Qp-HSS = 43.10 LPM in cooler area
P = 5928 watt
0.08 0.030

0.07 se
0.025 rea
0.065 LPM inc
0.0217 LPM 2815 s rate se
stable flow flow rea
0.06 flow rate increase 0.020 inc

0.055 LPM flow


9157.9 s ase
0.05 incre

0.015 1927 s flow




0.038 LPM stable flow stable flow

0.03 0.005
flow rate increase
0.02 0.031 LPM
8389.7 s

0.01 backward -0.005 P = 4845 watt

phenomenon P = 5928 watt
0.00 -0.010
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 500
time, t [s] time, t [s]
FIGURE 4a. Natural circulation (NC) flow rate FIGURE 4b. Natural circulation (NC) flow rate
for coolant flow rate 43.10 LPM for coolant flow rate 43.10 LPM

Backward flow phenomenon occurs due to the slow-down pattern near the surface of the rectangular pipe
wall. When, much of the heat is released by water from the pipe through its walls, consequently the water
temperature is lower near the pipe wall and the water density is higher than in the center. This condition
causes the flow to be slow due to oppose the gravity and the friction of pipeline, which would automatically
reduce the flow rate across the cross section of the rectangular pipe. Fig. 5 shows an explanation of changes
in the flow pattern due to the loss of heat from the water through the pipe wall.

backward backward



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Flow pattern at the beginning Flow pattern with backward flow

FIGURE 5. Backward flow phenomenon due to temperature drop near pipe wall

As described above include the description of Fig.5, after the flow decreases due to the backward flow then
the flow rate return increases. This condition is caused by the increasing of temperature difference between
heater area and cooler area. As is known, the decrease in water temperature around the pipe wall causes the
water density to increase and the effect of gravity will become dominant. As a result, the flow rate will slow
down and tend to reverse downward, while the direction of the water flow remains upward. Overall, the flow
rate in the cross-section will slow down. Although, in continuously the water has been lose the heat through
the pipe wall to the surroundings atmosphere. And when stable conditions are achieved the natural circulation
flows continues and flows as well. Based on this experiment, further research will be conducted using
transparent pipes to study flow patterns visually near the pipe wall. For further research and to see if there is
still a backward phenomenon or not, the experiments have to be performed with rectangular piping of
FASSIP-01 loop being isolated.

The FASSIP-01 loop has been used to investigate the natural circulation flow, with an experimental time of
25000 seconds for the condition of the non-isolated rectangular pipe. For stable flow, the natural circulation
flow rate for both experiment scenarios is almost the same, and then the flow rate is 0.065 LPM for 5928
watts of heater power and 0.038 LPM for 4845 watt of heater power. In the start-up flow (from 0 – 5000
seconds), it is shows the backward phenomenon which was occurs due to decrease in water temperature near
the pipe wall. The backward flow point difference between two heater powers is 0.0165 LPM for coolant
flow of 10.38 LPM and 0.0088 LPM for coolant flow of 43.10 LPM. The density of water in cross section on
the rectangular pipe is always changes for a few times, but this condition only occurs in a few moments.
Then, the rate of natural circulation flow increased after the temperature difference between the heater and
cooler area is increasing as well.

This work is supported by the fund from the research activity (KAK) entitled "Assessment of Safety and
Technical Design of Nuclear Power Plant" of PTKRN-BATAN, year 2016. The work is also supported by
IAEA Research Contract No: 20948 as part of the IAEA Coordinated Research Project I32010.


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