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Butch Kanvick · Follow


What will happen if you swap fuel injector wires,

like injector 1 wire you plug it on injector 3 and
injector 3 wire you plug on injector 1?
I am not sure why you would want to mess with the
injector wiring. LEAVE IT ALONE. The injectors are timed
to match the speeds of the engine and the cycle that it
follows. If you do change the wires around, then you now
have two injectors that are no longer in sync with the
engine, thereby having two cylinders that are not
producing any power and the engine may not even start.

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Derek Mitchell · Follow

Updated 1y

As an auto mechanic, have you ever worked on

someone’s vehicle and it dawned on you that their
automotive knowledge is far above normal
A pretty 19 year old girl with curls in her hair goes into the
dealership to get parts for her Mini (BLMC not BMW) .
The part she wants is the gear linkage knuckle Read more
joint that…

Upvote · 13.5K 188 23

Advu · Follow
Dec 30

My 16 year old daughter said she “just wants to be

alone” and she keeps saying she wishes she has a
door. What do I do? I am not giving her a door.
I have a list of things you could do that’d improve both of
your situations. 1. Report yourself to CPS. 2. Go to
therapy. 3. Reflect on your parenting. Why doesRead

Upvote · 13.7K 411 71

Questions for you

What does the letters FP on license plates

mean? The FP is on the left on a white license
plate with black letters.
12 answers · Last followed Jul 29

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How are windshield wipers typically attached?

No answer yet · Last requested 2h

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Loring Chien · Follow

electrical engineer and audiophile for 45 years ·
Updated Nov 11

Why is 60 Hz frequency for alternating current?

Why not 55, 50, 40, or 70 Hz? Is there a reason for
that frequency?
There’s kind of a broad sweet spot. 600 Hz is too high for
generating machinery and also sees higher inductive
Read more
losses. 6 Hz is too slow and would lead to obvious…

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Leslie Smith · Follow

Former Retired, 43 Years as Helicopter Pilot ATP CFI,CFII ·
Updated Jan 11

If you run a gasoline engine indefinitely with

unlimited fuel, what will be the first cause of
I remember a story from a Diesel engine class in college.
A hi-way tunnel was built through a remote mountain that
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required electrical power to operate lights and fans. more

Upvote · 2K 130 4

LOL ! - Memes · Follow

Answered by Andrea Ivan  · Aug 24

Screenshot which deserves 34.6M+ upvotes?

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Questions for you

What is the theoretical storage capacity of the

human brain?
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What are some ways to play with drones?

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Answer Follow · 1 Pass

Burak Altınok · Follow

Knows Turkish · Jan 17

Mike Palomo · Jan 7

Is drinking coffee bad for your prostate?
Until recently, doctors did not recommend drinking
coffee, but little by little they are changing their
opinion. According to the latest professionalRead more

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Dennis Manning · Follow

Studied at Mineral Area College (Graduated 2010) ·
Updated 2y

My truck was at a mechanic shop, and my tires and

wheels were stolen. The mechanic just pointed to
a sign on the wall that says they are not
responsible for the theft. Is this legal?
No it’s not. If you had a watch stolen from your car while
parked outside, or a CD went missing, the mechanic
Read more
would have a point. But we’re talking tires and wheels.…

Upvote · 5.4K 60 6

Steve Baker · Follow

Senior Software Engineer (2013–present) · Dec 4

Is there any proof Tesla actually transmitted

energy 26 miles?
No - and, to the contrary - the techniques he was using
could never have worked. As a general rule. * Anything
Nikola Tesla did in the first third of his career was more

Upvote · 969 56 2

Kathi Thomas Rosen · Follow

Therapist, depression sufferer, kids specialist, widow ·
Dec 30

What person destroyed their entire life by making

one simple mistake?
I did. My husband and I were at the beach, on vacation.
He had been sitting, reading a book. I said I was going to
Read wit…
go rinse off, then we could leave. He said, “I’ll come more

Upvote · 28.3K 983 119

Questions for you

What are some tips for surviving and enjoying a

trip to Las Vegas with mild-moderate asthma?
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What are some good places to visit near Reims,

No answer yet · Last requested 13m

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Jim Mowreader · Follow

Printing Expert (2008–present) · Aug 19

When you kill a diesel engine, which does it shut

off: the fuel or air to the engine?
They’ve done it both ways. When I went to truck driving
school, I asked one of the instructors how you shut off a
truck. He looked at me kinda strange, said you Read
just… more

Upvote · 529 26

Ron Rule · Follow

Fmr CEO @ As Seen On TV · 6y

A company wants to buy my site for $1.6 million

dollars. I'm currently making $8k to $11k per
month with it. Should I take the deal?
Yes, you should take the deal. It's a more than fair offer,
but there's another reason you should take it… A couple
years ago I tried to buy a company and the owner…Read more

Upvote · 6.5K 70 4

Human Psychology Facts · Follow

Answered by Sophia Grey · Jan 7

My 20-year-old daughter wants to move in with us

until she is finished with college. She says she will
pay the bills but she is a grown adult. How do I tell
her that adults leave the nest?
I hope you read my reply, because I immediately knew
where your daughter is coming from, and I hope you
don't make the mistake my own mother did. I'mRead

Upvote · 167 3

Mike Ervolino · Follow

Former Journeyman Electrician / Educator! Retired! · 7mo

As a car dealer, has an unkempt person surprised

you with the car they could afford?
I was that guy, construction worker , making $100K, went
to my local ford dealer to buy a new crew cab truck. I had
a ford extended cab but wanted the true 4 doorRead more

Upvote · 3.7K 146 7

Loring Chien · Follow

electrical engineer and audiophile for 45 years ·
Updated Oct 11

Why can’t we use a capacitor at home for lighting

or heating?
Yes, fine, you can. I just looked up the capacitance of a
120 V capacitor in the size of a soda can…. I can get you
one for $56 with 48,000 uF. Fully charged ThatRead more
will stor…

Upvote · 3.3K 204 9

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