4.22 Cell Communication in Class Practice From Past Year Paper (Y11)

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1. An antigen can induce an immune response in a host organism.

Antigens are targeted by

antibodies that are produced by the organism’s immune system in response to contact with
the antigen. Antibodies are specific to antigens. Many different cell types are involved in
immune responses.

Which of the following best explains the role of cell-to-cell communication during a
response to an invasion of antigens?

(A) Chemicals that are secreted from antigen-presenting cells then activate helper T cells.
(B) A macrophage cell engulfs a pathogen in the blood
(C) Antigens attaching to receptors on memory B cells stimulate the memory B cells to
become plasma cells.
(D) Antigen-presenting cells engulf antigens at the first exposure.

2. Adjacent plant cells have narrow channels called plasmodesmata that pass through the cell
walls of the connected cells and allow a cytoplasmic connection between the cells.
Which of the following statements best explains a primary function of plasmodesmata?
(A) They allow the movement of molecules from one cell to another, enabling
communication between cells.
(B) They prevent the cell membrane from pulling away from the cell wall during periods of
(C) They eliminate the need to produce signaling molecules and eliminate the need for cells to
have receptors for signaling molecules.
(D) They increase the surface area available for attachment of ribosomes and thus increase
protein synthesis

3. Adjacent plant cells have narrow channels called plasmodesmata that pass through the cell
walls of the connected cells and allow a cytoplasmic connection between the cells.
Which of the following statements best explains a primary function of plasmodesmata?

(A) They allow the movement of molecules from one cell to another, enabling
communication between cells.
(B) They prevent the cell membrane from pulling away from the cell wall during periods of
(C) They eliminate the need to produce signaling molecules and eliminate the need for cells to
have receptors for signaling molecules.
(D) They increase the surface area available for attachment of ribosomes and thus increase
protein synthesis.

4. The beta-2 adrenergic receptor is a membrane-bound protein that regulates several cellular
processes, including the synthesis and breakdown of glycogen. The receptor binds
specifically to the hormone epinephrine. The binding of epinephrine to the beta-2 adrenergic
receptor triggers a signal transduction cascade that controls glycogen synthesis and
breakdown in the cell. A simplified model of the signal transduction cascade is represented in
Figure 1.

Which of the following outcomes will most likely result from the inactivation of the beta-2
adrenergic receptor?
(A) The cellular concentration of cyclic AMP will increase.
(B) The enzymatic activity of protein kinase A will increase.
(C) The activation of glycogen phosphorylase will increase.
(D) The rate of glycogen synthesis in the cell will increase.

5. Blood clots are formed by a positive feedback loop. Two pathways exist, the extrinsic
and intrinsic pathways, which converge during clot formation. There are many clotting
factors involved, most of which are proteins. Vitamin K is required for the formation of
the active form of several of the clotting factors, including Factor X. A simplified model
of the blood clotting process is shown in Figure 1.
Warfarin is a drug used to treat certain blood clots. Warfarin blocks the formation of the
active form of vitamin K -dependent clotting factors. Based on the model, which of the
following best predicts the effects of warfarin on a patient?

(A) Fibrinogen will form fibrin, but the clot will not form because Factor XIII will not be
(B) The intrinsic pathway will take over because the clotting factors are part of that pathway.
(C) Thrombin will be converted to prothrombin because Factor X will reverse the reaction
(D) Factor X will not be activated, which will prevent thrombin from forming.

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