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Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering – Benz & Nordal (eds)

© 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-59239-0

Analysis of dynamic penetration of objects into soil layers

J.P. Carter & M. Nazem

Centre for Geotechnical and Materials Modelling, The University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia

ABSTRACT: Finite element analysis of the penetration of a solid object into a soil layer is probably one of
the most sophisticated and challenging problems in numerical analysis. In this study the Arbitrary Lagrangian-
Eulerian method is employed to study numerically the penetration of a free falling penetrometer into a layer of
soil. It is shown that this method can simulate deep penetration of objects into layers of soil accurately. Good
agreement has been found between the numerical predictions and experimental results.

1 INTRODUCTION penetration of objects into layers of soil. The main

aspects and challenges of the ALE method will be
The static Cone Penetration Test (CPT) is now a addressed. This method is then used to simulate the
standard in situ technique to explore geotechnical dynamic penetration of penetrometers into undrained
properties of soil layers. However, this test cannot be layers of soil existing at a seabed and the results are
used easily in situations where sites are relatively inac- discussed.
cessible, such as the seabed. In these cases a Free
Falling Penetrometer (FFP) is often employed to pro-
vide information on the strength of seabed sediments. 2 FINITE ELEMENT FORMULATION
Such tests can provide useful data such as the total
depth and time of penetration and the deceleration 2.1 ALE operator split-technique
characteristic of the penetrometer. Potentially at least,
these data can then be used to deduce fundamental The ALE method has been developed to eliminate
strength parameters for the soil in situ. mesh distortion in Lagrangian methods. In a fully cou-
To date, no analytical solution exists in the literature pled ALE formulation, the global equations are written
for the problem of a free-falling penetrometer in soil. in terms of material displacements and mesh displace-
However, simulation of dynamic cone penetration by ments. This normally doubles the number of unknown
the finite element method can provide useful informa- parameters, leading to significantly more expensive
tion to correlate the strength parameters of the soil to analyses. Alternatively, the decoupled ALE method, or
the penetrometer travel information. the operator-split technique, performs the analysis in
The analysis of FFP is one of the most sophisti- two steps; an Updated Lagrangian (UL) step followed
cated and difficult problems in geomechanics because by an Eulerian step.
of its highly nonlinear nature. The soil at the seabed is In the UL step the incremental displacements,
incompressible, its strength usually varies with depth velocities and accelerations are calculated for a given
as well as with strain rate. The penetration of a FFP into load increment by solving the equilibrium equation.
a soil layer has the potential to cause severe mesh dis- The matrix form of equilibrium is usually derived
tortion and entanglement of elements when modelled from the principle of virtual work. This principle states
using more conventional finite element approaches. that for any virtual displacement δu, equilibrium is
The boundary conditions of the problem change con- achieved provided:
tinuously as the FFP penetrates deeper into the soil
layer. Due to the usually very short time of penetration,
the analyst should not normally neglect the effects of
inertia forces.
For the reasons mentioned above, the analysis
of FFP motivates the application of the Arbitrary
Lagrangian-Eulerian method, which is now becoming
well established for numerical computations in geome-
chanics (Nazem et al. 2006, 2008 and 2009a). This where k is the total number of bodies in contact, σ
paper briefly explains an ALE method based upon the denotes the Cauchy stress tensor, δε is the variation of
operator-split technique for simulation of the dynamic strain due to virtual displacement, u, u̇ and ü represent

material displacements, velocities and accelerations, of the problem, and hence can be easily implemented
respectively, ρ and c are the material density and damp- in existing finite element codes. For more details see
ing, b is the body force, q is the surface load acting on Nazem et al. (2006 & 2008).
area S of volume V , δgN and δgT are the virtual normal
and tangential gap displacements, tN and tT denote the
2.3 Stress integration
normal and tangential forces at the contact surface Sc .
After solving equation (1), the UL step is usually final- In a large deformation analysis, the stress-strain rela-
ized by updating the spatial coordinates of the nodal tions must be frame independent to guarantee that
points according to incremental displacements. possible rigid body motions do not induce extra strains
However, the continuous updating of nodal coordi- within the material. This requirement, known as the
nates at the end of each increment alone may cause principle of objectivity, is usually satisfied by intro-
mesh distortion in regions with relatively high defor- ducing an objective stress-rate into the constitutive
mation gradients. Hence, in the next step, the distorted equations. An important feature of an objective stress-
mesh is refined using a suitable mesh refinement rate is that it does not change the values of stress
technique. In this refinement process all variables at invariants. This guarantees that a previously yielded
nodal points as well as at integration points are trans- point remains on the yield surface after being updated
ferred from the old (distorted) mesh into the new due to rigid body motion. Introducing, for instance,
(refined) mesh. This remapping is usually done using the Jaumann stress rate into the constitutive equations
the convection equation: provides:

where df r and df denote the derivatives of an arbi-

trary function f with respect to the mesh and material
coordinates respectively, and ur represents the mesh where C ep is the constitutive matrix, κ denotes a set of
displacements. hardening parameters and ω is the spin tensor. Nazem
et al. (2009b) proposed alternative algorithms for inte-
2.2 Mesh refinement grating equation (3) and showed that it is slightly more
efficient to apply rigid body corrections while integrat-
As previously indicated, refining the mesh at the begin- ing the constitutive equations. This strategy is adopted
ning of each Euler step is very important since a in this study.
distorted mesh can lead to inaccurate results. Most
mesh refinement techniques are based on special
mesh-generation algorithms, which must consider var- 2.4 Strain rate effects
ious parameters such as the dimensions of the problem, The undrained shear strength of cohesive soils often
the type of elements to be generated and the regu- depends on the rate of straining (Graham et al. 1983).
larity of the domain. Developing such algorithms for This effect can be expressed typically by the following
any arbitrary domain is usually difficult and costly. equation:
Moreover, these algorithms do not necessary preserve
the number of nodes and number of the elements in
a mesh and they may cause significant changes in the
topology. A general method for determining the mesh
displacements based on the use of an elastic analysis
was presented by Nazem et al. (2006). The method has where su represents the undrained shear strength of
been implemented for two-dimensional plane strain soil, su,ref is a reference undrained shear strength mea-
problems as well as axi-symmetric problems. To obtain sured at a reference strain rate of γ̇ref , γ̇ denotes the
the mesh displacements, we first re-discretise all the strain rate and λ is the rate of increase per log cycle of
boundaries of the problem which include the bound- time. A typical value γ̇ref = 0.01 per hour was adopted
aries of each body, the material interfaces and the in the numerical computations reported in the current
loading boundaries, resulting in prescribed values of study.
the mesh displacements for the nodes on the bound-
aries. The nodes on the boundaries are then relocated 2.5 ALE algorithm
along the boundary as necessary. With the known total
displacements of these nodes on the boundaries, we The ALE method explained in previous sections has
then perform an elastic analysis using the prescribed been implemented in the finite element code, SNAC,
displacements to obtain the optimal mesh and hence developed at the University of Newcastle, Australia. A
the mesh displacements for all the internal nodes. An summary of the ALE algorithm is as follows.
important advantage of this mesh optimisation method
I. Phase 1- UL step
is its independence of element topology and problem
dimensions. The method does not require any mesh 1. Assemble the global stiffness matrix and load
generation algorithm, does not change the topology vector and solve the momentum equation.

2. Compute the strain increments and integrate the
constitutive equations to update the stresses and
hardening parameters.
3. Iterate until the unbalanced forces are smaller than
a prescribed tolerance.
4. Update the material coordinates according to the
incremental displacements.
II. Phase 2- Eulerian step
1. Check the boundaries and relocate the nodes on the
boundaries wherever necessary.
2. Compute the new mesh coordinates by performing
an elastic analysis.
3. Remap the state variables at integration points as
well as at nodal points using equation (1).
4. Update the total displacements vector according to
the new mesh displacements and previous material
5. Set the material coordinates equal to the mesh
coordinates for the next time step.
6. Compute internal forces, check equilibrium as
well as plasticity consistency and conduct further
iterations if necessary.


3.1 Problem description

We consider a rigid penetrometer falling freely into
an undrained soil layer in the vertical direction. Due
to axial symmetry, only one-half of the problem cross
section is discretised by the finite element mesh shown
in Figure 1. The mesh consists of 10252 nodes and
4988 6-noded triangular elements each containing 6
integration points. Note that vo , m, and d shown in
Figure 1 represent the initial velocity, mass and diam-
eter of the penetrometer, respectively. In all problems
a smooth contact surface between the soil and the pen-
etrometer is assumed. The soil layer is represented by
an associatedTresca material model. Due to the incom-
pressibility of most seabed soil deposits in the short
term, Poisson’s ratio, νu , was set equal to 0.49 (as an
approximation of 0.5). The undrained Young’s mod-
ulus of the soil was assumed to be Eu . No material
damping was assumed in the model. The energy dis-
sipation was due entirely to a combination of plastic
deformation of the soil and radiation damping. The
former was achieved by assuming a Tresca yield cri-
terion with associated plastic flow and the latter was
achieved using energy absorbing boundaries for the Figure 1. Finite element mesh of free falling penetrometer.
finite element mesh.
Given the values of v0 , m, d, and mechanical prop- Table 1 shows that the results obtained by the finite
erties of the soil, the finite element method is able element method agree well with the experimental tests
to predict the soil response and provide the total results. Note that in all finite element analyses the ratio
penetration, p, and total time of penetration, tp . Eu /su,ref was assumed to be 200 and the value of λ was
set equal to 0.2.
3.2 Validation
Experimental validation of the ALE method described
3.3 Typical results
here has been reported previously by Carter et al.
(2010) and the experimental tests were undertaken at The total penetration depth and travel time of the object
the University of Sydney, Australia. depend on several parameters such as its initial kinetic

Table 1. Experimental validation of ALE predictions. ALE method can be used to analyse the problem accu-
rately. The accuracy of the method was verified by
su,ref d m v0 p/d p/d comparing numerical results with those obtained from
No kPa mm g m/s tests ALE the experimental tests.
The results obtained also indicate that the total pen-
1 5.15 20 262 4.77 4.33 3.99
etration depth depends on the strain rates developed
2 5.15 20 353 4.77 4.80 5.22
3 5.15 20 446 4.75 5.20 6.50 in the soil. Larger values of the rate parameter will
4 5.15 20 539 4.74 7.05 7.80 result generally in smaller values of the total depth of
5 5.15 20 631 4.76 7.94 9.36 penetration.
6 7.46 40 714 4.77 1.14 1.39 It is also noted that the analyses conducted in this
7 6.91 40 713 4.75 1.39 1.44 study assumed zero friction between the penetrometer
8 6.91 30 736 4.75 2.75 2.71 and soil. The effect of friction will be investigated in
9 4.45 20 257 4.75 4.45 4.38 future work, but it is noted that previous studies have
indicated that its influence on penetrometers and other
objects moving through soil is not usually dominant,
at least in clay-like soils. Examples can be seen in
static CPT tests where the magnitude of the side fric-
tion force is usually much small than the overall end
bearing resistance, and in the theoretical solution for
the T-bar test, where the non-dimensional resistance
factors vary from about 9 to 11, i.e., about 20% differ-
ence at most, depending on the assumption made about
the level of adhesive resistance (Randolph & Houlsby
1986). However, it is also noted that this outcome is
likely to depend on the shape of the object penetrating
the soil.

Figure 2. Normalised kinetic energy versus normalised Carter, J.P., Nazem, M., Airey, D.W. & Chow, S.W. 2010.
penetration, assuming Eu /su,ref = 200, su,ref = 25 kPa and Dynamic analysis of free-falling penetrometers in soil
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Graham, J., Crooks, J.H.A. & Bell, A.L. 1983. Time effects on
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tion values. For brevity, attention is confined to cases Nazem, M., Sheng, D., & Carter, J.P. 2006. Stress integra-
where Eu /su,ref = 200, d = 4 cm and su,ref = 25 kPa. tion and mesh refinement in numerical solutions to large
Normalised kinetic energy versus normalised pene- deformations in geomechanics. International Journal for
Numerical Methods in Engineering, 65, 1002–1027.
tration is plotted in Figure 2 for different values of
Nazem, M., Sheng, D., Carter, J.P., & Sloan, S.W. 2008. Arbi-
λ, including 0.0, 0.1 and 0.2. Figure 2 shows that trary Lagrangian-Eulerian method for large-deformation
increasing the value of the rate parameter λ decreases consolidation problems in geomechanics. International
the final penetration depth significantly and this is Journal for Analytical and Numerical Methods in Geome-
because large values of λ correspond to soils that are chanics, 32, 1023–1050.
effectively stronger during rapid undrained shearing. Nazem, M., Carter, J.P., & Airey, D.W. 2009a. Arbitrary
Lagrangian-Eulerian Method for dynamic analysis of
Geotechnical Problems. Computers and Geotechnics, 36
4 CONCLUSIONS (4), 549–557.
Nazem, M., Sheng, D., Carter, J.P., & Sloan, S.W. 2009b.
Alternative stress-integration schemes for large defor-
A robust finite element procedure based upon the mation problems of solid mechanics. Finite Elements in
Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) operator split Analysis and Design, 45, 934–943.
technique has been presented and the method has been Randolph, M.F & Houlsby, G.T. 1986. The limiting pres-
used to predict the penetration of a free falling pen- sure on a circular pile loaded laterally in cohesive soil,
etrometer (FFP) into the seabed. It was shown that the Géotechnique, 34 (4), 613–623.


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