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1. Why are engineers considered an important segment of society?

Since before the common era, structures and buildings have already existed in our
society. We live and perform our daily living through these structures. The only reason
these structures are able to stand firm is because of engineers. Engineers use what
they know so that transports, systems and buildings will not collapse and be
3. In what current concerns are engineering outputs needed?
Engineering outputs are needed in every part of structures that are made. We cannot
start building without their outputs because they determine the specifications of a
structure for it not to break. Their designs are what makes buildings strong and firm.
5. How many organizations be classified according to the engineering jobs performed?
There are three, Level One – minimal engineering jobs (retailing firms). Level Two –
moderate degree of engineering jobs (transportation companies). Level Three – high
degree of engineering jobs (construction firms).
7. What is engineering management?
Engineering management is applying the knowledge on what you know about your
assets such as manpower, economics and materials in an organized manner where a
team is lead.
9. What qualifications must an engineer manager have?
An engineer manager must have a bachelor’s degree in engineering, years of
experience relating to engineering jobs, training supervision, and training in engineering
II. Prepare a list of five (5) engineers who became president or general manager
of a large company.
1. Larry Page (Computer Engineer)
2. Satya Nadella (Electrical Engineer)
3. Vincent Roche (Electrical Engineer)
4. Jeff bezos (Electrical Engineer)
5. Ben Van Beurden (Chemical Engineer)

PNK Pagdadalaw 06-12-23

Pangalan Dako Lagda

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