Argete Patty Lyn B. - Case Study

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The Linking Standards and Quality Practice (LiSQuP) Program


By: Ms. Patty Lyn B. Argete
I will organize this to demonstrate "what I have learned". Three pieces to reflect on. I will start by
laying out three fundamental principles for educational supervision that I observed in our setting. These are
regarded as "foundations" because, in my opinion, they must pervade. The entire monitoring and evaluation
process. Second, I will concentrate on a review of the clinical direction. "What I have learned" states that a
good awareness of the complete clinical supervision process serves as the key to altering the typical
conception of appraisal and supervision. In the end, I shall as a last observation, discuss the connection
between professional development. I'll demonstrate why supervision needs to be part of a larger program
for professional growth. I always got the opportunity to chat with my other colleagues during our vacant

In my opinion, the primary tenet of instructional supervision must be the teachers' active
involvement in the supervisory process. One must take an active role in others' development in order to
further the school's mission. The primary error that many schools and principals make is to establish a
monitoring procedure without first consulting the play's principal players, Frequently, monitoring is viewed
as a means of merely controlling teachers. either academic deans or principals. This perspective must be
altered in order for us to succeed. Any type of supervision will increase the more teachers participate in the
process. improvement or educational reform will occur.

I could see from my talks with the other teachers that they genuinely want to enhance their teaching
abilities and become better educators. But they believe that individuals must be able to participate in the
process of instructional supervision. At times, they believe that evaluators lack the necessary educational
background in education to do evaluations or supervise.

The second pillar I thought was essential for instruction. Starting the process off is supervision.
Instead of emphasizing teachers' strengths, administrators concentrate on their flaws. I believe that
Instructional Supervision should focus on the talents of teachers. The primary goal of instructional
supervision is to strengthen the workforce of educators.
The Linking Standards and Quality Practice (LiSQuP) Program

The final cornerstone that needs to be considered is the fact that maturity and success in learning
occur in a setting of community. Educators can develop their abilities if they have an incentive to
cooperate. peer mentoring, peer coaching, etc. examples of possible activities that could be included in
instructional supervision.

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