What Is Educational Administrative Structure

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What is educational administrative structure?

Educational Administration is regarded as the process of integrating the appropriate

human and material resources that are made available and made effective for
achieving the purposes of a programme of an educational institution.

Organizational structure of educational institute in Pakistan

1. 1. Organizational Structure
2. 2. • Organizational Structure refers to how individual and team work within an organization are
coordinated. • To achieve organizational goals and objectives, individual work needs to be coordinated
and managed.
3. 3. • Structure is a valuable tool in framing coordination system. (who reports to whom), mean formal
communication channels, and describes how separate actions of individuals are linked together.
4. 4. • Organizations can function within a number of different structures, each possessing distinct
advantages and disadvantages. • Although any structure that is not properly managed will carry
problems and issues, some organizational models are better equipped for particular environments and
5. 5. Concept of Organizational Chart • Organization structure may be presented in the form of on
organization chart that shows all the positions in an organization and their formal relationships to one
another. • It illustrates an organization’s overall shape and the levels of management in a
comprehensible manner. • The organization chart of a typical company structured is built on
functional basis.
6. 6. Basic Elements of Structure The hierarchical structure that is typical of most organizations; - The
number of management levels; - Scope of authority and status of the individuals as indicated by the
location of their position in relation to other positions; - How an organisation’s activities are grouped
in terms of departments (whether by function, by product, territory and so on); - The work being done
in each position (indicated by the labels in the boxes);
7. 7. - Interaction of people as indicated by the horizontal and vertical lines connecting various positions/
departments; - Relationships between superiors and subordinates in terms of who reports to whom,
that is, the chain of command; - How many subordinates report directly to each manager, that is the
span of management; - Career progression, and - Formal channels of communication (indicated by the
connecting lines).
8. 8. Organic and Mechanistic Organizations
9. 9. Mechanistic Management System • The specialized differentiation of functional tasks into which
the problems and tasks facing the concern as a whole are broken down. • Abstract nature of each
individual task. • Reconciliation, for each level in the hierarchy, of these distinct performances by the
immediate superiors
10. 10. • Definition of rights and obligations and technical methods attached to each functional role. • The
translation of rights and obligations and methods into the responsibilities of a functional position. •
Hierarchic structure of control, authority, and communication. • Tendency for interaction between
members of the concern to be vertical
11. 11. Organic Management System • The contributive nature of special knowledge and experience to the
common task of the concern. • The “realistic” nature of the individual task, which is seen as set by the
total situation of the concern. • The adjustment and continual re-definition of individual tasks through
interaction with others.
12. 12. • The shedding of “responsibility” as a limited field of rights, obligations, and methods. • The
spread of commitment to concern beyond any technical definition. • A network structure of control,
authority, and communication. • Omniscience no longer imputed to the head of the concern;
knowledge about the technical or commercial nature of the here and now task may be located
anywhere in the network; this location becoming the ad hoc center of control authority and
13. 13. structures in educational organizations In school structure we Deals with : - Human Resources
(Teaching and non teaching staff) - Curriculum (Scheme of studies) - Communication (Reporting
mechanism) - Resources and Finance - Discipline - Record Keeping (School record) - Guidance and
counselling system
14. 14. Different type of School Organizations (autonomous Bodies)
15. 15. Board of Directors / Trustee / Governor Principal Vice Principal Teaching staff Non Teaching
16. 16. Ghazali Education Trust Organization’s Structure
17. 17. Organization structure of department of Higher Education Punjab
18. 18. Organization structure of Department of Elementary and secondary school Education KPK
19. 19. Managing Organizational Culture and Ethics
20. 20. Organizational Culture Selection • how well the candidates will fit into the organization • Provides
information to candidates about the organization Top Management • Senior executives help establish
behavioral norms that are adopted by the organization Socialization • The process that helps new
employees adapt to the organization’s culture
21. 21. Stories Anchor the present into the past and provide explanations and legitimacy for current
practices Rituals Repetitive sequences of activities that express and reinforce the key values of the
organization Material Symbols Acceptable attire, office size, opulence of the office furnishings, and
executive perks that convey to employees who is important in the organization Language Jargon and
special ways of expressing one’s self to indicate membership in the organization
22. 22. Organizational Ethics • Emphasize top management’s commitment. • Publish an ethics code. •
Establish compliance mechanisms. • Involve personnel at all levels. • Train employees. • Measure

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