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om -Al I PLEADINGS +) Define Reacting, and whatouce the. Beading ? Rbeasling—y tiv. wa. actions of. Puimah beings Which do net audt us, and there awe sometimes improper actions in afhey words. Certain actions ase. illegal age! nsf taltch We. dle o suit inthe proper couch of dow howi' i Aavisde ction “Et 4% correct to Pay ahab there many be ay many gaits as there. owe acHon Ditterent Qows have also been foamed por diteevent Kinds of achens anlar man dutty or may be filed under dippevent Vow, Broadly ackony may be clivicled ax civil catminal, byifeus, ¢ ontsactel achiony seelating +o seeventte. inecthers , cchans scelosting +0 perso pel Lows and Constitutional actions, Por ald these actions suit, de, Civil, Criminal, sevenve, Contvactual and Constitutional uxt, ma pe filed in the Cowts of low. In Short we. Can Soy that dhere is a veemedy Poovi cleot In oligferenct Kinds co Lows each and eve Scanned with CamScanner — ype ef human actions. Content of Plenclings —> Order Vi Rude @ af civil proce cluxe Cece, (908 Says that every pleading shall Contain only a stectement fr a concise prom Gf the ‘motterial sfacts on which the Party Rlleacling xelies for Ris claim ox dleferce , ars athe Cast may be, beet nat dhe euiclence by which ahey ave to bo. Proved, oral every pleacling Shel when necessary, be olivded nto Paagsaphs numbesed conser ~ udtively each allegation betng So por ay Ty Conveniert, Cowtained Jin a acpavate Posaqpaph and oletes , Aums awd numbers shall be express- -ed dna pleading an Piguees as lueld as dn words, AlUshobad High Court Relel in Grilgaxr Ahmad! Ver UP. Govearmert § thot weequsall by a judge ao examine a question et Low as applicable cto facts because. it was not “pleaded “is Ris @wn Conotemnation, he ugit do Pave Seen ie sfos RinselP enxclier,, but any Rao he shout! hoxten bo sepa’ the yest et fis Guan Ind -vestance then a par eminds him ot Ae Scanned with CamScanner Fundamental Rules Rleaslings—> The Pundomerdol surles ot Pleachings ow %® tallous pao Uy That every allea cling mut forte pacts and net flow 5 (9) Trek it must sfectr oll moctenal och, and mdlevial tacts only () Tred at must stote onl, the facts On which the fex'y plead selicn and not che evidence by which he ove fo be Qroved + amd @) TE mut state such pocts concisely bat th Precision and certainty . Scanned with CamScanner (b) We the mein chiect a pleacling, __ Ohiect of Pleacliny ‘The sale abaject of the plencting cis Met each Sicle may be spedty aliva We qecition ahet eva above Jo be. ageed in oxder Shak Hhesy vray eve am ebpovlunty a ‘bringing forward such evidence. as may be appropviake . Roeacling rave immense Jmportance, Tre Ought to be. onticallly examinedl by judicial efficews er jess beth bepore LA tuing an adunterim Sryunction and Pome ot dues, Fleadirg must set orth ‘suptictert factial detarts 0 ast yeduce chances of pubting sposth @ false Case®, ; “The leaching ae > be Looked! ot for one Purpose, namely athe Pavlos ave so be Fnformed ot thei allegations hal Contentions’? Ih shost the main ohjest at Plalig awe ft Scanned with CamScanner 0) Te bring the Parties to clefinile. issues, (8) “Te Prevent guyprise and iniscanr age of jurlice 5 @Q) 7S ovaid Unnecessagy expenses ard trouble. (4) TS rave. Public time. (S) Te. exadlicate srovelevancy » and (6) Je ostist the Cones!” Gn she bows of abeve cixcrion Ge deduce the fallawing fundamental rules cf leading , which odie Rave been incorporated dn order Vi of Me civil Procedure cools. [qo8, Scanned with CamScanner ©) —Lnportonce of Pleaclins, TH ia ome of the. Impostant: functions Sf on advecate . The importance of the cet oh Meaclings LB chytous frasmuch he tdhele Care. af a Paw}y clepencls upon haw SUlpully ab ay deaseted yy on advocate , “A great Corre should be exercised While alvafing “the. Pleaclings becawe ip dhe Plendtiras ase hat Poo perky framed the Paty dh guertion wawld be tn % disodvandageaus pasition , “Me case a Pooky must bo. det aut an fies “Metin a velieg Connat be Claimed on the rounds tohich are nat Contained cin che pleadings, Terefore » db ds erential dy ensure the the Apecispie Pleaclings deltin: aid the mectortal facts muy i 4 be given un dhe Plenclings un order to lft m th. wellet con Bhat clasts The. immabereg oF vogue rmatter should bo aveiclol and he Pleastings Should be Property Pramed, Scanned with CamScanner TE dy the case which ‘has been plea mole that has to be Proved by the Concerned forts and dhe verdict cf the Cawst Cane be given upon the. grounels nat founcls un dhe Pleactings a he forty: Mishyilal Sundey Jal Vs: Stete ol Mop. 1986 HPLT. (19 A fénoling Cannot bo sustained which bs dosed on no Pleading onal no evidence, The Supreme Court ab Trelia din Deo Nandan \y, Muxcliolhar CAIR 145% Se 133) set ode a YindA of the rial cout which hay bared on no pleading ahd ne evidence . The case vin brie? us that the Pdainti~p cle feooledl that the t twos vidio the worship of re enerad pteblic ond win cthe written jfate- _weyt alefenclart Simply pbeooled that the temple and the jolad weye Private and clid nat Hate cthat the cempile was ound fos the We cond benedit ot the fonts at cthe Crack ce pleintitp deposed Scanned with CamScanner that the temple wax buskt woth a view te provide 0 place a worship for all Hindus bude the Wilned oy the cledendait” clepased only shat che sfouncley” ap the Temple built dt for hus con Ut and fos ho puja only Under thst circumstences, thely Lordship observed « Scanned with CamScanner (€) Explain the. Principal Coerning The Amendment of Pleo cl? ng, AMENOMENT OF PLEADING fmendment aL Pleacliny ty Provides! Under Oseler Vi Rule IF of fhe Coole of civil Procedsce , 1408, Dhtroduction—y when the Plea clings coe defective, it seqpises Cunendment on the Urcterext oh Justice, Me olepect of the pleading Comes ce the Krowlecle. of the Court by dhe pollarsing wows -— J When the cppescte portly do the suet Points cut cthe defect ap che pleacling, thal, Q. the Phe pleuinckify him sel Pain aut the depest of his peecrcinys anal dhe Coust to oxeler por the amenclmats This type of amonolment 5s Called Lhe. Velurctory cunendment ax optional eumnohelnaic-— Bath these situations saguve Careful Condideration, Section IS3 Cf dhe Cocle of cle Frocesuare. clapicts othe general power op dhe, Scanned with CamScanner “outs do cimenl the Pea dings fhe. bec Bevieles that “Ke Court yno. ad any dime, and en such cams as do Casts oy athey widt co EE may Ahink Pit, comend cond defect Of ex¥aw dA an prccectin un a suct, ond ol necessery cimend ments shall be mace fos the puxpese of detesmiring the veal qiation o¢ Aut yeudedl by os olspencléng on Such preety “Te genevell ule governing amendment of Pleadings oo ds alten Seid lewon, ts dru a pevy 3s not allowed by amendment an aot up a WW OBL OY a Neto Came Hf action , Pasticulowdy When ag ALL on dhe haus Cause Gh action iy bavted by tin but hare the crmanclinent later nat Constitute cy amowd to ths addition A} nud CuBe at oohion OY YOU o rw ond oliffererd Case to Ihe obsedf Jet ub, bit amour mowly to a differed Bt addictionall approach do shot ame sks dhe omendmad ds fe be alllowed Scanned with CamScanner even afte 1 ¢ exphy cf dhe statutory Pevivel of ltinetateen, | ted by othe Cowet en the follociny grounds and ath dhe Pallawing cases,— The plaints axe ye’ b Whese She plaint lacs patolisclase a Cause of action , J there she elie} claimed Jy uncler~ Valued, the plainctife en bairg repre by the Court Jo Conve the Valuation within « dime de be pixel by dhe Court , pails +o oe Je, 3 Whese the selief Claimed is propety vollued, bic the plain’ Js written upen Peper cau fficiently stamped cine the plairtigy on being requivel by dhe Gut ite Supply ae veyuthh temp. paper within a dime te be Yived by the Cant Posts , +o E Ye Whee the sect axppecrs from the stedemat iy the plont- TB be basred by cin) low.* Scanned with CamScanner (C)_Wnen Caw Courts Grant Anenoment iso to Osler Vi, Rude 14 Wide Code of vie ure. CAmendment) Act, 2002 “ Provided that ne application for ay ent shald be allowed opto the dyial hav Commenceal undess the Couch Comes to the Conclurton Shed in spite ch ue lili gence othe poock Could nat’ have yeused the matter before the Commencement of drat Bet She We Act 4 doog ds rect cpp coble tis pleadings fuleal. prose 208 CL. Neoeyan Redlely vi P. Weeroysin Real 200% cay eR Cetvid) Sai Crodlror) ) Tre dow fox grawckt amendimeyt she court Jn vel velffe. Te amend — inant Cokich Sy neceshovd spor oncedlaini % Hhe geal insur dn dispate oshouwld pa be clisallewed unter st aloes nel couse ang un} ote th» other Porc. Ba abso well- settled ethal dt new fact, ore. Scanned with CamScanner Pact forth which clo nat alter dhe chasa ctey of the auth the cunenal at aud Shoild clo be vePered cto be Anconpe seitie, tewever, Auch propesed ommend mentvhich ave based an new Cawe eb action anal Change the entire Chavectey ob the suet Connat be aldeweel The cnenchmendtobeh ase beyond dhe 3cone lec meter of sisple Grn _ cline took? behind Thy ls that Qmenolemedt— showlol assist the Court Jo Come to the Gn- Clusrion at the yeal issn dn Contiovery, The genwuns amendmat Alp in sesollly the Controversy whevear the 4 Vague o Unnecorsery ameralmert cre cthfenoled 40 Create Conturon ancl it dy the olixceelion of the cont to durallaw xuch vy Le ane unneces2ary amendment, omerchinenh which J Urstindssl to Cresta o new Curse GL actin cmd te preter a vu claim Cannat he, cultcues . Tr wor fold Gna Arn \) Usdtindra omar Sinha CAIR 1984 Pak sig ct P. 2h) Scanned with CamScanner (F) = Ware my Devan. | Plainy a Written Srarement ITE STATEMENT! t Prant— rn. of wbinast dia picaree fo Knew othe genesis of te ptont of fo be more explicct, dhe occasion which gives wase cle the recesstly for hse ing plat, A person aggrieved ot a person Jin cliff adh Comes do a plecoley and Sells ‘Aus Whole gto do Kim and warts x0me aeltef from adhe Coot Gp Low The only fhe hing Uhich a ple adler cloves ds shat 4 pal or gives legal sprorn ae Lhe necraction Of Dre person The Whale story of the cause When put cin othe egal fosm ds called plaint te eleant ain be clefined ay statement of Claims and olamanals 7 wollen » Pest op all cluctty of the pleadey dd to seo ae the aut a be framed, what post of the Story cteul by the clef elo be omittel avd what ather thins have. ele he adlelted in the plait to establish d Scanned with CamScanner p the client fas achievihy lh obattiny, a plant pleadler a hi f re Ie lating ancl Carve oy Provisions cy lle. TES previvan selatis Jo duo Shings athat oo suit mush be faced cin Such & wy Se that Ab may — } adford ground Gor wpinal oleecsion upon chy Subjects din clisptcle , es in a Sut and a Prevent pusher Litigation Concesning them Ue. ame dubjet dn, olcspuete » Suit to Unchuele whole choum — Order I, Rule 2 ap Civil procecine Code days fred every Mut shall uncle the whale claim which the plainctiyy is entitled de make in vespect” op the Cause @ actton, but a plaintity may) sein ptioh any postion ob hus claim in ovder to bet ng She ot within He jurrdict ~dion of or Court, Ut peasls os follrcer W avery aut dhol unclteele the whale dhe Claim whch dhe ploinhiPe is Scanned with CamScanner ertitted cto moke wn oespect of th. Gink q action , bul a pllarlift ma aelinguioh cys postion hs fea ik “order do bying The Mut within dhe quviadiction of any Court. i (4) Weve a ploindity onits oe se dy wespec of or interctionalty cseliingpsrhir cin fowlvarn of his Clem he Dhalll hast aplertoowdls Alu dn wespect of the postion 0 omittel ex welinyuishecl, (3 A pesson entitle) Zo more. Shan one elie} th verpect a the Jome. Cause of action may Aue wll oF ony of such sebiefs bick a he omit, except with the Leave ch the Court, to sue Yor dl stich relies he Bhall nat aflesteacsals Aue fox ony selefs 36 ometted , Scanned with CamScanner Fg. _ Written -Statement When athe case has beer Court q to wt SH Ge pleat ond guumm ~deots dhe clicly a uy cleat, Yas filing ualen subi Purpese Courts s2hd summers cleng wh a xfer Copy a ste alaint ah dhe deten- ~olanty , Now whan dhe clebend ity pat copy oh the pulectuct tind Bunmans for ahi ; eoponce un Sh Court on & cocten dati, He dleperdants diel pavaleut serly op oh plat Ta seply he Rm ip dicknically called uviten state . Lorden- statement Js, hus defence he defendant filed by Rim tn onsen Gin suport co Fhe plant ob the Clesnkiop » Th Koalosh V5. Nonhku * The Apex Court expladned the scope q Scanned with CamScanner Osler uy, Rade 1 CPC and prcpoundad Shad tthe prowrsion iy 0 pact 4 psoceclugal Loe and hence aliseclony Tr war chyerved that cthe purpose 4 poovicling tha time, Schedule for fading the Caen “atectirment onder order vor, Rule 1, CPC cb do ex petite ond vat do Seuthle the Reasing The provision spells aut a olisabiléty on the olefendentt it clay rect import cur emboagjo on the power” @ the Court fo extend othe time Though the dargusge @ he paovine Jo Rule 4 Gh oveler yin of the CPC bs Couched dn Yeoplive form, it dloes vot spect owy poral Consequences plowing osem che nen Lorpla “mee. Tha Provinion bet din the clemeen of He pooceslusal Lew, it fas to be Feld clivectory aval nat mandatory The power ap the Court dp extend Lime fox Yiling ate widen ytectiment beyend he. time sechedle Pooviclesl by oreley VIN, Rule | 6) the CPC is net Coneplitely ctaken ay Scanned with CamScanner Form of unite sttokemuit }— fl wntlen Skeimadt should be cheap Red Lily dhe Jame o¥ perhaps Lath more Care, then the Rewint, Lp should have the same ‘heading and ditie as cthe plait’ encom that, iy thee ase several plainctipps o¢ senel clegenclavets dhe ame Gf one oleferclarct may he unten orth dhe oddition oh “ond ch ther’ ox “ound others uf these 4s © oe “more cle}envclovet the words “ond onedher wile be Writtn ond df dhow ae mot that one lsfenclordf she Ldosels “ond edhers” will be vovtlen, Tre Ywwber ch cthe suit should be conten cette otha Name of the Court emd afer stut- yumber, the Tame Gb the footer haste be mantioned cmc afer the Ycime Gf thw povfies here shawls be addled Some wordrsto Gralcate whose oxtectemod id’ dy, 2-4" Lontlen stetemod on behalf of oll dhe olependanti or wilen Steitemed en behalf? ap deperdad No Le Th deers llores, tt words "he olefendit Stats os follows are Ured before she vovieus Pavasymphs gp dhe cainken stettned bit as-is by net recess Cor Scanned with CamScanner Xe Doaft a jul for Arrears of ent BW Rs Gove/- ond Ejectment oy Tenant, “The vert boty Ry 200, foy Horth. — Refer recog of vet Th ithe Court af ~ Courses, Ad Suit No ap A Sie Bap geass dd ——{ lab) Versus D Se Gye — years Add C Defen dant “The Reoindife obove nanwd sales ex poldows— b Tred she Ploarchipp dy the auner and one Jord aL Rowe noas atu tm : Detail are given of dhe foot cost ple & That the plaintify dot aut dhe datd house ote dependart ano menthly vent op Re Sse on November 4, 1998 On the Verbal agent Ghat dhe dedendawt will pes, rent on every Piak ol the moth. 3: That the dleperdend paid vend vegtultcly Uf dake ‘Scanned with CamScanner a A+ Tk the cleRenclonit hes nak paid vent Ysom _ __Jo ____ and a 34m ap Be Apo fay Yellen cue ageinit” ha Said defendant, 5+ Tet the Court af cose. con dee When Shree month's went food. fallen Clu aval purther on evo spies a othe month ard uenctly @n clots —— when dhvee months yert Aud yallen clus agairut the cefercto Rence tai seth 6 That the value op tho gut js 9,600 for Paespore of Court _ fee. and juartsdictiom and oq ucrele Court tee. is beiry Paid That dhe Pavties neslle cme the doud Powe Js xttude within ahe tocedl geri —sclictian cif the Court ard the oust cis Competint to try the auth, Tre pelea'rchi fp peng “for the following velieys— (a) A aletsee fox Rs. 860 In Pavowr af che Alot rdf b) Cost he SUF awoerseled aged ( : alot coger: opined the Scanned with CamScanner G Ay Gther ond Yfustha as the Corl May oltem fb and Proper ba the Ciycumstances cq dhe. Case Alehabacl betirolecl by East — Road, Wert = Lane Newth— Howe No 4 Sewh - Gpen clarel Cetat no, lol ) Rlanctipe “A? lo heve by oleclose. that Contents oh Pawrosirophs tite tab Mas platrit’ cre sue do my pecssnal Rrotaleclye oT have. Signed do plait and Veriviccction clause chis Beit within the Ca _ ete Coat conpetind TA" ol Reatrtede vq, Scanned with CamScanner 2:6) Dener A PLAINT for Tae wire IN PetaTI0N OF Divorce Ac pins7 Husaane ON Ginowno OF Divorce febetion tos Divorce. C Under ection 13 ¢ Hinclee Manige ad 3) In THe Court OF District Juoqe AT-— Petition No Gp --- A wh B, of --— Versus BS} 0, wh ---— Respondent Potittion por olf ssalluction marrous. by a decree op clivorce Under sectiom 13 oe Hind meeviage Act 95S a "Te Petttionet most respectpubls teil ow Uneley |= {) Trak o meanrlage (woes sallemnised bohscen, athe Parties ot... Cfn afffclav't, clad chtexted is piled hexewithS G That He afta and place op veridence ol the parties othe mowvinye , before the mast! and atcthe chine fe, : telikent “tills apts Petitioner Scanned with CamScanner & That after dhe dalemnfacdufen Gp megge sthe petitioner cod sespond ert Cahabtted Stacther os Husbard ond Wige avd Cendummae ate dhe avis ’ Ue There és one. bey 4 6 yen auf ap this Deltech one Jy living With She. gesponeents S+ That the vespendent has boon dreatig the Pelthioner ih mental ond Physical crulty Ome lio HE fas oltserter| hus for ynoxe. hon 3 Years » 6+ That Un ew af the Ciycumstenrces Mentioned abeve the petitioner £3 enfide te dhe lbsselliction ot maeri age ba a olecree a clbvoxte “}- Thet othe petitioner has natn an mam -er been accesery ch ox Conniyed ator ‘condoned athe act Complained exp and hay net dn cry manner Condemned the. caulk, g. That cthe petition bs net poesertal fn Collusion woth dhe “respandlnch, a: Tract there. has het boon ang. Oaneceascrg Ze Tmpre per delay dn Yitiry of Hus Péiten, Scanned with CamScanner octet Shaded nat be graded. We Theve. has nat been ony previous paoceediya with rregivrd fo the mening by or on bell SE ony pavdies, : 12 Thak the totfe and Husband dest vesioled dogelhey within dhe Gindts gy the. crsltnews onigfral civil jutrdiction dhis Couch. 3. Thed the pooper Court flea ay Ps -- ha boen atttked on the petition. Ie The piitfhones thoefore-» pays thal the macs age befween the pettione cond the. werponeledt re) be disrolved by acces divorce * gd. Pace — ietitiener Qate. —— , Verification — TL alo heseby Verity cust the, Conterts pass no dela. ove. crous cto my Hnosl- — echo cid belief. Rest pawor are culgo holZeveol 40 be Due an dhe bos af Legal ecclvice., Nothing hor be02h ConCealed therein Rbace Se Batt ——_ fetilioner Scanned with CamScanner BID. Aiso Waite ‘The Wairen StarnenT oF Aveve Plant On BEHALF Of The HussanD dstten Statement against petition sf Diorce. Conder Section 13 of Hott Aet, 5°) tition no ¥ Bo versus 9 Ean Under Seely 3 ap te Me Deb [9SS™ tatten Atatimad ay behalf of the Reporte” re Responctenct respectful shaay as Under Is TRat the Contents a poww vo sb af the. peldton cue adlinbtted . & Tred the Coriterts af Parag af the peléhion owe codmittedd , oh 3 That the Contents a} Para No-3 4} the. petition ave actnitted, = That the Covitints af Pave Wo + aqcthe Pelihien cre ccclmitted, 5 That cthe Condirls 4 Pave Noe ave dented, These cow ctoctally spatlse allegation oye Fespevolert, Gs Tat cthe petitioner ds not evtLetedl cbodhe clever af olivorce, Scanned with CamScanner “fs ‘Thal cthe Contents ap pares ne} OF the Petition ase Unnecensery hence henieal & That othe Corttints Sf pave no 9 athe Petition oe Unnecessary hence. clentedle Gs That the Corttenty cat pores 4-13 a} the Petition ose Unnecesscuy hance benied lon “Mevetove , ub ts peryel that the petition a dhs petitfoner ray MincLly be dis- mised with Costs. Place Sd Rete —_ fotitiony Vert piction—T do here verity that tthe Covertts ap powos novi -9 on true to the ost of RrowLeclge cand belfep cind rething has een Conceclleal dheveln. Place Sd. ‘Pete Potion ex Scanned with CamScanner | | | 4@) __Mawonnus er J Mandlamwis” fete Cly nuans a Command, A ume xy Manoa, may he grontedl only Gh Case Where There. (iy a webct ~ oH clits climpared upen the «ppicer Concerned and there ts a false an the pewt op that efpicer to eléacharge aha dahidory abligedten The math function of the une b cto compel che. parformante public oluties prescribed by sfatele cmd to KoeP dhe Suborltrste chiunals and CYpicews exerclring public spenctions oithin the Lemids a thear juviseliction A ume ay Manolayny wil? be. lle to Command an cinyerior Aibunal do exercise ats juiscicction oA ont dpaue & 0 Pibuned of Sucticial Chearactey Commeaincling cit +e reay and decide 0 particule mectler, Le wot nak bo Exguce| to cliche ho St chy what mannex LE ds ca olecile the mater here. sich ab datbunal har heovel ana cledeye mined horeutly cy muctley within ti S Scanned with CamScanner ahora clic.téan no mandamus (al? tie fox the Pur pore o vevietviig UB clectsion even theugh cthe olecérsion ty exreneows nat ont as to facts but aso dn pein G Lows CR Atalchow Aingh Vs. Chiee Commissionec, Manipur, AIR 1456 Main pur S& ) Th & COse of manelamus for Legeatockon against epacenity, Buppicient Jarfeguerel un esi Vowtaus egislective. norms regulation do peotect the Saciety in general and Chélol- ~yen, dh powctictulor prem absene and powniert- contents ome ovailable under press Cauncid Act (+8 Cfhioy Graswawi Vs. Unian a India, AIR Zoot St 443), Scanned with CamScanner B) Daoyt a petition Under 226 a Constitution ap Trokia for the nut Sb writ ab Mandamus. TIN The Hien Court of Jonicarure AT-— Th dhe matter oy Mrticedle aac oy the. Constittttian G} India civil writ petition Ne--— eh ---~ A Cale description and yerlelence) Potidismey ce Versuy Divhict Geard “f CAelelsess).-.- Rerponotent- Te The chiee juotice and other pulane Niatices op High Court Petition fot o unity 4 mondamus grounds The pebitioner abevenamed: .zfaitis 03 Hollows ds Trot fe us dhe Gwner a a Pewerger Buy pe ---— tabich da paid gor caning potrengers pores ioe Under permet Wo -_lssucd on---. by---~-. Q That tn the Court af dhe Jeusney sfrem conde ay the 2aid bus casing ponte ets oY atherwix hey do Cm she brfclges at --— omel —— ever. -_ the Yer ~__ avd Scanned with CamScanner . vespeative y al potnty . avl - & That cleing athe aati, sea0or the contors | the saiel vivercs caver]fow the said bide» and ain oycley do enable sthe parsengers do ge pom ane end ab the iver clo cmalher sfor the Purpart of cweaning athe darcl vives, dhe vesperdent has made avsrargements lo Coorg the Pawmergess ex pesrons “inkeneling de cram do the “naid yer by pocuicling heals act fhe fey Close to each Sarel Jives, Kroon ay - On tthe wiver.—— anel ~ --ferey on cthe Fiver --—- We The vespanded lives 0 tate ct x ..-- Per bus fot one Srp when Ut proceeds de Cross each af the asd “vivers aver dhe bytdger cefese menticones|. Thies Q ---— ace wey. red to be paid by each bus (Cuinclurive op the pekhtioner) do ge fsom ate ©. Anel vetrn therefrom ee 61 That cif ls alleges! fhe this doll ts Cheesged in osdey oto maintatn dhe fearieg Undes Nosthern Tnelia foorfes Act 978 , & “Tet no puch chad? cis Chasyed on the clogs whan cuwing, ts sfoeods othe. satel by i ore over flan Welh she Current ay the ad Scanned with CamScanner Vives and dhe Vehicular cheiftie Cannot COAS ANE byidlge . Te Rat othe. tog af the Aaid tolld from she Petitiomey af che crossing of Ais bis CPoxsenger) ot —-- and. iltegal. Q That he petitioner haing ope, ed the dai Duy awd chargitig ay the, dal doll from ake petitioney , “he appacaich €» this Horble Guck Yor Aur aba Lat @ Mand anus prohibiting the, esponchent prem talking Such cherrge or fl 4 3aid todo ind dar vwetund a dure abe paid to nd sor sepurd gp 4 Bre gespondant dm thls behalf an dhe fallout among athe: U) The pucca bridge CKnown da — anal --) aver dhe vives —__omd -._ aforesaid ae nat Yerries within the mean’ Nostheen India ferries Act, 1629. q W) Thal the natigication Eaurd unoler the ald Ad din wespect CY the Seidl biel as being oleemed fo ba femer, fs ulton, Uves : (Wn) That the cud briclge, crre porct at the . 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Hagistrate may proceed ex perde., 3uch order can be att aril on a jut apecurd fan applicection Js, made within ghee manths. oy 8 Arppidawit S24 Gs a wsitien declar— ation on oath, A umben srelboment sworn before « person haviry authority to administer an ceeth, An apiolovit mut be Confined cha auch foe ay the cleponert us able cL fis aton Kneowterlge oto prove, except on dvtexlocick applications an Which statue os do hw haliet., with the gpse webs cthere op : be colmectted coley 19 Of the Cole oy civil procedure cleols with athe apticlavits Scanned with CamScanner 2 Application Por rettl ausicle an ex Parle clecyee Cosder 4 Rule 13, OPC) Th dhe Cott af ak Application no -—-—of -—~ din Cclvil yuct ne. f.--) Al, Sfo Shut... Yo. Applicarct/Dependart Versus L,Sh Shri _-- we -— Platnctifp AppLtcocke on ot atts ome an ox pas decree Conler4 pute 13 GPO Sis The applicant vespechpully tectes cvs Undes — ihe \. 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