Una Ciudad Moderna en Un Mundo Mágico: LET's TALK! - Standalone NPC Dialogue System For Solo Rolepla

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Una ciudad moderna en un mundo

Blog dedicado fundamentalmente a juegos de rol de creación personal. Porque lo que el mundo
necesita, precisamente, son más juegos de rol de creación personal...¿no?

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2022 Buscar este blog

LET'S TALK! - Standalone NPC Dialogue System for
Solo Roleplaying Secciones específicas

  Página principal
[ESP] UCMEUMM - Versión 2
[ESP] Ultimate Mystical Chef
[ESP] Aventureros del Reino Medio
[ESP] Tronos y Espadas
[ESP] VISORPG - Juego de rol en
solitario, al estilo videojuego
[ENG] VISORPG Z - Videogame-ish
Solo Roleplaying Game
[ENG] Ultimate Mystical Chef
[ENG] Let's Talk!
[ENG] Keeping Contact!
[ENG] MQGA-32p
[ENG] Welcome to Tropeland!
Just click the image to get the PDF. [ENG] 'Vampire, the Masquerade -
No, seriously, do it. 20th Anniversary' Setting Generator
Don't make Pan'ya-chan sad!
Datos personales
LET’S TALK! is a stand-alone dialogue system for solo roleplaying designed to be used with any other
RPG ruleset. This system has been inspired by the classic tree-dialogue videogame system; to be precise, it’s
based on those games where dialogue options are represented by just a word, short phrase, or even an icon.
Luckily, this won’t be one of those games where the writer put words in the mouth of your character that you
never, ever, would use, or even worse, mislead you…because in this case you would be the one selecting
those words! Dr. Gerald Ravenpie

This Dialogue system is the stand-alone version of the one that can be found in VISORPGZ (available El Dr. Gerald Ravenpie [ˈrāvənpī]
just here, in this blog) game. To be fair, even if it was an already quite ‘stand-alone’-ish system to begin with, compagina la investigación científica
con el visionado de series en general y
it nevertheless included some mentions to other mechanics. Thus, you'll find in this document a fully system-
anime en particular, el ejercitado de los
agnostic version of those rules!
dedos a los mandos de una videoconsola
y el diseño de juegos de rol a tiempo
CLICK HERE FOR THE PDF VERSION (Yeah, it's the same link than above)
parcial...una faceta esta última que
hasta ahora había permanecido oculta.
CLICK HERE FOR THE RTF - ONLY TEXT VERSION Y que quizás hubiera sido mejor que
permaneciera así, por el bien de la
en noviembre 17, 2022 Humanidad.
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Solo RPG
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LET'S TALK! - Standalone NPC Dialogue System for Solo Roleplaying
Welcome to Tropeland! - A troperific & system-agnostic game content generator VISORPG
KEEPING CONTACT! - Standalone Social system for Solo Roleplaying

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LET'S TALK! - Standalone NPC
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