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1. About the Book

a. Title of the book: The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
b. Name of the Author: John Perkins
c. Year of Publication: 2016
d. Publisher Name: Ebury Press of Penguin Random House
e. Country in which book is published: England

2. Theme. “The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” is a newer, fresher and
more extensive version of the New York Times bestseller “Confessions of an Economic
Hitman”. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (EHM) is a partly autobiographical book which
provides the author's account of his career with engineering consulting firm Chas. T. Main as
an Economic Hit Man.

The phenomenon of EHM’s is the process of US companies (such as the engineering

consultation firm where he worked) which convince leaders of underdeveloped countries to
accept substantial development loans for large construction and engineering projects while
making sure that these projects were contracted to U.S. companies. Later these loans would
give the U.S. political influence and access to natural resources for U.S. companies.

The malice of EHM’s is not limited to this predatory capitalism, but goes on further to employ
a second type of EHM’s, called Jackals, for assassination or overthrow of the heads of the
victim states if the former type of EHM’s failed to bring them around. The final tool was a full
on military rush-on, if all else failed.

3. Details of Chapters
a. Number of Chapters. 47

b. Subjects Dealt and Briefs of Chapters

(1) Chapter 1 - Dirty Business

Shortly after Perkins arrives in Ecuador, he sees just how unfortunate the
country seems. Even a native businessman tells him how poor it is. He is
then invited to a dinner party by a man who lived quite comfy. The man
then tells Perkins that the things he learned in business school do not
apply in this country. The competition is stale and toxic. Families running
basically everything. And the people suffer. Perkins then realizes how
little his education matters. And just how dirty the business can get. His
perspective has greatly changed.

(2) Chapter 2 -An Economic Hitman is born

With his parents being brought up in the olden days of America, their
values clearly passed on to Perkins. During his childhood, Perkins was


often taught disassociate himself from “preppies.” Or people who were

rich. As they the people they would associate with led simple lives.
Perkins, hated this, as he had a very strong interest in girls. But alas he
repressed his feelings and slogged on into college. But that’s when he
finally exploded. Despite being a successful student and athlete, he
wanted to lead a more free lifestyle. Begging his father for a break. Until
he met two people. Ann, and Farhad. Farhad taught Perkins to live his
life. So he partied and drank until Perkins finally quit school, and his
friend Farhad got expelled. By the time that happened, Ann had broken
up with her previous boyfriend. And Perkins saw an opportunity. So he
finally got himself back on his feet, married Ann, and joined the Peace

(3) Chapter 3: In for life

After being accustomed to the employees and officials of MAIN, Perkins
gets greeted by an agent named Claudine. Who tutors him in the art of
becoming an EHM. Claudine teaches Perkins that his job is to trick
companies and countries into spending and lending money. Claudine
also explicitly tells Perkins that once he’s in, he can’t get out.

(4) Chapter 4: Indonesia: Lessons for an EHM

Perkins was assigned to learn about Indonesia before he flies out there.
Claudine advised it is best to know more about a country before he gets
there. Perkins learned that Indonesia was a big player during the Vietnam
war. The U.S. feared the spread of Communism to other countries, so it
ensured dominance in Indonesia as an example for other countries.
Indonesia also had oil, so that was bug incentive for the U.S. When
Perkins finished his studies, he came home to find marital issues. His wife
claims that he wasn’t the same man she knew. Obviously knowing about
his second life.
(5) Chapter 5: Saving a Country From Communism
After arriving in Indonesia, Perkins comes to find the Indonesia he read
about was not what he experienced. Sure the landscapes, people, and
unique transportation were all there, but so were the poor and sick.
Lepers and beggars everywhere. Canals became dumpsters. And
extreme air pollution. Of course, he wouldn’t be staying in a hut, but a
fancy hotel for executives and rich folk. But Perkins was not here as a
tourist, he’s on a mission. A righteous mission to save Indonesia from the
iron grip of communism. At least, that’s what he’s being told.
(6) Chapter 6: Selling My Soul
Perkins’ new assignment was in Jakarta and Bandung. He would be
performing his usual tasks like meeting executives and officials while
sitting pretty by the pool. But when Perkins moved to Bandung, he met a
very special man named Howard. Howard was another insider who knew


it all. He warned Perkins of his associate Charlie. How Charlie tries to

advertise a bright economy for Jakarta. Howard warned Perkins that he’ll
sell out like all the rest of him. Perkins brushed him off as being crazy. But
he would eventually regret his nativity.
(7) Chapter 7: My Role as Inquisitor
Perkins slowly realized that the officials and hosts he was meet didn’t
enjoy his presence. This started when Perkins hung out with a language
teacher named Rasy. Rasy showed Perkins around Indonesia. Viewing
shops, landscapes, and talking to the natives. Perkins decided to learn
the universal language Bahasa in order to understand the locals and the
executives he was spying on. So when another interview with Indonesian
officials rolled around, he understood certain phrases. He picked up on
the fact that these people usually called him an “interrogator” or
“inquisitor.” Perkins now knew he wasn’t very welcome in the eyes of his
(8) Chapter 8: Civilization On Trial
Rasy takes Perkins out for another adventurous night. This time, they’re
going to a shadow puppet show. Perkins assumed the show would be
another folklore tale. But it turned it to be an anti-US piece. The puppet-
master displayed figures representing countries and people. Such as
Nixon, a “bucket” man, and an Indonesian president. These figures acted
out a simplified version of the relationship between the U.S. and other
countries. Nixon “dumped” various nation specifically middle eastern
countries. When Nixon attempted to dump Indonesia into the bucket, he
was stopped by an Indonesian man. The man shouted “Indonesia is a
sovereign!” but was then stabbed with a U.S. flag. The Nixon and bucket
puppets cheered. Perkins felt threatened and insecure during the event.
Fearing the crowd full of Indonesians would attack him for being the only
(9) Chapter 9: Opportunity of A Lifetime
Perkins returns to Boston after completing his assignment in Indonesia.
He comes back to the MAIN office to find an eccentric CEO named
Bruno. After audibly firing an employee, Bruno greets Perkins and praises
him for his forecasts from Indonesia. Bruno then promotes Perkins on the
spot. Shocked by his promotion, Perkins debates whether he should
celebrate alone or with co-workers. But Perkins only had one thing one
his mind. Claudine. His mentor. After searching through records and
apartments, Perkins finds that Claudine has disappeared. He remembers
that she always liked keeping things secret. Perkins gets a phone call and
is promoted twice. With a bonus raise. Since then, Perkins rose up
through the MAIN ranks. What he lacked in knowledge, made up for
(10) Chapter 10: Panama’s President and Hero


After landing at the Panama International Airport, Perkins takes a taxi for
the night. While he was admiring the visuals of Panama, Perkins noticed
a billboard with the face of Panama’s president Omar Torrijos on it. Omar
was a highly regarded president amongst the lower and middle class. For
one, he is staunch declarer of Panama’s sovereignty and helps to fix
poverty. Amazingly enough without the use of socialism or communism.
He also wants everything done by his, and his people’s own hands. With
no aid from other countries like China and Russia.
(11) Chapter 11: Pirates in the Canal Zone
Perkins is given an escort and local named Fidel. Fidel’s mission is to
drive Perkins to the “Canal Zone” a rich area that is almost like a second
country. On the way to the zone, Fidel introduces Perkins to a family that
lives on the other side of the canal. Their family is known for its service for
Panama. After the introduction, Fidel shows Perkins the “other” side of
Panama. Perkins is then greeted with the stench of rot. A sign of a slum.
Perkins is obviously no stranger to such sights, but it was a depressing
site nonetheless. They eventually arrive at the canal zone. Complete with
white buildings, green grass, and blue skies. All of this is owned by the
U.S. Fidel then tells Perkins they’ll be meeting yet one more side of
(12) Chapter 12: Soldiers and Prostitutes 
After a nice dinner, Perkins heads out with Fidel to a local bar. He finds
that almost all of the staff is female. Especially the exotic dancers. He
also seems to notice most of the patrons are U.S. soldiers. Perkins asks
Fidel why are there so many girls. He then tells that these women are
from neighboring countries like Colombia and Honduras. They come to
Panama for refuge or a fresh start. Most of them become dancers and
bartenders as that’s their only option. They do make a lot of money,
(13) Chapter 13: Conversation with the General
Perkins was finally invited to a meeting with the President of Panama.
Omar Torrijos. This was his real purpose in Panama. As usual, his
objective was to scheme leaders into asking for loans under the pretense
of “helping” their country. Usually, they would play along, but not Torrijos.
Torrijos seemed very self-aware of the state of his, and other countries.
He also was aware of Perkins true purpose. But Torrijos had an agenda
of his own. To help the poor of Panama, and to make Panama seem
(14) Chapter 14: Entering a New and Sinister Economic Period in History 
Being the current Chief economist of MAIN, Perkins had to keep up with
the latest trends in the economy. He also has to have an extensive
knowledge of various economic practices. Such as when OPEC caused
the oil crisis of 1973. They proclaimed an embargo that inflated the price
of oil from 3$ per barrel to 12$. The aftermath was even worse for


America as they were still recovering from Vietnam. Fortunately, Perkins

finds these events fascinating. Hence why he’s so good at his job.
(15) Chapter 15: The Saudi-Arabian Money Laundering Affair
Perkins new assignment is in Saudi-Arabia. One of his biggest projects.
Describing this job as something “I enjoyed immensely.” His job, of
course, is to create an economic forecast and to persuade leaders to buy
loans in the name social improvement. Saudi-Arabia is one of the biggest
oil oligarchs in the world. They have managed to bring the U.S. to its
knees and give in to their demands by threatening the U.S. with an
embargo. That’s why Saudi-Arabia is so rich. But now the tides have
turned. It is Saudi-Arabia who is dependent on the U.S. This is Perkins
(16) Chapter 16: Pimping, and Financing Osama Bin-Ladin
While Perkins preliminary objective is creating forecasts and making
deals, he acts as the personal organizer for Prince W. An unspecified, yet
presumably a powerful leader. Perkins performed illegal traders for the
Prince. Specifically getting a woman from Boston over to Saudi-Arabia.
This is a common practice that is really just fancy prostitution.
(17) Chapter 17: Panama Negotiations and Graham Greene
Perkins is now a head figure in MAIN. He’s a Chief Economist, Manager
of Economics and Regional Planning, and an amateur writer. The year is
1977. Perkins is invited to a rally in Panama from President Torrijos.
Torrijos discusses regaining independence and control over the Panama
Canal. But also discussing the American-Latin relationship. Perkins takes
notes on this and submits an article. He gets backlash for it mainly from
coworkers, but his boss approves it. Perkins writing is inspired by the
novelist Graham Greene. A man who is famous writing articles
specifically about Panama and Torrijos. Perkins eventually meets
Graham and gains a lot of insight from him. One of the few men that
Perkins greatly respects.
(18) Chapter 18: Iran’s King of Kings
Perkins finds himself now in Iran. A very developed country. Similar to
Saudi-Arabia. And like Saudi-Arabia, it’s one of the biggest oil producers.
But the leader of Iran, “The King of Kings” is naive for his position. He
believes the desert that is Iran was once a lush forest. Thus he’s funding
a project called “The Flowering Desert” to bring back these forests.
Perkins receives a letter from a man named Yamin. Yamin is classified as
a radical, so Perkins was suspicious. It turns out that Yamin is merely a
staunch believer in the traditions of Iran.
(19) Chapter 19: Confessions of a Tortured Man
Yamin escorts Perkins to a shantytown where they’ll meet a man under
the name of “Doc.” Doc tells Perkins of how the Shah is much eviler than
he seems. And that Persians actually hate the Shah. Doc is a victim of
what kind of things a leader will do to silence those who rebel. Yamin


then explains to Perkins how his business should cease operation in Iran.
As it will continue the suffering of his people.

(20) Chapter 20: The Fall of a King

Perkins gets together with is old friend Farhad. Whom he’s been apart for
nearly a decade. Farhad invites Perkins over to Rome to meet with his
father. The former General of Iran. Farhad knows about Perkins role in
Iran and discusses how the Shah will be taken over. Like Doc, the
General was right. Two days after Perkins reunion reports of Iranian
bombings and riots. The culprits behind this are Ayatollah Khomeini and
the Mullah. These acts are attempts to bring down the Shah. Which
eventually happens.
(21) Chapter 21: Colombia: Keystone of Latin America
Theodore Roosevelt once described Colombia as “The Keystone to the
arch of South America.” Even 30 years after that quote, it still holds true.
For one, Colombia has a geographical advantage. Being at the top of
South America and connecting most southern countries and canals.
Allowing for constant trade. Colombia’s History is also rich in both senses.
The treasures and the kingdoms that Colombia had hundreds of years
ago. But most importantly, Colombia is good “friends” with the U.S.
Although the country is also known for its massive drug trade, the U.S.
makes an exception.
(22) Chapter 22: American Republic vs. Global Empire
While Colombia is a developed country both culturally and economically,
there are still traditionalists. Groups of rebels and militia often attack
construction sites and target EHM’s like Perkins. Paula brought this topic
up with Perkins and explained that these rebels believe that foreign
companies are a threat to Colombia and it’s environment. Perkins was
surprised with Paula’s knowledge on the subject and asked her why.
Paula was educated by these rebels in her adolescence. Her brother is
actually a part of them. Perkins knew that this time, he and his friends
were truly not accepted here.
(23) Chapter 23: Deceptive Resume
Perkins is a very accomplished person. Thus, has a resume with every
detail about his job. Due to his status and importance, some reporters
have written about him. Such as Mainline magazine. The article in
question lists Perkins education, jobs, and dealings. But the way it was
written made Perkins look much more like a paper-pusher and a
bureaucrat than an economic forecaster. Especially to an “outsider.”
(24) Chapter 24: Ecuador’s President Battles Big Oil
After his missions in Columbia and Panama, Perkins decides to travel to
his second home. Ecuador. Much has changed since his very first
assignment. Mainly political strife and economic issues. But the most
important of all was oil. Foreign nations become attracted to countries


that are ripe with oil. And in their pursuit of oil, they usually destroy the
country. Until a man named Jaime Roldos came along. Roldos, like
Torrijos, believed in the sovereignty of Ecuador. Also like Torrijos, Roldos
crossed many lines. He wasn’t a communist, nor was he a socialist. He
didn’t like foreign oil companies, but he wasn’t anti-American.
(25) Chapter 25: I Quit
Perkin’s former boss Bruno was considered amongst his employees to be
a real stand-up guy. However, the CEO of MAIN Mac Hall disagrees.
Bruno was abruptly fired. And no one really knew why. Although rumor
had it that Hall wasn’t a fan of Bruno. Perkins of course, was quite
shocked. As Bruno and he shared quite the history. Perkins takes a day
off to contemplate where he wants his life to go. He was a sinner. So he
repented by quitting MAIN on April 1, 1980.
(26) Chapter 26: Ecuador’s Presidential Death
Despite making his mind up about MAIN, one of Perkin’s superiors Paul
Priddy begged him to come back. Nothing really convinced him until
Priddy told him that they would lose a major client unless Perkins would
represent MAIN. So once again, Perkins steps back into the fray as an
“Expert Witness.” Despite being out of the game, he still keeps an eye on
South America. Jamie Roldos, the new president of Ecuador, seems to
be doing well. His stance on oil companies inspired many. Except, of
course, the likes of Washington and Texico. On May 24, 1981, Roldos
was killed in a plane crash. Papers were soon released claiming it was a
“CIA Assassination.” Despite the outrage, the news didn’t make waves in
the U.S. I wonder why.
(27) Chapter 27: Panama: Another Presidential Death
On July 31, 1981, former President of Panama Omar Torrijos died in a
plane crash. Just like he predicted in his nightmare. Much like Roldos
death, South America mourned the loss of a truly great man. Also like
Roldos death, everyone screamed “CIA Assassination.” Torrijos was
openly against oil companies and those that seek to exploit his country.
Knowing his actions, if Torrijos was alive, he could’ve truly changed
Panama and South America. Something, of course, the CIA and the U.S.
could not allow.
(28) Chapter 28: My Energy Company, Enron, and George W. Bush
Perkins, for once in his life, settles down. He meets a woman named
Winifred Grant whom he eventually marries and has a child with. After
witnessing the current trends in the energy industry, he decides to cash
in. Thus, Independent Power Systems (IPS) was founded. And as a
reward for his “service,” Perkins gets funded from many influential
bankers. Including Congress.
(29) Chapter 29: I Take a Bribe
Being an amateur writer, Perkins felt compelled to write about his
experiences with MAIN. Before he even published the book he received


an anonymous call sending him and his family death threats. Then
Perkins was contacted by a former MAIN employee. He offered him a job
as a consultant for SWEC. A very successful electric company. There
was more money in working for SWEC compared to running his own
company. Of course, Perkins knew what would happen if he didn’t accept
the offer.
(30) Chapter 30: The United States Invades Panama
After President Torrijos’ death, General Noriega replaced him. Noriega
was nowhere near as concerned or dedicated about Panama as Torrijos
was. But he did occasionally make efforts to ensure Panama’s
sovereignty. Such as halting the construction of U.S. schools. Thus he
was made to look evil in the eyes of the U.S. media. So on December 20,
1989, the U.S. flew bombing runs over Panama, killing many civilians in
the process. The justification for this violation of international law?
Noriega was a “drug-trafficking monster,”and an “Enemy of the public.”
(31) Chapter 31: An EHM Failure in Iraq
Iraq, much like Colombia, is a ripe land of opportunity for EHM’s. Oil and
water are two big incentives. But most importantly, it is a perfect
strategical location. Iraq connects countries like Kuwait, Syria, Saudi
Arabia, and Turkey. It’s also within easy missile-striking distance of Israel
and Russia. At the time, however, (1980) there was one man guarding
these resources. Saddam Hussein. And despite being a genocidal
psycho, EHM’s would do anything to gain his trust and secure Iraq. But by
the late 80’s, Saddam didn’t buy into the EHM game. This was a major
frustration and big embarrassment.
(32) Chapter 32: September 11 and It’s Aftermath for Me, Personally
After a cultural tour in the Amazon, Perkins heads off to a small office with
a two-way radio. He then hears a yell from the radio saying “New York is
under attack!” Perkins turns up the radio and for the next half-hour
listened to updates on the shocking event. A few days later, Perkins goes
back home and decides to take a flight to New York. There he finds
a giant black crater that was the World Trade Center. Most have
continued their lives but there were some who were still devastated by
the attack.
(33) Chapter 33: Venezuela: Saved by Saddam
Venezuela used to be one of the poorest countries in South America.
Until in 1923, when a massive pocket of oil exploded out of the ground. It
then became the richest of the rich. And when the OPEC oil embargo of
1973 hit, their oil value quadrupled. Until the 1980’s when the price of
Venezuelan oil crashed. And the country was in major debt. Venezuelans
reacted with mass rioting. Causing a total of 200 deaths. Venezuela’s per
capita income went down by 40 percent. The new president of
Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, didn’t make anything better. In December of


2002, over 30,000 oil workers put up a national strike against Chavez and
his oil operations.

(34) Chapter 34: Conspiracy: Was I Poisoned?

Perkins scheduled a lunch with an “admirer” of his recent book. After their
meeting, Perkins began to suffer internal bleeding. Maybe it was due to
his old age. But him getting sick after eating with a random person seems
all too convenient. So Perkins traveled back to Florida to recover. And
while recovering, he arranged a meeting with a retiree who used to do
(35) Chapter 35: A Jackal Speaks: The Seychelles Conspiracy
While Perkins was taking martial arts lessons, a man named Jack is
looking to sign up for the same class. The master makes Perkins and
Jack spar. Perkins notices that Jack seems much more experienced than
an average person. But they came to get along quite well. During a lunch
break, Perkins asks Jack why he’s so good at martial arts. Perkins finds
out that Jack is a South African veteran who has undertaken many
“missions.” Jack then reveals that he was apart of a 6 man crew that
assassinated the Seychelles President Albert Rene.
(36) Chapter 36: Ecuador Rebels
Even after 30 years, Perkins still visits Ecuador. And he’s glad to see that
new blood is still rising above oil companies. Rafael Correa. The former
President of Ecuador. Correa was very aware of the existence of EHM’s
and Jackals. Thanks to Perkins. Thus he was careful with his decisions
and words when it came to the U.S. government.
(37) Chapter 37: Honduras: The CIA Strikes
While on a trip to Honduras, Perkins met with an anonymous man named
“Joel.” Joel wanted to discuss Perkins book in private. While Joel is a
native Panamanian, he reassures Perkins that Panama isn’t the only
victim of the C.I.A. Mentioning moments as far back as Teddy Roosevelt
and his plans for a canal. Henry Kissinger who admitted to the U.S. covert
operations. The 2002 assassination attempt on Hugo Chavez. After their
meeting, Perkins did some research that U.S. media rarely covered these
events. Going as far to paint a recent coup as a “rebel attack.”
(38) Chapter 38: Your Friendly Banker as EHM
Perkins sticks to South America as the subject on his blog most of the
time. But a certain Chase Bank executive wanted to see him write about
the domestic side of things. Perkins receives an email from said executive
to arrange a dinner meeting. The executive told Perkins not to turn a blind
eye on America’s economic crisis. In the executive knows many who are
affected by debt. Which leads to loans. And that leads to a life enslaved
by work.
(39) Chapter 39: Lessons in a Prison


Perkins received an offer from Vietnam as a volunteer. There he would

help victims of land mines. He agreed and first landed in Hanoi. Perkins
was not alone, however. A woman named Judy also agreed to volunteer.
She would join Perkins on his “mission.” There is an “attraction” in Hanoi
called Ho Lo prison. It was used by both France and the U.S. as torture
grounds. While Perkins never murdered anyone or dealt with chemical
weapons, he couldn’t help but feel guilt. He obviously worked with the
U.S. government. Thus he felt that he contributed and justified the
atrocities that take place in other countries. This is the main reason he
actively performs charity work.
(40) Chapter 40: Istanbul: Tools of Modern Empire
Former ambassador of Libya Uluc Ozullker arranged a meeting with
Perkins. Uluc found Perkins book interesting.  They discussed Perkins
work and Uluc brings up the U.S. empire. And how it’s formed. “Fear and
debt” is what ultimately rules a country. Not it’s military force or the people
(41) Chapter 41: The Coup against Fundacion Pachamama
Perkins is back in Ecuador to continue his mission. This time, it’s to save
Ecuador’s rain forests. Specifically from oil companies. Being a long time
visitor and resident in Ecuador, Perkins has strong opinions on the
president. Rafael Correa seems to be doing an alright job in his opinion.
(42) Chapter 42: Another EHM Banking Scandal
World Banks are often referred to as “Cartels” because of how they
operate similarly to an actual cartel. Loan sharking. Dirty work. And mass
scamming. And Perkins along with many others laid the foundation for
these crimes. Perkins still feels guilt and resentment towards himself
because of this. The only thing he can do now is tell the truth to the
(43) Chapter 43: Who Are Today’s Economic Hitmen
Modern EHM’s are a lot less subtle than ever. Leaving a breadcrumb trail
of exploiting subsidies and laws. In Perkin’s days, third-world leaders
were usually prime targets. Now companies all over the world are perfect
opportunities. Things like the Boeing scandal for example. When
“employees” threatened Washington with moving production if there were
no tax cuts.
(44) Chapter 44: Who Are Today’s Jackals?
Jackals in Perkins day were mostly comprised of no-name vets who are
looking for a good pay. Nowadays, “Jackals” are soldiers who willingly
serve the U.S. military. Although mercenaries are still hired, regular
soldiers are used more regularly and are much cheaper. Even respected
branches like SEAL Team-6 (or DEVGRU) have been involved in some
shady work.
(45) Chapter 45: Lessons for China


No one really likes the U.S. Especially its business practices. So

emulating it seems like a big mistake. But China didn’t get the message.
So China went from being just an overpopulated country to an economic
superpower. Simply by copying the U.S. Even though they both work for
each other.
(46) Chapter 46: What You Can Do
So what can you do as a regular citizen to combat corruption? Just live
your life normally. Have expertise in either a general or specialist field.
Use your talents. Recycle more. Spend less money on gas. Consume
less as a whole. And if that isn’t enough for you, do charity work. But
never believe what you do is a righteous act.
(47) Chapter 47: Things to Do
From retirees to businessman, everybody can make a difference in the
economy. Believe in your cause and become an active member of
something. Educate others. Just be a good neighbor really. That’s all
Perkins wants from anybody.

4. Analysis
a. John Perkins worked as an EHM for the USA based strategic consulting firm
Chas. T. Main, which was allegedly an NSA’s front organization of sorts.
b. Perkins claims to have been screened for the job by the National Security
Agency (NSA) and subsequently hired by Einar Greve, alleged by Perkins
to have been acting as an NSA liaison, a claim which Greve has denied. [a]
c. The book does not provide any evidence, except that a study of international
environement in the time indicate viability and plausibilty.
d. In this regard, the United States Department of State, have referred to a lack of
testimonial evidence to corroborate the claim that the NSA was involved in
his hiring by Chas T. Main.
e. After an extensive investigation, the New York Times concluded that "the arc of
Mr. Perkins's career seems to be described accurately," although they did not
find evidence to support "some of his fancier claims," including those
involving the NSA. [b]
f. The State Department also claims that Perkins has alleged U.S. Government
complicity in "the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator
Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., former Beatle John Lennon, and
several unnamed U.S. senators who had died in plane crashes."
g. Questioned in a recorded interview about the State Department claims on
the assassinations, Perkins replied, "No, I've never alleged that. I probably
opened a question as to whether it might have been that way" [c]
h. Perkins, however, does allege that two of his clients, President Jaime Roldós
Aguilera of Ecuador and Omar Torrijos of Panama, had been assassinated and
the US government had been involved, adding "I know. I was there." [c]


5. Lessons Learnt for Intelligence Agency

He explains how the IMF and World Bank in particular and other development
organizations, act as the modern day East India Companies and ensure that the
resources of the developing country go back to the West, particularly to the US.Five
Examples of How Economic Hit Men Still Operate Globally Today

a. Eric Holder Rejoins His Buddies . Holder retired from his position as US Attorney
General to rejoin Covington & Burling, his former law firm. C & B's client list includes
Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, and Citigroup. All these banks are
also the clients that Holder refused to prosecute for their role in the financial crisis.
Coincidence? [d]
b. The World Bank. The World Bank sounds like a noble idea--after all, it's about helping
the whole world, right? Not exactly. The World Bank actually serves the interests of a
select few who make all the decisions about where the money goes. Fact: 185
countries jointly "own" the World Bank but only representatives from eight countries
serve on its governing board-- the U.S. Japan, Germany, France, the UK, China,
Russia, and Saudi Arabia (i.e. the who's-who of global power). The President of the
World Bank has always been an American.
c. US Corporations and Off shoring. You often hear election-year rhetoric about taxes
and how taxpayer funds should or should not be given to various organizations. But
what you don't hear about is the $200 billion in corporate taxes that U.S. companies
avoided paying by keeping their money in offshore banks. Think about that for a
moment: $200 billion. Imagine what that can do for national healthcare, education,
welfare, etc. without even touching a cent of individual taxes. [f]
d. Suing Entire Nations. Companies can buy national debts of other countries and then
try to squeeze more out of them. That's what Grace Church Capital from the Cayman
Islands did--they bought a chunk of Cameroonian debt for $9.5 million and then sued
the nation for nearly $40 million. Sconset bought $15 million of debt and then sued for
$67 million. Not to be outdone, Antwerp (based in the US Virgin Islands) purchased
$15 million of debt but is now claiming $196 million owed. Cameroon ranks 150th on
the U.N. Human Development Index. [g]
e. From Jackals to Businessmen. SEAL Team 6 is mythologized for its taking down of
Osama Bin Laden and other foreign leaders but they also have an entrepreneurial
thread running through them. These military professionals who work in clandestine
operations also go on to establish their own private security companies. Despite what
is often hard to mistake for anything but outright criminal activity (such as those
perpetrated by Blackwater), these security firms are rarely prosecuted or even
investigated due to their founders' connections to powerful government allies. James
Bond is a fictional character, but these guys literally have license to kill. [h]


6. Recommendations for Own Intelligence Agency

a. Establish a proper Finical Crime Investigation Wing (FCIW).
b. People who are expert in unearthing conspiracies mention in this book & finical
crime investigations.
c. The wing may help, corporate & assist FIA, FBR & NAB in matters related to
corruption, money laundering & frauds.
d. The wing may keep a check on people working in & heading our finical
institutions, NPOs, INGOs and NGOs.
e. The wing may vet and analyze all trade & finical deals, loans & aid requests
made by the government.

7. Conclusion.
The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man unearths the process of economic colonization
of Third World countries on behalf of what has been portrayed as a cabal of corporations,
banks, and the United States government.

8. References
a. "The Veracity of John Perkins' Accounts" by Steven Piersanti, President and
Publisher, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. March 7, 2005
b. "Confessions – or Fantasies – of an Economic Hit Man? Purported links to
National Security Agency appear dubious". US Department of State. 2 February


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