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Molecular Cell


Pour Some Sugar on TDP(-43)

Steven Boeynaems1 and Aaron D. Gitler1,*
1Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305, USA


In this issue of Molecular Cell, McGurk et al. (2018) identify how poly(ADP-ribose) binding tunes the phase
behavior of the ALS disease protein TDP-43, uncovering the molecular events underlying its aggregation
in disease and illuminating a novel therapeutic target.

Neurodegenerative diseases are almost tube (Johnson et al., 2009; Wang et al., Interestingly, disease-associated C-ter-
always associated with the accumulation 2018), yet how this process is mediated minal TDP-43 fragments that lack both
of clumps of proteins in the brains of pa- in a cellular environment remains elusive. the N-terminal domain (important for
tients with these disorders (Aguzzi and In this issue of Molecular Cell, McGurk oligomerization; Wang et al., 2018) and
O’Connor, 2010). Different diseases et al. (2018) investigate the mechanisms the PAR-binding domain rapidly formed
have different proteins that aggregate in that lead to TDP-43 mislocalization and aggregates. They next extended their
different parts of the brain. Defining the aggregation. To begin, they used a strat- studies to mammalian cells and found
cellular and molecular events that cause egy to downregulate genes throughout that TDP-43 showed behavior strikingly
certain proteins to aggregate in each dis- the fly genome by RNA interference to similar to that in the test tube. Wild-type
ease will provide insight into what initiates screen for genes that modify toxicity TDP-43 localizes to SGs, which contain
pathogenesis and might suggest avenues associated with TDP-43 accumulation. PARylated proteins, upon arsenic stress
for therapeutic intervention. Two neuro- They discovered that downregulating the (Figure 1B). Yet both a TDP-43 mutant un-
degenerative diseases, amyotrophic tankyrase gene potently ameliorated neu- able to bind PAR and C-terminal TDP-43
lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal rodegeneration in their TDP-43 fly model. fragments formed assemblies that did
degeneration (FTD), are both associated Conversely, upregulating the gene wors- not colocalize with SGs (Figure 1C). More-
with the aggregation of the RNA-binding ened the TDP-43-dependent degenera- over, the latter TDP-43 assemblies were
protein TDP-43 (Neumann et al., 2006). tive phenotype. Tankyrase encodes the hyperphosphorylated, which is one of
TDP-43 is normally located in the nucleus, enzyme poly(ADP-ribose)-transferase, the defining hallmarks of ALS/FTD pathol-
where it regulates a variety of RNA-pro- which attaches polymers of ADP-ribose ogy. While TDP-43-containing SGs were
cessing events, including alternative to proteins. The addition of poly(ADP- reversible upon recovery from stress,
splicing. Yet something goes wrong in ribose) (PAR) to proteins (called the hyperphosphorylated aggregates re-
ALS and FTD, resulting in TDP-43 leaving PARylation) plays a key role regulating mained stable. The authors observed a
the nucleus and accumulating in the cyto- various cellular pathways. As it does not time-dependent reduction of TDP-43 dy-
plasm as phosphorylated insoluble ag- seem like TDP-43 is itself PARylated, namics within SGs, leading them to ask
gregates (Dormann and Haass, 2011). the authors next wondered whether what happens if SGs mature under persis-
In recent years it has become clear that TDP-43 could bind PAR. Using a series tent stress? When they stressed cells for
several ALS proteins such as TDP-43 can of biochemical assays, they found that longer periods of time, remarkably, they
undergo so-called phase transitions, and TDP-43 can indeed bind PAR in vitro observed that SGs dissolve, yet leave
this process has been suggested to and in vivo through a region of its nuclear behind stable and hyperphosphorylated
contribute to both their biological function localization sequence (NLS). Interestingly, TDP-43 aggregates. Likewise, incubating
as well as their aggregation propensity in reducing tankyrase levels seems to cells with low levels of arsenite, insuffi-
disease (Boeynaems et al., 2018). More correlate with increased nuclear TDP-43. cient for SG formation, also induced the
specifically, TDP-43 and other ALS pro- Thus, it seems plausible that there may formation of pathological TDP-43 assem-
teins converge on membrane-less organ- be competition between nuclear import blies. Collectively, these data suggest that
elles called stress granules (SGs). While factors and PARylated proteins for bind- SGs act as a sort of safe harbor that
these granules only form during times of ing to TDP-43’s NLS, but this remains to ushers in cytoplasmic TDP-43 under
cellular stress and retain highly dynamic be tested experimentally. times of stress and prevents its patholog-
liquid-like characteristics, it is believed To define how PAR affects TDP-43, the ical conversion. However, hiding out for
that persistent SGs could potentially authors next investigated if PAR binding too long in SGs can be detrimental, lead-
seed pathological aggregation of TDP- could affect TDP-43 liquid-liquid phase ing to pathological aggregation.
43 via a liquid-to-solid switch during SG separation (LLPS). First, in the test tube, By using different stress regimens and
maturation. Alternatively, TDP-43 could they found that TDP-43 LLPS depends an array of TDP-43 mutant constructs,
also directly transition from a diffuse to on the presence of the PAR-binding McGurk et al. elegantly provide for the first
an aggregated state (Figure 1A). Notably, domain, and phase separation is pro- time convincing evidence for at least
both paths have been observed in the test moted by addition of PAR (Figure 1B). two pathways leading to the formation of

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Molecular Cell


Figure 1. The Road to TDP-43 Aggregation

(A) Two non-mutually exclusive hypotheses can explain the origin of pathological TDP-43 aggregates. On one hand, TDP-43 can move from a dispersed state to a
solid state due to misfolding and aggregation events. On the other hand, TDP-43 can exist in an initial liquid-like phase-separated state, which subsequently
matures to the pathological solid state.
(B) Different TDP-43 domains play varying roles in regulating its phase behavior and aggregation propensity. This study identifies the TDP-43 NLS as a PAR-
binding domain. PAR binding promotes TDP-43 LLPS in the test tube and recruits TDP-43 to PARylated stress granules in cells.
(C) TDP-43 pathological aggregates can arise via three different routes. First, TDP-43 can undergo a liquid-to-solid switch within persistent stress granules, which
subsequently dissolve, leaving behind hyperphosphorylated TDP-43 aggregates. Second, defects in PAR binding of TDP-43 mutants or C-terminal cleavage
fragments prevent its recruitment to stress granules, instantaneously pushing it toward the path of aggregation and hyperphosphorylation. Third, TDP-43 can
aggregate independently from stress granule formation under conditions of mild chronic stress.

disease-relevant TDP-43 pathology in a from aggregating, but rather serves as a Understanding which molecular events
cellular setting. First, upon cellular stress ‘‘homing signal’’ for TDP-43, directing it lead up to protein aggregation provides
TDP-43 is recruited to SGs, preventing its to SGs. It is intriguing to speculate that us key insights into the early steps of
hyperphosphorylation and allowing for the kinase responsible for TDP-43 hyper- neurodegenerative diseases and pre-
its turnover after the stress dissipates. phosphorylation may also be blocked sents an important therapeutic window
This finding shows that SGs may act from TDP-43 binding, once the latter is re- to halt the pathological cascade. In a
early on to shield and protect aggrega- cruited to the condensed phase. Despite powerful translational extension of the
tion-prone proteins and to promote this apparent buffering activity of SGs, work, the authors find that treating cells
their dynamic and reversible properties. chronic stress allows TDP-43 to mature with tankyrase inhibitors, which have
This aggregation-buffering activity of to an irreversible pathological state, which been developed as cancer therapeutics,
SGs may stem from their association with coincides with SG dissolution. Hence, can reduce cytoplasmic accumulation of
(un)conventional chaperones (Alberti et al., persistent SGs may nonetheless provide TDP-43 in mammalian SGs, likely by in-
2017; Guo et al., 2018) and their high RNA a seed for TDP-43 aggregation. Second, hibiting PARylation of SGs and allowing
content (Maharana et al., 2018). Is the role when TDP-43 fails to be recruited to TDP-43 to shuttle back to the nucleus.
of binding PARylated proteins simply to SGs, under conditions of mild chronic This suggests that these compounds
help localize TDP-43 to SGs, or could this stress or in the case of disease-associ- could be interesting therapeutic options
be involved in solubilization/aggregation ated C-terminal fragments lacking the for ALS/FTD, as they potentially prevent
buffering as well? Based on the authors’ PAR-binding domain, the protein is cytoplasmic sequestration and addition-
in vitro and in vivo data so far, it does not immediately shunted to its pathological ally promote nuclear import—preventing,
seem like PAR directly prevents TDP-43 aggregated state. in one fell swoop, the two key steps

650 Molecular Cell 71, September 6, 2018

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Set Phasers to Cleave: PIWI Cleavage

Directs All piRNA Biogenesis
Anastassios Vourekas1 and Zissimos Mourelatos1,*
1Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Division of Neuropathology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA


In this issue of Molecular Cell, Gainetdinov et al. (2018) show that PIWI proteins direct both piRNA biogenesis
and piRNA function in most animals.

PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) have Studies over the past decade have re- clease; the 30 -50 exonuclease PNLDC1
been monikered the ‘‘dark matter of the vealed a complicated biogenesis route. (Nibbler in fruit flies) that trims 30 ends
genome,’’ and with reason. They are small One of the earliest observations was that of piRNAs; and the MOV10L1 (Armitage
RNAs that bind an Argonaute protein of the piRNAs with complementary sequence in fruit flies) RNA helicase (Huang
PIWI subclade (Cox et al., 1998), but every- overlap engage in an amplification loop et al., 2017). Investigations of MOV10L1
thing else about them is quite distinct called ping-pong that utilized PIWI revealed that endonucleolytic cuts of the
from other small regulatory RNAs such cleavage (Brennecke et al., 2007) (Guna- long precursor transcript occur in a 50 -30
as microRNAs. piRNAs, along with PIWI wardane et al., 2007). With notable pre- direction to generate intermediate piRNA
proteins, are expressed in the germline science, Hannon and colleagues in 2007 precursor fragments to be bound by
of essentially all sexually reproducing proposed a model for piRNA production PIWI proteins for processing (Vourekas
animals. Many piRNAs target complemen- involving a single cleavage generating et al., 2015). Working independently,
tary retrotransposons for silencing via the 50 end (preferably at a uridine), fol- the Zamore, Brennecke, and Pillai labs
‘‘classic’’ small-RNA-dependent Argo- lowed by incorporation into a PIWI, fol- discovered that these cuts were succes-
naute-directed cleavage. Their mysterious lowed by 30 end generation (Aravin et al., sive and achieved through the so-called
biogenesis drew a lot of attention right from 2007). Studies over the next 10 years phasing (or inchworming) mechanism,
the start: they were Dicer independent would validate and tweak this model which is the consecutive, tail-to-head
(Vagin et al., 2006) and many of them arose and uncover enzymes responsible for generation of piRNAs by Zuc-dependent
in an imprecise manner from genomic piRNA processing, in addition to PIWI: cleavage of long precursors (Han et al.,
areas called piRNA clusters. the MITOPLD (Zuc in fruit flies) endonu- 2015) (Mohn et al., 2015) (Homolka

Molecular Cell 71, September 6, 2018 ª 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc. 651

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