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NAME: Raven Micah Ella P. Quizana

PROFESSOR: Mark Anthony Gahite


Since the pandemic happen, technology has become one of the most

important demand in our society especially in the field of education because it

helps teachers and learners to maximize their access to new and widened field

of information. But then there comes a need that the use of technology should

be enhanced and regulated through implementing policies. If in the olden

days, the use of technology was just for entertainment, socialization,

communication, and education, now it has a wide variety of uses since the

new normal has begun. ICT policies was made to provide plan of actions to

guide decisions and achieve outcomes, and I have realized that this method

helped a lot in making the use of technology more advanced and organized in

a mannerly way. We all know the recent policy program of the DICT Roadmap

is the ICT4E which helps teachers and students to have easy internet access

to schools that made the teaching-learning process more advanced and

interacted since both the students and teachers could gain additional

information through the use of it. There are many related programs that has

been made to make technology accessible to anyone which is a great help and

with this I have learned that in today’s modern world, ICT is really essential to
everybody because it could provide latest method in having an effective

method of learning and living. But despite of that, there’s still disadvantages.

In learning this topic, we can say that in contrary to all of the good offers that

an ICT has, it still has some issues we all should care about. Sometimes it is

not just about how good technology is in our lives because being too

dependent on it is not right, and that is why it is being said that teachers

should not be replaced by technology. Too much dependent on it will make us

an inactive human. Exercising the too much freedom of expression in social

media will lead us to toxicity. Too much use of ICT equipment’s could affect

our ozone layer due to its e-waste and your privacy while browsing is still not

that fully protected. These are just some of the issues that Internet still

possess but I am not saying that technology is no good at all because of this

but to become aware that there’s still a proper way to use and manage

Information technology in education and communication.

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