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By : Mukesh Verma B Tech MIE MIIM



The Die Geometry is the most important parameter in the wire drawing process
We as user of the wire drawing dies need not go in to the details of die manufacture and the
die material. We are primarily concerned with the geometry of the die which is directly related
to the following :

 The material to be drawn.

 The lubricant quality.
 The amount of reduction.

Of the above first 2 points make a reference to the Bell section of the die and have almost no
correlation with the other parts of the die-geometry. The third point, that is ‘’amount of
reduction’’ , is however much dependent on the other geometrical parameters. These
/geometrical parameters are :

1. Approach angle (or ‘reduction angle’or ‘die angle’ )

2. Bearing length ( or ‘parallel length’ )
3. Back relief angle

For our case the approach angle should be calculated from the equation-

∆ = (α/r) [1+(1-r)1/2]2
Where ∆ = delta factor which defines the shape of the ‘’reduction zone’’ within the die.

α = semi ( half ) of approach angle.

The optimum delta factor is between 1.30—1.80. So our effort should be to select
approach angle (α) for the reduction in area ( r ) such that the delta factor is calculated to be
between 1.30 –1.80. For this to be maintained we can see the following set of arrived values:


16 % --18 % 5 degree 10 degree

18 % -- 22 % 6 degree 12 degree

Immediate action points-

a. Keep reduction % between ≥ 18 % ≤ 22 % in each die.

b. Purchase only 12 degree dies.
c. Use only 12 degree angle pins.
d. Keep the bearing length around 20 % to 30 % of the diameter.
e. Keep the back relief around 90 degrees.
f. Install a profile projector ,costing around Rs 25000/=, to regularly check die geometry.

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