Additional Ets Room Design Noc Requirements (Sub Metering System)

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‘Ca DEPARTMENT HANAGEMENT STEN OER, STANDARD TECHNICAL ‘evcon [os | empower. REQUIREMENTS FOR oie _[a20n lee SUB-METERING SYSTEM ‘omner —[ rome. "THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN ISUED AND AMENDED AS FOLLOWS Init Release 4sreb-17 | Revision Malls Al A __ | 2sjut1s | Revision Malls Al A 30-Dee21 | Revision Malla Al A ‘a BEATA AGEMENT TENN [DOE ND TEAST & ‘STANDARD TECHNICAL meat we empower REQUIREMENTS FOR eS othe ‘SUB-METERING SYSTEM. es i resi ‘Table of Contents Sunmany Derumrions, ‘SCOPE AND RESPONSIBILITIES. Supmrrras ‘SUPPLY aND INSTALLATION LOCATION sn ‘Mock ano Sive ACCEPTANCE TEST.. a Appenor. aR TATRA [BERG ROT STANDARD TECHNICAL aa 1 rupowen REQUIREMENTS FOR oe | see sauuriont SUB-METERING SYSTEM ‘ownicn TECHNICAL 2.0 Sumany “Tre pure of hs document s tbe wed vei and ques the isomer init dataton of sbterng& Sat oes an oe He pe ‘er Epona echt sub-trs Sar Ve tal on be star apres oes nd as 20° Dermmons A. “Subtetsng Sem’ Egy nets st of ndrurnts ands eve to ine omnpton od wer of ach tenn “Sar ohe" means Sto runes and Hs nt ey peta aves opr catone querer “Energy Meter nen eto stents to esse tof rb angen the cit wot by meseung fow ate and tamper are which Ines raf onton ot, D. “Empower moans Enotes Cantal Coolng Sten Caprabon aod ts sntoroed eesetate oan, © “aoa mane Hat Deprun Onno Indi Caster of dst easing seve roe by Epa, 0 ate pes F.“Subetr Caine" means diated ace vee sibel fr the for paring centring the Cy, Pow en, ton Nien, sat Ye Tee susctens wih Tempera seenrs a uno ese Tperdx 23'= ypea lain cite ‘mer caret sou On Vay. vowel ghe apron or he din aang ts cn cs 1 ee illnn aed 3.0 Scopes & RESPONSIBILITIES “This document is applicable to Empower Customers and unit ouners wherever there is provision for Empover to drecty chage the tenants as further cetaled in this focument Sub-metering cabinet is one of the mandatory cquiements in order to approve NOC request. Lustomer can approach Empaver Seles ana Marteang depanment (SA) [0 roquest forall necessary requirements and can as for technical meeting for tie deals ‘on how to follow instalation requirement. Al the new projects should comply with sub-meter cabinet n order to ge fra approval ‘of the compliance statement, Project Management Ofce (PMO) is responsble fer ‘ensuring its compliance to sub-meter cabinet price approval of NOC request. Upon approval of submited compliance statement and tendering offer letter for sub metering payment; Empower tha S&M shal futher elaborate to custamor about the timene of avalabilty of sub-meters and smart valves since those insrurens will go on —ze Same NETTIE — PT STANDARD TECHNICAL pan 18 REQUIREMENTS FOR ox [waa | SUB-METERING SYSTEM owns, TECNICA 40 ‘commercial evaluation process which wal take time to Finalize, Hence, all the techical ‘queries cbout exect sub-meter spool detals and smart vale contairment including gatenay locations wll not be provided unl vendors are appointed by Emgower. Responsbilty mare is presented in Appendix 1 ofthis compliance statorant, ‘Supply of sub meters, smart valves including gateways, lockable endure / panel with rmadter kay, testing commissioning and configuration in MOMS cystam and smart vaNe server is in Empomer scope under customer's cost. However, remaining requirements sich as sub-meter cabinet, ock shield valves, gate valves, teejuncsors, ppe tings, LAW cables, poner cables, Mbus cables and UPS are under the scope of the customer (Guppy and instal) subject to Empower review and approval. Installation of both BTU meter, smart vale and all supplied accessories shall be done by custemer under the supervision of Empomer representative / suppl. ‘Al sub-meter acessories such as lock shield valve, gate vale, union and reducer fitings shall be under esponstilty of bing sede for futute maintenance and replacement of the part as newded. Any ives relevent to meter accessories hindering the performance to do meter maintenance wil be escalate to bung owner for them ta do retfeation such as valve passing, vale stuccup, cacked fitings and any other source of water leakage ftom moter accessories. ‘customer shall provide specie contro room for sub-metoring sys (2 m x 2m sie) Inside the ETS room, air condtioned, where active equipment and conto’ wil be Instaled (Mous master panel and smart valve panel inclxding all accesses for remote connectivity). This room will be in Empowers possession; hence, customer wil provide access to this room at al times. Room must be lockable & 3 sas of 2x2 room & ETS room key tobe handed over to Empower. Customer shall submit as buit craving for complete sub metering system which i composed of installed sub meter, smart vahe, wie routing of 2CJ6C 8s per appendb« 2.1 and wiing containment (power and communication cables) proved ‘or smart valve forvarder and master gateway ‘Suamrrzals ‘A. Customer to submit data on the chilled water flow rate, pipe dameter fr each lune ie. enc fit, offer, commen ores, caridor ele for fstlied cooing capacity. 8. Qustomer to submit the instaltion program forthe sub meters based on the falling duration, € STANDARD TECHNICAL a EMPOWER REQUIREMENTS FOR Ss sitions ‘SUB-METERING SYSTEM. TEOINCAL 300-600 90 bays 00-900 120 Days 00-1200 | 150 Days 1200-1500 | 180 bays Castner to suit the faloning documents, Compliance Statement to this speciietion document - TECH-ST-00% ‘along with all the appendices. The customer shall camply with each points by hand wring stating “COMPLY” only along with offal signature |&tamp on oach page. alow ae the acceptance ctr |. COMPLY —acceptable (without any comments) | COMPLY WETH COMMENTS — not acceptable I. NOTED —not soceptable “Typical Noor layout which includes piping layout from EU Meter Room up w submeter cabinet, ‘Secondary chilled water piping layout, clay indkeatng dtalls of riser / Shaft avalablty for carrying Empower child water servixs. ‘Typical Suo_meter lstalation Information indleating the sub-meter cabinet, Fow sensor, Temperature sensor, Tee junctions, Lock shielé valve, Isolation valves, smert valves, et. fr one Btu meter. Sub-meter ‘abit size can vary. Empower wil ave approval forthe design 2s ong ‘2s dar acess to meter installation I atained. ‘stom architecture inating all the meters inthe M-Bus network up to fgataway wath tenant information, prepared in co-rdination with Empower’s Bos meter supple. ‘System architecture drawing for smart vaNe archieture down to gatewayfconcentrator located inside the 2m x 2m room. Cable routing lay out drawing, inating the M-Bus cable path from the sub meter rom to the top most floor (inducing spare cabe). Material Submit! shall be made for Empomer approval forthe Iscation Locks Shit Valve, Gate vals, Insulation materia, Boon Mus cable, “Tee junctions 1/2" reducing tee) and 3KVA UPS Fenel, prior to lnstalaton Be ‘BN BEPRTNENT WARAGEMENT STEN OOE WO. | ORSTODT ‘STANDARD TECHNICAL senso [on REQUIREMENTS FOR eS SUB-METERING SYSTEM ume [reo |The entre compliance statement shall be submitted to Empower having bel information Project detals, customer detals and sign / slamp fom the coneultant and contractor involved in Uh project sould bo made ‘aval at st poge of the compllnce statement |. Remaining pages should have stamp and signature with date from consultant and contractor. 5.0 Suppty & InstaLLArion ‘A. The Customer shall design conduit based on schematic crawiras proved in append: 2 and as flows" | TWo number 1” PVC condut hall be used forthe eser wth junction bax In each for. | 2° PVC conduit from the foo Junction box to the metors, 8. Sub-meters for each floor stall be Installed In a common locaton Inside the ‘abiat/room. Al the meters willbe grouped in that particular cabinet, covering full meter installation as per append 3, ncucing smart valve, and Mous wire termination, Sub-meter cabinet shall be secured to avoid unautherzed access by having a dcor lok for each cabinet. Three sets of key wll be handed-over to Empower while spare key wil be under building sacurtys peisesion. Only ‘authorized Empower personnel are allowed to access sub-meter cabinet. AS af ‘@ample, kindly refer to typical sub meter cabinet drawing (R35) for total 8 umber of su meter. C—Submetercabnetroom must be having sufelen ight and prope floor dain pt. 1. Submeter cabinet shall be provided as per the ceawing submitted by the customer. Drawing Is subject to further revew and approval by Empower. Sub- ‘meter cabinet sae can vary. Empower wil ve approval forthe design a lang as Clear access to meter instalation is altined, Mora than one vertical ler (F ‘needed i alowed tobe reviewed and approved by Emawe. E. — Customer shall cary out conduit work & ating required for M-Bus network through bulding contractor fram the 2m x 2m Metering rocm (to be located Inside the ETS room) to al the energy meters. Condut shal be heavy grace PVC material F. Junction exes (8) inthe main risar for each floor are raquiad fer 2 numbers of 6 cores cable a indated inthe schemas, Junction Boxes shal be of sae 150 x 150 x 100 mm or standard avalable. a Sa cERTNT RREMENTSTTIN [DOC [aaa ‘STANDARD TECHNICAL [ewer fo Empower REQUIREMENTS FOR Pt pears sSttts ‘SUB-IVETERING SYSTEM ‘owner —_[Teowwen | 6. nection Boxes inthe flor foreach tapping in te flat are small size nd ae required to accommodate 2.¢ 1.5 twisted par cable with siz 50 x 5D x 40 mm or standard avalabie 1. Customer shall supply and install 2 qumbers of 6C x 1.5 Sq.rm twisted par unehielded, PVC Jacke cabo forthe raiser cable, The Customer sal supply and install one numberof 2¢ x 1.5 Sqm tisted palr unshielded, PVC jacket cable {or ench flor, The cable ahol bo BELDEN CABLE only. (Connection dot 3¢| per schematic drawings provided in appendix 2). The Customer shall cary out ‘the termination of the cabes onal ends | —_Suply and instalation of TOPMIP cables & power cables for srt valves from ‘main gatenay til ferthest forwarder gatay isin customer sogpe 2. Empowers Sub-Metzring saluton prowder shal check continuity of wiing along with bung contractor before and after the installation of meters K. Communication including Mbus cables shall be routed away by at lest Socm from other power cables. Customer to provide 500 mm spool plece ora spl piece of length equal to 16 times the dameter ofthe pipe (whichever Is orate). The Spod piece shall be Feplaces vith Flow senzor, We lzlaton gate valves across the fow sensor and ‘ne Tee in return line. Return Hie unions on both sides shall be installed across the flaw sensor. Same spool piece is required in suppl ne where custome wll Drove one solation gate valve, ane lock shield valve, two urionsand one Tee In the supply ne. Smart valve shall be insted across two unions at supply tn, ‘Thermo wels vl be proved by the Empawer's Subetering saluion provide, Pease refer o append A3.3. M, The Tee junctions (reducing tee with ‘6’ thread) shall be listed by the customer, ith the Up pointing sideward facing the door cabinet: Tee Junction hal be mounted without any extension to minimize Inkage tat might be source ‘of water lac inthe future ifthe pat wil break 1X, Since BTU caleuator and smart valve controler are detached from the pipeline, these devices shal be fied in rigid mounting away trom pipeline. ©. Customer must ensure CHW pipe routing is corect. Undortaking letter shall be provided forthe ama, Empower has right to perform flow smulstion at the time of nepection, P. Empowers supplier shal deliver and hand overall the submetes, Mbus master, matt valves outer, gateway (Forwarder and master), leckabe enosure/ pana with mastar key and accessories to customer at site, Customer Customer's representative shall be responsible for inspection of deivered material and shall rotity Empower for ary missing parts, defects, damages wire cuts etc ‘Customer shal be resporaible for proper storage of meters and snart valves and ‘accestories at ste In accordance withthe guidelines provided by the Empover's Supplier, Customer J Customer representative shall be responsible for the & Empower ‘EN SEATNENTHARAGENENTTSTIN SOE | ECTS ‘STANDARD TECHNICAL senso [oe REQUIREMENTS FOR SS SUB-METERING SYSTEM comer [1eoiea domages/ defects or loss occured during the storage o hang ofall supped Items by Empower. Customer / Customers representative shal be responsible for the damages ‘uring the installation ofthe mete, smart valves and is accessors, Is primary responsibilty of Customer / Customer representative to not Empower if any defects found during the stage of installation and should be in postion to Usmanstote that Iseniied defect wes not caused due to impreperinsaoson practice ‘Sub>-meters& smart valves inuding accessories shal be installeby the buling contractor under the supervision of suppl. ‘customer to noity Empower i any defects found during the Instalation stage (Btu meter and smart vate) and stall be in a postion to demonstrate the entiid dofect was not cused due tothe proper instalation pase Customer shall carry out all the fishing work wile the spool pece Is in place and prior to the installation of smart valve, flow and tempereire sensor. No flushing shall be done after the instalation ofthe Sub- Meters ‘The Flow sensor part ofthe Sub-etar is installed on the Retumn fine unless otherwise intrcted by Empower or Empower’ Sub-Meterng sktion provide. Individual tagging attached to each sub-meter is mandatory to be provided forall Instaled sub-meters to early identify proper allocated sub>meter for each apartment. Tagging should incuda Emponer BTU Meter with Apartment Reference No, Tagging shall be attached also to smart vahes. Pease ind below patter, Simi requires tagging for supply 8 return ne ication valves, “+ For Sub-motr tp bo attached In BTU Cakulator EMPOWER BTU - APT 101. “+ For Smart Valve to be attached in valve contro er SIMART VALVE - APT 101 EEmoower require @ room of 2 meter x 2 meters inside the ETS room, ai conditioned, where active equipment and controls wil be installed (Nous master panel and Smart valve panel induding all accessories for remote connectivity). “This oom wll be in Empower’ possession; hence, custome wil provide accoss to this room at all times. Room must be lockable & 3 ats of 2 x2 room 8 ETS room key tobe handed over to Empower. ‘SEN GEPARTENT HANAGENENT TST [BOER —_ | eETO a STANDARD TECHNICAL revo [oe Empower REQUIREMENTS FOR eer soins ‘SUB-METERING SYSTEM cownen | reimicat 60 X. UPS with 4 hours back-up shall be prvded fo the equipment cannected inside the panel (Mous master and its gateway for remote connectuty, and Smart Valve Gateway). Y. Theroom should contain 2 numbers power sockets with 230 V pamer supply and normal room lighting. 2 numbers TCP / Pf Internet port proisa shall be made avaiable, Z Customer must ensure strong communication signal strength insde ETS control oom where modems for MOMS and smart vabe remote convectity will be rexqired during configuration, TAC and operation of assets AA. Each fat should be supplied with the chlled water from a svgle standalone ‘ranch, 188, _Incultion Material and the work shall be earied aut as detalled Appendix 5 — Insulation Material ane Append 6 ~ Inston ver (CC. Customer shal submit as bul drawing for complete sub metering system which 's composad of installed sub meter, smart valve, wire rouing of 2C/6C as per appendix 2.1 and wiring containment (power and commurication cables) provided for smart vaive forwarder and master gateway. Location A. Subrmeters and smart valves shal only be Instaled for apartments, offices and Fetal. No sub-meteing is required for common area cooling equipment. 8, Submeters and smart valves shal be installed In @ dedosted sub-meteing ‘abloat near the chlled water vertical riser ofeach fle. Subemetar cabinet size ‘an vary. Empower wil give approval fr the design as long as clear access to meter instalation is attained, More then ane vets! riser (Fneaded) Is allows to be revtewed arc approved by Empawer. 70 Moor & Sire AccePrance Test Cstomer to arrange instalation mockup for sub-eter and smart vale Insaliation| ‘along with all components (sub-meter cabinet subject to Empower approval. There ‘wil be single, floor and ful floor inspection to be eariad-out by Empower. Customer 15 not allmed to install meters and smart valves for remaining fcr I sub-meter cabinet mock-up is not yet approved. ‘astomer to perform the Site Acceptance Test jointly wih sub-metr smart vave Suppliers and Empower. The handing over ofthe indkidual uns shall be jointly SETAE RASTER [aE [HOF STANDARD TECHNICAL nae emrowen REQUIREMENTS FOR one |p ke SUB-METERING SYSTEM [nan [nomen ‘Signed by Customer or Custome’s representative, subsmetr / smart valve suppliers and Empower reoresentave using the form In Aspendix 9 ~ Sub metering Installation Acoaptance anc handing over checks. ©. Customer to demonstrate hindrance free removal ofthe Btu meter, smart valve and Is components when demanded by Empower during Ste Accoptance Test. . Cuctomar t demonstrate that sub-metars are smart vali for spec apartments are propetly installed. Empower has the ight to ask Individual apartment testing (sutching onjoff) FCU and verity if the subrmeter and smart vale status ere functional, 8.0 Appenonxes ‘Appendix 4 ~ SUB-METERING RESPONSIBILITY MATRIX Detas of each apartment Acland (RN), lant of Child Water Pipe 1 | (ra) and ow ate (s) Shall be repos and submited to Erpower a x {ok press frat. ‘Selection and Approval of BTU meters supper ‘Selection and Approval of Smart Vale supplier Provide gudeines for QTY and bation of STU meters Provide gudaines For QTY and keaton of Smart Vales Prepare drawinos showing QTY ad locaton of BTU meters and snark x valves secorng to gudaines Review ad approve the drawings sted in phi 6 above ‘etorminecaton ad requirement socket outs, data points, A vention, UPS, et, for BTU mete oom ‘Determine continent and wes speetiation x 10 | BTU meters ard Smart vae shop drawings and deals preparation x 11 | BTU meters ard Sort vale shop dang and details appro x ‘onkol Roam Shep Brawing Preparation (2m x 2 rom) nua 12| containment for sub meter H-bus ting and smart vale onan nd x aster gateys (dba concerts) 13 | Cont Room shop Drawing Approval 14 | supply of TU meters 15 | Supoly of smart valves 16 | Supply of nardware a sotware for MOMS system Inca Gateway and cerelsure pane xox x) x x xxx 17 |tnspec ane deSvery of STU meters made to ste 18 | nspec nd devery of sar valves made to te ‘San BEART ANAGENERTERTEN ——[OOEWO. | OTSTeOT & STANDARD TECHNICAL evsion [08 EMPOWER REQUIREMENTS FOR onre_ | soos sot SUB-METERING SYSTEM [rower | eowcn 19] Recehe, Inspect & Sore of BTU meters at ste x 20 | Recah, Inspect & Store of smart ales at ste x Tnstalton of Spo pares a ths netnn rach RTI eb el vale for using Removal ef spool pices etalon of BTU meters and Smart Valve 22| with rope esation an pressure test unde the supersin of Sub- x rmefr and smart vale spoter Iretalton of Sub-meter& Smart Valve with aczusores inside Cabinet, x Containment, Gateways, and wires for BTU mites and smart valves 24 | Ispecton of Confainmant and Wires for BTU meter x 25 | epecton of Contaimant and Wires for smart valve x “Teinalion of wes fer all TU meters, Sat valve receiver and data 26 | concantatr,MBus Masters, Repeaters, Gateway rom al ends under x ‘he supenieion of Emzower ‘Supervision of BTU meters talon ‘Superson of smart ale instalation Inspeeton of BTU Neter, Smart Vawe and Gatanay intaion 7 Conmisining 30 | Testng & Commisining of al BTU meters 31 | Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Biling system 532 | MOMS Configuation In EMPOWER server 3 | Testna & Commissioning of al sort valves ncuing erate sep a Empower hendguater a anang-ov of complete aub-metang este ineuding MOPS by ‘ipo to O8N-etering Note: Customer must ensure strong communication inal teaath nse MOR pane fo pines HOMES conctily. Handngove of complete smart valve system incu ramcte setup By |. supple wo O0N-eterng - aning oer of relevant documents nd Key (15, cabin, canal : room) tb Empower 37 | Communieatin tn commence toon rgaon ER x 38 | Operation aed maintenance of BTU meters and Bling oystem x 39 | Operation and maintenance ofa smart valves x ‘antenance and replacement fal sub meter acessories Such as ook 40 | shld valve, gate vale, aon and reduce ngs 3s per scopes and x responsi “A [Bl Gye Data Calection ¥ als] x x xe | 36 “ORR OEPARTIANT MANAGEMENT STEM BOERS. STANDARD TECHNICAL eSON EMPoweR REQUIREMENTS FOR a hte SUB-METERING SYSTEM ‘nen age 2627 ‘Appendix 2—Typical connection from Riser cable to Floor cable Drawing A2.1 section detoils of Mbus cable & ‘DER DEPARTENT MARGE STENT STANDARD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SUB-METERING SYSTEM @ ‘STANDARD TECHNICAL jrewson [os | empower REQUIREMENTS FOR |u| | setts ‘SUB-METERING SYSTEM ener reowmeat | Appendix 2.3 ~ Sub-meter Gateway Setup for Remote Connectivity A. Supply of sub meter & MOMS pane including accessories in Empomer scope Under the cost of customer. 1B, Subymetorng reading integration wl be carid-out by Empower fem, Empower Supplier response to integrate the reads up tabling expat, regardless of moter brand and mods. C._Customer must ensure strong communication signal strength inside MOMS panel for uninterrupted MOMS comnecviy. . Compliance to product specications and instalation package shal be followed hich 1s subjc: to Empower approval. Please find below deta. EMPOWER’S ‘SN | cRITERIA/SOW DESCRIPTION ‘SUPPLIER | REMARKS (COMPLIANCE From H-Bus Sub-mneter to M-Bus Master: ous system's [From ¥-Bus Master to Catector: Neabus | 1 | MS ations | TCPAP tough H-Bus to Modbus Converter From Color to MOMS: High speed 4G LTE secured network ermate davies sal be use as ssoandary back-up Incase remote stip from Empower office fales Smart Phone/Tablet as a backup and 2 | Atemate device | routiney emergency use 3 | system Securty | Encrypted and Secured scution Individual Sub-meter Search Option by 4 | Meter Search | moter Sera fo, & Location Design & 5 | Operating Robust deson, industrial grade +70°C temperature (Capac to connect 60,0004 Sub meters onthe server; ith securty firewall and A | Cente Shall have software updates regularly to Prevent any communication bresch Read-only unique identity that canbe read 7 | Unique tdentiy | and vansmtted thru communication module & REQUIREMENTS FOR ‘SUB-METERING SYSTEM ‘GED DEPARTAENT MANGEMENT STSTEN Deena earsroo STANDARD TECHNICAL ewer | ‘cRITERTA/SOW DESCRIPTION Logie Design| og 12x Meter Reading pe day, Data Analy, plot the history of the meter reacing, Generating reports and pravide status, Alarms & Not - Detection System: Design the logic where all the acceptable parameters willbe onsdered 2s good readings, ravi alarms forthe meter faut that are outside the dened metering ook “Tampering Alarm ‘Notineation eter wil automatically not m the event of tampering E9~ If Vatve Status s Off and flrs avaliable Or the dees being ‘ampere by someone, i sould sent alarm rotheaton 0 CONTRACTOR. ‘Scope: Method of Statement / Rise Assessment CONTRACTOR scope shall identify ul MOS with RA and to provide schemates drawings 2 layout for the entire anu. oreove, Supply Instalston, Testing and CCommissining hall be satisfactory ones Installation shall satisfy Empower acceptance ctr, an R ‘er Sales Support ‘CONTRACTORS abil to provide any technical suppert ater successful handing- ‘over ofthe project to ensure smooth Temate operations of the connected Sub- meters. Training ‘CONTRACTOR shall conduct Operations and maintenance training for both bardware and software 3B origin ‘Shall be made n USA or Europe “ 2 Years Warranty ‘CONTRACTOR to prove 2 years warranty ‘afer evccesfl commisioning and haneing-over any DEPART URRAGENENT STEM [Ena WORST STANDARD TECHNICAL sewson [os REQUIREMENTS FOR fas feesarn | ‘SUB-METERING SYSTEM owner | een | Tie | e Lommel |A2.4 — Typical Sub-meter Gateway Connection Details Sa TENT RACH TTE——[ENG— OT % STANDARD TECHNICAL A empower REQUIREMENTS FOR bat ope scion ‘SUB-METERING SYSTEM covnees | TECHNICAL Appendix 3 ~ Sub-meter Cabinet Drawing Details re nee] [) seaetertosatine [21 seomtrhaison gegen cer rerceator angen ae b <— teem osteavarine > sop cited tere ‘Drawing A3.1 Typical Sub-meter Cabinet Diagram ‘Drawing A3.2 Top View ~ pipeline distribution from Sub-meter Cabinet ae | Se ocoTVENT ncENENT STEN [BOE WO TOTS % STANDARD TECHNICAL ston oe Emrowen REQUIREMENTS FOR bat pobeas din ‘SUB-METERING SYSTEM ‘owen | reowcne TO FLAT LcoENDS Hoo etme Bae ar se Pe wo oun mae im wn cu T aunenion 1 aunerion. uNon UNION FLOW SENSOR sv Drawing A3.3 Typical Installation Detall Including Smart Valve I DEFARTENT ANE ‘STANDARD TEC! REQUIREMENTS FOR SUB-METERING SYSTEM ‘GR DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Bene. [roar ‘STANDARD TECHNICAL eWs0N JEMPoweR REQUIREMENTS FOR ee salt SUB-METERING SYSTEM ai ‘Sem=aitane between te ies = Bien ‘© Lockabie door with mastor key ‘+ Minimum cabinet cimension © Length » 250 cm or fexibte ength considering in-between CHW pipe with insulation eistanco sal! be min. 50 cm (© Width / Depth = 50 em (inner dimension) © Height «200 em (standard door ht door is acceptable) ‘= With for drain pit Drawing A3.5 Sub metering cabinet typical drawing & specification [Appendix 4 — Lock Shield Valve “The Lock shied vate to shut off indvcual to allow trouble free maintenance or repair “The Lock Shield vahe shal be of Straight version and Nice plat ‘Abrass hand wheal to be provided ‘Wockng pressure 16 bar “Tost pressure 24 bat ‘Witer temperature -§ Den.C to 80 Dense = mone > ‘aN SEPARTHENTANRGEVENT STEM [DOCG HORST @ STANDARD TECHNICAL coi es EMrowen REQUIREMENTS FOR wr __ aot sates SUB-METERING SYSTEM waar [eau Appendix: a ‘Appendix a ‘5 Insulation Materia Fevble Elstomeric Thermal Insulation: Coane, sponge: ar exanded-sber atrial. Comply with ASTM C534, Type I for sheet materials 1. Adhesive: Solent base, contact adhesive, as recommended by insulation material manufacture. Uvavole Protective Coating: AS recommended by insulation man facture, . Thermal Conduct: £ 0.038 Wink at 20 OC (68 de. F). 4. Density 65 to 80 kad. 5. Water Vapor Permeability: 0.15 perinches 6. Thlekness: 38 mm (single-ayer) {6— Insulation Work PREPARATION. 1. Surface Preparation: Clean and. dy surfaces to. reve insulation Remove materials that wil adversely affect insulation appliaton (GENERAL APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS. 1. Apply insulton materials, accessories, and finishes acording to the manufecure’s wien instructions; with smooth, staiht, and even secs; and free of vis thoughout the length of equipment 2 Seal Joints and seams with vaporretarder mastic on Inston indeatod to receive a vapor retarder. Keep insulation materials cry during appeation and fishing. ‘Apply insulation vt ight longitudinal sears an! en jos. Bond sears ‘and joints with adhesive recommended by the insulation material manufacturer. Apply insulation withthe least ruber of jon practical ‘Apply Insulation over fitings and species, wth continuous thermal anc ‘vapr-retarderinteaity,uness otherwise inated 7. Hangers and Archoes: Where vapor retarder is indcated, seal penetrations in insulation at hangers, supports, anchors, and other projections with vaporretarder mast, Apply Insulation “continuously {through hangers and around anchor attachments, 8, _Inalaton Terminations: For insulation appleation where rapor mea TAT AGENT TT aE STANDARD TECHNICAL » emrowen REQUIREMENTS FOR — enamine ‘SUB-METERING SYSTEM TECHNICAL ‘are indicated, seal ends witha compound recommended by the Insulation mater manufacturer to maintain Vapor retarder. ‘9. ply insulation with integral ockets as folows 18. Pal jacket tight and smooth, b, Joints and Seams: Caver with tape and vapor retader as recommended ty insubtion mates! manuctier to maintain Vapor seal. 410. Cut insulation according to manufacture’ witen instructions to prevent compressing Insulation to ess than 75 percent of ts nominal thickness. 4. Install vaporetarder mastic on equipment scheduled to receive vapor retards. Overlap nsuation facing at seams and seal with vapor-retarder mastic and pressure-senstive tape having same facing 25 insulate. Repair punctures, tears, and penetrations with tape or maitle to maintaln Vapor etarder $23 ‘Appendix 7 — Isolation Gate Valves |A. Gate valves, 25 mm and Smaller: Rated for L030 KPa saturated stam pressure, 2760 kPa WOG prescure; two poe construction; with bronze body conforming to ASTM 8 62, standard (or regular) port, chrome-plated brass gee, replaceable "Teflon or "TFE" seats and seas, blowout-poof stem, and vinf-covered ste! handle, Prove solder ends for condenser water, chiled water, ara domestic hot land cold wator service; threaded ends for heating hot water ard low-pressure ‘steam. Provide PN 16 valves whore system pressure requires 8. Gate vales, 32 mm to 50 mm: Rated for 1030 kPa satuated team pressure, 2760 ka WOG pressure; 3 lace construction; with bronze body conforming to [ASTHB 62, conventional pot, chrome-plated brass gate, replaceable "Teflon" oF “TRE” seats and seals, blomtout proof stem, ancl vinytoovered steel hancle Provide solder ends for condenser water, chiled water, anc danesic hot and ‘old water service; threaded end or heating hot water and ka pessure steam, Provide PN 32 valves where sytem pressure requires. For flange type installation, buttorly valve with the same PN is applicable for DDN6S and above. Append © — Smart Valve A. Supply of smart valve induding main gateway & forwarder gateways in Empower scope under the eos of customer. 8, Customer is responsible for instalation, under the supervise of Empower et Smart vale shall be provided forall installed meters, & EMPOWER Ei BERANE ARAGENERTSISTEN [ENO | OTST STANDARD TECHNICAL ewson | co REQUIREMENTS FOR masts Teper 7 ‘SUB-METERING SYSTEM [owner | ween. 6 Customer to supply and Install contalnments such as power cables for smart valve with proper concuting & temination as per ‘ecommencation Empower supplier Caustomer must ensure strong communication signal strength insde smart valve panel for unintetupted connectivity. compliance to product epectications and Inctalation package call bo followod which Is subject to Empower approval under Empower supple’s scope, Please ‘ind below deals. Below specication Is for customer’ information, Communications -EMPOWER'S. ‘SN CRITERIA/SOW DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER | REMARKS COMPLIANCE. ‘Wireless Valu's ability to communicate thru mut RF paths Including GSM/GPRS, WIFI, Bluetooth and LTE 200m ronge: Handheld device as 2 | an aternative with Valve can be controled from handheld and any mobile appiation Software Setup for 5 | Stare Setup fr | server With security fea and hal have sofovare ‘Capacity to connect 60,000+ amt valves onthe ‘Updates regulary to prevent any communication cofsmartVahe | ude “a | Unique Valve / | Read-only unique deny that can be read and Device 1D \vansmvted thru communication module 5 | eatery Power Source | 3.6YDC, 15 years O-Cal battery powered | Tanptna dam | vove wt automaticaly ecm the nt ot woah nner ae Ps ren Vale hale 3 whe due NENA fo 7 | ssn | peter rton ore ae Vole ea it postion, Covespndng om a |pheronsuowtn | ale satin cel coo tom ory | Ramana fort so nd eatnaon Secu Mu ces Epona maar ing 9 |e oven | Strain ep tee ae Vole denne ba pete, wheats 40 | Compact Type and batteries can be replaced during maintenance | | Vai Sze DW 15% ns [hes anys ramet 12 | Valve Materia Brass Bal valve, PN 16 Cn FART ENT WARREN TEM Taser] @ STANDARD TECHNICAL ac EMPOWER REQUIREMENTS FOR | set SUB-METERING SYSTEM | awe (Sein one ee sw | crrversa/sow DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER | REMARKS {COMPLIANCE ‘aie shall be compatible with standard Crane or 13 | Valve Danson | Peer Inath ang thread size Note: in.some cases. lange waa ses or DNG0 and DAES ‘1 years Valve Life | VaNe Incuding its communication module shall have Span _quarartoed life san ofa lest 10 years ‘Supper sal identi full MOS ith RA and to provide schomatics drawings and layout for the Method of Statement | entre setup. 7 Risk Assessment Note: Sart valve shal be insulated ropa to od concent ‘Supplier's ability to provide any technical support 16 | Aner Soles Support | aftr sucessful handing over OF the projct to ensure ‘moat flow of valve operations. ‘Supplier shall conduct Operations and maintenance waning for both hardware and software 38 | ovgin ‘Shall be made in USA or Europe ‘Supple to provide 2 years warranty after succesful commissioning and handing over 4 15 17 | Training 19 | 2 Years Warranty STANDARD TECHNICAL rewon fee | EMPoweRr REQUIREMENTS FOR oat eat SUB-METERING SYSTEM iene ec Drawing A8.1 Typical Smart Valve Connectivity Diagram ‘OR DEAT HENT MANAGE STENT Boene. | aR STANDARD TECHNICAL rewson [on € emrower REQUIREMENTS FOR ttle ‘SUB-METERING SYSTEM ‘Appendix 9 ~ Sub Metering Installation Acceptance Sheet — —s an ——— Sat ar as a Se — —— —— —— (amen (Gemgen mea = a abe hoeaoas rE fecal ance ratte Coren gn) a o ce ape ee abs rare on en paca sare esc ameras obs feet BC ocosemeecees apa Sa care rence ape ey ane iio ots {A9.1 Individual Meter and Smart Valve Installation Acceptance Checklist ee a ‘STANDARD TECHNICAL wevson [08 m4 REQUIREMENTS FOR oar | at SUB-METERING SYSTEM [owner | Tecnica, Evan Ee | Sais rsa ano a a] “iwowsoecommsome” | accomae [,.%7. | suns [ACCEPTANCE SHEET [AccerrAns 0 7 aR TTR fsb dae ean 1 eee re Ar TT au fin ty snr cep [sar Ca Fire [Es Ctr [or RT TTT [Stina aS [arya eng STE [srs crmscmgrauriesrstav [sina care yen Neo iron escent vapor Emp as (ag Camas fated Sqr re Fest eT Beebeb)o dcbelsebeb|o}aei)o)c|ablolo bbobeb)o icbelsebleb| 2} oe) o| 0) op)o os oe

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