Reading Your Eyeglass Prescription - How To Crack The Code - LasikPlus

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Reading Your Eyeglass

Prescription: How to Crack the

Neil Wills, M.D.

Do you feel like you need special code-cracking skills when trying
to decipher the information on your eyeglass prescription? Most
people understand the basics of 20/20 vision. But it can be mind-
boggling to comprehend the details of your eyeglass prescription
and how it affects the way your eyeglasses are designed to help
you achieve the desired 20/20 vision.

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Today, we are breaking down the basics… giving you the key to
unlocking this information. Here’s what you need to know as you
are reviewing your prescription details:

Eyeglass Prescription Abbreviations

Not only do you need to know what the abbreviations stand for,
but you might feel the need for a translation app to understand
the meaning of the Latin words that are used. We’ll make it simple
by providing explanations of the common abbreviations and terms
you will find in the prescription:

SPH: This abbreviation means “sphere,” which is the amount

of lens power required. Diopters are used to measure the
D (Diopter): This term is the unit used to indicate the
focusing power required for the lens of your eye to see
clearly. Numbers are used to represent diopters.
CYL: When you see CYL, it is referring to the cylinder. This
amount is the lens power needed for astigmatism. Instead of
being spherical (like SPH), it has no added curvature and
uses a unique shape to correct the variances that occur with
astigmatism. If you don’t have astigmatism, then nothing will
be listed in this column on your prescription.
Axis: This term is also used for astigmatism prescriptions. A
number will be listed from 1 – 180, which is the degree your
astigmatism is located. Then, the lens can be oriented to the
location to optimize vision.
+ (Plus) Sign: If a + sign is listed in front of the number, then
it means you are farsighted. You can see things at a distance,
but close objects aren’t clear.
– (Minus) Sign: When a – sign listed in front of the number,
then it is an indication of nearsightedness. You can see things
close by, but objects in the distance are blurry.
ADD: This abbreviation is used when a patient has age-
related vision loss that affects the clarity of close objects
(presbyopia). If you have difficulty reading or seeing small
objects in your hand, then progressive or bifocal lenses can
be used to magnify objects when you look down. The ADD
number indicates the magnification power needed for your
eyes, represented by a plus sign and numbers.

eye prescription chart

In addition to the terms listed above, abbreviations are also used

to indicate the prescription for individual eyes (or both eyes):

OS (Oculus Sinister): Left eye

OD (Oculus Dexter): Right eye
OU: Both eyes

The eye doctor must indicate the unique prescription for each eye
because it is common for people to have variations in the clarity of
their eyes. One exception is in the bifocal magnifying power for
presbyopia, which is typically the same for both eyes.

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Uncommon Prescription Abbreviations

In addition to the terms listed above, sometimes there are unique
terms on the eyeglass prescription. If a patient has double vision,
lazy eye, or other alignment issues, then Prism and Base are used
to indicate the prismatic power needed in the lens. Only a small
percentage of patients need prism, so most people don’t have
this information on their prescriptions.

Prism is listed in either metric units or fractions, indicating the

prismatic power required. A Base column is listed to indicate the
prism direction based on the thickest edge of the base. Base
abbreviations are as follows:

BU: Base Up
BD: Base Down
BI: Base In
BO: Base Out

Prescription Examples (and What They

As a general rule of thumb, the further the number is from zero,
the more vision correction is required. During the exam, the eye
doctor determines the visual acuity of your eyes. Then these
prescription numbers are listed in the prescription based on the
vision correction needed to bring your eyes back into a normal

Let’s break it down a little more, with a few examples to help you
see clearly. You might read something like this on your eyeglass

OS -1.50 SPH +1.00 add 0.5 p.d. BU

This prescription is for the left eye, and -1.50 means that your
nearsightedness is measured at 1 and 1/2 diopters. It’s considered
a mild amount of nearsightedness.  SPH indicates the adjustment
for spherical power, with a prismatic correction of 0.5 Base Up.
The prescription will have another similar listing starting with OD
for the right eye.

On the other hand, if you have a prescription that is -5.00, then it

means that your nearsightedness is more pronounced, so a more
powerful lens is used to help you reach 20/20 vision. Also, it is
important to note that your prescription only applies to
eyeglasses. Contact lenses require a different power due to the
placement of the lens on the eye directly.

Other Lens Recommendations

Unique features can be added to eyeglasses, helping to improve
your overall comfort and results while wearing the glasses. These
optional features are used based on your normal lifestyle and
personal needs. Common additions include:

Anti-Reflective Coating: Beneficial for reducing eye strain,

especially when someone works at a computer or spends a
lot of time looking at a screen – which is a common
occurrence in today’s society. The AR coating reduces the
reflections on the front and back surfaces of the lenses,
which reduces distractions and allows optimal visual acuity.
AR coating can also be added for cosmetic purposes to make
the lenses look invisible and draw more attention to the eyes.
Photochromic Lenses: If you don’t like the inconvenience of
carrying both eyeglasses and sunglasses, then photochromic
lenses (also known as transition lenses) are the perfect
solution. These lenses adapt to the light, giving you clear
lenses indoors and tinted lenses outdoors. The shade adjusts
automatically when exposed to sunlight.
Progressive Lenses: When multi-focal lenses are required,
the bifocal line can be eliminated by using a progressive
design. These lenses look like single vision lenses. But the
vision correction naturally fades with multiple prescriptions
within the same lens: distant, intermediate, and near. This
multi-functional lens makes it possible to see all distances
without the abrupt prescription change with a bifocal design.

Find a Trusted Eyecare Provider

If you have questions about your prescription, then the best
solution is to talk to an eye care provider in your area. At
LasikPlus, we can help you find a trusted eye doctor who can help
with prescriptions or other vision correction treatments, such as
LASIK. Schedule an appointment or call 1.866.755.2026.

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