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Human Resource Management

Case Study
-Bhumi Maheshwari

AMS Fertilizers is a 11-year-old fertilizer manufacturing company in Punjab,

decided to expand their business in 3 other states namely Karnataka, Tamil Nadu
and Assam where the product is having good demand. They planned to approach
farmers directly to understand their demands and also the dealers in the said state
to establish the products.

Mr. Aditya who is looking after the HR department of AMS was been called by
Mr. AM Singh. He informed Aditya that, “Aditya today I am excited as we are
expanding our business in other parts also. So, I want you to identify best
candidates for our marketing department who can establish our products in the new
market”. He continued; Aditya I want 3 best marketing candidates in place within a
week. Don’t wait for any further order complete the task in a best possible way.”
Mr. Aditya also started his work with immediate effect.

He finalized 3 best candidates namely Mr. Kushwa, Mr. Dev and Mr. Bowmick.
All the three candidates were having good experience and excellent track record in
top fertilizer companies. Mr Kushwa, a north Indian, is placed in Karnataka, Mr
Dev, originally from Gujrat, is placed in Tamil Nadu while Mr Bowmick is placed
in Assam, his homeland. After Recruitment Mr. Aditya introduced them to Mr.
AM Singh thereafter Mr. Singh assigned with their duties.

After a month, Mr AM Singh informs Mr Aditya that  Except Mr. Bowmick who is
placed in Assam, both of your other 2 candidates could not bring any business,
they failed and are in verge to give up themselves.

1. What went wrong in the case.
2. Who is at fault Mr. Singh or Aditya or the 2 failed candidates
3. How the fertilizer company can come out of this issue.
4. What are the HR concepts that you can correlate with this case.

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