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Sri Meylani Bobihu 1) , Imelda Mohammad 2) , and Syarifuddin Mada 3)

S1 Hospital Administration Study Program, Faculty of Health Science Technology
Bina Mandiri University of Gorontalo
Boliyohuto Regional General Hospital
Office of Community Empowerment and Village District. Gorontalo


This study aims to find out how the influence of the leadership style of
the head of the room on the performance of nurses in the class III inpatient
room of the new upper building and G3 of the Prof. Regional General
Hospital. Dr. H Aloei Saboe City of Gorontalo.
This type of research uses a qualitative approach. This research
describes phenomena from the perspective of informants, reveals various
realities, and builds a comprehensive understanding of a phenomenon in a
particular context. Data collection uses observation, in-depth interviews and
documentation. Data processing using editing and coding .
The results showed that the leadership style of the head of the room
was democratic and participatory. The nurse's performance is good by
carrying out nursing care to the fullest and in accordance with Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP) and in accordance with the stages of nursing
care. The leadership style of the head of the room influences the
performance of nurses in the class III inpatient room in the new building and
G3 at the Prof. Regional General Hospital. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe City of

Keywords: Leadership Style , Nurse Performance

INTRODUCTION strategic role in efforts to accelerate the

Hospitals, which are health care improvement of the health status of the
facilities for both individuals and Indonesian people. One of the professions
communities, are required to provide the that has an important role in the hospital
best service for these individuals and is nursing [ 15 ].
communities. As the front line in To provide health services tailored to
providing services to individuals and the needs of the community, professional
society, nurses are needed to provide nurses are tasked with working towards
nursing services in a professional and creating a healthy health system. Likewise
accountable manner. The hospital as one with the health care system run by nurses
of the health service facilities has a very in hospitals. Nurses as the biggest health
workers play a role in providing constant, element of influencing other people,
continuous, coordinative nursing care to subordinate elements (members of the
meet the needs of clients [4]. organization) as people who are
The success of an organization in a influenced, elements of certain situations,
hospital depends on several factors, one so that it functions in achieving
of which is the level of human resources organizational goals [3].
including a nurse, besides that the leader Leadership style will influence in
is also a factor that greatly influences the directing each employee who is in a
activities of his subordinates to carry out a different service unit, the leadership
job with the intended achievement [2]. function in this case has the role of
Head of room planning is very directing, guiding, and instilling the
influential on the excellence of nursing meaning of the services provided to
services. The room chairperson's duties patients so that employees work
include creating an organizational professionally. Mistakes made by
structure and carrying out short and long employees can be caused by a lack of
term planning. A head of room oversees direction and coordination given by the
other implementing nurses and directs the leader. The briefing referred to, for
nursing process at the hospital, especially example, concerns job descriptions, roles,
in the inpatient unit. The head of the room and functions of each category both based
is responsible for the duties of the nurse on the level or type of employee
practitioner. The head of the room is education as well as from qualifications
responsible for leaders and managers, to [9].
achieve organizational goals and complete There are 4 leadership styles based on
the main duties of a nurse's profession authority and power, namely:
must exercise authority over his duties to 1. Authoritarian
fulfill the unit's goals in providing nursing Task- or job-focused leadership
care. If a nurse is able to provide quality Take advantage of the authority and
nursing services and care, her work is leadership of your position. The leader
considered successful is the one who decides which goals to
The leadership style used by the head achieve in making decisions. Only
of the room to direct and coordinate information about tasks with rewards
nursing care is one of the factors that and punishments that interest and
influence nurse performance. Effectively motivate people is provided.
leading others , both individually and 2. Democratic
collectively, to achieve desired goals is Respecting the personality and
more profitable leadership. To achieve expertise of each staff member is a
ministry tasks and ministry goals, the sign of good leadership. Information is
influencing process takes the form of disseminated as freely and widely as
sharing power between the leader and possible to the public using the
members rather than occurring in one authority to stimulate staff ideas,
direction. The quality of nursing services inspiring groups to define their own
is determined by the function of the head goals, plans and implementation
of the room. The role of the head of the controls.
room is responsible for the results of 3. Participatory
quality nursing services [4]. Is a combination of authoritarian
Leadership is the functioning of and democratic leadership styles ,
leaders and subordinates in certain namely leaders who convey the results
situations. In leadership there must be an of problem analysis and then propose
these actions to subordinates. Staff is whether each employee in the
were asked for suggestions and organization has various positions or
criticisms and considered the staff's responsibilities. Due to various positions
response to the proposals and the final and responsibilities, the leader has to
decision in the group. organize and coordinate everything [8].
4. Action-free Nurses are human resources who play
Staff determine their own activities an important role in the implementation of
without direction, supervision and health services in hospitals because they
coordination. Staff evaluate work are professions that consistently and
according to their own way, the leader regularly provide services to patients . It
is only a source of information and is the responsibility of nurses to determine
minimal control [15]. the quality of the hospital because they
The art of leading others to are the staff members who interact with
understand and agree on what needs to be patients and their families. In hospitals,
done, as well as supporting individual and especially in inpatient units, nurses play
collective efforts to achieve goals, is an important role. Nurses are the staff
leadership. To achieve nursing goals, members who spend the most time with
nursing leadership must be able to patients and play the most significant role
influence other nurses under them. in the health care services in hospitals.
supervision to carry out their Nevertheless, patients and their loved
responsibilities in providing services and ones continue to express concern about
nursing care. Technical skills, or the nurses. As shown by the many comments
capacity to understand and perform made about hospital services by the
technical tasks , conceptual skills, or the patient and his family a.
capacity to conceptualize and see the Nurses are human resources who play
business as a whole and analyze it, and an important role in the implementation of
human relations skills, or the capacity to health services in hospitals because they
work collaboratively with others as are professions that consistently and
members of a group, are one of the skills regularly provide services to patients
required for this leadership. and (Sari, 2016). It is the responsibility of
executive. The performance of other nurses to determine the quality of the
people, in this case nurses, can produce hospital because they are the staff
results through leadership which is a members who interact with patients and
means of leading. their families. In hospitals, especially in
In organizations and businesses inpatient units, nurses play an important
where the division of various tasks to be role. Nurses are the staff members who
completed forms the foundation of the spend the most time with patients and
organization, leadership is an important play the most significant role in the health
component. One factor in determining care services in hospitals. Nevertheless,
leadership is if everyone in the patients and their loved ones continue to
organization has various positions or express concern about nurses. As shown
responsibilities. Because of the many by the many comments made about
roles and responsibilities, the leader must hospital services by patients and their
organize and coordinate everything. families [3].
Organizations and businesses that are Performance is the real result of the
structured around the division of several work done by individuals or groups of
tasks to be completed place a high value individuals to achieve more specific
on leadership. One indicator of leadership organizational goals. Employee
performance usually includes the ability level of individual contribution or
to collaborate, quantity of results, quality performance of employees in carrying out
of those results, and timeliness. These their responsibilities.
sections help employers or their Nurse performance is defined as the
employees perform at the highest possible nurse's actions that contribute to the
level [6]. achievement of the main tasks of the
performance is influenced by two profession and the goals and objectives of
factors, namely individual factors, both the organizational unit. In reality, nurse
internal and external to the organization. performance and workplace performance
a. Internal factors are factors related to are the same. Nurses want to be evaluated
intelligence, skills, emotional using clear standards. , doable, and
stability, a person's characteristics, objective. If nurses are treated well and
including attitudes, personality traits, given greater rewards, they will be more
physical characteristics, desire or motivated to perform at a higher level [8].
motivation, age, gender, education, Performance appraisal is based on
work experience, cultural background nursing care standards that have been
and other variables other personal described by the Indonesian Ministry of
variables. Health which refers to the stages of the
b. External factors are factors that affect nursing process which include:
employee performance that come a. Nursing Assessment
from the environment, including b. Nursing diagnoses
labor regulations, customer desires, c. Nursing Planning
competitors, economic conditions, d. Implementation
organizational policies, leadership, e. Nursing Evaluation [12].
actions of colleagues, types of Based on the description of the
training and supervision, wage problem, the researcher is interested in
system and social environment [7]. examining more deeply the problem of
Nurse performance is a form of leadership style and nurse performance by
professional service which is an integral conducting a study on "The Influence of
part of health services. Caring for sick Room Head Leadership Style on Nurse
people has existed since ancient times Performance in Class III Inpatient
based on instinct and experience. In the Rooms in the New Building and G3
nursing care system, performance can be Upper Prof. Regional General Hospital.
interpreted through nurse compliance Dr. H. Aloei Saboe, City of Gorontalo .
according to standards [12].
Performance measurement needs to RESEARCH METHODS
be done to find out whether during The method chosen for this research is
performance implementation there are qualitative research. research methods
deviations from predetermined plans, or that describe phenomena from the
whether performance can be carried out perspective of informants, reveal various
according to a predetermined time realities, and build a comprehensive
schedule, or whether performance has understanding of a phenomenon in a
been achieved as expected [11]. particular context are referred to as
Performance evaluation is a method qualitative methods.
for evaluating the contribution of Qualitative research is a process of
employees to the organization. A inquiry about understanding based on
significant advantage of performance separate methodological traditions, clearly
evaluation is the ability to measure the an examination that explores a social or
human problem. In simple terms it can be said that
Research builds a complex, holistic the interview (interview ) is an event or
picture, examines words, reports detailing a process of interaction between the
the views of native speakers, and interviewer ( interviewer) and the
conducts the study in a natural setting source of information or the person
[ 13]. being interviewed (interviewe )
Sources of data used in this study are through direct communication [14].
direct observation, in-depth interviews Technical interviews can be
and documentation. The respondents or carried out systematically or not
informants who will be interviewed are systematically. What is meant
the head of the room and several officers systematically is that the interviews
or nurses in the class III inpatient room in were conducted by first preparing the
the upper new building and upper G3. interview guideline instrument. Called
The data collection method in this not systematic, the researcher
study was carried out through conducted interviews directly without
observation, in-depth interviews and first compiling an interview guideline
documentation, which are explained instrument. Currently. With advances
below: in information technology, interviews
1. Observation can be conducted without face-to-face,
Observation is a data collection namely through telecommunication
technique that is carried out through media. The interview must be
direct observation, meaning that recorded, a recorded interview will
researchers collect data through provide added value. Because,
observation, namely making recorded conversations will be
observations at research locations. So authentic evidence if there is a
that researchers can use a collection misinterpretation. And after that the
method known as observation, they recorded data is then written back and
must observe things related to field summarized. And researchers provide
research. Observation is a component an interpretation of the data obtained
of data collection. Observation through interviews [10].
collects data from the field. 3. Documentation
Observation is a process that is Documentation comes from the
preceded by observation and then word document, which means written
systematic, logical, objective and goods, the documentation method
rational recording of various kinds of means procedures for collecting data
phenomena in actual situations, as well by recording existing data. The
as artificial situations. documentation method is a data
2. In-depth interviews (in- depth collection method used to trace
interviews ) historical data. Documents about
In-depth interviews are the process people or groups of people, events, or
of obtaining information for research occurrences in social situations that
purposes and how to ask and answer are very useful in qualitative
face-to-face between interviewers and research. The documentation method
informants or interviewees, with or means the procedure for collecting
without interview guidelines, where data by recording existing data. The
interviewers and informants are documentation method is a data
involved in social life for a relatively collection method used to trace
long time. historical data. Documents about
people or groups of people, events, or ensure that there is no
incidents in social situations that are misinterpretation [1].
very useful in qualitative research Techniques for checking the
[14]. validity of data in qualitative research
Data collection is a series of activities include credibility tests, transferability
that include data processing. In order for tests, dependability tests, and
research analysis to produce accurate confirmability tests:
data, researchers must go through at least 1. Credibility Test ( Credibility )
the stages of data processing: editing, In qualitative research, data
coding, processing, and cleaning. In this can be declared credible if there
study, researchers used 2 stages of data are similarities between what the
processing, namely as follows: researcher reported and what
a. Editing actually happened to the object
At this stage the researcher will re- under study. When in the field it is
examine or examine the data that has found that there is a shortage of
been obtained, then the researcher will health workers in the hospital
correct erroneous data or wrong data environment, then the problem of
and complete the missing data. this shortage of health workers
b. coding will be explored in more detail by
At this stage the researcher will researchers, not those related to
mark each answer by providing a code the availability of health facilities
or value to make it easier for and infrastructure. Testing the
researchers to process data [7]. credibility of data or the
In qualitative research, there are trustworthiness of qualitative
three stages of data analysis, namely research data consists of extending
coding, presentation, and drawing observations, increasing
conclusions or verification. At various persistence, triangulation,
stages, the data analysis techniques analyzing negative cases, using
used are: reference materials and member
a. the data codification stage, which checks.
began with the transcription of the 2. Transferability Test (
interview recordings, the field notes Transferability)
taken during the in-depth interviews In qualitative research, the
were rewritten. Utilizing recorded value of transferability depends on
interviews and transcripts, separating the reader, to what extent the
relevant information from irrelevant results of the research can be
information for display (codification) applied to other social contexts
b. Data presentation stage. The results and situations.
of this study will be presented 3. Dependability Test
c. Interpretation of documents or The dependability test can be
interview results is used to draw carried out through auditing the entire
conclusions from data findings in research process. The research results
the follow-up stage, which is also cannot be said to be dependable if the
known as the conclusion or researcher cannot prove that a series
verification stage. The encoding and of research processes has actually
presentation of the data is checked been carried out.
again after conclusions are drawn to 4. Confirmability Test
Confidability in qualitative
research is more interpreted as a Based on the results of
concept of intersubjectivity (the research conducted by researchers
concept of transparency), which is a through an interview, it can be
form of the researcher's availability in concluded that the leadership style
disclosing to the public about the of the head of the room affects the
process and elements in his research, performance of nurses. This is as
then providing opportunities for other stated by several informants who
parties to evaluate the results of his were interviewed during the
research as well as obtaining research.
agreement between the parties . [5].
RESEARCH RESULT 1 . How is the Leadership Style of the
In this study, there were 10 (ten) Head of the Room
informants consisting of nurses and room Leadership style will influence in
heads. Based on the analysis of research directing each employee who is in a
data, the results of the research and different service unit, the leadership
discussion adjusted to the focus and function in this case has the role of
research sub-focus are described as directing, guiding, and instilling the
follows: meaning of the services provided to
1. How is the Leadership Style of the patients so that employees work
Head of the Room professionally. Based on the results of
The leadership style of the head of research conducted by researchers
the room in the class III inpatient through interviews and documentation,
room of the new building and G3 for the following results were found:
the Regional General Hospital Prof. The leadership style of the head of
Dr. H. Aloei Saboe the city of the room in the class III inpatient room of
Gorontalo has a democratic and the new building and G3 for the Regional
participatory leadership style. This is General Hospital Prof. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe
in accordance with the results of the city of Gorontalo has a democratic
interviews with several informants. and participatory leadership style.
2. How Nurse Performance
Based on the results of 2. How is the performance of the nurse
interviews conducted by researchers Performance is the performance of
with several informants, it was found work achieved by a person or group of
that the performance of nurses in people in carrying out their duties to
class III inpatient rooms in the new achieve more defined organizational
building and G3 at the Prof. Regional goals. Nurse performance is the nurse's
General Hospital. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe activity in properly implementing an
the city of Gorontalo is already good, authority, duties and responsibilities in
because it has carried out nursing the context of achieving the objectives
care to the fullest and is in of the main duties of the profession
accordance with the Standard and realizing the goals and objectives
Operating Procedures (SOP). This is of the organizational unit.
in line with what was conveyed by Measurement of performance needs
several informants. to be done to find out whether during
3. How does the leadership style of the performance implementation there
the head of the room influence are deviations from the predetermined
nurse performance plan, or whether the performance can
be carried out according to the
specified time schedule, or whether the identified in the nursing care plan.
performance has been achieved as The process criteria in this
expected. implementation include: working
Based on the results of interviews with patients in carrying out nursing
conducted by researchers with several care, collaborating with other health
informants, it was found that the teams, carrying out nursing actions to
performance of nurses in class III address patient health problems,
inpatient rooms in the new building and providing understanding to patients
G3 at the Prof. Regional General and families regarding skills in
Hospital. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe, city of nursing care.
Gorontalo, for carrying out nursing care 5. Nursing Evaluation
to the fullest and in accordance with In terms of nursing evaluation, the
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). nurse will evaluate the condition and
This is in line with what was conveyed by progress of the patient regarding the
several informants. The stages of nursing nursing actions given in achieving
care that have been carried out by nurses goals and revising the basic data and
are as follows: planning. The process criteria in this
1. Nursing Assessment evaluation are compiling a plan to
Assessment is the initial stage to evaluate the results of the
collect data on the patient's health intervention in a comprehensive,
status in a systematic, comprehensive, timely and continuous manner.
accurate and sustainable manner. In Based on the results of the research
this case the nurse collects data conducted, it was found that the
regarding the patient's health status leadership style of the head of the room
accurately and thoroughly. The data was democratic and participatory. As for
collected is focused on identifying the the nurse's performance, it is also good
patient's past health status, the patient's and carries out nursing care to the fullest
current health status, biological, and in accordance with the SOP. From the
psychological and spiritual status, data obtained from in-depth interviews
response to therapy, expectations of then processed with the editing and
optimal health levels and high risk of coding stages, then the data was analyzed
problems. using 3 stages namely codification, data
2. Nursing Diagnosis presentation and drawing conclusions, the
In nursing diagnoses the nurse will results of the study showed that there was
analyze the assessment data to an influence of the leadership style of the
formulate a nursing diagnosis by head of the room on nurse performance.
looking at the patient's complaints. 3. How does the leadership style of the
3. Nursing Planning head of the room influence nurse
In nursing planning the nurse will performance
make a nursing plan to address the The leadership style of the head of
problem and improve the patient's the room will determine how to direct,
health. This nursing plan includes guide and instill positive values
setting priority problems, goals and regarding meaning in the health
action plans that will be given to services provided to patients. Some of
patients. the problems committed by staff can
4. Implementation be caused by a lack of direction and
In terms of implementation, the guidance from leaders. Based on the
nurse implements the actions results of research conducted by
researchers through an interview, it can In addition to the Democratic
be concluded that the leadership style leadership style, the participative
of the head of the room affects the leadership style applied by the head of the
performance of nurses. This is as stated room also influences the performance of
by several informants who were nurses . This was conveyed by several
interviewed during the research. informants who said that the head of the
Based on the research results room always received input from staff,
obtained from interviews with informants asked for suggestions and criticism in
regarding the influence of the leadership solving existing problems.
style of the head of the room on, it can be This research is reinforced by
concluded that the leadership style of the research conducted by Nurjannah (2018)
head of the room influences the which states that there is an influence of
performance of nurses in class III the leadership style of the head of the
inpatient rooms at the Prof. Regional room on the performance of nurses in the
General Hospital. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe. class 3 inpatient room of the new building
This is in accordance with research and G3 for the Prof. Regional General
conducted by Nurjannah (2016) that the Hospital. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe City of
leadership style of the head of the room Gorontalo
affects the performance of nurses.
Measurement of the leadership style of CONCLUSION
the head of space in research. Based on the results of research and
The measurement of the leadership discussion it can be concluded that:
style of the head of the chamber in this 1. The leadership style of the head of
study is based on the conceptual the room in the class III inpatient
framework of the research variable. The room in the new building and G3 at
leadership style has 4 (four) indicators, the Regional General Hospital Prof.
namely democratic, participatory, Dr. H. Aloei Saboe the city of
authoritarian and action-free. The results Gorontalo has a democratic and
of the interviews in the study showed that participatory leadership style .
of the four indicators above, there were 2. The performance of nurses in class III
only 2 indicators of the leadership style inpatient rooms in the new building
used by the head of the room in the class and G3 at the Prof. Regional General
III inpatient room at the Prof. Regional Hospital. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe, the city
General Hospital. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe of Gorontalo has done well by
namely democratic and participative carrying out nursing care to the
leadership style. So that the discussion in fullest and in accordance with the
this study is focused on leadership style Standard Operating Procedures
variables with democratic and (SOP) and in accordance with the
participatory indicators. stages of nursing care.
The results of the study showed that 3. The leadership style of a leader or
there was an influence of Democratic head of the room in the class III
leadership style on the performance of inpatient room of the new building
nurses. This can be seen from the results and G3 over the Prof. Regional
of interviews with several informants who General Hospital. Dr. H. Aloei
said that the head of the room always Saboe, city of Gorontalo, based on
motivated staff, discussed, received input the results of the interview, namely
and suggestions for solving existing the leadership style of the head of the
problems. room influences the performance of
nurses in the class III inpatient room [7] Notoatmodjo. 2012. Metode
of the new building and G3 at the Penelitian Kesehatan. Jakarta :
Prof. Regional General Hospital. Dr. Rineka Cipta.
H. Aloei Saboe city of gorontalo [8] Nurjannah. 2016. Pengaruh Gaya
Kepemimpinan Kepala Ruangan
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