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PACE Workflow on

“YES-Your ESS Space” 2022 - 23

Self Assessment

Appraisee clicks on “PMS” under Menu section.
Appraisee needs to select Policy Year as “2022 – 23” and then click on
“Evaluate” under “Pending” tab to start with Self Assessment.
“My Goals” screen gets downloaded. Details of KRA’s and Targets are displayed
on the sceeen.
Appraisee fills in the “Actuals” (Acheivements) and updates “Ratings” against
each Goal . Please “Save” details entered periodically. System gives a message
once data is saved.
It is mandatory to mention Achievements and select rating against all Goals.
System gives a error message if Appraisee clicks on “Submit” before
completing Goal Evaluation, Competency Evaluation an Development needs.
Appraisee moves to “Competencies” tab after completing “My Goals”. Click on Star
Marks against each Competency to open a Window. Select Ratings and click on “Save”
to save ratings against each competency. Remarks can be mentioned, if required.
Rating saved against each Competency will be denoted by the stars marked in
blue. For example :- if rating selected is 2, then two stars will be marked in
blue. After selecting ratings against all Competencies click on “Submit”.
System will allow to submit only if Ratings are selected for all Competencies.
Please click on “Development Needs” tab after ratings are upated against all
competencies. Select Category as “Training Needs”.
It is mandatory to select Minimum one “Program” againt each “Training
Training Types are 1. Job Knowledge, 2. Soft Skills and 3. Techincal Skills.
Mode to be selected as “To be Finallized by Learning & Development Team”.

Click on “Add to development Plan” after selecting each Program.

Programs selected will be seen under “Add to Development needs”
Finally click on “SUBMIT” so that your Assessment is forwarded to Manager’s
queue for his / her action.
Evalution will be seen under “Completed” tab once Self Assessment is
Process of Self Appraisal is now complete.

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