Chicago Vice Commission Report - 1911-12

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FINAL REPORT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION CITY OF CHIGAGO POLICE INVESTIGATION 1911-1912 Final Report Police Investigation Inquiry conducted by authority of His Honor, Carter H. Harrison, Mayor, Sept. 5, $911, to March 7, 3942. Details of Vice Investigation— Departmental Analysis — Re- organization Plan—Conclusions and Recommendations. HARMON M CAMPBELL JOHN J. FLYNN ELTON LOWER Commissioners INDEX, Assignment of sergeants Bares of Monsees ‘Cocaine, opm and over dg. (Gonctsiogs = = aanneatt Bates alle : Departmental rosods consolation . De ee Beaming or oat Frat dc : Garnblingersnrens os eran Gener pian . Inepedigg 0000000 Prekpockets “220000200000000 ae Promotions ss: sarees Property rei. Sse ‘Booking tamates é Caltogse - {Connection bela saoons ani sacignation howtos Houses on strect er nes ae Houses owed by men a Medical examinations iments i scone Restricted districts SS Se of en ee Show places = ‘Stree ott ‘ransent hotel and aabgna Hie sei ie slavery 22020. ‘Recommendations <2 Bere and core United police Wearing unions ere FINAL REPORT. March 7, 1912 Hox. Canren H, Hatnisos, Mayor, City of Chicago ‘Dear Sie: Fllowing isthe Sal report of the iovestgstion unr taken by this Commission of the Police Department of the sty of Chicago: (On September sth, 1914 the Commission received from you the following letter: September 5, 1911 To te Honora, Te Gel Serie Conn, ‘entlomen During the past two ecks charges have tent nie focal prs tote eft that a eal one Sina gene betes cerai comming of the ee Department aid crain gamblers operating att Aermptigg to operate witha the ety Tinie Te openly ‘hatged shar"money paid by these gamblers to some Sgeo acting for members of the Pole Deparment Heats protetion for dese legal games of chaes. ry commanding ecer of the Plce Departent, ih the exgpon of nes fr as my tele oe Ras secured Me appointment dhvough the ageney of he Gi Service Contmsson. Your ofiee ie" tay andet= Sag Spee amin te ccm of se “Busch of ity employer." there ay place where ‘ater work cold be dane than Dy attempting fo eset out the tr or falsty of thee charges" oue Commision (an subpocna wines ai take testimony under eal TE {here ony Teck of sufen evidene to show he tet of {hese charges ie de to the Police Department of the dy of Clicago tha is good nave be cleared of ay Jad potas of gl "On the aber hand if the teste ‘ony silted show thatthe carga ate tre, fil be pose one Corn fo oe foo ie wae Prevance on toa digrace tof Toul respecte sunt that oo etter work can be perforined #3 the Ciel Service Commission haw to Undgeake an iohvefiate asd searching Savage the allege soonceton between the Pace Depatanere att {he varus emia! clases i she cy ‘Yours very tly, (Casren H, Hansson, Myr, "Tots the Commission repo! a follows? Soule 7.9 enone Cate Hen era cg ae hati yen aetna a peoermien Se 1 te comiae we ae ne Bette ME et Saag aCe" i agi ne coe stat il, ‘determine the. on falsity of the charge 1 ust eer rh yo eee Sey guile es eile ot ete sar a Beara te oF are 28 05 HD re fr sch co ve lt ets ab, i sw ey 20) Rompe) eats Oe Silas Ese eRe na il at res as Se ws vencagce wh Seat fa tee det Seiad ate Sons on ars essen hg Commi il aa el ofa seen rn geen ami SS LST Se ee Steet a ee he ea ca aay ek OBO ag use sh hes i le ae Sika fear 6 et ea Situs agra! ae os et Seece Comms Wir Gaur Dee On the same ay, Sees 9 gt eh mene ofthe nin eae se September 7,191 My Dear Sie: During the sppreaching soe of the Police Deparinent uoqietignaliy representations wil be tae ip you tha the anniteaton fess ceca hig $25 ein Someone cpu hee Sanit the "aro ‘charges ick lave ben made Abently a one ea MeMEEa i ‘convey any menage Atom tc, chee to the 6 Come int Service Commission or to the fadividul menbers of "i connetin wits ts meestigtion. At any tne Te tlre to eommanicate rth you, Fahl do 0m Peron "Youre very tly, (Comren H. Huson, Mayr. In exgonse to our ft eter to you, you wrote a fellows ‘September 8 ro “To the Honorable, The Ci Servis Commision, ‘Geatlemens Replying to yout Fete ofthe 7 in which ose ny aint fea ge pocatn rs the Cy Coun to deiay the execs of the ves fio of he aliaged conspiracy xing betwen crtin af rr ofthe Police Depefuntt and ermal casts of the hy, the Cy Counc wil mot meet wml the ast day. of Seine a ing eing wb ne “Trou sogget that you confer wih Alderman, Rick Se ESR Comes eet ee ke Tiyeugation, and peng the meting of the Ci {Gounel andthe passige of the necesary erliatee hat your Commission ‘proceed with the work, larng to the Gay Counc ater'on to provide the meceary fa ‘Very taly yours, ‘Caren Ht, Hssnsox, Mayon, Acting upon your suggestion that the Comision eenfer with Ie deenan Richer andthe Finance Committee s 10 funds nesesaey, the imate wat taken up with Fhhance Commitee and the sim of $1600 wes approprinted. Sabeequently thir amount was Soerensed by forte appropriations aggregating 45,00. ‘The Commission, immediatly started an investigation uoer Section 4 ofthe at of the legate cated, "An Act to Reglate the Cet Service of Ciea,” Approved March 28, 185, eich provider ix su ance tat the Contain shall ivesigate the enforcement of thi ‘Act dnd of ie rae at the condet and ation of the appointees to the clesied service ints iy. (GENERAL PLAN, ‘At the ontet the Commision dcied oa general plan which would lncade an investigation of existing comiions in all previes, istics and divisions, with a view of ace tining whether o¢ not the stale las ‘hy ondinances and the rile, regulations aad orders ofthe Deprtten of Paice were ising enforced, an, wheve violations eid 16 8x the esponsibility thereto. ‘Where lick of ficiency of eesponsle offers was abou hy root ‘of exiting conitions in any such precinct, district or dvs, cares 7 shoul be prferrod aginst the ofcere demet responsible. This plan fae been consistently followed throughout the ene Ivetigation. Much delay wat eats by the-ifelty of secting an ficient, honest and rlable staf of ivesigatore. From a tial of substantaly Silty, ten were Bly sect as ual to sty tet to which they might ‘be put, With there ten ore thon 300 separate paces were nvet> gated, any several Snes, aithentated reports timed ia and f3b0- {ated Tn otto exceed ten instances, was the accuracy of these reports sucessfully attache, and inthe majority of eases this was found to be due to errors inset numbers and to recent changes therein It it fe to say that more than 200 dase reports in ll were recived and recorded From thi systematic canes of vice condtlons in all parts ofthe city of Chicago, a sebstatlly complete history of sch conditions has teen collated and reduced to card Index systems, under appropriate Inads vied fto plies preriac, xo that the vie conditions in any pat of the ety can le seen ats ance FIXING RESPONSIBILITY. 1s parsance of thie Comminion's statement to you that # would undertake to Bx the responsbity for auch conditions te may be shows {o ens cotrary to aw and elicient police serve, it prepared andthe Chief of Police signed, charges agunst thre inspectors, five expats, seven iwtnants and forty-one plan clothes men One eptin eesigned twnder charges, and thre inspectors, thee captains, one sergeant and six plain dothes men have been dicharged. Fines were imposed against, Ain plain clothes men end ove capain, and one Ueutenant and the re raining pia clothes men ‘ere exonerated, Three capsins agalast, ‘whom fo charges were pending one + former larpectr), resigned dar= Ing he ogre of the vestigation Pot been forthe wie policy given to the ivestigiton at su very inept the work woul Inv bah much ese sl eee ‘col Have been cbtined more easy.” ‘This was pariealry tebe as 10 fambling. As te inquiry apparently was simed athe aart t gable fone, the garbliag fate, always castous, immediatly Began 12 ‘coverup cts a8 for a8 pose, suPPoRT. ‘The Commission and the publi at large owe to your Honor the arenes debt of gratite for the faihfl suport which yo have given the iavetigntion, Without this apport the Commision efforts mst have resulted in file. The Comasin also. dsites to extend ite tm the City Counell fr the prompess with which thas mae 8 appropriations of ncesary fonds, an for the enooeagenct i bas ha ‘rom inivdeal mers ofthat ody. The Comision reget, ow ‘ever, that i 5 compelled to sy tat fn ait ofthe sap given it by the pest has reeied active lp from bt few ofthe so-called rfoem forganations interested in mora uplift, which naturally wold ee ‘ete to jon in a lft to corzetplise evils and to there clan up ‘is eontons in the ty of Chiago ‘Another dificaly the Commission faced was that of obtaining text ‘mony fom persons other than thre investigator Signed and sano) tons leters y the thousand were reeived complaining of intlerale tendons in varius parts of the cli, and were investigated where sl, fection was deemd warranted. Hundreds of persons were interviewed rho gave valuable Information “in conSdence” few, if any of whom trou willy take the wites stand either throug a desire to eold ‘otriety oF through fear of fete police exations. An unwiling wit ‘nes sts hose or dangerous one, and his accounts forthe fact that sores of witestes who might have been able to prove coins Inown intiately by thowsands of people, were aot calle! Before the Conmstion, CAMBLING. ‘iuing the course ofthe investigation rlisle information was se cared as tothe existence Inthe city of more than sie honderd places Imhere gambling of more or lee pale or remi.pie character sas r= Fied on, the nature ofthe games of chtace being handbooks, poker ad ‘ther card games, roulette, craps and clher dice gamns. This ineladed ‘only such games as were carried on hy Snepee or handbok owners, and ‘id not include games of a prvate character where there wat mo "Take (of and where no profesional were invaved The evidence zp shows tat 2 very lange proportion of these places and games were know tothe police an tat they cul ave been suppressed by an honest, inteligent efor. ‘The Commission fee Gat ‘thas filly proved that evininal eospitaey existed etneen certain ‘commanding oficers of the Police Deparanen and certain somber of ating and atempting to operate within the cy Hints, ed i said Uthat money es been pad by these gaiblers to secre potetog orf legal games of chance, It fs not prepared, however, o make attest sssertin as to what inven! mers of the Mepartaet have protel through the payment of this pretetinn tones, nor dace Belive eh esetion nee “The machivery used la levying and calleting tite from vie ie ‘completed and the hands thong whch the voney pases ate ume foun. AI being of equat gui, dice evidence could be cisely ° Aron informants IC 2 minor pice offer acting 0s a collector ‘should come oot into the open ad teil a8 to such payanents It was the nstimove Bit in the trie tha his would mea Sone o¢ ter bis elimination frm the fore even if granted immily by the Com- ‘ison, If-a gambler gave the Information, be cold never expect to be permite fo ply his tade inthe ity agai, “The Comision therefore tok the postion that by showing exis ing conttons i conclasiely proved lnetieiensy and neglect of ty 08 the prt ofthe offers respon, “Apfendix "A" shows the nomber of gambling places known to tne been in exstence inthe varios police presets prior to and during the early part of the Sovexigaton, «large proportion of which have sted fo operate Tt is ucless to expt the eae elimination of pro feasonl gambling in Chicago, paresarly ia the matter of handbooks, Int the attvity of the police hve the revival of the gambling squads ‘operating fom police beadqoarters, has rendered operations unproBable Sod diel. ‘The ellection af money for protection is no longer safe Sod the direct bribery of policemen is dangerous. On the other hand Jncteaing vigilance on the part of the Department and Honest and ef ‘ent police adminsrstion ate necessary to prevent the reopening of ‘gambling hous, poo! rooms sod handbooks, “The average citizen pttnieing handbooks and profesional games seldom stops to realize his abioate lek of chance 19 vin. Ta the op- tation of handtonks the percentage im favor of the layer of ods Is rnever less than tree toto, and more feequetly to to one Tn the fprofecsioal card games the “ake” fe favor of the house eliminates the timate chance of wing by the outsider, not taking into eonsid- terton the grester sil of the house players or the “rook” deck and the “crooked” dealer. In he dee ges, loded dice nd dlecteclly fontrlled tables were comsmon, and in all Ue outsder or the “ake” (in gambling parlance) comtribted the fonds with which to secre po- tetlon a8 well sto make the game profitable. “There i and as been for sears 2 more or less organized gag of socalled "Ea jolt” operators making this cy their headquarters A “fat joing” in the words of an eminent operator who rakes Cicag> bis home, i pot a ganbli deve, for the single reson that the “sucker never rin. Is variations ate eades. There are the spindle the cath and ic, the birdcage, the marble game, and s0 of n> fim, bit all cotaning the rae erential prlacpleabscute conta ty the operate anc an shance forthe player. Ara sce thi” prop ttn, tires card conte and the shell game fd int fsigieance ‘And yl thee “skin” devices were repeatedly operated on the public 0 streets ofthe ely of Chisago daring the summer of rr, wml the ver tye a the pie and hy al r part ofthe sae gang ‘The men who fit Brought the Department into mitra die pate in tha regaed, though uniformed and eitizc's dress picenen Perlting them to run on 3th street on September 4 1, presi ed flowing the Gotch-Hackensimit wretiog match, had resol ‘operated at South Chicago, Kensington, gist sect carival, the 101 ‘Ranch sows and Riverview Pat, ay well 3 the State seen onsets inthe 28 precinct, and in various places onthe West Sie. Later thes twee tthe Ski tournament at Cary, ini, and othe special trans to {nd fom South Bend in conection with the AeFarand Noepiy prize fight, ‘These men are well known tthe pale, and if the Department ad any devire to loeate snd dive that from the ety, it woald noe re ule fouraey outside the lop “The games inthe Chines quarter along Clr steet, operating with lnmpanity andy asthe Chinamentiught and had reason to ak, undet tole lense and protection, were completely pat out of business by (ne rad of the gambling qa, up information Furnished by the Con tisson, Tn pie ofthe fact that the then Inspector of he Diviion ‘openy sated on the witness stand and elsewhere that coviction cod tet be seared in Chinese gbling ess, the evideoe was ao concave that every game aed lea of gully was entered an Sac imposed. “The gurbling sind has been the subjet of more o les adverse crt, some of wih wat doses jared, tot atthe sme te Credit mst be given it forthe work i hae performed, Sige fe revise, fn Ocoker 19,191, and up t Febranry 29,191, it las made 929 3 ‘ea, secured 28 convietone with Ber and costs agureyating $8200, nd virtually wiped out pblc gambling Its activities have sko proved Tene im stlfening the discipline among distiet and precinct cont Imanders, sergennts and patrcien. Nevertheless, the Comission fe news the suggestion made in is pecliminary report that under a pp ‘ly onganiat and administered police force there is uo secessty ot cx ‘hve for gaming squad operating ont of headquarters, sis now the fase, no matter how ecient ay be. It tends to a diffusion of ee Sponsiiity which ha been the cee ofthe Deparment for secs. The {Camaiesion bere tos ocginal idea of fied terol re-post 4810 those common sd apparent forms of vice not dectly connect ih eres against pesons or popety which clsely come under the Supervision of the seeet service ‘The explanation of the lange mae of ares i which soins nctntion ofthe courts to fine ames. Very 0" few have been so pais, even in instances here proof as coli: sive and the beeper Ba PROSTITUTION. In tha remahable pic document, “The Vie Rept (he great= portion of which i in an alleged cipher), the Vice Commision ext tats the numer of professional prottaer nthe ety of Chiago st Seca. Like any coctsione nena tothe pli in tat document, We tased upon inadequate Information. ‘The number i neater 20620 than 50, ani (00 is a conservative etnts. A recent canvae erly dndicates approxinatly 200 in the 34 precinct alone, while maingly large numbers can be fund ithe te, 23, 5h, foeh 18h, 4st, 27h, 28h, 38h and goth precincts, This does not include wore whocke out an inadeqente wage by occasional act of proton for ire bat only those that depend enely upon the revente ftom pat tatlen fora ivelibood “That prostitton has exated inthe past, docs exist now, and prob ably wil alaya exist, i admited by the Comission. The sate rs tnd the ety ordinances probit the operation of bawd)-hotsey asia te houses, hourer of pronitaion and ifame. Tt the Poles Depart ‘ment ofthe ity id its suorn duty to enfore the laws ofthe state of hinois and the ordinances ofthe iy of Cheng, there could be ope houses of prostitution. However, upon the theory that public opinion permits a breaking down of the inwe and ordinances br this respect, houses of prosttation and assignation Nave been permite to ron tn molested by the police fa various pats ofthe city from time immemorial In order to define the relationship ofthe Police Department i houses of this character, and prostaton generally, the then General Saperin fendegt of Poi, om April 38,1910, promulgated the following roles {or the regulation of thi vie Orne of rue Geax, Sones Poice hag, Ao 6 0 ‘The following onders regulating vice, whieh have hertofore been froma, ate sansa i tht foo der that every’ member of the Deparment may be Det= taal comering then a gover Hime fending "To Conssaxoenc Orricens: ‘The following res gov ening the regulation ot ise are hereby promt ed SI defo al comandg oer 1 Messnger and debvery ys or ay person over the age of tives or under the age of eighteen are sal sno be permits’ ther inthe Gre op to enter te 2 2. Hartoring Inmates Under Legal Age—The nw in thig Subject tae egy enfored, ad all Keepers held Airlcly Resomtale. Hf intates unde age ave found, the onset call be roppresse, andi hal be dfniely der ‘Mood thet ts son wll be tem in any and al ence ‘where this iw ive “Forcile Detention No person, cegadless of age, shat be denied apn fs or hr wil ot shal from ars for ther obstcies be permitted pon aiy ext, “No Women, Wihoot Male Escorts shall Yep. siti ig saloon AN slicing of th nator to be vigor ‘nal spores ' Shor Skies, Tranqarent Gowns of Other tn propa Ate shal not be permitted inthe pars ple 16 Men will not be permited to condect or be domi- ile ig Noure of prsttion orto liter abet te prem See ‘Mater eideniy sublsting on the iaome of nates wil be arveted as vagrant Solctng in any form shall not be permite, ether on We strut feb dooraay, fem wines orf tao 8. Sigs Lights, Colors or Deve sgt cn ica of the character of any premises o Bouse of repute, shall not be permite 10. Restisted Distrits—No toase of il-fame shall, be permited outside of certain restricted dst, of tobe ‘Selblahed itn fo. locks of any school che hose ‘ial or pie Hntiuton, or pam any eet ae tine 11. Doors—No swinging doors tht pert of ex acco of 2 ew of he ister fom the eet shall be Perma, "All resorts sl be provided with double Soors ‘thie sai be bape closed 12, LiguorOn and after lay 1910 9 gue will tv permit to te sly cata in HOSE rien any #8 amen with ny moral place. "Tne freging eles sal govern througout the iy. ‘These reguntone are pera sad commanding fiers TPS pmsl to "eh Recta or the Onder in Bet. Chief of Police McWeeny, en his fst examination bythe Com: sion, stated that this zle was in fll fore and eet sl fv no way "adied or amended, with the excelion of ang fo these amon Sinai houses of promittion sresdy etalished oa srt cx lines Wea appears very leary from the tenon that shorty afer sour 13 noes nanguration you called the Chief of Police andthe com Imandingofiers ofthe divsons, diet and pees fo which houses ‘ot patton were generally known to eis and that you directed {hat this order be stretlyeaforeed. With one exception, every commanding ofer in command of ter toa divsons where hoses of peostation were known text tei fede was fara it the order, snd that the sn was being enforced fo thebestof ie ability The one exception, in command of precinct, there many houses ofthis character existed, denied ever aving heard of the order Vice Distt ‘The precinct in which ope, publc houses of position existed ‘considerate numbers atthe tine the investigation bega, whether del ing hones or fate, were substantially a5 flows South Sided, th, sth and ath presets, ‘West Side—ayth and 28th precines Now Sieh ‘precinct. Aside [om the rut hotste of prosttton, so-called “assgna- tion” “tanalen” hotels and asignation owes ad fat existed fret mumbers i the 1st, 2, ath and sth precincts on the South ‘ise in the ath and. afth precincts onthe West Side, se in the 38th an 35th prevncs on the North Site Sale of Liquor. With reference to howes of protaton the order above referrsd to probs the sale of Tigoe in such place." the segregated strict, on the South Side the great majority of the houses of position fave fovernment Tenses, and from the Est day of May unl about Decem™ fers 9%, sl liquor in defane of thi rele, opealy and notorious Sch sale continues clandestinly to bnowe euitomers or men of suf posed poring proctilieGoverament Tcenses are not 30 numesots Tithe wce dicts in oer pare of the ity, ut thee were enough on the West and North Sides to indicate, witout any other esdenc, that tom the sale of liuor somes quite large portion of te reverse of these hows, ‘Up to the time the fvenigation started, liquor could be tought pen and ih no qoestinns ale, in pasty ll of the hows of ‘proton ad asignaton Inthe cy, with soae excepts inthe ¢3 frecint or South Chiago, where i would appear that in the Hoos ‘ther than thove connec divetly with stoon, the vale sas mae oF ies closely watched and probiited "That seh sale of ijor cool ts finse openly without the hanege of the lie aga meant bit ne ‘of two things —nefceney or epi. Tv fat, eva that “ went on wit the dest knowlege al eonvance of requis ts ind he ewer tir eons "The ealonary cxcase given om th wines saad Ly pain bcs en charged with the supervision of prosition for fling to xp the fale of liquor i bos, at they were so well know that they ea ot vcore evidence, though morally certain Uiat state Tavs, ty od tances and police vier ere bing wiosted. The question might mst Ally be asked why then cere they placed in cies dessa given ‘daly which they aut hey cannot perform? For an etinate of the namber of boats ieglly sling yw see Appendix "A" Soliciting from Houses, ‘The order further prohibit satisting from the doors or windows of bouses of prosulioa. "The testimony of commanding Aces of the vice drs in this conection was that such slicing was sporadic tnd practically ingore of Jeri, and that every efor was being fade to prevet fe Aluch complaint was made tht the judges of the ‘Mapa Court assessed too low fines to mae the rleetiely enore> ‘te, The facts, borne out by the investigation, ae that in certain di trict and along certain scets no concerted effort wae mae by the Police to sop this foro of solctation. Our iavesgators secured star mer after star nimber of wiformed ptrlmen who stood idly by in ‘postion where the could ave prevented ten, and an Favestgatin (ofthe pois reports invarbly has shown thatthe men in question were fon duty atthe time and place charged. “The statements of otere tea out the tath ofthe charge aginst the Deputies Te might be pertnenty asked, Why were charges not ‘referred gaint thee men? In avewer i any be sid that the Cone ‘son is rats that the falt does tot Ie with the weiformed pte ten, bat with the commanding ofcers andthe system. ‘The matter of prositition and prostttes in each datact wes under the direst contro ‘ftw or tore pain elotes men who reprted to no one bat the Ins tor captain or Heatenan who ight be fn command ofthe preci T delice eves they were known asthe commanding ofc’ “soufden” tren. They mae no reports in wets, No order was ten By wy one 'm atborty, but the uniformed pateonen and the plain cloths men new that they nat keep the Hands of where posites were cone Cesved or expect 2 transfer ‘Since the preliminary report ses ited, evieose ne accu showing beyond question tht in the sections of the ei where poste ion preva, thas Been commercialized, with the police as active agente ‘of those la 'coutea. On other theory can the ples of cones 15 sud svoldance ofthe forty plan clothes men ander charger Before the Commission be explained. Unt within a resent period they received mo orders to eotectcoaitons, aid and dose paces vlating plice regula tions, eventhough the Mayor ial had sued specie oeders that this Ie done, ‘The responsible commanding fers failed to act How then cin the subordinates be sme? Ownership of Houses by Men No attempt to enforce this section ofthe ele appeaté to have been ‘made, and ete agai the connection between the tough saloon aml ‘romttin fs cerly shown. In the 2and street and South Chicago ‘ites thee mont apparent and instances + each are a fellows ‘Bob Gray, owner of the iloen st 2196, Dearors street owns th resort known as "Bod Gray" at 207 a top Armocr avenvc, in garnerhip wih a wellkacwn Called “The Jew Ki.” ssies Wilbon sas Wi Deasborn sect rin by han ti ' Bath comic the Bera Cort fo vitor ot te or “White Sve” Act “Ti hn b contd deity in he 2a street dati. In South Chicago the pole “econ of houses shows among eters the following "The Strand, ssloon, Joe Dfrer; sporting house, Daisy Deter, "pfo Havine Ave, salon, Ben Qui; sporting house, Ma of ror Ave, salon, S.G. Mot; sporting hoot Desig ltr Ave, soo, Jo Baler: sorting Goede Baler (Beat owner, the Be’) now instances the reputed wie of he opor ats a8 the madame” and poves tthe owner, bt many instances have eone 10 the Commissions attention of the ease ith which new “madame” a 2 ew “wile” are obtained a the same tine. In fc, some owners of fevera howe te convient proved with sve ies No faling beck om the alge fate of the vagraney law of the state can satisfactorily expat stsation ‘These me ae not vara [As to the “pimp” who ive in levee on the eating of one or ore prosttste, the advnbiity of scoring 4 more stringent vagraney I fay wel be considered. "The mien, tea ate ofthese net sre well non tthe pic. Houses on Street Cat Lines ‘An ttemot was made to sow that that yar of Section 10 ofthe vice onder of Ape 8, 190, hth Hoare of proton Aone street car tines, was fatendel to cover ony the etalshisent of new places, and that shone in existence a the time the order wen int ect treet le pert Uo rcain unl ah Ge a yang Be so Ty ‘alc order or he arch uf ie“ thi es atthe eration Sour Honor, ceariy appears, sod any suck interpretation would siply ‘ean the perptttion ofan ietlerale contin. “The vice nel end enough without bring Raunt inthe faces of hundreds of thowsandr of decent end awabiding men and women ‘who ate compelled to daly patronize the eat Lines ot the steets where these places have existed.” Madison strect fo parti, {som Halsted street to Hoyne avense, was Heed wilh them; practically the entire sleet, the maim artery ofthe WestSide, for flly 2 mile and half wae tgiven up tothe taf ad the tough sions, In ll, the resords ofthe Commission sbow that there were T79 soeh Houses on street ear ines, prataly al of which have been bated since the investigation started ‘Show Place ‘The vice order prohibits short skits transparent gowns and ote Inproper stein bie rooms ant also proiiteccmne exiitions ot pietues. oth ofthese rales were habitaly violated in the South Side ‘iver and in other pats ofthe cj, andthe so-called “entertainments were to vl for desertion, in practically every ntanceinelading sme ct of perversion subject to's heavy penalty under the erimina laws of {he Sate. That this should be tolerated under ay cart of police sd Isteation sem incre, yet the evidence i conssve tht It has bee ving on for yeats without the slightest police restriction. Again the frcure is that the “copper” cannot stop because of ie bull and is equate Stret Soliciting. Ta the matter of street soting there has been ich # marked et provement since the Comision’ preliminary report that a repetition ‘of deals is unnecessary. The Department his shown, dering the past two months, that open, notorious and brazen set slicing 8 roa tates ean be suppressed and hept toa minus by aft police stv “The suggestions ade agai, however, tat 99 disretin be veste in whe courts ast the ne to be inyoned in the eases of eonried sest Walkers, and that the ordinances in epard thereto be aed 30 34 fo [wovide fora gradually inereasing penalty for exch coterie fence tithe maximum is reache. The Fasons for advocating reh a chan in present mets ace these 1, The street slicer i a mst prolife sours ofthe spreni of renee doen ‘They work singly in pairs with wo ptetbo 7 sical or others, (aus they are “ted to cern Tone rome) alo eto rea {ng to deorte dein." es Street sting isthe worst posible advertising 2 ‘iy in have, and en its face shoe ine eine in he ulce bepaingat and ln administration general ‘Nickel Theaters, Police sctiity in driving prostates from the street has resol their extending dei haunts to nickel thenters, aud the amount of otc thecein a lcteasing slemiagly,paeesarly in thre tits Inheresret walking was common. The fact that there pose aren the main freoented by young people make i imperative that tere be due and constant spervson over them andthe freqeating of sock pce by prostates be prevented Stloon Soicing. ‘The order of April 28,191, prohibits escorted women entering saloons One of the judges ofthe Muniipsl Court has bed that por fon of the order unenforcie, even ag appllabe to daoedery alone Unescorte women do nt cngregue inthe rear roo of saloons or In rooms above with a bar in connection, for any mor parpove. Any ‘our in Chicago mighe property take jail notice of the fact, whic ‘every man knows, that tromen eongregate in these places forthe par~ pase of soliton, either ofthe purchase of drinks or prosituton, of feat ‘The city of Chicago, under is charter, i othe with police power to regulate sslons apd to abate orderly houses a places of all Kinds." There can be nothing much mote disorderly, dsolte or Ait feputale tan the sloon tat cater to proitites wh ly al nightly ‘By their trade herein with the connivance ad eneourageet of the ropritors and employes thereat. We would respectaly suggest tht the mater ofthe leelty ofthat put ofthe order pobibitingsnesorted ‘women in salon be submited Io the Corporation Couns fr an opi ton and for suggestions as to remedial legilation, ‘Thee can be no doubt of the vaity of that portion of the order hich robbs sacking fn Sleos, nor canary reaeonale man ee the Sghtestexcse forthe fllate ofthe poe to enforce it Ye, ince {ain pts ofthe ity sich salons have heen atid ae now Leng ernie to run in open abd eotorous vision ofthe order, wi the fll kao tcige of the police tv, ap fo very Teen fe st regulation oe any alee “Again the excise i hat nether the miformed no the phi 8 oes ‘mex can delet and soppress suc soitng, Pecans they are kn the proprietors, employes, inmates aod Babies, and that no violations ‘cca while these men atti the place oF inthe silty; and eo, what rery man Knows, and many wowen ae wel goes on unchecked becuse the police are unate to perform tel sworn Guy. ‘Many cotmanding ofces denied om the witness stand chat such saloons existed in thir precvts; oters shifted the Dame tothe men fn the beat sid thse in plain ether These in turn very promptly fussed tack the cespooaility to the commanding ofBcers and the ser- ‘Schedule “A” shows that thse ate sway ag eloon tht eater to te trade of prostates, and evidence shows atthe proprietors have Doteced thee regular “hosiery” when im teoule, and fa turn have Seared protection from police ntrfeence ether through dest pay tment or poll in ence. These saloons fequetly have a cose works ng agreement with «transient or assignation hotel So that the combina- toni nothing more or los than 2 "Stamesein house of prostitution Iwhere the roping” is dae none place the at of prostitution performed In the other, andthe pros of each equitably dive, Tn many instances the salonkeeper conrls bth the saloon and the hotel” Simon Tockorn, operating the notions No. 23 Quincy tect (ne number sald be 24 snder the new oumbering ordinance but the ‘change was aot made unl recently) aluo operates the Pister Hote at S05 Soath Fifth avenue, Under his "house rales” the women “ted” (0 HRS saton, ie» pratt to regulary solic therein, ust take thee tmen fo the Pfister and are ned in spd out of both places with the exaet- feos of 2 welletndusted commercial inwtton. In addon they are {enealy requ to room a the botel atthe presrbed rate yer wee, fot ae permed, ae 2 recompense, to share ther quarter with thee “pipe” free of extra charge after one lock a.m, provided the “pnp” isnot cbanged to enced once each week. “Outside of the 22nd street dict and the so-called “Back Bel! song State street from 2nd 1 oth sret, the precincts where the rene mumler of saloons depenting upon the proste trade for fristence ave te ath and Bi Scheele “A” shows the numbers in tach daring the period prededing October 1, 19t1. There has been 2 feided.impeoveneat in codons in all parts of the iy see that ‘Asa natural adjunct, either closely led or owding inthe neigh torood, are te assignation hotels a Mate hi ae tated iter ‘Connection Between Saloons and Assgnation Houses, Police rules probit est ini conmection betwen sons nd sssignton bout of transient hotels above, The rules in thi ave ot bee filly and inpartlly enforced, Matic and Reterealmest in Salone ‘The Commision renews is recommendation that there shoolé be Issued 4 welldefied order governing the matter of music and enter= tainments io salons and rooms in direct connection therewith. ‘There 1s no uniformity of glee sdnistraion inthis respect, resulting in the fatal surpicon that some saloon and restaurant beepers are favored {or uiterior reson. ‘Transient Hotes and Atsignation Houses, A natural adjunct to slicing by prostitutes on the srets and in talons it found in the so-called tstlent hotels tnd asigntion bones nd fats, Where the soiting is most prevalent, there such paces are the most numerous. ‘Three typical dstiets may be taken: the South ‘Sige az far south as goth stress the North Side to North avenve; the ‘West Side, paricauly along Madison sweet, as far west as Hoyne "The North Side was probly the best stration ofthe necesary coonetion teen the perpntesic prostate andthe aatignation howe. In the 36th precinct, whee test walking and saloon “hosting” were probaly grester than in anyother ditt in Chiago, the responsible mmanding ficersadmited the existence of approximately fifty sich transient hotels and fats na aren of lee than af aque ile, on tit “plies” while ou investigators Iocted and reported practically oné dred and then probably fale to exit the i Maty of thee placer have sold guor wthoat a ity Hens, openly 1 notoriosly, bat seldom without sciting a Federl real leense “The responsible ofiers in eah instance filed to offer anything except the time honored and wellasor excuse hat thee ine, while honest at faith, by reason of thir ghysque, general characterties and neigh ‘orhaad adusitane ould never "get the goods” Since the investigation ware, and parclaely sace Jaminy 15, 45a, there hasbeen a deided Improvement inal arts of the ity, ed pariclarly i the oop, the 2nd an th precincts; many soa hotel fave cemed catering to transient trad, ad many assgetion hoses Ad te have eetsed operations enely, doe to plce activi, Booking Inmates. ‘The potce metho of keeping trac of nan pros isn face ‘The General Superintendent of Police teed tt in every presse where these people were, 2 card Inder vas x part of the tation Foe, nd that this index gave al the information “pocenary. Every com » respect, sanding ofcer of such 2 precaet teed that uo such record was pt and that there was no fil recordin any precinct except the 3h ‘Thr was incomplete and ity inaccaracy admitted Plain clas tom igned to ths duty herp individual pocket memoranda books that ae te even inteligible and are based upon no wnform system. “The Commission renews its etggetin that Hf this vice ie be reangolaed and to be subject to ple regulation and resto, unt form method of beeping ail records skool be Stalled au ts ca etnees and securaey paarated ‘Revrcted Disrct, ‘The order of April a8, 1010, provides that no house of il-fame shall be permited outide of curtnin reseed dtc or upon at street car line, ‘The Comision har been able t Iara that there Is more than one restricted district im Chicago, and tat one by eferance ox, fumdy he and street dat yg west of Stat, aorth of 22d, south fof 18th stents and eatt ofthe Lake Shove and Rock Tela tracks, ‘This paragrapd ofthe order can only be measingess snd unentore she nl the “resected dite” are dearly defied. As a tater of fact, hosts of tame existed al thre sdea of the ely, in dre lon of thi paragraph ofthis order, and did so exist fr years. On the South Side on Indiana arene, Cofage Grove aver, Michigan avenue, Wabash avenue State stet and efos streets ete om the ‘West Side on Monroe, Madison, Randolph and Lake streets and rose streets between on the North Side on Michigan, Iino, Eri, Seiler, a Sale, Wels and Clark street Since the investigation began pubic houses of preston by pice scivty, have been largely driven from the West and North Side, eo ‘ome of the landladies and many of the inmates have sought refuge in the South Side vegrepated dst. Call Houses. One ofthe worst features ofthe pretation roble in Chicago is the exitence of merous “call outen" ‘These are sual fats oscil ‘yy one roman who pon demand calle in girs or sromen by tleplone for the purpose of proton. Among the women "ow cal” 38 thee fate are many of appareatly good fly, employes in down tow saree land offices, who devote certain nights week fn increasing a meagre tage by prostitution, ‘This practice ie not confined to ste abe bat Tacos eocaled “teases” hotel of the tne elaborate type. The “all houses” are onary residential setions of the North vr Sout Sides, andthe ste of Toor therein was common avd wrested a the investigation was appreciated sincere. a White Slavery ‘The Commision Nas vot ateopted any investigation regarding pandering of white savers, except at might be fntenal To police ‘miostraan. Through i investigator, however, ithas posited and {ured over erideae reruling in retence for pandering of one year In the Howe of Correion and three hundrel dole Bae. Other information that fas come to Tt as heen forvrded to the agencies charged with this day. Medical Examination, ‘The sytem of metic examination of prostitutes ad the face of cxrats of aleged fcedom fon veers! dese fsa specie of [Bat that sould be eliminated” Tovestigtion on this Tin chows the atoning: 1. That cetain physicians catering to this as of ‘est mae nh contre sie rm oem now tobe false, sod divs the proms With the andi, _ 2. That in many caves cerifeates a ied wesky, ‘witht examination That the police Sa certain districts have been in caltaion with tho gity of tere prices DANCE HALLS, ‘The Juvenile Prtetve Associaton, though the Kindoes of Nrv Louise DeKoven Bowes, is present, alowed the Coven ass to 4 very complete index of approxinatly goo pele dance halls inthis ly. From this uch data as nas deed csentl was taken and added to the Commission's record of dance halle altetdy winder way. A aye ferntic canvass was thn started ofall plecs in eny manner deemed suspic, In all 13 dance halle were vised and reports theron obtained, ot coy fom the regular investigators bet from menbers of the diet. ing Saft as well ‘hose deemed mow deserving of sbicrvaton were invetgated several tines on varying dates by diferent persons, ‘An aempt to elif any excep the sniveraly icons type under any ermaneat beading is Ipousble because of the varying tamale Of the mentershp or directing bead of the association of li renting the Hall Tis oot ited that there are to excel fen vos dance nll ether in continuous operation nightly, or on erin nights in the week, now being conducted inthe cy of Chicago This doe not incade the scale halls inthe sgreated dire en the South Sie which are mere adjncs of postation, whece fee ytrutern 0 sore propery inmate, are professional proathoes “ted to the ace. 2 “There is no excite, frm a police or any ether standpoint, forthe cexitence of sy f these place, ama a proper split of eotetinal ‘ensures exo! Help ut wipe then ot “As to the type of hall roc terme “ough” Wy abe vst ea deeming its stat. For instance, spine marked "ae" of “ecelet” on the Juvenile Protective Assocation s records, hen veel armed at to beon tat night from "tagh” wo “vis”; and those marked “ough fon the nights wen vied turn ont to be orderly and well-condcted ‘The same hal vised by the sane investigators on Io or more Cc lon olen showed 4 complete reversal of form “The rough dence hall is rote dificulk of classifcation than any cater, ”"Viwed ly 4 person of cltre and refinement, of litle expe ‘ice outside his own iupediat evironment, and based gon his sta Sd of propity, would quily be place in the tough or even vision lass Viewed from the standard of propriety of the people attending them, there ls perhaps not as mich imorality comet with 0° Ero ing oot of thee places as from the ost exclusive society dance where Arnks are served ely. “The whole dance tall question centers around the special bar pet sit,” Seaions 1545, 1547 and 1548 empower the Mayor of Chicago, ‘pon written agletion and bon and the payment of a smal 5 © fib a seca bar perme forthe ret ale of vinous and malt ligeos to be depend at any gathering or eotertaiment held y fate, ‘eueatonal or charitable ergasnations. Proof to the sallstiction of the ‘Mayor of the good character and repatabie standing ofthe society 254 5 to the eepetalty of the gathering mst be frnshod, and nothing fn the ordinance io be “construed to authorize the isuance of ae pet mits to persons or alleged pleasure clube or corporations forthe sale of Imoxieaing liquors at dance hall were sieepstahleperose gather atl Young boy and gis are lered to vce and crime” ‘The ordinance farther, permis the sle of ligaor to conine until eee a.m, “This ordinance places pon your Honor the eat responsibility for ance fall copii in the lyf Chicago Where the sale of liquor is permited. tis manifenly imposible for your Honor personally to tiny youself ast the god character aid reputable sanding of the foci, or respectaiity ofthe gathering, oF trhther not ie aso. {Sato for Is not “am alleged pleaaire say” oF that the place He one “ahere disreputable pecans gather and young Boye and ge are lars te vee and crime” ‘Other sections of the City Code place pon the General Super texdent of Paice the duty of eesoring and proiiting immoral moving ste shows and other improper esliiGons, at there i. 2 reason why the burden should not be ie frm your shoulders and faced whese ie properly elgs—In. the Police Department, under Proper supervision “The assigning of «patrolman for this dy, with ‘Set rexard to his qvaFcatine and eagles, is improper. ‘The men felted soa eof unex moral characte, sole, frm and get traniy. Tn ation, might e well o suggest that there be created = ‘oly of women iapeclors who shoold be asigned to all such Ball "The lceme fe nom paid ls exceedingly sal in ew of the admited ‘nora dangee forrunding halls where liquor ie rld, ether om the Soar there the dance i eld or in the wine rooms below, and an added fe nficeatto meet the expense of such inspectors could be charged COCAINE, OPIUM AND OTHER DRUGS. “Taat the Police Department har made but le iateligen or eon cert effort fo suppress the open cle of cosine, opm ad other drags of tike ature, vlaton of law, the Commision dees has een clealy ‘etl by the reas of facies In substantially one month's time, in conection with its other wor and with its rege force aside fom the otaionalaesistance of habits users, a8 willbe hereafter explained, Ht investigated approximately ty place onthe thre sides of the city Imhere it mas ceasonable to store tat thee drags were being sold Tnlswély, seared conelsive evidence aginst thirty-five such lacs, tnd caused the sree of over one hundred persone OF this umber ‘Sghty were Dooked ander aordrly changes sr inmates or prospective purchasers arrested Goring raids, and nineteen held under state charges tellers of cocaine or otber dogs ia voation ofthe states "The sgegate fins impored on disoedesy and state counts were cover $5000, The tlal totths of imprionment Indicted were thiny~ thre, “The Commission secured evidence fm oer cases which are now ‘pending or have not yet been prosecuted, and turged over the same {the Sate Board of Pharmacy. In this work the Boar, through Mr Chriatensen, member, nd Mr. Maka, fr agen, har given the Con minion every esoouagerent and assistance within is power, but the Commision now deste to call atenton tothe follwing station ‘The sate nw forbid the sale of cocaine and its eompounds or desy- tives, except pon the ern preston of a duly reistered phi tla, which hal be led bt once Te free provides dat cocine m7 be lly old at wholeate upon the wren order ofa zene phat= imac or eened druggist, daly registered. physician, Heesed eter tian Ora lensed dentist, under eetan restriction ato label, et, fu at the secrd of such sales. There is wothing inthe tw which Prohibits retail drag! fro filing a physkn’s prescription for sey Daf i iy ee hh he ingame sabres mee eo ante See oe alg a ee Ge Su tml ene ay te el Te i Smyril os ign so lene th Con us oe te eon a oie a ole ea eg ca (fain ono pel tg mien rel) Hah dae eds ce te ‘$200, will not stamp out this damnable trafic. e inal ers eye ee pe en Ree seal ie et ee (Sette te gant yb wy otal wth se ATRL un te Ste nd of Hcy mice Wa a er of ea Spo 2s Prion, Te has no funds wit wich to hike ivetigatons, ad what Wor ean do ste doe ys seers aa it few ployer “The reaon forthe coacivione store gitan may be more clearly shown by the cation of fv typical instaness discovered Dy the Con Th the search of the House of one of the largest sles of oo- caine, (nether a pharoacin, plysias, deatit or veterinary srgeon) Were found over thirty ounces of cocaine, and! no penalty tached hereto. Tt wes sind and bel! bot with probe dbl legality. (A licensed pysician arrested el-hned inthe sale of to oances of corsine to a degenerate nugroretaler ofthe drug, admited the pr. ‘hase fom reputable wholesale aod retail draggits of ovr thirty ones fin ove month. These drag deters acted entirely within the letter of the law, yet the pequrements of & reputable physician or snegeon wool scarcely be oaesighth ofan ounce during that period. Inquiries made Of large and leading veal drag sores in the oy inate thatthe (quirements for ordinary preeipton purposes a seldom in excess of (ounce in se month ‘A marked disparity inthe sat law pears from the fact tht an ltoerant pedder of eoetne apon the sale of four grain oF less of the drag is sujet to a penalty of ene years imprisonment and one thew ‘alars Sse, wile an ict wholesaler who smuggler the drag across state border and sls it in $500 lots ean receive no greater peal ‘With respect to the conection ofthe Police Department wth the sale of coin, it may be sald tht the Commission has etbtantilly [proved that ia atleast one cate an iii dealer has for seven yeas pid the police for alleged protection, aocording to his sworn satemen, high a8 $3,000 per annum. Nota single instance was brought fo the at tenon ofthe Commision of any fne imped upon ths person through the direct efforts of the pote, tough they were in and out ofthe pace Aly. Ta each instance where he was fied, le was too the aces of outside organizations For example 2 civic organization procred erence of sale of ‘wean by this person and reported the tame tothe Geerat Superntent- ‘ent who in turn directed the commanding oer of the precinct fof ‘estate and take such steps ar might neeeary to sores the sale ‘oF eocine at this place. Jl, 191, this ocr eporte tt the night Tefore bis subordinates had secre evidence to warrant them i ete this person and that he ha heen fc $25. Thin des sate pom he witness stand that he froqunty sods may as gon perenne ty ith gross daly sles a high a8 Sao, of which $160 wt THis Fine of $25 was the oly step taken by this oferta sippess te ale of ‘octine by ths man, and he continue to sll molested, aside from one fine of $t00, duet the efforts of the Stte Board of Pharicy, vat this Commission pt hin cut of lisines. ‘This man, after cometing two cases before jures an ling convicted in each, entered glen of sguity on am adionl count, and was sentenced lo six smote nthe Hloute of Correction and anseed free egarezating $0, ‘Vall his Cammisson bagan its Woden connection with this tac ota single sentence offmpriscnmet under the sate state had ever ‘een imposed since the pasage of the Cocaine Act. ‘Leaving aside the question of poze protection, the explanation of pie offices regarding thelr flare to suppress th tafe nas, Ast the lightness ofthe Snes and secon, the nally to secure evidence be use they were allowed no money with which to ee “stots babies! ties and they could get the evidence In no other way. e's lear thatthe courts wl ipose jl semencs where warranted when cases are propery presented, and a cosine “fend” under arrest Under a vagraney charge wil gledly make the purchases for » Ule leniency, as this Commision eatly leaned. ‘The cost of securing the ‘evidence is sight The merely goes to etphasce the contention tht the syst of steret service inthe Department fe pon a nper ect basi 1f this Commission, by the employment for only part of ther tine of never to exceed fou inventgators, for thirty days a atl cost, ‘of not to exced $1200, can seine the evidence reiting inthe cone victons above listed, it & tne thatthe Potce Departinent ould be umished wit a secret service tat snot only secret bt efetne a el "The use of eacine destroy the boty, the mind and the soul of the victim. Te makes degenerate, list, thieves, vagrants ad pagers of ‘erwise uefa cizens, and casts upon the eommoniy burden hich 1s constantly increasing. Acquired by assoaton mote generally than any other drug hai, there is an ever increasing cice of users The present ete of prehase andthe aring profits ily soo pot cet), wl nti to temp the unscrupulous to wot the law, especally wi the Blight danger of adoqate penalty, a8 hasbeen the case heretofore. Con stant and vglant efor shuld be manained to reduce the re to (he minim, "Atention is called tothe fact thst side from the Bridewell, there bs ao boupial or dispensary in the city whete free treatment forthe oe ‘ne Habit an be fad and pace where sch teatment eae haa 2 price witha the means ofthe average person inulin he hai SALOONS. Bliminating the saloons which cater fo women forthe purposes of roattution and the sulictation for these of liu, the hie? ol a tion of laws and ordinances has bean the Asregar of the ane sock ‘ordioance.” Orbets are the rendervos of thes of vars Kinks “They ll be tested weparately AlL.Might Saloons, By this is meant the saloons that katy keep open between the hours of one ad fie a.m. ia vation of cy ordinances, As a general ‘ule salons that eater to men alone close promptly at one oslac, te less there i guling fa conection, Vielations by saloon that cater to men alooe sod where gambling f nt enon, are ccesinal only de to the dese ofthe propietr to bea "good felon” with a convivial ‘rowd that willing to spend an Hour or two and some money. ‘Ths, while a voation ofthe ordinance, notin elf partclalyetbversve ‘of morals. The all-night slon that Keope open to eater to the prostate id her sale companions, and tothe “skin” gambler and his visti, is fe one 16 be placed under the Baa. No man of ordinary cy expeience can angue for a moment that sach places can keep open withott the knowledge and tacit consent of ‘the pie. ‘The usa! method is to dove the pble bar promply atone, turn oot the tights and give the ixpresion from a casial view fom the street that the pce eased. Throagh the meditn of back room, roms above the sslaon, a convenient restutatt or chop suey pace, ‘or the assignation hotel or fat rm in conection, a new sree of suey {opened andthe sle of igor goes on 28 ong as there arp purchasers ‘This bas been the commen practice Ja eosnection with sloon inal pars of the iy catering Wo the trae of promtittes or ther following. ‘The potice seme to have a idea that if te bar was closed, the sle 9 liquor in aovalled restaurants or chop suey jit, with or without food, aso violation ofthe ordnance, ‘The Commision would respectflly suggest the amenditet ofthe resent rules, othe promulgation of further rules tht wil lel show fo the members of the Department thatthe ordinance govering the le of liquor bate the hours of one and five a.m, pple fo every aot in the dy not covered hy a apecial bar permit DEPARTMENTAL ORGANIZATION. [At the commencement of the investigation, the personnel of the Police Deparneat consitel of “one. inspector for each pole vision, ene captain foreach pllce dott, and. such ‘mum bers of eotenans, sergeants and gateolmen ander employes 8 might be appropriate for by the Cty Cone frm tne to Gime. Tn al, the ative force comprised one general superintendent, one asst iereral superatendnt, eight ispertors, eighteen cptiny, seventy 2% Heatenant,thece unde aod eighty sergeants, and substantially four thoutand patrlmen, all, wit the exception ofthe general superintendent In the caste cv service. For purposes of police justin, the cy was divided into eight divisions each in charge of an inspector, and each division vas again fubdivided ino two of more dstlets In command of a eaptin, These were agua divided into two or more pie presncts each thoretcaly in command ofa leatenant ot Fiatenant, each precinct having in aie tion ft complement of sergeants, patoimen, operators and other em plyes. Theoretically, under the ves, the Tesenant on duty was te Sponible for conditions In the predic, the eatan for conitons tn the distr, the inspector for condos in the divson, ‘The general investigation had proceeded but» litle way when it became apparent thatthe offce of inspector, origialy crated as a 3 perisoryoue, asthe ile implies, and intended to provide the general 2 Derlntendent withthe coutil and asatanee of tained ple offers of long experience on broad questions of amination, ad deteriorated to such an extent that in mort instances fe was Tile more than that of Drecinct commaner.. So apparent did this become, sa diac result, ‘Of the investgntion, tat the ofce became extinct by fale ofthe City Council (without a dsening vote) to appropriate for it inthe annual Idee of tora, “The reawons leading tothe Commissions eoceson thatthe ofce cof Tnapector be ablated are set forth in te preliminary report and nee ‘ot be further considered ‘Asa result of abolishing the ofice of Inspector, ta additonal pot tons of Ceptan were erated andthe inspectors then remning were om Jannary 25,1912, desced to that sank, broging the tal number of ‘captains appropised fori 1012 to breny-ight istits and Precincts (On January 22,191, the divisions were abolished and, by order of the General Superintendent, the cy was dived into twenty-two pie ditricte. The Hass of the more ingortant precincts and ities are Henin, bt ober disteetscoatala frm two to three precincts, A map ofthe dietriets and precinct ie attached hereto as Appendix "B Tt wil bbe teen that inorder to provide the neerary complement of captains 1 command dhese dita, twenty-two are reguited, Tn addition, one plain ix detalled tothe Detective Bure and one in cnmnand ef the ‘Mounted Squad. “The Commission doesnot believe that the work of reorganization tas gone far enough with merely abolishing the inspection dion an the erention of ne dite, but is of the opinion tnt such action i » makeshift. ‘The sane dficie of administration and of fixing there. Sponsiblty of eapnine for precinct in which they ae nt statloned wil, ‘undoubtedly are, and the practice OF having a captain and hee fe tenants in one predict and ee it another, the save dst, wil leave the same faults which ocr nde the od plan of territorial dvs, “The Commission adheres tots orignal stggestie thatthe districts, 1 well a divisions, be abolished, sod thatthe reeponiiliey for condi Hons in each pesact be place upon ote ocr oro wil report iectiy to general hendguates. Inthe more important precincts thers should bet captain and three listenant; im the unimportant, from police ‘andpont, bt one Heenan until sich time as ester complement tay be warranted, but with dict terior teponliliy fo» central sath. First District, ‘A marked example ofthe difaly in scetinng personal cespans- bitty of commanding ofcere occurred in the former Cental Division which laleded the scale dow town of Loop dirs, extending fom {he River on the north and ses, the Lake onthe est and Van Bren ‘Bret on the south, This wa an igpetor's division, capain’s di trict tnd a item's preinetroled ito one, with & mounted trafic ‘quid under command of an independent capita, Tn the district vas te headquarters of the Detective Boreas, ‘The epain of the dist was provided with avery anall complement of plan clothes men onthe theory thatthe Detective Bureau would take care of vice codons. “The question at to what ocr was responsible fora given eats of work was a matter of avimoninsdispte before the Commision ‘The Fnapector sought to show that the responsi for gambling amd cher vee conditions lay withthe capaia nominally fa eommsnd of the di tre and with the captain in charge ofthe Detective Bure. ‘They, in taro, sulaimed al responsiblity for such eaediton, the capain ofthe Aste aiming tht he was responsible fr trate conditions inthe main, std the captain of the Detestve Bareas taking the poston tat hie ‘Bares was intended to tae care ofthe eriminal wor all parts of the cig to which ie might be specially assigned by the General Seperi= teadent, The result was 2 puzdle which no one could satifctoelly ‘lve, ‘The Inte Inspector, reduced to capi, war charged fom the force, bt the stanton foil unset “This citi i the most important inthe ety Hecase of congested tealfeeontons and beng the heart ofthe Dsiness interests of Chea In tare pracially all ofthe ofc belldings, most ofthe prominent ho fels ad theaters all of the ingortant ban, Sarcasm res fod wholesale Boats, at well asthe Federal Tiling, City all aul »” County Bailing. Also in this distil, oF within not to excl a fee ‘ook are all of the passenger termials of the twenty five ala centering Chicago. If thre fe 8 tit hn the hy requtiny perfect pice ergeizatin, this the one; and jet ie 6 in tho mt chant fendi “The trac squad as certain dats, the mounted sal anh the same bit under separate conmmaniing ofcers the regular patrol dela al other dies and ast cern fons of vce the Detestve eat 1s now held responsible nthe option of the Commision, there shouldbe divin of a thority inthe Best dst based upon character of dies.” The handling fof tale Isa spelty sed men on fot swell as mounted ae require, ‘atthe control should be identi. Tn other words, there should e & ‘wae squad, toth fot and mounted, under one sesponsible ead, ‘erable for that duly alone. There is no neseaiy. for confining the Jrdition, 2p far ab command and tection are eoncerd to an le ‘hocal division, Te is @ duty totaly apart fom the preservation of beace andthe apprehension of criminals in the ordiar sete of the ‘word and is confined tothe daylight hous. There need be mo conic, Of jridition, ase clearly shown by medina in other ce, “The requied patrol and plain clothes wore can best be dove wnder 4 separate commanding ofcer charged withthe se dies of presen, ing the peace and preventing and detecting crime te are lngosed spon cummunting ofcers of dintricts where the volume of trafic ot sch 8 to require a considerable special detail for that parpor "The Detective Burea shoul be completely divorced frm any dy that is a matter f ordinary police rotine and no responsi should te placed upon it as 10 viee conditions ia any’ parler trical isin, [Reports and Correspondence, ‘The methods in vogue fs the Police Depsrtinent, with regard 0 reports orders and corespndence, are fos he extrne ann mish particulars do act conform to the rls, Ril 2, of the Rules and Regulations, provides that there sll be tape at each station twenty-eight varieties of records and report Care {sl consideration shouldbe given to the mater of sping the record ‘ystem and reducing the nanber of record, ‘The recor stems an Inheritance fom de tne when the Departient we comparatively sat and no systematic effort toward soliton fas beet a, New wre heen rcated and ew forse adapt fro ne tte without die consideration of the value theron the atonal work sntailed."‘The rel isa cumbersome sso wih any nels ents a as well as plication of work, a sch valle information which ‘hold be kept cpl avail ent ithe mes of eotine ta ‘No ert is made a othe records pt in the ofc ofthe Sec- retary the Invent of Ientifetion or the crn of ReceleTe there ‘fies th ystems adopted show thought sad prograsiveners and come rendable desire to seve the best interests of the Deprtneat; Dt exh Fe tandicopd in that there snot tat coordination and broad principles ‘of eonulidaton tat the service regres. "There sao stisfactory reason why the sation dily reports should ‘be filed withthe Chie Operator who isnot eqppes to handle the same tnd whose offce shold no be a place of record A consolidated report thonld be prepared daily, showing at a glance the disposition of the force end the character of work signed. Tn the mater of orders, the Commission fins feom the testimony that the great majority of orders are given by telephone and that 0 record thereat ie kept. The same ir tue toa less degre in he mater ‘of reports, A system shouldbe dered whereby, withthe leat mont ff effort, every otdet and teport sent over the eephons would be re corde ‘None ofthe statins i upd with typewriters, ll eport being in Jong hand. The move insogurated inthe 1912 budget oolng towards the gradu replacement of ptrolsen acing 24 commanding offers ‘creares by ivan clerks and stenographereshoold rel na i ‘provement in corespondence method if proper insrcton i given, ‘The rues specially provide that in all ofa communications ties and not names sll be wed wherever paciale, The meaning of this is that a communication shoud be addres not 10 “Liewterant Jones, Commanding sth Precinct,” but 9 "The Commanding, Ofer ‘th Preset" ao that when 2 commnneaion reseed ft wil e opened iy the sergeant who ie in command ot that tne. The evidence shows that important commanications ned inmate attention, whieh were ‘dresed by name and not tile, had not reve the atertion rele “The rules ako speciealyprotde that sonmanietions mist be signed personally by the ofcer from whom they purport to come, ‘The CComanision fas possesion a mass of eommniatons from inspee= tors, canine and Heutenants, at ope of which ssgnel by the fer in person ut by sone patrtman acing 38 his secretary. As a mater of Fact, the iepactor' ly repr schiehfflowed the same fn a {he sme verte ay after, eve Frequently even bgt he tet of thes oie ‘Secon 10 of Rule 7 proves for the oping by desk sergeants of cade beating the preset and ost number, on which shal be bey stole ll special orders, intrctions, cimlaits, et, elt to each pant a6 they occur from day to thy, at providing or the siatare ‘Of the parcnan on the joa fra tne to tie, to Hele that he fitly tar with al els ad spell onery rearing bis pose. With this ole comcietionty enforced witha hampering inlence fro the station, the patrolman on pur can clan pall sine sStuatons with eae abi acruracy. This rile, however, peat ignored. ‘The Commission has heal testimony an has receive commana: ions in vas bee tat complains, elder in wrt, by eephne or by word of mouth, when they effet gambling, street walking, cvoedrly Towses, all-night salons snd sitar violation, recive but scant cour tesy athe station in precincts where tase conditions slound. Some ‘eetplaint has also been ade thatthe sane rule aplie to pty thievery, tivities of pickpockets, and even of burglaries and robes, ‘The method in vogue of des sergeants ting verbal complaints en slips of paper, plating them on a spine and tating them up hen at ler reports theres, needs no comment. “The mater of rung out and reporting onal eoplins i fash ital importance tothe fds eitzen tat the comm expen Iy the citizen that i sof mouse to make complaint shuld never be Beard In the ly of Chicago, Sta Organizetion, ‘The position of General Soperintendent of Pulice is analygnts to that ofthe commander of an army. Experience of centres his shown the absolute neceaiy of providing sch» commander with an adeqate ‘nd inteligent staff, propel equiped to perform the dues involce in {he administration Of such an erganzation. The rare rile Hols In any lage business enterprise ‘There are more than $009 employes in the Depirtnet of Poi snd the sppropraton for running that feparient forthe yexe i Si7r4fi7ho. In addition to the perfomance of ylice dy thee de ‘oles upon the Departinnt the city and care of Sy. eoperty of {reat vale, oth ved and movable, the purchase an ditition of Saplis and material ofall Kinds, ail the preaemtion ail preservation of voluminous aid valuable econ. The Department i ave shatged fit the spervisin of mans questions of mor, atl Ks dies and bigations wih rego thecio should be extol aml cance ‘The organization of the Depart tr ext ei ute tea rape hang of the event Fete wth whi by eed. sn {oo much diet personal respasltity sl toy many quttions of dei 3 are placed pu the Gaeta Sapritedent. In large meastre this i {ie to etek of proper sal organ. ly cer, the fonctions of the Depart may be sid be fur, aos etal pie work, which ean be sbi at (a) "Ths detection of ere sind the ap protien of cesar : 1) The proveration of pence by mat of a patoling force. (©). The having and contol of ta (2) Theenfoncement of ety ordinances. 12. The cae, custody and mlatenance of ceny and the cxpebditre of matera and spice 4, Te pemation and preston of epee vt The supervision of moral conditions. For the purpoes of administration, functions 3 and 3 might well be combined ‘The Commission believes tat the time has avived when careful and pnstaking consideration shuld be giten to a complete reorganization ofthe Deparment of Police along logeal and scent ies, whi will ive the cy of Chicago and its naitants the best type of police amin- [seston divorced from and unempered by plieal considerations. It therefore submits fr consideration snd dscasnion the fllowing: “That the execative direction of the Department be placed ia the hands of « Commissioner of Paice and the above fonctions of admin tration be divided among thee Depuy Commissioners, s below st forth. ‘The Deputy Conshners wile charged with acta conmaed, ‘elesng the Commissioner of minor deal of administration and giving bi beter opportunity for the setlement of broad questions of adminis tion and 2 say ofthe best interest of the Deparemers and the nd ‘als composing the rare, wil, as wel, act a's general ato” 3. sory bord to the Commissioner. "Attached hereto as Appendix "C" isa chet ofthe suggested or- aviation, showing the functions and lines of slborky. In this plan fhe dates and responses of the eesti Deputy Commissioners tre a follows: Derery Cossuisien No. 1. The eforceent of ls anil arinaes, ZF weve crn a the pees of "3 Theasignment sdb of the active forse 2 The ropaion of Wale ” Dervry Comision Nos 2 1, The ascertaining ad racing of econy, inl vidual and groupe . . “2 The ate stil custaly of city property ant the ex endure of sme “The inspection of the personnel, stations, eq smenand departs property” . “4 The nstrction of oficrs and men, |$ The supervision of departnental record. The rept and fventigation of all complaints of citi Derure Comsnstiosin No. 3. 1. The sopervision ofall qutions of public moras, sucht prosttn and te sale of can, ops se thet rags "2 The sperision of sons, cafes, restaurants tram: siento, dance halle snd summer psi ‘The supervision of the ambulance service, The sapervision of poice maton, ‘The censoring of moving plewtea and perform sooeof ade. ‘The sim in faving the fonctions divided 36 shown above i that lander such an arrangeent the acltes ofthe respective Depty Con iistoners would te 2 check one against the other and soul res in furnishing the Poice Cmmisslone, and throagh him the Mayor, inde rodent information set conditions in the Depariaent and inthe cy 1 will be noted from the chart that the active foree reports to Deputy Comminioner No.1; tht offcers and employes canceried ith thei respective fanesional dates report to Dept Commissioners 3a. “Each Commissioner shuld in addon be provided with such working staf a might be found necessary. “The Deputy Commissioner charged withthe handling of the ative force shold of cet be drawn foom that branch ofthe ei sevice td the posi led a8 heretofore bx promotion. ‘The ster to Dep ‘iy Commissioners in the opinion of thi Comission ahold ot be members ofthe pole servic, but shld be sleti y competitive ex mination, The sas of each of the Depaty Commisioners should be frann from the ost appropeat cil lis 'As toon az practicable, ll ofthe exeitveefcesof the Depart should be consolidated in 9 suitable bding controctl aml arranged tvtha view to making the sdistaton, feo physi sanyo fagy,expeieus and econo 35 “The arguments in favor ofthis plan, brief sommuized, are: 1. Te lees the Commissioner of Police fom the rmany matters of lal and routine tha how seal he Prete efi of tat etcer and leaves hips feet com der and ps upon broad principles of admistraton ‘2 Htprovides tht officer with «sich need stall wit well ined nc of ty and erate an expert bane Capable of auiing and adviding him on mater of police ‘siminitation Tein no sme rea revlon in hat does oar the present working organisation of the sive ‘ore “tI centralise the harness management ofthe De- partite under one ead, provides means for silormity find economy of operation, sri takes this duty out of the Inds of mes whose edveston and taining ave not een | along these ines Te meets the oft repeated demands for 2 Commis. soa St Moras ora permancit Vice Common, ad eaves Se cui fe sapeison were oar te Department of Police, under expert supervision sod wil erly defined capo. ‘6 Te provides two separate checks upin each of the teres ae of he Began 7h ae oto of the Dept Canines bing permanent dare efiint service makes pore the empl of the Deporte foe the Rarmfl faleace of i ‘The Commision dos not make the clans that thi the only or he ‘dea plan of organization, but merely submits i fr cosirstion and lscussion aa bela along ines tht Ht Believes will tend to eliminate the fale of the preset system, ‘The Commision lad under consideration forms of the commision plan of orgenzation adopted in other citer, but unaninouly reject ‘St such plans as tending to 2 tutor and esponsibility. Departmental Records—Consoidation, ‘The records ofthe Departent are hep in the folowing places General Superintendent of Pot sth for, Cay Hat ‘Asta Ganeral Soperintentent of Pie. Sed fowr, hy all Secretary's office nrsceesns set Moor, Cy Hal Breas of Records oth lor, Cy Ht esata af ont id Son Prey" So Rr, iy Hal Horeas of Ambulance’ Service a Mor yal Detetive Tres ay WE bale treet fatendent of Horses .seseeseost0th for, Cy Hall et cot se Go ta Siegler TIT Ba we SB Sa ca gouica Se ‘The following plan for consolidation of fics and records iss ite 1. Inthe secretary's ofr soul be consolidated eery ofc ‘reson hep ence those of the espeaive sar {he Sceret Service andthe Boren of eetifention sar fom tat offs should be ciated the care of he iy Property and the luance of supe 2. The Bureau of Teatfeton should be is cose proxy to the Secret Servze i nots pat tereo ‘3. The Baresu of Records should be soled and ie ‘cota tamed over the Secretary. Te sue shuld be Eee fisted no ken he Haren of rasp {ao the Vebile Bure whe Catia of Lov and Sten Property should coe Propriety Coma 5. The Bureau of Moving Pictures should be an ad- co the ober of Dept Commieioner No. “6. The Chief Operator should report tothe Suptia- tenéest of properties. 7, Aside from the stato records and those of the ‘Secti series and Bureas of Tntncaton, na os other finn the Secrets sould keep anything’ more than te Biptet records “The informnton recrved 09 colected {pribem Should be tagamired a once tothe Secretary's ‘fice, tnd tis ofr shld be contiguous fo and of es6y Sess Tom the ofices of the Commision snd is Dept Property Recovered. ‘The ordinances ofthe cy and eules ofthe Deparinent provi dat property recovered, whether lot or stolen, shall be forwarded t0 the folce custodian witout delay. They frter provide hat ll sch prope ‘ny shall be investoied at once, Tn either respect isthe spirit of ths fle complied wth, Recovered stolen property of great vals prts= lucy jewelry, Is fequenly kept at the statins for weeks and even ‘nth, leading to loss, ether through negligence or eininal inten. As 'exatple ofthe loose ethods In vogue the following cses ae cel a [A rad was mae upon the hose of 2 mu supected of being a re ceiver of olen propery, an «large quantity nf property of various ins ant of conslrsbe lus ws aks to the Cespsnes tet station, ‘These no inventory of anyhing was made except ofa stolen autor tamed over to it owner nor was any report made to the curodan, ‘The sation records show nothing gain and all the property other than the automobile wa sabeqseny tered back as unlaled ad m0 fia receipts taken therefor. “A subuequent raid was made atthe same place amt among other things taken were jewelry and watches and nine cas of opin. “One of the detstive mang the raid stored the opiom i the valé of & trine merchant for “safe Keeping” and when dhe federal authries d= ‘Banded fe ander the United Stated laws, thre cana valued at approxi. tmatly $259 were missing, Not the slightest ipotation rests span the ‘merchant. ‘Te jewelry and oter property were not ted over tothe toll nor any report mae to him for substantially « month “The Custodian of Last and Stnlen Property Is 2 responsible city cofcer, under heavy bond, with ample facies for safely keeping and fecorling such property; therefore the rule should >» stily enforce tnd shosld be made more defnite and drastic, and a severe penalty ould be provided for falc to comply sith the sare, Astin com- place with this rae wll remove an admit temptation fom the ane fd le ofthe Deparment Discipline. “The necessity for strict discipline in body sch asthe Police De partment needs 0 argument. The Commision does aot wish tobe uh fertood ax favoring the gi, bardand-art rales of dicipline In ‘ogue inthe sepusr army, but if individual ficiency isto be stained {nthe Police Department, sstem approaching the miltry sytem est be insted, ‘Great improvements have been made inthe matter ofthe appearance ‘of the menters ofthe Deperinent. The men are beter snformed, thet ‘oiforms ate kept in better condition, and complaints which were ele {ew years 2g0 ofthe “sopps” appearane of members ofthe Depart, fof men appering on the set with cats snbltoned, shi, badges Sand buttons unpslised sod shoes anblaked, no longer prevail. Ar = Imbole, the uniformed men at al ines present creditable spesrae, ‘atin the other matters of dsiptne the Departnent& vill ekg, ‘Nothing can be mre subversive of dkcpline than a atrlman ell ing Bis commanding ofcer by his frst name, to be om tern of ina? with fie sergeants or #9 be sen i pie paces eating and dri fn partolsry the Inter, with hie superiors, ‘The coavese fe te ey when commanding eiersHalitvaly refer to the men wer thes by {hei states and ave genta on tens of eusliy ih then, “the very try of sank in the Tice Deaton mea breaks ing away from equ. ‘The placag of oe wan ina postion offi ssperinty above s mmler of oes, ordse to make scone ring forth the best rests, means to aces extent the elninaion of equal. IE thee i one great fal in the Patce Department of Chicago it is the fact tat toa lange extent the sergeants do not exercise that Je= agree of authority nd eespnsllity which thee tile and increased py demands. By wre of the very equay common In the Department, few ofthe patol sergeants sure from the men under them that set, tttenton to duty and constatt effort Inthe performance of police work Swhigh the poston of patois requires, The Commission fas without fay particle effort to do so, reared reports in a comparitvely thre fact of time of approsinatly 200 uniformed patrlmen vsating de artnenal roles by loafing and loanging about sloons and other places then their duties required ther tobe on beat Commanding fice interviewed from tine to time were united in the statement that they dd at get the vight sort of work out ofthe patrol sergeants, and tht few if sty complaint of reaches of depart. ‘mental diiplie on te att of wiformed pateclnen were reeived fom them. ‘Any pata sergeant eho goes through a yere of service without makings sigleconplsntagninats wiformed patton i cetaily no performing is doy: yet the investigation has shown that but few patrol sergeants take any sich reports The whole question of the perfor ace of patrol duty on the prt of patrolman centers around the pala sergeant, ‘She the investigation became a wellertbised fact and its sin ‘ity was no Fongerqoestione, there was a marked change inthe char- fer of casts heard by the tril board. The atlvity of commanding fiers and pura sergeants ia securing evidence agrnst ptrlien fot Wolotions of rales and regulations Increased, wile cases arsng ont of ‘amplaints fron chrns gay deeensedy with theres that to aver "ge mber of cates heard on the week tat day wus nt nately hanged, Had the presnct commanders and patrol wergcnts exer the same vigilance prior to the investigation, che mamserof sac would have been more han double, Te must not be nderstzad tht the Comenon favors the specie esanage uierly refernl to inthe Depart *pneiing” “tufts the ptr eat bende to peor hei dis aa pat! ‘ir ponte faith, trong the erty ofthe patrol serait one Py system of ceks won thse actions mat be bad. The pstolnan who Fetal fats in salons cigar stores, retarant, baer of ajar tent ogser and ofr ples, betwees the pls of the bos, must ether be elninated fom the fore or be made to perform is Section 14 of Role 9 provides that pateolmen anit net valk to ‘gether onthe boadaries ofthe eerpetive posts we on dy, oF stand onrersing with eal ober of wth persons whom they meet ules I he hecessryon matters felting to police busines. Any cae knows that {his section ofthe rales is comstarly ignored ‘The rules forher probit and fx 2 penalty fr entering snlooos mle on dity tin the in of ty, at wal ay dining intoxicating Tiqurs therein, Uallormed patroinen are contaly seen drinking in faloons For years the record ofthe tra board shows that avery lege Detenlage of the cases ted by i are attbutable to the use of ilo ‘ing tors, Blany ofthe complains ast unlormed patroten being Seen in sloons, when run down and. yeeded from the records, show thot the men complained of were not then or duty in the ste sense of the word. In other words, ther eight hour shift had not begun, or was omleed; but the rales provide that although certain hours ae alloted for the perforsance of ordinary dais, every member of the force wil be comidered a being always on dt "There is nohing more subversive ofthe rexpct of the pubic for ‘members ofthe Police Departmest than to se ofcers and men inking in publi places “Another great fault of the Departnet isthe freqpenting of places ofthis kind by members of the force of difering ranks. Evidence of the common proces of eutnants and regeants entering saloons sil frnking with patron hasbeen repeatedly brought to the attention of the Commision, The same may be suid sparing eating in peble ‘Avoerfat tending to show lack of diplie and departmental de imoraization isthe practice of ofcer and men accept fre drt {guts and mets from the keepers of saloons and restawrans, many of Sesh ave conta violators ofthe Ir Tf a patrotnan i the abit UF accepting fee accommodations ofthis character, he wl be most 3 fo be lx inthe peeformanee of his duty when the person who has favored him f gity of an Infraction of the law Wearing Uniforns Seaton 4, Rule 2, of the Rasa! Regulations, provides that “es ‘cept when the character ofthe ser arse res. when led by the General Sopeincent ll members of the ete Forse ‘on duly will spear in fll wifonn”” ‘The ream for thse Iss vient and it shold be sgilycaforeed. The wearing of the uniform {sand should bean honor ad privlegs, sid wt a nati fo be oil ‘on every posse occasion, ai the abe ata» lange perl i he tetive force ofthe rae of sergeant a abn Tospectios One glaring fat in she Department develope by dhe investi tion was the almost complete disregard of every provision of the Linck of Roles regarding inspections. ‘The commanding ofices of 4 lange ody of men can have no tae conception of how pie dy is lens performed uiless be Is in contant touchy throug elable fers with the manner in which workeis bring done; yt the evidence show iat from the inspectors down tothe Hester the rales this eg bare inthe past een delibertely ignore. Inspectors were requted to make weekly inspection of every sation in their respective divisions. ‘The evidence falls to show that aay ne ‘of them stiely ebeyed this order The rule required writen reports of sch inspections, bat the General Superistenden of Polis, tout ny amendment ofthe rules, sew Bt to make this provision in eet in ‘operative, saying on the witness sand that he did not want 9 report cence when there was something Yo report ot sume fl to be foun [therefore follows that he had no way of knowing, encept by word of ‘mouth that any lnspector had een out af his precot at 249 tine fr the purposes of inspection, snes x specie report had been set fn, sh these were seldom made. "No inspector nlerrogeted onthe and sould fate XC what particular date he ‘west to any patclar station fis Avision other than the one which he asd a8 headquarters The abolition of the inspection divisions and the relestion of di tics containing more than one pesae, f adhered to, places upon son ofthe captains the responsiblity for conditions in precincts tier then those at which they rake thir headgerters, ‘The ries and regain ‘ofthe Department, in that event, shot be ssended sas to place pon the captain the sume obligation sto maling weekly vss of inspection 1 were placed upon the iaepectors "Another provision of the Book of Roles which is ignored oF given bat scant attention isthe ove eequirag Hesteants at each rll eal ‘make a careful and complete inspection of eat patotinan ath ey ‘wen, to se that the same are in ft condin for serice The mice further provide that the equpuseat of eegesns an patrol, stall sonst of report book sud pen, ofc star and sell. revolver so ‘mmniton forthe sme a potce whistle, eke, patrol box hey, te ‘ana et and labor tsi, all of which shall be carsed whe om cate From it investigation, the Couuasion i convinced iin ery 4 {eve precinct stations inthe Gy, at any tn, there sha care i section of the oqiptent ni provided for ly the sls, "So lng the revolver a pat ofthe oft equine, shoud be careful in spected every day the men required to ange amoroiton with ‘rough Freqency to prevent mises. ‘The present practice of geteal Inspection once a yeat is acitercareyog ont the eter nor the spit of the rule Special Assignment In its praitinary sepor the Commision in commenting spon the lange numberof patrlien asigoed to specal doy stated that ut of {B00 pttolmen oa dts, aboot soo are ordinarily earned in ies ress, 30 on wagons and arvulances, 300 on stret exousings, ern erossngs and bridges, and about 1200\0n “special duty.” ‘The ofl ‘report of October 21, tt, shows among others the following extia 00 special ty: {Aid sd Humane Socities dagenettaa oe Gece ress oecus (Notes in aton'vo| men ord cy Se tre) Geri! _ Enfant ice ees Sy eae ings Slope eres wae Beta een Bec iy Birr ope Fecal oe pea Deine Mecha ie ‘Micellncoas Repreper eto nigh Seen to inser Sit Bape " ‘Toul . ee we ‘The Commission fei satel tht the assign of patrokee fo dates that cool he performel more eicenly and st x lower ae 4y ater eof emo, ans othe ta pages ab Bax Tae | sevsevRecoote -seane {A tact towards coretng this evil inthe Departent a8 wade inthe budge for 1912. In hae appropriation was made for 55 postin formerly Hild by patecnen on dtl 35 flows 1 nr lt a cnn ue ama Ienoe stenogeapiery 3602000007 fer soma 3% poles diver and chars i220". goo per anmam % bale tmesengers Soo pee aon ‘This shows an annus! saving of $2400 in salaries ofthese positions, ss aguns hat ofa oqal numberof frat dase ptrolmes st $1,320 pet "The Commission har not and doesnot advocate an indie and radial ehange in metods in vogue for years, but dots Lallve tat a ilerence to his alcy from year to year wil ress in the placing of ‘more patrols onthe vee where ot needed, without» corresponding ners in apropition, ‘Assignments of Sergeants, Jin the mater ofthe stsigument of sergeants, oth dec and patel no consideration whatever in given by the Departinent to the amet Gf men ander command, "The eighhovr shift taken Iter, regard leas of th amount of work to be performed, and every statlon is frasbed, 4s far as posible, wilh atleast three dese and three patel sergeants ‘The dtciney in is suber, i any, fe made wp bythe special sig ment of sting sergeants, ‘The utter absordity ofthe system and its application i shown by a ‘omprison between the st and 1h preci, as shown by dally re ors of October 16, 1912. In the 1a there were fo regularly ssigted ‘dese sergeants and seven patrol sergeant, wth atoll force of over {go on daty—an average of tetany one sergeant t every forty ten; in the 16th, three deck sergeants and two patrol sergeants, wilh 2 total fore of thieyaix men ot duly, or an average of one sergeant Tt seven worse inthe nenty erated oth precinct, where the report shower one Heteant ail five wergeats, nth ame 8 pated Te fny asbarban town of Hike ise and cal population the sare work would have been dave by one sergeant ad ot lo enced sx men, Ta the 7h presnc, on the ay sli, one sergeant nepervzes the work of tw patie ‘Whetier the eight hour sf stands or fall, regal of the wor to be performed, there ca be wo enese foe the asiment of patrl Serganns to the supervision ofthe work of Ino oe lees or even tnens They wut biter be rplced Ty pata and ave the super son tothe Heenan conan, ut theses sergeant There eat 48 ‘be nose in ach tation for that nmr of sergeants i x day wore 1s tobe given for «days poy : Secret Service Reports show that approxinstely Boo men in dhe Depatnent are boing socalled detective dy, made xp sbstantlly follows Regular pin clothes tuen st sone. s eter soso 0s e500 Spel lin other soon st stations ‘Beteive Burest nresssscrsernes sn oe cs ih of ki eo eens sna a tt es Sy tp he SS de te ily tpt te ace own ssn sy of de es Sh a Sashes a eg n't St it in Se ae cis Ses ea er cee blo 2) Tay tp ee an Sl rig ee Ft thy cnet prevent rest, loon ob se ota ey ee et tS 5B oy nt ert gt nl of cna ee eth lee Sheet ce cena ng ‘amo es i yf pepsin se rot mS et So Sin Sd a a cue St lt nt ttc Hie SEE ont i's mt te sc "AE a wih tell tes at “ there are no plain cthes ment for the daty to which they as assigned ‘On the contrary, i convince tht there are many i te service well ‘extlpped by training and expereic 1 perform this work; It ii also fonvnced, fromthe evidence i hax seated, that the ctie system of cane and pain cloes deals fanlty ad Inadagete to perez the wor ssigend ti ‘One great evi isthe method used in selecting plain clothes men ‘Personal or politcal nfsnce, rather than fines and eficeny, appears to be the governing factor in many eases, and doe consideration bas oot ‘been given tothe ability and personaly f the plan clothes ren. Tis fveleknown fact tat not ony the crook, bt the orioary citizen, an fel the average plain thes man as far a he can see him. This fs ae fentuated bythe time-honored and ehldiehy sburd plan of universally trovling in pals rogers of the character of duy to be performed, I Detective Jones bs covepicoous, Detsive Jones and his partner are doubly 0. Under the rules of the Potice Department and the Civil Service ‘Commission there oes mst be selected from the active fore, and with the exception of the commanding ofierraargned to this duty, they tre selected fom the force of sergeants and ptrolmen, By the rules ofthe Civil Service Commision, adopted at the request ofthe Police Department, the minimum height of candidates fr ptrl- trans fined ative fet eight ice, wth proportionate physical equie- iments ‘The average bught isin exces of ths gute, Secret service Work is as a rule, best accomplished by small and inconspicuous men nd brawn ad phsinlprfecon ate not eset goalifeations, but on ‘he contrary are generally a handicap. “The Detesive Burent corte the chy of Chicago approximately « ‘quarter of milion dlrs aamly. The salerin pid to the remain Tag men doing pain clothes work s more tan theequaters of «mi i more Daring the month of January, 1912, with an average force of 180 men, the Detective Deas ne 95 avets and piled p16 fogtves From justice. ‘The remainder ofthe work done by R wat of a negligible sharscter ‘What the people of Chicagp are ented to and pay fori 2 steret service that can acusly detest evime sd ring crm to puns, Tn any plan of eorgonisation of the Depsctinnt of Police, caret consideration wosld be given and sly made of the whole qvestion of Atetve, pin cots and secret service work of dhe Depactent ith 2 ew of remedying the amid fue of the preset system. The Cou Ilsson would therefore suggest Hat rranguinonts be made t0 stay “6 secret serie methods in vogue fa the vatloasdryarments of the Used Sates governient ari it aer ees of the United Sater and roa, arith a view of creating a dette or sete service fore that ill be to date, progressive and useful, Buren of Tdentifeatior “The records ofthe Buren of Identifaton are of inscusbe value and shold be made aso secute against ess or damage Dy fre. At ‘resent they are kept ins somicepoot bldg suite to the purpose Sd not as acest they sould be, ‘Transfer System. tis nlerslly conceded that th tener eptem in vogue tends to eter the men of the Deparment from the performance of thee dies tnd o permit the use of favors, ‘Tranter are made for thre reson t,t the request ofthe person tansfre in which case pital noes Is frequently sede and. Asa ater of diacpline Sr Becrare of sme set dave by the peron tras ferzcl which objected to by some person of infuse, bcd‘ ethers, against whom the ae ie directed, ‘Transfers as a mater of diiline may notin themselves be ole jectonable, but as rule Ie would be far better to punish the offender ‘by reprimand oF fine, suspension or dicharge, than to pass him om 10 seme other oficer who wil again transfer hin for any breach of Spline ‘Te thie form is most demoralizing. Ample proof ha been intro: iced thatthe knd of transfer isthe most detertent ofall eiseces gains the proper performance of police day, both by offers and sa inate, by reason ofthe fart that en mos nstances pol, Tn the peliinary report the Commission sai that sch was the fat bat at ‘ho member of the force wold come out i the open and tay thereto, Since that time a sere or more have so tesifed without any atten {at contradition, Tha pttlman reports vation to bis sper ad fo action is taken or the superie ocr says "I wil aed fo "ant Goes ot the inferior ig not expcted thernfter to an ror the facts for to take any vidal acon. Tf he persis, he iors that he wll te transferred to “the pri” or a8 one witness tsi. eed to “have hie ea! examine” This see of transfor mt he els te bel poral 2 lint the patel ad sergeants fount for vce emits, Piekpockets, Ete, ‘The roles prove tht all meer of the pale forcs, fm the patcolien ap, ane rote to Kexp ack of and roprt the ke Imes, havats and habit ofall perms of well Koo ta character ‘he evidence shows that this fs ot done except in the most hapazrd ‘manner and with no unlform stem i the various predinct stations, "Iti of the utmost ingore tat these people be kept tack o “This cotld be done at an expense sal In eomparson with the Leneits dived. A card index system celd be installed st each sson ging ‘he mame, residences, esrption, habits, and fiends or telatives of al soch persons which could be kept constantly yp to date im the same manner asthe records ate kept of well known imi. Many commanding offers have complained vigorously of the va grancyovtiances 36 apie to the class of persons knows 36 “pip Tt applies ar well to pickpockets and oer thieves. Ite shown by he tiene that pickpockets and hold-up ren have rogue baat, wally fn salons, and it seems cleat that they have no oecpation her than that of rime; yet there sloons, known to the pli, ate permite to Imre such persons witout retain, and many of them tae the rep tation a lest of being "fence for len goods "The Commision as recived mote ot ks evidence tht pickpockets and hold-up men are under police protection and pay fr the same. A food deal ofthis payment Se made t the plain clothes men an ot (2 fSrnmanding ffcers, The Commission ie convinced that an Honest ei feavoron the pat of the Police Departinent to rid the ety of persons of this character"would prevent tbe yearly recurrence of “the wave of Superannuation and Tneapacty. ts dot om all ser thatthe Department ix casing on the ative fist any men who by reason of age, habits or psi! como, ot fied to perform patce duties. Many of these men ae eligible for reiemet, bt through favorit or the syste are kept onthe force for the spe reason tha they prefer to deaw fal pay ether than the ‘enson allowance, Eft lave been male 1 seate the retreat of these men bt winst mach steal secs, "The Penton Lave permite the retirement of any meer of he force ater tmenty years of sevie, regardless of age. The law shuld be mended 20 34 to provide for compulsory rtrewent spon reaching 3 ‘rian age lint. This might le graded for the character ofthese. vice, ht fe would protshlyansrer the pare beter i were the sane ge for allay sty years ‘There shoald be ctublishal inthe Departent an anal bien o ‘ial tial and pysel examination ofall uber of the date in oner 1. To chuck ase int inption aa to forse men to best good ysl amd sil coite, ‘2 Thereby to protect the pension fl ‘ov the Department of men not se to perform aie. SP . ‘The Poice Deparuent shout not ke ra upon sate, la ae a rely business proposition. ‘The pension allowance i Hera im the ‘xtreme and there sould be no reeonle complaint on the part of members ofthe department if 2 compulry retvement for ager die Aig were sry adbered to, In considering the movetey value of a positon inthe Police De- partment there mast be taken isto consideration the deferred salary in the shape of the pension provided by law. A patcmnan entering the service atthe minioum age, namely, twenty-four, may retire at the age of forty-four, engage in otber work and draw a person of és pee a= ‘mum for the tlance of his Hfe. His expetaton of lifetusel spon sandard mortality tables, is wenty-ve and overall years, The rest ‘would be a fellows 1 Year active service, at § 990....8 goo.0 { Jear sete service a) Yo, amae0 uf ears ative sevice, at ran. 23000 S25(o.00 2596 years eae, at 660... $1650.00 rower contributed to pension ‘and (135%). Aigo 1644530 ‘otal pay for 20 years of actual sevice - Bezt0500 “Average pay foreach year of actual sevice..1§ 270500 ‘This does tot take nto conslerton the berabt to hie widow or tgs children inthe ese of dest “Attention is elled to the constantly increasing snnval buen won the iy of Chicago du to the pension fund. The ttl receipts for the leven months ending June 30,1917, wete $837.20, only $59.000 of Which as cntribated fy members. ‘The lost aunty of pensioners 0 that date was 839, and the amount paid out $4328 A concn i crease inthe number of peesioners mast he expect. with a constanty Increasing borden upon the cy Basmintsios ‘The stanlar of examination, yaticalaly for promtion tp Uiads above the rank of sergeant, sl berate getty" White nse tas Tee same fngiovement In tlsrogaed, wi the ty of examination 6 1s not such a5 to secute the seeton of men to il the higher positions. ‘The commanding ofers should be men of experienc, gud jg ‘ment and executive bility, and should have something toce than mere knowledge of pole day. The stem af efiieney marsnge tal ‘weights given them in examinations, ps the seniority allows tenle to pass men who are decent in other matters of exaination For ine Hance, under the present rls the subjects and weights are a lls ‘Tests of agty and \ { ah e ona | Slings | tat | Re I ene 8 Dales osevseeeeeee eg Seniontyas prove by’ Se 6 le Vi ‘A man may get 65 per cet in psc, 65 in educational, 60 in des, and if given an ecieney mare of 99, with seniority eet of to year serie inthe next lower rank, wl ast » promotion ex ‘The method in vogue inthe past of fing the ficiency marks ly tule of thumb, based entirely upon indvidil judge of ne ot tore esons, is unfair tothe ball of the members of the department and to the tacpayers of the ci. An efor should be made to inal in the department 4 system Of een records that will be a+ easy auton ‘mate as pose, and which will ot be subject to change st the when of any indo ‘A start inthis regard war made under Role 3 of the Roles and Regulations, providing for the keeping of 2 service record card of ‘ach member ofthe ative fore. These cards have een prepared avd ‘Bled i but nothing farther has been done reganing the matter at the ele ea dead ltr. i respets wel quad Promotions ‘The Chil Service Law required the cetlfcaton ofthe eee highest on an cigible Ist and give the appointing power the sgh to set one ofthe three o certified. Commision past and present have reaied the abuse to which this provision of the lave tay be pty bt tie Con mission doesnot Believe that any. Comission since the Inv went into ‘ect has known that posions lave been paid for. Sach, however, i unquestionably the fect, ‘The practice has been for pres cing the power to inuence the elstion to colt money ” frum as many as pose of those Hl o be etek the ant hid by the sccerfl ney, al repay thee st Slew the ex nnaon that coufer ifsc was too seo. Tie Commision i twine that this has ben dove frouety wthost the Rrowledge of {he pot power “Te facta he le ofthe pron searing promotion inthis way ofl, aes the sci of ptveedece i vial eases ‘rctlly imposible ‘Your oor’ ener to lst the top of the st evar, ales thee are perc fons ait 0 doing, Wl finite this ev enue Intrusion, “The les provide thatthe Hestensnts shall establish and conduc # ‘several school of lstuction atleast once each week, This eal ige ‘ove ia ninety per cet of the pecncts ofthis cy: yt the Higporance of olcers and men of the provisns of the Book of Rules, the orders of ‘he department andthe elementary law neesary fo good police work + ited on ll sies, ‘The rales also provide forthe establishment fed condact, of a, shoot “of instruction for reer. Such a hoot wat exablahed i the fall of 1010 and operated for sme months tvthungaliged succes. "You canst create 2 carpenter by giving an absolutely wnt man ehmmsmer and si, nor cam you make a safe and ecient patrl- tam by placing ona rave recrat the rar and saiform of authority aod Eling him 8 eb end high-powered revover which he does nt kaow ow fo ue.” Experience atthe schoo of instruction showed that prac: fealty nove ofthe rere had any aporecable knowledge of elementary ‘imi lav, departmental rules and regulations, fs it the injured, the procring of evidence or what to procere, ot the preparation of re ports, Tity per cet ad never shots revolver and fll itty per cent fas ever shots highgomered gun, One umtrined rer lus 298 Colt ‘i do mote Gamage than s andeed untrained carpenters. ‘The school of instruction for reer showed fs vale in is fst month” existence, andr valve constantly ierased; i std for pro- freshened showed a departmental desire to improve: abandon- Trent clearly shows the reverse Thi school should be re-established trio frtber dl “There should be etabished shoo for oficers and sergeants, wher, in aditon to aveneed instruction, there can be an exchange of eas tn police duty, pening cass, new hs and ondinancer and er mal {ees of interes. ‘An effort thould be made to inde one or more of cur universes oF training schools 10 install elementary and advanced courses in yoice work, Tentative wigyentione along alt way. ‘The potce profession is a necessary, if not generally conser an honorable one, ad the one thing necessary to make honoree cation and training. ‘The pay plus the pension is far abe the average inthe ealings from which the fore fer; if certain daring un [bkavoe, and insite of commonly aezepted ideas the occupation et entra hasardous as states show. ‘The Comission belies that there fe many men inthe department who wosldglely devote part of tele time when off dary Ia hele to quality for avanced positions inthe department ‘The United Police of Chicago. ‘The organization composed of memes of the Police Departnest and known as the United Police of Chicago, i nina to the best i ferests of diplieas the sae i ow condicted. Ts origina! pron, ‘omely, to protect members ofthe department from suits for danages arsng out of the performance of pollee dy, was in self harms, ‘et dere should be no necessity for such an organization, ‘The Ci of Chiago should take cae ofeach sits an fold membets ofthe de partment harmies, unless ft ceaely appears tat the pica sed hs been guily of the inproper use of hit power, or the abuse of is stot. ‘The purposes of the organization, however, have been greatly er large, and ow it defends ts members at tal lor breaches of fe partmental role and regulations colts and dsdurses fonds to In face legion ad has been charged with a consent secure st fy advances by means of Bribery ‘The scandal aig over the appropriation Ml for 1911 in come ion withthe increase of salatesakel for members ofthe Deparinen {sauce in isl to call fr the dsoition othe ergannation ve the placing of the same wider material retrieons,Disine extaot be fafored ifthe orgvisaton defends sen for deanery onde, rani ness sleeping om posts malrestinet of prisoners an ase of eens And the numerous eer cases brought here the tial baad. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. ‘Axa eri ofthis Commit’ insestizaton. it ha arrived at cer= tain coocusions aint desires to nike Hef sggeions for pour Sat sideration, 1 Concasions, From the evidence obtained by 3 the Commision reiterates conclusions sreive at fo He pelininary report, wih added coelsion 1 allows: (a) That there sand for years has boon a comneton beeen the Paice Department and the varons crn cases in the Gy ef henge () That a bipartisan politcal combination of sng ext, by and Brough which the connection between the Police Deparnent ai the Cciminal clases above refered te fostered and mainte (©) That to such connection may be charged a great part of the ineicieney—dsrgunization and Isck of iline exting othe De- parsnen. (@) That ase frm such connection, through felts of orgeizaton and adinitaton, (©) That the Police Department, 28 sow numerically cons ‘am enforce any resonable regulation ia regard to gambling, erme an ‘ther forms of vie if bossy and eficetyadmistered. as well at perform all other routine pote des (0) That wih the Deparment ss now organize, ficient amine istration cannot be expected nor seared. (@) That amendments to the lows and ordinances are also neces sary ta higher degre of eficiensy. Recommendation, ‘The Commision Say makes the following recommendations: 1. That seps be taken at ooce looking towards the complete eo _Ewinaton ofthe Department of Police along logical and scene ne, Fetaining everything of vate, remedying existing facts and removing the service as far at posible fom the inven of ‘2. Tiat in sch reorganization due consideration te given to the creation ofan ecient staf of earefly selected nen to ast the exee= tive hea inthe adnnsteation ofthe Departnent, | Tt steps be taken to merge offer of record and to tnd modernize the rest, report aed correspondetce stems. 44 That as soon as pose the exeetive ais of the Depatnent be consolidated ins cently Jeated and stable ding, iy 5 That a stoly he made of weret service methine in we in the Fedefl sevice and i ther ete of the United Sats and abr, with a ew of ceaing a detective or sett service force in this cli which ‘wil be up to date, progresive and fal, Ps 6 That the contol of trafic in the central portion of he cy be paced in charge of s sage commanding oer an tat responsi for al oter police day inthe Fist Precinct le placed pon the peciet commander, 7. That 2 system of inspection be installed that wil osare the oper performance of police dty on the pat of oficers and men, That all asignments to “epecit duly" other than chy police duty i.e arctet seme, be dicontin, tthe end that every val alle patrolman may be on bes ‘9 That the metiod inaugurated inthe baget for 1912 prov for the substation of lesser paid employes for patoinen assigued to vations kinds of special duty be extended as orcsion pest, 1a, That the present method of asigament of sergeants be e- vised to secre, as far as pose, equality a to nunher of men super: vied 11, That transfers a & punishment of at the squest of persone ouside the Department be discontinued 12, That the standard of promotion examinations be rate. 13. That a system for the ascertining and recording of individ ficiency, 36 nearly automatic ar poss, e installed ad maintained, Sind that's factor thereof aml or bela medical examination be al 14, That in all promotions the perton at the tp ofthe Ht be taken tls some valid and substantial reason erists why fe shold not be promote, 15, That an age Tint be xed for compulory retirement of ment ters of the Deparment 16, That the schoo of istracton for recrits te reestablished, iat 2 system of station schools of instruction, uniform thronghont the recncts, be devised and ivalld a contemplated by te rls, and that 2 ehoo! for ofcers and sergeants be eased, 17, That an effort be ade to secure the establchnest of courses 'nglice workin one oF more of the City universe or training shoals: 18 That the roles regarding vice be revised and anplife 1p That the ordinances probing stret walking le amended so 1410 provide for = graded increase of Be foreach ofese, elininating indiscretion ae fora porte ‘aa That the lave regarding vagrants and perios of known bad staracter bed with a view fo arevisin af rch ows, ad tt the ‘Mion ofthe legislature be ele othe faut in the evil ‘at, That scan dex ste be intl in every jveinetstaon 3 that will how at all ne, ap date, the same, description, characte, Taunt, habits, ascites and cclativee«f every known person of bad characer residing ino fronting wich precinct, icangpickpochen, holdup men, safe blowers, confidence mea, "pips," prosttes and people who have operated gambling or gaming houses 422. That immediate and stingent methade be tale tether ds band the organization or rete the actives ofthe United Pie, and to prevent the eration of any organization whore infence ad eens are to break down departmental organization and lien, Respectfully submited, Civ. Senvice Cosson, iy of Chicago HLM. Coerees, Joux J. Fess, ELzon Lowen Commissioners. By Approne: (W. W, Wascoee, Special Coons. ‘Foes Mitss, Examiner in Charge of Eficiecy, Ey APPENDIX “A” ‘ible Sowing Numbers of VIOLATIONS OF LAWS, ORDINANCES AND POLICE RULES nthe Forty-five Plce Precincts bn Cheng® ‘Dering Period Benning May 91, and ding December 3, Mtl, a8 Shown by the Reports of Investigators rete wd lt ples te i net oe FREE, [APPENDIX “C* commIssionER oF POLICE (ember One) ‘Guam Te) ‘ember Tres ‘Cheged wh ‘Chee ih ‘Chveed wie teen] (Ermenee

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