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A2 Key
A2 Key for Schools
Introduction to the A2 Key Vocabulary List
The A2 Key Vocabulary List gives teachers a guide to the vocabulary needed
when preparing students for the A2 Key and Key for Schools examinations.

Background to the list

The A2 Key Vocabulary List was originally developed by Cambridge English in consultation
with external consultants to guide item writers who produce materials for the A2 Key
examination. It drew on vocabulary from the Council of Europe’s Waystage (1990)
specification and other vocabulary which corpus evidence shows is high frequency.

The list covers vocabulary appropriate to the A2 level on the Common European
Framework of Reference (CEFR) and includes receptive vocabulary (words that
the candidate is expected to understand but which are not the focus of a question)
and productive vocabulary (words that the candidate needs to know in order to
answer a question).

The list does not provide an exhaustive list of all words which appear on the A2 Key
and A2 Key for Schools question papers and candidates should not confine their study
of vocabulary to the list alone.

How the list is updated

The vocabulary of English changes over time, with words being added and other words
falling into disuse. In order to maintain its currency, the Key Vocabulary List is updated
on a regular basis, with the decision to add or remove words being informed by
reference to the Cambridge Learner Corpus and English Vocabulary Profile.

The Cambridge Learner Corpus is a collection of over 44 million words of English,

based upon evidence of language use by learners from all over the world and from which
the English Vocabulary Profile has developed. The English Vocabulary Profile shows
the most common words and phrases that learners of English need to know in British or
American English. The meaning of each word or phrase in the wordlists has been
assigned a level between A1 and B2 on the CEFR.

A preview version of the English Vocabulary Profile can be accessed by visiting

the website:

Organisation of the list

• Word sets
Some categories of words that a learner at this level might be expected to know, e.g.
days of the week, are not included in the alphabetical list but are listed in Appendix 1.
Although ‘grammar words’ (pronouns, modal verbs, etc.) are included, the Language
Specifications section of the Key and Key for Schools Handbooks (available from should be consulted for a more complete listing.

• Exemplification
Example phrases and sentences showing how words might be used are given only where
words with different meanings need to be constrained. For example, bank is followed by ‘I
changed my money in a bank’ – this shows that bank is limited to the idea of a financial
institution: candidates are not expected to know other meanings, such as ‘a river bank’.

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A2 Key and Key for Schools
• Multi-word verbs
All multi-word (or phrasal) verbs that a A2 Key or A2 Key for Schools candidate might be
expected to know are included in the list. These verbs include ‘literal’ verbs (i.e. where the
meaning is transparent), e.g. sit down, go out and ‘non-literal’ verbs, e.g. look after, get up.

• Topic lists
In Appendix 2, words have been grouped together under common A2 Key and/or A2
Key for Schools themes, such as ‘Food and Drink’, ‘House and Home’ and ‘Sport’. Not
all the words in the Topic Lists headings appear on the wordlist.

Unsuitable topics
Cambridge Assessment English examinations must not contain anything that might
offend or upset candidates, potentially affect their performance or distract them during
the examination. A number of ‘sensitive’ topics are considered unsuitable for use in A2
Key and Key for Schools, for example war and politics, and vocabulary relating to these
is not included in the Key Vocabulary List.

Personal vocabulary
The content of the A2 Key Vocabulary List is general in nature and is unlikely to cover
completely the productive vocabulary that may be required by candidates. Candidates
should know the specific lexis they will need to describe themselves and their lives, for
example hobbies, likes and dislikes.

Abbreviations used in the A2 Key Vocabulary List are:

abbrev abbreviation or acronym mv modal verb

adj adjective n noun
adv adverb phr v phrasal verb
av auxiliary verb pl plural
Am Eng American English prep preposition
Br Eng British English prep phr prepositional phrase
conj conjunction pron pronoun
det determiner sing singular
exclam exclamation v verb

Summary of points to be noted

• The list does not include every word that may appear on a A2 Key or Key
for Schools paper.
• The list covers receptive and productive vocabulary.
• The list is updated regularly.

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A2 Key and Key for Schools
A all kinds of (det & pron)
allow (v)
all right/alright (adj, adv & exclam)
a/an (det) all sorts of (det & pron)
a few (det, adj & pron) all the time (det)
• I invited a few of my friends. almost (adv)
• I’ll be ready in a few alone (adj & adv)
minutes. able (adj) along (prep)
• be able to already (adv)
about (adv & prep) alright (adj, adv & exclam)
• What about a cold drink? also (adv)
• I have about £3. (adv) always (adv)
• a book about animals a.m. (adv)
(prep) above (adv & prep) amazed (adj)
accident (n) amazing (adj)
across (adv & prep) ambulance (n)
among (prep)
• The bank’s across the road.
an (det)
• He walked across the
and (conj)
bridge. act (n & v)
angry (adj)
action (adj)
animal (n)
activity (n)
another (det & pron)
actor (n)
answer (n & v)
any (det & pron)
(adv) ad (n)
anybody (pron)
• an ad on TV
anymore (adv)
add (v)
anyone (pron)
address (n)
anything (pron)
adult (adj & n)
anyway (adv)
advanced (adj)
anywhere (adv)
adventure (n)
apartment (n)
advert (n)
apartment building (n)
advertisement (n)
app (n)
advice (n)
apple (n)
aeroplane (n)
appointment (n)
afraid (adj)
• an appointment with the
after (adv & prep)
doctor area (n)
afternoon (n)
arm (n) armchair (n)
afterwards (adv)
around (adv &
again (adv)
against (prep)
• to travel around (adv)
• We watched England play
• to sit around the table
against France.
(prep) arrive (v)
age (n)
art (n)
• I don’t know his
article (n)
age. aged (adj)
• an article about skiing artist
• aged 10 – 16
ago (adv) (n) as (conj & adv & prep)
agree (v) • as good as
• Yes, I agree with you. • as soon as possible
• Don’t you agree, Sam? • the same as
air (n) • as well
to travel by air • as well as
airport (n) ask (v)
alarm clock assistant (n)
(n) album (n) as well (adv)
all (adv, det & pron) as well (as) (prep)
at (prep)

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at / @ (prep) beginning (n)
• My email address is behind (adv & prep) at all (prep phr) believe (v)
attractive (adj) belong (v)
• The walls are an attractive • The bag belongs to
colour. aunt (n) me. below (adv & prep)
autumn (n) belt (n) beside
available (adj) (prep) best (adj
away (adv) & adv) better
• He’s gone away. (adj & adv)
• It’s two kilometres away. between (prep)
awesome (adj) bicycle (n)
awful (adj) big (adj)
bike (n)
bill (n)
B • Can I have my bill, please?
bin (n)
baby (n) • Can you throw the rubbish in the
back (n, adv & adj) bin? biology (n)
backpack (n) bird (n)
bad (adj) birth (n)
(be) bad for somebody birthday (n)
badly (adv) biscuit (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:
badminton (n) cookie) bit (n & adv)
bag (n) • Just a small bit of cake, please.
bake (v) • I’m feeling a bit tired.
ball (n) black (adj & n)
balloon (n) blackboard (n)
banana (n) blanket (n)
band (n) block (n)
• The band are on tour this • Shall we walk round the
month. bank (n) block? blog (n)
• I changed my money in the blond(e) (adj)
bank. barbecue/ barbeque (n) blood (n)
baseball (n) blouse (n)
basketball (n) bat (n) blue (adj & n)
bath (n) bathing suit board (n)
(n) bathroom (n) • The teacher’s writing on the (black/white)
bathtub (n) battery board.
(n) be (av & v) beach board game (n)
(n) bean (n) bear (n) boat (n)
beard (n) beautiful body (n)
(adj) because (conj) boil (v)
because of (prep boiled (adj)
phr) become (v) book (n & v)
• a good book
• book a place on the
course bookcase (n)
bookshelf (n)
bookshop (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: bookstore)
bookstore (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: bookshop) boot
bed (n) (n)
bedroom • a pair of boots bored (adj)
(n) bee (n) boring (adj)
before (adv, conj & born (v)
prep) begin (v) • I was born in Manchester.
beginner (n) borrow (v)

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• She borrowed a book from the cafe/café (n)
library. boss (n) cafeteria (n)
both (pron & cake (n)
det) bother (v) calendar (n)
• Sorry to bother you. call (n & v)
bottle (n) • I’ll call (phone) again later this afternoon.
bottom (n) • He’s called John.
• at the bottom of the • I’m waiting for a call from Anna.
stairs bowl (n) camel (n)
box (n) boy camera (n)
(n) boyfriend camp (v)
(n) bracelet camping (n)
(n) brain (n) campsite (n)
brave (adj) cap (n)
bread (n) capital (n)
break (n & v) can (n & mv)
• I can ride a bike. (ability)
• a break for lunch (n) • Can I have one? (request)
• Someone’s broken the window. • Can I help you? (offer)
(v) break down (phr v) • It can be cold here in winter. (possibility)
• The car has broken • You can watch TV now.
down. breakfast (n) (permission) candy (n)
bridge (n) cannot
bright (adj – for colours) (mv) car
• bright pink (n) card (n)
brilliant (adj) • birthday card
• I thought the film was • credit card
brilliant! bring (v) • card game (e.g. We played a card
bring back (v) game in class.)
broken (adj) career (n)
brother (n) brown careful (adj)
(adj & n) brush (n • Be careful!
& v) build (v) carefully (adv)
building (n) burger car park (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: parking
(n) bus (n) lot) carpet (n)
business (n) carrot (n)
businessman (n) carry (v)
businesswoman cartoon (n)
(n) business case (n)
person (n) bus cash (n &
station (n) bus stop v) castle
(n) (n) cat (n)
catch (v)
busy (adj) CD (n)
but (conj) CD player (n) ceiling (n) cell
butter (n) phone (n) celebrate (v)
butterfly celebrity (n) cent (n)
(n) buy (v) centre/center (n)
by (prep) centimetre/centimeter (cm)
by accident (prep phr) (n) century (n)
by the way (prep phr)
bye (exclam)

C cereal (n)
certainly (adv)
chain (n)
cabinet (n) • She wore a gold chain.

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• I need a new bicycle coach (n)
chain. chair (n) • a coach trip
change (v & n) • a tennis coach coat
• There is a change of room for this (n) coast (n)
course. coffee (n) cola
channel (n) (n) cold (adj &
character (n) n) colleague
• He was my favourite character in (n) collect (v)
the film. college (n)
chat (n) colour (n & v)
chatroom (n) comb (n)
cheap (adj) come (v)
check (v) come back (v)
cheese (n)
chef (n) • We came back from our
chemist (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: drugstore) holiday yesterday.
chemistry (n) comedy (n)
cheque (n) comfortable (adj)
chess (n) comic (n)
chicken (n) company (n)
child (n) • What’s the name of your
chilli (n) company? competition (n)
chips (n pl) complete (v) computer
• egg and (n) concert (n)
chips chocolate (n) congratulations!
choose (v) cinema (exclam) contact (n & v)
(n) continue (v)
circle (n) conversation (n)
circus (n)
city (n) cook (n & v)
class (n) cooker (n)
• a language class cookie (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:
• a first-class biscuit) cooking (n)
ticket classical (adj) cool (adj & exclam)
classmate (n) • That’s a cool bike! (adj)
classroom (n) copy (v)
clean (adj & corner (n)
v) cleaner (n) • the corner of the street correct
clear (adj) (adj) cost (n & v)
• It’s not clear to costume (n)
me. clearly (adv) • I forgot my swimming
clever (adj) costume. could (mv)
click (n & v) • I couldn’t find the information
• Click here to go to our • Could you lend me some money?
website. climb (v) • We could go to the cinema
climbing (n) clock tonight. country (n)
(n) close (adj & v) countryside
close to (prep (n) course (n)
phr) closed (adj) • a university course
closet (n) clothes • a main course
(n pl) cloud (n) • of course (not)
cousin (n)
cover (v &n)
cloudy • I had to cover my eyes.
(adj) clown
• There was a flower on the book’s
(n) club (n)
• to join a club cover. cow (n)

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crazy (adj) design (process) (n)
cream (adj & n) design (drawing) (n)
• I like strawberries and cream. desk (n)
• Mum’s cream T-shirt got dessert (n)
dirty. credit card (n) details (n)
cricket (n) diary (n)
cross (n & v) dictionary (n)
• Don’t cross the road here! die (v)
(v) crossing (n) difference (n)
• Use the crossing to cross the different (adj)
street. crowd (n) difficult (adj)
crowded digital (adj)
(adj) cry (v) digital camera (n)
• The baby’s crying. dining room (n)
cup (n) dinner (n)
cupboard (n) dinosaur (n)
curry (n) diploma (n)
curtain (n) directions (n)
customer (n) dirty (adj)
cut (v) disco (n)
cycle (v) discount (n)
cycling (n) discover (v)
discuss (v)
dish (n)
D • Chicken and chips is my favourite dish.
• I broke a dish when I was washing
dad (n) up. dive (v)
daily (adj & adv) • I learnt to dive at the swimming
dance (n & v) pool. diving (adj)
dancer (n) • I’ve joined a diving club.
dancing (n) do (av & v)
danger (n) doctor (n)
dangerous (adj) document (n)
dark (adj) dog (n)
date (n) doll (n)
• What’s the date dollar (n)
today? daughter (n) dolphin (n)
day (n) donkey (n)
dead (adj) door (n)
dear (adj) dot (n)
• Dear Anne, • dot com
decide (v) double (adj)
deep (adj) • a double room down (adv &
degree (n) prep) download (n & v)
• The temperature’s 30 degrees • I downloaded the songs from the internet
today. delay (n & v) (v).
• There will be a delay of two hours. (n) downstairs (adv)
• The flight is delayed. (v) Dr (n)
delicious (adj) draw (v)
deliver (v) drawer (n)
dentist (n) drawing (n)
department (n) dream (n & v)
department store (n) dress (n & v)
describe (v) dressed (adj)
desert (n) • Hurry, you need to get
design (v) dressed! drink (n & v)
design (planning) (n) drive (v)

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driver (n) everyone (pron)
driving licence (n) everything (pron)
drop (v) everywhere (adv)
drugstore (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: chemist) exactly (adv)
drum (n) examination/exam (n)
dry (adj & v) example (n)
duck (n) • Look at the example first.
during (prep) • for example
DVD (n) excellent (adj)
DVD player (n) except (conj & prep)
excited (adj)
E exciting (adj)
excuse (v)
• Excuse me!
each (det & pron) exercise (n & v)
each other (pron) • He should do more exercise to get fit.
ear (n) • I’ve got a maths exercise to
early (adj & adv) finish. exhibition (n)
earn (v) • art exhibition exit (n)
earring (n) expensive (adj)
easily (adv) experience (n)
east (n, adj & adv) experiment (n)
easy (adj) • The science experiment was
eat (v) fun. explain (v)
egg (n) explore (v)
electric (adj) explorer (n)
electricity (n) • This book’s about famous
elephant (n) explorers. extra (adj)
elevator (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: lift) eye (n)
else (adv)
• Anything
else? email (n & v) F
empty (adj)
end (v & n) face (n)
engine (n) fact (n)
engineer (n)
factory (n)
enjoy (v)
fail (v)
enough (adv, det & fair (adj)
pron) enter (v) • She has fair
• Are you going to enter the hair. fall (n & v)
poster competition? • in the fall (n) (Am Eng) (Br
• Please enter through the side Eng: autumn)
door. entrance (n) • He fell and hurt his leg.
envelope (n)
(v) family (n)
environment (n)
equipment (n)
(adj) fan (n)
• You need special equipment to go • She’s a football fan.
diving. eraser (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: rubber) fantastic (adj)
especially (adv) far (adv)
euro (n)
• How far is the next
even (adv)
garage? farm (n)
evening (n)
farmer (n)
event (n)
fashion (n) fast
• The Olympic games is a great
event. ever (adv) (adj & adv)
every (det) fast food (n) fat
everybody (pron)

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father (n) for (prep)
favourite (adj) foreign (adj)
feel (v) forest (n)
• to feel well forget (v)
feelings (n) fork (n)
festival (n) few • knife and
(det & adj) fork form (n)
field (n) • Fill in this form.
file (n) free (adj & adv)
fill (v) • I got a free ticket to the match.
fill in (phr v) • Are you free on Saturday? French
• to fill in a fries (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: chips) fresh
form film (n & v) (adj)
final (adj) • fresh fruit fridge (n)
finally (adv) fried (adj)
find (v) friend (n)
• I found my keys under the • It’s easy for her make
sofa. find out (phr v) friends. friendly (adj)
fine (adj) frightened (adj)
• That’s fine! from (prep)
• I’m fine, thank you. front (n)
• The weather is fine. • at the front of the train
finger (n) • Stand in front of me.
finish (v) fruit (n)
fire (n) full (adj)
first (adv & adj) fun (adj & n)
• First… then… (adv) funny (adj)
• John came first. (adv) fur (n)
• first prize (adj) furniture (n)
first name (n) further (adj)
first of all (adv) future (n)
• First of all, you must wash your
hands. fish (n & v)
fishing (n)
fit (adj)
• I joined a gym to get fit. gallery (n)
• I run to keep fit. game (n)
fix (v) garage (n)
flat (n) garden (n)
flight (n) garlic (n)
floor (n) gas (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: petrol)
• The bedrooms are on the first floor. gas station (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: petrol station)
• Don’t leave your clothes on the gate (n)
floor. flower (n) geography (n)
fly (v) fog get (v)
(n) foggy get back (v)
(adj) • I need to take the bus to get back
folder (n) home. get dressed (v)
follow (v) get fit (v)
follow (social media) (v) get married (v)
• follow somebody on social get off (phr v)
media food (n) • to get off the bus get on (phr v)
foot (n) • to get on the bus get up (phr v)
• my right foot • to get up in the morning
football (n) gift (n)
footballer (n) girl (n)
girlfriend (n)

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give (v)
give back (v)
• I’ll give them back to you tomorrow.
• I’ll give back your books hair (n)
tomorrow. give somebody a call/ring (v) half (det, n & pron)
glad (adj) half-price (adj)
glass (n & adj) hall (n)
glasses (n pl) hand (n)
glove (n) handbag (n)
go (v) goal happen (v)
(n) gold (n & happy (adj)
adj) golden harbour (n)
(adj) golf (n) hard (adj & adv)
good (adj) • hard wood (adj)
• the homework was hard (adj)
good afternoon • to work hard (adv)
(exclam) goodbye hat (n)
(exclam) good evening hate (v)
(exclam) good-looking have (av & v)
(adj) good morning have got to (mv)
(exclam) good night have to (mv)
(exclam) go out (phr v) he (pron)
• Are you going out this head (n)
evening? grade (n) • My head
gram(me) (n) hurts. headache (n)
grandchild (n) headphones (n)
grand(d)ad (n) headteacher (n)
granddaughter health (n)
(n) grandfather healthy
(n) grandma (n) (adj) hear
grandmother (n) (v) heart (n)
grandpa (n) heating (n)
grandparent (n) • Can you turn the heating
grandson (n) on? heavy (adj)
granny (n) grape • a heavy blanket helicopter
(n) grass (n) (n) hello (exclam)
help (v & n)
great (adj) • Call me if you need any
green (adj) help. helpful (adj)
grey (adj & n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: her (det & pron)
gray) grilled (adj) here (adv) hers
grocery store (n) (Am (pron) herself
Eng) group (n) (pron)
grow (v) • by herself
grow up (phr v) hey (exclam)
guess (v) hi (exclam)
Guess what? high (adj)
(v) guest (n) hill (n)
guest-house (n) him (pron)
guide (n) himself (pron)
guidebook (n) • by himself
guitar (n) hip hop (n)
guy (n) his (det & pron)
• He’s a really nice guy. history (n)
gym (n) hit (v)
hobby (n)
hockey (n)

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hold (v) internet (n)
holiday (n) into (prep)
home (n & adv) invent (v)
homework (n) invention (n)
honey (n) invitation (n)
hope (v) invite (v)
horrible (adj) island (n)
horror (adj) it (pron)
horse (n) IT (n)
hospital (n) its (det)
hot (adj) itself (pron)
hotel (n)
hour (n)
house (n)
housewife (n)
how (adv) jacket(n)
however (adv) jam (n)
huge (adj) • fruit
hungry (adj) jam jazz (n)
hurry (v) jeans (n pl)
hurt (v) jewellery (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:
husband (n) jewelry) job (n)
join (v)
I journalist
(n) journey
(n) juice (n)
I (pron) jump (v)
ice (n) jumper (n)
ice cream (n) just (adv)
ice skating • I’ve just seen Tom.
(n) ID (n) • Just a moment.
ID card (n)
idea (n)
identification K
(n) if (conj)
ill (adj) keep (v)
immediately • May I keep this?
(adv) important • Keep right!
(adj) impossible key (n)
(adj) improve (v) • This is the key to my front door.
in (adv & prep)
• The answer key is at the back of
include (v)
the book.
including (prep)
keyboard (n)
indoor (adj)
indoors (adv)
• I play the keyboard in a band.
information (n) • The keyboard for my computer is
broken. kick (n & v)
in front of (prep
kid(s) (n)
phr) ingredient (n)
kilogramme (kg) (n) (Br Eng) (Am
insect (n)
inside (adv & Eng: kilogram)
kilometre (km) (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:
prep) instead
kilometer) kind (adj & n)
(adv) instead of
• That’s very kind of you.
(prep) instructions
• What kind of book do you want?
(n pl) instrument
king (n)
(n) interested (adj)
kiss (n & v)
interesting (adj)
kit (n)
international (adj)
kitchen (n)

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kite (n) life (n)
knife (n) lift (n)
know (v) • Take the lift to the third floor.
• Can I give you a lift to the
L station? light (n & adj)
like (adv, prep & v)
• What’s the weather like? (adv)
lake (n) • It’s like an orange but bigger. (prep)
lamp (n) • I’d like a drink. (v)
language (n) line (n)
laptop (computer) (n) • draw a line
large (adj) • the next line lion
last (adj & det) (n) link (technology) (n)
late (adv & adj) • Click on the link.
• The train is going to be late. list (n)
(adj) later (adv) listen (v)
• I’ll see you later. litre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: liter)
latest (adj) little (adj)
laugh (v) live (v)
lazy (adj) living room (n)
learn (v) local (adj)
least (adv) long (adj)
• at least look (v)
leather (n & • You look happy.
adj) leave (v) • Don’t look now!
• The train leaves at 10 o’clock. look after (phr v)
• I left my bag in the cinema. look at (phr v)
• There isn’t any milk left. look for (phr v)
left (adj, adv & n) look out (phr v)
• Go to the left. (n) • Look out – it’s going to
• left hand (adj) fall! lorry (n)
• Turn left. lose (v)
(adv) left-hand (adj) • We lost the game.
leg (n) • I’ve lost my passport.
lemon (n) lost (adj)
lemonade lots / a lot (n)
(n) lend (v) • a lot of
length (n) homework. loud (adj)
• The length of the lesson/journey was love (n & v)
50 minutes. lovely (adj)
• The length of the race was 100 metres. low (adj) luck
• Can you swim a length of the (n) luckily
pool? less (adj, det & pron) (adv) lucky
lesson (adj) luggage
(n) let (v) (n) lunch (n)
• Let’s go to the beach. lunchtime (n)
• Let me know when you arrive.
• My parents let me go to the
beach. letter (n) M
• Saturday begins with a capital letter.
• I posted the letter to you on
Friday. level (n) machine (n)
• language level library (n) mad (adj)
licence (n) magazine (n)
• driving licence mail (n)
lie down (phr v) main course (n)

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make (v) missing (adj)
make sure (that) (v) mistake (n)
make-up (n) mix (v)
man (n) mobile (phone) (n)
manager (n) model (n)
mango (n) modern (adj)
many (det & pron) mom (n) (Am Eng)
map (n) moment (n)
mark (n) • I’m in England at the
market (n) moment. money (n)
married (adj) monkey (n) month
match (n) (n) monthly (adj &
• football match adv) moon (n)
maths/mathematics (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:
math) more (adj, adv, det &
matter (n & v) pron) morning (n)
• It doesn’t matter. (v) most (adj, adv, det &
• What’s the matter? pron) mother (n)
(n) may (mv) motorbike (n)
maybe (adv) motorway (n)
me (pron) mountain (n)
meal (n) mouse (n)
mean (v) • I got a new mouse for my laptop.
meat (n) • I’ve got a pet mouse.
mechanic mouth (n)
(n) medicine move (v)
(n) meet (v) movie (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: film)
meeting (n) movie star (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: film star)
melon (n) movie theater (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: cinema)
member (n) MP3 player (n)
• a member of a Mr (n)
club memory (n) Mrs (n)
• My computer has 4GB of Ms (n)
memory. menu (n) much (adj, adv, det & pron)
message (n) mug (n)
metal (n & adj) mum (n) (Br Eng)
metre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: museum (n)
meter) midday (n) mushroom (n)
middle (n) music (n)
• Bob’s the one in the middle of the musical (adj)
photo. midnight (n) musician (n)
might (mv) must (mv)
mile (n) my (det)
milk (n) myself (pron)
million (n) • by myself
mind (v)
• Do you mind if I close the window? N
• I don’t mind if…
• Never mind.
• Mind your head! name (n)
mine (pron) national (adj)
mineral water (n) nationality (n)
minus (prep) nature (n)
minute (n) natural (not artificial) (adj)
mirror (n) near (adv & prep)
Miss (n) nearly (adv)
miss (v) neck (n)

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necklace (n) • only once
need (v) one (det & pron)
neighbour (n) onion (n) online
nervous (adj) (adj & adv) only
net (n) (adv & adj)
• I found a great website on the • I only wanted to help.
net. never (adv) • the only one
new (adj) news open (adj & v)
(n) newspaper opera (n)
(n) next (adj & opinion (n)
adv) next to opposite (prep)
(prep) nice or (conj)
(adj) night (n) orange (adj & n)
order (n & v)
no (adv, det & • We have received your order.
pron) nobody • You order your meal from the
(pron) noise (n) waiter. other (det & pron)
noisy (adj) our (det) ours
noon (n) (pron) ourselves
no one (pron) (pron) out (adv)
normal (adj) north outdoor (adj)
(n, adj & adv) outdoors (adv) out
nose (n) of (prep) outside
not (adv) (prep & adv) oven
note (n & v) (n)
• The students took notes during the class.
• She noted the name of the over (prep & adv)
company. notebook (n) • over 60 people (adv)
nothing • to travel all over the world
(pron) notice (prep) own (adj)
(n) now (adv) • They cook their own meals.
number (n)
nurse (n)
pack (v)
• pack a
ocean (n) suitcase page (n)
occupation (n) pain (n)
o'clock (adv) paint (v & n)
of (prep) painter (n)
of course (not) (adv) painting (n)
off (adv) pale (adj)
offer (n & v) pair (n)
office (n) • a pair of shoes
often (adv) paper (n & adj)
oh (exclam) paragraph (n)
oh dear! (exclam) pardon (exclam)
oil (n) • Pardon?
• car oil parent (n)
• cooking oil park (n & v)
OK/okay parking lot (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: car
(exclam) old (adj) park) parrot (n)
Olympic (adj) part (n)
omelette (n) on • the best part of the day
(prep & adv) partner (n)
once (adv) party (n)

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pass (v) plant (n)
• You pass the station on the left. plastic (n & adj)
• to pass a driving plate (n)
test passenger (n) platform (n)
passport (n) • Your train leaves from Platform
password (n) 8. play (v & n)
past (prep & n) • to play football (v)
• In the past, people didn’t have • to play the guitar (v)
mobiles. pasta (n) • a play at the theatre (n)
path (n) player (n)
pay (v) playground (n)
PC (personal computer) (n) pleasant (adj)
pear (n) please (v & exclam)
pen (n) pence • I’m very pleased for you. (v)
(n) pencil (n) • Please be quiet!
pencil case pleased (adj)
(n) penfriend plus (prep)
(n) penny (n) p.m. (adv)
people (n pl) pocket (n)
pepper (n) point (v)
per (prep) police (n)
perfect (adj) police car (n)
police officer (n)
perform (entertainment) (v) police station (n)
performance (entertainment) polite (adj)
(n) perfume (n) pool (n)
perhaps (adv) • swimming
person (n) pet pool poor (adj)
(n) petrol (n) poor thing/you
petrol station (n) (adj) pop (n)
pharmacy (n) • pop music
phone (v & n) popular (adj)
photo(graph) (n) port (n)
photographer possible (adj)
(n) photography possibly (adv)
(n) physics (n) post (v & n)
piano (n) • to post a letter
• What’s in the post today?
pick up (phr
• to post something
v) picnic (n) online postcard (n)
picture (n) poster (n)
piece (n) post office
• a piece of cake (n) potato (n)
pillow (n) pound (£) (n)
pilot (n) practice (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: practise)
pink (adj) • football practice
pity (n)
practise (v)
• What a • You must practise if you want to play
pity! pizza (n)
place (n)
prefer / would prefer (v)
• a nice place for a picnic
• I prefer football to basketball.
• Let’s meet at my place.
• I’d prefer to come with
• book a place on a course you. prepare (v)
• to take place present (n)
plan (n & v) • a birthday present
plane (n) pretty (adj)
• The plane was late.

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price (n) • When will it be
print (v) ready? real (adj)
printer (n) really (adv)
prize (n) reason (n)
probably (adv) receipt (n)
problem (n) receive (v)
program (n) receptionist
• a computer (n) recipe (n)
program programme (n) record (v)
• a TV • They’re recording a new
programme project (n) album. red (adj)
• a school project refrigerator (n)
pull (v) relax (become happy)
pupil (n) (v) relaxing (adj)
purple (adj) remember (v)
purse (n) rent (v)
push (v) repair (v)
put (v) repeat (v)
put on (phr v) rest (n & v)
puzzle (n) • to have a rest (n)
• ‘Try to rest,’ the doctor said. (v)
Q • the rest of the day
(n) restaurant (n)
return (n & v)
quarter (n) • my return from holiday (n)
• a quarter of an • He returned home late. (v)
hour queen (n) • She returned her library books.
question (n) (v) review (N/A) (n)
quick (adj) rice (n) rich
quickly (adv) (adj) ride (n
quiet (adj) & v)
• Please be quiet! right (n, adj & adv)
• The restaurant was quiet last • He swam to the right. (n)
night. quite (adv) • your right hand (adj)
• Are you quite sure? • That’s the right answer. (adj)
• quite old • Turn right here. (adv)
quiz (n) right hand (adj)
ring (n & v)
R • He bought her a gold ring.
• Give me a ring if you’re free.
• I rang home last night.
rabbit (n) river (n)
race (n & v) road (n)
• a running race (n) roast (v & adj)
• She raced her brother to the bus stop. rock (n)
(v) racket (n) • rock
• Can I borrow your tennis racket? concert roof (n)
radio (n) room (n)
railway (n) • a double
rain (n & v) room round (adj)
raincoat (n) roundabout (n)
rap (n) rubber (n)
• rap rubbish (unc n)
music read (v) • Can you throw the rubbish in the
reading (n) bin? rugby (n)
ready (adj) ruler (n)

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run (v) • Bob and Sam share an office.
runner (n) • Will you share your sandwich with
running (n) me? share (digitally) (v)
S • She shared her pictures online.
she (pron)
sheep (n)
sad (adj) sheet (n)
safe (adj) • a bed sheet
sail (v) • a sheet of paper
sailing (n) shelf (n)
salad (n) ship (n)
sale (n) shirt (n)

• for sale shoe (n)

• I bought it in the sale. shop (n & v)
salt (n) shop assistant (n)
same (adj & pron) shopping (n)
• at the same time (adj) • Let’s go shopping tomorrow.
• Your watch is the same as mine. short (adj)
(pron) sandwich (n) • a short time
sauce (n) shorts (n pl)
sausage should (mv)
(n) save (v) shout (v)
• to save money show (v & n)
• to save time • Show me your photos. (v)
say (v) • a film show (n)
scared (adj) • show somebody round
scarf (n) (v) shower (n)
scary (adj) shut (v)
school (n) shy (adj)
schoolchild (n) sick (adj)
science (n) side (n)
scientist (n) • this side of the
scissors (n pl) room sightseeing (n)
scooter (n) sign (n)
screen (n) silver (n &
sea (n) adj) similar
season (n) (adj) simple
seat (n) (adj) since
second (adj, det & n) (prep) sing
secretary (n) (v) singer (n)
see (v) singing (n)
seem (v) single (adj)
• She seems happy. sink (n) sister
• It seemed like a good (n)
idea. selfie (n) sit (v)
sell (v) send sit down (phr
(v) sentence v) site (n)
(n) • internet site
serious (person) sitting room (n)
(adj) serve (v) size (n)
set (n) skate (v)
several (det & skateboard (n)
pron) shall (mv) skateboarding (n)
shame (n) skating (n)
• What a shame! ski (v)
shampoo (n & v) skiing (n)
share (v) skirt (n)

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sky (n) • He spends a lot of money on
sleep (v) clothes. spoon (n)
slice (n) sport (n)
slim (adj) sports centre
slow (adj) (n) spring (n)
slowly (adv) • I hate winter but I love
small (adj) spring. square (n & adj)
smart (stylish) (adj) stadium (n)
smart (clever) (adj) staff (n)
smoke (v) stage (n)
smoking (n) stairs (n pl)
snack (n) stamp (n)
snake (n) • Put a stamp on the envelope.
snow (n & v) stand (v)
snowboard (n) • She was standing at the bus
snowboarding (n) stop. star (n & v)
so (conj & adv) start (v)
• So, I think it’s right. (conj) station (n)
• He ate too much, so he felt ill. (conj) stay (v)
• He wanted to go but he didn’t say so. • I can’t stay long.
(adv) • I stayed in New York for 10 days.
soap (n) • The shop stays open late.
soccer (n) steak (n)
social media (n) steal (v)
sock (n) • Someone’s stolen my
sofa (n) bag! still (adv)
soft (adj) stomach (n)
software (n) stomach ache
some (det & pron) (n) stop (n & v)
somebody (pron) store (n) storm
someone (pron) (n)
something (pron) story (n)
sometimes (adv) straight (adj & adv)
somewhere (adv) • a straight line (adj)
son (n) • Go straight on.
song (n) (adv) strange (adj)
soon (adv) • That’s a strange
sorry (adj) story! strawberry (n)
• I’m sorry I’m late. street (n)
• Sorry, I don’t understand that. striped (adj)
• Sorry to hear you’re not well. stripes (n)
sort (n) strong (adj)
sound (v) student (n)
• That sounds nice. studies (n
• To sound good/interesting/strange, pl) study (v)
etc. soup (n) stuff (n)
south (n, adj & • That’s where I keep all my
adv) space (n) stuff. subject (n)
spare (adj) • What’s your favourite subject at school?
• I read a lot in my spare time. • the subject of a talk
speak (v) success (n)
speaker (n) successful (adj)
special (adj) such (det)
spell (v) suddenly (adv)
spelling (n) sugar (n)
spend (v) suggest (v) + ing
• Let’s spend the weekend at the beach.

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• I suggest having the meeting in the teenager (n)
office. telephone (n & v)
suit (n) television (TV) (n)
• He was wearing a grey tell (v)
suit. suitcase (n) temperature (n)
summer (n) sun • The temperature was below
(n) sunglasses zero. tennis (n)
(n pl) sunny tent (n) term
(adj) (n) terrible
supermarket (n) (adj) test
supper (n) (n) text (n &
suppose (v) v) textbook
• I suppose so. (n)
• I suppose you’re text message (n)
right. sure (adj) than (prep & conj)
• I’m (not) sure. thank (v) thanks
surf (v) (exclam) thank
• I like surfing (on) the you (exclam) that
internet. surfboard (n) (conj & pron) the
surfing (n) (det)
surname (n) theatre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:
surprise (n) theater) their (det)
surprised (adj) theirs (pron) them
surprising (adj) (pron)
sweater (n) themselves
sweet (n & adj) (pron) then (adv)
swim (v & n) there (adv) these
• I swim in the college team. (det & pron) they
• I’d like to have a swim in the (pron)
lake. swimming (n) thin (adj) thing (n)
swimming costume (n) (Br Eng) (Am think (v) thirsty
Eng: bathing suit) (adj) this (det &
swimming pool pron) those (det
& pron) through
(n) swimsuit (n) (prep) throw (v)
thunderstorm (n)
T ticket (n)

table (n)
table tennis (n) tidy (adj &
v) tidy up
tablet (n)
(v) tie (n)
• You can take notes using your tablet.
tiger (n)
take (v)
tights (n pl)
• I’ll take it to your room. till (prep)
• It takes three hours. time (n)
take off (phr v) timetable
• She took off her (n) tired
shoes. take part (v) (adj) title (n)
talk (n & v) to (prep) toast (n)
tall (adj) tasty today (n & adv)
(adj) taxi (n) toe (n) together
tea (n) teach (adv) toilet (n)
(v) teacher tomato (n)
(n) team (n) tomorrow (n &
technology adv)

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tonight (n & adv) uniform (n)
too (adv) university (n)
tooth (n) until (prep)
toothache (n) unusual (adj)
toothbrush (n) up (prep & adv)
top (n) upload (v)
• the top of the upset (adj)
page topic (n) upstairs (adv)
total (adj & us (pron)
n) tour (n) use (v)
• The band are on tour this useful (adj)
month. tour guide (n) usual (adj)
tourist (n) usually (adv)
tourist information centre
(n) towel (n)
town (n) toy
(n) traffic (n)
traffic light v/versus (prep)
(n) train (n) • Manchester United v
Liverpool variety (n)
train (transitive and intransitive) (v) various (adj)
• sport vegetable (n)
training (transitive and intransitive) (n) very (adv)
• sport video (n)
trainer (n) video game
• a pair of (n) view (n)
trainers tram (n) village (n)
transport (n) violin (n) visit
travel (v) tree (v)
(n) trip (n) visit (n) visitor
trouble (n) (n) vocabulary
trousers (n (n) volleyball
pl) true (adj) (n)
try (v)

try on (phr v)
T-shirt (n) tune
(music) (n) turn wait (v)
(v) waiter (n)
turn off (phr v) waitress (n)
• Turn the gas wake (v)
off. turn on (phr v) wake up (phr v)
• Turn the heating walk (v & n)
on. twice (adv) • I often go for a walk in the
type (n) evening. walking (n)
tyre (n) (Am Eng: tire) wall (n)
wallet (n)
want (v)
U wardrobe (n)
warm (adj)
umbrella (n) wash (v)
uncle (n) washing machine
under (prep) (n) washing-up (n)
underground (n & adj) wash up (phr v)
understand (v) watch (n & v) water
unfortunately (adj) (n)
unhappy (n) way (n)

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• Do it this way. wool (n)
• one-way street word (n)
• Is this the quickest way home? work (n & v)
• by the way (prep phr) worker (n)
we (pron) work out (phr v)
wear (v) • exercise
weather (n) world (n)
web (n) worried (adj)
web page (n) worry (v)
website (n) worse (adj)
week (n) worst (adj)
weekday (n) would (mv)
weekend (n) wow (exclam)
weekly (adj & adv) write (v)
welcome (adj & exclam) write down (phr
• You’re welcome (adj) v) writer (n)
• Welcome to London! writing (n) wrong
(exclam) well (adv & adj) (adj)
well known (adj)
west (n, adj & Y
adv) wet (adj)
whale (n)
what (det & Yeah! (exclam)
pron) wheel (n) year (n)
when (adv) where yellow (adj)
(adv) which (det & yes (adv)
pron) while (conj) yesterday (adv)
white (adj) yet (adv)
• Has he arrived
who (pron) yet? yog(h)urt (n)
whole (adj & n) you (pron)
• the whole world (adj) young (adj)
• the whole of July (n) your (det)
whose (det & pron) yours (pron)
why (adv) yourself (pron)
wide (adj)
wife (n) Z
wifi (n)
wild (adj)
• wild zero (n)
animals wildlife (n) zoo (n)
will ('ll) (mv)
win (v) wind
(n) window (n)
(n) windy (adj)
winner (n)
winter (n) wish

• Best
wishes with (prep)
without (prep)
woman (n)
wonderful (adj)
wood (n) wooden

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