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Nume: ____________________

Data: __________

1 Încercuiește cuvântul diferit din șirul de cuvinte din rândurile 1-5. (5 x 2 = 10 puncte)

1 kitchen – bedroom – bathroom – carpet

2 bookcase – wardrobe – library – cupboard

3 pillow – armchair – sofa – chair

4 floor – door – window – garden

5 hospital – garage – gym – cinema

2 Înlocuiește pronumele demonstrativ this/that și these/those pe baza imaginilor de la

exercițiul 3, pagina 64. (4 x 1 = 4 puncte)

1 __________ is a chair and __________ is a desk.

2 __________ are books and __________ are magazines.

3 __________ is a guitar and __________ are glasses.

4 __________ are shoes and __________ is a cap.

3 Folosește there is cu substantive la singular și there are cu substantive la plural.

(4 x 2 = 8 puncte)

Exemple: ________ a sofa. __________ books in the bookcase.

There is a sofa. There are books in the bookcase.

1 _______________ curtains in the bedroom.

2 _______________ a cooker in the kitchen.

3 _______________ two windows in the room.

4 ________________ a table in the living room.

4 Înlocuiește în propoziții adjectivele nehotărâte some sau any. (4 x 2 = 8 puncte)

1 Are there _______ books on the desk?

2 There are ________ pillows on the bed.

3 There aren’t ________ posters on the wall.

4 There are ________ cupboards in the kitchen.

5 Citește textul de mai jos ca să răspunzi la următoarele întrebări. (4 x 5 = 20 de puncte)

1 Whose home is 10 Downing Street?

2 How old is the building?

3 How many rooms has it got?

4 Which floor is the Prime Minister’s house on?

10 Downing Street or ‘Number 10’ is the office and house of the British Prime Minister. It is
also the name of the building. There is a police officer in front of its black front door. The
building is three hundred years old and has got one hundred rooms. The Prime Minister’s house
is on the third floor. The other floors have got offices. There is a kitchen in the basement. At the
back, there is a courtyard with a nice garden. Number 10 is near Buckingham Palace, the
Queen’s house, just a short walk from the Houses of Parliament.

6 Completează emailul adresat lui Mark cu următoarele 10 cuvinte: bed, bedrooms, big,
blue, bookcase, desk, kitchen, living room, posters și small. (10 x 2 = 20 de puncte)

Hi Mark,

How are you? I am so happy with my new house! My house is 1) ___________. There is a large
2) ____________________, a nice 3) _______________ and two 4) _________________.

My favourite room is my bedroom. It is 5) _______________, but there is a 6) __________,

a 7) ____________ and a 8) _______________ in it. The curtains are 9) _______________.

There are 10) _______________ of my favourite footballers on the wall.

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