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According to oral tradition, ten Datus left the island of Borneo to escape a tryrant
ruler Datu Makatunao. They arrived in Panay in Sirawagan River where native aetas or
ati are living. The aetas are led by their Chieftain Marikudo and his wife Maniwan-tiwan.
Datu Puti, one of the datus, expressed their desire to settle in the lowlands. They
offered to barter the lowlands for a golden “Sadok” or a long-brimmed hat and a long
golden necklace. Marikudo agreed to the barter and they settled in the mountains.
The Datus divided the lowlands among themselves. Datu Paiburong was known
to have settled at a village called Irong-irong.

There are two ethnic groups inhabiting Panay Island before the conquest of
Spain. These are the Negritos or Atis and the Visayans. The Negritos lived in the
mountains and are nomadic. They are half-naked and wore a piece of bark to cover their
genitals. They are hunter and gatherer in nature and move from one place to another in
search of food.
The Visayans on the other hand lived along the coasts and rivers. The Boxer
Codex and other early Spanish documents, noted that Visayans adorned their bodies
with tattoos and sometime referred as Pintados. They wore cotton with colored stripes,
silk and cloth made of banana leaves. They also known decorated themselves with Gold
and other ornaments.
Initially, the Visayans only referred to the inhabitants of the Panay Island (H.
Otley Beyer) but eventually referred to other inhabitants in the nearby islands.


In 1566, Miguel Lopez de Legaspi sent scouts from Cebu to Panay Island to look
for food sources. Some forces settled near the river called Araut or Araud. But in 1572,
the Spaniards established a settlement in the town of Ogtong or present day Oton. It was
where the officials governed Panay Island. Gonzalo Ronquillo was the first
encomiendero of the town.
In 1581, Gonzalo Ronquillo now a Governor General, built a bigger settlement in
Arevalo. It was categorized as Villa under the name La Nueva Villa de Arevalo after his
hometown in Spain. The settlement was noted for the shipbuilding and built ships for
Spanish expeditions. It was one of the important settlements and it eventually became
La Villa Rica de Arevalo.
The town was razed by the invading Dutch forces in 1614. The Spanish officials
build another settlement in an Islet in the Batiano Estuary called Catalman. It means
something pointed in Visayan. The place was also called Irong-irong or Ilong-ilong,
which means nose like. The Spanish initially called it La Punta. The local name stuck.
Eventually, it was hispanized and is now referred to as Iloilo.

In 1602, a small wooden fortress was built in La Punta by Pedro Bravo de Acuñ a.
It defended the shores against raids by Moro pirates.
In September 28, 1616, Dutch again invaded and launched an attack against the
Spaniards. The Spaniards gathered in La Punta and were led by Diego Quiñ ones. He
built redoubts and trenches and covered them with sawali.
The Dutch proved to be a difficult force to reckon and fighting ensued for days.
One night, Quiñ ones stumbled upon a wooden box in a pit he fell into. When they
opened the box, they saw an image of Mary holding a Child Jesus. They took the image to
the fortress in procession and prayed for protection. On the nightfall of the 30th day, the
Dutch for some unknown reasons fled leaving their dead and injured soldiers. The
victory was considered miraculous and this started the devotion of the locals to Our
Lady of the Holy Rosary.
The Spanish officials made a bigger fortress on the same site in La Punta. It was
made of stone and improved it through the years. It continued to protect the islands
from raiding pirates. The fortification is known as Fort San Pedro.


Local economy in the province of Iloilo continue to thrive in the 1700s and early
1800s. Agricultural products abound and there were large production of textiles. Queen
Isabela II on September 5, 1855, opened the Port of Iloilo to foreign trade in 1855
through a Royal Order. Iloilo was exporting jusi, sinamay and cotton fabrics as well as
tobacco, abaca, dyewood, and sugar. This started the development of Iloilo and brought
a lot of foreign businessmen in to town.
One such businessman is Nicholas Loney, who was appointed as British Vice
Consul in Iloilo in 1856. Loney saw an opportunity. At that time, Ilonggo farmers were
using very primitive methods of cultivation and milling. Loney decided that if the Port of
Iloilo was to have direct trade with other countries, sugar production must be
expanded. To do this, he offered to sell iron plows and milling machineries on credit,
without interest. Ker & Co. and other British firms in Manila agreed to supply the
machineries. This proved to be a success and by 1885, Iloilo was exporting 100,000 tons
of sugar.

In 1888, Governor Valerio Weyler recommended the establishment of
Ayuntamiento or City Halls in the provinces to better manage the progress and industry.
In October 5, 1889, Queen Regent Maria Christina elevated Iloilo to a city through a
Royal Decree. The declaration noted the growing development in industry and
commerce in the capital of Iloilo Province, the second most important after the City of
In November 12, 1899, the overseas minister Manuel Bacerra, promulgated the
law establishing the City Hall of Iloilo which was created by a Superior Decree on
January 31, 1890. The Ayuntamiento of Iloilo was established on February 7, 1890, a
year later that of Jaro was also established. Don Tirso Lizarraga became the Mayor with
Don Sabino Ordaz and Don Isidro de la Rama as Vice Mayors. Nine others were
appointed as council members together with a treasurer.
Prosperity came among Ilonggos due to the increased production and
exportation of sugar. The standard of living improved at least for the middle class and
the elite (illustrado and principalia) and they are living a comfortable life.
On the onset of revolt in Manila on August 30, 1896, the Ilonggo elite were
caught by surprise. The Ilonggos through the Ayuntamiento of Iloilo and Jaro
condemned the uprising. Nearby provinces of Antique, Capiz and Negros also followed
The Ilonggo elite also showed support to Spain by organizing volunteers to help
quell the rebellion in Manila. Five hundred Ilonggo troops volunteered and an Ilonggo
Volunteer Batallion was formed under the leadership of mostly Spanish officials. The
battalion was divided into two companies and fought the revolutionary forces of Emilio
Aguinaldo in Cavite and Pampanga in 1897. The Ilonggo Volunteers were successful in
their campaign where they had a string of victories.
The Pact of Biak na Bato was signed in April 1898 and the Ilonggo Battalion went
home. The support of Ilonggos was unnoticed by the Spanish crown. On March 1, 1898,
Queen Regent Maria Christina granted a special royal decree. It awarded the perpetual
title of La Muy Noble Ciudad or the Most Noble City.


By March 18, 1898, Comite de Conspiradores was organized by Roque Lopez and
Pablo Araneta in the town of Molo. They plotted against the Spanish Government. It was
later renamed as Comite de Visayas.
After the fall of Manila, the provisional government of Spain moved the Capital to
Iloilo and was headed by Governor General Diego de los Rios. He tried to persuade the
locals not to revolt by forming a Council of Reforms with an all Ilonggo members.
However, the reforms were doomed to fail from the beginning. The fall of Manila has
already ignited the revolutionary movements across the Philippine Islands.
On November 17, 1898, the Phillippine flag was raised in Santa Barbara, Iloilo.
The revolutionary forces occupied the surrounding towns of Iloilo. By the time of the
Treaty of Paris, General de los Rios held only the city and port of Iloilo. Negotiations for
surrender were sent. Finally, on the morning of December 25, 1898, Military Provincial
Governor Ricardo Monet, who was representing Governor General de los Rios, together
with Lt. Col. Agustín Solís, formally handed over Plaza Alfonso XII to General Martin
Delgado. The Philippine flag was raised in triumph in Plaza Libertad, the last Capital of
Spain in Asia.

The Treaty of Paris was not accepted by the Ilonggo revolutionary government
and opposed the occupation of Iloilo by the Americans. The forces of General Martin
Delgado tried to hold Iloilo City. On February 11, 1899, the city was razed to the ground
by the bombardment of American forces and was burned by the retreating
revolutionary forces.
The hostilities continued until the establishment of the local governments in
some towns on April 11, 1901. Jose Maria N. Gay was appointed Alcalde of Iloilo, Matias
Ybiernas was Teniente Alcalde of Iloilo; Jose Yusay was President of Molo; Pablo
Borromeo was President of Arevalo; Ruperto Montinola was the lone representative of
Jaro, but was not its President. The City was also reduced to a town as the rest of the
Philipine Islands. Two years later, on April 4, 1903, Act 719 reduced the towns of Iloilo
Province from 50 to 17. The measure merged the towns of Molo, Mandurriao, Jaro and
Lapaz to the town of Iloilo. By 1908 and 1920, Jaro and Lapaz were declared separate
towns respectively.


In Iloilo, the American Period brought about further economic development
through road networks and the building of the railroad across Panay. Trading was
enhanced as goods can reach the seaport at Muelle Loney faster.
The sugar industry continued to improve and many Ilonggos who earned their
wealth started building huge houses and mansions. These Ilonggos are referred to as
the Sugar Barons, thus, the rise of Sugar Baron mansions. They also built commercial
buildings in the business district Calle Real. Different architectural styles flourished like
Art Deco, Art Nouveau and Neo Classical during this period.
The local economy did not only prosper but Ilonggos gained became prominent
members of the National Government. Nicholas Jalandoni at the age of 24 became the
youngest member of the first Philippine legislature and became the inaugural speaker.
Victorino Mapa and Ramon Avanceñ a became Chief Justices of the Supreme Court.
Several senators also rose to prominence like Ruperto Montinola and Jose Ma. Arroyo.
Ilongga women Pura Villanueva and Sofia Reyes de Veyra also led the feminist
movement for suffrage.


Congressman Cresenciano Lozano authored the bill for the elevation of Iloilo to a
City. The Commonwealth Act No. 57 known as the Charter of Iloilo City was enacted into
law on October 20, 1936. It established the City Government of Iloilo with the Mayor as
an appointed position by the President. The territory comprises the then the town of
Iloilo, which incorporated the towns of Molo and Mandurriao in 1903.
A few weeks later, the Charter was amended as Commonwealth Act No. 158 on
November 9, 1936. The amended charter now includes the territories of the
Municipalities of Lapaz and Arevalo to Iloilo City. It was noted that the town of Iloilo in
1936 has not reached the required population of 50,000 and the charter was amended
later to include the two towns.
The Commonwealth Act No. 158 Article XI Section 2 specifies that the City of
Iloilo shall begin to exist on either two conditions. One is after the elected provincial and
municipal officials of the province of Iloilo has assumed office after a general election.
Secondly, if the elections were postponed on a date later than 1937, the inauguration
date in set on July 16, 1937 with the appointment of city officials by the President and
concurrence of the Commission of Appointments of the National Assembly.
There were no scheduled general elections in 1937, thus, Proclamation No. 133,
series of 1937 was signed on January 23, 1937. It set aside the inauguration of the City
of Iloilo on July 16, 1937. However, no inauguration occurred on July 16, 1937, as there
was still no city official that has been appointed. Hence, the provision of Article XI of the
Commonwealth Act No. 158 has not been satisfied.
On August 20, 1937, Proclamation No. 172 was signed by President Manuel L.
Quezon after the appointment of a City Mayor. It sets August 25, 1937 as the
inauguration of the City of Iloilo and declared it a public holiday.
Finally, on August 25, 1937, Secretary of the Interior Elpidio Quirino swore Dr.
Ramon J. Campos to office as the first City Mayor. He succeeded Eulogio Garganera who
was the last Municipal President. President Manuel L. Quezon then inaugurated the City
of Iloilo. August 25 was the day that the charter took effect with the inauguration of the
City Mayor.
On August 22, 1940, Commonwealth Act No. 604 was approved expanding the
city’s territory to include the town of Jaro. The town was annexed with Proclamation
No. 663 issued by President Manuel Quezon on January 7, 1941.


The inauguration of Iloilo City was celebrated with a grand parade that started in
front of the Iloilo Provincial Capitol and ended in front of the newly-constructed
The route was from Bonifacio Drive to Iznart St., J.M. Basa towards Plaza
Libertad, Rizal St., Mabini St., Ledesma St., Rizal Estanzuela, and Infante St. up to the
grandstand in Delgado St. in front of the Iloilo City Hall.
The parade was made of four divisions. The first division which assembled along
General Luna St. was composed of the lead flags – American and Filipino colors, the
Grand Marshall, Miagao Band, the Military, Police, War Veterans, Schools, and the Media.
The second division at Jones-Quezon Sts. had the Alimodian Band in front that was
followed by civic and business organizations. The third division gathered at Bonifacio
Drive and was accompanied by the Dumangas band, followed by hospitals and
government employees. And the fourth division which lined up at Jobeler Drive had the
private establishments and the parade floats.
The activities for the celebration of the inauguration of Iloilo City were “diana de
las bandas de musica” at 4 a.m., “salvas de morteretes” or salvo of cannons at 12 noon
and 5 p.m. parlor games and sports at the city hall grounds, serenade in front of city hall
at 6 p.m., and “fuegos artificiales” or fireworks at 8 p.m. There were “lechon” served to
those who came for these activities.
The grandstand program after the parade consisted of an opening message by
Provincial Governor Timoteo Consing, introduction of the appointed Mayor Ramon J.
Campos, swearing in of the mayor and other city officials, and the inaugural speech of
the Alcalde.
Aside from these, there was a banquet tendered in honor of Vice President Sergio
Osmeñ a and the Secretary of Interiors Elpidio Quirino and of course the parade which
also had its assembly time at 7 a.m.

For this 73rd anniversary, the charter day parade will take a different route
starting from La Paz Plaza to Plaza Libertad. It will pass by the streets of Huervana,
Luna, Bonifacio Drive, Caram Avenue, JM Basa to Freedom Grandstand as the review
stand and dispersal at Plaza Libertad.
It shall have four divisions as well: Division 1 to assemble along Huervana St.;
Division II at Jereos St., fronting La Paz Catholic Church; Division III by the side of
Burgos St.; and Division IV laterally gathering at Huervana Extension.
About 4,000 students, government and private employees, professionals,
military and police personnel, war veterans, barangay residents, civic leaders, and civil
society are joining the parade.


Iloilo City was occupied by the Japanese forces in April 1942. Several Ilonggos
joined the guerilla and fought against the Japanese. Governor Fermin Caram was
authorized by Governor Tomas Confesor, who joined the guerilla, to accept the governor
position offered by the Japanese government. There was no city official during the
Japanese occupation. The city was managed by the Japanese through the governor.
Later in 1945, at the end of the war, Americans planned to bomb Iloilo City upon
the orders of General Robert Shoe to drive away the Japanese. Governor Fermin Caram
heard about the plan but knew that the Japanese already left the city. He devised a plan
to save the city. As the Americans bomber planes flew past the city, they saw the
message “NO JAPS HERE” spelled on the ground with linen and lime. The pilots dropped
a sandbag with a note – “message received, notified headquarters”. The plan was
aborted which saved a lot of lives and properties.
On March 18, 1945, American forces landed in Tigbauan, Iloilo and liberated
Iloilo and Panay Island. Three days later, people gathered together with American and
Filipino forces to celebrate the victory at Plaza de Aduana (Customs House Plaza) in
Iloilo City. The plaza was later known as Sunburst Park, the name of the American Army
Division who liberated Panay.
Mariano Benedicto was appointed Mayor during the transition period.


World War II brought heavy devastation in infrastructures and businesses. Most
government efforts were on rebuilding these infrastructures.
The City Hall of Iloilo was finished just about the same time the Charter of Iloilo
was approved. The building designed by Juan Arellano was started in 1934 along Calle
Carlos or present-day General Luna Street. The building was completed and inaugurated
on December 19, 1936.
In 1947, Mayor Fernando Lopez through the city council passed a resolution
donating the structure for use of the University of the Philippines. On May 1947, the City
Government vacated the building, and a month later, the UP College in Iloilo opened.
The city offices then transferred to Rizal Elemental School in front of Tanza Church.
Meanwhile, city officials negotiated for the house of Fernando Reguera (Spanish Consul)
at the corner of Blumentritt and de la Rama Streets, which they used for almost a year.
By 1948, the City Hall has transferred to Javellana Building in front of Plaza Libertad
where it remained until the late 1990s.

The positions of the city government under Commonwealth Act. 158 are all
appointed position by the President of the Philippines. Congressman Rodolfo Ganzon
filed a bill that enabled the position of Mayor, Vice Mayor and City Councilors as elected
positions. The bill was approved as Republic Act 1209 on April 29, 1955. The law was
known as Iloilo City Freedom Law. A year later, Congressman Ganzon ran for City Mayor
and became the first elected city mayor.


Batas Pambansa Bilang 337 or the Local Government Code of 1983 elevated the
status of Iloilo to a Highly Urbanized City. Under BP 337, a city that had at least 150,000
inhabitants and an income of at least ₱30 million was to be declared highly urbanized
by the Minister of Local Government. Iloilo City satisfied these requirements and was
declared as highly urbanized city.


Iloilo City experienced several problems from 1990s to 2000s which hindered it
from moving forward. Among of these are annual flooding, frequent brownouts, and
congestion in the downtown area due to rapid urban development. New infrastructures
and private investments were poured in to the city to address these problems.
The opening of a new mall at the Diversion Road in 1999 moved the
development towards the Mandurriao area from the old business district. Businesses
opened along the area. Even more businesses came, when the old airport in Mandurriao
was transferred in Cabatuan in 2007. The transfer allowed the area to be developed into
a business park.
Furthermore, to address the congestion and traffic, provincial public utility
vehicles were regulated in 2004. The Perimeter Boundary Ordinance limited the
entrance of Jeepneys and buses with a Car Pass System. Terminals were also built near
city boundaries that serve the public from the provinces.
The yearly monsoon rains caused the Jaro River to swell and flood nearby areas.
It caused millions in damages to properties and businesses annually. A flood control
project was built and completed in 2008, which diverted excess water from river and
alleviated the flooding.
Another persistent problem are the brown outs. The growing city has a high
demand for electricity for residential, commercial and construction use. The supply
from the Diesel Power Plants in the island cannot satisfy the high demand. A private
company built a 150MW coal-fired in 2010. It provided the City of Iloilo its stable supply
of electricity.
In 2008, Lapuz was made a separate district and was cut from the district of
Lapaz. The City Ordinance 894 was approved in December 17, 2008, creating the Lapuz


In the late 1990s, the city hall located along Plaza Libertad was determined as
unsafe as an old structure and also it cannot meet the demand of a growing city. The two
floors of the old city hall and even the adjoining public library building cannot
accommodate all the city government offices. The city government transferred to a
rented space at Marymart Mall Annex where it stayed for a few years. Upon the
completion of the new Terminal Market, the operations were transferred there. Later,
the City Mayor’s Office and few offices were moved to Robinson’s Place Iloilo.
In 2009, Mayor Jerry Treñ as with the approval of the city council built a New City
Hall building at the former site in Plaza Libertad. The new building with seven floors
plus a roof deck was completed in 2012 during the term of Mayor Jed Patrick Mabilog.
President Benigno Aquino III inaugurated the new city hall on June 1, 2012.


Iloilo City celebrated its 80th Charter Day Anniversary on August 25, 2017 with
the theme “Celebrating 80 years of Ilonggo Culture and Pride”. The event honored the
culture, achievements and transformation of the city though out the 80 years.
In 2017, Iloilo City set its new vision for the future and for development. It
envisions Iloilo City to be A Premier SMART City of Excellence. SMART here refers to the
industries that city aims to develop to achieve its vision. SMARTS means Services,
Manufacturing & Agribusiness, Arts & Culture, Research & Technology and Tourism.

In June 30, 2019, the new administration of Jerry P. Treñ as has prepared a
program called the Iloilo City Roadmap: W.H.E.E.L.S for inclusive development and good
governance with a Vision: By 2028, Iloilo City shall be one of the three best highly
urbanized cities in terms of livability, viability and governance practice. The W.H.E.E.L.S
program stands for Welfare, Health & Sanitation, Education, Environmental
Management, Livelihood, and Sustainability.


Iloilo City celebrated its 85th Charter Day Anniversary on August 25, 2022 with
the theme “Forging Stronger Ties with the Community”.



1900-1901 Hon. Jose N. Gay Municipal President
1901-1902 Hon. Matias Ybiernas Municipal President
1903-1904 Hon. Rosauro Jocson Municipal President
1904-1905 Hon. Juan de Leon Municipal President
1906-1908 Hon. Rosauro Jocson Municipal President
1909 Hon. Rosauro Jocson Municipal President
1910-1912 Hon. Quirino Abeto Municipal President
1913-1916 Hon. Quirino Abeto Municipal President
1917-1919 Hon. Gerardo Hervas Municipal President
1920-1921 Hon. Vicente Ybiernas Municipal President
1921-1922 Hon. Vicente Ybiernas Municipal President
1923-1925 Hon. Serapion Torre Municipal President
1926-1928 Hon. Eulogio Garganera Municipal President
1929-1931 Hon. Eulogio Garganera Municipal President
1932-1934 Hon. Leopoldo Ganzon Municipal President
1935-1936 Hon. Eulogio Garganera Municipal President
City Mayor (Appointed by virtue of
1936-1941 Hon. Ramon Campos
RA 365/ Commonwealth Act # 158
City Mayor (Appointed by virtue of
1941-1944 Hon. Vicente Ybiernas
RA 365/ Commonwealth Act # 158
City Mayor (Appointed by virtue of
1945 Hon. Mariano Benedicto
RA 365/ Commonwealth Act # 158
City Mayor (Appointed by virtue of
1945-1947 Hon. Fernando Lopez
RA 365/ Commonwealth Act # 158
City Mayor (Appointed by virtue of
1947-1949 Hon. Vicente Ybiernas
RA 365/ Commonwealth Act # 158
City Mayor (Appointed by virtue of
1950-1952 Hon. Rafael Jalandoni
RA 365/ Commonwealth Act # 158
City Mayor (Appointed by virtue of RA
1953 Hon. Juan Borja
365/ Commonwealth Act # 158
City Mayor (Appointed by virtue of
1954 Hon. Dominador Jover
RA 365/ Commonwealth Act # 158
1955-1959 Hon. Rodolfo T. Ganzon First Elected City Mayor (RA 1209)
1960-1961 Hon. Rodolfo T. Ganzon City Mayor (Elected)
1962-1963 Hon. Reinerio Ticao City Mayor (Elected)
1964-1967 Hon. Reinerio Ticao City Mayor (Elected)
1968-1971 Hon. Reinerio Ticao City Mayor (Elected)
1972 Hon. Rodolfo T. Ganzon City Mayor (Elected)
1972 (Oct.) – 1976 (Apr) Hon. Francisco Garganera Acting Mayor by virtue of succession
1976 (May) –1979 (Apr) Hon. T.S. Zafiro Ledesma City Mayor (Appointed)
1979 (May) –1986 (Mar Hon. Luis C. Herrera City Mayor (Appointed)
1986 (April) – 1987(Nov.) Hon. Rosa O. Caram City Mayor (Appointed)
1987 (Dec.) – 1988(Jan.) Hon. Antonio Hechanova City Mayor (Appointed)
1988 (Feb.) – 1991(June) Hon. Rodolfo T. Ganzon City Mayor (Elected)
1991 (July) – 1992(Mar.) Hon. Masueto A. Malabor Acting City Mayor
1992 (Apr) – 1992 (June 30) Hon. Jerry P. Treñ as City Mayor (By Succession)
1992 (June 30) NN
Hon. Masueto A. Malabor City Mayor (Elected)
1995 (June 30) NN
1995 (June 30) NN
Hon. Masueto A. Malabor City Mayor (Elected)
1998 (June 30) NN
1998 (June 30) NN
Hon. Masueto A. Malabor City Mayor (Elected)
2001 (June 30) NN
2001 (June 30) NN
Hon. Jerry P. Treñ as City Mayor (Elected)
2004 (June 30) NN
2004 (June 30) NN
Hon. Jerry P. Treñ as City Mayor (Elected)
2007 (June 30) NN
2007 (June 30) NN
Hon. Jerry P. Treñ as City Mayor (Elected)
2010 (June 30) NN
2010 (June 30) NN
Hon. Jed Patrick E. Mabilog City Mayor (Elected)
2013 (June 30) NN
2013 (June 30) NN
Hon. Jed Patrick E. Mabilog City Mayor (Elected)
2016 (June 30) NN
2016 (June 30) NN
Hon. Jed Patrick E. Mabilog City Mayor (Elected)
2017 (October 20) NN
2017 (October 20) NN
Hon. Jose S. Espinosa III City Mayor (By Succession)
2019 (June 30) NN
2019 (June 30) NN
Hon. Jerry P. Treñ as City Mayor (Elected)
to 2022 (June 30) NN
2022 (June 30) NN
Hon. Jerry P. Treñ as City Mayor (Elected)
to present

Prepared by:


Tourism Operations Officer I

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