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Name: Mizuchi Race: Tiefling

Class: Commander Level: 6


15 10 14 8 18 13 12+CON+lvl 10+CON+lvl 12+CHA+lvl
Modifier +2 0 +2 -1 +4 +1 20 18 19
Mod + lvl +8 +6 +8 +5 +10 +7 21 18 19

Hit Points Recoveries

Current Maximum Temporary Current Maximum Roll (lvl d8 + CON)
90 8 6d8 + 2
0 90 0 4 8 6d8 + 2

Racial Power Melee & Ranged Attack

Attack (STR + lvl) Hit (lvl d10 + STR) Miss (lvl)
Tides of Chaos: OPB; Change a natural 1-5 to a +8 6d6 + 2 6
1 and cause some chaos. FA if a 1 & vs you +10 6d6 + 4 6

Icons Backgrounds
Viggard (Positive) Fleet of Silver Errand Boy (+4)
The Storm Incarnate (Positive) x2 Master of Arms for Jade’s Ship (+5)
The Late Captain Jade (Positive) Learned Drugcrafting (+2)

OPB Never Say Die Increase escalation die when an enemy scores a critical hit
OPB Battle Captain If you have 2+ command points, you can command a second time
☐ Tactician Re-roll initiative, taking 2nd result. Use WIS whenever CHA mentioned
- Destined to Lead When you roll an icon, gain 2 bonus command points til next session

Always Command Points You start each battle with 1 cp
Always Fight from the Front When you hit with a melee attack, gain 1d3 command points
Always Weight the Odds SA, gain 1d4 command points
☒ (R11+) Basic Tactical Strike QA; One nearby ally makes basic attack as FA. +8 damage.
☒ (R16+) Advanced Tactical Strike QA; One nearby ally makes an at-will attack as FA
2 cp Try Again Target can reroll attack but must use new result
1 cp Rally Now FA: Target can rally (+1 cp: target unconscious)
1 cp Hit Harder Target can reroll any damage dice. Add 8 to the result.
☐ (R16+) Sword Work Escalation 3+; Make MWA as QA 1/turn til end of battle
☐ (R16+) Finish This! Escalation 4+; One Enemy Left; Crit range for all up by 1-3 cp spent
4 cp Strike Here! Ally engaged with same enemy; ally takes extra SA

Basic Tactical Strike Gain bonus damage equal to 2xWIS
Tactician Get a +1 to a command-related background
Hit Harder Gain bonus damage equal to 2xWIS
Sword Work Available from 3+ escalation
Champion Curse of Chaos Curse of Chaos is free if the attack is against you and a natural 1
Champion Hit Harder Spend 1 cp to add another damage dice of the same type

Magic Items
2x OPB Demon Coat +1 AC. Reduce d20 by 1 if it makes a hit miss. Quirk: Dreads dying
☐ Gem of Darkness Become a shadow for 5 minutes. Quirk: Secretive
☒ (R11+) Hilt of the Herald +2 Hilt. FA, MWA + fight from front. Quirk: Cruel demon whispers
OPB Hilt of the Herald SA, MWA + stay unengaged. Quirk: You get landsick
OPB Hilt of the Herald Roll with advantage if you justify how the hilt helps. Quirk: Show-off
☐ (R16+) Cape of Flight Fly until you next attack / are attacked. Quirk: Likes high places.
Minor Magic Items
Always Magic Compass Compass that shows the lines of where ships have travelled

Temporary Things

Deed & Seal for “Jade’s Phoenix” trading company
An effectively unlimited quantity of gold

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