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Name: Prophecy Race: Half-Elf

Class: Zorak Zorani Level: 5


20 16 20 16 10 7 12+DEX+lvl 10+CON+lvl 10+WIS+lvl
Modifier +5 +3 +5 +3 0 -2 +1 - -
Mod + lvl +10 +8 +10 +8 +5 +3 21 20 15

Hit Points Recoveries

Current Maximum Temporary Current Maximum Roll (lvl d8 + CON)
41 120 3 9 5d8 + 5

Racial Power Melee Attack

Surprising: Once per battle, lower one of your Attack (STR + lvl +1) Hit (lvl d10 + 2xSTR) Miss (lvl)

own d20 rolls by 1 +11 5d10 + 10 5

Icons Backgrounds
The Manifestation [1] Proving My Strength (3)
The Circle of Osyris [1] Azarus’ Destiny (3)
The Maelstrom of The South 1000 Frayed Souls (2)
Tauredan the Forgotten

Class Features & Talents

☐☐ Amanstan’s Master Deal half damage on a miss as fire to a random nearby enemy
OPB Great Weapons Free, on miss, roll again instead vs new engaged enemy
OPB Bully Free, if not staggered, reroll berserk die
Class Zorak Zorani QA, while berserk, pop free from one enemy
Class Zorak Zorani Resist damage from opportunity attacks
Class Zorak Zorani +2 crit range vs tasty targets

☐ (3) Consume Death Free, when undead die, heal w/ free recovery and eat it
☐ (5) Champion of Hate QA, target counts as tasty til the end of the battle
☐ (5) Touch of Ol’ Ratslaff A, Trigger: CoC; 1d4 uses; do 5d6 damage & Tiefling racial power
☐ (3) Tauredan’s Repose Outside battle, +50 temp HP til next battle, -5 to CHA & DEX rolls
Captured Fire A, summon fire elemental. D6; 1 – VF vs you, 2-3 HS, 4-6 VF; AC-21 / PD-19 / MD-13 / HP-56.
☐ (5)
Elemental Half-hearted Sparks +13vAC/8. Vindicative Flare +13vAC/20, + weaken, 10 ongoing (save 11+)
Berserk Attack Increase max berserker dice size to d12
☐ Great Weapons Use effect 3x, take -2 penalty on 2nd & 3rd time
Amanstan’s Master Gain resist fire 14+
Touch of Ol’ Ratslaff Get 1d4 uses instead of 1d3
Champion Berserk Attack Nat even misses against tasty targets deal ½ damage
Magic Items
☐ Talking Crossbow Outside battle, talk to the crossbow to gain one spell slot back
Always Trihorn Armour +4 to all defences round 1, +1 AC
Always Bonecrush Club +1 melee dice size vs undead and skeletons, +1 weapon
Always Tattoo of Freedom +1 recovery, disengage for free whilst rallying

Class Features
Always Berserking Nat even increases berserk dice; d10 < escalation for normal turn
Temporary Things
Potion of Salvation – when drunk (SA) instantly save against an effect
60 hexes (equivalent to 600GP)

Incremental Advances
X Hit Points Hit points go to (7 + CON) * 10 = 120

HP: 26


Approval ranged from 1 to 7. 1 being unmentionably unacknowledged or actively disliked, 7 is the
talk of the masquerade.
I am at 4.

I am Prophecy, once Azarus of the continent of time, reborn prison of the Sin of Andastel, unusual
monk of little renown.
Silas Cormorant
Silas Cormorant, a member of the Continental Bureau of Knowledge, of which Azarus was also once
a member. It’s basically a board of archivists, collectors, archaeologists and the like who analyse
intellectual discoveries and decide which ones are important for everyone to know, which are
important for some people to know, and which ones aren’t really important at all.
Has asked me to not use this connection again. Was a little annoyed by me using Azarus in my title.
Having spoken at the Eye of the Storm, our relationship may have been somewhat repaired. I
convinced him that I am still at least partly Azarus.
Corthwaite the Tailor
Made my outfit for the first event. Can scry into my room – supposedly temporary.
Wardrummer Garak
Percussionist of the Choir of Feathers and Representative of the Continent of Light
Kozu spared him way back and told him to join the choir of feathers
Hayder Racchin
Captain of the Knifepoint Mercenaries, Honoured Guest of the Duchess of Games
Lord Burav Bolaire
Patriarch of House Bolaire, Reigning Champion of the Grand Melee
the current up and comer of the court of dark
Lysander in conversation with the Bolaires - comporting himself Excellently
Lady Elindra Bolaire
Matriarch of House Bolaire, Former General of the Silver Legion
Adaar Kavalax
High Priest of the Blackscale Faith
Is not dressed as is custom for the eye of the storm
Situates himself in one corner and does not approach anyone
Kozu chatted to him
Javlik Steamlung
High Artificer of the Keep of Cogs, Progenitor of Generation 726
Representative for Time
First person to enter the room with bodyguards
Extremely softspoken
Knows the dubrechts?
Has a cohort of forgeborns in tow, all friendly and there of their own free will.
23 has talked to them – got some nice advice about memories. A friendly chap.
Might be making a new generation of forgeborn
Regnar, Leaf Whisperer
Alias of The Kindly One, Arm of the Leaf-Whisperer (they/them)
Tree arm
No expression on their face except a vague curiosity
Make brief eye contact with Kallia before coming over to talk to her

Our time as champions of life is not yet done

Hargrov will not forget
They can see a heavy weight is on our souls
Alexander Goricks XIV
Sole Heir of the Goricks Line, Bearer of the Scales of Peace and Honourary Member of the Black
Second person with bodyguards
Assessing the room like a battlefield
Light on his feet, used to fighting
Hal is avoiding him
Grey Princess
Small and petite, veiled, dressed very simply
Cassandra Barique
Duchess of Games
Dressed more lavishly, dress trailing to the floor
Vendrick Harrow
Duke of Fingers
Look v scary without having to try
Magister Yorim duLancier
High Pontifex of Courtly Arcana
Slight shimmer to the robes
Comtessa Vivienne Fairel
Consortium Financier
Wearing a mask to conceal her facial appearance
Slightly more auspicious outfit than most people but not upstaging
Beatrix Caskbow, the Blackened Spyglass
Kallia’s mother
The phrase “fiercely intelligent” was invented for her
Human, wearing the deepest darkest red, almost black
Relationship to Kallia. Capable of speaking with two tongues at once when speaking with her.
Steward of the court
Steward is a common rank - the people who set up meetings between nobles, talk on behalf of
Don’t have a lot of social power, but they’re how everyone else maintains theirs so there is strength
The official line is that they’re all open as a collective but there are definitely secret ties to certain
Duke of Lies, a portly dark elf.
The Dubrechts
Dorian & Antoine (Antonio?)
Dorian is an extravagant halfling with a handlebar moustache.
They both love making acquaintances and knowing everyone.
The palace is on the DuBrecht’s lands
Lysander Moongroom
Met in the first town we entered on dark, Starcloud. Was very nice to us
Possible links to Hargrov. Very suddenly rose to power
In conversation with the Bolaires.
Elizabeth Malatyne
A renowned actress. Interested in performing with Kallia. Talked to Kallia at the day 2 breakfast.

(End of section)
Hand of Meres
Amongst the working / peasant class, mainly on the continent of civilisation but on others too,
there’s a unique tradition that isn’t really seen amongst anyone who has any wealth, known as
Meres’ hand (sometimes colloquially “shaking the hand”). It’s a small ritual, done before important
events (such as marriages, harvests, going into battles, and births, to name a few) to bring good luck.
It involves first collecting 5 twigs, pieces of hay grass, or other similar items and binding them
together in the loose shape of a hand, before setting fire to them just before the sun rises. An aspect
of each god is represented in this ritual - Andastel in the natural components, Meres bringing order
through binding them, Osyris through burning, Kalaness in the darkness the ritual is performed in,
and Chronax for the specific time it takes place.
The ritual has its origins in the early days of the continent of civilisation, when Meres visited early
towns to bless them in the hopes they would grow and prosper. Meres shared this ritual as a sign of
trust, and the good luck it supposedly brings stems from Meres blessing those capable of performing
the ritual - after all, it requires a functional civilisation to remember the gods, be aware of time, and
pass on traditions.
There’s an additional legend to go along with this - people say that whenever Meres demonstrated
this ritual, the effigy he used would never burn to nothing. They say that whoever can find his
original effigy will have Meres’ blessing in whatever activity they do.
Prophecy knows this from suddenly having 1000 ordinary people banging around inside them. They
figure it might be nice to have good luck whenever they’re fighting for their life…

The Maelstrom’s Demands
Bring me the head of Hargrov the Blooded
The Eye of the Storm
The first event of the masquerade. Traditionally peaceful

Points of Interest
Lysander Moongroom might be affiliated to Hargrov. Investigate.

Shown around lots of other lower nobles by dorian dubrecht

Interested by andastel I’m sent to Regnar
Regnar does not remember Tauredan
Afterwards I go to Silas and repair the relationship

Kallia then appears and asks me to dance, and we talk whilst dancing

After dancing, I see lysander has been positively received by most

There was a tense exchange between him and bolaire at the beginning
Don’t get much, but hear a good number of conversations with the word “Lysander” and “eligible”.
Perhaps trying to marry the grey princess?

- DAY 2 -
Everyone goes to the late breakfast hosted by the Duchess of Games, Cassandra Barique
Hal goes to speak to the Bolaires. It doesn’t go well for him – they know he did a murder
23 makes porridge of Javlik. Javlik is a lil insulted then confused then happy.
Javlik is happy that Time has finally beein invited to the party and has a proposition for 23.

I talked to Alexander. He refused to tell me anything about Hal, saying he didn’t know him. I had no
idea if he was lying.
We talked about both hating the grand game, and instead preferring the duels. He said we could
have a friendly spar if I made it through qualifiers.

Kallia talks to Elizabeth. Starts off as performance chatter.

The signups for the game start. There are prizes:

Grand Melee: A boon from the Grey Princess
Duels: A massive amount of money and a powerful magical artifact
Archery: Title ‘Eyes of the Masquerade’ and a bow handmade by the Grey Princess

23, Kallia, Kozu, Hal and I sign up for the melee

Kozu and Hal sign up for archery
23, Kozu and I sign up for the duels.

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