Luận Văn Tiến Sĩ 3 4 Môn Thể Thao Câu Tennis,...

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Mở bài

Nhìn chung

Rugby lúc đầu là trend nhưng càng ngày càng ngày càng giảm

Tenins liucs đầu bth nhg lúc sau lại tang cao

2 cái còn lại bình thg

Nhìn chi tiết


thịnh rugby

thình thứ 2 là tennis

còn lại


rugby vx thịnh nhg theo chiều giảm

tennis tang

2 cái còn lại giảm


Tennis và rugby như nhau

2 cái còn lại vx như thế


Rugby giảm mạnh xuống còn 150

Tennis tang mạnh vươn lên thành trend

Như thế


Tennis lên trend

Rugby tụt xuongs cùng hạng vs cầu long


This graph shows the number of people taking part in 4 kinds of sports in a particular region between
1985 and 2005.

Overall, in first year’s rugby is the trendiest sport and it is more popular than 3 kind of sports. However,
rugby is gradually less popular than tennis and tennis is the most popular sport in the following years

In 1985, This time is the most prosperous of rugby is just under 250 and of course it is also the most
popular sport in 4 kinds of sports. Tennis is the second most popular sport and it is under and over 150.
The remaining 2 kinds of sports í from over 50 little and under 100

From 1990-2005, the fame of rugby gradually decreased from just under 250 to 50, from the first rating
to the end rating so we can see that rugby is out of fashion in that time but the opposite of that tennis
gradually increase from the second rating to the first rating, from over 150 to over 200.And in 1995
tennis and rugby has a special feature, they have the same people taking part in which is 200

Also in that time we can see the remaining 2 kind of sports didn’t have any happens. Basketball was also
the third rating from under 100 very much to under 100 little but in 2005 it is third rating because of the
depression of rugby. Badminton was 4 rating. In 2005 it had the same number of people with rugby is 50

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