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Most Important Questions

1) What is the value of tangential acceleration in U.C.M. ? ( Mar 19)

2) Explain the physical significance of radius of gyration . ( July 17)
3) State and prove theorem of parallel axes about moment of inertia. ( Mar 16)
4) Time
Define moment of inertia. State its SI unit and dimensions ( Mar 18)
5) Find the radius of gyration of a rod of length 3 m30about
is transverse
axis passing through its one end. ( July 19)

6) Define and explain surface tension. Write down its unit and dimension.
( Mar 09)
7) What is capillarity? Give ant two applications of capillarity. ( Mar 20)

8) Draw a neat , labeled diagram for a liquid surface in contact with a solid
when the angle of contact is acute , (Mar 17)
9) A rod of length 4 cm is movable on a rectangular frame of wire a film is formed
in the frame a frame a force of 3.2 x 10-3 N is applied to the rod for its
equilibrium find the surface tension of the liquid (July19)
10) Calculate the work done in blowing a soap bubble of radius 0.1 m (surface
tension of soap solution= 30 Dyne (Mar 20)
11) Prove that mean square velocity of gas molecule is directly proportional of the square
root of its absolute temperature (Mar 17)
12) State boyle’s law on the basis of kinetic theory of gases obtain an expression for
kinetic energy per unit volume of gas . (July 19)
13) What is perfectly blackbody? Explain ferry s blackbody. (Mar 19)
14) Compute the temperature at which the r.m.s. speed of nitrogen molecules is 832 m/s.
(Universal gas constant, R = 8320 j/k mole K, molecular weight , of nitrogen =28.)
(Oct 15)
15) A pinhole is made in a hollow sphere of radius 5 cm whose inner wall is at temperature
727 c find the power radiated per unit area (stefan s constant = 5.7 x 10-8 J/M2 S K4
emissivity (e) = 0.2 ) (Oct 15)
Most Important Questions
16) State first law of thermodynamics (Mar 15)
17) What are mechanical equilibrium and thermal equilibrium? (Mar 22)
18) What is isothermal process? (Mar 20)
19) What is a thermodynamic process ? Give any two typesTime of it. (Mar 22)
20) The initial pressure and volume of a gas enclosed in30a Minutes
cylinder are
2 x10 N/m and 6 x 10 m respectively . If the work done in compressing
the gas at constant pressure is 150 J find the volume of the gas . (Mar 22)
21) Define linear S.H.M. Obtain bifferential equation of linear S.H.M (Mar 20)
22) Define linear simple harmonic motion Assuming the expression for
displacement of a particle starting from extreme position explain graphically
the variation of velocity and acceleration w.r.t. time (July 17)

23) Define epoch of S.H.M. state the factors on which the total energy of a particle
preforming S.H.M. depends (Mar 20)
24) A body of mass 1kg is made to oscillate on a spring of force constant 16 N/M
Calculate A) Angular frequency B) Frequency of vibrations
25) A clock regulated by seconds pendulum keeps correct time during summer
length of pendulum increase to 1.005 m. how much will the clock gain or
loose in one day ? [ g=9.8 m/s and = 3.142 ]
26) Explain the reflection of transverse and longitudinal waves from a denser
medium and rarer medium. (Mar 19)
27) Explain the formation of stationary waves by the analytical method. Show that
nodes and antinodes are equally spaced in stationary waves. (Mar 19)
28) Show that all harmonics are present in case of an air column vibrating in a pipe
open at both ends. (Mar 20)
29) A wire length 1m and mass 2g is in unison with a tuning fork of frequency
300hz .calculate the tension produced in the wire(mar 20)
81 81
30) The wavelengths of two sound waves in air are m and m . They
173 173
produce 10 beats per second . Calculate the velocity of sound in air. (Mar 18)
Most Important Questions
31) Explain the construction of plane wavefront using Huygens’ principle.
(July 17)
32) Explain refraction of light on the basis of wave theory. Hence prove
the laws of refraction. (Mar 19)
33) State Brewster’s law and show that when light is incident at polarizing
30 Minutes
angle, the reflected and refracted rays are mutually perpendicular to
each other. (Mar 19)
34) A parallel beam of monochromatic light is incident on a glass slab at
an angle of incidence 300 , gets refracted through an angle of 190 28’ .
Find the ratio of width of parallel beam in air to that in glass.
(July 19)
35) Two coherent sources of light having intensity 81:1 produce
interference fringes. Calculate the ratio of intensities at the maxima
and minima in the interference pattern. (Mar 19)

36) State Gauss’s theorem in electrostatics. State the expression for electric
field intensity at a point outside an infinitely long charged conducing
cylinder. (July 18)
37) Explain the concept of a parallel plate capacitor. (Mar 20)
38) Obtain an expression for energy of a charged capacitor and express
it in different forms. (July 19)
39) A parallel plate air condenser has a capacity of 20µF. What will be the
new capacity if :
i. the distance between the two plates is doubled?
ii. A marble slab of dielectric constant 8 is introduced between the two
plates? (Mar 18)
40) A cube of marble having each side 1 cm is kept in an electric field of
intensity of 300 V/m. Determine the energy contained in the cube of
dielectric constant 8.
[Given: ɛ0 = 8.85 x 10-12 C2/Nm2] (Mar 17)
Most Important Questions
41) State Kirchhoff’s laws of electricity. (July 18)

42) Explain with neat circuit diagram, how will you determine to unknown
resistance ‘X’ by using a metrebridge experiment. ( Mar 12)
43) State the advantages of potentiometer over voltmeter.
30 Minutes (Mar 17)

44) Four resistances 4Ω, 4Ω, 4Ω and 12Ω form a Wheatstone’s network.
Find the resistance which when connected across the 12Ω resistance,
will balance the network. (Mar 20)
45) An unknown resistance is placed in the left gap and resistance of 50
ohm is placed in the right gap of a metrebridge. The null point is
obtained at 40 cm form the left end. Determine the unknown resistance.
(Mar 17)
46) Draw a neat labelled diagram for the construction of ‘cyclotron’. (Mar 16)

47) Obtain an expression for magnetic induction along the axis of toroid on the
basis of Ampere’s circuital law. (July 17)

48) A cyclotron is used to accelerate protons to kinetic energy of 5 MeV. If the

strength of magnetic field in the cyclotron is 2 T, find the radius and the
frequency needed for the applied alternating voltage of the cyclotron.
(Given: Velocity of proton =3 x 107 m/s) (Mar 19)

49) A closely wound solenoid of 1000 turns and area of cross-section 2 x 10-4 m2
carries a current of 1 A. It is placed in a horizontal plane with its axis making
an angle of 300 with the direction of uniform magnetic field of 0.16 T.
Calculate the torque acting on the solenoid. (July 18)

50) A circular coil of 300 turns and diameter 14 cm carries a current of 15 A.

Calculate the magnitude of the magnetic dipole moment associated with
the coil. (Mar 20)
Most Important Questions
51) Derive an expression for magnitude of magnetic dipole
moment of a revolving electron. (Mar 20)

52) Define magnetization. Write its SI unit and Time

dimensions(Mar 18)
30 Minutes
53) Distinguish between diamagnetic and paramagnetic
substances. (July 17)

54) Find the magnetization of a bar magnet of length 10 cm and

cross-sectional area 4 cm2 , If the magnetic moment is 2 Am2
(July 17)
55) The susceptibility of magnetism at 300 K is 1.2 x 10-5 . What
will be its susceptibility at 200K? (Mar 19)

56) Prove theoretically the relation between e.m.f. induced in a coil and
rate of change of magnetic flux in electromagnetic induction. (Mar 18)

57) Obtain an expression for e.m.f. induced in a coil rotating with uniform
angular velocity in a uniform magnetic field. Show graphically the
variation of e.m.f. with time (t). (Mar 15)

58) At which position of the plane of the rotating coil with the direction of
magnetic field, the e.m.f. induced in the coil is maximum? (Mar 19)

59) The magnetic flux through a loop is varying according too a relation
ø = 6t2 + 7t + l Where ø is in milliweber and t is in second. What is the
e.m.f. induced in the loop at t = 2 second? (Mar 18)

60) The co-efficient of mutual induction between primary and secondary

coil is 2 H. Calculate induced e.m.f. if current of 4A is cut off in 2.5 x 10-5
seconds. (Mar 16)
Most Important Questions
61) In series LCR circuit R = 3 Ω, XL = 8 Ω, XC = 4 Ω, the impedance of the
circuit is : (July 18)
A) 3Ω B) 7 Ω
C) 5Ω D) 25Ω
62) Obtain an expression for average power dissipated in series LCR A.C.
circuit. Hence obtain an expression for power factor of the circuit.
30 Minutes
(July 19)

63) What is series LCR resonant circuit? Obtain the expression for
impedance. Hence state the conditions for series resonance and derive
the expression for resonant frequency. (July 18)

64) A capacitor of capacitance 0.5 µF is connected to a source of

alternating e.m.f. of frequency 100Hz. What is the capacitive
reactance?(π = 3.142)
65) A 0.1 H inductor, a 25 x 10-6 F capacitor and a 15Ω resistor are
connected in series to a 120 V, 50 Hz AC source. Calculate the resonant
frequency. (Mar 22)
66) An electron of energy 150 eV has wavelength of 10-10 m . The wavelength
of a 0.60 keV electron is (Mar 19)
A) 0.5 Å B) 0.75Å
C) 1.2Å D) 1.5Å
67) Describe an experiment for the study of characteristics of photoelectric
effect. (July 19)
68) Explain de Broglie wavelength. Obtain an expression for de Broglie
wavelength of wave associated with material particles. (Mar 22)

69) The work function for a metal surface is 2.2 eV. If light of wavelength 5000Å
is incident on the surface of the metal, find the threshold frequency and
incident frequency. Will there be an emission of photoelectrons or not ?
(c = 3 x 10-8 m/s, 1 eV = 1.6 x 10-19 J, h = 6.63 x 10-34 Js) (Mar 18)

70) Calculate the de-Broglie wavelength of an electron moving with one fifth
of the speed of light. Neglect relativistic effects.
(h = 6.63 x 10-34 J.s., c = 3 x 10-8 m/s, mass of electron = 9 x 10-31 kg
(Mar 18)
Most Important Questions
71) State the name of the visible series in hydrogen spectrum(Mar 20)

72) Draw a neat and labelled energy level diagram and explain Balmer
series and Brackett series off spectral lines for hydrogen atom.
Time (Mar 18)
30 Minutes
73) Obtain an expression for energy of an electron in Bohr orbit.
Hence obtain the expression for its binding energy. (July 18)

74) State any two postulates of Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom.

(Mar 20)

75) Find the ratio of longest wavelength in Paschen series to shortest

wavelength in Balmer Series. (July 17)

76) What is a rectifier ? With the help of neat circuit diagram explain
the working of a full wave rectifier (Mar 20)

77) What is Zener diode ? How is it used as a voltage regulator ?

(Mar 18)

78) Draw a neat circuit diagram to study the characteristics of

common emitter n-p-n transistor with the help of a graph explain
the output characteristics of this transistor. (July17)

79) State any two postulates of Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom


80) Derive an expression for the radius of the nth Bohr orbit of the
electron in hydrogen atom (Mar 20)

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