Az 900

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-----first video----

-->high availability
-->disaster recovery
-->scalabiltiy: auto scal, horizontal scaling

-----second video------
-->Capex : facilities , servers, cars, upgrading servers and other
-->Opec : advertizing, electricity, liscence ..
-->Consumption based :

-----third video------

--> differenct could services

--> layers : storage -> network -> compute -> H/V -> OS -> Runtime(java ee
or .net) -> Application -> Data

--> IAAS:
->costumer should think about ( backup, patching , antivrus , configuration)
->Azure deals with storage, network, compute and H/V

->Azure responsible of Storage .... to Runtime
->Customer take care only about the data and application layer

search: appsvc, aks, aci, serverless, functions, logicApps

--> SAAS:
-> Azure is offering business value (ex: microsoft 365, sales force)
-> Customer is leterally doing nothing in this case

--------fourth video------
--> how to identify the right services that fits my business

--------fifth video-------
--> Pooling Resources
--> self service
--> show back/ charge

-->public could (e.g : azure)

->limitless: many regions
->many services

-->private cloud (e.g: azure stack , azure arc)

--> hybrid cloud :

-------sexth video-------

---> automatic healing
---> storages( replicat of dat, 3x replication fo data in azure)
---> auto scale
---> SLA
---> Design for failure
---> monitor
----> predictability
--> SKU
-> ACU
--> USE TEMPLATES : infrastructure as code

take away
--> companies they spend a lot of time on liscences, physical place, hardware
equipement, maintenances, elictricity and more

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