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Generic: @Upchan, bruh ur cringe

Upchan: and useless? Why are you even living?

Femboyneko: Nya~
Cupoftea: no, why are YOU living
Upchan: Meaning is constructed by every person and group
Mommymilkers42069: stop this living shit
Upchan: I am living because i like it
Upchan: yeah lol
Cupoftea: you're living because i havent sawed you in half yet
Upchan: ooooooooooh
Upchan: now i feel offended
Generic: goddamn both of u jus chill
Mommymilkers42069: i am living becuase i dont want my brothers to bury their
younger sister. so stfu
Upchan: As I was halfly...
Cupoftea: sarcasm-
Upchan: a jew
Cupoftea: wooooww
Upchan: ok mom
Cupoftea: yeaaa, am i supposed to feel sorry??
Upchan: its your value
Femboyneko: yeah
Cupoftea: cause i aint
Femboyneko: what happened
Mommymilkers42069: upchan suck my dildo
Murphy16: Murphy16: I do not engage in a battle of wits with those who are unarmed
Upchan: i do

Something tells me Upchan is unarmed.

Upchan: I wouldnt care but if you want to lift that burden into you
Cupoftea: makes him a vulnerable target then murphy
Upchan: I just joked around
(anon): just ignore him
Cupoftea: shut up
Upchan: and now its taken more serious tha i thought
Cupoftea: i swear, if this is downsyncron's alt
(anon): Tea he just wants attention and argument
Upchan: dude. I posted a rickrolled link
(anon): click ignore
Upchan: as a meme culture
Upchan: and you just hate me or something
Upchan: your choice
Upchan: ust wtf
Cupoftea: what's upsetting me is that you use a link that someone else used to say
'yea, Cupoftea fucks people
Cupoftea: that excuse
Cupoftea: that downsyncron used
Cupoftea: i get that its a rick roll
Cupoftea: however
Femboyneko: hi tea
Cupoftea: that same excuse is shitty
Upchan: Cupoftea: makes him a vulnerable target then murphy Wait you want to
attacked a neutral person
Upchan: why
Upchan: what same excuse
Cupoftea: whatever
Upchan: I was creative
Cupoftea: AHHAHA
Cupoftea: NO
Cupoftea: You were not
Upchan: I repeat common words like hi and have my own wording style yes
Cupoftea: normal talking, yes
Upchan: but by blank cards i can be too creative
Cupoftea: but that one singular thing
Cupoftea: no
Upchan: You mean "whatever"
Upchan: that one?
Cupoftea: ???
Cupoftea: what one?
Murphy16: Do you use your words wisely or just throw them at people like a brick at
an infant?
Upchan: both kinda
Callmelili: Rape
Upchan: like english is my second-language
Mommymilkers42069: *pats neko*
Upchan: so how can I be the sensie of english?
Mommymilkers42069: sensie?
Cupoftea: take lessons/classes
Femboyneko: *purrs*
Murphy16: *pats Mommy for attention (at least I am honest)*
Upchan: sensei*
Mommymilkers42069: hm?
Upchan: idk
Upchan: Why should I know that? I never learned that stuff in school.
Koda: koda is here.
Upchan: Guess what in my class I was even one of the best in english
Cupoftea: in order to have a proper conversation with one another, thats why
Koda: again.
Callmelili: VAGUNA
Koda: damn.
Upchan: Apperantly I fail at internet slangs. Thx teacher
Callmelili: Cumie
Koda: lmao
Cupoftea: yea...cleaarrrlllyyy
Koda: cummies.
Suckusmydickulus: i hate mondays
Upchan: The thing is this.
Upchan: What excatly is wrong with my sentences?
Murphy16: hello mother
Cupoftea: grammar
Upchan: Like i hear people saying that I am bad
Koda: grandma.
Upchan: ok
Upchan: I know it
Upchan: But how can I improved it
Upchan: liek what rule did I miss?
Koda: LMAO
Upchan: thx
Koda: dammmmmmn
Badge: whats the link
Koda: how to type
Koda: lol
Cupoftea: best way
Koda: learn to type
Murphy16: much of the time you don't use past or future tense and you mix and mash
that shit
Badge: Mhm
Koda: lol.
Cupoftea: mhmmm
Cupoftea: YOU MIGHT
Cupoftea: i do
Upchan: thx murphy
Mommymilkers42069: i want to knock someone out
Upchan: I am actually unemployed right now
Koda: yew neid to lern moar eenglish.
Murphy16: *pats Mommy* how's your day been
Badge: Knock me out
Upchan: so no student
Cupoftea: dont make me correct everything in that sentence, koda
Upchan: bruh
Koda: dont make me pee in ur pants.
Cupoftea: lol
Koda: lol
Mommymilkers42069: its been a day
Cupoftea: it has
Generic: ...
Koda: back when day N nite was a song everyone listened to.
Mommymilkers42069: my history teacher pisses me off and makes me tired
Femboyneko: Nya~
Koda: heya neko
Femboyneko: hey koda
Upchan: I hate dry learning
Femboyneko: im home~
Koda: hru.
Koda: ah, nice.
Femboyneko: alone~
Generic: @Mommymilkers42069, wut grade u in? or are u a college student?
Cupoftea: finally familiar faces that arent assholes
Koda: ayo.
Koda: im not an asshole
Upchan: But if this is the only way to being accept by the society :/
Koda: im koda.
Mommymilkers42069: i dont type like that lol
Badge: Koda you're a goodie
Callmelili: HELLOING
Suckusmydickulus: sometimes i wanna be a leprechaun
Upchan: this chat society at least
Murphy16: It's been a weekend. Mom almost died with liquor and Nyquil. And today
was meh. generally yucki but thats it
Koda: badge ur
Koda: cute as fuck >:(
Femboyneko: ^
Mommymilkers42069: my uncles mom is dying idk her
Cupoftea: Upchan, do you want a one-on-one whisper lesson?
Koda: shes gonna fuck u
Koda: dont do it.
Cupoftea: do not
Badge: Haha no
Koda: lmaooo
Cupoftea: start that shit
Generic: i vote on doing it
Cupoftea: I am serious right now Koda.
Upchan: Dumb question but is Murphy16 true neutral by the D&D alignments?
Cupoftea: Fucking stop
Cupoftea: idk
Koda: i said it once calm down damn
Koda: and hurry up on twitch i dont have all year.
Cupoftea: Don't fucking do it again.
Generic: no hes chaotic evil
Koda: eat my cock and balls and shit and cum and piss.
Koda: alr lemme stop.
Badge: at the same time?
Badge: thats impressive
Jesus69: damn
Koda: ill mix it in a blender
Jesus69: ayo
Murphy16: I'd say chaotic neutral. kinda like this video.
Femboyneko: badge you are like a cute stuffed animal, with standards :3
Koda: nah badge is like
Koda: a chihuahua
Mommymilkers42069: *pats neko*
Badge: A cocktail?
Murphy16: meanwhile I'm a fuckin G O A T. and I mean the animal.
Mommymilkers42069: evil chihuahuas
(anon): oh my tab froze hang on
Koda: uh oh
Badge: t
Koda: upchan and tea are gone~
Badge: Back
Koda: wb
Cupoftea: still here
Koda: in whispers
Badge: they rping?
Upchan: Upchan: I am chaotic neutral too so It´s beter that I come to you and you
expect nothing to me since I also have rwal life stuff to do.
Upchan: Its no mystery
Upchan: so any questions?
Upchan: before I gone
Koda: nah.
Upchan: real*
Jesus69: wait badge are you a girl?
Cupoftea: ......can you elaborate what all that fucking shit means?
Upchan: ok than
Koda: nah badge is a boy.
Badge: Koda
Cupoftea: then*
Jesus69: ahh
Koda: badge.
Badge: Im a girl
Upchan: *disappereas*
Jesus69: ohhh
Badge: woman to be exact
Koda: yep.
Murphy16: I'm a man.
Koda: definitely.
Badge: or am i
Badge: no one knows
Koda: lol
Koda: k
Badge: tbh i could be a hairy baby called Paul for all you know lol
Murphy16: ....well, I figured out how to kill the joke.
Koda: just so you guys all know
Koda: i talk to all my friends the same-
Koda: i’m genuinely so exhausted, black friday can go suck a dick
sloopyxo: i mean
sloopyxo: i wanna suck dick too
sloopyxo: i mean shit
sloopyxo: im exhausted too*
Necrophillia: she is a he
Upchan: Cupoftea it means that I ask you for a lesson when I come. You can just
chill like nothing ever happend without planning.
Koda: he is a he.
Necrophillia: he is a she?
Murphy16: She is a he?
Necrophillia: she he?
Murphy16: They are a them?
Koda: no
Koda: just he.
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Cupoftea: ok
Murphy16: Bloop
Cupoftea: brb)))
Upchan: finally bye
Koda: mk
Badge: A manly man
Badge: I even have a scar on my pp
Koda: mhm
Koda: you're so hot~
Badge: Thank you
Jesus69: but you dont have one?
Badge: maybe, maybe not
Badge: Could be Prince Harry
Koda: i dont know how you dont understand that
Murphy16: Probs a circumcision scar
Koda: badge is a boy lmao
Jesus69: i havent seen you Badge, but you're probably hot
Koda: dude is literally 21.
Badge: Scar from a very bad night out
Koda: lol
Koda: when she bites your dick too hard.
Badge: literally
Koda: LMAO
Mommymilkers42069: oop
Captain11: wtf?
Koda: it happens
Murphy16: idfc, badge can be a boy or a girl and still be fuckin H O T
Badge: She took drugs
Koda: oh damn
Koda: i hope you didnt.
Generic: i bet badge packin a five dollar footlong
Badge: Maybe
Koda: more like a dollar 5 foot long.
Murphy16: Badge, be glad she didn't have braces and potato peeled your dick
Koda: dont
Koda: ever
Koda: say
Koda: that
Koda: shit
Koda: again
Koda: in
Koda: this
Koda: chat
Badge: Oh god yh that'd be baaad
Koda: you
Generic: maybe he'd be into that?
Koda: nasty
Koda: ass
Koda: mf
Trees_the_proto: Ok I leave…
Generic: @Badge, u into cock and ball torture?
Badge: What if the girl had like weird sharp teeth
Cupoftea: YES
Cupoftea: YES
Koda: i mean
Koda: it happens.
Captain11: hi tea
Koda: what if like
Jesus69: '/fl
Koda: what if
Koda: like ig
Koda: if
Koda: like
Koda: if like uh
Koda: if like shes
Koda: uh if
Koda: like
Koda: she uh
Koda: if
Koda: she uh like a
Koda: uh
Koda: if she
Koda: like uh
Generic: ...
Koda: what if like she uh
Koda: shes uh
Koda: like uh
Badge: If she did he and he did her and they did them
Koda: if shes uh
Koda: like a
Badge: :O
Koda: like a uh
Koda: fuckin
Generic: if she had a dick?
Koda: yeah.
Cupoftea: FUTA
Koda: what.
Koda: no.
Badge: If she had a dick I'd let her continue
Generic: chicks with dicks are hot, change mymind
Koda: alr yall mfs weird im going back to twitch.
Cupoftea: FUTA!! FUTA!!
Badge: Bya Kodie wodie
Badge: Aight ima head off cyaz later
Generic: bye person i barely know
Badge: remember dicks before chicks
Generic: noted
Cupoftea: yes
(anon): IM LEAVING! *doodoodododoo*
(anon): I second that
Echo60: afternoon ladies and gentlemen
Generic: so do yall even play the game, or do u guys just use the chat system?
Echo60: chat system.
Generic: gotcha
(anon): ERP and nothing else.
(anon): Anon down bad
(anon): DOWN BAD
Generic: erotic roleplay u say?
(anon): no im not fucking you
Generic: damnit
Generic: lmao
(anon): Are you smarter then 5 Gay Rats??
Echo60: no
(anon): I AM the rats.
Generic: id say im smarter than at least 1.6
(anon): damn
(anon): that sucks, u dumber then 4.4 gay rats
Cupoftea: XDD
Echo60: *aol tone*
Generic: youtube finally took away the dislike button
Generic: thoughts on it?
Reaper_nurse2: Bring it back damn it
Generic: agreed
Generic: i genuinely dont understand the point of taking it away. are they still
salty abt rewind 2018?
(anon): dah
Reaper_nurse2: I mean who wouldn't be pissed about that utter shitshow
(anon): *Raises hand*
Reaper_nurse2: you what
(anon): I enjoyed Rewind 2018
Generic: i honestly dont understand y it was so hated lmao, it wasnt much different
from any of the other rewinds to be fair
(anon): I got flashbanged 8 times in a row
Generic: i got banged 8 times in a row
Reaper_nurse2: yowch
Generic: *yum
Murphy16: I wanna bang a woman but I wont get to. Nobody'll let me
(anon): *Whistles* doodoododo doo
(anon): Not lovin' it
Generic: well maybe u should evaluate urself
Echo60: oof
(anon): I mean I do that daily, doesn't help with the shithead I see in the mirror
(anon): [BIG SHOT]
Generic: jus do acid, when u look in the mirror ull see a pornstar
Reaper_nurse2: the duality of man, sadness and just big shot.
Murphy16: Well I would but I have nothing to compare myself to. Good people don't
(anon): I tried acid... I tripped that I was shitting in my bathroom, only to be
shown a video of me shitting on my neighbors car...
Reaper_nurse2: Im sorry what
Charles_fenton: Whoof
Generic: goddamn lmao
Charles_fenton: that was a setance to come back to.
Generic: i aint ever tried acid, but i do plan on doing it
Trees_the_proto: Eh, try cocanie
(anon): not worth the risk
Generic: i jus want to get it from a trusted source, then test it myself
Generic: i am currently on percs tho
Echo60: yeah good luck with that
(anon): Nows ur chance to be a [BIG SHOT]!
(anon): Nows your chance to get your [Dick sucked]
Murphy16: I never plan to do acid. Or coke. Or cock. Or heroin. Or weed. Or
alcohol. Or meth. Or.... Ok ill stop the list is getting a bit big.
Echo60: *Spit take* THE FUCK!?
Generic: u should try weed.
Generic: its safe and its fire
Natasha_13: echo watch the coffee..
Natasha_13: you nearly splattered on me
(anon): Quote that shit.
Natasha_13: WAIT NO!
Murphy16: scuse me WHAT
Generic: goddamn i am not up to date with the rp shit....
Echo60: I spit taked and nearly spat coffee on natasha
Sangfang: same
Charles_fenton: so anyways, opinions on roblox
Generic: good memories
Murphy16: Weed will never fix the sadness I feel within.
Echo60: Can be fun but swarming with horny prepubescent kids and Ethots
Generic: therapy might
Natasha_13: hehe Gun go BRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTT
(anon): ROBLOX BAD
(anon): U BAD
(anon): U SUCK
Murphy16: I tried. My family didn't so it's a scratch.
Generic: and if it doesnt then try hookers and cocaine @Murphy16
Koda: peepee
Koda: turd
Koda: ass.
Generic: i mus kidding, dont buy hookers
Natasha_13: thank you Koda, very cool.
Generic: im jus*
(anon): Im gonna go make my own Casino, with Blackjack and hookers
Murphy16: I was gonna say, because I almost took the offer.
Generic: welp, my dog jus threw up so i gotta clean it up rq
Koda: np natasha
Koda: yw for making u horny hun <3
Murphy16: @anon Don't you mean Jack Black?
Generic: nvm my dog is now eating the vomit
Suckusmydickulus: i always thought that hookers were like hook replacements and
Generic: LMQO
(anon): No
(anon): fuck off
Suckusmydickulus: like go to home depot and be like yeah im looking for hookers.
sure right over here sir
Echo60: Uhmm
Echo60: Isle 12-B sir.
(anon): Wheres the garage?
Generic: every home depot has a strip club in the back.
Suckusmydickulus: fucker pulls out like fish hooks and clothing hangars
Sangfang: rlly?
Echo60: Isle 12-B sur.
Charles_fenton: sur.
Echo60: S i r
Generic: sur
(anon): nice fuck up Echo
Suckusmydickulus: sur
Murphy16: Slur
Generic: racial slur
Echo60: racism
(anon): Niggers
Generic: WOAH
(anon): Yeah I said it, piss ur pants maybe
Sangfang: It´s just an american thing, right?
Generic: NAHA NAH
Echo60: damn it anon
Murphy16: Nigel Thornberry
Suckusmydickulus: Nick Row is an excellent sutdent
Murphy16: I put the "STUD" in "STUDENT"
Generic: Ger is the better of the 2 Nicks in my opinion
Suckusmydickulus: I am the HERO in HEROIN
Generic: i put the "SLAVE" in "SEX SLAVE"
Jesus69: AYO
Charles_fenton: <.<
Jesus69: 🤨📸
Suckusmydickulus: why get 3rd degree murder when you can get 1st? o.O
(anon): Porn with kiddies
Jesus69: 🤨📸📸📸
🤨📸 🤨📸
Charles_fenton: HOLD ON WHAT ANON
Generic: i only run my sex dungeo on every other thursday so seating is limited
Murphy16: Everyone is invited to my orgy.
Generic: when and where?
Suckusmydickulus: me walking to the court knowing that I kept around 56 foreign
slaves to do devious pleasures and uneven work labor hours for the past 12 years
Murphy16: 10 PM Saturday at my house
(anon): fuck it, he walks
Generic: omfg my dog is barfing everywhere
Generic: 20 bucks to whoever wants to lick it up and spit it in my mouth
Murphy16: hit it with a shovel
Suckusmydickulus: how about $2?
Generic: 40$?
Mommymilkers42069: $1 mil
Murphy16: 3, take it or leave it.
Generic: 69 cents and u got a deal
Suckusmydickulus: 9 cents. o.O
Generic: 69 cents final offer
Generic: or any other funny haha number

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