# 'I08 - 12 - 2021 2d5

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Familiarpenalty: ik, im telling you to do it

Koda: no.
Familiarpenalty: ik the image, i want some one to tell what that is?
Koda: OH
Koda: im not clicking it
Familiarpenalty: and WHY does it exist
Shell61_taken: idk
Familiarpenalty: have you seen it?
Shell61_taken: yea
Shell61_taken: What the f*** is supposed to be?
Depresseddom52: koda, he a rookie getting coached by matt nagy
Depresseddom52: cut him some slack
Depresseddom52: also Rodgers might not play sunday
Shell61_taken: ok?
Exagoni: Hi
Exagoni: i'm back
Shell61_taken: wb
Exagoni: thx
Shell61_taken: np
Exagoni: my back hurts for some reason
Osamapussydestroyer: Go get people
Exagoni: ?
Shell61_taken: ?
Osamapussydestroyer: Meant do people
Shell61_taken: uhh ok?
Exagoni: ugh
Exagoni: i have so many assignments
Exagoni: in english class
Exagoni: i have to write an essay and there is 3 worksheets due
Callmelili: Hey guys I might not be able to zoom tonight
Shell61_taken: ok?
Exagoni: ok
Posion: hello?
Logan_single: hey
Posion: im eating pockys -v-
Logan_single: cool
Ember_fire_dragon: ello
Logan_single: hey
Ember_fire_dragon: Hi logan looking for someone?
Ember_fire_dragon: -n-
Charles_fenton: woohoo, more sewing
Ember_fire_dragon: 0-0
Blue_jollyrancher: hello
Shell61_taken: 0-o
Shell61_taken: hi blue
Squidcoder: yo yo yo
Charles_fenton: hello
Logan_single: hey guys
Posion: Hey!!!!!!!!
Blue_jollyrancher: The fishnets are digging into my skin
Charles_fenton: There was no context to that but ok
Posion: xD
Squidcoder: o_0
Blue_jollyrancher: Charles I'm wearing the yellow dress and fishnets keep up
(anon): ayo??
Charles_fenton: ah alright
Posion: . . . .
Charles_fenton: I slept for 2 hours in class
(anon): breh
(anon): what
Blue_jollyrancher: Someone rip off the fishnets please
(anon): btw its poison
Mxangel: >_>
(anon): ayo??
Mxangel: Aight
Charles_fenton: give me a couple hours.
Posion: GET A LIFE
(anon): AYO?!
Depresseddom52: im so fucking bored
Blue_jollyrancher: How about now
Depresseddom52: poison
Charles_fenton: no I gotta go sew
Mxangel: Ok Imma come over
Poison: yes dom?
Depresseddom52: stfu, pls
Shell61_taken: tf?
(anon): no
Poison: heh
Depresseddom52: not you anon
Blue_jollyrancher: But sugar rip them off
Poison: you dont own me
Charles_fenton: no not yet
Alt_account: this is separatio i had to make another account because large screen
so cant use the powder account and dont know password to the separatio account
Depresseddom52: no shit poison this ain't 1825
(anon): tf
Poison: xD
Charles_fenton: uhm
Alt_account: im in computer applications where we use desktops
Poison: Would you talk to tempest like that your old friend???
(anon): lol
(anon): get fuk'd
Depresseddom52: who tf is temptest
Poison: pfft wow
Depresseddom52: i met them like yesterday tf?
(anon): me mothafuka
Depresseddom52: oh
Depresseddom52: idc
Depresseddom52: ok
Depresseddom52: still don't give a fuck
Poison: not you dom the anon
Depresseddom52: still don't give a fuck
(anon): give urself a fuk
Depresseddom52: nah
Poison: how about you get a life\
(anon): how about u get a life
Charles_fenton: this is some prime schizophrenia
Poison: alredy have one
(anon): no u don't
(anon): u on here
Poison: heh-
Charles_fenton: anon wtf are you doing rn?
(anon): 🤨📸
(anon): shut
Poison: i got acepted to a college
Charles_fenton: nice
Depresseddom52: which one?
Poison: Why?
Depresseddom52: just wondering
Poison: one sec
Depresseddom52: like is it a community, a state
(anon): MY LEG
Poison: University of Oxford
Depresseddom52: That one fish from Spongebob be like:
Depresseddom52: oh nice
Depresseddom52: The one in England?
Poison: i must be one smart 9th grader to be geting applacation forms
Poison: 0-0
Poison: yes in england
Depresseddom52: So you're telling me that you an american
Depresseddom52: are getting offers from a university in england
Poison: yeah
(anon): Pics or it didn't happen
Poison: like id want to im on my school computer
Depresseddom52: You do no it's basically essential to know Greek or Latin to get
into Oxford right
Depresseddom52: ?
Generic: hello
Depresseddom52: I'm looking at the Admission Requirements right now
Depresseddom52: for Oxford
Depresseddom52: ight brb
Poison: kk
Cineres: bonk
Shell61_taken: no bonk
Cineres: yes bonk
Poison: bonk
Shell61_taken: NO BONK
Poison: 0-0
Poison: B
Poison: O
Cineres: BONK
Poison: N
Poison: K
Shell61_taken: UGH.....FINE
Blue_jollyrancher: *Boink*
Cineres: hehe
Alt_account: im back
Alt_account: nvm gtg
Poison: xD
Poison: who ever types after me has a crush on poison👇
Generic: ...
Poison: 0-0
Mxangel: >_>
Generic: lmao
Poison: xD
Shell61_taken: ......tf?............
Depresseddom52: 40 more minutes and I'm outta this bitch
Furryanimeboy: dom that sucks 12 mins for me
Shell61_taken: 4 mins for meh
Blue_jollyrancher: my teacher gave me cheetos
Shell61_taken: lucky i gtg
Cineres: nice
Blue_jollyrancher: mhm
Shell61_taken: gtg bye
Mxangel: Oh cool
Logan_single: hey guys
Poison: . . .
Mommymilkers42069: hi everyone
Poison: hi
Mommymilkers42069: how are you
Poison: god you?
Poison: good*
Depresseddom52: im gonna kms
Poison: can i join 0v0
Depresseddom52: bet
Mommymilkers42069: im tired and you better not
Poison: yessssssssssssssssssss
Depresseddom52: *Loads Glock*
Depresseddom52: *Shoots Poison*
Poison: -Dies-
Depresseddom52: One to go
Familiarpenalty: *burns cropses*
Depresseddom52: *Puts gun under chin*
Familiarpenalty: *corpses*
Mommymilkers42069: Voy a golpearlos a ambos con mis chanclas
Familiarpenalty: what?
Mommymilkers42069: LAS CHANCLASSSSSSSS
Mxangel: Ah
Ghost_poison: heheheh im in danger
Depresseddom52: I'm gonna hit them both with my flip flops
Depresseddom52: I'm mexican
Familiarpenalty: *ghost busters theme plays*
Ghost_poison: nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Familiarpenalty: *sucks poison up, and shoots her into, whatever the fuck they put
ghosts in*
Mommymilkers42069: LAS CHANCLAS
Depresseddom52: Flip Flops
Mommymilkers42069: sí
Depresseddom52: yes
Cineres: bonk
Familiarpenalty: dom is a fish
Depresseddom52: I'm a translator now
Familiarpenalty: you
Familiarpenalty: are
Familiarpenalty: a
Familiarpenalty: fish
Depresseddom52: no
Familiarpenalty: yes
Depresseddom52: I
Depresseddom52: am
Depresseddom52: a
Depresseddom52: Translator
Mommymilkers42069: hanger
Familiarpenalty: *turns dom into a fish*
Mommymilkers42069: what-
Familiarpenalty: you are le fish
Mommymilkers42069: le hanger
Familiarpenalty: brb
Mommymilkers42069: clothes hanger
Alt_account: do any of you know how to avoid iboss
Ghost_poison: ?
Depresseddom52: ?
Alt_account: it blocks everything
Logan_single: brb
Alt_account: almost everything
Depresseddom52: Mommy give me more stuff to translate
Alt_account: and i cant delete it
Alt_account: or turn it off
Alt_account: so i cant playgames or watch youtube
Mommymilkers42069: yo tengo mal madre
Depresseddom52: I have a bad mother
Depresseddom52: Father for me
Depresseddom52: I never met him ;-;
Cineres: i dont even have a father
Cineres: or mother
Mommymilkers42069: mi madre me abandonó
Depresseddom52: My mother abandoned me
Mommymilkers42069: para la familia brady bunch
Lilly_poison_dragon: Espera, ¿sabes español para ordeñar?
Depresseddom52: For the Brady Bunch family
Alt_account: hM?
Mommymilkers42069: sí sí
Depresseddom52: Wait, do you know spanish for milking?
Alt_account: stop the spanish
Lilly_poison_dragon: Frio
Depresseddom52: cold
Mommymilkers42069: triste
Lilly_poison_dragon: ordeño
is milking
Depresseddom52: Sad in french
Depresseddom52: Triste
Exagoni: hi
Lilly_poison_dragon: i can speak french and russian
Cineres: bonk
Alt_account: dont
Alt_account: speak german
Mommymilkers42069: mis hermanos papá y madrastra son los únicos que tengo
Cineres: german? *hand goes up*
Lilly_poison_dragon: Warum dom?
Depresseddom52: ordeño is ordered you cabron
Alt_account: dont be stupid speak german

Depresseddom52: my brothers dad and stepmother are the only ones I have
Lilly_poison_dragon: i am!
Lilly_poison_dragon: verpiss dich
Mommymilkers42069: Mi amigo puede decir malditos judíos en alemán
Alt_account: i dont understand german but yeah
Depresseddom52: I speak English, French and Spanish
Depresseddom52: My friend can say damn Jews in German
Depresseddom52: is what Mommy said
Lilly_poison_dragon: Harawotateru
Mommymilkers42069: hiroshima
Depresseddom52: oh no
Alt_account: no
Alt_account: no
Alt_account: no
Alt_account: n
Alt_account: no
Mommymilkers42069: theres my japanese
Exagoni: i speak only english
Lilly_poison_dragon: Verdammte Juden
Mommymilkers42069: perrooooo noooo
Mommymilkers42069: come mi carne
Alt_account: my class is watching toy story 2
Lilly_poison_dragon: Lo siento señora
Cineres: cum
Depresseddom52: im so fucking bored
Mommymilkers42069: my teacher used to show a war movie and kids would be saying
awesome and cool and yay
Depresseddom52: you guys wanna have an orgy?
Alt_account: and yay the jews were dying
Mommymilkers42069: um i got my mommy
Lilly_poison_dragon: uhhh
Depresseddom52: just a proposal???
Alt_account: .

Cineres: i mean sure
Lilly_poison_dragon: didnt you sayyou had a girlfriend
Depresseddom52: me?
Lilly_poison_dragon: yuppers
Depresseddom52: no i said i was close to getting one
Ogreclub: Why is doggo still on
Depresseddom52: not yet tho
Lilly_poison_dragon: ?
Depresseddom52: I haven't asked her nor has she said yes, so NO I don't have a
Lilly_poison_dragon: Maldita sea, ¿te maldijo o te rechazó? también tengo un acc
puedes rp date si quieres
Alt_account: gonna go bye
Mommymilkers42069: i just got calmed down by therapy and now i have 10 pages of
Depresseddom52: dayum
Exagoni: #banhomework
Mommymilkers42069: so another night of homework
Cineres: yes
Mommymilkers42069: and another night of crying
Cineres: oh no
Exagoni: schools give to much work
Mommymilkers42069: and its spanish
Lilly_poison_dragon: Que quiere ser amigo?
Mommymilkers42069: of
Mommymilkers42069: course
Exagoni: spanish essay?
Mommymilkers42069: no stdy guide
Lilly_poison_dragon: i have a spanish class
Exagoni: oh
Exagoni: spanish class seems so boring
Lilly_poison_dragon: nope
Lilly_poison_dragon: well for my school
Exagoni: i've never had a language class except ELA
Cineres: i wanna be pegged lol
Exagoni: ayo
Lilly_poison_dragon: welp claremont nh has germen french and spanish-
Lilly_poison_dragon: so i was told
Cineres: lol
Koda: im here.
Koda: :|
Koda: ok
Cineres: ok then
Cineres: bonk
Mommymilkers42069: knob
Cineres: better be a doorknob not a-
(anon): what
Mommymilkers42069: bonkrood
Mxangel: :P
Koda: :|
Koda: id stick a doorknob in my ass
Cineres: same
Cineres: but it wont fit me lol
Charles_fenton: The hell?
Koda: damn
(anon): hehe small ass
Koda: be less tight then my guy
Charles_fenton: .... wtf
Cineres: then help me with that /hj
Koda: alr bet
Mommymilkers42069: wha-
Cineres: bet lol
Koda: alr.
Generic: i keep the tab open at school
Mommymilkers42069: incineijnijnij
Koda: gen what games u play?
Koda: u play like
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Koda: idk, tf u playin
Koda: ?
Generic: uh i play this game called uh chokema bruh lmao
Koda: u hilarious.
Generic: thnk iu
Generic: u
Nekogirl: aw now im sad TwT
Koda: cry
Generic: bbbbbrruhhh
Generic: thas kinda fucked
Generic: thas mean bruh
Nekogirl: i checked my friends list and the name i wanted to see is gray
Koda: judge me or not i been playin fortnite recently ;0
Koda: who tf is gray
Mommymilkers42069: im playing a game called "how long will it take me to get my
homework done?¨
Generic: ive heard its gotten pretty good
Koda: it's alright
Generic: so im not judging, and even if u was playin like a year ago i still
wouldnt say shit
Nekogirl: koda the name when you check your friends list is gray for offline and
green for online
Generic: cuz it jus a game
Koda: playing that, rocket league, 2k22 and like
Generic: oh yuh rl is heat
Koda: on GOD
Generic: uh theres this game called uh rogue company
Koda: we should run 2s sometime daddy
Nekogirl: or threes i have it
Generic: its like a 3rd person csgo/valorent/overwatch kinda shit
Koda: oh lol
Koda: i mean
Koda: what rank r u neko.
Koda: dont lie :|
Nekogirl: i havent played in a while but im decent,
Generic: buh
Koda: alr what rank r u gen
Koda: D O N T L I E : |
Generic: i only rly play 2s
Generic: uh i havent played this season
Nekogirl: i have been playing everyone's favorite game, storage jenga
Koda: alr what about 3s
Koda: what rank are u in 3s lol
Generic: but i got diamond 2 in 2s
Generic: ion play 3s
Generic: i wasnt even ranked in 3s last season
Koda: oh oh oh
Koda: u said u only play 2s
Generic: my peak is champ 1 but i was only there foe like one game lmao
Nekogirl: ima be honest i am unranked
Koda: tbh i only play 2s too
Koda: bro it was so bad when i tried 3s
Nekogirl: ^
Koda: i was a gold 2 in 3s..
Koda: im a plat 3 in 2s.
Nekogirl: it was just bullying in 3s
Generic: bruh im higher than juice wrld rn lmao bitch ass in heaven
Koda: lol
Nekogirl: but you where always the vitcim
Generic: btw rip 2 years ago today
Generic: :(
Koda: sucks to suck.
Generic: bruh i remember when i found out he died
Koda: i didnt care that much tbh ngl
Koda: i mean he's a good rapper but
Koda: like
Koda: he's a rapper.
Generic: it was like around the time it is rn and i was textin my girl and out of
nowhere she was like "omfg bruh no way" i was like wut she goes "juice jus died" i
said bruhhhh
Generic: i legit cried no cap mane
Generic: and he not rly a rapper tbh
Generic: he could rap but
Nekogirl: ima be honest i never got on that train
Koda: yea me neither
Koda: i mean
Koda: idk
Generic: it was more singing and shit, its dumb ppl rly be catagorizing black ppl
as rappers instantly shit fuked
Koda: he has good songs but he also has shit songs.
Generic: like the igor album tyler put out
Koda: bro
Koda: he's a rapper
Generic: he was best rap album
Koda: he calls HIMSELF
Koda: a rapper.
Generic: and that album wasnt even rly rap
Koda: nice
Koda: kill them :|
Generic: bitch ass nibbas
Generic: fkn hate them both
Mommymilkers42069: thats new?
Nekogirl: the one person i wanted to be online isnt TwT
Generic: wuts new
Mommymilkers42069: my parents fought for 8 years before they got divorced
Generic: lmao idk if my mother and father fought cuz my dad left when i was 4 so
ion remmeber
Generic: i do remember when he left doe bruh i had no idea wut was going on and
while he was packing i asked him to put in the icloud password so i could download
cut the rope on my moms phone
Koda: neko
Koda: respectfully..
Koda: like
Koda: with all my respect
Generic: s-s-s-s-s-spit it out bruh
Koda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ram7AKbtkGE
Koda: ^
Generic: lmao nah
Koda: respectfully
Generic: gl neko
Mommymilkers42069: blllllllllllllllep
Generic: ion trust that link
Koda: that shit is so funny
Koda: its just mike tomlin saying
Nekogirl: there aint no way in hell im clicking any like koda posts
Generic: bruhhh
Koda: "we do not care"
Mommymilkers42069: trust it
Generic: lmao bruh
Koda: lol
Generic: who tf ismike tomlin
Koda: an american football coach.
Mommymilkers42069: mlkmlkm lkm grni fi uirh hbuyrbnijqnwoih498h38844y598498dne
Mommymilkers42069: sorry-
Koda: yup.
Generic: bruhhh
Nekogirl: ravens are better
Generic: u is fucked
Generic: nah the browns bruh
Generic: LMAO
Nekogirl: browns are decent, still a ravens fan
Generic: wait how are the pats winning their division
Generic: i thought they were garb since brady left
Nekogirl: they are
Generic: pacs are still doing good like always
Koda: bro
Koda: both ravens and browns suck
Generic: and how is afc north the most competitive division bruh
Nekogirl: koda you probably like the chargers
Koda: im a cardinals fan
Koda: but sure lol
Generic: used to steelers and ravens then the browns and thas it
Generic: wai
Generic: that made no senes
Generic: nvm
Koda: lmaooooooo
Generic: bruh omfg i cant do nothing foe one second without them getting mad
Koda: we all know nobody in the AFC north is winning the sb
Generic: lmao ur funny
Koda: who the fuck out of them do u see winning the sb?
Nekogirl: whelp, vore hentai time, good day gents
Generic: exactly
Generic: thas my point
Koda: yea i just said
Generic: OH
Koda: dumbass mf istg.
Generic: i thought u said they WERE gonna win the sb
Generic: bruh im so fkn high rn omg ik i keep saying it but like
Generic: wait wtf
Koda: maybe just
Koda: leave
Generic: how are the cardinals the best team in the league rn
Generic: lmao lions still suck losers
Koda: fr lions suck
Koda: cardinals are op asf tf u mean
Koda: defense? GOATED
Koda: offense? GOATED
Generic: yea this year
Koda: yea
Generic: but u know they was garbage until a couple years ago
Koda: every team has bad years dumbass
Koda: patriots were shit til they had tom brady
Generic: bruh wut
Generic: they won like 5 sb with him tf
Koda: can you not read?
Generic: wait
Generic: bruh
Koda: omfg LMAOOOOO
Generic: i keep reading shit wrong
Charles_fenton: hey im back
Koda: hey
Koda: didnt ask.
Generic: LMAO TUFF
Koda: lmao
Charles_fenton: alright and nobody asked for you to be born
Generic: bruh lmao my parents prolly gonna get divorced real soon.
Charles_fenton: yet you're alive
(anon): gahd damn
Generic: cant wait till that day imma post mad shit
Koda: if i wasnt born generic would be single
Generic: fatass bruh lmao
Generic: wait wut
Koda: what.
Charles_fenton: ...
Generic: bruh some bitch was tryna slide wit me today no cap
Charles_fenton: well then imma be in my lab if anyone needs to talk or anything
Koda: again
Koda: didnt ask.
Generic: ur wut
Koda: ratio + ur gay.
Generic: lmao bruh gay
(anon): damn
(anon): imagine being gay
Nekogonzales2002: I feel called out
Koda: stfu ur gay
(anon): good
(anon): ok koda wan me to suk ur dik
Koda: it's heterosexual hours
Koda: yes pleas
Koda: e
(anon): *Suckles on kodas 2mm defeater*
Nekogonzales2002: bruh
Koda: you give shit head.
(anon): damn like ur sis
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Koda: i dont have a sis
(anon): mhm
Koda: but aight
(anon): give it a few months
Koda: aight where my mom live then?
(anon): earth
Generic: bruh lmao in yo pussy
Nekogonzales2002: oh my fucking god
Koda: thats what i thought lmaoo
Generic: bruhh
Generic: homosexual hours*
Generic: sucking dick time bois
Generic: right after this ad from raid shadow legends
Nekogonzales2002: idfk what happened but it happened
Koda: no
(anon): breh
Generic: bruhh wut happened
Nekogonzales2002: idfk
Koda: shutup jose
Koda: go back to having 5 alt accounts
Koda: generic
Koda: whats ur RL name
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Mommymilkers42069: blueee
Nekogonzales2002: oh no
Generic: my epic?
Nekogonzales2002: OH NO
Koda: yuh
Generic: uhh
(anon): Im not here.
Generic: thetonguelessone
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello milk
Koda: :|
Koda: you gay as fuck..
(anon): Im staying in the closet and you can't take me out
(anon): 🤨📸
Generic: bruh it was jus gon be tongueless but somebody alread yhad that tshit
Generic: my RL name rn is generic
Generic: but my epic was that
Koda: ill try both
Mommymilkers42069: i was in the closet for the longest time
Blue_jollyrancher: *I push Jose out of the closet* I've been there for 4 years
strong try me
Koda: now rn tho.
Koda: not*
Generic: the epic is gon work
Nekogonzales2002: NOO
(anon): 🤨📸📸📸📸
🤨📸 🤨📸 🤨📸
Generic: bruh i got my shit taken anyway
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm still at school
Nekogonzales2002: Oh thank god
Koda: so u cant play either way?
Generic: nah
Koda: then i aint adding ur bitch ass.
Generic: wait how are u still at school bruh
Generic: its like 4
Koda: yea
Koda: im like 4
Koda: i mean im
Koda: i mean im shit
Generic: ill be back in like 49 minutes tho
Koda: i mean im
Koda: god damnit
Koda: i mean im
Koda: i mean its
Koda: its 4
Koda: yea.
Blue_jollyrancher: I stayed after for my friend
Koda: stop fucking dudes.
(anon): no
Trees_the_proto: Hmm
Koda: no
Blue_jollyrancher: hello trees
Trees_the_proto: Hello blue.
Blue_jollyrancher: ...
(anon): wot
Puro: I see Kodas singing again
(anon): WOMAN
Trees_the_proto: Mhm..
Puro: well, anything fun happened while I Was gone?
Captain11: ello
Nekogonzales2002: Charles is making fentanyl
Koda: ayo ayo ayo
Koda: this mf said
Koda: "fuck a fed and HIS daughter"
Trees_the_proto: He knows I just give him cocanie right?
(anon): mhm I know
(anon): I just wanna make my own
Mommymilkers42069: cappppp
Koda: i wanna take deez
Mommymilkers42069: no
Koda: deez nuts off ur forehead.
Mommymilkers42069: no
Captain11: hi milk
Mommymilkers42069: how are you cap
Captain11: fine you
Mommymilkers42069: eh here
(anon): e
Mommymilkers42069: e
Generic: long time no see cap
(anon): e
Generic: bruh im tryna fuck a fat bitch rn no ap
Generic: cap*
(anon): damn nice
Generic: ayo any fat citches in shcat lmao
(anon): e
(anon): a
(anon): s]
(anon): p
Generic: bruh where everyone go
(anon): horny
Mommymilkers42069: im here
(anon): go un horny
Charles_fenton: damn
Generic: bruhhhh
Mommymilkers42069: ?
Generic: idk bbruh
Generic: a girl was tryna slide wit me today lmao bruh im finna fuck no cap.
Nekogonzales2002: damn nice
(anon): I got pegged
(anon): 🤨📸
Nekogonzales2002: 📸🤨 🤨📸
Generic: bruh some bitches at my school are mad hoes
Mommymilkers42069: same
Nekogonzales2002: Yep
Mommymilkers42069: some girl hates me for being nice
Generic: like they dont be even staying wit one guy they fuck then fuck another guy
then fuck another guy etc. etc
Charles_fenton: hmmm
Generic: i bet some micropenis headass could slide wit one of em
Generic: hoe ass mf
Charles_fenton: like a specific someone on here
Charles_fenton: feels familiar
(anon): three way
(anon): charles shut up or no more Pregnant sex for a week
Nekogonzales2002: pftt
Mommymilkers42069: oop
Generic: lmao who?
(anon): charles peg me tonight alright
Nekogonzales2002: Ayo?
(anon): 🤨📸
Charles_fenton: N-No
Generic: bruh tell me lmao
Koda: im here.
Nekogonzales2002: Im not even gonna bother with that one
Koda: lmaoooo
Nekogonzales2002: no not that
Nekogonzales2002: THAT
(anon): 🤨📸
Charles_fenton: no
Generic: bruh who tf specific in here bruh lemm know lemme kn0ow lemme know lemme
know wuts up wit u
Generic: ooh
Koda: lmaooooooo
Charles_fenton: OH NO
Koda: i hate it here
Nekogonzales2002: ?
Charles_fenton: I found who was awanting to peg me...
Generic: oh shit pizzas here finna eat a whole ass pie by myself goddamn im
hungrier than an anorexic bitch
Nekogonzales2002: who
Nekogonzales2002: oh charles god no
Generic: LMAO
Generic: bruh u coulda jus asked me
Generic: except pegging u imma jus straight up put it in
Charles_fenton: I don't wanna talk about it
(anon): okeh
Koda: weird ass mfs.
Generic: ayo charles
Charles_fenton: what
(anon): oh no
(anon): e
Generic: y dont u jus get a real dicking bruh
Generic: y u need to be pegged
Charles_fenton: ...
Charles_fenton: We don't talk about that
(anon): loosy goosey asshole
Charles_fenton: stfu anon
(anon): *lmao*
Generic: i muted all anons one sec
Generic: hello anon
(anon): hello
(anon): charles got da loosey goosey asshole
Charles_fenton: I DO NOT!
Generic: frfr lmao
Charles_fenton: S-SHUT UP!
Generic: mans straight feinin foe the dick
Generic: no cap
Charles_fenton: Im not gay
(anon): mhm
(anon): then why you make me use the 6 inch wide strap on
Generic: then jus dont look at the guys face lmao
(anon): and ur letting a girl peg u
Charles_fenton: ok im gonna go now
Generic: and tbf liking butt stuff doesnt mean ur gay
(anon): I think we scared him
Generic: mens gspots are in they ass so
(anon): ah he'l be fine
Nekogonzales2002: wait what
Nekogonzales2002: WAIT WHAT
(anon): 🤨📸
Generic: wut u want neko
Nekogonzales2002: I have an idea now
Generic: ?
Nekogonzales2002: nah nvm
Logan_single: hey guys
(anon): 🤨📸

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