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Mommymilkers42069: -.

(anon): ok I'll stop
(anon): amnesiacs
Agent_47: Amnestics
Agent_47: fucking amnestics, not amnesiacs
Pricecheck: anybody?
Mommymilkers42069: priceeeeee
Pricecheck: mommmmyyy
Pricecheck: heyyyyy
Koda: fuck you baltimore!
Mommymilkers42069: koda are you ok
Koda: yes
Koda: im ok lol
Koda: wbu?
Mommymilkers42069: ok
Mommymilkers42069: *gets off and hugs*
Pricecheck: *hugs mommyy*
Mommymilkers42069: *hugs back*
Pricecheck: *ruffles her hair playfully to mess it up*
Mommymilkers42069: meanieee
(anon): thicc ankha in squid game
(anon): tf??
Pricecheck: *chuckles*
Daughter: hilo?
Daughter: jimmy?
(anon): PORN LADY
Daughter: no
(anon): no porn?
Daughter: no i am the porn now
(anon): wait wut
Daughter: don't ask
Bonerfinal: wait wait wait what?
Dr_k: and its fucking boner
Dr_k: ofc
Bonerfinal: any furry booba today?
Daughter: no i am the furry booba now
Daughter: im porn
Bonerfinal: I wanna see the furry booba
Daughter: no
Bonerfinal: No not your booba
Koda: send boobs
Koda: please.
Koda: :|
Mommymilkers42069: koda
Bonerfinal: send noods
Koda: what
Mommymilkers42069: calm your horny self
Koda: you have my discord, its fine
Daughter: im not in the mood for porn rn sorry, next person to ask gets dn
Bonerfinal: awh
Daughter: owo
Pricecheck: @Bonerfinal 0-o
Dr_k: hold n
Daughter: ok try deez then
Bonerfinal: what
Mommymilkers42069: *jumps onto price*
Daughter: nuts
Daughter: ur welcome
Dr_k: <img
1_0_A1C1_0600.png" alt="Dietz &amp;amp; Watson Dietz Nuts Honey Maple Meat Bites, 2
oz | Meijer"/>
Pricecheck: GAH- *falls to ground*
Mommymilkers42069: hehe~
Daughter: nice nuts~
Dr_k: thanks
Koda: damn daughter
Bonerfinal: ayo?
Koda: ur nots are so far
Koda: fat
Koda: and juicy
Bonerfinal: big nuts owo
Koda: and i wanna
Koda: eat ur fucking fat nuts
Bonerfinal: big woman nuts owo
Dr_k: ...
Daughter: ok wtf
Dr_k: wtf is wrong with boner
Bonerfinal: im gay lol
Koda: prove it
Daughter: cool me too
Koda: suck my pp rn
Bonerfinal: *Kneels and opens* stick it in daddy
Dr_k: Oh wtf
Bonerfinal: I'll suckulus your dickulus uwo
Pricecheck: oooh not this agaaaiin lol
Koda: puts 5 dollar footlong in his mouth~
Bonerfinal: <Bites down aggressively>
Koda: busts a nut~
Pricecheck: wow-
Mommymilkers42069: koda go to whisper
Bonerfinal: <I gobble that shit down>
Koda: ok.
Bonerfinal: oo
Koda: i aint jokin.
Bonerfinal: daddy more footlong uwo
Koda: do it sound like im kiddin?
Koda: i been makin like two thousand a minute.
Koda: so high up in the clouds i was swimming.
Bonerfinal: Uwo doctor yes
Agent_47: do I even wanna know
Dr_k: no not really
Agent_47: ...
Agent_47: ok then
Bonerfinal: I giv him the zucc
Dr_k: I refuse to comment on what hes doing to me
Bonerfinal: ok I leave now
Dr_k: *yawn*
Agent_47: Im bored
(anon): bro same
Walterduffieldyt: bitch
Walterduffieldyt: fuk u
Puro: hello?
Koda: heya.
Dr_k: *Hugs Puro* Hiya
Puro: *Hugs kendrick tightly* Hiya~ also hi koda
Koda: hiiiiiiiiiii
Puro: Koda want a hug?
Koda: mhm.
Puro: *I give Koda big warm puro hug* Kiss too?
(anon): no
Koda: i hug back~
Puro: ok.
Dr_k: I'll take that kiss
Puro: Oh my~ Alright dear~ *I give Kendrick a big sloppy kiss*
Koda: lol
Dr_k: *Proceeds to make out with puro*
Puro: *Makes out back, hugging tightly*
Koda: will never be better than me and generic.
(anon): fair
Koda: lol
Puro: *I break away and hug Kendrick tighter*
Dr_k: god damn you're like a vise grip-
(anon): e
Koda: i think im ready to jump out the windowwwwwww
(anon): ok
(anon): Hello?
Mommymilkers42069: hi
(anon): wqhuodhaofo
Mommymilkers42069: anon are you ok
(anon): im dying on the inside
Mommymilkers42069: same
(anon): wekwhwahahwhshashawhshawhsahwwhaoawshsashawoshawoshawoGovernment
(anon): anyways do u have twiiter
Mommymilkers42069: no
(anon): i have aids
(anon): crippling aids
(anon): oof
Mommymilkers42069: oof
(anon): rip
Mommymilkers42069: anon
Mommymilkers42069: you want a cookie
(anon): yes
Mommymilkers42069: *gives cookie*
(anon): Thank you
(anon): -Minecraft eating SFX-
Koda: im here.
Koda: again
Mommymilkers42069: hello
Koda: heya.
Todd_clorox: I like it when my girlfriend rubs peanut butter between my toes.
(anon): nose bleed
(anon): e
(anon): damm its dead
(anon): Are there girls here
(anon): booba
Daughter: no
(anon): no not urs
Kitsune_izzy: No
Daughter: no
(anon): awh
(anon): lol
(anon): u sux anon
Daughter: ur gay anon
(anon): no
(anon): no u
Daughter: but me too so that's ok
Daughter: welcome to the gay bar
(anon): gimme a cocktail
(anon): minus the tail.
Daughter: cock? ok coming up
(anon): cok
Daughter: cok
Daughter: *slides u a cok*
(anon): *Schlorrpppp*
Daughter: noice
(anon): *Suckles the dickle*
Dr_k: uhm
(anon): *Sucks daughters weewee*
Dr_k: UHM
Dr_k: god damn we got horny anon
Daughter: owo
(anon): *Suck suck suck*
(anon): Man milk me
Mommymilkers42069: wtf
Daughter: down boy
(anon): okeh
(anon): but I wanna suck ur futa cok
Daughter: another time
(anon): buh
(anon): buh
(anon): buh mah cok addiction
(anon): Hornee
(anon): horn
Daughter: theres lots of other coks
Daughter: better than me
(anon): ur a futa
(anon): futa = hot
Daughter: ok fair but there's bigger pps
(anon): urs is small and i like small things
(anon): pfttt-
Daughter: understandable have a nice succ
(anon): I will
(anon): *Sucks off an anon*
(anon): cums*
(anon): Good boi
(anon): *Sucks harder*
(anon): one of us here has an STD
(anon): *Mid orgy* wut
(anon): hot
(anon): give me it
(anon): ok
(anon): *Gives anon 3 STD's*
(anon): thx
(anon): mhm
(anon): *Touches anon* Cheems toumch
(anon): EW NO
Mommymilkers42069: wtf
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): ew Im blurple
(anon): ewww
(anon): euh
(anon): E H ?
Mommymilkers42069: anon are you ok
(anon): no
(anon): ahm schizophrenic
(anon): Im kanye west!
Mommymilkers42069: *hugs anon*
Koda: hello
Koda: im
Koda: here.
Koda: again
Koda: sadly
Koda: i hate it here
Mommymilkers42069: lol
(anon): same
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): help
Mommymilkers42069: ?
(anon): I don't wanna be an anon anymore
(anon): but I've been anon for so long idk how to stop
Feces: now is it my imagination or is this bitch dry socks
Mommymilkers42069: lol
(anon): dry non-crackly socks
Feces: i logged on to say goodnight✓
Feces: amzing
(anon): 'night
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Mommymilkers42069: well night
(anon): nhn
(anon): mhm
Mommymilkers42069: anon
(anon): yes?
Mommymilkers42069: hiii
(anon): hiii
Mommymilkers42069: yayyyy
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Well it wouldn’t be Friday unless I glued my asshole shut

Mommymilkers42069: wtf
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: And it’s definitely Friday
Mommymilkers42069: why
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: …’s Friday
Mommymilkers42069: im scared
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Me too
(anon): Rebecca Black?
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Where will the poo go
Mommymilkers42069: ...
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: I’d apply the solvent but it burns my tender asshole
Mommymilkers42069: ..................
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: In hindsight, heh rimshot, this wasn’t a good idea
Mommymilkers42069: well ima go to sleep
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Made sense at the time
Mommymilkers42069: night everyonr
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Wish I could
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Gotta apply the solvent first
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Oh that stings!
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: But I gotta poo so bad
(anon): tf
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Ok I made poo
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: My butthole is no longer glued shut
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Go back to bed America
(anon): no
(anon): >Sews butthole shut<
Daughter: cool
(anon): hello D
(anon): how ya doin'
Daughter: hi anon im doin just bad thanks
Todd_clorox: My dog always gets angry when I fart. I should get a new dog.
(anon): ah
(anon): well beat the fuck outta the depression with a broom unless it pays rent
Atp_fighter: well then
(anon): it ain't like the fuckos payin' rent
Atp_fighter: fair
(anon): Pay for sex
(anon): but my anal has an infection
Daughter: hope it gets better then
(anon): Rotten
Atp_fighter: *Jamming to Recontainment*
(anon): ew fnf
(anon): diesel
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Got kicked
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Fucking losers
Brokensoul: Stoart
Brokensoul: Start
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): eee
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
Daughter: ok bye
Daughter: *dabs out*
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
Koda: neko
Koda: nekoooooooo
Mommymilkers42069: hello
Furryanimegirl: hello
Mommymilkers42069: yayy someones on
Furryanimegirl: yep
Mommymilkers42069: hru
Furryanimegirl: im doing fine, just woke up, hbu
Mommymilkers42069: im ok
Furryanimegirl: well, anything happen in the time that i wasn't here
Mommymilkers42069: nope last night there was someone named Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut
Furryanimegirl: thats weird
Mommymilkers42069: yup
Generic: .
Furryanimegirl: hey gen
Furryanimegirl: hru
Generic: eh.
Generic: could be better
Generic: much better
Mxangel: :P
Generic: sry im back
Generic: nvm i have to go again
Freiheit90: hey
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: hi....
Logan_taken: hey
Logan_taken: hello?
Logan_taken: damn chats dead
Mommymilkers42069: lol yes it is
Logan_taken: hey milk
Mommymilkers42069: hello
Logan_taken: i have a question
Logan_taken: if you were me whod you pick to date shell or lili
Mommymilkers42069: ?
Mommymilkers42069: shell
Logan_taken: okie thanks
Mommymilkers42069: mhm
Logan_taken: damn im starting to warzone it says i have unstable conection but when
i play fortnite it doesnt say that
Mommymilkers42069: have you seen outide
Mommymilkers42069: its windy af
Logan_taken: yeah raining rn for me and cant see 2 feet outside
Mommymilkers42069: its windy to the point that the trees are shaking violently
Logan_taken: same here
Logan_taken: get ready for the rain thats gonna come your way
Mommymilkers42069: i already had that rain
Logan_taken: oh really i thougt you lived in indy
Logan_taken: because i live n ohio
Logan_taken: soooooooo
Mommymilkers42069: i do
Logan_taken: im an idiot i didnt think of it coming from the west LMAO
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Mommymilkers42069: welp its gonna be fun with a dress
Logan_taken: oof
Mommymilkers42069: and heels
Logan_taken: big oof
Mommymilkers42069: yup
Logan_taken: im sorry lmao
Mommymilkers42069: forrr?
Logan_taken: what your wearing lol i feel bad
Mommymilkers42069: eh
Mommymilkers42069: its a long dress at least
Logan_taken: ok i think thats worse but ok lo
Logan_taken: lol*
Mommymilkers42069: no at least my legs wont get cold
Logan_taken: good point
Mommymilkers42069: but it could fly up lol
Logan_taken: thats what i was thinking lol
Mommymilkers42069: yeah
Logan_taken: well lets hope that doest happen
Logan_taken: doesnt*
Mommymilkers42069: well its inside
Logan_taken: okie
Mommymilkers42069: which is nice
Mommymilkers42069: but theres gonna be atleast 500 people or so
Logan_taken: sorry if i dont answer right away its because im plying this and cold
war but i dont mind
Logan_taken: yeah ig so lol
Mommymilkers42069: its ok dont apologizr
Mommymilkers42069: apologize
Logan_taken: lol ok then
Mommymilkers42069: im happy its saturday
Logan_taken: same
Logan_taken: i hope shell gets on

Bonerfinal: Uwo doctor yes
Agent_47: do I even wanna know
Dr_k: no not really
Agent_47: ...
Agent_47: ok then
Bonerfinal: I giv him the zucc
Dr_k: I refuse to comment on what hes doing to me
Bonerfinal: ok I leave now
Dr_k: *yawn*
Agent_47: Im bored
(anon): bro same
Walterduffieldyt: bitch
Walterduffieldyt: fuk u
Puro: hello?
Koda: heya.
Dr_k: *Hugs Puro* Hiya
Puro: *Hugs kendrick tightly* Hiya~ also hi koda
Koda: hiiiiiiiiiii
Puro: Koda want a hug?
Koda: mhm.
Puro: *I give Koda big warm puro hug* Kiss too?
(anon): no
Koda: i hug back~
Puro: ok.
Dr_k: I'll take that kiss
Puro: Oh my~ Alright dear~ *I give Kendrick a big sloppy kiss*
Koda: lol
Dr_k: *Proceeds to make out with puro*
Puro: *Makes out back, hugging tightly*
Koda: will never be better than me and generic.
(anon): fair
Koda: lol
Puro: *I break away and hug Kendrick tighter*
Dr_k: god damn you're like a vise grip-
(anon): e
Koda: i think im ready to jump out the windowwwwwww
(anon): ok
(anon): Hello?
Mommymilkers42069: hi
(anon): wqhuodhaofo
Mommymilkers42069: anon are you ok
(anon): im dying on the inside
Mommymilkers42069: same
(anon): wekwhwahahwhshashawhshawhsahwwhaoawshsashawoshawoshawoGovernment
(anon): anyways do u have twiiter
Mommymilkers42069: no
(anon): i have aids
(anon): crippling aids
(anon): oof
Mommymilkers42069: oof
(anon): rip
Mommymilkers42069: anon
Mommymilkers42069: you want a cookie
(anon): yes
Mommymilkers42069: *gives cookie*
(anon): Thank you
(anon): -Minecraft eating SFX-
Koda: im here.
Koda: again
Mommymilkers42069: hello
Koda: heya.
Todd_clorox: I like it when my girlfriend rubs peanut butter between my toes.
(anon): nose bleed
(anon): e
(anon): damm its dead
(anon): Are there girls here
(anon): booba
Daughter: no
(anon): no not urs
Kitsune_izzy: No
Daughter: no
(anon): awh
(anon): lol
(anon): u sux anon
Daughter: ur gay anon
(anon): no
(anon): no u
Daughter: but me too so that's ok
Daughter: welcome to the gay bar
(anon): gimme a cocktail
(anon): minus the tail.
Daughter: cock? ok coming up
(anon): cok
Daughter: cok
Daughter: *slides u a cok*
(anon): *Schlorrpppp*
Daughter: noice
(anon): *Suckles the dickle*
Dr_k: uhm
(anon): *Sucks daughters weewee*
Dr_k: UHM
Dr_k: god damn we got horny anon
Daughter: owo
(anon): *Suck suck suck*
(anon): Man milk me
Mommymilkers42069: wtf
Daughter: down boy
(anon): okeh
(anon): but I wanna suck ur futa cok
Daughter: another time
(anon): buh
(anon): buh
(anon): buh mah cok addiction
(anon): Hornee
(anon): horn
Daughter: theres lots of other coks
Daughter: better than me
(anon): ur a futa
(anon): futa = hot
Daughter: ok fair but there's bigger pps
(anon): urs is small and i like small things
(anon): pfttt-
Daughter: understandable have a nice succ
(anon): I will
(anon): *Sucks off an anon*
(anon): cums*
(anon): Good boi
(anon): *Sucks harder*
(anon): one of us here has an STD
(anon): *Mid orgy* wut
(anon): hot
(anon): give me it
(anon): ok
(anon): *Gives anon 3 STD's*
(anon): thx
(anon): mhm
(anon): *Touches anon* Cheems toumch
(anon): EW NO
Mommymilkers42069: wtf
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): ew Im blurple
(anon): ewww
(anon): euh
(anon): E H ?
Mommymilkers42069: anon are you ok
(anon): no
(anon): ahm schizophrenic
(anon): Im kanye west!
Mommymilkers42069: *hugs anon*
Koda: hello
Koda: im
Koda: here.
Koda: again
Koda: sadly
Koda: i hate it here
Mommymilkers42069: lol
(anon): same
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): help
Mommymilkers42069: ?
(anon): I don't wanna be an anon anymore
(anon): but I've been anon for so long idk how to stop
Feces: now is it my imagination or is this bitch dry socks
Mommymilkers42069: lol
(anon): dry non-crackly socks
Feces: i logged on to say goodnight✓
Feces: amzing
(anon): 'night
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Mommymilkers42069: well night
(anon): nhn
(anon): mhm
Mommymilkers42069: anon
(anon): yes?
Mommymilkers42069: hiii
(anon): hiii
Mommymilkers42069: yayyyy
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Well it wouldn’t be Friday unless I glued my asshole shut

Mommymilkers42069: wtf
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: And it’s definitely Friday
Mommymilkers42069: why
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: …’s Friday
Mommymilkers42069: im scared
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Me too
(anon): Rebecca Black?
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Where will the poo go
Mommymilkers42069: ...
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: I’d apply the solvent but it burns my tender asshole
Mommymilkers42069: ..................
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: In hindsight, heh rimshot, this wasn’t a good idea
Mommymilkers42069: well ima go to sleep
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Made sense at the time
Mommymilkers42069: night everyonr
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Wish I could
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Gotta apply the solvent first
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Oh that stings!
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: But I gotta poo so bad
(anon): tf
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Ok I made poo
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: My butthole is no longer glued shut
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Go back to bed America
(anon): no
(anon): >Sews butthole shut<
Daughter: cool
(anon): hello D
(anon): how ya doin'
Daughter: hi anon im doin just bad thanks
Todd_clorox: My dog always gets angry when I fart. I should get a new dog.
(anon): ah
(anon): well beat the fuck outta the depression with a broom unless it pays rent
Atp_fighter: well then
(anon): it ain't like the fuckos payin' rent
Atp_fighter: fair
(anon): Pay for sex
(anon): but my anal has an infection
Daughter: hope it gets better then
(anon): Rotten
Atp_fighter: *Jamming to Recontainment*
(anon): ew fnf
(anon): diesel
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Got kicked
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Fucking losers
Brokensoul: Stoart
Brokensoul: Start
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): eee
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
Daughter: ok bye
Daughter: *dabs out*
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
Koda: neko
Koda: nekoooooooo
Mommymilkers42069: hello
Furryanimegirl: hello
Mommymilkers42069: yayy someones on
Furryanimegirl: yep
Mommymilkers42069: hru
Furryanimegirl: im doing fine, just woke up, hbu
Mommymilkers42069: im ok
Furryanimegirl: well, anything happen in the time that i wasn't here
Mommymilkers42069: nope last night there was someone named Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut
Furryanimegirl: thats weird
Mommymilkers42069: yup
Generic: .
Furryanimegirl: hey gen
Furryanimegirl: hru
Generic: eh.
Generic: could be better
Generic: much better
Mxangel: :P
Generic: sry im back
Generic: nvm i have to go again
Freiheit90: hey
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: hi....
Logan_taken: hey
Logan_taken: hello?
Logan_taken: damn chats dead
Mommymilkers42069: lol yes it is
Logan_taken: hey milk
Mommymilkers42069: hello
Logan_taken: i have a question
Logan_taken: if you were me whod you pick to date shell or lili
Mommymilkers42069: ?
Mommymilkers42069: shell
Logan_taken: okie thanks
Mommymilkers42069: mhm
Logan_taken: damn im starting to warzone it says i have unstable conection but when
i play fortnite it doesnt say that
Mommymilkers42069: have you seen outide
Mommymilkers42069: its windy af
Logan_taken: yeah raining rn for me and cant see 2 feet outside
Mommymilkers42069: its windy to the point that the trees are shaking violently
Logan_taken: same here
Logan_taken: get ready for the rain thats gonna come your way
Mommymilkers42069: i already had that rain
Logan_taken: oh really i thougt you lived in indy
Logan_taken: because i live n ohio
Logan_taken: soooooooo
Mommymilkers42069: i do
Logan_taken: im an idiot i didnt think of it coming from the west LMAO
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Mommymilkers42069: welp its gonna be fun with a dress
Logan_taken: oof
Mommymilkers42069: and heels
Logan_taken: big oof
Mommymilkers42069: yup
Logan_taken: im sorry lmao
Mommymilkers42069: forrr?
Logan_taken: what your wearing lol i feel bad
Mommymilkers42069: eh
Mommymilkers42069: its a long dress at least
Logan_taken: ok i think thats worse but ok lo
Logan_taken: lol*
Mommymilkers42069: no at least my legs wont get cold
Logan_taken: good point
Mommymilkers42069: but it could fly up lol
Logan_taken: thats what i was thinking lol
Mommymilkers42069: yeah
Logan_taken: well lets hope that doest happen
Logan_taken: doesnt*
Mommymilkers42069: well its inside
Logan_taken: okie
Mommymilkers42069: which is nice
Mommymilkers42069: but theres gonna be atleast 500 people or so
Logan_taken: sorry if i dont answer right away its because im plying this and cold
war but i dont mind
Logan_taken: yeah ig so lol
Mommymilkers42069: its ok dont apologizr
Mommymilkers42069: apologize
Logan_taken: lol ok then
Mommymilkers42069: im happy its saturday
Logan_taken: same
Logan_taken: i hope shell gets on
Mommymilkers42069: shell was on
Logan_taken: WHAT
Logan_taken: fuuuuuuck me
Logan_taken: not like that
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Mommymilkers42069: brb
Logan_taken: sorry didnt want you to think it like that
Logan_taken: ok
Nekogirl: morning :3
Logan_taken: hey neko how are you
Logan_taken: milk will brb
Nekogirl: oh cool, im great
Logan_taken: see im trying not to be an ass lmao
Nekogirl: tryin real hard huh?
Logan_taken: maybe
Mommymilkers42069: well went to help my stepmom because my dad told me to come
help. all i said is ¨with what?¨ he started yelling at me
Mommymilkers42069: and saying that if i dont shut up im not going to the dance
Nekogirl: *thumbs up* sounds about right
Logan_taken: yeah
Logan_taken: ^
Mommymilkers42069: and i paid with my own money to go
Mommymilkers42069: so he cant say shit
Logan_taken: ^
Mommymilkers42069: so because he owed me money so i used that money that he gave me
back or $30 to pay for the god damned dance
Logan_taken: lucky i got grounded so i couldnt go to hoco
Mommymilkers42069: damn
Logan_taken: yeah and my crush was there so i got really pissed
Mommymilkers42069: oh no
Nekogirl: im going to a dance by myself
Logan_taken: then my BEST FRIEND told her i liked her without me knowing so i beat
the shit out of him for that because i wasnt ready for her to know
Logan_taken: well i wish you best of luck someone wants to go with you neko
Nekogirl: um
Nekogirl: im going alone by choice
Logan_taken: oh lmao
Mommymilkers42069: same neko
Nekogirl: im only going cause i want an excuse to buy fancy clothes
Logan_taken: lmao i just wear blue flannels and jeans
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Furryanimeboy: hello
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Logan_taken: anywayyy who watches last kingdom
Logan_taken: hey
Generic: i have returned
Nekogirl: hi gen
Generic: hello neko
Logan_taken: hey wb
Generic: hi
Mommymilkers42069: finally gen lol
Generic: i had to do my parents bidding
Logan_taken: lmao
Furryanimeboy: that sucks
Mommymilkers42069: ^
Logan_taken: anyyyway
Logan_taken: who likes avenged sevenfold
Generic: eh.
Generic: never been a big fan
Generic: although peep did sample holy confessions for move on be strong.
Generic: when it comes to lighter metal im more of a slipknot kinda guy
Furryanimeboy: anyone besides me likes slipknot
Furryanimeboy: YES IM NOT THE ONLY ONE
Generic: the way u worded that confuses me
Generic: so u do or dont like slipknot...
Logan_taken: nope i love slipknot i just got done with there austin texas live show
from this year slipknot is fucking amazing
Generic: oh sick
Furryanimeboy: I LOVE SLIPKNOT
Logan_taken: SAME *high fives*
Generic: ohhh gotchu
Furryanimeboy: *high fives back*
Generic: i also like a bit of mudvayne every now and then
Logan_taken: undo these chains my friend
Generic: but ever since i found deathcore, normal heavy metal hasnt hit the same
Furryanimeboy: logan devil in i nice
Logan_taken: yep
Logan_taken: ik the whole song by heart
Generic: slaughter to prevail, lorna shore, thy art is murder, whitechapel, brand
of sacrifice.
Generic: and tbh, i didnt rly like the gray chapter
Generic: easily their worst album
Logan_taken: slipknot(1999) is the best album
Generic: yea self titled is pretty good
Furryanimeboy: gene i know the first 2 slaughter to prevail, lorna shore
Generic: bro i fkn love slaughter
Generic: alex's vocals are crazy
Furryanimegirl: hi
Logan_taken: hey
Generic: hello
Logan_taken: you like a7x right furry girl
Generic: take a listen to this logan
Generic: the last minute of this makes me nut every time i hear it
Logan_taken: or avenged sevennfold for you uncultured swines
Furryanimeboy: gene im with you on that
Logan_taken: i hate lorna sorry
Generic: this song also makes me cream
Logan_taken: i like older metal
Furryanimegirl: the school blocked my youtue
Generic: tuff
Generic: and lorna isnt metal
Logan_taken: thats my favorite album
Generic: its literal hell
Logan_taken: not lorna i hate lorna
Logan_taken: i said i like older metal never classified lorna as metal
Generic: y
Logan_taken: just do
Generic: u sure do like the devil in i
Generic: which released in 2014
Generic: checkmate
Logan_taken: because slipknot started in 95 so they are an older band
Logan_taken: they never changed their style in music
Generic: LMAO
Generic: each album has a different feel and sound
Logan_taken: because they bbelieve each album is like a new chapter in life thats
what i ike about slipknot
Logan_taken: and my favorite song by slipknot is spit it out soooooo
Generic: my favorite slipknot song is idna
Generic: eh actually my fav would have to be chokema
Logan_taken: shfu
Logan_taken: stfu*
Generic: chokema cock
Logan_taken: PEOPLE = SHIT
Logan_taken: oop
Generic: fr doe my fav is prolly eyeless
Logan_taken: there thats the album im listening to
Logan_taken: SAME
Generic: solway firth is up there too
Logan_taken: yeah same with unsainted
Generic: this is all the slipknot on my playlist rn
Logan_taken: new abortion is pretty good to
Mommymilkers42069: The power company is estimating that the earliest power will be
restored is 4:15 pm.
Logan_taken: damn
Mommymilkers42069: there was a power outage so it may not even be today god fuck
Mommymilkers42069: if he or she is even real
Generic: eyeless, wiat and bleed, disasterpiece, p=s, left behind, duality, the
nameless, killpop, critical darling, nero forte, unsainted, orphan, all out life,
and the chapeltown rag
Logan_taken: mine is all of there songs owo
Generic: oh i have spit it out on there too
Logan_taken: look up new abortion its pretty good
Generic: im ngl half of my playlist (which is 9 hours) is peep and juice
Logan_taken: wtf lmao
Generic: next most artist is zillakami
Logan_taken: ?
Generic: zillas fire
Generic: its like trap/metal/punk
Generic: his new album dog boy is pretty chill but heres one of his most popular
Generic: hes part of a duo called city morgue
Logan_taken: okie
Mommymilkers42069: ima go cry now
Generic: and heres one of his most recent songs off his new album
Generic: and y mommy
Logan_taken: okie
Logan_taken: ^
Generic: in fact heres my fkn playlist lmao
Mommymilkers42069: because the dance may not even happen today
Generic: oh wut dance?
Logan_taken: that fucking sucks milk*hugs*
Logan_taken: hello?

(anon): hello D
(anon): how ya doin'
Daughter: hi anon im doin just bad thanks
Todd_clorox: My dog always gets angry when I fart. I should get a new dog.
(anon): ah
(anon): well beat the fuck outta the depression with a broom unless it pays rent
Atp_fighter: well then
(anon): it ain't like the fuckos payin' rent
Atp_fighter: fair
(anon): Pay for sex
(anon): but my anal has an infection
Daughter: hope it gets better then
(anon): Rotten
Atp_fighter: *Jamming to Recontainment*
(anon): ew fnf
(anon): diesel
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Got kicked
Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: Fucking losers
Brokensoul: Stoart
Brokensoul: Start
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): eee
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
Daughter: ok bye
Daughter: *dabs out*
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
Koda: neko
Koda: nekoooooooo
Mommymilkers42069: hello
Furryanimegirl: hello
Mommymilkers42069: yayy someones on
Furryanimegirl: yep
Mommymilkers42069: hru
Furryanimegirl: im doing fine, just woke up, hbu
Mommymilkers42069: im ok
Furryanimegirl: well, anything happen in the time that i wasn't here
Mommymilkers42069: nope last night there was someone named Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut
Furryanimegirl: thats weird
Mommymilkers42069: yup
Generic: .
Furryanimegirl: hey gen
Furryanimegirl: hru
Generic: eh.
Generic: could be better
Generic: much better
Mxangel: :P
Generic: sry im back
Generic: nvm i have to go again
Freiheit90: hey
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: hi....
Logan_taken: hey
Logan_taken: hello?
Logan_taken: damn chats dead
Mommymilkers42069: lol yes it is
Logan_taken: hey milk
Mommymilkers42069: hello
Logan_taken: i have a question
Logan_taken: if you were me whod you pick to date shell or lili
Mommymilkers42069: ?
Mommymilkers42069: shell
Logan_taken: okie thanks
Mommymilkers42069: mhm
Logan_taken: damn im starting to warzone it says i have unstable conection but when
i play fortnite it doesnt say that
Mommymilkers42069: have you seen outide
Mommymilkers42069: its windy af
Logan_taken: yeah raining rn for me and cant see 2 feet outside
Mommymilkers42069: its windy to the point that the trees are shaking violently
Logan_taken: same here
Logan_taken: get ready for the rain thats gonna come your way
Mommymilkers42069: i already had that rain
Logan_taken: oh really i thougt you lived in indy
Logan_taken: because i live n ohio
Logan_taken: soooooooo
Mommymilkers42069: i do
Logan_taken: im an idiot i didnt think of it coming from the west LMAO
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Mommymilkers42069: welp its gonna be fun with a dress
Logan_taken: oof
Mommymilkers42069: and heels
Logan_taken: big oof
Mommymilkers42069: yup
Logan_taken: im sorry lmao
Mommymilkers42069: forrr?
Logan_taken: what your wearing lol i feel bad
Mommymilkers42069: eh
Mommymilkers42069: its a long dress at least
Logan_taken: ok i think thats worse but ok lo
Logan_taken: lol*
Mommymilkers42069: no at least my legs wont get cold
Logan_taken: good point
Mommymilkers42069: but it could fly up lol
Logan_taken: thats what i was thinking lol
Mommymilkers42069: yeah
Logan_taken: well lets hope that doest happen
Logan_taken: doesnt*
Mommymilkers42069: well its inside
Logan_taken: okie
Mommymilkers42069: which is nice
Mommymilkers42069: but theres gonna be atleast 500 people or so
Logan_taken: sorry if i dont answer right away its because im plying this and cold
war but i dont mind
Logan_taken: yeah ig so lol
Mommymilkers42069: its ok dont apologizr
Mommymilkers42069: apologize
Logan_taken: lol ok then
Mommymilkers42069: im happy its saturday
Logan_taken: same
Logan_taken: i hope shell gets on
Mommymilkers42069: shell was on
Logan_taken: WHAT
Logan_taken: fuuuuuuck me
Logan_taken: not like that
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Mommymilkers42069: brb
Logan_taken: sorry didnt want you to think it like that
Logan_taken: ok
Nekogirl: morning :3
Logan_taken: hey neko how are you
Logan_taken: milk will brb
Nekogirl: oh cool, im great
Logan_taken: see im trying not to be an ass lmao
Nekogirl: tryin real hard huh?
Logan_taken: maybe
Mommymilkers42069: well went to help my stepmom because my dad told me to come
help. all i said is ¨with what?¨ he started yelling at me
Mommymilkers42069: and saying that if i dont shut up im not going to the dance
Nekogirl: *thumbs up* sounds about right
Logan_taken: yeah
Logan_taken: ^
Mommymilkers42069: and i paid with my own money to go
Mommymilkers42069: so he cant say shit
Logan_taken: ^
Mommymilkers42069: so because he owed me money so i used that money that he gave me
back or $30 to pay for the god damned dance
Logan_taken: lucky i got grounded so i couldnt go to hoco
Mommymilkers42069: damn
Logan_taken: yeah and my crush was there so i got really pissed
Mommymilkers42069: oh no
Nekogirl: im going to a dance by myself
Logan_taken: then my BEST FRIEND told her i liked her without me knowing so i beat
the shit out of him for that because i wasnt ready for her to know
Logan_taken: well i wish you best of luck someone wants to go with you neko
Nekogirl: um
Nekogirl: im going alone by choice
Logan_taken: oh lmao
Mommymilkers42069: same neko
Nekogirl: im only going cause i want an excuse to buy fancy clothes
Logan_taken: lmao i just wear blue flannels and jeans
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Furryanimeboy: hello
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Logan_taken: anywayyy who watches last kingdom
Logan_taken: hey
Generic: i have returned
Nekogirl: hi gen
Generic: hello neko
Logan_taken: hey wb
Generic: hi
Mommymilkers42069: finally gen lol
Generic: i had to do my parents bidding
Logan_taken: lmao
Furryanimeboy: that sucks
Mommymilkers42069: ^
Logan_taken: anyyyway
Logan_taken: who likes avenged sevenfold
Generic: eh.
Generic: never been a big fan
Generic: although peep did sample holy confessions for move on be strong.
Generic: when it comes to lighter metal im more of a slipknot kinda guy
Furryanimeboy: anyone besides me likes slipknot
Furryanimeboy: YES IM NOT THE ONLY ONE
Generic: the way u worded that confuses me
Generic: so u do or dont like slipknot...
Logan_taken: nope i love slipknot i just got done with there austin texas live show
from this year slipknot is fucking amazing
Generic: oh sick
Furryanimeboy: I LOVE SLIPKNOT
Logan_taken: SAME *high fives*
Generic: ohhh gotchu
Furryanimeboy: *high fives back*
Generic: i also like a bit of mudvayne every now and then
Logan_taken: undo these chains my friend
Generic: but ever since i found deathcore, normal heavy metal hasnt hit the same
Furryanimeboy: logan devil in i nice
Logan_taken: yep
Logan_taken: ik the whole song by heart
Generic: slaughter to prevail, lorna shore, thy art is murder, whitechapel, brand
of sacrifice.
Generic: and tbh, i didnt rly like the gray chapter
Generic: easily their worst album
Logan_taken: slipknot(1999) is the best album
Generic: yea self titled is pretty good
Furryanimeboy: gene i know the first 2 slaughter to prevail, lorna shore
Generic: bro i fkn love slaughter
Generic: alex's vocals are crazy
Furryanimegirl: hi
Logan_taken: hey
Generic: hello
Logan_taken: you like a7x right furry girl
Generic: take a listen to this logan
Generic: the last minute of this makes me nut every time i hear it
Logan_taken: or avenged sevennfold for you uncultured swines
Furryanimeboy: gene im with you on that
Logan_taken: i hate lorna sorry
Generic: this song also makes me cream
Logan_taken: i like older metal
Furryanimegirl: the school blocked my youtue
Generic: tuff
Generic: and lorna isnt metal
Logan_taken: thats my favorite album
Generic: its literal hell
Logan_taken: not lorna i hate lorna
Logan_taken: i said i like older metal never classified lorna as metal
Generic: y
Logan_taken: just do
Generic: u sure do like the devil in i
Generic: which released in 2014
Generic: checkmate
Logan_taken: because slipknot started in 95 so they are an older band
Logan_taken: they never changed their style in music
Generic: LMAO
Generic: each album has a different feel and sound
Logan_taken: because they bbelieve each album is like a new chapter in life thats
what i ike about slipknot
Logan_taken: and my favorite song by slipknot is spit it out soooooo
Generic: my favorite slipknot song is idna
Generic: eh actually my fav would have to be chokema
Logan_taken: shfu
Logan_taken: stfu*
Generic: chokema cock
Logan_taken: PEOPLE = SHIT
Logan_taken: oop
Generic: fr doe my fav is prolly eyeless
Logan_taken: there thats the album im listening to
Logan_taken: SAME
Generic: solway firth is up there too
Logan_taken: yeah same with unsainted
Generic: this is all the slipknot on my playlist rn
Logan_taken: new abortion is pretty good to
Mommymilkers42069: The power company is estimating that the earliest power will be
restored is 4:15 pm.
Logan_taken: damn
Mommymilkers42069: there was a power outage so it may not even be today god fuck
Mommymilkers42069: if he or she is even real
Generic: eyeless, wiat and bleed, disasterpiece, p=s, left behind, duality, the
nameless, killpop, critical darling, nero forte, unsainted, orphan, all out life,
and the chapeltown rag
Logan_taken: mine is all of there songs owo
Generic: oh i have spit it out on there too
Logan_taken: look up new abortion its pretty good
Generic: im ngl half of my playlist (which is 9 hours) is peep and juice
Logan_taken: wtf lmao
Generic: next most artist is zillakami
Logan_taken: ?
Generic: zillas fire
Generic: its like trap/metal/punk
Generic: his new album dog boy is pretty chill but heres one of his most popular
Generic: hes part of a duo called city morgue
Logan_taken: okie
Mommymilkers42069: ima go cry now
Generic: and heres one of his most recent songs off his new album
Generic: and y mommy
Logan_taken: okie
Logan_taken: ^
Generic: in fact heres my fkn playlist lmao
Mommymilkers42069: because the dance may not even happen today
Generic: oh wut dance?
Logan_taken: that fucking sucks milk*hugs*
Logan_taken: hello?
Generic: hello
Mommymilkers42069: helo
Logan_taken: oie i thought you all died lol
Generic: oh lord neko and both the furries are in a private game again...
Logan_taken: ohh god
Mommymilkers42069: oop
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Logan_taken: they are a three way right
Generic: ...
Logan_taken: what
Mommymilkers42069: i told god to fuck off and now its not windy ☺
Logan_taken: LMAo
Logan_taken: should i join their game lmao
Mommymilkers42069: it may give you ptsd but sure
Logan_taken: bet
Generic: its private bruh
Logan_taken: theres a thing called whisper lmao
Generic: oH rEaLLy?
Logan_taken: yeah its very cool
Logan_taken: FUCK THEY SAID NO
Generic: yes ik
Logan_taken: Logan_taken: okie :( i thought slipknot maggots were supposed to stick
together at least thats what corey taylor said
Logan_taken: thats what ii sent him
Logan_taken: they might
Logan_taken: i just sent it after they said no
Generic: imma see if they let ME in
Generic: Nekogirl: no gen its a not pg game
Mommymilkers42069: i bet you i can get in lol
Generic: prolly
Logan_taken: Logan_taken: fine i claim you no longer a maggot
Mommymilkers42069: should i try
Generic: WAIT WUT
Logan_taken: hes about to go on guilt trip
Generic: are u talking to neko or?
Logan_taken: furry by
Logan_taken: boy*
Generic: ah
Logan_taken: if you like slipknot your called a maggot
Generic: ?oH reALLy?
Logan_taken: yeah thats where the song Pulse Of The Maggots came from
Logan_taken: YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Logan_taken: NOW YOU DO!!!!!!!!!
Generic: WOWZA!
Logan_taken: milk did they let you in
Generic: no they didnt
Logan_taken: damn
Logan_taken: its just the 2 girls now neko and furry girl
Cupoftea: who the fuck is furry girl?
Generic: idk
Mommymilkers42069: TEAAAAAAAAA
Logan_taken: furryanimegirl
Generic: i lost track of all the furries
Logan_taken: hey tea
Logan_taken: ooooooo gen have you heard of the song gently by slipknot
Cupoftea: hi mommy
Generic: uhuh
Generic: most songs u name ill prolly have heard b4
Generic: besides the most fkn obscure shit from the year 1950
Logan_taken: sorry im listening to the IOWA album rn
Generic: iowa is heat
Generic: but def overrated
Logan_taken: RIGHT
Logan_taken: ima listen to my fav slipknot album now
Cupoftea: okk
Generic: and im curious to wut neko and them are doing rn...
Generic: well ik WUT they doing
Generic: but..
Logan_taken: Slipknot (1999)
Generic: y dont u jus call it selftitled
Generic: like literally everybody else
Mommymilkers42069: tea
Logan_taken: LMAO idk gen
Logan_taken: hey tea you listen to slipknot
Logan_taken: who wanna zoom
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: yea for?
Generic: nobody
Logan_taken: SHELL
Logan_taken: no reason just for fun
Generic: unless u want him to wack off to ur face then i wouldnt join
Logan_taken: i dont lmao
Logan_taken: or wouldnt
Logan_taken: damnit shells offline
Generic: u scared her off
Logan_taken: how you did i just asked who wanted to zoom and you said that shit
Logan_taken: plus im dating her sooooooooooo
Generic: lmao imagine online relationship :O
Cupoftea: yes mommy?
Logan_taken: stfu
Logan_taken: no you tea
Mommymilkers42069: *hugs tea*
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: lmao
Logan_taken: not*
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: brb
Cupoftea: *hugs mommy back*
Blue_jollyrancher: hello?
Generic: hi
Blue_jollyrancher: hi
Cupoftea: oh hey blue
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi tea
Logan_taken: hey blue
Logan_taken: hello?
Generic: no
Logan_taken: okie
Logan_taken: what you guys wanna do
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: i am back
Logan_taken: hey shell
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: hey logan
Blue_jollyrancher: back
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: wb bluey
Cupoftea: i swear, i cant take sensitive bitches like this
Logan_taken: wb
Logan_taken: its tiny af lmao

Logan_taken: ok i think thats worse but ok lo
Logan_taken: lol*
Mommymilkers42069: no at least my legs wont get cold
Logan_taken: good point
Mommymilkers42069: but it could fly up lol
Logan_taken: thats what i was thinking lol
Mommymilkers42069: yeah
Logan_taken: well lets hope that doest happen
Logan_taken: doesnt*
Mommymilkers42069: well its inside
Logan_taken: okie
Mommymilkers42069: which is nice
Mommymilkers42069: but theres gonna be atleast 500 people or so
Logan_taken: sorry if i dont answer right away its because im plying this and cold
war but i dont mind
Logan_taken: yeah ig so lol
Mommymilkers42069: its ok dont apologizr
Mommymilkers42069: apologize
Logan_taken: lol ok then
Mommymilkers42069: im happy its saturday
Logan_taken: same
Logan_taken: i hope shell gets on
Mommymilkers42069: shell was on
Logan_taken: WHAT
Logan_taken: fuuuuuuck me
Logan_taken: not like that
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Mommymilkers42069: brb
Logan_taken: sorry didnt want you to think it like that
Logan_taken: ok
Nekogirl: morning :3
Logan_taken: hey neko how are you
Logan_taken: milk will brb
Nekogirl: oh cool, im great
Logan_taken: see im trying not to be an ass lmao
Nekogirl: tryin real hard huh?
Logan_taken: maybe
Mommymilkers42069: well went to help my stepmom because my dad told me to come
help. all i said is ¨with what?¨ he started yelling at me
Mommymilkers42069: and saying that if i dont shut up im not going to the dance
Nekogirl: *thumbs up* sounds about right
Logan_taken: yeah
Logan_taken: ^
Mommymilkers42069: and i paid with my own money to go
Mommymilkers42069: so he cant say shit
Logan_taken: ^
Mommymilkers42069: so because he owed me money so i used that money that he gave me
back or $30 to pay for the god damned dance
Logan_taken: lucky i got grounded so i couldnt go to hoco
Mommymilkers42069: damn
Logan_taken: yeah and my crush was there so i got really pissed
Mommymilkers42069: oh no
Nekogirl: im going to a dance by myself
Logan_taken: then my BEST FRIEND told her i liked her without me knowing so i beat
the shit out of him for that because i wasnt ready for her to know
Logan_taken: well i wish you best of luck someone wants to go with you neko
Nekogirl: um
Nekogirl: im going alone by choice
Logan_taken: oh lmao
Mommymilkers42069: same neko
Nekogirl: im only going cause i want an excuse to buy fancy clothes
Logan_taken: lmao i just wear blue flannels and jeans
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Furryanimeboy: hello
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Logan_taken: anywayyy who watches last kingdom
Logan_taken: hey
Generic: i have returned
Nekogirl: hi gen
Generic: hello neko
Logan_taken: hey wb
Generic: hi
Mommymilkers42069: finally gen lol
Generic: i had to do my parents bidding
Logan_taken: lmao
Furryanimeboy: that sucks
Mommymilkers42069: ^
Logan_taken: anyyyway
Logan_taken: who likes avenged sevenfold
Generic: eh.
Generic: never been a big fan
Generic: although peep did sample holy confessions for move on be strong.
Generic: when it comes to lighter metal im more of a slipknot kinda guy
Furryanimeboy: anyone besides me likes slipknot
Furryanimeboy: YES IM NOT THE ONLY ONE
Generic: the way u worded that confuses me
Generic: so u do or dont like slipknot...
Logan_taken: nope i love slipknot i just got done with there austin texas live show
from this year slipknot is fucking amazing
Generic: oh sick
Furryanimeboy: I LOVE SLIPKNOT
Logan_taken: SAME *high fives*
Generic: ohhh gotchu
Furryanimeboy: *high fives back*
Generic: i also like a bit of mudvayne every now and then
Logan_taken: undo these chains my friend
Generic: but ever since i found deathcore, normal heavy metal hasnt hit the same
Furryanimeboy: logan devil in i nice
Logan_taken: yep
Logan_taken: ik the whole song by heart
Generic: slaughter to prevail, lorna shore, thy art is murder, whitechapel, brand
of sacrifice.
Generic: and tbh, i didnt rly like the gray chapter
Generic: easily their worst album
Logan_taken: slipknot(1999) is the best album
Generic: yea self titled is pretty good
Furryanimeboy: gene i know the first 2 slaughter to prevail, lorna shore
Generic: bro i fkn love slaughter
Generic: alex's vocals are crazy
Furryanimegirl: hi
Logan_taken: hey
Generic: hello
Logan_taken: you like a7x right furry girl
Generic: take a listen to this logan
Generic: the last minute of this makes me nut every time i hear it
Logan_taken: or avenged sevennfold for you uncultured swines
Furryanimeboy: gene im with you on that
Logan_taken: i hate lorna sorry
Generic: this song also makes me cream
Logan_taken: i like older metal
Furryanimegirl: the school blocked my youtue
Generic: tuff
Generic: and lorna isnt metal
Logan_taken: thats my favorite album
Generic: its literal hell
Logan_taken: not lorna i hate lorna
Logan_taken: i said i like older metal never classified lorna as metal
Generic: y
Logan_taken: just do
Generic: u sure do like the devil in i
Generic: which released in 2014
Generic: checkmate
Logan_taken: because slipknot started in 95 so they are an older band
Logan_taken: they never changed their style in music
Generic: LMAO
Generic: each album has a different feel and sound
Logan_taken: because they bbelieve each album is like a new chapter in life thats
what i ike about slipknot
Logan_taken: and my favorite song by slipknot is spit it out soooooo
Generic: my favorite slipknot song is idna
Generic: eh actually my fav would have to be chokema
Logan_taken: shfu
Logan_taken: stfu*
Generic: chokema cock
Logan_taken: PEOPLE = SHIT
Logan_taken: oop
Generic: fr doe my fav is prolly eyeless
Logan_taken: there thats the album im listening to
Logan_taken: SAME
Generic: solway firth is up there too
Logan_taken: yeah same with unsainted
Generic: this is all the slipknot on my playlist rn
Logan_taken: new abortion is pretty good to
Mommymilkers42069: The power company is estimating that the earliest power will be
restored is 4:15 pm.
Logan_taken: damn
Mommymilkers42069: there was a power outage so it may not even be today god fuck
Mommymilkers42069: if he or she is even real
Generic: eyeless, wiat and bleed, disasterpiece, p=s, left behind, duality, the
nameless, killpop, critical darling, nero forte, unsainted, orphan, all out life,
and the chapeltown rag
Logan_taken: mine is all of there songs owo
Generic: oh i have spit it out on there too
Logan_taken: look up new abortion its pretty good
Generic: im ngl half of my playlist (which is 9 hours) is peep and juice
Logan_taken: wtf lmao
Generic: next most artist is zillakami
Logan_taken: ?
Generic: zillas fire
Generic: its like trap/metal/punk
Generic: his new album dog boy is pretty chill but heres one of his most popular
Generic: hes part of a duo called city morgue
Logan_taken: okie
Mommymilkers42069: ima go cry now
Generic: and heres one of his most recent songs off his new album
Generic: and y mommy
Logan_taken: okie
Logan_taken: ^
Generic: in fact heres my fkn playlist lmao
Mommymilkers42069: because the dance may not even happen today
Generic: oh wut dance?
Logan_taken: that fucking sucks milk*hugs*
Logan_taken: hello?
Generic: hello
Mommymilkers42069: helo
Logan_taken: oie i thought you all died lol
Generic: oh lord neko and both the furries are in a private game again...
Logan_taken: ohh god
Mommymilkers42069: oop
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Logan_taken: they are a three way right
Generic: ...
Logan_taken: what
Mommymilkers42069: i told god to fuck off and now its not windy ☺
Logan_taken: LMAo
Logan_taken: should i join their game lmao
Mommymilkers42069: it may give you ptsd but sure
Logan_taken: bet
Generic: its private bruh
Logan_taken: theres a thing called whisper lmao
Generic: oH rEaLLy?
Logan_taken: yeah its very cool
Logan_taken: FUCK THEY SAID NO
Generic: yes ik
Logan_taken: Logan_taken: okie :( i thought slipknot maggots were supposed to stick
together at least thats what corey taylor said
Logan_taken: thats what ii sent him
Logan_taken: they might
Logan_taken: i just sent it after they said no
Generic: imma see if they let ME in
Generic: Nekogirl: no gen its a not pg game
Mommymilkers42069: i bet you i can get in lol
Generic: prolly
Logan_taken: Logan_taken: fine i claim you no longer a maggot
Mommymilkers42069: should i try
Generic: WAIT WUT
Logan_taken: hes about to go on guilt trip
Generic: are u talking to neko or?
Logan_taken: furry by
Logan_taken: boy*
Generic: ah
Logan_taken: if you like slipknot your called a maggot
Generic: ?oH reALLy?
Logan_taken: yeah thats where the song Pulse Of The Maggots came from
Logan_taken: YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Logan_taken: NOW YOU DO!!!!!!!!!
Generic: WOWZA!
Logan_taken: milk did they let you in
Generic: no they didnt
Logan_taken: damn
Logan_taken: its just the 2 girls now neko and furry girl
Cupoftea: who the fuck is furry girl?
Generic: idk
Mommymilkers42069: TEAAAAAAAAA
Logan_taken: furryanimegirl
Generic: i lost track of all the furries
Logan_taken: hey tea
Logan_taken: ooooooo gen have you heard of the song gently by slipknot
Cupoftea: hi mommy
Generic: uhuh
Generic: most songs u name ill prolly have heard b4
Generic: besides the most fkn obscure shit from the year 1950
Logan_taken: sorry im listening to the IOWA album rn
Generic: iowa is heat
Generic: but def overrated
Logan_taken: RIGHT
Logan_taken: ima listen to my fav slipknot album now
Cupoftea: okk
Generic: and im curious to wut neko and them are doing rn...
Generic: well ik WUT they doing
Generic: but..
Logan_taken: Slipknot (1999)
Generic: y dont u jus call it selftitled
Generic: like literally everybody else
Mommymilkers42069: tea
Logan_taken: LMAO idk gen
Logan_taken: hey tea you listen to slipknot
Logan_taken: who wanna zoom
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: yea for?
Generic: nobody
Logan_taken: SHELL
Logan_taken: no reason just for fun
Generic: unless u want him to wack off to ur face then i wouldnt join
Logan_taken: i dont lmao
Logan_taken: or wouldnt
Logan_taken: damnit shells offline
Generic: u scared her off
Logan_taken: how you did i just asked who wanted to zoom and you said that shit
Logan_taken: plus im dating her sooooooooooo
Generic: lmao imagine online relationship :O
Cupoftea: yes mommy?
Logan_taken: stfu
Logan_taken: no you tea
Mommymilkers42069: *hugs tea*
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: lmao
Logan_taken: not*
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: brb
Cupoftea: *hugs mommy back*
Blue_jollyrancher: hello?
Generic: hi
Blue_jollyrancher: hi
Cupoftea: oh hey blue
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi tea
Logan_taken: hey blue
Logan_taken: hello?
Generic: no
Logan_taken: okie
Logan_taken: what you guys wanna do
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: i am back
Logan_taken: hey shell
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: hey logan
Blue_jollyrancher: back
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: wb bluey
Cupoftea: i swear, i cant take sensitive bitches like this
Logan_taken: wb
Logan_taken: its tiny af lmao
Cupoftea: zoom in then
Logan_taken: wtf lmao theyre so sensitive
Cupoftea: YEAHH
Cupoftea: thats what i tried to say but then they put 'well, im allowed to be
upset'. like bruh, did i even ask??
Logan_taken: nope lmao
Cupoftea: lol
Dr_k: hello?
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: hi k
Logan_taken: hey k
Generic: wsp doc
Dr_k: heya
Dr_k: not much gen, wsp with you?
Logan_taken: the sky is up?
Generic: eh. could be better
Dr_k: yeah
Logan_taken: at least youre not in juvie gen
Generic: not yet
Logan_taken: you could be now
Generic: still not 100% wut could happen.
Generic: lmao wut does a 6 day difference make?
Logan_taken: just gotta think of the brighter side of things
Dr_k: 6 more days of assured freedom
Generic: ig
Logan_taken: i give you my best of luck maggot to maggot
Generic: ^cringe
Logan_taken: okie im trying to help but thats how you repay me lmao
Generic: if ur gon try to help. dont be cringe. thats my policy
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Logan_taken: i wasnt trying to be cringe lmao
Generic: oh ik u werent
Agent_47: whats going on in here?
Generic: deez
Mommymilkers42069: idfk anymore
Mommymilkers42069: no
Mommymilkers42069: gen dont
Agent_47: fair enough M
Generic: deez nuts
Cupoftea: lol
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: no
Mommymilkers42069: *gets las chanclas*
Generic: also logan listen to this and see if u like it
Generic: its trapmetal at its finest
(anon): -Bitch slaps Generic-
Mommymilkers42069: good anon
Agent_47: wow for once anon was useful
Generic: *laughs bc an anon rly thinks they have any opinion or power*
Mommymilkers42069: gen i will slap you with la chancla
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: lmao
Bonerfinal: -Laughs bc I got an acct and can bitchslap you more-
Generic: maybe im a masochist?
(anon): ok enough, stop
Mommymilkers42069: idc-
Generic: :O
(anon): *Gasp* So mean!
Bonerfinal: anon shush
(anon): e
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: E
(anon): a
Bonerfinal: s
Generic: s
(anon): c
Bonerfinal: ....?
Generic: u
(anon): o
(anon): d
Generic: n
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: idk
Generic: t
Agent_47: well then
Generic: move upon anyone
Generic: take on anyone
Generic: who want war?
Generic: take on anyone
(anon): I do
Generic: u gon be a dead man alkig
Generic: walking***
Bonerfinal: welp
(anon): ok bet
Generic: fuck that im coming
Generic: mention my name till i come down cutting
(anon): Cum on me daddy
Mommymilkers42069: well i gotta start getting ready
Agent_47: good luck
Generic: bitches forgot that I'm well connected from the uk they tough talk till I
send Russia
(anon): let the russians cum on me
Generic: ight
Mommymilkers42069: im well connected to the navy, atmy, airforce, cops, andddd
Rusians: *cums on anon*
(anon): awh ye
Generic: who tf....
Bonerfinal: for once thats not me
(anon): cum on me daddy russia
Agent_47: wtf
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: 0-0 um.....
Mommymilkers42069: tea!
(anon): mother russia actually
Todd_clorox: Don't have your dad cum on you! wtf
(anon): daddy russia owo
Bonerfinal: I swear to god who tf is anon
(anon): me
Generic: ...
Generic: no shit retard
(anon): *Rapes russia*
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: idfk idfc
Bonerfinal: Ah fuck no anons raping shit again
Generic: boner dont act like ur not an anon 90% of the time
(anon): *Rapes russians till he cums*
Bonerfinal: Fair, but this time im not
(anon): owo daddy
Todd_clorox: Please stop having sex with your dad.
Agent_47: who gave the anon methamphetamine
Generic: not me
(anon): DADDY! *Rapes zaddy*
Bonerfinal: *Shrug* blame satan
Satan_: i didnt do shit nigga
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: 0-0 lmao
Bonerfinal: ah alright
Satan_: peace out
Agent_47: ok
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: ok then.......
Bonerfinal: well uhm, imma go
Shell61_taken_fire_dargon: ok bye


Mommymilkers42069: wait lady D-
Landon010: ToT
Lady_d: yes?
(anon): booba woman
Landon010: T0T....................
Landon010: TOT
Furryanimeboy: hello?
Mommymilkers42069: dimitrescu-
Familiarpenalty: nah, diana
Landon010: welcome
Vinnie_: lady dick
Lady_d: Silence. *Bonk*
Familiarpenalty: no
Mommymilkers42069: lady dimitrescu`
Mommymilkers42069: ~ *
Familiarpenalty: Diana
Lady_d: oh lord.
Mommymilkers42069: i simp-
Landon010: T0T
Lady_d: oh no
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Familiarpenalty: mommy milkers simping for mommy milekrs?
Mommymilkers42069: yes
Lady_d: It seems so.
Shell61_taken: XD
Blue_jollyrancher: hello?
Shell61_taken: hi bluey
Nekogonzales2002: wb
Mommymilkers42069: ill acknowledge landon now
Furryanimeboy: hello blue
Lady_d: Well I shall go and chase ethan down.
Lady_d: goodbye.
Vinnie_: i wanna hang myself
Blue_jollyrancher: hi
Mommymilkers42069: nooooo lady d
Greg_heffley: ok im here now
British_grenadier: *british grenadiers drum and fife*
Vinnie_: see? no one cares if i do
Mommymilkers42069: no dont
(anon): do a flip
Nekogonzales2002: please don't
Logan_taken: dont vinnie
Mommymilkers42069: anon
Mommymilkers42069: bad
Familiarpenalty: *yeets greg heffley into the manny cave*
Greg_heffley: NO
Greg_heffley: NOOOOO
Vinnie_: man notice how people only care when i say they dont
Familiarpenalty: yes
Familiarpenalty: now stay
Nekogonzales2002: don't do it
Mommymilkers42069: *hugs vinnie*
Vinnie_: no hugs
Nekogonzales2002: *Opens arms menacingly*
Furryanimeboy: i regret coming back to regular chat I might just go back and have
more fun with my girls
Familiarpenalty: you stay in the manny cave, and think what you did
Nekogonzales2002: what
Mommymilkers42069: too bad vinnie
British_grenadier: *Doom music* Its time to commit warcrimes
Nekogonzales2002: ok then
Logan_taken: *falls asleep and kisses your thigh while asleep*
Logan_taken: oop
Logan_taken: e
Logan_taken: e
Logan_taken: e
Logan_taken: e
Logan_taken: e
Logan_taken: e
Logan_taken: e
Logan_taken: e
Logan_taken: e
Logan_taken: e
Shell61_taken: lol
Vinnie_: logan wtf
Nekogonzales2002: pog
Blue_jollyrancher: pog
(anon): pog
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Shell61_taken: oop-
Furryanimeboy: AYO nice logan
Nekogonzales2002: ?
Shell61_taken: XD
Shell61_taken: XD
Shell61_taken: XD
Shell61_taken: XD
Shell61_taken: XD
Mommymilkers42069: chat died
Familiarpenalty: my cat just agressively licked my leg
Shell61_taken: lmao
Mommymilkers42069: kitty
Familiarpenalty: this is what she looks like
Familiarpenalty: she so soft
Shell61_taken: *is shapshifted into fire dargon* i can't see it
Mommymilkers42069: i cant either
Greg_heffley: IM FREE!
Shell61_taken: LMFAO
Familiarpenalty: *yeets back into manny cave*
Familiarpenalty: SIKE!
Greg_heffley: NO
Greg_heffley: NOT INTO THE PIT
Greg_heffley: IT BURNNSSS
Familiarpenalty: im kidding
Shell61_taken: *sits in corner as fire dargon*
Mommymilkers42069: *sits next to shell petting her*
Shell61_taken: *Fire coming out of my mouth on accident* oops sorry
Mommymilkers42069: Its ok
Shell61_taken: *licks milk*
Mommymilkers42069: *giggles*
Goose_with_a_knife: honk
Mommymilkers42069: knoh
Goose_with_a_knife: honk honk
Familiarpenalty: why the fuck are they back
Furryanimegirl: hello
Furryanimeboy: NO THE GOOSE IS BACK
Familiarpenalty: must i get the air fryer again?
Shell61_taken: *sitting the corner as fire dargon*
Familiarpenalty: hey, shell, eat, le goose, plz?
Mommymilkers42069: *lays against shell*
Nekogonzales2002: so british_grenadier is still commiting warcrimes
Shell61_taken: sure *eats goose*
Familiarpenalty: i mean, he is a british grenadier
(anon): fair enough I suppose
Shell61_taken: *spits out goose feathers*
Nekogirl: hi goose :3
Vinnie_: oh hey neko
Furryanimeboy: hey kitty~
Furryanimegirl: Helo kitty
Familiarpenalty: sooooooooooooooooooooo,what should i make in heroforge, any ideas?
Nekogirl: i am happy to be where i am rn~
Shell61_taken: neko?
Familiarpenalty: and where is that?
Familiarpenalty: i bet on the head of shell
Nekogirl: nope
Dumbass80: yep
Nekogirl: not even close
Dumbass80: y
Familiarpenalty: on logan
Furryanimegirl: sure
Furryanimegirl: FUCK-
Furryanimeboy: haha
Nekogirl: ill tell you then with that permission
Nekogirl: im in the cum filled stomach of a very pretty lass
Nekogonzales2002: ...
Nekogonzales2002: ok then
Familiarpenalty: what...
Blue_jollyrancher: huh
Nekogirl: jose isnt even phased
Familiarpenalty: excuse me, the fuck
Nekogonzales2002: eh I've gotten worse
Nekogirl: true
Familiarpenalty: eh, lili
Shell61_taken: *sitting in corner as fire dargon still spiting out goose feathers*
Echo60: *sips tea*
Echo60: evening chaps
Nekogonzales2002: its 10:07
Familiarpenalty: *throws tea down
Familiarpenalty: *
Nekogirl: hi echo i guess you missed where i am
Echo60: I heard, is it nice in there?
Familiarpenalty: ahh, i see that neko lives in the midwest
Familiarpenalty: NO
Nekogonzales2002: what?
Nekogirl: otherwise you'd have spit out your tea
Familiarpenalty: *nekogonzales
British_grenadier: I AM BACK!
Nekogonzales2002: what fp
Familiarpenalty: you live in the midwest
Vinnie_: i know where he lives
Nekogonzales2002: Vinnie no
Familiarpenalty: it is currently 10:08 am here
(anon): post
Blue_jollyrancher: I know what town there in
Familiarpenalty: where
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm not gonna tell you
Shell61_taken: it's 11:09 where i am
Furryanimeboy: TELL ME
Blue_jollyrancher: No
British_grenadier: I am back from warcrimes
Familiarpenalty: you won't get another fucking chicken sandwhich then
Furryanimeboy: same shell
Mommymilkers42069: same shell
Blue_jollyrancher: I don't need another sandwitch
Familiarpenalty: fine
Timebother: hi
Familiarpenalty: i'll eat it infront of you
Timebother: i want food
Shell61_taken: i ate the goose and it was gross xD
Familiarpenalty: you ate it raw, and alive
Timebother: you eat birds?
Familiarpenalty: chicken
Familiarpenalty: turkey
Mommymilkers42069: chimken
Familiarpenalty: gobble gobble
Nekogirl: *teleport the goose out*
Timebother: duck
Familiarpenalty: never had duck
Familiarpenalty: or quail
Timebother: quack
Familiarpenalty: i had street pigeon though
Nekogirl: the goose is free
Familiarpenalty: the goose was dead a long time ago
Timebother: quack quack
Furryanimeboy: kitty why you free the goose
Timebother: honk honk
Nekogirl: it was never technically alive
Familiarpenalty: yeah
Familiarpenalty: and it was eaten
Nekogirl: and because me and the goose are freinds
Familiarpenalty: *teleprots goose back into shell*
Timebother: goose game
Echo60: *Sips tea* well I suppose nothing interesting is going on here?
Mommymilkers42069: hi echo
Shell61_taken: *is fire dargon in corner*
Echo60: Hello M.M.
Timebother: fucking rp
Familiarpenalty: shush
British_grenadier: so uhm
British_grenadier: anyone got any weekend plans?
Trees_the_proto: Nope
Mommymilkers42069: a dance
Furryanimegirl: no
British_grenadier: nice
Mommymilkers42069: and shoe shopping for heels lol
Furryanimeboy: nope
Shell61_taken: nope
British_grenadier: well
Echo60: *Sets tea down* I suppose its time for me to go.
Shell61_taken: hmmmmm *spits fire ball at british's feet* xD
Furryanimegirl: yyeah, most of the time we sometimes chat bad but never anything to
bad, cause our parents can hear everything we do
Nekogirl: hmm you know, fire dragons are a bit foolhardy
Furryanimegirl: God dammit
Furryanimeboy: HAHA
Nekogonzales2002: well I gtg,
Nekogonzales2002: see you guys later.
Familiarpenalty: jokes on that british asshole, i replaced his tea with soy sauce
Familiarpenalty: so everytime he took a drink from it, he is just drinking salt
Shell61_taken: xD
Familiarpenalty: get fucked
Trees_the_proto: Hmm
Blue_jollyrancher: Welp im a horny bastard
Trees_the_proto: Ah great…
Shell61_taken: *spits fire ball at british's feet again*
Blue_jollyrancher: Tress your hot ass does not need to say great
Nekogirl: *dives in front of it*
Furryanimeboy: trees thanks for giving me neko earlier
Shell61_taken: wtf neko
Familiarpenalty: NO, IT HAPPENED AGAIN
Nekogirl: oh yeah, thanks trees, now im gonna be sore for days~
Furryanimeboy: hehe my bad
Trees_the_proto: Always know how to tie up a neko furry..
Blue_jollyrancher: ...
Trees_the_proto: ?
Familiarpenalty: i just fucking got frozen by another sora in smash, and right
before i died, i down b'd off edge as bowser, and spiked them, i just fucking
killed them as an ice sickle
Familiarpenalty: omg im dead rn
Blue_jollyrancher: nothing just remembering discord
Familiarpenalty: yo, can i have that link you use to get on discord?
Goose_with_a_knife: honk
Trees_the_proto: Ello goose
Nekogirl: i knew it was alive, you cant kill it
Nekogirl: i tried
Nekogirl: now we friends cause neither of us could win
Blue_jollyrancher: I own cat ears
Furryanimegirl: i do too, im close to getting bunny ears as well
Furryanimeboy: plz do get bunny ears
Mommymilkers42069: gtg
Blue_jollyrancher: Nice
Shell61_taken: bye milk
Blue_jollyrancher: bye
Furryanimeboy: bye milk
Nekogirl: i might be getting a collar today
Blue_jollyrancher: cool
Nekogirl: bye milk
Furryanimeboy: ohh really kitty~
Nekogirl: yes......
Nekogirl: and possibly ears
Goose_with_a_knife: bruh
Trees_the_proto: Hmm
Furryanimeboy: just you wait till i see you in person~
Trees_the_proto: …
Blue_jollyrancher: Apparently cat ears are hot
Trees_the_proto: I guess so
Nekogirl: you might see more than just my face if you can keep your moaning under
Shell61_taken: whoa damn~
Furryanimeboy: X/////X
Blue_jollyrancher: I mean someone has asked for me to wear the ears and send nudes
Goose_with_a_knife: ovens are hot
Nekogirl: whelp hes dead
Blue_jollyrancher: I would be too
Shell61_taken: xD
Nekogirl: i seem to be good at turning subs into doms.....
Goose_with_a_knife: losers
Nekogirl: hi goose, can i have the bowl from the popcorn yesterday?
Familiarpenalty: i finished setting up the account
Furryanimeboy: FUCK i got a tiny nose bleed DAMN BRAIN
Goose_with_a_knife: i ate it
Blue_jollyrancher: nice
Furryanimegirl: the teacher see it puppy
Nekogirl: wait
Nekogirl: i actually cause a nose bleed?
Furryanimeboy: yes
Nekogirl: thats going on my special skills on my resume
Goose_with_a_knife: damn
Familiarpenalty: i just picture animeboy looking at like for a second, a pic of
side boob, and then just a little nose bleed
Goose_with_a_knife: how do people find you hot?
Nekogirl: i dont know
Blue_jollyrancher: Ha I have never been given a nose bleed
Furryanimegirl: Same
Familiarpenalty: i mean, when i was younger, i had them all the time
Nekogirl: up until now, me niethe
Nekogirl: *neither
Goose_with_a_knife: i once gave myself a nosebleed
Familiarpenalty: now my nose is like punching a brick wall
Familiarpenalty: i don't ever have nose bleeds
Familiarpenalty: nowadays
Nekogirl: i have giving a violent nose bleed
Furryanimeboy: WELL IM DIFFERENT
Goose_with_a_knife: i love giving a violent boner
Blue_jollyrancher: I want someone to try ngl
Nekogirl: but not one to a pervert that wants to see me naked in a collar
Familiarpenalty: bro, i made my bed, and pillows look like a fucking murder, my
bloody noses were sobad
Furryanimegirl: So not one to me?
Furryanimeboy: fp i feel your pain
Nekogirl: oh, bunny you want to see it to huh?
Familiarpenalty: i have a 1.25 litter mt dew
Echo60: alright Im here again
Nekogirl: class change
Goose_with_a_knife: leave
Familiarpenalty: echo, i changed your tea with soy sauce
Echo60: oh hell yes. *SIP*
Familiarpenalty: so everytime you take a drink, you are drinking salt
Familiarpenalty: actually, never drink soyauce in large gulps
Familiarpenalty: i like salt, but damn
Shell61_taken: i eat salt
Blue_jollyrancher: I want sum drugs
Familiarpenalty: but can you drink it
Shell61_taken: no i eat it
Familiarpenalty: but, can you drink it doe?
Shell61_taken: no
Familiarpenalty: i wanna get high, and play pokemon yellow on a gameboy
Trees_the_proto: Wtf?
Blue_jollyrancher: I wanna be high and I'm horny fml
Epsillon_11_regiment_officer: what?
Blue_jollyrancher: Officer Dan hello
Nekogirl: i want to give the pup another nosebleed~
Nekogirl: oh hi dan
Epsillon_11_regiment_officer: Hello
Epsillon_11_regiment_officer: also neko you want to what?
Furryanimegirl: i do too kitty
Familiarpenalty: blue, what room are you in, in hyperbeam
Furryanimeboy: plz don't give me another nosebleed
Nekogirl: i gave someone an actual nose bleed
Epsillon_11_regiment_officer: how?
Echo60: nice
Familiarpenalty: i said that i wanted to get high, and play pokemon yellow on a
Shell61_taken: xD
Nekogirl: well dont try to picture me naked in a collar in ears and it would be a
problem pup~
Epsillon_11_regiment_officer: oh lord
Familiarpenalty: i am, but im not getting a nose bleed
(anon): u gon make me act up fam
Blue_jollyrancher: I wanna get high and cuddle (fuck) someone
Furryanimeboy: IM SORRY
Trees_the_proto: …
Nekogirl: dont be sorry, it might be in the near future~
Epsillon_11_regiment_officer: uhm
Familiarpenalty: oh god
Trees_the_proto: Neko, that image is now in my fuckin head
Nekogirl: again if you can keep quiet~
Furryanimegirl: our little kitty~
Familiarpenalty: my cat just cralwed from underneath my bed, he looked like a
Epsillon_11_regiment_officer: Do I even wanna know
Furryanimeboy: SAVE ME
Nekogirl: pup, heel
Epsillon_11_regiment_officer: ...?
Trees_the_proto: A lot of shit happened, Dan…
Vinnie_: what
Furryanimeboy: f-fine
Familiarpenalty: brb ima masturbate
Shell61_taken: *sitting in corner as fire dargon*
Honeydew: Im sorry WHAT?!
Familiarpenalty: me?
(anon): you heard 'em
Honeydew: hoh dear I need a drink...
(anon): Pass da whiskee
Familiarpenalty: thats not even the worse thing on here
Familiarpenalty: ever heard of callmelili?
Honeydew: sadly yes.
Furryanimeboy: AHHHHH MY BRAIN
Epsillon_11_regiment_officer: dancing triangle
Furryanimegirl: What
Shell61_taken: XDDDDDDDDD
Trees_the_proto: *teleports honeydew a bottle of whiskey*
Nekogirl: poor pup
Furryanimeboy: NOTHING
Nekogirl: noseblled and being aa pervert aagain?
Blue_jollyrancher: *Pulls out bottle of tequila*
Familiarpenalty: well any ways, ima jerk off now, cys
Furryanimeboy: *chugs 20 bottles of vodka*
Familiarpenalty: *10:40 am when i leavenow
Goose_with_a_knife: i hate bread
Honeydew: than you.
Honeydew: Thank
Nekogirl: pup thats not an answer~
Nekogirl: goose
Goose_with_a_knife: ?
Nekogirl: want more popcorn?
Goose_with_a_knife: sure
Nekogirl: *hands him another bowl*
Goose_with_a_knife: *Unhinges jaw and eats bowl and popcorn whole*
Goose_with_a_knife: yummy
Nekogirl: i've juststarted using my aunt martha's dishes
Separatio: hehehe
Separatio: pussy powder
Honeydew: what?
Separatio: ?
Epsillon_11_regiment_officer: ah fuck hes back
Blue_jollyrancher: *Take swig of tequila*
Nekogirl: hi sep
Nekogirl: what images do you have today?
Furryanimeboy: im am actually dying in class right now AHHHHHH STOP BRAIN
Pussy_powder: hehehe
British_grenadier: What i going on?
Separatio: hehehe
British_grenadier: oh lord
Furryanimegirl: puppy, tell us whats going on
Furryanimeboy: NU
Blue_jollyrancher: *I take another*
Furryanimegirl: yes
(anon): u enjoying that whisky?
(anon): it taste good and salty don' it
British_grenadier: wtf
Nekogirl: pup you ok?
Furryanimeboy: X////X
Furryanimegirl: nooo T^T
Shell61_taken: *falls asleep in corner as fire dargon*
Furryanimeboy: class change
Furryanimegirl: okay
Nekogirl: hi landon
Landon010: hi
Nekogirl: i made someone legit nosebleed
Landon010: 0-o
Landon010: who
Nekogirl: the furry boy
Shell61_taken: lmao
Nekogirl: with a certain mental image
Landon010: oh
Landon010: F
Shell61_taken: FUCK?
Furryanimeboy: im back
British_grenadier: oh
Landon010: fuck what?
Landon010: ....ok
Shell61_taken: idk you said "f" so i said "fuck?"
Carl_wheezer: Dick
Landon010: oh
British_grenadier: carl is here
Honeydew: oh lordy
Carl_wheezer: E
Carl_wheezer: A
British_grenadier: sports
Carl_wheezer: SPORTS
British_grenadier: TOO SLOW
(anon): heh
Carl_wheezer: ITS IN THE GAY
British_grenadier: Im going to go commit warcrimes
Carl_wheezer: same
Goose_with_a_knife: gay
Shell61_taken: goose i eat you
Shell61_taken: i will*
Goose_with_a_knife: nah
Pussy_powder: Im going to powder your pussy really good :)
Goose_with_a_knife: im not a girl
Nekogirl: i want to see the goose slide down the dragon's throat
Goose_with_a_knife: shut the fuck up
Shell61_taken: lmao
Pussy_powder: I will powder your tight goose throat
Goose_with_a_knife: gay
(anon): dalgona
Pussy_powder: Not yet :)
Goose_with_a_knife: -gay
Shell61_taken: 0-o
(anon): ayo?
Separatio: i let kaegan use my pussy powder account
Goose_with_a_knife: gay
Pussy_powder: Powder your dry as pussy :0
Fbi: Anyone call?
Goose_with_a_knife: straight
(anon): ok
Pussy_powder: FBI likes to watch loli
(anon): AYO?!
Landon010: im back
(anon): strupwaffel
Shell61_taken: wb
(anon): waffelaufen
Landon010: ty
Shell61_taken: np
Landon010: hru
Music_mann: 'ello?
Landon010: hi
Trees_the_proto: Ello
Shell61_taken: *still shapshifted into a fire dargon* i'm good
Landon010: nice
Goose_with_a_knife: landon straight stroking his shit
Landon010: na
Landon010: in chool rn
Landon010: school
Trees_the_proto: Perfect speech
Goose_with_a_knife: you fuking da male teacher
Landon010: bout to go to lunvh tho
Landon010: ya
Landon010: the bread rolls to why not
Goose_with_a_knife: gay
Landon010: XD
Music_mann: what
Goose_with_a_knife: balls
Landon010: labs
Goose_with_a_knife: lobs
Separatio: im gonna go im bored
Goose_with_a_knife: gay
Landon010: k
Landon010: ill brb lunch time
Pussy_powder: PENIS
Goose_with_a_knife: penis
(anon): pp
Shell61_taken: goose stfu or i'll eat you
Goose_with_a_knife: do it
(anon): 1 of them
(anon): *scukl**
Shell61_taken: oh so you wanna be eaten?
Pussy_powder: orange anon is jose
Goose_with_a_knife: shut the fuck up
Shell61_taken: nu
(anon): theres 4 of them dumbass
Goose_with_a_knife: you cant cook a duck smoking crack
Pussy_powder: yes i can with my hot dick
Goose_with_a_knife: proof?
(anon): hot pp
(anon): hot milk?
Pussy_powder: Hot pp= hot cum
Goose_with_a_knife: no
Familiarpenalty: and im back
Familiarpenalty: i was gone for 20 minutes
Pussy_powder: I am in the middle of a war zone
Shell61_taken: i'm gonna go listen to muisc and do online school so if you need me
whisper to me....
Familiarpenalty: not the best i've lasted, certainly not the wrost either
Goose_with_a_knife: you are weird
Familiarpenalty: says the man who rps as a goose
Familiarpenalty: ima make some ramen with a hint of soy sauce
Familiarpenalty: the chciken flavored ramen
Exagoni: hi
(anon): bluey oc man
Exagoni: out of context moment
Familiarpenalty: out of context "im just beating it right now"
Exagoni: lol
Familiarpenalty: hes dominating you, he is dominating you chip, chip, he's
dominating you
Exagoni: "would you throw money at busker"
Exagoni: out of context
(anon): for him to strip?
Familiarpenalty: yo, im pretty sure my ramen came with weed
Exagoni: maybe anon
(anon): bet
Familiarpenalty: it smells like weed
Familiarpenalty: did they send weed with my ramen?
Familiarpenalty: i think i just got weed with my ramen XD
Exagoni: "busker only performs when someone throws money for him, where else have i
heard of that..?"
Music_mann: OH lord
(anon): busking can be prositution as it is a public act for money
Exagoni: hm
(anon): yes
(anon): strum for me dadde
Corporal_sterling: what
Corporal_sterling: what the hell did I join to?
Exagoni: they dont wear clothes normally so i wonder how strip clubs would work
Exagoni: hm

(anon): yes
(anon): strum for me dadde
Corporal_sterling: what
Corporal_sterling: what the hell did I join to?
Exagoni: they dont wear clothes normally so i wonder how strip clubs would work
Exagoni: hm
(anon): adjusting fluf
Corporal_sterling: wtf?
Exagoni: hm
Exagoni: yea
Corporal_sterling: im confused
Familiarpenalty: they would just be naked
Familiarpenalty: its jsut fur right
Exagoni: yes
(anon): no they adjust their fur and it pops out
Corporal_sterling: wtf?
Exagoni: oh
Exagoni: ok
Corporal_sterling: ...???
Exagoni: three words
Exagoni: busker from bluey
Corporal_sterling: what about 'em?
Exagoni: well he performs songs only when someone throws money for him, where else
have i heard of something like that..?
Corporal_sterling: ...
Timebother: hi
Corporal_sterling: all he needs is to dance instead of singing and playing guitar
(anon): AYO
Exagoni: yep
Corporal_sterling: anyways time to watch food videos, whisper if you need me
Exagoni: k
Void_the_proto: hmn?
Void_the_proto: hello?
Blue_jollyrancher: blep
Mxangel: :P
Koda: sloopy#0042
Koda: shit
Koda: sloopyxo#0042
Koda: better.
(anon): hola
Blue_jollyrancher: yo
Mxangel: :P
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
Dr_k: 'ello?
Blue_jollyrancher: Bunny!
Dr_k: Hello blue
Void_the_proto: ken!
Void_the_proto: *I hug ken*
Blue_jollyrancher: *Tackle hugs the bunny*
Dr_k: I thought you were angry at me?
Dr_k: *I hug the both of you regardless*
Void_the_proto: me?
Dr_k: yeah, you left angrily and locked the manor
Void_the_proto: *I sigh and grab his hand* come with me ok?
Blue_jollyrancher: bye then
Dr_k: alright.
Charles_fenton: Im in danger
Blue_jollyrancher: how?
Charles_fenton: someones knocking on my door and I hear Dark Souls music
Weiner96: poop
Blue_jollyrancher: Sugar hide ze drugs
Charles_fenton: Ah fuck ok
(anon): who has my methe
Blue_jollyrancher: hid that somewhere else
(anon): Ralsei gets lost in IKEA and dies
Blue_jollyrancher: What about it hon?
(anon): She does and I... don't exactly deserve it
Blue_jollyrancher: ???
Aces8: yes you do
(anon): Im about to consume this DELICOUS Banana. -Cock sucking sounds-
(anon): Did I miss anything?
Blue_jollyrancher: who is you
(anon): anon
Mxangel: Me :P
Blue_jollyrancher: idk did you
Mxangel: I was gone for like, 10-15 minutes
Mxangel: So probably?
Blue_jollyrancher: not really
(anon): e
(anon): e
Enimira: E
(anon): uh oh
Gamerzrayus23: its a live game in CAH?
(anon): breh
(anon): its dead silent here
Mxangel: Yep
(anon): Super idol plankton
(anon): e
(anon): drunk twitter google searches
(anon): cock
(anon): e
(anon): what is a volcano anyways
(anon): that kid with the glasses
(anon): my reward is an add
(anon): what?
(anon): e
Koda: deez?
Dr_k: nuts!
(anon): A
(anon): can you stop fingering my slime yet?
Puro: what?
(anon): you heard me
Koda: n
Puro: Im... partially afraid now of anon, also hello koda
Koda: no
Puro: well ok then
(anon): e?
(anon): e
(anon): E!
(anon): A
(anon): s🅱orts
(anon): its in the gay
Jadduck: just told some MAPS and Zoophiles to kill themselves. feeling great
(anon): pog
Puro: *yawn*
Mxangel: Cool
Jadduck: dead chat
Ihaveamassivepenis: Hello chaps
(anon): no
Ihaveamassivepenis: Tough crowd lol
Jadduck: mhm
Ihaveamassivepenis: No t as tough
Ihaveamassivepenis: As sitting through a new Star Wars movie
Kitsune_izzy: Sounds tough
Ihaveamassivepenis: You couldn’t pay me to watch one of those fucking things
Jadduck: the originals are better
Ihaveamassivepenis: To put it mildly
Ihaveamassivepenis: The sequels and prequels are ass
Jadduck: mhm
Ihaveamassivepenis: If the sequels had an ass I would fuck the shit out of it
Ihaveamassivepenis: UNGH UNGH UNGH take that you Mary Sue
Kitsune_izzy: horny
Ihaveamassivepenis: It would be a hate fucking
Ihaveamassivepenis: Although Dailey Ridley is cute
Jadduck: crime?
(anon): e
Kitsune_izzy: Horny crime
(anon): Gabe literally fucking shots the ATP and A.G.H.J.W.T
Ihaveamassivepenis: K?
(anon): shots
(anon): e
(anon): s h o t s
Ihaveamassivepenis: Uh huh
(anon): 10/10 spelling
Gamerzrayus12: Is Blue_Jollyhancher bi or hetero?
Ihaveamassivepenis: So Palpatine was a clone the whole time
(anon): bi
Ihaveamassivepenis: Fucking lame
Gamerzrayus12: hmmm...
Gamerzrayus12: she whisperred me like "I am a chick"
Kitsune_izzy: I am a potato
Gamerzrayus12: after I asked her out a girls streamer game in CAH to join
Ihaveamassivepenis: Who cares she is hideous
(anon): no u
Gamerzrayus12: In care. And thats hypocrtite
Ihaveamassivepenis: Wtf is with you people and spelling
(anon): ayo
(anon): you fuckin' insulting blue?
Gamerzrayus12: just in context do you remember the guy who spamed this game link
from DefiantAngelPrincess here?
Ihaveamassivepenis: No Gamer wtf did he say
Gamerzrayus12: I gave her that link in whisper too. Thats how the conversation
Gamerzrayus12: she
Gamerzrayus12: with Charles_fenton
Gamerzrayus12: in a server
Ihaveamassivepenis: Typing with boxing gloves on?
Ihaveamassivepenis: Strongbad lol
Gamerzrayus12: ok I cant copy&paste anymore
Gamerzrayus12: just I gave her that link saying about a female streamer
Gamerzrayus12: and she says no i am a chick
Ihaveamassivepenis: She is an ugly fatbody
Gamerzrayus12: That implys that all her bi roleplay
Gamerzrayus12: is fake
Ihaveamassivepenis: She is bi because she is unspeakably ugly so needs to be as
open as possible for any chance of getting a mate
Gamerzrayus12: and I could swear she told one time shes attracted to both. Idk shes
mostly horny
Gamerzrayus12: but why she responded like this?
Charles_fenton: the FUCK is going on?
Gamerzrayus12: she could just say No I already cum twice or something
(anon): lol he here
Gamerzrayus12: its a whisper
Charles_fenton: the fucks going on?
Gamerzrayus12: was
Gamerzrayus12: Blue isnt bi
Ihaveamassivepenis: Blue is a whale
Gamerzrayus12: I guess with her response
Gamerzrayus12: she also wears fish nets
Gamerzrayus12: so that whale... but seriously
Charles_fenton: jesus christ.
Ihaveamassivepenis: Literal fishing nets lol
Gamerzrayus12: "No I am a chick"
Gamerzrayus12: after refusing a gaming link with a female streamer
Gamerzrayus12: today yes
Gamerzrayus12: and I eat nudels
Charles_fenton: so wtf is going on?
(anon): nothing, go back to fucking the whale
Gamerzrayus12: she isnt bi fenton
Ihaveamassivepenis: I am implying that her thighs are so big she needs giant
fishing nets to cover the vast expanse of her hideous disgusting fatbody thighs
Charles_fenton: Gamers a woman, why?
Charles_fenton: Erm, blue is
Gamerzrayus12: why not just human nets
(anon): breh
Gamerzrayus12: Blue is....
Ihaveamassivepenis: Blue barely qualifies
Gamerzrayus12: Charles_fenton: Erm, blue is
Charles_fenton: massive, remind me again why you have exactly 0 women interested in
Nekogonzales2002: *Bonks anon with a sledgehammer*
Ihaveamassivepenis: She is so unfuckable that who cares is the answer
Charles_fenton: I care.
Ihaveamassivepenis: Liar
Nekogonzales2002: who we railing on?
Mxangel: And I care.
Gamerzrayus12: Charles fenton distracts his naivity
Gamerzrayus12: Blue isnt bi
Ihaveamassivepenis: Blue for being a fat fatty fat fat
Gamerzrayus12: idc if shes fat
Ihaveamassivepenis: I do that is gross
Mxangel: Nothin wrong with being fat
Charles_fenton: Ok, so what if shes fat? atleast she doesn't weight 98 Kilos
Ihaveamassivepenis: Plenty wrongb
Ihaveamassivepenis: Fat means you gonna die sooner
Nekogonzales2002: ohhh fuck me we're railing on blue... wonderful.
Mxangel: No, not wonderful
Gamerzrayus12: If shes bi, she wouldnt respond like "no I am a ckhick" after a
gaming libnk responds
Ihaveamassivepenis: COVID mostly kills old and then fat people
Nekogonzales2002: I was being sarcastic
Mxangel: Good
Charles_fenton: damn so you're gonna die in 20 years, pizza roll shoveling gamer-
girl piss drinking neckbeard incest child?
Gamerzrayus12: to be fair here...
Ihaveamassivepenis: If you old AND fat and get COVID you dead sucka
Gamerzrayus12: I am the only one railing on blue
Nekogonzales2002: damn, so why am I not dead?
Gamerzrayus12: the rest talking about fucking whales
Ihaveamassivepenis: Dunno you sound fat as fuck
Ihaveamassivepenis: Vaxxed?
Nekogonzales2002: yes.
Gamerzrayus12: well, I done my job?
Ihaveamassivepenis: Saved your fat life lol
Ihaveamassivepenis: Good call
Ihaveamassivepenis: I am also vaxxed but not fat
Nekogonzales2002: yeah I've got parents who aren't braindead and gave me the
Gamerzrayus12: Blue_jollyrancher: I lied to one of my friends
Charles_fenton: about what?
(anon): HERETIC
Blue_jollyrancher: That when the walked in I was making out with the other girl in
the bathroom
Charles_fenton: so you said you weren't making out with anyone?
(anon): ayo?
Blue_jollyrancher: I said I was
Charles_fenton: oh
(anon): lol
Blue_jollyrancher: I would make out with you sugar~
Gamerzrayus12: Charles_fenton is a simp lol
Ihaveamassivepenis: Blue is a fat ugly cow
Charles_fenton: *Shrug* eh fair enough
Mxangel: Why are y'all hatin on blue?
Ihaveamassivepenis: Wow
Nekogonzales2002: charles simps for me
Gamerzrayus12: i am just worried about the hypothetical ideal male threesome
Charles_fenton: damn straight jose.
Ihaveamassivepenis: Y’all need Jesus
Puro: oh boy, Joses making gay jokes, someones talking about hating on blue... what
did I miss?
Nekogonzales2002: NO
Gamerzrayus12: This: Blue_jollyrancher: I lied to one of my friends
Charles_fenton: about what?
(anon): HERETIC
Blue_jollyrancher: That when the walked in I was making out with the other girl in
the bathroom
Charles_fenton: so you said you weren't making out with anyone?
(anon): ayo?
Blue_jollyrancher: I said I was
Charles_fenton: oh
(anon): lol
Blue_jollyrancher: I would make out with you sugar~
Puro: ah
Puro: I see
Mxangel: Ihaveamassivepenis and Gamerzrayus12 are being dickheads
Ihaveamassivepenis: Blue is a fat slut full of pie and sperm
Gamerzrayus12: And This: "no I am a chick" *refuses CAH woman streamer*
Mxangel: So?
Gamerzrayus12: Charles_fenton: oh
Mxangel: Maybe she just didn't feel like joining
Puro: *Cracks knuckles* and you're dick is too small to even fuck your moms loose
asshole after she fucks 17 men
Puro: *Your
(anon): good catch
Ihaveamassivepenis: She is bi because she is so fucking ugly
Gamerzrayus12: Charles_fenton: oh yes blue cheat behing my back with girls bathroom
making "out"
Nekogonzales2002: Alright I'll go get the sledgehammer
Jadduck: y'roue
Mxangel: She's not ugly
Ihaveamassivepenis: She and the other chick were not making out they were doing
Gamerzrayus12: but she answered me otherwise in a whisper
Gamerzrayus12: theres something sus going on
Charles_fenton: ayo wait they did meth?!
Gamerzrayus12: oh
Charles_fenton: AND THEY DIDN'T SHARE?!
(anon): ah fuck we alerted charles
Ihaveamassivepenis: Totally did meth and didn’t share
Charles_fenton: AAAAAAAAAAAA
Ihaveamassivepenis: Fucking bitches
Nekogonzales2002: welp
Nekogonzales2002: *Tosses charles the decimator* use that as you wish, imma go
(anon): <.>
Charles_fenton: welp enough of that
Ihaveamassivepenis: They said it too they said we doing all this without Charles
because he a wackos faggot
Feces: j.
Ihaveamassivepenis: They said all sorts of things
Ihaveamassivepenis: I blame the meth lol
Feces: your mother
Ihaveamassivepenis: My mother does not make meth she makes banana bread
Gamerzrayus12: so Chales did meth after he sleeped in world history class?
Gamerzrayus12: wut?
Feces: insane
(anon): How the hell did you know that?
Gamerzrayus12: lenny face*
Ihaveamassivepenis: Charles didn’t do meth he missed out hence being mad
Gamerzrayus12: ok
Ihaveamassivepenis: Nothing makes Charles more angry than missing out on a meth
Ihaveamassivepenis: He is a godamned lunatic
Gamerzrayus12: I still think blues sexuality sus
Feces: um uh um uh
Ihaveamassivepenis: Who cares she is fucking fat
Gamerzrayus12: her response weird
Gamerzrayus12: Who cares she never fucks woman
Gamerzrayus12: except she forced herself to do it
Puro: Wrong.
Puro: That is outright wrong.
Gamerzrayus12: than a threesome is possible
Ihaveamassivepenis: No man with self respect would ever fuck her
Ihaveamassivepenis: Unless he was really drunk
Gamerzrayus12: Puro being like Plato the philosoph
Mxangel: How would you know?
Ihaveamassivepenis: Or like a sailor
Gamerzrayus12: I ssaid in theory
Ihaveamassivepenis: Hadn’t seen a woman for years
Mxangel: Have you even seen a woman before?
Ihaveamassivepenis: That might do it
Gamerzrayus12: me too
Gamerzrayus12: #,etoo gaining new definitions
(anon): *Witty comeback*
Ihaveamassivepenis: It takes so much to make her fuckable
Ihaveamassivepenis: Not enough booze in the world
Mxangel: I have to disagree with that.
Ihaveamassivepenis: Need stronger drugs
Mxangel: For you, maybe
Feces: in sane
Puro: and it'd take every drop of addictive substance to fuck you massive
Gamerzrayus12: I stay in my...
Gamerzrayus12: Fences
Ihaveamassivepenis: Wut
Gamerzrayus12: as a deFence
Puro: so maybe you should go back to fucking your sister with your centimeter cock
and crying yourself to sleep you pathetic trash heap
Ihaveamassivepenis: Goddamnit Gamer you just spout non sequitur sat random lol
Gamerzrayus12: Feces word jokes everyone
Gamerzrayus12: sequitur what?
Ihaveamassivepenis: Gamer is my hero because he makes no sense and is correct
Gamerzrayus12: having a massive penis is random in evolution
Ihaveamassivepenis: True
(anon): fun fact
(anon): saying you have a massive penis online means you have a short dick
Gamerzrayus12: woman cares about the hardness that matters and the g-spot is 4mm
Gamerzrayus12: like even if mne is small
Ihaveamassivepenis: My dick is fat bro
Gamerzrayus12: its enough for some single moms here
Gamerzrayus12: and thats a fact
Ihaveamassivepenis: It’s ten inches AROUND
Puro: so massive is still at a disadvantage with his erectilely disfuctionate ass.
Gamerzrayus12: fat means fitting problems maybe
Ihaveamassivepenis: I make it fit
Ihaveamassivepenis: Just jam it in there
Gamerzrayus12: and its about the strengh and not the amount of blood you hve
Feces: aviso importante ‼️🗿 ⚠️
Gamerzrayus12: Why didnt the british colonize everyone
Ihaveamassivepenis: Jam it baby UNGH UNGH UNGH
Puro: your dick has the strength of a fettuccine noodle thats been cooked, your
Gamerzrayus12: and that comes from a second-language-speaker
Ihaveamassivepenis: See blood oh well keep on jamming
British_grenadier: DID I HEAR BRITISH
Gamerzrayus12: well... you underestimate it
British_grenadier: I HEARD TEA!
Gamerzrayus12: sry International english
Ihaveamassivepenis: You underestimate my girth
British_grenadier: *Loads musket with British intent*
Ihaveamassivepenis: I hollow bitches out
Gamerzrayus12: You dont know my balls
British_grenadier: ok who do I get to shoot with a musket
Ihaveamassivepenis: Wtf ahahahaha
Gamerzrayus12: it produces more than I carry
Feces: fucking
Gamerzrayus12: musket being like
Ihaveamassivepenis: Gamer is so crazy
Gamerzrayus12: thx
Feces: shithole gone to shit ✓
British_grenadier: Commissioned musket moment
Ihaveamassivepenis: I can’t even
Gamerzrayus12: well I wish everyone just speaks english
British_grenadier: I will charge an entire platoon of AK-47 wielding Slavs with
fucking muskets, don't tempt me
Gamerzrayus12: for better world communication and less annoying gay french teachers
Ihaveamassivepenis: That sounds unwise
Gamerzrayus12: why
British_grenadier: Scav war be damned.
Ihaveamassivepenis: The charging Slavs
Gamerzrayus12: I just hate learning other languages
British_grenadier: my 95 damage musket is better.
Feces: gonna kill 40 people with a toothpick and a buttplug ⁉ ️
Gamerzrayus12: oh
British_grenadier: FOR ULAYCON!
Gamerzrayus12: Like ok... why do this world need what... 40000 languages?
Gamerzrayus12: for just asking to piss in public
Feces: j?
Feces: holy j
Gamerzrayus12: can France not say in Africa "Ok I lost it" and make just one
second-language english official in trade
Feces: j in the light of god
Feces: j for jeej
Feces: j for joj
Gamerzrayus12: French and spanish has bad and hardwer grammwer than english
Gamerzrayus12: and yeah mistypos still
Feces: jeojeoejaoieje
Gamerzrayus12: I am finished and continue eating
Feces: play amongis more often
Gamerzrayus12: that sounds sus
Feces: bitches in the sock ¿
(anon): sussus amogus
Gamerzrayus12: Biggus Tittus
Feces: tetanus
Feces: im gonna eyeball explosion
Feces: i should be sleeping but why sleep when i can not teehee
Feces: 99% fail
Gamerzrayus12: correct: ok it isnt France just they have influence and wars as a
linguistic union and those african nation can just start speak english second
Gamerzrayus12: Howmany people does not care?
Feces: english is a dumb hodgepodge
Gamerzrayus12: the point is talking
Gamerzrayus12: like understanding eachother without google translate
Feces: very evolved but nearly too complex
Gamerzrayus12: What? Did you see other languages?
Feces: you want an interlang, then?
Gamerzrayus12: German? French? Spanish? Fking Arabic?
Feces: yes all natural languages are shit, dumbass
Gamerzrayus12: We talk english now
Gamerzrayus12: it works
Gamerzrayus12: whats the problem with nature?
Gamerzrayus12: I try to spread something it works
Feces: nature has consistently proven to be pretty shit to the survival of humanity
Gamerzrayus12: I learned a very bit spanish and its compicated for me
Gamerzrayus12: ok Feces your opinion
Gamerzrayus12: idk how tahts to do with just talking but ok
Gamerzrayus12: its a simple language most of the world can
Feces: it is very possible to make better languages, just as it is possible to make
better tools
Gamerzrayus12: like Desperanto
Gamerzrayus12: which fails
Gamerzrayus12: sounds like "lets try communism" thing
Gamerzrayus12: dude we have english and its good enough
Gamerzrayus12: In fact I am sastisfied with english
Gamerzrayus12: despite my bad typos
Gamerzrayus12: Yeah lets create the most perfect language here.
Gamerzrayus12: out of nowhere with bootstraps
Feces: esperanto is old + shit
Feces: learn toki pona 🙏
Feces: (only 120 words!)
Gamerzrayus12: also those International English Dictionary kinda runs in your
direction of a natural world language
Gamerzrayus12: I mean humans itself are natural how can esperanto not be natural or
Gamerzrayus12: which nature itself isnt bad btw
Feces: esperanto has many many poor design choices
Gamerzrayus12: ok pona never heard of it
Feces: nature just evolves to be not bad. nature doesn't evolve to be good
Gamerzrayus12: and its good enough to survive
Gamerzrayus12: what even oppose nature?
Feces: uhhh
Gamerzrayus12: CO2 also exists before
Feces: the laws of physics?
Gamerzrayus12: its just more than before
Feces: ??????
Gamerzrayus12: laws of physics is a descprition about how nature works yes
Gamerzrayus12: you saying like theres an alternative for nature?
Feces: i should not waste my time here at 2:24am holy shit
Feces: okay you're getting off track
Gamerzrayus12: ponaism destroyed
Gamerzrayus12: Even monosillabic languages (such as Chinese) use grammatical
particles, named classifier (i send you to wikipedia " for a deeply clarification).

Then, I think, a so basic simplification in Toki Pona doesn't bring an easier

communication, but a simplistic one, full of potential misunderstanding in a daily
life. I'm sorry, but Toki Pona didn't convince me to be as good as it would like to
Gamerzrayus12: from Hello everyone, I'm italian, 28, male, conlanger (i speak
Italian, English, French, i know some german, chinese, japanese grammar, but i
can't speak them and i love languages in general, the weirdest overall).
Btw, my english is not perfect, then sorry for any errors :P.
Gamerzrayus12: can you open it?
Feces: yes i can open it
Gamerzrayus12: Only around 100 people in the world understand this language."
Gamerzrayus12: wow evry useful for an 2001 language comnpeting with others
Feces: to be fair, toki pona was not designed to be an interlang. it's more of a
test to see how simple you can make a language.
Feces: "only 100 speakers" that is outdated asf
Feces: toki pona is a selectable language in fucking minecraft
Gamerzrayus12: It's not really good for travel, conferences, diplomacy or picking
up chicks. It is a quirk of the internet that it is being used by people who speak
different first languages. The creator is an Esperantist and the early tp community
had a lot of Esperantists in it & that is still true. The lingua franca is of the
toki pona community is English, not toki pona. When we get to something to hard to
say in tp, universally people revert to English, more rarely to Esperanto.
Gamerzrayus12: bruh not even they take it seriously
Feces: that forum post is ten years old
Gamerzrayus12: Postby janMato » Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:20 pm
Gamerzrayus12: well you say now its better?
Feces: i never said it was flawless
Feces: but many people are fluent, and can speak concisely, even using their native
Feces: i personally haven't learnt it myself, but i really don't have the free time
Gamerzrayus12: another critic
Gamerzrayus12: from 2019 but I am no expert myself
Feces: wow incredible you can find critiques by searching for critiques
Feces: cool✓
Gamerzrayus12: So, let me get this straight. There are no big issues in Toki Pona,
if you use it as it was intended: as a philosophical language for simplifying
thoughts and communication – an exercise in simplicity. (The Sapir–Whorf hypothesis
– the weak version – says that linguistic categories and usage can influence
thoughts and decisions, and the promotion of Toki Pona has been at times linked
with concepts such as taoism, yoga, zen, simplicity, and positivity).
Gamerzrayus12: from link
Gamerzrayus12: ok why are you such a toki pona fan
Feces: yes, toki pona was created as an artlang, not an interlang
Gamerzrayus12: because you assume its better than english
Feces: oh i just like how simple it is
Gamerzrayus12: yes and I want catching chicks and just conversations
Feces: well then you can spend your own life that way
Mxangel: >_>
Feces: goodlord
Gamerzrayus12: also one study said that language directed us as bias such as the
aborigins and pointing out directions better or different colour seperation but it
isnt that deep
Gamerzrayus12: oh
Gamerzrayus12: well than
Gamerzrayus12: english might be win
Feces: ok native english speaker
Gamerzrayus12: I am not even native
Feces: ok nonnative english speaker
Gamerzrayus12: its just more simple than just creating a new one where less people
Feces: that's how creating a new thing works ????????????
Gamerzrayus12: yeah but why
Gamerzrayus12: we have already one
Gamerzrayus12: its international english
Feces: "oh well i guess i wont start this because no one will speak it" wtf
Gamerzrayus12: Why creating another enemy besides french and spanish
Feces: english is a goddamn mess
Gamerzrayus12: Why making such a great change for just talking and writing peer-to-
Feces: ough has like a dozen seperate pronunciations
Gamerzrayus12: idc if its a mess
Gamerzrayus12: than we can clean it
Gamerzrayus12: like we understand each other now
Gamerzrayus12: and talking about writing large scripts in github
Gamerzrayus12: what is better? Making the old one fix or starting an entire new
Feces: how long did it take you to learn english to the level you have now
Gamerzrayus12: Its just happens the flow
Gamerzrayus12: I listen to englis media
Gamerzrayus12: and some of my friends speaks english so idk about the test rules
and that stuff
Gamerzrayus12: I just can
Gamerzrayus12: English is intuitive for me
Gamerzrayus12: How many people are born into Toki Pona
Feces: you've been speaking english your whole life?
Gamerzrayus12: no
Gamerzrayus12: but its ez
Gamerzrayus12: and kind of a popular second-language here
Feces: you don't have to be born into toki pona to learn it
Gamerzrayus12: by meeting tourists
Gamerzrayus12: yeah I am saying that its more intuitive
Gamerzrayus12: and theres a history in english
Feces: toki pona is so simple, the entire language can be learned in a matter of
Gamerzrayus12: you cant just restart everything
Feces: english takes years.
Gamerzrayus12: I still doubt the usefulness
Gamerzrayus12: and if someone is low intelligence yes
Feces: oh okay so fuck dumbasses i guess
Gamerzrayus12: You can build up english skills over the mounths
Gamerzrayus12: months*
Gamerzrayus12: and its just this established one
Feces: i was referring to fluency, not partial understanding
Gamerzrayus12: Not any new fancy stuff like Toki Pona or who knows
Gamerzrayus12: maybe some other think like that and invent another even "easier"
Gamerzrayus12: and theres than a less unified mess
Gamerzrayus12: I want to understand things
Gamerzrayus12: thats the point of communication
Gamerzrayus12: what you mean by fluency. Is this still a prototype?
Gamerzrayus12: Than it needs development
Feces: english has many sounds which are difficult for people raised in certain
languages to make
toki pona has only 5 vowels and 5 consonants iirc
Gamerzrayus12: after years I guess... like english
Feces: toki pona is a finished language wtf are you talking about
Gamerzrayus12: we can reform english if its such a problem for you
Gamerzrayus12: and yes theres many dialects
Gamerzrayus12: which is why international english dictionary exists
Feces: jesus christ
Gamerzrayus12: they try to bring different dialects who are already close even
Gamerzrayus12: If we start with a new english-chinese-dutch-mix as a new lingua
Gamerzrayus12: than we delaying this further
Feces: do you seriously believe that english has no problems
Gamerzrayus12: and confuse people
Gamerzrayus12: I believe that if english is number one already
Feces: and do you understand how fucking simple toki pona actually is
Gamerzrayus12: why not improve it what we have?
Gamerzrayus12: Its too simple
Feces: i am not advocating for an esperanto hodgepodge
Gamerzrayus12: you said something like its auxillary not interxally
Feces: i guess auxillary yea
Gamerzrayus12: what usage has toki for you?
Gamerzrayus12: In everydays life?
Feces: good point
Gamerzrayus12: bruh
Feces: lol✓
Gamerzrayus12: like thats what I am trying to say
Gamerzrayus12: Its like communism
Feces: what
Gamerzrayus12: good luck improving humanity by your imagination
Gamerzrayus12: just inventing a new better language
Gamerzrayus12: by a little circle
Gamerzrayus12: with a history development of what
Gamerzrayus12: 2001?
Gamerzrayus12: and expecting even it has no problems
Feces: why do these things matter?
Gamerzrayus12: If it was that simple
Gamerzrayus12: we would live already in a utopia where everyone understands roman
Gamerzrayus12: but its not simple
Feces: it was released in 2001, not began
Gamerzrayus12: because we live in a society
Gamerzrayus12: ok still shjort
Gamerzrayus12: where everyone has conflicts and complexities
Feces: why tf does short history matter
Gamerzrayus12: and english dominates because of US and british empire
Gamerzrayus12: now good success...
Gamerzrayus12: covincing Xin Jiping of this Ponk Ton lamnguage
Gamerzrayus12: and even more by convincing everyone to speak that
Feces: ¿
Gamerzrayus12: most people have troubles understanding even any second-language
Gamerzrayus12: and now this modern not even useful toki comes in
Feces: that. is not. the fucking point. that im trying to make.
Gamerzrayus12: and .. why
Gamerzrayus12: whats your point
Feces: my point is very simple
Gamerzrayus12: its simple but useless?
Gamerzrayus12: ok talk
Gamerzrayus12: i am waiting
Feces: english is complicated, toki pona is not. english is natural, toki pona is
not. this interests me, because toki pona is infact a working language. that is
all. i am not a fucking communist.
Gamerzrayus12: I am saying that implementing this reminds me of com
Gamerzrayus12: not you youzrself
Gamerzrayus12: ok its kinda complicated
Gamerzrayus12: for non-europeans I guess
Feces: i suppose that's fair
sorry im being really rude about this
Gamerzrayus12: English belongs to the germanic language family
Gamerzrayus12: I am also kinda rude so idc yeah
Gamerzrayus12: and india was colonized
Gamerzrayus12: andthe germanic family also belongs to the indo-germanic ones
Gamerzrayus12: yeah apperantly tehres a connection between indian and germanic lol
Gamerzrayus12: bad mis typos
Feces: british went 💥 and now english is everywhere
Gamerzrayus12: so by taking Toki
Gamerzrayus12: we ripping of the connection of spanish, german, and other european
languages off
Gamerzrayus12: you might say well theres chinese and dutch too
Gamerzrayus12: and very diverse here
Feces: that's true yea
Gamerzrayus12: But the thing is... englis too
Gamerzrayus12: and chinese words are rare because chinese are complicated
Gamerzrayus12: even so comp, that they have a simplified version of it
Gamerzrayus12: so it is too much to ask Xi Jiping to speak english?
Gamerzrayus12: or any commercial
Gamerzrayus12: and english also envoles
Gamerzrayus12: even faster in a large-scale than any other
Gamerzrayus12: maybe manderin but its still too hard to learn
Gamerzrayus12: and english has a real-life-success
Feces: english isn't necessarily the simplest language though
Gamerzrayus12: Its in most education system
Gamerzrayus12: and also improving and useful
Gamerzrayus12: its the simplest I know
Gamerzrayus12: ok except english and Toki
Gamerzrayus12: whats simpler than englisg
Gamerzrayus12: h
Gamerzrayus12: without info loss or something
Feces: if there's a way to bridge every language with a very simple one, like toki
pona, then that would be very nice
Gamerzrayus12: theres a reason for this complexity
Gamerzrayus12: its humans
Gamerzrayus12: like toki pona
Gamerzrayus12: here it begins
Gamerzrayus12: The battle for alternatives
Gamerzrayus12: But the british and american economy already tried
Feces: toki pona is made to avoid info loss as much as possible, unfortunately it's
kindof unavoidable
Gamerzrayus12: and the UN in africa
Gamerzrayus12: yeah lol
Gamerzrayus12: almost like human desires are complex
Feces: tru
Gamerzrayus12: you cant avoid learning years to do it
Gamerzrayus12: but you can participated a kind of efficient english here rioght now
Gamerzrayus12: and we already doing it with slangs
Feces: yes
Gamerzrayus12: idk admittingly what excatly tokis problems is
Gamerzrayus12: but those forums know
Gamerzrayus12: and the nature, which we live in
Gamerzrayus12: And thats why I asking you as a nature-hater? what alternative there
Gamerzrayus12: Except nature. Were the product of it
Gamerzrayus12: Nature is controlling us
Gamerzrayus12: Colonialism happend
Gamerzrayus12: noone asked for being X
Gamerzrayus12: but here we are
Feces: i just don't think that nature has to control everything
nature controls the evolution of our spoken language, but it doesn't have to
Gamerzrayus12: any other points for poki?
Gamerzrayus12: we are the nature lol
Feces: lol
Gamerzrayus12: we using a language now
Gamerzrayus12: and if you want to, you can start speaking poki now
Gamerzrayus12: but Google translate doesnt understand
Gamerzrayus12: or is tehre a function?
Gamerzrayus12: I try look it up
Feces: i don't think google recognizes ot
Gamerzrayus12: any translation servixces?
Gamerzrayus12: ecept minecraft?
Gamerzrayus12: a funny reddit post
Feces: i dont think so
i think the idea is that it's so simple that you wouldn't really need a translator
there are dictionaries though
Gamerzrayus12: I can search words
Feces: yes
Gamerzrayus12: for it. Fair enough. Still its
Feces: there are not very many words
Gamerzrayus12: poking to pick only words by word
Gamerzrayus12: Isnt long sentences possible
Feces: yea
Gamerzrayus12: or many sentences for some who doesnt
Gamerzrayus12: I have to login for translation
Gamerzrayus12: and its still loading
Feces: there is a translator?
Gamerzrayus12: can you write toki ?
Gamerzrayus12: like now
Feces: i know a few words off the top of my head
Gamerzrayus12: just words?
Feces: pona = good
ike = bad
Feces: i haven't tried learning it yet
Gamerzrayus12: oh an self-language advertisement
Gamerzrayus12: Feces: i haven't tried learning it yet
Gamerzrayus12: so do the world
Gamerzrayus12: al least the majority
Feces: more and more people are learning it
Gamerzrayus12: Hello my name is gay in Toki Pona English-Toki Pona dictionary
No translations Add
Gamerzrayus12: well it must be very simple
Gamerzrayus12: if translation is unnesesary
Feces: the lingojam website one is fake
Feces: or broken
Feces: idk why
Gamerzrayus12: Elo Mije Nane Ise Kaije
Gamerzrayus12: ist because the before was a dictionary lol
Feces: o
Gamerzrayus12: but before login there was something like looking a translation
Gamerzrayus12: nice
Gamerzrayus12: Now with this service
Gamerzrayus12: I can still enjoy english ignorance X:D
Feces: lol
Gamerzrayus12: because its just in the internet textes
Gamerzrayus12: and YT can translate it too in the future
Gamerzrayus12: its so simple why even learning hah uno-reverse card
Gamerzrayus12: anyways
Gamerzrayus12: Maybe this google glasses thing will bring a new future
Gamerzrayus12: and none of the second-language made that far
Feces: o wait the site you found was a transliterator for like names and stuff
not a translator
Gamerzrayus12: I mean Trump hasn´t started World War 3 yet
Gamerzrayus12: well was it good enough?
Feces: ¿?
Gamerzrayus12: write or print (a letter or word) using the closest corresponding
letters of a different alphabet or script.
Gamerzrayus12: oh
Feces: yea it doesn't translate english into toki pona
Gamerzrayus12: at least some memes can be made with thios language
Feces: many people have already done that
od_job_talking/ "Google translate"' does a pretty good job talking toki pona using
indonesian voice. The final 'e' as to be doubled.
Gamerzrayus12: but still doesnt can
Feces: i gtg to bed ✓
Gamerzrayus12: even Zulu is in google translate
Gamerzrayus12: ok
Gamerzrayus12: lets see what happens in realitys future
Gamerzrayus12: the Nature
Gamerzrayus12: and good night
Gamerzrayus12: Who knows if technology can transends our communication like
Facebooks constant translation
Gamerzrayus12: Good luck with you speaking Toki. I hope that will not disturb the
english hegemony
Gamerzrayus12: I try to cooporate with nature which is ore effective than being
against it. Just droping.
Gamerzrayus12: more*
Gamerzrayus12: reform... Ok the noone-cares-train is here
Gamerzrayus12: bye
Gamerzrayus12: Theres also more native english speakers than native Toki ones,
giving English the advantage. compare to it right now. Now bye.
Gamerzrayus12: English Lingua Francia won
Gamerzrayus12: The chinese are isolating themself anyway with their own cultural
gaps and the africans and south americans are in general are adoptable towards
european and american influences. Why making a 360 degree turn by adding a dutch-
english-chines-idk-whats-added-during-time-clusterfuck into the world public, which
is still behind communication purposes instead reforming the curreent english a bit
right now, which seems good enough for serious task instead living in your utopian
Toki-Ponaism future?
Gamerzrayus12: Even if you refuse this topic: I was talking about spreading an
inter-xially International English even more, which is more realistic than any
other (maybe sub-saharan birth rate african french-speakers can messed up) I You
(feces) were talking about liking an auxillary language being simple and fluent
without any real-life-functions also because its behind development stages.
Gamerzrayus12: Complexity has reasons.

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