# 'N16 - 12 - 2021 3

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Fluffyfurryboi: true lol

Ghjadfes: O.o
Panzershrek: reddit has plenty of porn, it used to be one of my main sites
Ghjadfes: but then...
Ghjadfes: porn-restriction happend
Panzershrek: Just turn it off then
Trees_the_proto: there is still porn, if you know the subs
Ghjadfes: yeah... just lesser
Ghjadfes: idk
Trees_the_proto: anyway, did fluffy cut out?
Fluffyfurryboi: not yet
Fluffyfurryboi: im just not talking much
Panzershrek: Anyway. proto did you see my confession yesterday?
Fluffyfurryboi: mainly because no one here talks to me
Ghjadfes: You´re a furry
Nekogirl: hi fluff
Nekogirl: ill talk to you if ya want :3
Fluffyfurryboi: hello neko
Fluffyfurryboi: yeah just because no one talks to me doesn't mean you have to
Fluffyfurryboi: i mean
Nekogirl: nobody talks to me either really
Fluffyfurryboi: i usually cant talk about much anyways
Nekogirl: hmm.....
Fluffyfurryboi: or have much to say
Fluffyfurryboi: btw
Nekogirl: oh i know
Ghjadfes: some people still want it without saying it directly
Fluffyfurryboi: shell exist, and so does a few other people like logan
Nekogirl: i got something to talk about
Fluffyfurryboi: they talk to you
Fluffyfurryboi: alot
Nekogirl: um.....i hate logan
Fluffyfurryboi: oh ok
Nekogirl: and mos tpeople only talk to me cause i talked to them first
Fluffyfurryboi: i get that
Nekogirl: now back to the topic i came up with "fluff titties"
Nekogirl: :3
Ghjadfes: Those people who mistype mos tpeople
Nekogirl: sorry one track mind
Fluffyfurryboi: hmm
Fluffyfurryboi: its fine
Fluffyfurryboi: but why fluff titties?
Fluffyfurryboi: i mean
Nekogirl: cause they are the meaning of life
Fluffyfurryboi: i want to know why thats on your mind
Ghjadfes: "i mean" being his favorite words
Nekogirl: i mean
Nekogirl: why not
Ghjadfes: i mean
Ghjadfes: its too much kinda
Ghjadfes: but yeah why not
Fluffyfurryboi: ok off the topic of that, why are fluffy titties on your mind?
Nekogirl: fluff titties are great, and mainly the reason im a furry....
Ghjadfes: Because its disturbing to read that often thats why *drop*
Fluffyfurryboi: huh, fair enough
Ghjadfes: thx
Panzershrek: Does anyone one know how to make a hole in your wall and get away with
Ghjadfes: go outside
Nekogirl: even though im a furry i think the suits are a bit much
Mommymilkers42069: hello everyone
Fluffyfurryboi: ya dont need a suit to be a furry
Nekogirl: hi milk
Fluffyfurryboi: hi milk
Nekogirl: i know fluff
Mommymilkers42069: oh this girl really making me mad
Nekogirl: i would rather just ears and a tail :3
Ghjadfes: Wait... your wall? This should be legal if its your private property.
Fluffyfurryboi: that sounds nice
Panzershrek: Mate we all got parents here
Mommymilkers42069: i said "who you looking at?" she said "nothing"
Fluffyfurryboi: who is milk?
Ghjadfes: so it isnt Your wall lol
Nekogirl: milk, raise your hand :3
Fluffyfurryboi: hey neko
Ghjadfes: its the parents wall
Panzershrek: I need to hide something from my parents because im running out of
hiding spots
Fluffyfurryboi: got a question
Nekogirl: yes fluff?
Ghjadfes: as I said. Outside idk
Fluffyfurryboi: what started your thoughts on fluffy titties?
Nekogirl: um
Nekogirl: like today or originally?
Ghjadfes: *disappears for suit case reasons*
Fluffyfurryboi: today
Ghjadfes: "Ni Nsa"
Nekogirl: oh
Nekogirl: a very nice dream
Panzershrek: Ive had plenty of weird dreams
Nekogirl: and then i woke up and saw furry art
Nekogirl: the dream has nothing to do with furries
Fluffyfurryboi: ok
Nekogirl: i was dreaming of a girl....
Panzershrek: One time I had this weird dream where I had intercourse with a robot,
that had both a vag and a penis
Fluffyfurryboi: was it shell?
Nekogirl: no
Nekogirl: hell no
Panzershrek: Shells a girl?
Nekogirl: yeah
Nekogirl: ya goof
Nekogirl: and is logans gf
Fluffyfurryboi: oooh
Fluffyfurryboi: do you like shell?
Nekogirl: no
The_wolfsden: I like shreks open-mindedness
Nekogirl: i was with shell before she went to logan
The_wolfsden: Earlier he talked about his shit in stormach and going diarehhea in
Fluffyfurryboi: what happened? or you dont want to talk about it
The_wolfsden: now a robot sexual intercourse
Nekogirl: i told her i wasnt the best pick....so she went with the worst possible
Nekogirl: not even upset
Fluffyfurryboi: ouch
The_wolfsden: Top 10 Things Everyone Cares
Fluffyfurryboi: or something like that
Nekogirl: well i have the girl i was dreaming about so, im perfectly happy
Fluffyfurryboi: i honestly dont think im a good choice for love rn
Nekogirl: im not either
The_wolfsden: good advice there
Nekogirl: doesnt meaan i dont want it
Panzershrek: Same here my friend
The_wolfsden: warn-fires yourself*
Fluffyfurryboi: im honest when i say this, i dont forgive myself for something i
Fluffyfurryboi: i personal thing i broke
Fluffyfurryboi: not a object, but i thing i live by
The_wolfsden: "It´s dangerous to go alone, take this "Hours Of Biology Intercourse
And Pregnancy Avoidance Documentary"
The_wolfsden: yeah the timing is broken, yet I forgive myself, Jesus
Mommymilkers42069: fire alarm went off
Fluffyfurryboi: oof
Nekogirl: oof
Nekogirl: asloe speaking of jesus
Nekogirl: also*
The_wolfsden: Am i suppossed to say oof?
Fluffyfurryboi: only time a fire alarm when off in my school was in 5th grade
Nekogirl: fuck jesus
Panzershrek: gtg
Panzershrek: see yall in 2 weeks or so
Fluffyfurryboi: over a burn muffin
Nekogirl: bai
The_wolfsden: *saying in a catholic church that Jesus is sus*
Fluffyfurryboi: bye panzer, gonna miss ya
Nekogirl: i said fuck jesus in front of the preist
Fluffyfurryboi: why?
Nekogirl: cause i felt it needed to be said
The_wolfsden: I mean, he was a jew... and then all of the sudden gets reveal by his
god who claims to be his son?
The_wolfsden: Thats rlly sus mong us
Fluffyfurryboi: welp
Nekogirl: jesus was a man, and the bible was written by man, i dont trust either
The_wolfsden: reject man, get woman
Fluffyfurryboi: anyone want to talk about something off of this?
The_wolfsden: yeah you mean human lol
The_wolfsden: I like pancakes
Fluffyfurryboi: i have to go, talk to yall in a bit
Nekogirl: i only want 3 things in life
Nekogirl: bai :3
Trees_the_proto: ?
The_wolfsden: sad pancakes got political
Fluffyfurryboi: hope i can come back to yall
Fluffyfurryboi: in a little bit
Nekogirl: boobs, and maid costume, and to meet a certain person irl
The_wolfsden: Sex, Eat Shit without the Die-Sauce
The_wolfsden: close
Nekogirl: oh i mean my own chest btw...
The_wolfsden: I shoold wrote Shit, Eat...
The_wolfsden: ok it was mine too
The_wolfsden: depend on my chemicals
The_wolfsden: I mean <- yeah if I became older and sick, I just ... no. Never give
you up
The_wolfsden: btw I give up writing here. Bye.
Nekogirl: bai
Trees_the_proto: whelp, bar´s open...
Nekogirl: isnt that my bar.....
Mommymilkers42069: bcack
Nekogirl: hmm......
Nekogirl: oh hi
Fluffyfurryboi: i live for a bit, maybe for the hour
Fluffyfurryboi: but not the day
Trees_the_proto: Nope, Tree´s Teleport bar.
Fluffyfurryboi: if im honest
Fluffyfurryboi: i sort of care about yall
Nekogirl: :3
Fluffyfurryboi: dont know why, but i do
Nekogirl: im touched :3
Nekogirl: in the head...
Trees_the_proto: dont have a phone to play on?
Nekogirl: but thanks fluff
Fluffyfurryboi: youre welcome
Fluffyfurryboi: do you trust me neko?
Fluffyfurryboi: just want to know
Nekogirl: im no offence, i dont trust even my own parents...
Nekogirl: um*
Trees_the_proto: i always trust another furry...
Fluffyfurryboi: its fine if you dont
Nekogirl: nothing personal i just dont trust anyone but my significant other....
Fluffyfurryboi: i honestly think im twisted
Fluffyfurryboi: its fine
Fluffyfurryboi: you dont have to trust me, im basically a bit of a bad person as i
think of myself
Nekogirl: i am not a good person either
Fluffyfurryboi: no
Nekogirl: but im a pet to the person i like......
Fluffyfurryboi: im serious
Trees_the_proto: me neither, man..
Fluffyfurryboi: im horrible
Nekogirl: fluff you think im not?
Fluffyfurryboi: i just do things
Fluffyfurryboi: no youre not neko
Nekogirl: i carry a brick in my backpack for fights
Fluffyfurryboi: youre wonderful, im not
Fluffyfurryboi: i do things to people
Fluffyfurryboi: just to see what happens
Fluffyfurryboi: love? its just a test to me
Fluffyfurryboi: to see what someone does
Fluffyfurryboi: and i hate that
Fluffyfurryboi: and myself
Nekogirl: hmm.....
Fluffyfurryboi: if im honest
Fluffyfurryboi: i dont think im that much of a person how cares about if someone
close to me is dead
Fluffyfurryboi: and sure i have yet to see that
Nekogirl: *kisses fluff's cheek* well i care about ya
Fluffyfurryboi: but it scares me
Nekogirl: and im gonna be honest too....
Nekogirl: i dont care about death close to me......
Nekogirl: i dont cry, im not sad, im just there
Fluffyfurryboi: one in the same huh
Nekogirl: i guess
Nekogirl: now, that doesnt mean im dont care, my grieving emotions are just
extremely dull
Fluffyfurryboi: heh
Nekogirl: mostly because i found my grandmother and I's best friend dead in his
Nekogirl: when i was 5-6
Nekogirl: so i have a hard time feeling sad in any case
Fluffyfurryboi: close friend hanged himself when i was in 3rd or 4th grade
Fluffyfurryboi: and when i knew he was gone
Fluffyfurryboi: and i ifgured that out fast
Fluffyfurryboi: i didnt cry
Fluffyfurryboi: hey, lets get off this topic now huh
Fluffyfurryboi: its i beautiful day outside
Fluffyfurryboi: a*
Nekogirl: it really is
Fluffyfurryboi: the clouds cover the sun
Fluffyfurryboi: its drying up
Nekogirl: its cloudless where i am, and being a cat i love the sun :3
Fluffyfurryboi: and its just the right weather to where you dont need a jacket, but
would bring one anyways
Nekogirl: yep
Fluffyfurryboi: i love this weather
Fluffyfurryboi: i love the cold
Nekogirl: me too :3
Fluffyfurryboi: the snow, the fun to be had
Nekogirl: cold temp with warm sun is the best :3
Fluffyfurryboi: over here its cloudy
Fluffyfurryboi: but its not gonna rain
Fluffyfurryboi: and its cool
Fluffyfurryboi: not cold
Fluffyfurryboi: but just rigth
Fluffyfurryboi: right*
Nekogirl: 50-60 degrees
Nekogirl: purrfect
Mommymilkers42069: T-T
Nekogirl: hi milk
Mommymilkers42069: hai
Nekogirl: i am fluffy :3
Nekogirl: i got a soft sweater :3
Nekogirl: *hugs milk* so im better for these :3
Nekogirl: whelp gotta go drive, see ya :3
Mommymilkers42069: damn
Vinnie_: tits
Vinnie_: lol
Vinnie_: anyone here?
Vinnie_: guess not
Mommymilkers42069: ?
Vinnie_: oh hiiii
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Mxangel: :P
Shell61_taken_kitten: hey i'll brb gtg
Analbutton: Dafuq is dis cuh
Shell61_taken_kitten: ?
Shell61_taken_kitten: gtg bye
Purple_jollyrancher: poopy
Purple_jollyrancher: poop
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Logan_taken: hey guys
Red_jollyrancher: yo, its been awhile
Blue_jollyrancher: heyo logan
Logan_taken: is shell on
Blue_jollyrancher: as far as I know nope
Logan_taken: fuuuuuuck me dude
Logan_taken: shit wait not like that
Logan_taken: chats dead XwX
Logan_taken: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7f-eMdzXfFg&t=1064s
Blue_jollyrancher: ddddddddddd
Blue_jollyrancher: I hate lag
Logan_taken: same
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm hungry
Logan_taken: im eating ghost pepper chips
Mxangel: >_>
Blue_jollyrancher: lucky
Logan_taken: they are kinda spicy
Blue_jollyrancher: i'd assume so
Logan_taken: lol
Red_jollyrancher: i mean they are ghost pepper chips so that should be expeted
Logan_taken: lmao
Red_jollyrancher: expected
Logan_taken: look up paqui ghost pepper chips
Logan_taken: thats what im eating rn
Logan_taken: they made the one chip challenge
Logan_taken: Well they certainly aren't anywhere near 1 million. Let alone even
100,000... Honestly my favorite chip currently... But it's only around 9,000-21,000
scovilles a chip from my experience.. Close to the spice of the hottest Jalapeno
you can find and a pretty well grown Serrano!!!
Logan_taken: that how hot it is
Blue_jollyrancher: mhm
Logan_taken: so not even close to real ghost pepper
Blue_jollyrancher: mhm
Logan_taken: anyway
Logan_taken: i is horny owo
Death25: hi
Logan_taken: hey
Death25: hey logan
Death25: hru
Logan_taken: i is the horny(HELP ME)
Blue_jollyrancher: SHELL SHOW UP
Logan_taken: lmao
Death25: hey blue
Blue_jollyrancher: hi death
Death25: hru
Blue_jollyrancher: sad
Blue_jollyrancher: wbu
Logan_taken: my tongue hurts
Logan_taken: blep
Mxangel: :P
Logan_taken: blep
Vinnie_: A
Blue_jollyrancher: E
Logan_taken: blep
Logan_taken: blep
Logan_taken: blep
Logan_taken: blep
Logan_taken: blep
Logan_taken: blep
Logan_taken: blep
Logan_taken: blep
Logan_taken: blep
Logan_taken: blep
Logan_taken: blep
Mxangel: :P
Shell61_taken: :P
Death25: EE
Blue_jollyrancher: Shell
Blue_jollyrancher: hi
Enimira: Goooood morning!
Shell61_taken: hi blue
Enimira: Mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah
Enimira: platomic kisses for all
Death25: hi
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi mira
Shell61_taken: hru blue
Blue_jollyrancher: tired
Death25: time to murder someone
Shell61_taken: 0-o
Death25: yh'
Shell61_taken: ?
Death25: nvm
Shell61_taken: ok
Death25: but he deserves to die
Shell61_taken: ok?
Death25: hru shell
Shell61_taken: tired
Death25: same
Death25: .fl
Shell61_taken: i'm not home rn
Zack_vapes_wolf: nah
Zack_vapes_wolf: ->-
Poison: hello
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Death25: hi
Blue_jollyrancher: hi
Blue_jollyrancher: blep
Mxangel: :P
Separatio: hehehe
Shell61_taken: back
Blue_jollyrancher: hi
Shell61_taken: hi bluey
Separatio: thye kicked me
Shell61_taken: ow
Separatio: because of this
Separatio: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?
Shell61_taken: uh....
Separatio: what
Shell61_taken: nothing
Separatio: w
Separatio: h
Separatio: a
Separatio: t
Shell61_taken: n
Shell61_taken: o
Shell61_taken: t
Shell61_taken: h
Shell61_taken: i
Shell61_taken: n
Shell61_taken: g
Separatio: what is it
Separatio: answer me you bitch
Separatio: NOW!!!!
Shell61_taken: no i don't have to
Separatio: what is IT
Separatio: thats it
Separatio: bye
Shell61_taken: bye
Shell61_taken: lmao
Trees_the_proto: Yello?
Shell61_taken: hi trees
Trees_the_proto: Anyone on?
Shell61_taken: idk
Blue_jollyrancher: hello
Shell61_taken: hi blue
Mxangel: Hey
Shell61_taken: hi angel
Mxangel: Gtg in a minute. Gonna go shopping :P
Shell61_taken: ok
Shell61_taken: :P
Shell61_taken: dead chat X.X
Blue_jollyrancher: no one is on
Shell61_taken: yep just me and you ig
Gandolf69: starting new game
Shell61_taken: ok
Blue_jollyrancher: blep
Shell61_taken: i'm bored
Blue_jollyrancher: same
Shell61_taken: i gtg soon for a bit
Blue_jollyrancher: oki
Shell61_taken: bc i'm a car rn
Blue_jollyrancher: ookay
Shell61_taken: :)
Death25: e
Shell61_taken: E
Death25: :(:)
Shell61_taken: gtg for a bit brb
Blue_jollyrancher: blep
Shell61_taken: bye for a bit
Vinnie_: A
Vinnie_: bonk
Blue_jollyrancher: E
Blue_jollyrancher: boink
Generic: hello
Vinnie_: finna kms, not feeling good
Generic: i am generic. not somebody impersonating generic
Blue_jollyrancher: your not gen
Generic: i stg i am not a fake gen
Blue_jollyrancher: hmmm i'm not sure bout that
Generic: u want proof?
Blue_jollyrancher: sure
Generic: uh
Generic: im generic
Blue_jollyrancher: What is Generic
Generic: me
Generic: lmao im jk
Generic: its actually me tho
Blue_jollyrancher: Wrong you didn't say the right thing
Generic: wait wut.
Generic: do u want me to get on my alts to prove it
Blue_jollyrancher: Generic is a cool guy
Blue_jollyrancher: thaat is the answer
Generic: oh thank u
Blue_jollyrancher: What did we talk about last night with logan
Generic: kinks?
Blue_jollyrancher: okay your gen
Blue_jollyrancher: hi
Generic: hey daddy blue~
Blue_jollyrancher: o///o
Death25: lol
Generic: what would you say if i said ily~?
Blue_jollyrancher: who are you?
Generic: im gen???
Blue_jollyrancher: Gen doesn't flirt with me
Generic: i am now tho~
Generic: remember our rp???~
Generic: with neko?
Blue_jollyrancher: Oh yehs
Generic: so
Generic: what would you do if i said ily~
Nekogonzales2002: god the Halo 3 ODST soundtrack is good
Blue_jollyrancher: hello jose
Nekogonzales2002: heya blue
Death25: hey neko
Nekogonzales2002: hello death
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm in the dress again
Shell61_taken: back for a bit
Nekogonzales2002: Nice
Blue_jollyrancher: Do you not remember what happened last time I wore it
Nekogonzales2002: Yeah, try to stray away from being horny
Shell61_taken: lmao
Blue_jollyrancher: Jose you know thats hard for me to do
Nekogonzales2002: yeah thats fair
Death25: yh
Nekogonzales2002: well imagine something that turns you off if you start to get
Nekogirl: like me
Death25: hey neko
British_grenadier: *British anthem* 'Sup guys?
Nekogirl: hi death
Death25: nothing much
Nekogonzales2002: heya neko
Shell61_taken: hey
Nekogirl: hi jose
Blue_jollyrancher: heyo neko
Nekogirl: hi blue
Nekogonzales2002: British, I Swear to god after school if you get your militia to
blast me with muskets imma be so pissed.
British_grenadier: ahh a little grapeshot never KILLED anybody
Blue_jollyrancher: *Sits in corner with big blanket*
(anon): <.<
Death25: *does the same as blue*
Shell61_taken: gtg
Death25: k
Death25: be
Death25: byr
Blue_jollyrancher: bye
Nekogonzales2002: bye shell
(anon): buh bye!
Generic: sry
Generic: that was doggo
Generic: on my laptop
Nekogonzales2002: oof
Blue_jollyrancher: imma napp see y'all later
Nekogonzales2002: have a good rest
Generic: neko
Nekogirl: hi gen
Generic: hello.
Death25: hey gne
Generic: i have my first appearance tmr
Generic: literally having an anxiety attack rn bruh
Nekogirl: you'll be fine
Death25: you will be fine tweek
Death25: wrong person
Death25: i meant gen
Tallguy: hello
Nekogonzales2002: Oh cool I can play Kaiju Paradise on the go
Tallguy: hi neko
Nekogirl: hi
Death25: hello tall
Death25: gtg soon
Nekogonzales2002: alrighty
Death25: in 7 mins
Tallguy: hello
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Nekogirl: hi
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Death25: BLEP
Mommymilkers42069: no
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Tallguy: sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh
Death25: blep
Death25: blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep
blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep
blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep
blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep
blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep blep
Ponies: ayyy, im finally here
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Death25: hi
Ponies: how are you doing mommy?
Tallguy: bruh my nickname is ponniw
Tallguy: ponnie
Mommymilkers42069: ok hbu
Nekogirl: my nickname is squid
Ponies: pretty good, still upset about the fucker who took my Queen alt
Ponies: but besides that
Ponies: ig nothing really
Ponies: so how ya'll doing
Tallguy: my finals was easy af and i didnt have to take my reading final so im
Ponies: hmmm
Ponies: yeah, typically me too
Mommymilkers42069: i have my finals tomorrow and the day after
Ponies: except i have to present my final on Thursday, which is my last day, and im
nervous as helll, lol
Death25: gtg
Tallguy: I have my a day finals tomorrow but i only have one day off until i work s
days stright
Ponies: for my spare time, i look at r/Creepypms and downvote comments for being
obnoxious little assholes.
Tallguy: *straight*
Ponies: nice
Mommymilkers42069: blepppp
Ponies: i also hate r/Creepypms policy of 'blurring out' the pedo's/predators name.
i even told them that that rule is protecting the criminal in itself. they didnt
respond after that, cowards.
Ponies: i even tried to do one with the name and PFP un blurred and they took it
Ponies: i just dont fucking get it
Nekogonzales2002: oh nice I can play transfur outbreak on mobile too, I can beat up
furries and become a furry on the go
Nekogirl: ....
Ponies: lmao
Nekogirl: awesome
Nekogonzales2002: yeah, Kaiju paradise is on mobile too
Ponies: also, hi fem
Nekogirl: hi
Ponies: ^ i remember you know this alt, right?
Nekogirl: yeah
Ponies: ok good
Ponies: so i dont have to explain it to other assholes
Ponies: still dont know who the fuck stole it
Nekogonzales2002: its quiet in here
Nekogirl: it is
Shell61_taken: back
(anon): wb
Ponies: oh look an anon
Shell61_taken: ?
(anon): hi
Ponies: wonder where the fuck my alt is if no anon is using it
(anon): *Shrug* whats the alts name?
Ponies: Queenoftea
Shell61_taken: yea
(anon): Sure you didn't forget the password?
Ponies: there was never a password cause i didnt think someone would steal it.
Ponies: and if i ask to change it, it'll alert whoever took it and they just
decline my offer to change the password they set
(anon): damn, yeah
Shell61_taken: none of mine was no password
Ponies: yeah, luckily i have this one protected, email and pass
(anon): good
Shell61_taken: man i'm bored
Ponies: ^^
Ponies: i got an early christmas gift so thats fun
Nekogonzales2002: yeah
Ponies: a barbie doll, something i didnt expect but a sweet gift from my mom, lol
Shell61_taken: yea i'm at my nana's house rn
Ponies: i have to go now so happy holidays to everybody !
Nekogirl: you too
Shell61_taken: same
Shell61_taken: i'm thinking of making a zoom
Nekogirl: *shrugs*
Shell61_taken: :P
Shell61_taken: yall can join if yall want
Nekogirl: sure
Shell61_taken: ok
Nekogonzales2002: Our vice principle is a fucking jackass
(anon): y that
Nekogirl: i have 3 principals TwT
Nekogirl: no vice pricipals
Nekogonzales2002: threatening me with lunch detention because all the people at my
table left their trays behind
(anon): lol rip
Shell61_taken: i'll whisper you the zoom link neko
Nekogirl: ok
Nekogirl: i have my fluffy sweater :3
Logan_taken: hey guys
Nekogirl: hi logan
Shell61_taken: hey logan
Shell61_taken: hi
Logan_taken: hey
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Logan_taken: i got a 40 on my exam :(
Nekogirl: oof
Shell61_taken: hey logan
Logan_taken: hey shell *hugs*
Logan_taken: and chats dead XwX
Nekogirl: yep
Mommymilkers42069: blep
(anon): obama
Nekogonzales2002: what
Mommymilkers42069: care
Nekogirl: jose you in school?
Nekogonzales2002: yeah
Tallguy: only obama cares
Nekogirl: TwT
(anon): yes
(anon): obama hamburger
(anon): sussy balls
Nekogonzales2002: vin get the hell outta anon
(anon): cant
Nekogonzales2002: oh?
(anon): in a game on my account
Nekogonzales2002: ohhh
(anon): cant global chat there
Nekogonzales2002: fair enough
(anon): yep
Mommymilkers42069: chat ded
Death25: i am back
Logan_taken: reeeeeeeeee
(anon): bonk
Logan_taken: ow
Logan_taken: hey guys
Nekogirl: hi logan :3
(anon): im gay
Nekogonzales2002: This song is very good, I enjoy it. Take a listen
Logan_taken: we know lili
Nekogonzales2002: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsG8qffiDk8
(anon): im not lili
Generic: hello
Anything: hey
Tallguy: hi guy
Anything: how are you guys
Blue_jollyrancher: eeee
Blue_jollyrancher: I was a good fucking nap
Nekogonzales2002: nice
Nekogonzales2002: I got a lunch detention because our vp sucks massive dicks
(anon): lol rip
Blue_jollyrancher: oof
Nekogonzales2002: yeah, doodling the pain away drawing a dark city to this song
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsG8qffiDk8) from the Halo 3 ODST Ost
Blue_jollyrancher: nice
(anon): oh sup blue
Blue_jollyrancher: hello anon
(anon): its vin lol
Death25: lol
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi vinnie
Generic: buh.
Generic: ima KMS
Generic: sheeeesh
Nekogirl: no
Blue_jollyrancher: Me too gen
Nekogirl: no
Nekogonzales2002: I mean Im struggling daily so why the hell not
(anon): jeez
Nekogirl: no
Nekogonzales2002: yes.
Blue_jollyrancher: why not?
Nekogirl: no
Nekogonzales2002: Yes.
Nekogirl: no
Blue_jollyrancher: well i'm gonna do work and thing about my parents
Nekogonzales2002: alright have fun, I'll go back to pondering my existence.
Separatio: piwfjnj3grg h-89trhbtli yoh voijqerahf oi jvrsgl fxp iod0f n7b8f6sypij
ajdr[ibzljk ghPSJZdor8h
Nekogirl: same
(anon): im gay
Separatio: diabetes soup
Shell61_taken: ......
Nekogonzales2002: what color should I make the background of my drawing, like a
very deep purple or a dark grayish black?
Nekogirl: purple?
Nekogonzales2002: alright, purple & black hybrid it is
Nekogirl: cool?
Nekogirl: bai
Nekogonzales2002: mhm
Vinnie_: peepee
Koda: deez
Vinnie_: i thought you quit
Koda: i dont even know who you are
Koda: do not talk to me, irrelevant ass.
Vinnie_: fuck off faggot
Koda: lmaooo has to resort to "faggot"
Koda: down bad.
Shell61_taken: my wifi sucks
Koda: i suck too ;)
Koda: 20 dollars is 20 dollar ;) ;) ;)
Koda: dollars*
Shell61_taken: 0-o
Koda: yep, i'd suck ANYONE
Koda: other than your dumbass, racist, weirdo boyfriend
Nekogonzales2002: Jesus fucking christ enough
Koda: no.
Nekogonzales2002: Ok, someone explain to me what the hell happened?
Blue_jollyrancher: did I come back at a bad time
Koda: with her boyfriend?
Nekogonzales2002: Idfk, I come back to vin calling Koda a Fag and koda calling vin
an irrelevant ass
Chaos_insurgent_officer: oh god damn it
Koda: idk vin was just being a fuckin weirdo tbh, idk who that guy is but obviously
it's nobody special because they call people a fag
Nekogonzales2002: damn, so how're you so special?
Koda: by not calling people a fag
Koda: as most people do.
Nekogonzales2002: hmm, alright, well then I guess im special
(anon): lol no
Koda: yep
Koda: nvm ig
Koda: anon says no
Cineres: wtf is happening
Koda: deez
Cineres: nuts
Koda: ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
(anon): alt moment
Nekogonzales2002: *Facepalm* alright thats enough of that
Koda: yup
Koda: im like fuckin..
Koda: 20-0 for arguments
Nekogonzales2002: hah, right.
(anon): lol
Koda: yep.
Nekogonzales2002: afk
Koda: ass fucking koda = afk
Koda: ;)
Generic: oh god
Generic: wtf is happening here
Koda: vinnie called me a fag
Koda: jose was being dramatic about it
Koda: now he's ass fucking me.
Blue_jollyrancher: koda don't say that
Koda: don't say what?
(anon): lol
Nekogonzales2002: remind me again why you stormed off when some minor drama started
Blue_jollyrancher: littlerly after shit that happened yesterday with me I don't
want to see that
Death25: lol
Koda: me?
Nekogonzales2002: yes, you.
Koda: i didn't storm off?
Koda: mf even if i did
Nekogonzales2002: you made a big scene and left for a couple days
Koda: thats like 1 time out of 100 times
Koda: how many times A DAY do you guys storm off?
Koda: at LEAST 3 times a day you guys are like
Nekogonzales2002: oh, so if I murder 1 person out of 100 its fine because the
majority of them didn't get hurt?
Koda: "i can't handle this right now, bye"
Koda: no, but if someone murdered 99 out of 100
Koda: then called YOU a horrible murderer
Koda: it wouldn't make sense, would it?
Koda: and you murdered the 99
Koda: and i murdered the 1.
Nekogonzales2002: You'd be held accountable as well.
Koda: im not being held accountable for shit right now lmao?
Koda: neither are you
Koda: tf are u even talking about.
Nekogonzales2002: Talking about you being a hypocrite
Koda: how am i a hyporcrite
Koda: explain.
Nekogonzales2002: always getting pissed at us for hopping off when things get hot,
when you make a big scene and leave because some minor shit started.
Shell61_taken: .....
(anon): holy hell just stop
Koda: yea but you guys hop off when things get hot with OTHER people
Koda: shit that doesn't even involve you.
Koda: you guys are like
Koda: "omg im so tired of the drama, i wanna kms, bye"
Koda: :|

Shadowlord18 DefiantAngelPrincess
Nekogonzales2002: Its worth a shot damn it
Koda: there is no point.
Koda: at the end of the day
Koda: im gonna make fun of lowlives like dom, logan and captain11
Todd_clorox: I just want y'all to know I eat ass.
Nekogonzales2002: oh boy and now you're getting dreary after yelling at us for it
Koda: im gonna shit on lili's life
Koda: im gonna call people a pedophile lol
Koda: nothing is gonna change.
Nekogonzales2002: and you're gonna start shit, and then point out and whimper like
a little bitch when we do it back
Chaos_insurgent_officer: Ok guys lets uhmm stop.
Koda: tf are you even talking about lmao?
Koda: literally like 99% of the time you're either not involved or pussy out.
Nekogonzales2002: constantly you get upset at us for being sad or causing trouble
when you fuel the flames exponentially.
Koda: you get all dramatic and leave to some server labeled like
Koda: "crying hours"
Nekogonzales2002: eh thats outside of the game, but still
Koda: i get upset at you guys because the trouble you guys start
Koda: is fucking retarted.
Nekogonzales2002: Yeah, but what do you do?
Koda: and it lasts for the whole day.
Koda: the trouble i start
Nekogonzales2002: Point and poke at people, which also lasts for the whole day
Koda: is funny as fuck and last like 20 minutes.
Koda: lasts*
Nekogonzales2002: Funny as fuck? hahah thats rich
Koda: you sure as hell aren't lol
Koda: rich or funny for that one.
Nekogonzales2002: Pot meet kettle.
Koda: was that supposed to be a comparison?
Nekogonzales2002: No, its a euphemism for "equal meets equal"
Koda: but a kettle and pot aren't equal.
Koda: tf? lmao
Nekogonzales2002: both are of the same type of liquid-holding kitchenware
Koda: that's like saying
Koda: spoon and a fork
Koda: because they both are for holding food
Blue_jollyrancher: Koda are you older than 18
Koda: like wtf lmao
Koda: no.
Charles_fenton: well then, I can see shits going to go down so... *popcorn time*
(anon): ye
Koda: lmaooo
Nekogonzales2002: well this is going nowhere
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm not feeling to good i'll be on in a bit bye everyone
Koda: yea no shit, thats what i said 10 mins ago lol
Charles_fenton: alright, see you blue
(anon): wow
Koda: byebye blue
Quickche: What kind of marriage crisis is happening here?
Nekogonzales2002: There are so many things I want to say to you right now but at
the same time I'd face consequences.
Chaos_insurgent_officer: Jose, shut it or I take your hammer.

Koda, knock it off or I take away your porn

Koda: i don't use porn or have any?
Koda: but okay.
Chaos_insurgent_officer: then I'll take your dick
Koda: then i won't stop daddy ;)
Nekogonzales2002: dan no, you can't get upset at neko for threatening that and then
turn around and use that threat
Generic: *bruh moment*
Charles_fenton: *Crunch crunch* damn good popcorn
Koda: *tnemom hurb*
Chaos_insurgent_officer: well then
Chaos_insurgent_officer: I'll be heading off, adios
Koda: no wait
Charles_fenton: bye dan
Koda: take my dick zaddy
Generic: bruh this shit sucks. i have so much anxiety abt tmr
Koda: whats tmr?
Generic: court
Nekogonzales2002: damn, gl
Koda: oh yea thats right, you're fucked.
Koda: but again
Generic: tmrs jus the first appearance.
Koda: could be good for you
Generic: so ill meet wit the laywer
Generic: and i get to know my charges
Koda: lawyer*
Nekogonzales2002: *Bonks koda* Shut your mouth, not an essay class
Generic: yea yea wutever
(anon): zamn zaddy zarder zowo
Koda: well you should know how the fuck to spell it before you go to court.
Koda: anyways
(anon): sheeeessshhh
Koda: you should be fine if it was an accident.
Koda: they don't have any proof it was on PURPOSE so.
Generic: yea ik but u neva know wut they gon pin on me
Generic: they still acting like i sold it
Koda: "attempted rape on a cat"
(anon): hes responsible for war crimes in siberia, tibet and north sudan
Koda: oh fuck i forgot about that
Nekogonzales2002: yeesh
Koda: and your time in vietnam
Koda: where you switched sides
Koda: and vlogged it for a day
Nekogonzales2002: wait whos acting like you did, court or your parents?
(anon): lol
(anon): vlogging in 'nam
Koda: lol yep
Nekogonzales2002: wait you don't quickscope with a mosin in vietnam??
Koda: i'd hide in the trees until they brought out the agent orange
(anon): breh
Koda: then i'd be fucked.
Generic: imma jus kms b4 i gotta go to court bruh
Koda: aight bruh well
Koda: cya in the afterlife my g
Koda: hope you get that lil nas concert in hell
Nekogonzales2002: Well I gtg, also generic, I hope to god nothing really comes of
Generic: prolly probation
Generic: but u neva know. they might send me to da functio
Generic: function*
Koda: gotta get freaky in the function
Generic: fr
Generic: finna drop the soap on "accident"
Koda: yeaaaaaaaaaaaa
Koda: thats how we like it
Generic: finna get a lil sus wit my bunk mate in da clink no cap
Enimira: I need a belly rub…
Generic: i need to die
Enimira: My cat keeps scratching it
Enimira: cool cool
Koda: lol
Enimira: Kodaaaaa
Koda: rinnnnnnnnn
Enimira: Ah
Enimira: hellooooo
Koda: hiiiiiiiiiii
Generic: *sits akwardly*
Enimira: Woooooow
(anon): wooowww
(anon): 1... Million dollars
Koda: wowwwwwwwwww
Koda: wowowowowwwwwww
Koda: i love u :0
Enimira: OH
Enimira: you are mine
Koda: you are mine..too?
Enimira: Of course
Enimira: more than you are mine
Generic: *cringes*
Enimira: wouldnt it be cool
Enimira: if I were you
Enimira: and you were me
Enimira: and bad things happened
Koda: i think
Enimira: because we love attention
Koda: for a day
Shell61_taken: back
Enimira: and want to cause havoc?
Koda: we should..
Enimira: Hm?
Koda: change accounts
Charles_fenton: hey guys wanna see something cursed?
Enimira: Ah
Koda: and pretend to be eachother
Enimira: nahhhh
(anon): oh boi
Koda: yahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Enimira: Hello anon
Death25: yes
Enimira: nahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Charles_fenton: f u c k
Death25: do it
Koda: yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Charles_fenton: links to long damn it
Enimira: Hai charlie
Charles_fenton: Hello mira
Koda: welp
Koda: bbl
Koda: cya guys :0
Enimira: …
Enimira: sadnoos
Vinnie_: bonk
Enimira: You don’t wanna see how desolate my account is koda
(anon): drier then my moms ovaries?
Enimira: Yes
(anon): sheeeeeeeeshhhh
Enimira: Shhhheeeshhh
Enimira: how are you today non?
(anon): im doing fine.
Enimira: Cuel cuel
Enimira: Welp
Vinnie_: i beg to differ, i made her very wet last night /j
(anon): hmmm
Enimira: im gonna go try to sing
Enimira: be back later
Lucky_the_bunny: haha I have an account now
Vinnie_: nice
Enimira: cats trying to drink my apple
Enimira: juice
Lucky_the_bunny: trying to d- ok I was about to say
Vinnie_: hmm yes, drinkable apples
Shell61_taken: lmao
Death25: lol
Shell61_taken: boring chat
Vinnie_: lol
Shell61_taken: very boring
Vinnie_: im studying rn sorry
Shell61_taken: it's ok i'm not home rn so
Koda: i went
Koda: for a run.
Koda: it's fucking..
Shell61_taken: cool?
Koda: 44F or 7C
Shell61_taken: lmao
Shell61_taken: LMAO
Shell61_taken: if you're typing you can feel them
Koda: im fucking your dad
Koda: i can feel him
Trees_the_proto: …
Shell61_taken: stfu
Trees_the_proto: Alright I just got here >,<
Shell61_taken: hi trees
Zakk: hello
Charles_fenton: wtf did I come back to from making a design
Trees_the_proto: On?
Koda: make me stfu ;)
Koda: lemme stop
Zakk: oiaei;uhlugehgluhgdfiufgldshbvslhSGDlfaseoiugawlie yflia fluhwefoiuasyrofius
drutalrwehglk aerhlfi ahrslufh awlieurgfliesugf oauwehfou awgfliu awgeulf alef
Generic: hello
Zakk: ]hi'
Shell61_taken: hey
Koda: ima go beat my dick
Zakk: ;]['[;'][';].,';',/.',;.;;][=-
Trees_the_proto: Suh
Zakk: .no/
Zakk: ',;.'/[;/
Shell61_taken: e
Generic: lemme help?
Shell61_taken: 0-o
(anon): what
Trees_the_proto: Wot?
Koda: ok hurry
Koda: talk dirty to me
(anon): sloot
Shell61_taken: no thanks
Shell61_taken: dead chat X.X
Koda: smh too late
Koda: i busted a nut
Shell61_taken: ok good for you
Koda: mhm
Shell61_taken: idc
Koda: it's all over.
Koda: everything.
Shell61_taken: idfc
Koda: alright then eat it smh
Koda: lemme chill.
Shell61_taken: uh no you eat it
Koda: no thanks, you go ahead.
Shell61_taken: Nu
Koda: i give her a jar of cum~ mhm.
(anon): ayooo
Shell61_taken: nuuuuuuuuuuuu
Koda: scared smh.
Shell61_taken: no i'm not fuck off
Koda: then drink it.
Shell61_taken: no i'm not drinking no fuck jucie
Koda: smh alr then i'll take my W.
Shell61_taken: ok fuck off
Koda: why can't i fuck on~?
Koda: lol
Shell61_taken: eww
Shell61_taken: bitch
Blue_jollyrancher: hello?
Shell61_taken: hi blue
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi shell
Shell61_taken: hru
Koda: eww you.
Blue_jollyrancher: little better wbu shell
Shell61_taken: i'm ok ig
Blue_jollyrancher: alright
Blue_jollyrancher: hello to you too oda
Blue_jollyrancher: koda
Shell61_taken: 🖕
Shell61_taken: :P
Shell61_taken: :P
Separatio: my freind got in some big trouble
Shell61_taken: lmao
Charles_fenton: ok im back, and wtf did your friend do
Separatio: he didnt listen to the teacher and they called the admin
Charles_fenton: ohhh shiitttt
Separatio: its a long story
(anon): lol get fucked
Shell61_taken: lmao damn
Charles_fenton: eh go ahead
Separatio: so we were throwing a ball, it kept hitting people we asked them to move
they didnt want to they kept getting hit
Separatio: they started to take the balls
Charles_fenton: was this in gym...?
(anon): hehe they took mah bawls
Koda: hi blue lol
(anon): please don't do shit
Separatio: i asked him if we could move he said no he got into a HUGE rguement with
Separatio: they gave the balls to the teacher
(anon): ayo?
Separatio: the teacher didnt let us take them back he took it anyways then when the
teacher yelled he rolled the ball of his finger tips and droped it
Separatio: and the teacher said iGET OVER HERE!
Charles_fenton: damn
Separatio: and they called the administrator
Shell61_taken: damn
Separatio: i took the side for the people getting hit and said we should of just
moved but he said
Separatio: NoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo
Separatio: in case jose is on
Separatio: it was gabe
(anon): blame gabe
Separatio: no he was the one who the admin got called on
Separatio: not me
Separatio: so im not in trouble :)
Shell61_taken: lmao
(anon): blame gabriel barscht
Koda: diet dick
Shell61_taken: No
Koda: yes.
Shell61_taken: FuCk-
Koda: mE-
Shell61_taken: NoOoOoOoOoO-
Koda: lol
Koda: hru shell?
Shell61_taken: really?
(anon): yes really
Shell61_taken: you wanna ask me "hru shell?" after making fun of me and stuff?
(anon): yeah
(anon): that an issue?
Shell61_taken: dipshit
(anon): mhm I know I am
Shell61_taken: gtg brb
(anon): ok
Koda: yes really.
Koda: smh
Koda: rude ass.
Nekogonzales2002: *vibin to Halo 3 ODST Ost*
(anon): which song
Nekogonzales2002: Deference for darkness ofc
Koda: deez
Red_jollyrancher: nutz
Nekogonzales2002: bruh
Koda: god damnit.
Red_jollyrancher: couldnt ressist
Idunno: hola
Red_jollyrancher: wassup
Koda: stfu
Nekogonzales2002: Ok, stop that
Idunno: I fucked your dad
Red_jollyrancher: koda the scrota
(anon): Koda the bitchless
Nekogonzales2002: whoof
Koda: you're an anon
Koda: don't talk about being bitchless lmao
Lucky_the_bunny: ah, alright then
Koda: even worse.
Lucky_the_bunny: You want to fight, lets go at it
Koda: bro said "you want to fight" lmao
Lucky_the_bunny: alrighty, we hold a "Friendly Debate over the politics of a knock-
off CAH game"
Nekogonzales2002: lucky cut that shit out
(anon): lol no
Koda: tf does this have to do with politics
Lucky_the_bunny: ehh everything has politics in some form
Koda: no.
Red_jollyrancher: yes fight in a fucking chatroom
Red_jollyrancher: FJB
Lucky_the_bunny: Yes
Idunno: trump is best
Koda: titties
Koda: agreed
Lucky_the_bunny: ok nope trump supporters
(anon): lmfaooo
Idunno: we should be racist
Bigt: any yall got meth?
Koda: feels good to not give a shit about american politics.
Red_jollyrancher: lgbt stands for lots of guns beer and titties
Koda: wouldnt that be
Koda: logbat
Idunno: Hey im part of that
Red_jollyrancher: then wouldnt the center for disease contro be the codc
Honkywonky: oh uhg HARDERRR!
(anon): wtf
Koda: it cant be codc
Koda: becaise codc already stands for something
Red_jollyrancher: sorry, cfdc
Honkywonky: FASSTERRRRR!
Koda: cfdc is a fitness center
Koda: so.
Honkywonky: UGH! UHHHHH!
Logan_taken: hey guys
Idunno: gay if you are manwo
Logan_taken: lol
Honkywonky: DADDY HARDERERER *creams*
Red_jollyrancher: my point is that most acronyms are excluding things like of/and
Idunno: yes there are a lot of cocks
Koda: yea but
Koda: no.
Red_jollyrancher: gc is fucking wierd today
Logan_taken: oh no kodas here
Idunno: no but just yes
Bigt: yes but there are even more titties
Koda: oh no logan still is a racist who gets no bitches
Logan_taken: i do get bitches
Koda: no, you don't.
Red_jollyrancher: i mean hes got you, so
Logan_taken: why do you think im taken
Idunno: ok my racist bitch
Red_jollyrancher: and you're bitch enough
Red_jollyrancher: :]
Koda: your taken cause ur girlfriend is a whore
Idunno: :)
Koda: you're*
Logan_taken: at least i have a gf
Koda: i do too lmao
Koda: mine isn't a racist freak
Logan_taken: idgaf if i am racist
Logan_taken: see watch
Logan_taken: nigga
Logan_taken: nigga
Logan_taken: nigga
Logan_taken: nigga
Nekogonzales2002: oh boy
Logan_taken: nigga
Nekogonzales2002: welp time to go, Logans being racist again
Koda: this is probably why no one likes you buddy lol
Logan_taken: plenty of people like me
Koda: like who
(anon): psshh
(anon): asides from shell, nah
Koda: your girlfriend who fucks everyone?
Logan_taken: all my friends at school dumbass
Bigt: you are literally a fuckin 10 year old fortnite player aint you fucktard
Separatio: oh jose did you see what i put in chat earlier
Koda: fr he is
Logan_taken: no im a 15 year old warzone player
Separatio: that suck off fortnite
Koda: even worse
Logan_taken: its a thousand times better
Separatio: yeah
Idunno: wow warzone
Separatio: 100 %
Idunno: you must suck dicks
Koda: fr
Separatio: nope
Feces: j
Koda: no wonder why your gf cheats on you
Koda: you're a warzone player.
Feces: you're mother
Red_jollyrancher: the giraffe population is approximately 117,000
Chaos_insurgent_officer: what?
Feces: ok good2know
Koda: that's a lot.
Idunno: sweet its bout to go down
Koda: bet they give good neck.
Red_jollyrancher: wit dat loooooong tounge
Koda: frrrrrrr..
Koda: mmmmph..
Idunno: fucking furs
Charles_fenton: owo
(anon): EUGHH
Koda: owo
(anon): *T-poses in fox*
Idunno: anons over here fapping wildly
Koda: me too.
Bigt: so is your mom
Koda: you're irrelevant.
Bigt: yall are a bunch of fuckin rabbit hoofs
Idunno: so is my mom
Koda: deez
Koda: deez nuts.
Todd_clorox: How should I apologize to my girlfriend? She's very upset with me for
shitting in the dog's food bowl while I was drunk.
Koda: tell her she's a bitch then hit a fat nae nae.
Idunno: do it again while recording it
Todd_clorox: The fuck is a fat nae nae?
Koda: a fat nae nae
Feces: a fat nae nae

Separatio: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?
Separatio: click show image

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