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Ishipwillowandhunter: Hello loves

Ishipwillowandhunter: Where's my Izzy

Izzy_blight: At the store for smokes and some soup
Ishipwillowandhunter: There you are, hey sweetie
Texts: Among Us
Izzy_blight: Hey baby
Izzy_blight: Amogus
Ishipwillowandhunter: I love people. I want to smother everyone I know with love
but I am limited by this flawed human form and lack of currency.
Izzy_blight: Yes. God i need to kiss somebody's soul. But I don't know how
Ishipwillowandhunter: I shall transcend this human body and become a creature of
lovecraftian proportions so I may love everybody at once. God, I wish I could love
people more.
Izzy_blight: I wish Jimmy was real so I could make love to him in the back seat of
your car
Ishipwillowandhunter: Try not to stain the seats, please.
Keigo: K
Ishipwillowandhunter: Keiiii
Jimmy75: *donates to Caritas*
Ishipwillowandhunter: *donates to church of Winton*
01:43:55Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Axel_in_love: 0-0
Texts: Everything has costs tbh
01:45:27Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Izzy_blight: Life costs you everything, given time
01:45:51Wednesday, June 28, 2023
01:46:02Wednesday, June 28, 2023
01:46:14Wednesday, June 28, 2023
01:46:23Wednesday, June 28, 2023Axel_in_love: Ok then..
Keigo: Hi mich
Izzy_blight: Who the heck is Riley Bender and why does some dude have an obsession
with them
Axel_in_love: Don’t know.
Keigo: :
Izzy_blight: ;
Keigo: Dead= normal
Izzy_blight: cheese sandwich = good
Ishipwillowandhunter: Okay, it's 8:00. Time for me to reflect on my poor life
decision and regret being born. who's on?
Axel_in_love: Kill me.
Izzy_blight: We are all off
Keigo: Hi mich
Izzy_blight: Off our meds. Wityyyhheetyyyo
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey Kei. Hey Izzy
Axel_in_love: =(
Axel_in_love: Kill me.
Izzy_blight: Kill jimmy Kimmel
Izzy_blight: He is a little twit
Keigo: No axe
Axel_in_love: Please.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Why
Izzy_blight: No
Keigo: No axel
Axel_in_love: I’m scared.
Keigo: Why
Ishipwillowandhunter: why
Axel_in_love: I got in an argument..
Axel_in_love: With my dad.
Izzy_blight: Oh no
Axel_in_love: And went to leave the room so I could try and calm down.
Axel_in_love: And he wouldn’t let me.
Keigo: then what02:20:58Wednesday, JuneAxel_in_love: And I started cry and told him
to let me leave so I could called down and he told me no I could wait.
Ishipwillowandhunter: And then?
Axel_in_love: Then I told my mom to make him let me leave and she told him to let
me leave so I left.
Axel_in_love: Then I hit my head really hard on accident..
Ishipwillowandhunter: Are you okay?
Ishipwillowandhunter: I don't understand how kids just argue with their parents. Is
this a normal thing? If I were to argue or yell at my dad, I'd get backhanded.
Keigo: I just get beat no argument
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yeah no, if my dad's pissed enough he just yells and hits. I
don't speak, I don't argue, and I sure as hell don't yell at him
Izzy_blight: I hate this freakin hotel WiFi
Izzy_blight: I wanna stab myself
Izzy_blight: Or jimmy
Keigo: Same izzy
Ishipwillowandhunter: You can stab me baby, I can take it I swear
Izzy_blight: No. No stabbing for you
Izzy_blight: Only for jimmy
Axel_in_love: I argue even though I get hit.
Izzy_blight: Child abuse 😟
Keigo: Yep
Ishipwillowandhunter: Seems stupid. I'd rather just stay quiet and not get thrown
Izzy_blight: I would never beat my kids. Just manipulate them
Izzy_blight: And gaslight them
Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh yes, plenty of that as well.
Ishipwillowandhunter: I love being the son of an abusive dad that I still love
unconditionally for reasons I cannot explain.
Izzy_blight: Ain't the American dream grand
Oofalladeez: lemme fix dinner rq
Oofalladeez: second dinner that is
Axel_in_love: =3
Keigo: Even if I stay quiet I still get beat
Ishipwillowandhunter: Same, depending on what I did and my dad's mood that day.
Izzy_blight: Two points to Gryffindor
Keigo: In my family don't matter who did it I get beat for everyone else's mistakes
Izzy_blight: My dad is jerking off to pawn stars
Ishipwillowandhunter: I can relate. If my dad's angry at someone he'll take his
anger out on me for any reason at all.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Excuse me?
Keigo: No pain it's back
Izzy_blight: My dad is beating his meat to Pawn Stars
Ishipwillowandhunter: Rick is hot, I understand.
Izzy_blight: I wanna lick his bald head
Keigo: I'm going to die
Izzy_blight: Don't be afraid, we're all gonna die
Ishipwillowandhunter: Kei, do you still have cramps?
Keigo: Yes
Ishipwillowandhunter: Can you tell someone, please?
Keigo: I did my mother didn't care
Keigo: Nor did my dad
Ishipwillowandhunter: Honey, if it gets too bad you might have to get help for
Keigo: Eh I die I die
Izzy_blight: Pro tip: Don't die
Keigo: Not helping
Izzy_blight: Sorry
Ishipwillowandhunter: You may have a cyst or fibroids. You feel period cramps but
no period, so it's possible. A lot is possible. I'd rather you get help. I don't
want you to be in pain :(
Keigo: I'm used to pain
Izzy_blight: I was not aware that a medical emergency was happening. For how long
has this been occurring
Keigo: All day till about an hour ago and now there back
Izzy_blight: Unfortunate
Ishipwillowandhunter: Pain is natural and some people are more accustomed to it but
you shouldn't have to experience it.
Izzy_blight: No one should
Izzy_blight: never ever
Izzy_blight: Except rapists
Keigo: Ik that but when it's forced people get used to it
Keigo: I feel dizzy
Izzy_blight: If I could I would remove your pain and suffering and throw it in my
Izzy_blight: where it belongs
Keigo: The dizziness won't go away
Ishipwillowandhunter: Kiki. Please go find someone. If you pass out or something,
you need to have someone near you to help. Tell someone if you can. This isn't
Keigo: Well
Keigo: my parents just left
Ishipwillowandhunter: son of a bitch
Keigo: What
Ishipwillowandhunter: That's not good. Do you have anyone you can call if you need
Keigo: no not really
Ishipwillowandhunter: Well, that's really not good.
Keigo: Ik
Ishipwillowandhunter: Guy who kept haviIshipwillowandhunter: When she gets back,
get up and walk to her. I'm sure passing out in front of her will get the message
Keigo: She'd think I'd have low iron
Ishipwillowandhunter: If you're crying and clutching your stomach, maybe not.
Izzy_blight: Mmm hotel wifi hurts my soul
Ishipwillowandhunter: I was there a few months ago Izzy
Ishipwillowandhunter: eh like a year ago now
Keigo: I miss natr
Izzy_blight: Im gonna throw a kindergartener
Keigo: Nate*
Izzy_blight: if it goes out again
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm going to fuck a kindergartener
Izzy_blight: Sexy
Keigo: ...
Izzy_blight: I'll call the police so they can come watch
Keigo: T^T
Oofalladeez: which nate do you miss kei?
Oofalladeez: I'm sure the other one
Keigo: Nate bardley
Izzy_blight: The gay one
Keigo: He's not gay if he wants to fuck me
Keigo: maybe he's bi
Oofalladeez: yeah he bi
Izzy_blight: Maybe he's a frying pan
Oofalladeez: he said Im not fuckable lol
Keigo: Lol
Izzy_blight: Jimmy is so cute I want to kiss and grab him
Keigo: I need food but I can't get up to get said food
Izzy_blight: You can be the food. Just put your fingers in your mouth and bite down
Ishipwillowandhunter: I would get you something if I could. Just relax and don't
move too much until someone's home.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Izzy I will pick you up and cuddle you without consent.
Izzy_blight: Sorry
Keigo: But I need food
Izzy_blight: I would actually try to help but I don't know how so
Ishipwillowandhunter: You need to rest honey. No hurting yourself. lay down,
nothing else.
Izzy_blight: Take two aspirin and call me in the morning
Keigo: But food 🙃
Izzy_blight: No food. Rest those intestines
Keigo: Food
Izzy_blight: Not until after Christmas
Ishipwillowandhunter: Izzy are you trying to kill her
Keigo: Much you cant starve me
Keigo: Mich*
Izzy_blight: I'm sorry I just don't know what else to say so I'm saying whatever
comes to mind
Izzy_blight: I know I am not helping, I will go to the store
Keigo: I'm going to make my way to the kitchen
Keigo: I made it
Ishipwillowandhunter: Good job. Be careful, okay?
Keigo: There's nothing to eat in this house
Ishipwillowandhunter: Except your pussy- I mean what?
Keigo: I mean
Ishipwillowandhunter: There's nothing at all? Anything you can grab?
Keigo: Hm
Keigo: no not rlly
Ishipwillowandhunter: Okay, well in that case just go back to bed, try to make your
way to your room and lay or sit down. Can you do that?
Keigo: no I have to watch my brother
Ishipwillowandhunter: Okay, well is there some place you can sit down?
Ishipwillowandhunter: or lay down?
Keigo: My mattress just fell on me
Keigo: I'm stuck
Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh no :(
Keigo: I freed myself
Keigo: It hurt tho
Ishipwillowandhunter: Take is easy luv, don't do more than you have to
Keigo: But ik I'm going to have to clean the house
Ishipwillowandhunter: mf you have to doIshipwillowandhunter: I'm Mich?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Who are you?
Keigo: And what business do you have with MY sister
Daddy_risk: cam
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey, what happened to your sister?
Keigo: How many of you are there
Daddy_risk: in the call?
Keigo: No here
Oofalladeez: nice pm numb nuts
Keigo: bitch who are you
Daddy_risk: yup
Ishipwillowandhunter: Keigo's brother. How old are you, where is Kei, why are you
Keigo: one I'm 20 two she passed out three she left her phone unlocked
Ishipwillowandhunter: She's been hurting. I suggest getting her some serious help.
Y'all just been ignoring her pain.
Keigo: I just got here and she was on the floor so don't blame me
Ishipwillowandhunter: Bitch she's been feeling like this for well over a day and
her parents, and I'm assuming you, have just ignored it. Okay, well did you get her
help or anything? Where is she now?
Keigo: She's in her room asleep
Keigo: And I have painkillers I can give her
Ishipwillowandhunter: Painkillers aren't going to do shit. Might stop the pain but
doesn't stop the issue. I'm trying to bite my tongue but y'alls parents are just
something else. She needs to see a doctor or something.
Keigo: Even if I tried to take her they wouldn't let me
Ishipwillowandhunter: You're 20, not 14. Your sister is seriously suffering and she
really needs a doctor, fuck your parents.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Sorry. I understand it's not that simple.
Keigo: Well it's not shit I have to go I'
Ishipwillowandhunter: Okay. Be safe and please take care of her.
Ishipwillowandhunter: :(
Dtrump: hi
Keigo: What happened
Dtrump: idk what
Keigo: Mich what happened
Keigo: -
(anon): im not sure on the details but ur sister said there were cramps and
Ishipwillowandhunter: You passed out honey.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Sibling, 20 year old, took you to your room, found your phone
and told us what happened.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Are you okay? Did they give you painkillers?
Dtrump: damn
Keigo: Yes he did
Ishipwillowandhunter: Good, that's good. Are you okay luv? Laying down?
Hello91: what's going on with kiki?
Izzy_blight: Stuff
Izzy_blight: Or maybe not
Hello91: i'll be afk for a second.
Ishipwillowandhunter: kk
Izzy_blight: John_f_kenny: you live in the hood for too long you become a furry
Ishipwillowandhunter: I want to become just another statistic. A percentage. A
number on a piece of paper. Simple.
Izzy_blight: Based.
Izzy_blight: I want to become a registered sex offender
Ishipwillowandhunter: L
Ishipwillowandhunter: I already am one, catch up
Izzy_blight: Damn, caught lackin in my own crib. The shame
Keigo: Well I'm alive at least04:04:42WIzzy_blight: And for BIG BOUNCING BOOTY
Izzy_blight: sorry i got excited
Izzy_blight: I have scared off the humans once again. Good job me
Ishipwillowandhunter: No, no you haven't. I'm just reflecting on the poor mistakes
I've made and the ones I continue to make because unlike Tony Stark, I don't learn
from my mistakes.
Keigo: I learn from my pain😀
Izzy_blight: Oh, I'm sorry. Me too. If you want we can talk about how much we hate
ourselves over two mugs of hot chocolate and some Cheetos
Izzy_blight: No pain for you. Go to pain free zone
Ishipwillowandhunter: I like cool ranch doritos more, are those okay?
Keigo: Roses are red
Ishipwillowandhunter: violents are blue
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm super horny
Ishipwillowandhunter: Can I please rail you?
Keigo: as silent as a mouse
Keigo: you're door is unlocked
Keigo: im inside you're house
(anon): I’m inside your house
Izzy_blight: Speaking of mistakes I kinda wanna make one. Or several. I'm gonna
quickly do that
Keigo: shut it
Keigo: Izzy you can't do me
Ishipwillowandhunter: can I?
Izzy_blight: I do heroin
Ishipwillowandhunter: I do your mom each night.
Keigo: Brb
Ishipwillowandhunter: okk
Keigo: Boo
Izzy_blight: Ok i am now very angry and sad. But not as much as I thought I would
be. Usually direct exposure to anything involving AJ leaves me broken and writhing
on the floor but I think I'm alright. Maybe he's losing his touch
Ishipwillowandhunter: Good. He doesn't deserve to have any effect on you. Poor baby
Keigo: Lol
Hello91: v mommy
Hello91: i mean what?
Izzy_blight: I think the 10 pounds of McDonald's French fries i ate earlier have
clogged and fattened my heart and made me almost immune to heart-related damage.
Izzy_blight: Oh but here comes the cardiac arrest. I think I'm gonna die now if
that's alright
Ishipwillowandhunter: hahaha
Ishipwillowandhunter: Nateeee
Hello91: michhhhhh
Izzy_blight: Nathaniel foga
Ishipwillowandhunter: Having fun with Kei? I mean mommy?
Hello91: ...
Ishipwillowandhunter: lmao
Hello91: we don't speak about that
Izzy_blight: Mommy mearest
Izzy_blight: I am finding the most bizarre decks right now
Ishipwillowandhunter: i found this
Ishipwillowandhunter: RAPE ME DADDY!
Izzy_blight: Jesus, someone needs therapy
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes I absolutely do
Izzy_blight: Jimmy has cheap rates, you can book him on short notice
Ishipwillowandhunter: Ugh I also need a goddamn dating coach or something. Is there
someone that helps you figure out stupid emotions?
Izzy_blight: Try my Uncle Bill up the road. He's been divorced twice
Izzy_blight: He seems like he's been around
Ishipwillowandhunter: Your Uncle Bill iIzzy_blight: Oh I'm not dead yet daddy. If
you want I'll beg you to finish me off
Ishipwillowandhunter: Begging does nothing for me but it's cute. I'm in that horny
sleepy state where I want to fuck but I'm too tired to really do anything.
Hello91: kiki gone :c
Izzy_blight: I want to melt down but I can't cause my fuiking dad is RIGHT BEHIND
Hello91: kiki back c:
Keigo: Back
Ishipwillowandhunter: wbbbbb
Keigo: Thanks
Hello91: wb <3
Izzy_blight: I wanna jump up and down and throw stuff
Izzy_blight: I'm gonna throw a rock at my phone
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm sorry Izzy. I am thankful that I lost my ability to
really melt down awhile ago. Instead I just sit and contemplate death silently for
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm happy women exist. Women are so much hotter than men holy
fuck. this is as straight as I'm ever going to be.
Izzy_blight: I'm 50/50 on the existence of women
Izzy_blight: I don't like that they exist because us dirty men just use them as sex
objects and corrupt their purity. But if they didn't exist, well the species would
have died a million years ago, and been very boring
Izzy_blight: It's an in/out sort of thing. But not in that way...
Ishipwillowandhunter: on one hand I want to have a pretty girl squirming beneath me
as I eat her out, her thighs pressed to my head, whimpering and beggine me to let
her cum, on the other hand I want to cuddle and bake sweets for them.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Bitch stop misgendering yourself.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Men don't use women as sex objects. Well I do but most men
Izzy_blight: Doesn't seem that way to me. Though that's just my experience, having
spent my life in some pretty dark places
Izzy_blight: I have a deep resentment for men. Even pretenders like myself who try
to distance ourselves from our roots. We know who we really are.
Ishipwillowandhunter: You really are a creature of unfortunate circumstances,
aren't you? I agree with you partially. Some men suck, as one who has made many
mistakes I would know but both sides have their issues. Whatever, I'm not here to
get into this.
Izzy_blight: Sorry. I think I need to get smacked in the head again like I did as
an infant. Perhaps with a lead-lined pool noodle. Whap
Izzy_blight: I've almost forgotten what it's actually like to get hit with a pool
noodle. It's been too long. Ah, to be young again
Ishipwillowandhunter: The last time I was hit with a pool noodle was the day I
almost drowned in the same pool
Izzy_blight: Oh. Well that's terrible, I apologize
Ishipwillowandhunter: Those were the days. My younger cousin flexing as if he
wasn't built like a dehydrated garden snake.
Izzy_blight: Boi built like a veggie straw 💀
Ishipwillowandhunter: am i the only one who actually likes veggie straws
Izzy_blight: Jschlatt likes them
Izzy_blight: But he's insane, so
Hello91: kiki gone again :c
Ishipwillowandhunter: True, he is insane but he provides me with the funny hahas so
I shall continue to support him. Are you calling me insane?
Izzy_blight: No, of course not. I am merely stating that his opinions on things may
be... skewed
Izzy_blight: Henceforth as it were
Ishipwillowandhunter: He has all the right opinions. Jschlatt is my god in the same
way Ki is my mommy
Izzy_blight: I thought I was your only mother. The betrayal. I'm telling your three
Izzy_blight: Jimmy, Jonathan and TheresIzzy_blight: *faint mosh music is heard,
slowly getting louder as it comes closer*
Izzy_blight: Hi jimmy
(anon): im going to kms soon
(anon): im not jimmy
Izzy_blight: Oh no please don't do that
Ishipwillowandhunter: Who are you and why?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Please don't :(
Izzy_blight: What happened jimmy
(anon): it doesnt matter who i am, ill be gone soon
Quotenkevin: yuo all gonna die (somewhen)
Ishipwillowandhunter: It does matter, you can talk to me if you'd like. Sign onto
an alternate account maybe, please just don't.
Izzy_blight: I urge you to reconsider
Alt: it all urts
Alt: hurts*
Izzy_blight: I'm sorry. But please, think about the consequences of your actions
Alt: im talking to mich
Person112: Alright
Izzy_blight: Ok, if you need me for whatever reason I'll be over there
Alt: ok ty izzy
Izzy_blight: And I thank you too, random citizen
Izzy_blight: Sorry, not the time. Darn it I need to learn social cues
Person112: Fr, I get that
(anon): again ty mich cya tm
Ishipwillowandhunter: yw, ttyl. Bye <3
Person112: It's hot :(
Izzy_blight: I'm so proud of my son
Person112: Who's ur son
Izzy_blight: My best boy. Out here casually saving lives as usual. I could never do
such a thing
Person112: Ohhh
Person112: Yeah
Izzy_blight: Usually I end them. With claymores
Person112: Damn.
Error_drowned: Kill me
Ishipwillowandhunter: *kiss
Ishipwillowandhunter: Who are you talkingabout Izzy?
Izzy_blight: Yes
Izzy_blight: Your dad
Ishipwillowandhunter: Also where are you getting claymores?
Ishipwillowandhunter: No my dad ends lives
Izzy_blight: From jimmy
Person112: Wow
Izzy_blight: He is a weapons dealer
Error_drowned: Sup guys wtf is going on
Izzy_blight: I am about to use a claymore to end Michael's riggedy roo ahh dad's
Ishipwillowandhunter: I have no idea, like usual. Are you okay?
Ishipwillowandhunter: No, no death for my father. No matter what he does, he
doesn't deserve death.
Izzy_blight: But... But... Kaboom?
Ishipwillowandhunter: I love all humans equally. Except furries that fuck animals,
they are abominations.
Error_drowned: Can someone hit me over the head with a cast iron pan a few times??
Ishipwillowandhunter: No :c
Izzy_blight: No
Error_drowned: Plz
Izzy_blight: Hit you with a hug
Ishipwillowandhunter: Never. I shall bake you cookies and give you hugs until you
become uncomfortable and ask me to leave.
Person112: I wish that
Izzy_blight: I will climb into your bed and whisper sweet nothings in your ears
while you sleep
Error_drowned: No hugs pls, touch makes me feel unsafe
Izzy_blight: Oh yeah us too, sorry
Izzy_blight: No touchy. Just chillin
Ishipwillowandhunter: Completely understand. I don't like physical touch much
either but people seem to enjoy it. I will send you baked goods through the mail
along with books I like but don't want anymore.
Person112: I'm bad at conversations, but yeah
Person112: Damn mich
Izzy_blight: I will send you locks of my hair that I tore out
Person112: Sounds fun
Izzy_blight: Trichotillomania is pog
Keigo: Rawr
Izzy_blight: So is pica. I love eatin forks and car seats
Ishipwillowandhunter: I've completely switched stances, Izzy bend over so I can
butt fuck you, then I'll get you cleaned up and cuddle you.
Izzy_blight: Yes sir at once sir
Izzy_blight: Sir will you take me to McDonald's after
Izzy_blight: I want a shamrock shake
Ishipwillowandhunter: Shamrock shake is gross.
Ishipwillowandhunter: I will get you the weird purple one instead
Person112: Wtf is a shamrock shake
Izzy_blight: You did not just say that.
Hello91: Kiki is tormenting her cat mao
Hello91: lmao*
Person112: Haha
Izzy_blight: Son. I am disowning you. Don't diss my green stuff.
Person112: Who? Mich?05:48:25Wednesday,Izzy_blight: I loved you up until now but
this is the one thing I cannot tolerate. I'm putting you up for adoption
Person112: I'll take him 😏
Izzy_blight: Oh, very good. Son, meet your new father
Izzy_blight: Wait no I regret already. Can I take it back
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey daddy <3
Ishipwillowandhunter: "It" Izzy I'm not a pet
Izzy_blight: No no that's not what I meant
Ishipwillowandhunter: mhm :(
Person112: Damn
Ishipwillowandhunter: I am filled with sorrow because of you. You gave me up for
adoption :(
Ishipwillowandhunter: at least I have my daddy Zach now
Izzy_blight: I'm so sorry baby I miss you so much
Person112: Yas 😩
Izzy_blight: I am going to break bad if I don't get my baby back
Ishipwillowandhunter: Do you really miss me? Does that mean you can go back to
being my mommy?
Ishipwillowandhunter: You put me up for adoption once :( how do I know you won't do
it again
Person112: Is it just me orrr do y'all in the middle of nowhere start saying your
name and thinking it's a weird asf name?
Izzy_blight: Please son. I am so truly deeply filled with regret for what I have
done. I need you in my life or Im gonna go crazy go stupid and shing-shang-a-ling-
lang smash my piggy bank
Ishipwillowandhunter: I do that. Michael is just so strange.
Ishipwillowandhunter: ugh I hate saying my nme
Ishipwillowandhunter: Izzy, you were already crazy but i'll come back to you. As
long as you allow me to cuddle you for 5 minutes.
Izzy_blight: Of course. Let me get the suit on
Person112: Nah I like Michael, it rolls off yo tongue
Keigo: Rawr
Izzy_blight: It is very fun to say
Izzy_blight: I love word
Izzy_blight: Machael
Ishipwillowandhunter: Coming from you. Zach sounds very nice to say and Izzy is
such a pretty name.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Much better than Jeff
Keigo: Cumming
Izzy_blight: My name is Jeff
Ishipwillowandhunter: Cumming on my cock
Ishipwillowandhunter: or on my face. Actually, why not both?
Izzy_blight: I got something in my eye it freakin burns
Person112: Fuck life, night
Izzy_blight: Love death, morning
Ishipwillowandhunter: I hate that i know for a fact there are 4 people erping right
now. or they were
Ishipwillowandhunter: where's my fun :(
Izzy_blight: Ew
Izzy_blight: I know about two of them but I didn't know there was more
Ishipwillowandhunter: At least 4.
Oofalladeez: sup guys
Izzy_blight: Not gonna ask how you know. Wanna make it at least 6?
Izzy_blight: Hey jimmy
Ishipwillowandhunter: of course baby <3
Izzy_blight: oof baby you so musky *runs my paws over your inner thighs*
Oofalladeez: what the fuck izzy
Izzy_blight: Idk man I'm in a bad mental state tonight, worse than usual
Oofalladeez: there's only two people I would want doing that
Oofalladeez: both of them are not here
Izzy_blight: I can summon them with magic
Oofalladeez: really?
Oofalladeez: bet u can't
Oofalladeez: You don't even know who they are
Ishipwillowandhunter: I get on my hands and knees, arching my back. I feel your
hands on my hips as you position yourself behind me, your cock pressing against my
asshole that has someone became wet despite biology. I let out a low moan of
pleasure as you push into me*

*cums instantly and forgets last name*

Ishipwillowandhunter: everyone knows who they are Nate
Izzy_blight: Owo
Oofalladeez: well everyone knows one
Oofalladeez: not the other
Izzy_blight: Yes. Jimmy and Jonathan
Izzy_blight: I know your secrets
Dtrump: thats cool
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes, I know both
Ishipwillowandhunter: I am god
Ishipwillowandhunter: I know everything
Oofalladeez: izzy your wrong
Oofalladeez: guess the other one then mich
Ishipwillowandhunter: like where Jimmy keeps the pizza (in his fat folds)
Ishipwillowandhunter: you want that in pub?
Izzy_blight: Yum
Izzy_blight: Jimmys FUPA pizza 🤤
Ishipwillowandhunter: im so tired I just wrote says as sais
Izzy_blight: Ninja warrior
Izzy_blight: You know kung fu? You know how make kung pao chicken?
Ishipwillowandhunter: I actually do, would you like some? I love eastern asian food
in general.
Izzy_blight: No thank, too rich for my filthy Western blood. Just some McNuggets
will be fine
Izzy_blight: Make sure it's a 50-piece box
Ishipwillowandhunter: I guarantee you I will have eaten half the box by the time it
gets to you.
Izzy_blight: That's okie, I can always cut them out of you later :)
Ishipwillowandhunter: This...arouses me?
Izzy_blight: Take the fish gutter to that nice soft abdomen, mmm fuck yeah
Ishipwillowandhunter: god I'm so hard right now
Ishipwillowandhunter: my hot, throbbing cock is aching for your ass Izzy
Izzy_blight: I... I don't know who needs to go to Arkham Asylum more at this point,
me or you. Maybe both of us should go to solitary
Ishipwillowandhunter: Solitary? So a dark, empty room together where we won't be
Izzy_blight: Yes darling uwu06:22:59WedIzzy_blight: Uh don't ask what it's about
Izzy_blight: Anyway,
Hello91: i'm bored
Ishipwillowandhunter: My curiosity has peaked, just like you in a few minutes. I
won't ask though
Izzy_blight: Nya daddy I love your body I can't wait to feel it against mine on a
cold metal table~
Izzy_blight: Oh gosh I really hope m dad hasn't seen any of this oh funk
Izzy_blight: That is a horrifying thought i just had cause hes right THERE
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm glad you said something because I was about to send the
most unholy thing known to man kind
Izzy_blight: Oh, please continue then
Ishipwillowandhunter: In just a moment, 'm hungry. brb
Izzy_blight: Very important to get the proper nutrition. I suggest crab meat
Izzy_blight: Cut up mr crabs that greedy scallywag
Dtrump: do you kill the crab with your hands
Izzy_blight: Rip its legs off with your big strong bare man hands
Izzy_blight: Mr. Krabs whoring himself out for money, and becoming an even crustier
crab than his restaurant.
Keigo: Nate
Keigo: Im back
Izzy_blight: Oh boy the sex can resume
Keigo: Huh?
Izzy_blight: 🦍 Winton
Ishipwillowandhunter: okay back loves
Oofalladeez: kei?
Izzy_blight: Gregory five night freddye
Izzy_blight: Fubking ROBOT CHILD
Izzy_blight: WHAT
Ishipwillowandhunter: I can't be the only one that loves security breach an
unreasonable amount, right?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh did you not know this?
Keigo: Yes
Izzy_blight: No I knew but I just remembered and I
Izzy_blight: How did this franchise turn into this
Izzy_blight: How did we get from 2014 spooky game to ROBOT KIDS
Keigo: Yes nate1
Ishipwillowandhunter: Fnaf has come a long way. tbf they were always robot kids.
Kids inhabiting robots.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Scott cawthorn and markiplier to some extent
Izzy_blight: Didn't scott leave the franchise like 2 games ago
Ishipwillowandhunter: He still owns it and watches over it
Ishipwillowandhunter: He also wrote the screenplay for the fnaf movie coming up
Izzy_blight: Nice. He is the god of five years at fredy's. Murkipleenus is the
king. Both very cool bros
Izzy_blight: Matthew Patrick is the insane conspiracy theorist who lives in the
shack near the abandoned fnaf 1 location
Izzy_blight: Dawko is the dog
Ishipwillowandhunter: Markiplier and Coryxkenshin are the gods of Fnaf. Matpat is
just something else entirely
Izzy_blight: Big happy family
Ishipwillowandhunter: I need to rewatch all of matpats fnaf videos. Ive forgotten
the vast majority
Izzy_blight: Too much information to retain for 9 years. How does he do it
Ishipwillowandhunter: I have no idea. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who
has no idea what's going on each time he uploads a new fnaf video.
Izzy_blight: Yea i always click on them but I never remember wtf it was about 10
minutes later, or what happened in the last one
Ishipwillowandhunter: I know almost all of security breach lore but the rest is
lost on me.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh well, I don't want to think about this right now
Izzy_blight: Yeah... All i know is some kids died and there's a British pedophile
who lives in a rabbit suit and there are robot kids
Izzy_blight: Very fun and cool
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm trying very hard to stay up
Izzy_blight: Sleep is good for your cybIshipwillowandhunter: Bitch if I had that
kind of money I'd be blowing it on cocaine not toilets
Izzy_blight: But you can blow it out your ass
Izzy_blight: Wouldn't that be cool
Izzy_blight: It has a bidet and a vibrator built in too
Ishipwillowandhunter: A vibrator you say? I may have to reconsider
Inasg_no: .
Inasg_no: hi
Izzy_blight: Hi Paul
Inasg_no: Hi Phil
Izzy_blight: Did you go to the schnitzel store
Inasg_no: No
Izzy_blight: Heck
Izzy_blight: Time to punish you
Hello91: hi tay
Inasg_no: hi
Izzy_blight: I love squishy boobs
Izzy_blight: I need some in my face
Inasg_no: you can play with my boobs izzy
Izzy_blight: Owo
Izzy_blight: If you would be so gracious
Izzy_blight: By all means, allow me
Inasg_no: i allow you <3
Izzy_blight: Dear me. Why am I saying this. What is wrong with me tonight
Inasg_no: nothing
Inasg_no: i miss michy Zach slutty Nate other Nate and you Izzy
Inasg_no: :(
Izzy_blight: I am horny, my back hurts, and I am remembering what it feels like to
be cheated on by the love of my life. What a miserable combination
Izzy_blight: If I was able I would go crazy and riggity smiggity smash my face into
a telephone pole
Inasg_no: please don't
Inasg_no: i love you Izzy 🥺
Izzy_blight: I love you too baby girl and your eyes and ears and neck and shoulders
and your smile and your throat
Inasg_no: lmao thank you
Inasg_no: my throat?
Izzy_blight: Yes. and of course your shoes
Inasg_no: oh thank you
Izzy_blight: But of course, mon Cherie
Inasg_no: my love dans français
Oofalladeez: TAY
Inasg_no: NATE
Oofalladeez: and you were supposed to say mon amor
Oofalladeez: not my love XD
Inasg_no: Mon cherie works too
Oofalladeez: Don;t you live right next to France?
Oofalladeez: XD
Inasg_no: I'm on an island xd
Oofalladeez: Uh hello? English Channel?
Inasg_no: definitely didn't go to France last month 😳
Oofalladeez: The Chunnel?
Inasg_no: hahah
Inasg_no: maybe
Oofalladeez: im fuckin tired
Oofalladeez: but I wanna stay up
Izzy_blight: Im gay
Inasg_no: why u wanna stay up lol
Oofalladeez: we know
Izzy_blight: Good
Oofalladeez: cause I love this fucking website
Dtrump: idek
Inasg_no: lol
Oofalladeez: ...
Inasg_no: hi trump
Inasg_no: Nate
Oofalladeez: yes?
Inasg_no: Is mich upset with me
Oofalladeez: Idk
Dtrump: hi
Oofalladeez: MICH
Inasg_no: he was online then he got offline them he came back and now he's gone
Izzy_blight: I wanna see naked women but my shitty hotel wifi is so throttled that
I can't even open a second tab
Oofalladeez: oh idk
Inasg_no: im worried asf that I've done smth :(
Oofalladeez: I don't think u did
Oofalladeez: I can;t think of shit
Izzy_blight: You are perfect
Oofalladeez: NATE
Oofalladeez: I KNOW U HERE U FUCK XD
Inasg_no: Hello91: no sorry i'm on a call with kiki
Inasg_no: he on call
Oofalladeez: ah
Inasg_no: ignoring us all 🙄🙄
Inasg_no: and I'm far from perfect Izzy
Izzy_blight: Having sex on call 🤨🤨
Inasg_no: possibly 🤑🤑
Oofalladeez: yeah I'm on a call too XD IZZY NO XD
Inasg_no: with whooo?
Oofalladeez: Wait Nate and Kei?
Dtrump: thats interesting
Oofalladeez: When this happen?
Inasg_no: Nate X Kiki?
Inasg_no: possiblen
Inasg_no: possible
Izzy_blight: No idea
Inasg_no: holy shit I feel sick
Oofalladeez: U don't wanna know
Izzy_blight: drink some water
Dtrump: i love guessing
Izzy_blight: Eat some soup
Izzy_blight: Soup soup soup soup soup
Izzy_blight: SOAP
Izzy_blight: I I I've been doing just fine I yiiisayiyiyaasssssssyiyiyiyisyis I
Inasg_no: Izzy
Inasg_no: you are fucking adorable
Inasg_no: gtg
Inasg_no: I'll be back maybe
Oofalladeez: FUCK
(anon): what
Hello91: nooooo
Oofalladeez: anon who u?
Izzy_blight: Aw man gh
(anon): tay
(anon): shit no nvm gtg
Oofalladeez: oh duh
Hello91: i'm here now what's going on
Izzy_blight: I lobe you
Izzy_blight: Earlobes
Oofalladeez: bye tay...
Hello91: bye tay
Izzy_blight: Fucn I need to brush my tiInasg_no: I feel so fucking sickk
Inasg_no: also bck
Oofalladeez: wb
Oofalladeez: and what wrong tay?
Inasg_no: thanks
Inasg_no: a lot
Inasg_no: emotionally or physically
Inasg_no: which one are we talking abt
Oofalladeez: oh shit
Oofalladeez: uh... both?
Inasg_no: well physically I feel sick to my stomach, and well mentally lots and
Oofalladeez: you know u can talk to me about it right/
Inasg_no: ik
Inasg_no: thank you
Inasg_no: gtg in a sec
Oofalladeez: fuck....
Inasg_no: what
Inasg_no: okay gtg now
Inasg_no: bye yall ly
Inasg_no: I'll be back at 3pm
Inasg_no: maybe
Inasg_no: tell mich I'm sorry for whatever I've done
Oofalladeez: okay... bye
Oofalladeez: anyone still here?
Oofalladeez: other then Sleeping Cam and Nate fucking kei in vid call
Dtrump: im still here
Oofalladeez: oh
Oofalladeez: ever listened to Dance To It by Tut Tut Child?
Dtrump: nope
Oofalladeez: it's pretty good
Hello91: we arent fucking
Oofalladeez: u sure Nate? XD
Oofalladeez: and I'm kidding
(anon): Not yet
Oofalladeez: but u a thing now?
Oofalladeez: XD KEI? XD
Hello91: we aren't dating yet
Hello91: not officially at least
Izzy_blight: I feel like I'm getting fucked in the kidney right now
Izzy_blight: Son of a bitch
Izzy_blight: Do I have kidney stones
Oofalladeez: Izzy how do you know what being fucked in the kidney feels like?
That's kinda fucked up
Izzy_blight: I've been places man
Izzy_blight: Places no one should ever be
Oofalladeez: time to fulfill a promise I made a firnd
Izzy_blight: Are you doing that thing tonight
Izzy_blight: I wanna do that but mom didn't sign my permission slip
Oofalladeez: ...
Dtrump: suss
Izzy_blight: Joe Mungos08:06:41WednesdaIzzy_blight: I met her once or twice a month
ago. Was nice
Hello91: oh ashh
Hello91: yeah what about it?
Oofalladeez: yeah she gave me her pinterest
Dtrump: thats a crazy sentence
Hello91: what was the promise?
Oofalladeez: she had me promise to hit ehr up
Hello91: cool
Oofalladeez: maybe she'll come back on here
Hello91: idk
Oofalladeez: not tonigth i mean
Dtrump: what was her name on here?
Hello91: it will probably be a while
Hello91: she had a complete tear in her left acl and needs surgery so probably
won't be on for a while
Izzy_blight: Owie
Hello91: yeah
Oofalladeez: oh fuck
Hello91: fr
Oofalladeez: this is shit from her pinterest XD
Izzy_blight: Beautiful
Dtrump: like tumblr
Oofalladeez: Holy shit this meme XD
Hello91: sounds about right
Oofalladeez: why does this sound like me?
Oofalladeez: not the image but the fuckin text
Hello91: does she have the 92nd pig meme? like the plutonium one?
Oofalladeez: idk
Hello91: hi
Hello91: my pronouns are
Oofalladeez: attack helicopter?
Hello91: let me (She/Them) tiddies
Oofalladeez: XD
Oofalladeez: kei that you?
Oofalladeez: so Nate your pronouns are She/Them tiddies?
Oofalladeez: I identify as a Threat
Oofalladeez: My pronouns are Try/Me
Oofalladeez: Ni-Gru
Oofalladeez: new release
Hello91: Nate that was by far the cringiest most discord mod living in his parents'
basement thing i have ever read
Hello91: Oofalladeez: I identify as a Threat
Oofalladeez: My pronouns are Try/Me
Oofalladeez: jokes on you
Oofalladeez: my mom doesn't have a basement
Oofalladeez: and I'm living with my sister now
Hello91: she does at the whore house she works in
Oofalladeez: wow classy Nate08:41:16WedOofalladeez:
Oofalladeez: omg why is this funny? WHY?!
Hello91: lol
Oofalladeez: ... delete that
Oofalladeez: ....
Oofalladeez: delete that...
Oofalladeez: image... erase...
Hello91: lmao
Hello91: great trade
Oofalladeez: yo you know the creepy thomas child image?
Oofalladeez: I found out how they made it
Oofalladeez: I'm prolly going to bed so(anon): Tsup
Toxic_catboy: Ig i am here kinda early
Cameronshifler: Good morning
Cameronshifler: Of anyone is on
Cameronshifler: If*13:17:57Wednesday, JIzzy_blight: Trevor has a fever and is
throwing up on my hair
Izzy_blight: I am going to punch up on his face for this
Toxic_catboy: Ok..
Cameron885: spencer???
Toxic_catboy: Hm?
Cameron885: well hi
Toxic_catboy: Hewwo
Toxic_catboy: Hru?
Izzy_blight: Hi tler
Toxic_catboy: Ok...
Cameron885: im good!
Cameron885: sorry. in class
Toxic_catboy: Imagine being in school lol
Toxic_catboy: Im glad ur good
Cameron885: yeah lol hru
Toxic_catboy: Eh
Cameron885: I feel that. wanna talk?
Toxic_catboy: Preferably not
Toxic_catboy: Going weeks of being alone just isnt good for the ol mentality ya
Cameronshifler: Back because I have no life
Toxic_catboy: Ok...
Cameronshifler: Hi toxic
Toxic_catboy: Yo
Toxic_catboy: And u r?
Cameron885: hi cam
Cameronshifler: I am Cameron, not cameron855 I am a different cam
Toxic_catboy: Pass u are now jeff
Cameronshifler: 885*
Cameronshifler: .....
Toxic_catboy: Hello jeff
Izzy_blight: My name jeff
Cameron885: 885 is an important date for me
Toxic_catboy: No ur izzy
Toxic_catboy: And aight
Izzy_blight: Oh I forgor
Izzy_blight: My bad pimp i didn't take my meds last night
Toxic_catboy: Bet
Cameronshifler: Wtf, it is to early for this shit
Izzy_blight: 24/7 insanity
Izzy_blight: It never stops. Only slows
Toxic_catboy: What do you think when you see me? Dont judge me im doing my best.
Why couldnt my life be easy? Thats because mine is a test. And maybe im broken
completely im always so fucking deppressed
Izzy_blight: I broke up with my school boyfriend of two days as of yesterday. I'm
heartbroken. I put on extra black eyeliner this morning to show how hurt I am.
Being 14 is so hard. At least I'll always have My Chemical Romance.
Toxic_catboy: Im meaningless nobody needs me. Im everyones deepest regret. Yea.
This mind that i have is a sad one. This heart that i have is a black one. I
contemplate using this handgun
Toxic_catboy: Mcr is goated
Izzy_blight: Based
Toxic_catboy: I think the song u want is either i dont love you or the goast of you
Toxic_catboy: Ghost
Toxic_catboy: Tf is a goast
Izzy_blight: The Goat of You 🐐
Toxic_catboy: Lol
Izzy_blight: A song about my wifes pet goat
Izzy_blight: Why do I want to write that now
Toxic_catboy: New day same izzy
Izzy_blight: Unfortunately so. Still stupid as a rock
Toxic_catboy: Not stupid just special
Izzy_blight: My mommy says im special. I have Artism
Toxic_catboy: So you are an artist
Toxic_catboy: Kewl
Izzy_blight: Im so artistic :} and I have a brain tumor
Cameronshifler: .....
Toxic_catboy: ...
Toxic_catboy: Thats enough out of you
Cameronshifler: Is Izzy ok?
Cameronshifler: Should I be concerned
Toxic_catboy: Define ok
Izzy_blight: The doctors say I don't have much time left.
Cameronshifler: Oh shit
Toxic_catboy: She is fine...
Cameronshifler: Are you sure?
Toxic_catboy: Yea
Izzy_blight: Tell my goat i love him
Cameronshifler: .....
Izzy_blight: Oh the humanity of it all
Toxic_catboy: Ok then
Izzy_blight: Ok anyway who wants to see my feet
Cameronshifler: I think I am going to leave for a bit....
Cameronshifler: NOT ME
Izzy_blight: Ok have nice day :]
Cameronshifler: Why did I come back to this chat?😭😭
Izzy_blight: You cannot escape
Cameronshifler: AHHHh
Izzy_blight: One of us one of us one of us
Toxic_catboy: Im gonna go listen to sad music now
Cameronshifler: Yes I can
Cameronshifler: * shoots himself* piece out bitches
Izzy_blight: *brain tumor explodes*
Izzy_blight: *has seizure and dies*
Toxic_catboy: Peace*13:52:31Wednesday, Izzy_blight: Unless. You gibe me
jellybean :>
Izzy_blight: I have been legally dead since 1858
Toxic_catboy: I work all day and cry all night i really hate my life im not alright
i tend to waste my time inside my mind i really hate my life im not alright
Oofalladeez: Holy duck no one is here...
Oofalladeez: .............
Oofalladeez: Not even stay who said she'd be here
Ring: :|
Toxic_catboy: ;)
Ring: TOX
Toxic_catboy: Yo
Ring: hru
Toxic_catboy: Oh im great (says sarcastically)
Oofalladeez: SPENCER!
Daddy_risk: hi oof
Toxic_catboy: NATE
Daddy_risk: SPENER
Daddy_risk: SPENCER*
Daddy_risk: hru bro
Oofalladeez: FR man. Sorry if I pop in abd out. At work.
Toxic_catboy: Im terrific ( says sarcastically )
Daddy_risk: oh im leaving for wok in 10 min
Toxic_catboy: Wok lol
Daddy_risk: work
Daddy_risk: my keyboard is fucked
Ring: i have a drivers test on friday :>
Daddy_risk: gl
Ring: thx :>
Daddy_risk: np
Oofalladeez: Wok
Toxic_catboy: U gonna go out gta style
Oofalladeez: Dwayne the Wok Johnson
Daddy_risk: lol nate
Oofalladeez: Brb gotta gonin our freezer.
Daddy_risk: ok
Cameron885: hewwo uwu
Oppaienjoyer: wat
Daddy_risk: CAM
Toxic_catboy: Dghytghhjhbbgfresdvbn
Ring: hi cam :>
Daddy_risk: i only have like 3 min tho
Daddy_risk: gtg to work
Cameron885: hiiiii
Cameron885: nooooo
Ring: bye :>
Oofalladeez: CAM
Cameron885: hi ring!
Cameron885: hi nate!
Ring: HI CAM :>
Ring: HRU?
Cameron885: IM SORE BUT GOOD
Ring: wdym by that :|
Toxic_catboy: Sore from wut?
Ring: .........
Ring: ...........
Cameron885: lol working out
Cameron885: stupids
Toxic_catboy: Did u get some???
Ring: oh dayum i got some muscle now :>
Toxic_catboy: Lol
Cameron885: noice
Ring: :>
Cameron885: uwu
Ring: no......
Ring: -w-
Daddy_risk: gtg
Ring: bye
Daddy_risk: sorry cam
Ring: have fun
Cameron885: have you ever just wanted to revert back to your child like sense for
no reason
Cameron885: No
Ring: i also got a really good femboy voice now :>
Cameron885: hot
Ring: .......
Cameron885: im joking
Daddy_risk: yes im sorry but i have to work
Daddy_risk: bye guys
Cameron885: no
Ring: bye bye
Ring: :>
Cameron885: if you leave your gay
Toxic_catboy: Bye then
Cameron885: risk is gay now
Cameron885: wait spencer no!
Ring: dayum i think i gtg
Ring: shucks
Cameron885: oh....
Ring: lol
Cameron885: damn...
Ring: i was joking
Toxic_catboy: Dayum
Cameron885: so wyd?
Ring: me?
Cameron885: anybody lol
Toxic_catboy: I listen to sadge music
Oofalladeez: Im wotki
Oofalladeez: Workin
Ring: oh well im regreting loving my ex becasue she cheated on me with 2 guys :>
Toxic_catboy: Wotki -_-
Ring: :>
Cameron885: oh hun...
Cameron885: im so sorry
Toxic_catboy: Skill issue ring
Oofalladeez: Shut...
Cameron885: hey be nice!
Ring: na im over it just thinking why she would do that :>
Oofalladeez: Spencer!
Toxic_catboy: Hm?
Cameron885: people do mean things. sometime out of our conrol but im proud of you
for getting over it!
Cameron885: lol had a dad moment there
Toxic_catboy: Father is proud
Ring: you can be my daddy UwU
Ring: (joke)
Ring: :>
Cameron885: Lol i know
Toxic_catboy: If only my actual dad could do that
Cameron885: im a father figure to many of my friends now
Cameron885: damn same here
Ring: mine is dead.........
Toxic_catboy: U r not my father
Cameron885: i know spencer im reffering to irl
Toxic_catboy: Did oj get him?
Ring: yes
Cameron885: damn spener
Ring: oj sucked him off real good :>
Cameron885: spincer
Cameron885: spencerr
Cameron885: fuck
Toxic_catboy: I know i meant it in the metaphorical sense
Ring: spinr :>14:27:06Wednesday, June Ring: :>
Ring: ima go soon
Toxic_catboy: Ok
Toxic_catboy: I nee therapy
Ring: i've just been doing more and more workouts each day
Toxic_catboy: But i refuse to talk
Ring: most of my day is just working out now :|
Cameron885: damn...well i feel uneeded so imma go too...i start work anyways soon,
idk when yet but soon.
Ring: ok ima go bye i love you spencer and cam have fun :>
Toxic_catboy: Dont go
Toxic_catboy: Either of yous
Cameron885: ill stay for a bit
Ring: i gotta workout........
Ring: :>
Ring: most of my day is working out :>
Toxic_catboy: You both say or ur a ho
Toxic_catboy: Stay
Ring: i love boff of you guys :>
Ring: ok ig ima ho :>
Cameron885: we love you ring
Toxic_catboy: Ily ring
Toxic_catboy: Dont hurt urself
Cameron885: its azala...
Cameron885: people are gonna hurt themselves one way or another
Toxic_catboy: So?
Oofalladeez: Cam u are needed
Oofalladeez: Dont u fuckin dare leave
Toxic_catboy: Im not needed
Oofalladeez: Spencwe i misses the fuck out of u
Cameron885: nate my work schedule changed today...
Toxic_catboy: Life goes on
Oofalladeez: ...
Cameron885: dont worry it's not that bad
Cameron885: spencer we all love you here
Toxic_catboy: Alone again. I love my life. I burn my hand. I love my life
Toxic_catboy: No point in wasting love on someone who dissapoints
Toxic_catboy: She asked me. How do you do? Well i hate myself. But whats new?
Cameron885: damn...
Daddy_risk: IM BACK
Toxic_catboy: Wb
Daddy_risk: i only have untill 11
Daddy_risk: so 25 min
Cameronshifler: Back because I am bored
Cameron885: wb
Toxic_catboy: Wb bitches
Daddy_risk: sorry i left cam
Cameronshifler: CAM!!! HI
Cameron885: hiiiiii!
Daddy_risk: omg 2 cams
Toxic_catboy: Lol
Cameron885: risk im gonna be gone all day
Cameronshifler: I am leaving, but y'all
Daddy_risk: will u be back tn?
Cameron885: i leave in about 50 minutes
Daddy_risk: ok :(
Cameron885: dont be sad it's okay
Daddy_risk: im going to be gone in 20 min
Daddy_risk: ok i wont be sad
Oofalladeez: Hard not to be sad the way ur boss treats u
Toxic_catboy: No luck im bored almost every day. I suck i do nothing to make a
change. Building up my anger i got so much hate. But you got something to say cuz
you keep staring at me?
Daddy_risk: fr
Oofalladeez: And I thought I had thw shiftiest boss
Oofalladeez: Shitty
Daddy_risk: nah cam has a pretty shitty boss
Daddy_risk: i wish they could quit thier job
Cameron885: i cant risk...
Daddy_risk: ik is sucks
Daddy_risk: hopefully after u turn 18 u can quit
Toxic_catboy: And i would talk to you but im to busy sweating. And this social
awkwardness is getting to me. I went too long without socializing
Daddy_risk: fr
Daddy_risk: spencer guess what
Cameron885: i have a contract risk i physically can't quit
Toxic_catboy: Chicken butt
Daddy_risk: i got diagnosed with bipoler
Daddy_risk: im sorry cam
Toxic_catboy: Skill issue
Cameron885: yeah you right...
Toxic_catboy: I have clinical deppression
Cameron885: I have many things...a life is not one of them
Daddy_risk: damn
Toxic_catboy: Same cam
Daddy_risk: shit my trainer is here, cya tn cam
Daddy_risk: gtg
Toxic_catboy: Bye risk
Oofalladeez: Bye risk...
Cameron885: bye risk see you sometime
Toxic_catboy: So... My doctor let me look through my file the other day
Oofalladeez: ...
Toxic_catboy: And well... #1 my liver is healthy
Toxic_catboy: Thats good
Oofalladeez: Sorey guys chat crashes
Oofalladeez: Shit no pne here.....
Toxic_catboy: But apparently when i was 7 i was diagnosed with something called
reactiv atachment disorder
Oofalladeez: Tf
Toxic_catboy: Hm?
Oofalladeez: Sorry jus don know what it be
Toxic_catboy: The disorder thing?
Oofalladeez: Yeah
Toxic_catboy: I did some research
Cameronshifler: Why is it al says me getting attacked by children😭😭
Cameronshifler: Always*
Toxic_catboy: Hm?
Cameron885: aw fuck i just came back and my friend left.......
Cameron885: i sad now
Cameronshifler: Last time, the kids had a fork and stabbed my dick so much...
Cameronshifler: That shit hurt so bad
Toxic_catboy: Yall should read the symptoms to reactive atachment disorder its a
great read
Cameronshifler: Nah, my gf has that
Cameronshifler: Oh no....they have forks again...
Toxic_catboy: You guys really wanna look into it then
Cameronshifler: ON SHIT
Cameronshifler: OH*
Toxic_catboy: Its a great read im telling you
Inasg_no: hi
Cameronshifler: TAY
Cameronshifler: HELp
Inasg_no: hey
Toxic_catboy: He is getting muscles
Inasg_no: what
Inasg_no: ok
Toxic_catboy: Tsup tay
Inasg_no: a lot u
Inasg_no: ok
Toxic_catboy: im doing research
Inasg_no: ok
Toxic_catboy: Its boring
Cameron885: im getting prepped and primed
Cameron885: bro i got sparkles in my eyes!
Toxic_catboy: Ok...
Oofalladeez: .....15:01:41Wednesday, JInasg_no: ...
Toxic_catboy: Anyone know how cin is doing?
Inasg_no: no
Toxic_catboy: Damn
Toxic_catboy: Ok
Inasg_no: are u guys still acting like you don't like eachother or yall actually
Oofalladeez: Sorry Spencer...
Toxic_catboy: Its complicated
Inasg_no: ok
Toxic_catboy: My research it tetting me nowhere
Toxic_catboy: Is getting
Inasg_no: ok
Cocos: I didn't even talked
Inasg_no: seen mich or Zach today
Toxic_catboy: No who zach?
Inasg_no: Person112
Toxic_catboy: No i haven't sorry
Inasg_no: ok it's fine
Toxic_catboy: Welp
Opla_jps: The benefits of feminism is more woman
Toxic_catboy: Indeed
Opla_jps: The disadvantages are less men
Toxic_catboy: But then you got the bitches who take it too far
Opla_jps: As a bi, I have no opinion on this
Toxic_catboy: As a man i say " kill me "
Opla_jps: As a woah, I ask "why"
Opla_jps: Catism
Toxic_catboy: As a man i say "Society is fucked"
Inasg_no: as a woman I say that too Spencer
Opla_jps: Fuckism, Societism
Opla_jps: Spencerism, Jimmyism, so many political movements to keep track
Toxic_catboy: Izzy?
Toxic_catboy: That u?
Opla_jps: Free-SexIsm
Opla_jps: From Federal-Reserve-Debts-Paid-Sex-Ism
Toxic_catboy: Why not just have sex?
Opla_jps: Yeah that's a cool ism
Opla_jps: How? ;(
Toxic_catboy: Idk
Opla_jps: Same
Inasg_no: did you js ask how you have sex
Toxic_catboy: Just get laid
Opla_jps: The access
Opla_jps: is hard
Inasg_no: no it isn't
Opla_jps: You mean you just... ask and she says yes?
Opla_jps: $ 0?
Inasg_no: flirt wit one of your guy friends, start texting tell them you like them
go out tg at night and fuck
Inasg_no: I'm a girl
Inasg_no: Ask and he says*
Toxic_catboy: I withold my right to an attorney
Opla_jps: Girls lie as only gets chads
Opla_jps: Would I say if I was an incel
Inasg_no: that sentence makes no sense
Ishipwillowandhunter: morning loves
Inasg_no: afternoon
Toxic_catboy: How to take advantage of a male
Opla_jps: Girls are lying to perserve the 1% hierarchy of chads against the losers
Opla_jps: M I D N I G H T
Inasg_no: I'm still confused. What abt midnight
Opla_jps: They say "I have a chance" just to keep the illusion of the American Pie
Inasg_no: stereotypical much
Toxic_catboy: Great song
Opla_jps: morning loves" "afternoon" "midnight"
Opla_jps: And the American Dream of getting laid
Inasg_no: it's 4:16 pm
Oofalladeez: ...
Person112: Morning
Oofalladeez: Uh no tay
Inasg_no: afternoon
Inasg_no: uh yes Nate
Opla_jps: 6:9 PM
Oofalladeez: It's 10:16
Oofalladeez: Morning
Inasg_no: 4:16 pm
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm currently in the shower, ill brb when I'm ready
Inasg_no: afternoon
Toxic_catboy: Timezones
Ishipwillowandhunter: byeee
Opla_jps: I don't care what timezone you're o
Inasg_no: bye mich ly
Opla_jps: Its tea time universally
Inasg_no: tea time?
Opla_jps: Tea Time!
Inasg_no: opla where u at
Toxic_catboy: I can feel the tension
Opla_jps: *sips tea*
Opla_jps: In the pacific ocean
Inasg_no: funny
Opla_jps: Between the moon and Pearl Habor
Inasg_no: It's 4pm
Opla_jps: Are you sure?
Inasg_no: ur in Europe ik that
Opla_jps: Look again
Toxic_catboy: Rebuild the towers
Inasg_no: 16:17
Inasg_no: 4p?
Inasg_no: 4pm*
Inasg_no: 16:18*
Opla_jps: and now?
Opla_jps: See?
Inasg_no: it's 4pm
Opla_jps: Nothing is as it seems it is
Inasg_no: you're in Europe
Inasg_no: cuz you said it's 6
Opla_jps: Things can change behind your back meanwhile you think you know it
Inasg_no: and?
Inasg_no: brb
Opla_jps: You thought its 17 mins, yet during that you saying it, it was :18.
Opla_jps: It's 6:9 PM
Toxic_catboy: You know its not the same as it was.As it was. As it was. You know
its not the same as it was
Opla_jps: Exactly
Opla_jps: Now repeat that Issy
Opla_jps: or Inasg. You are all the same to me
Opla_jps: Even z and s are the same
Opla_jps: Inazg?
Toxic_catboy: ...
Opla_jps: Ok I am in South America and wish America to burn
Opla_jps: You got me, whoever whispered me
Opla_jps: But it's true, the US can invade Iraq but Ukraine is too far?
Toxic_catboy: Merica sux
Opla_jps: fr
Opla_jps: huehuehue
Opla_jps: Texting and eating chili is dirty
(anon): Hi
Eggs_72: Hello
Uterus: Oh hi
Bussy51: Well well well
Eggs_72: Can we stop and enjoy this silence?
Toxic_catboy: Gtg
Eggs_72: Bye
Ozeros: Hello sweetie
Ozeros: Where are a diamond like you coming from?
Ozeros: I am in Harbard University and you?
Ozeros: That's a better university than the State of Colorado
Ozeros: You underestimate how bad it is there
Ozeros: Normally I would never grab someone but today is the day.
Ozeros: Nice.
Ozeros: Wow.
Ozeros: Cool.
Ozeros: Ok ok hold on.
Ozeros: Who. Are. You.
Ozeros: Oh. That cutie is my mirror 😎
Ozeros: After years of training, I am finally there.
Person112: ...
Ozeros: Not Gold, but bronze medal is more worth than this entire website
Ozeros: Yeah. *flex* *flex*
Ozeros: *streches muscles* Uff
Ozeros: I can't believe I got no birches. They are all too scared to talk to
someone like me, Oz.
Ozeros: Hiyah *throws my arm*
Ozeros: *Kung-Fu-Style allla Chuck Norris*
Person112: ತ_ʖತ
Ozeros: Even if I gain fat, they will burn right away.
Person112: Totally
Ozeros: I am the best. I am the greateOzeros: And made me happy with my body
Ozeros: But lets be honest, I have to work through for it
Person112: Ok
Ozeros: Still, if God controls everything, you could say I was the chosen one
Ozeros: That I am the protagonist, the main character who see things through so
many nuances
Ozeros: and everyone around me is my audience
Ozeros: I have to start a company and prove everyone wrong, including Steve Jobs
Ozeros: Or I chill a bit
Ozeros: Shats wrong with chilling? The protagonist doesn't progress for the
progressing's sake of his story, they have a purpose.
Ozeros: And right now, I reach my critical limit.
Person112: Bruh you ain't no "chosen one"
Ozeros: I am if a God exists. Maybe.
Ozeros: Or a very good almost-chosen-one.
Ozeros: Now back to my background: It was the July, 4 2019: I didn't know what to
do, sitting at a New York Pub
Ozeros: I took a martini and some man, named Jimmy Fellson sat next to me
Ozeros: I looked at his shiny eyes, kneeing that he had a offer to me, analyzing
Ozeros: I don't liked alcohol, but this was my day I at least tried a martini, and
it was delicious
Ozeros: Jimmy told me like a boomer:"Hey, do you heard of "MeMes?"
Ozeros: I said"It is 2019, so yes"
Ozeros: Jimmy:"What if I told you, that shitpost can create comic crises for the
ultra-rich, and you're one of them?"
Ozeros: "Why to me, random stranger?" I asked
Ozeros: Jimmy : "Random, or undetermined?"
Ozeros: Jimmy:"See, Quantum Mechanics exists and even Faymann didn't understood it"
Ozeros: me:"But why are you telling me this?"
Ozeros: Jimmy:"Because it's... half-random."
Ozeros: "The chances you meet me..." Me:"Yeah Yeah but how can I get rich real
Ozeros: Jimmy:"You have to understand the whole picture. Including the boring Ted-
Talks on YouTube and memes."
Ozeros: Me:" Just keep it short"
Ozeros: Jimmy:"Ok. The truth is that I don't know what I do and am still earning 1
milion each day."
Ozeros: Me:"You're kidding me. You use some method or AI to invest in the right
Ozeros: Jimmy:"There's also connections. Me:"That sounds boring. I want to be rich
real quick."
Ozeros: Jimmy:"The people at the Wall Street as you may noticed in GameShops, only
let certain amount of people ultra-rich..."
Ozeros: "... and the memes are there to influence children, the political
propagandas for adults."
Ozeros: Me:"Well, I knew that ethics was never capitalist's strength, yet tell me
what I have to do."
Ozeros: Jimmy:"You have to be friends with them, having alcoholic meetings and
install microphones everywhere just to listen to others investing."
Ozeros: Me:"That's crazy man" Jimmy:"That's why I also paid Asians and
psychologists for listening." Me:"What?"
Ozeros: Jimmy:"See, it's good to take risks, it's better to let someone others to
take risk and you can partwise the gains."
(anon): Who are you talking to
Ozeros: Jimmy:"I or someone else makes connections, put nano-cams in their clothes,
hears all the private stories from the ultra-rich and so, gain the highground."
Ozeros: Me:"Why are you telling me the useful part later on?" Jimmy:"I like talking
and gaining sympathy. Did it work?"
Cameronshifler: Back
Ozeros: Me:"It doesn't matter. But there's a too long."
Cameronshifler: .....ok then it
Ozeros: Jimmy Fallson:"So keep the notes: ***...
Cameronshifler: Ig*
Ozeros: Everyone who listen my story with attention, would know what to do.
Izzy_blight: Did somebody say Jimmy?
Cameronshifler: Is anyone else on? Lol
Ozeros: So. And Hitler is cringe
Cameronshifler: ....
Izzy_blight: I hate jimmy. He is so stupid and ugly and fat
Ozeros: Imagine being the rich 1%
Ozeros: Jimmy likes long walking a to the coast
Cameronshifler: Was this the wrong time to come back...?
Ozeros: Y. E S
Ozeros: LEAVE
Ozeros: *gets period * *spits blood*
Cameronshifler: Ok then
Ozeros: Byeeeeseeeee
Cameronshifler: ...OH SHIT
Ozeros: *turns to monster for 1 day*
Ozeros: Period raaaaaaaaah
Cameronshifler: And you say Hitler is cringe
Izzy_bllght: Jimmy once passed out and had to be taken away on a stretcher for
whales because he ate a blue ring octopus and died, He got better though.
Ozeros: Benevolent whales puke Jimmy
Izzy_blight: Classic Jimmy tbh
Ozeros: Jimmy the III
Izzy_blight: Jimmy Johnson Jr.
Ozeros: As Jimmy invade France, putting a decisive victory against Napoleon, he
dies of the Plague from Spain
Ozeros: Cringe Jimmy. Wins and still loses
Izzy_blight: One of the Jimmy moments of all time
Ozeros: Imagine being the only one who hasn't fun
Ishipwillowandhunter: Have you ever been so depressed, lonely, and angry that every
consecutive moment felt heavier than the last as if your misery was a gravity that
was increasing exponentially and you knew you could never escape it? Yeah, me too.
Ozeros: Woah. Paragraph alert
Ozeros: So Willow is the not-having-fun guy
Ozeros: Pillow and Bunter Biden
Ozeros: That's what I shit
Izzy_blight: Yes
Izzy_blight: Jimmy is screaming
Ozeros: And amazing
Ozeros: amazin
Izzy_blight: Jimmy is so cute
Izzy_bllght: I love seeing him scream in pain its toots adorable.
Ozeros: I was clinical death after the Barmizmah
Izzy_blight: Absolutely melts my heart
Izzy_blight: And my ovaries
Ishipwillowandhunter: I hate humanity again. No one deserves to be saved. We should
all be slaughtered.
Ozeros: After prom, only filled with cum
Person112: Mich :(
Oofalladeez: Much that is music to my ears
Oofalladeez: .....
Ozeros: Mich taht is music to my ears
Oofalladeez: That you ozeros
Izzy_blight: Hit the gas kill em all
Ozeros: I love humanity. Save everyone
Oofalladeez: Auto correct is a bitch
Ozeros: I can't sleep
Ozeros: Aaaaaah
Ozeros: Please Let me sleep
Ozeros: But what if I will never woke up again.
Person112: Then too bad
Ozeros: There's no medical guarantee for my heart not stopping beating
Ozeros: You know what, I deserved to be saved
Ozeros: Save me, gurl
Ishipwillowandhunter: My jaw hurts, my body hurts, my soul hurts. Someone co.e here
so I can love you
Ozeros: *cuddles Iship*
Izzy_blight: I volunteer Jimmy as tribute
Ozeros: UwU
Person112: Why yo jaw hurt?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Aww thank you baby
Ishipwillowandhunter: Cuz I was sucking dick
Ozeros: *takes 3 airports*
Ozeros: Do you have a real name?
Person112: Makes sense mikeal
Izzy_blight: I just ate gum that tastes like dish soap
Person112: His name is mikeal
Ozeros: Makes sense to me
Ishipwillowandhunter: I want to make cinnamon rolls for someone and cuddle them.
Who volunteers?
Ozeros: oh
Izzy_blight: Jimmy does
Person112: I DO
Ishipwillowandhunter: My name is not Mikael, Backache
Ozeros: Mikeal, I am your milk and you're my cereal
Ishipwillowandhunter: Zackarie* wtf autocorrect
Ozeros: Mikeal is the reason for serial killing
Ozeros: Because everyone wants to defend her
Person112: Lmfao
Ishipwillowandhunter: YAY ZACK GET DAT ASS OVER HERE
Ozeros: Zack more like fack
Person112: Ayyyyyyy
Izzy_blight: Zuck
Ishipwillowandhunter: I don't have cinnamon rolls but I made cookies yesterday
Ozeros: I ship
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes sweetie?
Izzy_blight: Yummy
Ozeros: Ishipwillowandhunter X Ozeros
Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh idk :/ I think Zach has me
Ishipishipwillowandhunterozero: Idk either
Izzy_blight: I ship me with a casket. The only correct ship
Oofalladeez: ....... I wanna die... Help me please....
Oofalladeez: Someone come and kill
Oofalladeez: me....
Ishipishipwgillowandhunterando: We can cum
Oofalladeez: I can't take tbis shit anymor
Oofalladeez: ...
Izzy_blight: Cuddle with him16:10:54WeIshipishipwillowandhunterxozer: Now you have
double cookies and one cock
Ishipishipwillowandhunterxozer: Or two depends on my relationship
Izzy_blight: Cooky
Izzy_blight: I. I am da cookie monsta
Oofalladeez: No I need the sweet release of death...
Izzy_blight: Rawr
Oofalladeez: Kill me please...
Izzy_blight: You needa cookieeeee
Izzy_blight: Here take mineeee
Izzy_blight: 🍪
Izzy_blight: Nooo
Izzy_blight: Only death you will die is from eating too much of da cookieeeeeeeeee
Izzy_blight: I apologize for not helping I will go self-flagellate now
Ozeros: Rawr
Oofalladeez: Who can kill me?....
Oofalladeez: Don't worry it won't be on your conscience... Im asking for it...
Person112: :(
Oofalladeez: Please... I'll provide your preferred method of killing...
Oofalladeez: I jus can't do it alone... I've tried...
Cameronshifler: What's wrong?
Cameronshifler: Also, hi oof
Cameronshifler: I love that every time I get on the chat is dead
Oofalladeez: I cant tell you... I promised....
Cameronshifler: Ok. You don't have to
Oofalladeez: I just wanna die....
Cameronshifler: Nope, not on my watch
Oofalladeez: Cameron please let me....
Cameronshifler: No
Oofalladeez: I can't fucking take it anymore.
Inasg_no: .
Inasg_no: bck
Oofalladeez: IM being fucking serious let me die....
Cameronshifler: TAYY HII!
Inasg_no: never nate
Inasg_no: hio
Inasg_no: hii*
Cameronshifler: No
Person112: Hey tay
Inasg_no: heyy
Cameronshifler: There are so many people that love you nate
Oofalladeez: Taylor please....
Inasg_no: nopw
Inasg_no: you know full well im not letting you do that
Inasg_no: nope*
Oofalladeez: I cant even keep the one I love mosg from. Being hurt....
Inasg_no: Nate
Cameronshifler: I already told him no
Oofalladeez: Tay
Inasg_no: ima be honest wit you
Inasg_no: if you hate me for this I'm sorry
Inasg_no: but I don't believe cam
Inasg_no: You shouldn't too
Inasg_no: you need to be more independent
Cameronshifler: Which one?
Inasg_no: Don't rely on cam as your worth
Inasg_no: not you
Inasg_no: you are amazing and sweet and funny and you care for everyone
Inasg_no: you don't need anyone else to stop you feeling like that because of their
Oofalladeez: Taylor.... You didn't hear his voice...
Inasg_no: and I'm not going to
Inasg_no: Nate do you think cam would want you feeling like this
Oofalladeez: IM sorry auto correct isnt letting me say tay
Inasg_no: it's okay
Oofalladeez: No...
Inasg_no: Nate listen to me
Oofalladeez: Still....
Inasg_no: listen
Oofalladeez: I cant even donmy fucking job
Inasg_no: hypothetically if I were to believe what he says, cam wouldn't want you
being like this. He didn't tell you to be like this
Inasg_no: He did not tell you do you would feel this way
Inasg_no: Do you remember what I told you months ago?
Oofalladeez: He didn't tell me... I figured without.
Inasg_no: He needs you to stay calm
Oofalladeez: No...
Inasg_no: nate
Inasg_no: this isn't your fault
Cameronshifler: What the duck is happening
Cameronshifler: Fuck*
Inasg_no: none of this is your fault
Inasg_no: we should probs take this to pm
Inasg_no: so anyway
Inasg_no: how is everyone
Person112: Meh, okay
Person112: How're you
Cameronshifler: Tired as fuck
Inasg_no: if you want to talk to me I'm here for you <3 I'm mentally.
Not exactly the best. Physically I feel like shit and I'm tired :(
Person112: You sleep
Cameronshifler: What is sleep?
Person112: Mf
Cameron885: sleep is non existant
Person112: No one sleeps anymore :(
Inasg_no: u russian or smth cam?
Inasg_no: I do
Cameronshifler: What? I stay up all night with my gf making sure she is ok after
the whole baby situation
Inasg_no: cute
Person112: Anyone hungry? I got a huge ass spider on the wall
Inasg_no: ooh nice
Cameronshifler: No, I am German
Cameronshifler: German and American
Person112: You just German?
Person112: Ohh
Ozeros: Hifler is German lol
Cameronshifler: Shut up
Cameronshifler: Should I get sushi 🍣
Cameronshifler: Or should I get pizza 🍕
Inasg_no: i love sushi
Person112: Disgusting
Cameronshifler: Same!
Cameronshifler: I could eat sushi every day
Inasg_no: same
Person112: Y'all disgusting. Sushi ew
Cameronshifler: One time, my girlfriend tried to make sushi and it was horrible,
but I told her it was good, and that was when she was pregnant, she started crying
Person112: Aw
Cameronshifler: Mckayla: you don't like it, you hate it * runs into.our room and
some the door crying*
Cameronshifler: Slams*
Cameronshifler: That night she kicked me out of the bedroom, I had to sleep on the
Inasg_no: sad
Inasg_no: I had a friend called michaela once
Person112: No offense. I hate the name McKayla...
Cameronshifler: ........
Cameronshifler: I don't care
Ozeros: No offense *offenses anyway*
Inasg_no: zach u cute
Cameronshifler: * cough* simp * cough*Person112: Lmao
Inasg_no: I js said Zach u cute
Inasg_no: Like girl calm down
Cameronshifler: That would be a pick me
Inasg_no: I'm not a pick me either
Cameronshifler: Ik
Person112: No she isn't
Inasg_no: ima try smth
Person112: I know a pick me in. I think she likes me so that's really like-
Person112: Inasg_no: I DIDNT MISS U SM
Inasg_no: didn't miss you so much :D
Inasg_no: this is the only time I'll ever say it. I missed you so much. So fucking
Inasg_no: Zachary
Inasg_no: I need your dicky dick ;)
Inasg_no: i missed you sm!! :)
Inasg_no: BASTARD
Inasg_no: I hate pick mes
Person112: Lmfao
Ozeros: Paragraph alert
Inasg_no: hold up I'll get my set :(
Cameronshifler: Lmao
Person112: YeAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Person112: Tf I meant yayyyyyyyyy
Inasg_no: yay for wgat
Inasg_no: what
Inasg_no: *
Person112: You back

Inasg_no: i didn’t miss you smmm
Person112: Tayyyyy
Inasg_no: 
Person112: Didn’t miss you eitherrrr
Person112: 
Person112: Heyyy, back
Person112: hey 
Inasg_no: wbbbb
Inasg_no: hii 
Person112: Thxxx
Cameronshifler: So who is the simp
Inasg_no: no one
Inasg_no: that isn't simping
Ozeros: That's denial?
Person112: ༺𝔂𝓸 𝓫𝓪𝓮𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓮 𝓽𝓪𝔂 ༻
Inasg_no: I knew that was coming xd
Ozeros: Same brother, same
Person112: Lmao, I'm trying to find more stuff going through paragraphs
Inasg_no: bitch u save everything xd
Person112: 。・゚♡゚・。 Shushi 。・゚♡゚・。
XD yes im not stealing ur homie zach
༺𝔂𝓸 𝓫𝓪𝓮𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓮 𝓽𝓪𝔂 ༻
that's not what Zach said last night 😏
Inasg_no: bitch
Person112: ༺𝔂𝓸 𝓫𝓪𝓮𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓮 𝓽𝓪𝔂 ༻
to him I'm mommy taytay
Cameronshifler: WTF
Inasg_no: not wrong
Person112: I mean
Inasg_no: hehe
Cameronshifler: ......
Person112: ༺𝔂𝓸 𝓫𝓪𝓮𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓮 𝓽𝓪𝔂 ༻
ima leave Zach's d**k tho 😏😏
Inasg_no: oh please don't act like THATS the most unusual thing on this site
Inasg_no: I'm not wronggg
Cameronshifler: I WILL GET MCKAYLA ON HER...if she isn't sleeping,lol
Inasg_no: again
Cameronshifler: Here*
Inasg_no: Inasg_no: oh please don't act like THATS the most unusual thing on this
Cameronshifler: Cameronshifler: God dammit tay, you cummed on my new carpet
Inasg_no: lol
Person112: Damn
Cameronshifler: I will never forget that one,lol
Inasg_no: i only have saved mich/Zach/slutty things
Inasg_no: barely any slutty, don't want people seeing our convos ;)
Inasg_no: jk
Cameronshifler: .......
Person112: Damn
Person112: Hey now
Cameronshifler: This is to horny
Inasg_no: I said jk xd don't worry Zach I'm yours daddy
Inasg_no: I mean wya
Inasg_no: wha*
Inasg_no: that's gon be saved isn't it xd
Cameronshifler: I KNEW IT, YOU LIKE HIM
Inasg_no: can't deny that
Cameronshifler: YES IT WILL
Person112: ❇𝓽𝓪𝔂𝓽𝓪𝔂
🤍❇ 🤍❇
🤍❇ 🤍❇
Inasg_no: hahahaha I remember that
Person112: Yeah
Inasg_no: u save everything xd
Person112: Meh kinda
Inasg_no: lmao
Oofalladeez: IM back
Person112: I saved your number ;)
Inasg_no: wb
Inasg_no: call me sexy boy ;)
Person112: Can't :(
Inasg_no: if u get whatsapp I fr could text you
Inasg_no: ik dw xd
Person112: Can't also:(
Cameronshifler: Back
Person112: Okie
Cameronshifler: And what the fuck
Inasg_no: wb
Person112: Wat
Inasg_no: he walked in on us fucking Zach
Inasg_no: ;)
Cameronshifler: .....AHHH
Person112: Damn
Cameronshifler: * shoots himself*
Inasg_no: lol
Person112: You a bird?
Inasg_no: Zach xddd
Inasg_no: it's an inside joke btw cam
Oofalladeez: *bullet flies out of Camerons skull into mine*
Person112: I forgot I had a obsession with that or whatever you want to call it
Inasg_no: lmfao
Cameronshifler: * gets up* not on my watch
Inasg_no: uh Nate no
Person112: Yeah Nate, that's a no-no
Oofalladeez: Nate ye
Oofalladeez: Yes
Cameronshifler: Tay, hold the gun and make sure hate doesn't get it
Oofalladeez: Too l
Oofalladeez: Late
Cameronshifler: Oh hell nah
Person112: Never too late
Inasg_no: oh hell no if I have a gun I guarantee some strangers gon end up dead
Cameronshifler: * runs a over to him* not on my watch
Cameronshifler: ......that's true, nvm
Oofalladeez: IM a stranger taylor
Oofalladeez: Shoot me
Izzy_blight: Jimmy broke into my house and ate my dresser
Cameronshifler: ....oh he'll nah
Cameronshifler: Hell*
Inasg_no: no Nate
Inasg_no: also if you didn't know Englands a guns no no country
Cameronshifler: * runs over to tay and grabs the gun* not on my watch
Person112: Dude, as much as you want to do that, you're not going to because there
are people that love you, that value you as a friend in some that may look up to
you. Even though you don't see that because you don't want to see that because you
feel you're alone, which you're not. We're all here for you, even know we're
online. At least there are people there for you that you can talk to if you need to
Inasg_no: aww Zach
Cameronshifler: Oh wait.....I got shot, so shouldn't I be dead? * dies*
Inasg_no: that's so sweettttt
Oofalladeez: Someone Jill me
Oofalladeez: Kill
Person112: *kiss
Inasg_no: hahaha
Inasg_no: I'll kiss you
Inasg_no: I mean wha
Oofalladeez: Zach no im serious...
Person112: I know you're serious but seriously
Inasg_no: no one's gon kill u hun
Oofalladeez: I GT for a bit... Hushpuppy mix calls...
Cameronshifler: * just sits there and bleeds out* wow, this actually feels nice,
Oofalladeez: Afk
Person112: Lmao cam
Oofalladeez: See you soon in hell cameron
Cameronshifler: BET
Person112: 😑
Cameronshifler: Why does this feel so nice tho 😌
Person112: That face
Cameronshifler: * bleeds out more* dam, I can swim in my own blood right now
Cameronshifler: Maybe I will
Person112: I'm getting Goosebumps, djbdzkahhzxjksksbhskah😩
Cameronshifler: Lmao
Cameronshifler: Jk
Izzy_blight: I'm getting fucked
Person112: Fun
Inasg_no: Cameronshifler: Oh wait.....I got shot, so shouldn't I be dead? * dies*
Person112: Lmao
Inasg_no: thought you were dead
Cameronshifler: We didnt need to know that izzy
Inasg_no: I did
Cameronshifler: I am
Cameronshifler: I am in your imagination tay
Person112: .
Person112: Daddy Cam go night night forever
Cameronshifler: Lol
Cameronshifler: Yup!
Cameronshifler: I am just your imagination
Person112: 😏
Person112: Okay then
Inasg_no: back off cam :(
Cameronshifler: * gets up from the ground* dam that was a long nap
Inasg_no: *fucks Zach*
Inasg_no: 😳
Cameronshifler: GOD DAM
Cameronshifler: Get a room
Person112: Lmao
Shushiboo: Zachhhhh
Cameronshifler: * puts my hair up in a ponytail* hmm....I feel like so.etching is
wrong with me, but what is it?
Inasg_no: idk
Person112: GRACE
Shushiboo: ZACH
Cameronshifler: Something*
Cameronshifler: Ohhh, I have a bullet in me.....
Oofalladeez: Okay now I am real ark....
Person112: Brb I need to go tie up my heifers
Oofalladeez: Ark...
Inasg_no: ok
Cameronshifler: How did that get there, lmao
Oofalladeez: Afk
Oofalladeez: For real this
Oofalladeez: time
Person112: Nvm back
Inasg_no: wb
Person112: Thanks
Person112: Idk What to talk about
Inasg_no: yw
Cameronshifler: Let's play truth or dare
Inasg_no: ok
Person112: Okay nose goes. I'm not going first
Cameronshifler: Tay, truth or dare
Inasg_no: truth
Cameronshifler: Do you have a crush?
Inasg_no: mhm
Cameronshifler: I am starting easy
Inasg_no: do I ask Zach or you now
Cameronshifler: Oki
Cameronshifler: Doesn't matter
Inasg_no: cam truth or dare
Cameronshifler: Truth
Inasg_no: uh
Hello91: hi tay
Cameronshifler: Idk
Inasg_no: is your real name Cameron
Person112: Look them up
Inasg_no: hi Nate
Inasg_no: oh alr
Cameronshifler: Yea, people call me daddy cam tho
Person112: Ahaha
Inasg_no: lol ok
Cameronshifler: Idk why
Inasg_no: who goes now
Cameronshifler: It gets uncomfortable, cause fit mostly the girls
Cameronshifler: It's*
Inasg_no: alr
Hello91: what aare you guys doing?
Inasg_no: truth or dare
Izzy_blight: Playing among us
Inasg_no: whos go is it
Hello91: nice can i join?
Inasg_no: ofc
Person112: I think it's Cam's now
Cameronshifler: Mine
Izzy_blight: Can I cum17:20:07Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Inasg_no: ok
Inasg_no: ofc Izzy
Izzy_blight: Uwu
Cameronshifler: Zack, truth or dare
16:45:28Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Inasg_no: I used to think no offense meant don't climb over a fence or shit
Inasg_no: I'm not a simp
Cameronshifler: Are you sure about that?
Inasg_no: it's not like I said OMGGG ZACH YOU'RE SO CUTE I LOVE YOU OMGGG
dnesday, June 28, 2023
Izzy_blight: He needs it
Ishipwillowandhunter: Cuddles? Where? Someone need my warmth and cookies?
Izzy_blight: Nathan needs help
Ishipishipwillowandhunterxozer: *gifts cookies to Ishipwillowandhunter *
15:36:19Wednesday, June 28, 2023
st. And I have to go though at least 1 km run.
Ozeros: My enemies will become my friends
Ozeros: From trans-fats to trans-gfs and proteine
Ozeros: Name me one person greater than me: Answer: You can't.
Ozeros: God made a happy mistake: I e x i s t.
une 28, 2023

Inasg_no: ok
Oofalladeez: Hey tay...
Inasg_no: hey
Toxic_catboy: So...
28, 2023

Toxic_catboy: Hm?
Ring: hi :>
Toxic_catboy: Little l8 fr that but ok
Cameron885: damn i feel like my existence on here is slipping atm
June 28, 2023

Izzy_blight: You peace of ship

Cameronshifler: OH*
Izzy_blight: You will never leave. I won't let you
une 28, 2023

Izzy_blight: пап
Toxic_catboy: Bored :(
Toxic_catboy: Alone irl and on here dam
Toxic_catboy: Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
12:43:19Wednesday, June 28, 2023
12:08:45Wednesday, June 28, 2023
11:34:11Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Keigo: Hello
10:59:33Wednesday, June 28, 2023
10:24:58Wednesday, June 28, 2023
09:50:25Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Hello91: bye
09:15:51Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Oofalladeez: yeah im goin to bed
Oofalladeez: bye guys
Oofalladeez: cya when I go to work tomorrow
nesday, June 28, 2023

Oofalladeez: we both know my mom is a whore

Oofalladeez: not literally but you know what I mean :) *(slowly dying inside)
Hello91: i know that's why i said it
y, June 28, 2023
Oofalladeez: okay if u want to know it's an old friend named Ashh
Oofalladeez: Nate should remember her
Izzy_blight: Oh I know her vaguely
Dtrump: I do not know them tbh.
07:32:06Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Izzy_blight: Brush teeth Teeth
Izzy_blight: I be right back
Oofalladeez: XD
Oofalladeez: that is so going in my quote deck
06:57:33Wednesday, June 28, 2023
er parts
Izzy_blight: Consider it
Ishipwillowandhunter: But Tay
Ishipwillowandhunter: and you. I don't want to leave you
Izzy_blight: Leave her a video message on your Gucci® SmartToilet
nesday, June 28, 2023

Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm going to make you scream my name so loud everyone in

prison knows it
Izzy_blight: We'll be in strait jackets but we can still wiggle our pants off if we
Ishipwillowandhunter: why did I imagine that being said in an uwu voice
Izzy_blight: This feels vaguely like the beginning of that one scene scene from
some personal fetish smut I wrote. I don't know if I like that
June 28, 2023

Person112: Nvm
Izzy_blight: No, the grand duke of Luxembourg
Person112: -.-
Ishipwillowandhunter: The shamrock shake is minty and gross. I do not like it.
05:13:48Wednesday, June 28, 2023
a. Hey, wait a minute...
Ishipwillowandhunter: Now wait a goddamn minute, Theresa? I
Ishipwillowandhunter: am having a heart attack apparently
Izzy_blight: Oh no, I'll call the Jambulance
(anon): hey yall
04:39:15Wednesday, June 28, 2023
s a whore. He can ride my cock if he wants but I'm not taking any advice from him.
Izzy_blight: Ngh i wanna watch~
Ishipwillowandhunter: Watch? Baby, you can join.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Damn. Chat was already dying but that right there was the
bullet to the temple
Hello91: still here just watching mrs incredible hit the rump shaker
ednesday, June 28, 2023

(anon): P
Izzy_blight: We won't ever die
Ishipwillowandhunter: All I can really hope for
Izzy_blight: I hope for rain to wash us clean
03:30:07Wednesday, June 28, 2023
too much. not your fault but still
Keigo: hello?
Ishipwillowandhunter: hm?
Keigo: hi who are you?
Keigo: Hello?
02:55:33Wednesday, June 28, 2023
ng pains was ignored by his mother, she refused to have him checked out or
anything. One day it got so bad he was admitted to the hospital and his appendix
was about to burst. Lucky he didn't die. I'm not trying to worry you but if this
doesn't get better by tomorrow then you should really get someone, anyone.
Keigo: And ik if I get up I'll pass out
Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Well.
Keigo: My mother would only care if I was dying
28, 2023

Ishipwillowandhunter: And what happenePerson112: *

Person112: And dare?
Izzy_blight: Zachariah Tybee*
Cameronshifler: Sorry, that's how my friends name is spelled
Izzy_blight: Jimmy**
Person112: It's okay but better Zachs are spelled like Zach
Cameronshifler: Hmmmmmmm.....idk, tay help me pick a dare
Person112: No, she cannot help you
Inasg_no: lol
Person112: Don't let her help you please
Cameronshifler: God dammit
Person112: Google or look up some stuff
Cameronshifler: Hmmmmmm
Hello91: am inext?
Inasg_no: ya
Hello91: okay
Izzy_blight: 🦍 Winton next
Hello91: just checking the order
Izzy_blight: Banana 🍌
Cameronshifler: I dare you to do something horny ( idk, lol)
Izzy_blight: How gauche
Person112: Oh mommy Tay😩 idfk I ain't good at that shit
Inasg_no: haha I'm saving that xd
Person112: Nate true or dare
Izzy_blight: Mommy dommy
Hello91: i thought i was asking next?
Hello91: truth
Izzy_blight: Getting duped, bamboozled, and smeckledorfed
Person112: Oh okie
Person112: I'm confused okay
Person112: Oh okay
Person112: Yzheksjsbsosnnd
Person112: My messages won't send
Person112: Lmao
Izzy_blight: Lag city
Person112: Okay, You like anyone?
Inasg_no: lmfao
Hello91: yeah
Inasg_no: juicy questions like Izzy's ass
Izzy_blight: Excuse me-
Inasg_no: nothing 😳
Oofalladeez: ........
Person112: Damn kiddo
Cameronshifler: Lmaooo
Izzy_blight: 😣
Hello91: hm
Inasg_no: shut it child
Hello91: tay truth or dare
Oofalladeez: I'll shut it when I die soon..
Inasg_no: dare
Inasg_no: ur not dying
Oofalladeez: Yes
Inasg_no: no
Oofalladeez: Yes
Inasg_no: no
Oofalladeez: Yes
Inasg_no: no
Izzy_blight: Nein.
Oofalladeez: Ye
Inasg_no: no
Oofalladeez: Oui
Hello91: i dare you to admit that oregon isn't that bad
Izzy_blight: Nyet
Inasg_no: Oregon is maybe possibly not that bad ig
Person112: Ahahahahaha
Inasg_no: >:c
Inasg_no: fucking pricks
Cameronshifler: Nate, I will send my mother with a shoe down to your house and
guard you
Oofalladeez: ............ Someone fucking kill me....
Inasg_no: NO
Oofalladeez: Cameron are you Latino
Inasg_no: Am I asking
Oofalladeez: Cuz if u are that scares the shit out
Cameronshifler: Kinda, mostly German
Oofalladeez: me...
Prizedebt: hey
Inasg_no: ahem
Inasg_no: am i asking
Hello91: yeah tay is asking
Oofalladeez: I fear the chancla
Inasg_no: okie
Inasg_no: uh
Izzy_blight: My fat ass is about to break this chair. I swear I just heard it
Oofalladeez: And I am telling you I am dying soon.
Inasg_no: Nate truth or dare
Prizedebt: .,.
Hello91: truth
Oofalladeez: I dare you to kill me
Cameronshifler: My siblings are Spanish tho, I can send one down
Person112: oregon ain't that bad but the allergies I get and my mf arm swelling
from it
Inasg_no: guys should I make it a juicy question or nah
Oofalladeez: Plz dont
Izzy_blight: No
Hello91: go ahead tay
Izzy_blight: Unless it involves apple juice
Inasg_no: who do you like
Person112: Damn
Hello91: Kiki
Inasg_no: gotta spice up the chat
Inasg_no: damn
Hello91: next question
Inasg_no: not me asking
Izzy_blight: I like jimmy
Cameronshifler: Well I am the favorite bc I am adopted, so it should be easy to
send one of them down
Person112: Your turn Nate
Hello91: i just asked not long ago it's yours zach
Hello91: or is it camerons
Izzy_blight: It is jimmys
Person112: Oh I'm confused then. It's probably Cams
Oofalladeez: 😑🔫
Cameronshifler: Ok
Cameronshifler: Hmmm
Inasg_no: 🙄💀
Izzy_blight: Krabs is a 🐬🐬🐬
Cameronshifler: Zach, truth or dare?
Person112: Dare 😑
Person112: Or truth, idon't care
Cameronshifler: Hmmmm
Oofalladeez: Someone pull the trigger....
Inasg_no: BRO
Oofalladeez: I cant do it..
Person112: Lmao tay
Inasg_no: I'm not wrong :(
Oofalladeez: Shit IM the drama asshole
Oofalladeez: now...
Cameronshifler: Imma make it juicy and say I dare you to kiss someone, lol
Inasg_no: damnn
Person112: My friend tried to shoot himself in the face and it came out the side of
his face and shit. Had to have surgery on his jaw and face pretty much
Person112: But anyways
Shushiboo: Omg
Person112: *kisses Tay* 😏
Inasg_no: i love how everyone says they start off easy five seconds later you get
questions like this
Shushiboo: I join and see this
Person112: Lmao
Inasg_no: *kisses back* 😫
Shushiboo: Both of y’all are a mess lmao
Person112: Ikr
Inasg_no: am not -.-
Hello91: can y'all just get together already?
Person112: Tay truth or dare
Inasg_no: dare
Cameronshifler: Fr
Izzy_blight: Can you all eat some soup together
Inasg_no: lmfao soup
Hello91: also i gtg in a minute or my mom is going to start throwing shit at me to
get me up
Person112: I dare you to agree that your name is actually Tayler
Inasg_no: EXCUSE ME
Shushiboo: Soup is amazing
Izzy_blight: My friends call me Fred
Person112: Damn nate
Person112: Soup is meh
Izzy_blight: Soup is soupy
Person112: Well you have to agree in a sentence
Inasg_no: my name is DEFINITELY tayler definitelyyyyyy
Person112: Lmao
Inasg_no: bastard 😑
Hello91: alright my turn now
Hello91: hm
Izzy_blight: Definitive agreement
Hello91: zach truth or dare
Person112: Thank you Tayler thank you
Inasg_no: grace is doing it too btw
Person112: Truth
Hello91: oh
Inasg_no: yw zackarie yw -.-
Hello91: then grace
Shushiboo: I’m doing what now?
Shushiboo: Hold on
Hello91: grace truth or dare
Izzy_blight: Can I do it in the back seat
Shushiboo: Oh uh truth ig?
Hello91: hmmmmmmmm
Inasg_no: Do what izzy
Izzy_blight: Things
Hello91: should i make this a spicy one?
Izzy_blight: No
Inasg_no: should you
Cameronshifler: Yes
Hello91: weirdest sexual experience?
Person112: Damn
Hello91: grace^^^
Cameronshifler: Dam
Izzy_blight: Bruh no
Izzy_blight: Ew
Prizedebt: well hopefully zachs gf doesnt find out he kissed tay.
Cameronshifler: I have a whole story on that one
Izzy_blight: Scandalous
Person112: What?
Inasg_no: gf?
Shushiboo: Um let’s just do dare then .-.
Inasg_no: omg I know who prize is
Hello91: kk
Person112: Who
Inasg_no: prize is jenna
Person112: Ohhhh
Inasg_no: I came on richup for the first time ever in ages
Inasg_no: She told me you have a gf
Inasg_no: I asked when she last spoke to you
Inasg_no: She said march or smth like that
Hello91: i dare you to clean up the glass
Shushiboo: I alr did mf
Hello91: good
Hello91: that's my turn over
Person112: I see
Oofalladeez: ......
Cameronshifler: Who is next?
(anon): im not jenna tf
Inasg_no: yes you are
Izzy_blight: Can I go next i want to feel included even if I hate it
Person112: Then who are you?
Inasg_no: you literally told me zach has a gf last week
Cameronshifler: Ok, izzy you can go
Inasg_no: no one else has said shit abt that
Inasg_no: it's you I'm not dum.
Inasg_no: dumb*
Hello91: go ahead izzy
Inasg_no: plus you told me you still go on here and spectate as anon
Cameronshifler: Make it juicy
Hello91: shit i gtg now
Inasg_no: cya
Hello91: peace love y'all
Izzy_blight: Wait what am I supposed to do I forgor
Cameronshifler: Bye
Shushiboo: Bet Nate ttyl
Shushiboo: Bye*
Inasg_no: ask truth or dare to someone
Cameronshifler: Ask someone t or d
Izzy_blight: Oh right.
Izzy_blight: Jimmy i choose you
Inasg_no: uh
Inasg_no: which one of us is Jimmy lol
Cameronshifler: Let's not choose Jimmy, lol
Izzy_blight: I don't know. Sorry, I'm not very good at this game
Cameronshifler: That's ok,lol
Inasg_no: lol you're cute Izzy
Izzy_blight: You can kick me out if you want i just wanted attention
Inasg_no: you're not getting kicked
Cameronshifler: No, your good
Cameronshifler: Fr, izzy, choose one of us
Izzy_blight: Oh i can't i'm too indecisive
Izzy_blight: That's why im bad at this
Cameronshifler: Ok, then is it ok if tay goes then
Inasg_no: Nate and zach you both have the same colour and you both pm me AND IT'S
Izzy_blight: Yees
Person112: Damn
Inasg_no: I have to respond to both so get someone else to go cam rq
Izzy_blight: Confusion tactics
Shushiboo: Fr Izzy
Cameronshifler: Hmmm.....zack, you can go next then
Cameronshifler: Zach*
Izzy_blight: Zakeri*
Person112: 😑
Person112: What am I doing?
Shushiboo: Tsk poor zachare
Person112: Umm, cam Truth or dare
Person112: *zachhhhh :'(
Inasg_no: Ty for changing color XD
Shushiboo: Lol Zach*
Cameronshifler: Dare
Izzy_blight: Zaq
Person112: Hmmmmm
Cameronshifler: Make it juicy
Izzy_blight: Make it dry
Person112: Send someone pictures of your feet
Person112: Idk
Izzy_blight: Owo
Cameronshifler: ........OH HE wasLL NO
Cameronshifler: HELL*
Izzy_blight: I volunteer as tribute
Inasg_no: lmao izzyyy xd
Person112: Hey, you have to do it
Person112: So many people send me pictures of their feet
Cameronshifler: I AM NOT DOING IT
Ishipwillowandhunter: Holy fuck I just spent the past two hours taking my pc apart
and fixing it. It works but now I hate my life even more than before
Izzy_blight: Good job mikey
Person112: What's so wrong with sending someone pictures of your feet?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Thank you baby
Izzy_blight: You are so smart and beautiful
Ishipwillowandhunter: Aww thank you
Ishipwillowandhunter: I like your nose
Cameronshifler: Do something else
Izzy_blight: I love your fever
Izzy_blight: So hot. Literally
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes. I have a fever of 106 and will be dead by tomorrow.
Cameronshifler: Dam....I feel bad for you
Person112: Hmmmm
Izzy_blight: Mmm i can't wait to smell the corpse
Ishipwillowandhunter: oh I forgot
Person112: Send us the last YouTube video you watched
Inasg_no: excuse me
Inasg_no: I got a hey honey and he gets a ZACHHHHHHHHHHHH
Shushiboo: the bromance is beautiful lmao
Oofalladeez: Hey grace
Ishipwillowandhunter: He's Zach what can I say
Cameronshifler: I havnt been watching YouTube
Izzy_blight: I just shoved a great big17:52:48Wednesday, June 28, 2023
ERRORBYLINE chunk of banana ice cream in my mouth. It's so cold
Shushiboo: Heyo
Person112: You're making this difficult
Shushiboo: You are difficult Zachary
Person112: Write a short love poem?Person112: Honestly
Ishipwillowandhunter: I got a stash of those
Shushiboo: They need to put your name next to the word sassy in the dictionary as a
Cameronshifler: Hmmmmm...fine
Izzy_blight: ♪jimmy is gay, what can i say♪
Ishipwillowandhunter: Except your welcome
Izzy_blight: Rock johnson
Izzy_blight: Based
Ishipwillowandhunter: Rock hard Johnson
Izzy_blight: Owo
Cameronshifler: Can I do a love note instead
Person112: Oh daddy
Person112: Yes
Person112: To mich
Izzy_blight: Lyndon's Big Johnson
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hehe <3 should I Person112: No 😑
Shushiboo: Yes ma’am
Cameronshifler: Fr
Izzy_blight: This is a daycare not a brothel.
Izzy_blight: Jimmy doesn't know the difference though. He's so disgusting
Cameronshifler: When was this a daycare?
Izzy_blight: Always
Shushiboo: That’s what I thought
Izzy_blight: I need to kill jimmy
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes, we're all just children. Horny children.
Person112: 😩
Cameronshifler: I am NOT horny
Shushiboo: Yeah, pretty much
Izzy_blight: Children in need of shepherds
Shushiboo: Lmaoo
Ishipwillowandhunter: 🍆🍑
Person112: 💦
Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh yes daddy
Shushiboo: The emojis lmao
Izzy_blight: I will be your shepherd. I will beat your sexual sins out of you.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Im going to cream...🍦
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes beat me mommy
Cameronshifler: STOP, PLZ JUST STOP...GET A ROOM
Ishipwillowandhunter: Beat me please?
Shushiboo: Don’t incourage it
Izzy_blight: Yes please cease
Shushiboo: Michael Garcia no
Shushiboo: Your lucky I didn’t use your middle name mf
Person112: You know it?
Shushiboo: Oh yeah fs
Person112: Damn lucky
Shushiboo: Lmao I got him to tell me
Shushiboo: Dw I’m not gonna say michy
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hint = it rhymes with take a piss
Izzy_blight: My middle name is threesome
Shushiboo: Why is that clever tho .-.
Ishipwillowandhunter: Lmao
Izzy_blight: Blaskowicz
Cameronshifler: And I thought MY middle name is bad
Izzy_blight: My middle name is Steve
Person112: My middle name is a first name
Shushiboo: I was named after Audrey Hepburn and I’m pretty sure grace was religious
so idk lok
Cameronshifler: My middle name is named after my great grandfather
Person112: Oh I see
Izzy_blight: My middle name is frank
Shushiboo: Beautiful name izzy
Oofalladeez: Mine is James
Izzy_blight: My middle name is attractive
Oofalladeez: Should be deas thkigh
Ishipwillowandhunter: Mine is Thomas the tank engine
Shushiboo: Lmao
Person112: Lmao
Izzy_blight: My middle name is Thyroid cancer
Shushiboo: No Izzy noo
Cameronshifler: MINE I FUCKiNG HAROLD.......HAROLD
Izzy_blight: Harold 💯💯
Cameronshifler: who does that to their kid😭😭😭💀
Izzy_blight: Fresh ass name fr my g
Person112: Yo, my grandpa's name is Harold
Person112: Sorry dude
Cameronshifler: STFU, now I am kinda glad I didn't meet my real parents
Izzy_blight: Harold keeps it real 😎
Cameronshifler: SHUT UP
Izzy_blight: Sorry
Ishipwillowandhunter: Harold sounds like the name of a guy who spends his spare
time building realistic sex dolls and has a day job as a cashier
Person112: Fr
Cameronshifler: Well imma go * shoots himself* bye y'all
Ishipwillowandhunter: Byee
Cameronshifler: Lol
Oofalladeez: *bullet losges in oof's brainstem'
Izzy_blight: Bye love you have fun in heaven
Oofalladeez: Finally...
Inasg_no: bye
Izzy_blight: *sucks out the bullet* no
Cameronshifler: Heaven? No I going to hell😈
Izzy_blight: Oh I'll see you there then
Cameronshifler: BET
Izzy_blight: You can find me next to hitler
Cameronshifler: Anyway, bye guys
Inasg_no: bye
Cameronshifler: Lol, ok
Cameronshifler: Byeee
Izzy_blight: Bye baby girl
Izzy_blight: Sexy Beverly
Person112: -_-
Oofalladeez: *pushes bullet back in* for FUCK sake let me die..
Inasg_no: no
Izzy_blight: *succs it out again and swallows it* no :(
Ishipwillowandhunter: Gonna go afk for a few minutes, be back soon
Izzy_blight: See you tomorrow night
Inasg_no: ok
Oofalladeez: *plunges knife in temple*
Oofalladeez: *dies*
Inasg_no: no
Oppaienjoyer: in minecraft
Izzy_blight: *resurrects with the help of
The moose from last night.
Oofalladeez: *reapawns* oh for FUCK sake ven death isnt permanent...
Izzy_blight: We can live forever if you've got the time
Oofalladeez: I dont want to be immortal..
Oofalladeez: I want to be VERY mortal...
Bastionofass: Why
Izzy_blight: But then you can spend eternity with
The moose from last night.
Bastionofass: Oh. I want to be ∞ immortal
Oofalladeez: I dont give a FUCK about no moose...
Izzy_blight: The moose from last night is saddened by this.
Izzy_blight: The moose from last night.
The moose from last night.
The moose from last night.
The moose from last night.
The moose from last night.
The moose from last night.
The moose from last night.
The moose from last night.
Bastionofass: The KKK exists.
Bastionofass: If I was immortal, I would suffer, infinite till the universe dies.
Bastionofass: Only I can drop deez line like this
Bastionofass: lines* like my Covaine line to the floor
Bastionofass: Cocaine*
Izzy_blight: Drugs in my purse on the boardwalk
Izzy_blight: Drug-fueled sex on the boardwalk...
Bastionofass: I made a mistake by being in
Bastionofass: Welp
Izzy_blight: We all did
Person112: Yeah
Izzy_blight: So did The moose from last night. The moose from last night. The moose
from last night. The moose from last night. The moose from last night. The moose
from last night. The moose from last night. The moose from last night. The moose
from last night. The moose from last night. The moose from last night. The moose
from last night. The moose from last night. The moose from last night. The moose
from last night. The moose from last night.
Inasg_no: ...
Bastionofass: How can I get out if
Izzy_blight: You cannot
Izzy_blight: I have tried
Oofalladeez: ...
Inasg_no: so
Bastionofass: Police? Help me
Izzy_blight: The moose
Izzy_blight: from last
Izzy_blight: night
Izzy_blight: The
Izzy_blight: moose
Izzy_blight: from
Izzy_blight: last
Izzy_blight: night
Izzy_blight: Is this annoying
Person112: I don't really care so no
Izzy_blight: Oh ok good
Izzy_blight: The moose from last night.Izzy_blight: It's so cold in here my nipples
are going to get hard
Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh do you want me to suck on them and warm them up?
Izzy_blight: Yes please
Ishipwillowandhunter: Your nipples won't be the only thing getting hard ;)
Izzy_blight: Oh daddy-
Izzy_blight: Ugh I'm gonna throw up i hate myself
Ishipwillowandhunter: Afk again
Izzy_blight: Aunt Frieda Kumming in The moose from last night.
Izzy_blight: Ok im gonna shut up and eat some ice cream
Ishipwillowandhunter: Good girl
Ishipwillowandhunter: Now who has a quarter
Ishipwillowandhunter: Goddamn my monitor doing 144 fps
Ishipwillowandhunter: Afk once again
Keigo: Rawr
Keigo: Grace
Shushiboo: Hey kei
Oofalladeez: It's not like she can walk out
Keigo: ???
Oofalladeez: Sorry
Oofalladeez: Brb guys gotta finish up my work r
Oofalladeez: Rq
Keigo: Ok
(anon): kikiiiiiii
Keigo: HI
Keigo: NATE HI
Keigo: I just woke up
Keigo: And you
Hello91: i'm good :)
Hello91: how did you sleep?
Keigo: Pretty good however I woke up at 4 in the morning
Izzy_blight: I am Utterly gay
Keigo: Co
Keigo: congrats
Hello91: that's good Ki
Keigo: did you sleep
Izzy_blight: I wanna touch women
Person112: Damn
Hello91: yeah i slept
Izzy_blight: I slept with my sister
Keigo: Also if we want to call I have till 1 a clock
Hello91: okie
Izzy_blight: Sponebob :)
Cameronshifler: Back
Izzy_blight: Hello Rebecca
Cameronshifler: Who is rebecca? Lmao
Izzy_blight: A cutie
Izzy_blight: Uwu
Cameronshifler: Dam
Cameronshifler: I a not cute, I am hot
Cameronshifler: Am*
Izzy_blight: Yes honey you are so sexy
Cameronshifler: Dam......
Izzy_blight: And you have a high fever
Izzy_blight: 107 degrees
Cameronshifler: I do not
Cameronshifler: * checks izzys forehead to make sure she is ok*
Ishipwillowandhunter: Where's my Izzy
Cameronshifler: You don't have a fever so you must be ok
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm back for a minute
Izzy_blight: I am not ok i have autism
Ishipwillowandhunter: There you are gorgeous
Ishipwillowandhunter: Same
Izzy_blight: Hello Adele lyrics
Izzy_blight: I mean hello gorgeous
Ishipwillowandhunter: Lmao
Ishipwillowandhunter: Afk
Cameronshifler: I am bored
Inasg_no: bck ig
Cameronshifler: Hi tay
Shushiboo: Wb
Cameronshifler: Wb
Inasg_no: thx and hi
Shushiboo: Hey
Cameronshifler: Hru people today?
Oofalladeez: Guy I was talking to earlier u still here?
Inasg_no: im very very bad wbu
Oofalladeez: ...
Oofalladeez: Guys I have to19:05:05WednPerson112: Heyy
Inasg_no: hi
Cameronshifler: Hi Zach
Person112: Hey
Cameronshifler: Hru?
Cameronshifler: I am dead 💀💀
Ishipwillowandhunter: I wish
Ishipwillowandhunter: Wb Tay
Taikun: heheh
Cameronshifler: Ik that mich
Inasg_no: thx
Cameronshifler: But what if I said I am already dead?
Ishipwillowandhunter: The sound of butter sizzling is godly
Cameronshifler: And that I am apart of your imagination
Oofalladeez: Fuck it im using up my phone time. Im gonna try snd buy a laptop
Izzy_blight: I feel the urge to do something self destructive
Oofalladeez: I have like 13 mins left...
Oofalladeez: And want to die...
Cameronshifler: Nate, you are not dieing
Ishipwillowandhunter: Ah, "the line between self destruction and self care is a
thin one but by god do I walk it"
Inasg_no: i hate butter
Ishipwillowandhunter: That's fine. Mayo also works, its what I use to toast bread
Inasg_no: I love mayo
Keigo: Boo
Inasg_no: hi
Cameronshifler: Hi kei
Keigo: Hi guys
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey luv
Keigo: Hi mich
Cameronshifler: Chat is dead now
Inasg_no: mhm
Ishipwillowandhunter: Jesus can turn water into wine
Inasg_no: jesus isn't real
Ishipwillowandhunter: But I can turn your bitch into mine
Oofalladeez: Jesus isnt real..
Izzy_blight: Ugh fuck i just saw the worst thing ever
Cameronshifler: Huh? Jesus is real tho
Oofalladeez: No...
Ishipwillowandhunter: Jesus isn't
Ishipwillowandhunter: Well he was
Ishipwillowandhunter: Jesus did exist at some point but idk if he is like that
Izzy_blight: I thought I was becoming immune. I guess not
Izzy_blight: I want my sad depression music now but I can't listen to it.
Cameronshifler: This chat is more dead than my soul
Keigo: I'm/
Izzy_blight: I hate all of you
Keigo: Why
Cameronshifler: Why? What did I do? 😭
Izzy_blight: Not for any reason that's your fault but just because I'm angry at
Izzy_blight: Sorry
Izzy_blight: No I'm not. Fuck you
Izzy_blight: Yes I am. I don't mean it
Ring: back :|
Cameronshifler: * tries not to laugh*
Ring: :|
Cameronshifler: DADDY RING
Cameronshifler: RINGGG
Cameronshifler: RINNNNGGGGG
Cameronshifler: Oh shit I can't beat that one, lol
Ring: :>
Cameronshifler: DAM
Keigo: T^T
Keigo: hi ring
Keigo: No
Izzy_blight: I'm gonna smash this fucking piece of shit. Stupid fucking wifi. Work
you rotten cocksucker. God fuck
Ring: i barfed last night :>
Cameronshifler: * tries not to laugh*
Keigo: Why
Cameronshifler: Izzy, calm down
Oofalladeez: ....
Ring: because my grandparents forced me to eat food that amkes me frow up :<
Cameronshifler: Ring, don't talk about that, I have a weak stomach
Ring: makes*
Keigo: T^T
Inasg_no: bck
Ring: mhm :|
Keigo: wb
Ring: wb
Cameronshifler: Wb
Inasg_no: thx
Ring: :|
Ring: >:|
Keigo: Rawr
Ring: gemme huggies
Oofalladeez: Someone pur a bullet in my skull..
Ring: no
Izzy_blight: I'll do it
Ring: bad nate
Ring: bad izzy
Keigo: no
Izzy_blight: I feel the urge to kill
Keigo: So kill me
Izzy_blight: Let me get my nerf gun
Ishipwillowandhunter: Fuck all of you
Ishipwillowandhunter: Most of you
Keigo: Why
Izzy_blight: Fuck you too dickhead
Izzy_blight: Oh my gosh no I am so sorry
Ishipwillowandhunter: Shut the fuck up you gorgeous little fuck
Inasg_no: he isn't a dickhead
Oofalladeez: Oh FUCK u i nees a real bul
Izzy_blight: If I could i would punch myself now
Ring: michy can you fuck me?
Inasg_no: back off
Ring: oh you're here :|
Ishipwillowandhunter: Ill fuck you baby
Ring: hru?
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm doing meh. Pissed at people but not that bad. Hbu?
Keigo: One I miss Nate already two pain
Izzy_blight: I can't wait until my dad leaves im gonna punch the concrete floor
until my hand breaks
Keigo: Well I die I die
Oofalladeez: I GT for quite a qhile guys... Bye...
Keigo: Bue19:39:37Wednesday, June 28, 2Play cards or pictures! Available online in
17 languages. Not officially affiliated or endorsed by Cards Against Humanity.
Game List -error-line-sequencing- Line 22
Oofalladeez: go...
Oofalladeez: And no one is here to give
Cameronshifler: Bye nate
Inasg_no: bye
Person112: Heyy
Inasg_no: hi
Cameronshifler: Hi Zach
Person112: Hey
Cameronshifler: Hru?
Cameronshifler: I am dead 💀💀
Ishipwillowandhunter: I wish
Ishipwillowandhunter: Wb Tay
Taikun: heheh
Cameronshifler: Ik that mich
Inasg_no: thx
Cameronshifler: But what if I said I am already dead?
Ishipwillowandhunter: The sound of butter sizzling is godly
Cameronshifler: And that I am apart of your imagination
Oofalladeez: Fuck it im using up my phone time. Im gonna try snd buy a laptop
Izzy_blight: I feel the urge to do something self destructive
Oofalladeez: I have like 13 mins left...
Oofalladeez: And want to die...
Cameronshifler: Nate, you are not dieing
Ishipwillowandhunter: Ah, "the line between self destruction and self care is a
thin one but by god do I walk it"
Inasg_no: i hate butter
Ishipwillowandhunter: That's fine. Mayo also works, its what I use to toast bread
Inasg_no: I love mayo
Keigo: Boo
Inasg_no: hi
Cameronshifler: Hi kei
Keigo: Hi guys
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey luv
Keigo: Hi mich
Cameronshifler: Chat is dead now
Inasg_no: mhm
Ishipwillowandhunter: Jesus can turn water into wine
Inasg_no: jesus isn't real
Ishipwillowandhunter: But I can turn your bitch into mine
Oofalladeez: Jesus isnt real..
Izzy_blight: Ugh fuck i just saw the worst thing ever
Cameronshifler: Huh? Jesus is real tho
Oofalladeez: No...
Ishipwillowandhunter: Jesus isn't
Ishipwillowandhunter: Well he was
Ishipwillowandhunter: Jesus did exist at some point but idk if he is like that
Izzy_blight: I thought I was becoming immune. I guess not
Izzy_blight: I want my sad depression music now but I can't listen to it.
Cameronshifler: This chat is more dead than my soul
Keigo: I'm/
Izzy_blight: I hate all of you
Keigo: Why
Cameronshifler: Why? What did I do? 😭
Izzy_blight: Not for any reason that's your fault but just because I'm angry at
Izzy_blight: Sorry
Izzy_blight: No I'm not. Fuck you
Izzy_blight: Yes I am. I don't mean it
Ring: back :|
Cameronshifler: * tries not to laugh*
Ring: :|
Cameronshifler: DADDY RING
Cameronshifler: RINGGG
Cameronshifler: RINNNNGGGGG
Cameronshifler: Oh shit I can't beat that one, lol
Ring: :>
Cameronshifler: DAM
Keigo: T^T
Keigo: hi ring
Keigo: No
Izzy_blight: I'm gonna smash this fucking piece of shit. Stupid fucking wifi. Work
you rotten cocksucker. God fuck
Ring: i barfed last night :>
Cameronshifler: * tries not to laugh*
Keigo: Why
Cameronshifler: Izzy, calm down
Oofalladeez: ....
Ring: because my grandparents forced me to eat food that amkes me frow up :<
Cameronshifler: Ring, don't talk about that, I have a weak stomach
Ring: makes*
Keigo: T^T
Inasg_no: bck
Ring: mhm :|
Keigo: wb
Ring: wb
Cameronshifler: Wb
Inasg_no: thx
Ring: :|
Ring: >:|
Keigo: Rawr
Ring: gemme huggies
Oofalladeez: Someone pur a bullet in my skull..
Ring: no
Izzy_blight: I'll do it
Ring: bad nate
Ring: bad izzy
Keigo: no
Izzy_blight: I feel the urge to kill
Keigo: So kill me
Izzy_blight: Let me get my nerf gun
Ishipwillowandhunter: Fuck all of you
Ishipwillowandhunter: Most of you
Keigo: Why
Izzy_blight: Fuck you too dickhead
Izzy_blight: Oh my gosh no I am so sorry
Ishipwillowandhunter: Shut the fuck up you gorgeous little fuck
Inasg_no: he isn't a dickhead
Oofalladeez: Oh FUCK u i nees a real bul
Izzy_blight: If I could i would punch myself now
Ring: michy can you fuck me?
Inasg_no: back off
Ring: oh you're here :|
Ishipwillowandhunter: Ill fuck you baby
Ring: hru?
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm doing meh. Pissed at people but not that bad. Hbu?
Keigo: One I miss Nate already two pain
Izzy_blight: I can't wait until my dad leaves im gonna punch the concrete floor
until my hand breaks
Keigo: Well I die I die
Oofalladeez: I GT for quite a qhile guys... Bye...
Keigo: Bue
Keigo: Bye
Inasg_no: bye
Shushiboo: Bye kei
Inasg_no: nates going not Kiki xd
Keigo: Grace I'm not leaving
Shushiboo: Oof
Shushiboo: My half a braincell isn’t worki mf
Shushiboo: Working*
Ring: hi grace
Ring: :>
Shushiboo: Hey ring
Ring: hru?
Shushiboo: I’m okay
Shushiboo: I?
Shushiboo: U?
Ring: im good
Shushiboo: That’s good
Ring: i've just been working out like a fucking crazy person
Shushiboo: Been there were all a bit crazy tbh
Ring: na i got a bad genetic code mine is made up of 100% crazy
Shushiboo: It’s alr
Inasg_no: Hey I got a question
Shushiboo: Yeah?
Inasg_no: Can you take this 💵
Inasg_no: Bc I got pulled over and the cop told me I had to pay the fine
Inasg_no: amazing pick up line fr
Shushiboo: Lol yeah it’s a good one
Shushiboo: The rizz
Inasg_no: definitely didn't steal it from the yt vid I'm watching
Shushiboo: Totally didnt
Shushiboo: I got one- are you a painting cause I’d love to see you against the wall
Inasg_no: BRUH
Inasg_no: ima plagiarize that
Shushiboo: I got dat artist rizz
Shushiboo: Lamo
Inasg_no: no it's mine now
Shushiboo: :c
Shushiboo: Idc lok
Shushiboo: I’m trying to think of another one
Ishipwillowandhunter: Do you know the difference between choking and strangling?
Choking is when something's in your throat, strangling is something around it. How
about you come over and I show you both?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Also afk
Shushiboo: Lmaoo that’s great
Shushiboo: I screenshotted that one
Ishipwillowandhunter: I like it hoe
Ishipwillowandhunter: Now afk for
Inasg_no: don't go afk cunt
Inasg_no: NO
Ishipwillowandhunter: Hehe
Inasg_no: stupid whore :(
Inasg_no: stay
Shushiboo: Ay both of y’all be noce
Shushiboo: :c
Inasg_no: never
Inasg_no: Stay
Inasg_no: Stay
Inasg_no: Stay
Inasg_no: Stay
Inasg_no: Stay
Inasg_no: Not my slow spamming
Inasg_no: Stay
Inasg_no: Stay
Inasg_no: Stay
Inasg_no: Stay
Inasg_no: Stay
Inasg_no: Atay
Inasg_no: Stay
Inasg_no: Stay
Inasg_no: Sray
Inasg_no: Stay
Inasg_no: Stay
Inasg_no: Stay
Inasg_no: okay I'm done
Person112: Back for a little I think
Shushiboo: Are you color theory cause you make me lose my mind
Shushiboo: That’s another good artist rizz
Shushiboo: ZACHHHH
Person112: Grace
Person112: *GRACE
Inasg_no: WB <3
Shushiboo: Zachhhhh
Shushiboo: If you are the angel of death I'm willing to die a million times just
to see your beauty. If you are the angel of life I'm willing to be immortal.
Shushiboo: Poems .-.
Inasg_no: ALR YOU WIN GEEZ 😑
Person112: Wow grace
Ring: :|
Ring: me is a human
Izzy_blight: Feels like every other time I come here I just get all dramatic and/or
hurt other peoples feelings. I don't like how common it's become
Shushiboo: Wow what Zach?
Shushiboo: Awh Izzy :c
Shushiboo: It’s okay boo, try not to worry abt it
Person112: Idk
Izzy_blight: I think I'm slowly becoming too much of a bitter asshole to have human
contact anymore
Izzy_blight: It's getting dangerous
Shushiboo: It’s alr izzy
Izzy_blight: I don't think so
Izzy_blight: And when I think something you cannot change my mind
Izzy_blight: Anyway I'm gonna go before I cause any more of a scene. Better to
leave in dignity than be chased away in shame. Not that I have any dignity
Shushiboo: True there’s no changing what you think. The voices in our heads tell us
things that only we can trust; if your voice is telling you that and you believe it
there’s no use in trying to convince you otherwise
Inasg_no: I made Izzy go offline :(
Inasg_no: oh nvm she said she's gonna go mb
Person112: Iehdgfhebbskxnsbxksbeoenwnwlqnd by fidb :(
Inasg_no: aw zachy :(
Inasg_no: it's okay <3
Ring: :|
Ring: MERP
Shushiboo: We’re all just incoherent bags of flash
Inasg_no: flesh*
Inasg_no: Some of us are bags of flesh and cum
Person112: I need to go feed my kittens soon
Shushiboo: Same brb
Inasg_no: BUT OH MY LOVE
Inasg_no: OH BUT INSTEAD I ONLY WISH YORing: thanks :>
Ishipwillowandhunter: cumsluts* autocorrect
Ring: GOOD
Inasg_no: WB
Inasg_no: UGHHH
Ishipwillowandhunter: Tyyy
Shushiboo: I’m bck
Ishipwillowandhunter: Wbb
Inasg_no: wbb
Inasg_no: woah holy shit my hair is curly
Inasg_no: srry random
Shushiboo: It’s fine lol
Inasg_no: I need to burn them out
Inasg_no: when I can actually be bothered to
Ishipwillowandhunter: Ugh I'm so fhvndhvhddcf
Inasg_no: not a word
Shushiboo: Mood
Inasg_no: ima js say random lyrics cuz I can't type that fast
Inasg_no: BUT OH MY LOVE
Ishipwillowandhunter: Tablet gonna die soom
Ishipwillowandhunter: Soon
Inasg_no: charge it
Oofalladeez: ah Lands end to john o groats bullshit
Ishipwillowandhunter: I will. Trying to multitask is annoying
Oofalladeez: im not here long.....
Inasg_no: agreed mich
Inasg_no: WB Nate
Oofalladeez: I still wanna die...
Inasg_no: gtg soon
Inasg_no: well you ain't so
Oofalladeez: try me...
Inasg_no: in which way
Shushiboo: No dying here mfs
Inasg_no: like fuck you
Shushiboo: I’ll chloroform all of you
Oofalladeez: chloroform me then kill me...
Inasg_no: I have no energy
Shushiboo: Nah I’ll chloroform you and lock you in a closet
Shushiboo: You and tay both
Oofalladeez: as long as I don't have to be alive...
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm going to commit a frogicidd goddammit
Oofalladeez: be consicous for that matter...
Inasg_no: excuse me I'm claustrophobic no closest thank you
Shushiboo: Hm
Inasg_no: closet*
Shushiboo: Sounds kinky af but I’ll cuff you to the bed
Oofalladeez: plz no kinks......
Shushiboo: That way there’s no claustrophobic
Shushiboo: I don’t mean it in a kinky way .-.
Inasg_no: cuff me to the bed and leave Zach locked in the room
Shushiboo: Kk I’ll note it down
Inasg_no: hahah
Inasg_no: oh that reminds me
Inasg_no: I have more shit on Zach now -.-
Shushiboo: I wanna take a nap in the clouds
Inasg_no: WTF
Ishipwillowandhunter: I want to take an eternal nap in the ground
Shushiboo: NO
Inasg_no: EXCUSE ME
Shushiboo: BAD MICHY :cc
Inasg_no: WHAT
Shushiboo: Michael Thomas Garcia no
Oofalladeez: Oh shit
Inasg_no: ITS THOMAS?
Shushiboo: Mf you will not
Shushiboo: I will raise you from the dead
Ishipwillowandhunter: Excuse me
Oofalladeez: Thomas the Tranq Gun
Ishipwillowandhunter: No
Shushiboo: Excuse you
Ishipwillowandhunter: It is not
Inasg_no: I LOVE THAT
Ishipwillowandhunter: No you will not
Shushiboo: Try me
Shushiboo: I will mf
Inasg_no: my middle name is sooo bad
Shushiboo: You have to say then
Shushiboo: Mich
Ishipwillowandhunter: Oml it is the most generic middle name ever. Its a first name
Inasg_no: ITS SO GOOD
Shushiboo: Mich ffs if you die then imma die
Inasg_no: fr
Inasg_no: Me too
Shushiboo: There
Ishipwillowandhunter: NO
Ishipwillowandhunter: no one dies :(
Inasg_no: Remember I told you months ago when we first met
Shushiboo: Then you no die
Inasg_no: CLAIRE
Inasg_no: ANSWERE
Ishipwillowandhunter: Damn that was a long time ago. Yes I remember
Inasg_no: ANSWER ME
Inasg_no: WTF WAS THAT
Ishipwillowandhunter: Who's claire?
Inasg_no: AND WHO TO
Inasg_no: clairebear
Shushiboo: ???
Inasg_no: Clairebear: * whispers* i love you so much~
Ishipwillowandhunter: What did she say?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh
Inasg_no: FOR RING????
Ishipwillowandhunter: Isn't she the piece of shit impostor?
Ishipwillowandhunter: Claire?
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm 99% sure she's the bitch from weeks ago
Inasg_no: anyone wanna see my quotes of Zach from today
Ring: im watching big puffer....
Ring: :>
Inasg_no: Person112: Oh mommy Tay😩 idfk I ain’t good at that shit

Person112: *kisses Tay* 😏

Ishipwillowandhunter: Ooo love big puffer
Ring: ye
Ishipwillowandhunter: Smii7y is superior tho
Ishipwillowandhunter: If
Ishipwillowandhunter: Mf
Inasg_no: ignored wow
Ishipwillowandhunter: Zach is mine
Ring: puffer is my fav because idk actually
Inasg_no: ha no
Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes.
Inasg_no: no :(
Shushiboo: I vote and say Zach is the sacred god
Ring: thats me
Shushiboo: He gots that nice jawline for days
Inasg_no: Audrey Grace Mason
Ishipwillowandhunter: The bromance is too strong
Inasg_no: Michael Thomas Garcia
Shushiboo: Not my full name mf
Inasg_no: but no one knows my middle name :)
Inasg_no: I hate it
Inasg_no: It sounds Italian
Inasg_no: I think
Shushiboo: I was named after Audrey Hepburn smh
Inasg_no: But it's not Italian it's common
Inasg_no: ooh cute
Shushiboo: Sophie?
Inasg_no: not even close
Shushiboo: It’s commin
Inasg_no: you won't guess it
Shushiboo: Give me a hint
Shushiboo: One hint
Inasg_no: nah
Shushiboo: :c
Shushiboo: Pls
Shushiboo: Pleaseeeeee
Shushiboo: I Will win
Inasg_no: nah
Shushiboo: Pleaseeeeeeeee
Shushiboo: Tay
Inasg_no: one hinr then
Shushiboo: Taychee
Inasg_no: it runs in my family
Inasg_no: there is your useless hint
Shushiboo: No that’s not an acceptable
Shushiboo: Idfk your fam
Inasg_no: RUDE
Ring: no one knows my full name
Inasg_no: oh I thought you said idfc
Shushiboo: Lmao no
Ishipwillowandhunter: Gtg soon
Inasg_no: me roo
Inasg_no: too
Shushiboo: :cc
Shushiboo: But yeah same
Keigo: I'm about to pass out
Shushiboo: Same
Shushiboo: Mood fr
Keigo: No I haven't eaten anything today and all I've done since I got up is work
and my pain from yesterday is back
Ring: same
Ring: only abt the food though
Ishipwillowandhunter: I take hot showers because I like to practice burning in
Oofalladeez: gtg guys
Oofalladeez: bye
Inasg_no: bye
Ishipwillowandhunter: *hell
Shushiboo: Is it just me or like ice baths
Shushiboo: 10/10
Shushiboo: Mich same just yes
Inasg_no: I like hot showers
Shushiboo: I either want it boiling or my skin to be freezing
Shushiboo: Yo blackberries tho
Shushiboo: 10/10
Inasg_no: I can give you both a clue
Inasg_no: But I'll say no to any guess
Inasg_no: It begins with m
Shushiboo: Malorie
Shushiboo: Megan
Inasg_no: no
Inasg_no: no
Shushiboo: Margret
Inasg_no: no
Shushiboo: Hmmm
Shushiboo: Mazie
Inasg_no: no
Shushiboo: Hmm another hint
Shushiboo: Pls
Inasg_no: I swear in my life it genuinely isn't any of them
Inasg_no: uh
Inasg_no: it's sort of Italian sounding but it's a basic name
Ishipwillowandhunter: Ima get off
Inasg_no: NO
Inasg_no: DONT
Inasg_no: PLS
Inasg_no: NO
Inasg_no: DONT FO
Inasg_no: PLEASE
Ishipwillowandhunter: Why you have to soon anyway
Inasg_no: is it bc I haven't told you
Ishipwillowandhunter: No, I'm just getting frustrated and finding it hard to focus
on multiple things
Inasg_no: aww :(((
Ishipwillowandhunter: While also asking
Inasg_no: im sorry honey :(
Ishipwillowandhunter: Its fine
Inasg_no: WAIT
Ishipwillowandhunter: WHAT
Inasg_no: WAIT
Inasg_no: WAIT
Inasg_no: DON'T GO WAIT
Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm here
Inasg_no: EXCUSE ME
Inasg_no: I DIDNT SAY MY BYE20:48:42Wednesday, June 28, 2023
-broke linemaking
(anon): shit gtg
(anon): ilym michy
Ring: i gtg bye guys <3
Words: Words
20:14:09Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Ishipwillowandhunter: Back gunshots

Keigo: Bye
Inasg_no: bye
Shushiboo: Bye kei
Inasg_no: nates going not Kiki xd
esday, June 28, 2023

Oofalladeez: go...
Oofalladeez: And no one is here to give
Cameronshifler: Bye nate
Inasg_no: bye
18:30:32Wednesday, June 28, 2023
The moose from last night. The moose from last night. The moose from last night.
The moose from last night. The moose from last night. The moose from last night.
The moose from last night. The moose from last night. The moose from last night.
The moose from last night. The moose from last night. The moose from last night.
The moose from last night. The moose from last night. The moose from last night.
Ishipwillowandhunter: I love people. You're all so nice.
Izzy_blight: I have committed several war crimes in Afghanistan
Izzy_blight: But I love you too baby
Bastionofass: It is
17:55:56Wednesday, June 28, 2023
be getting on my knees or bending over?
Shushiboo: Both fs
Cameronshifler: Oh hell no, not to mich
Person112: Lmao
Izzy_blight: Children please calm yourselves

Izzy_blight: That's messed up
Axel_in_love: I accidentally hit him with the door and he yelled at me then told to
sit back down.
Izzy_blight: Oh dear


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