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Generic: wassup big dawg
(anon): Spot on my fellow.
(anon): and very good.
Generic: good good
Anon_supreme: excited about tomorrow
Generic: it is tmr for me
Cupoftea: why?
Justins: its Christmas for me
Generic: 12:55 est
Anon_supreme: Its christmas
Cupoftea: oh....ew
Anon_supreme: ah, its 11:55.
Generic: tbh ion rly got much goin on tmr
Anon_supreme: Missouri time sucks ass.
Justins: get that holiday cheer
Generic: only one person coming over.
Satan_claus: but 12 coming in
Generic: im def not complaining i hate socializing with a ton of ppl
Anon_supreme: ah, well I've got an entire other family in my house, hahaha
Cupoftea: it doesnt fucking feel like christmas for me, just a regular day.
Justins: same
Cupoftea: mhmm
Generic: thas wut aging does to u
Anon_supreme: Regular day with gifts. also we have had NO snow at all.
Generic: nothing has the same effect anymore
Anon_supreme: pisses me off.
Cupoftea: -_-
Generic: snow in my state sucks
Generic: so idrc
Justins: bruh im still in college its not supposed to feel like a normal day
Cupoftea: lmao
Generic: bruh lmao im in high school
Generic: wuts ur point
Satan_claus: your mom sucking me off made it feel like the best day ever <3
Generic: shit hasnt felt the same since like 7th grade
Anon_supreme: HS sucks ass.
Generic: ^
Anon_supreme: mainly the food and that ONE FUCKING TEACHER
Cupoftea: ????
Generic: nobody knows who they are yet and 90% of ppl are posers
Satan_claus: teacher fucking is great for sure
Justins: high school is so mid im glad im out of there
Anon_supreme: No im not talking about the MILF
Generic: when i was in middle school there was this one 8th grader who fucked a
Justins: I-
Satan_claus: I was high all through out any school
Anon_supreme: im talking about that one teacher I want to bash with a sledgehammer
because he wont fucking grade assignments.
Generic: lmaooo
Justins: im not surprised honestly there r 12 year olds who r pregnant where I live
Generic: bruh on the highkey im failing 3/4 classes rn
Satan_claus: I wanted to smash all the teachers
Generic: got no motivation for that shit
Satan_claus: with my cock
Generic: oh and the student was a guy
Generic: not a girl
Justins: a lil homo action we love to see it
Generic: teacher was mad cute and was married
Generic: lmaoooo
Justins: wait actually that's pedophila nvm
Generic: bruh i remember that shit was uhm. yea. teacher got fired
Justins: I just realized
Justins: I HOPE
Generic: it was all anybody talked abt for like a week.
Generic: then we all moved on
Justins: how's the guy tho
Justins: is he ok lmao
Generic: lmao idk i think he graduated last year
Satan_claus: that butt is still hurting
Generic: never rly knew him too well
Generic: y would his butt be hurting...
Generic: u think the teacher put on a strap on and fucked him?
Anon_supreme: He fucked with the wrong milf teacher
Generic: she wasnt even a milf
Generic: she was in her mid 20s
Anon_supreme: oof
Anon_supreme: OOF
Justins: da,m
Anon_supreme: Mans didn't even get anal from a MILF
Generic: ..
Generic: lemme reiterate
Generic: nobody got anal
Justins: LMAO
Anon_supreme: oh
Satan_claus: if you do not get pegged my the MILF it's not the full experience
Justins: anon just really wants anal I guess
Satan_claus: by the
Justins: buddy im free
Anon_supreme: nah
Generic: ayo i dont think any of u have seen my nft yet
Anon_supreme: you've got an Nft...
Justins: if it doesn't have boobs then I don't want to see it
Anon_supreme: ...
Anon_supreme: Justins why
Satan_claus: I love bitches with no boobs
Justins: I mean why not
Generic: guys dont screenshot tho!
Generic: nft moment
Anon_supreme: why are you like this...
Generic: selling for 69 ethereum
Justins: what is that
Generic: its an orange.
Generic: duh
Satan_claus: just nibbling on those nipples from that flat chest is the best
Justins: true true
Justins: satan u must have really liked my boob comment damn
Justins: always thinking of boob
Generic: jus jack off bruh
Justins: LMAO
Generic: u will feel extremely embarrassed abt all the shit ur saying rn
Justins: anyways Im hungry for orange and luckily my fridge has milliions
Generic: ayo orange?
Satan_claus: the best shut u ever said gen
Justins: yuh
Generic: say less
Justins: thanks
Generic: np big mane
Justins: is that an actually an nft or are u just trolling
Sannkaed: anyone here
Generic: im trolling
Sannkaed: pog
Justins: ok
Generic: sann???
Sannkaed: yeah
Generic: been a while since uve been here
Sannkaed: ik
Generic: idk wut time zone ur in but merry christmas
Justins: do u guys have like a discord or do y'all just talk here
Sannkaed: my discord is sylent.scream#5305 if you wanna get me on there
Justins: cutte lil community
Justins: ohhh ok
Sannkaed: yeah we talk on here mainly tho
Satan_claus: I got a pornhub account
Sannkaed: same
Sannkaed: merry christmas you filthy animals.
Generic: balls of steel
Justins: I don't
Justins: I don't even have balls my mom had me neutered
Satan_claus: I'm the girl who comments all the videos on pornhub
Generic: im the one who didnt ask.
Justins: im the one <3
Generic: justin beiber reference :O
Justins: Did u guys try the bieberballs
Justins: Tim biebs
Generic: i dont have a tim hortons where i live
Justins: oh yikes
Generic: yea bruh i miss living up north
Generic: we got dunkin donuts.
Justins: come back
Generic: and thas abt it
Jackson7r7474: Test
Justins: test
Generic: quiz
Generic: spelling bee
Justins: can u spell mississippi
Generic: uh
Generic: hmm
Generic: misicipi?
Justins: yikes..
Generic: uh.
Justins: u failed
Generic: did i get it.
Generic: aw
Generic: gimme another
Justins: you'll never see ur family again
Generic: ill make up for my fail
Justins: um ok
Justins: can u spell cumberbatch
Justins: wait
Justins: yeah
Generic: cum
Generic: *moment of silence*
Generic: thas it
Generic: cum.
Satan_claus: cum per snatch
Generic: final answer
Justins: LMAO
Justins: love it
Sannkaed: no me gusta negros
Generic: uhh
Generic: taco burrito chancla
Sannkaed: lol
Justins: r yall just poc and im stupid or
Generic: ?
Generic: bruh i told myself i would finish editing this vide 12 hours ago :|
Generic: im not even halfway done
Justins: what video
Satan_claus: making porn is hard
Generic: for my channel
Generic: and no not porn
Satan_claus: yeah
Justins: ur a YouTuber//
Satan_claus: child porn
Satan_claus: sorry
Generic: yea i have like uh 90k?
Generic: subs ofc.
Justins: proof
Generic: uh yea
Justins: show me the channel
Generic: jus take away the 0 and the k
Generic: lmaooo
Justins: LOL
Justins: damn
Generic: i make shit content.
Generic: only 2 vids up rn working on a 3rd
Satan_claus: no shit
Justins: damn
Generic: my only claim to fame is one vid wit almost 4k views
Justins: this the zoomed shit right
Justins: we love it
Generic: the wut.
Justins: zoomer
Generic: ...
Generic: escu me?
Justins: clearly I spend too much time on TikTok if u don't know what it is lol
Justins: cries
Satan_claus: girl I wanna make you sweat, sweat till you cant sweat no more
Generic: ..
Justins: I-
Justins: ok I think u need someone to like hose u down
Justins: ur so horny man ;O;
Satan_claus: it's hot in hell
Justins: true
Justins: u ok man
Justins: incel behaviour
Justins: l
Satan_claus: alalalalong alalalongongloningilonglonglong
Satan_: again
Satan_: u are not satan
Satan_: stop
Satan_claus: hey satan
(anon): e
Satan_: santa u gotta stop roleplaying its getting concerning
Justins: LMAO
Satan_claus: haha
Satan_: im not laughing
Satan_: do u wanna end up in hell with me?
Satan_claus: I got these sacks ready for your hot face
Justins: as a Christian...
Justins: yeah tbh
Justins: kidding in case god reads this
Satan_: ive been doin this shit for too long. im not as bad as yall think
Justins: idk if I believe that
Satan_: just bored. telling mfs to kill themselves is the most i got goin on rn
Justins: but yet again u don't need to prove anything to a stranger on the internet
Satan_claus: I'll empty these sacks on your face to help that burning for a second
Satan_: blame it on "schizophrenia"
Justins: not the voices lol
Satan_claus: they don't teach spelling in hell apparently?
Satan_: lmao and mfs be making religions using MY name and they dont even belive in
me or god
God_himself: u said my name lucifer?
Satan_: i was jus tellin them abt myself
God_himself: ah.
Satan_: u coming to hell for ur sons birthday tmr?
God_himself: ofc. i still dont forgive the sad sack of shit for wut he did but.
(anon): oof
God_himself: i am god so i must be forgiving
Satan_: ight dont forget brunch tmr to.
God_himself: yea i wont. still down for waffle house?
Satan_: yk it boss
Justins: r y'all roleplaying
Justins: love it
(anon): yep
Justins: furry vibes but Vibing nonetheless
(anon): the affle ouse
God_himself: alr well i gotta bget back to heaven. ig some mf named "jeffrey
epstein" is back at the gates asking to get in
Justins: Epstein didn't kill himself
Satan_: ight see u at brunch boss
God_himself: ight peace out mf
Satan_claus: well god liked to fuck up his only son so
Satan_claus: not that different
Satan_: goddamn i hate that bitch
God_himself: bruh.
God_himself: im fkn god
God_himself: i can hear that shit
God_himself: i got omnipotence and shit
Justins: the amount of times God kills people is kinda whack
Satan_claus: well you created us all so all you hear is yourself
Satan_: oh bad boss
God_himself: wut i thought now get back to hell. i heard hitler is trying to rally
the nazis again
Satan_: goddamnit
Satan_: toodles!
Generic: AND scene.
Justins: love it
Justins: claps
Generic: thank u thank u
(anon): golf claps>
Generic: sad that i have nothing better to do at this hour
Justins: u could sleep
Justins: or edit ur 5 second video
Generic: its actually gon be like 30 seconds so
Generic: ha
Justins: wow u really got me there
Satan_claus: is that you longest lasting porn?
Satan_claus: before u came?
Justins: kinda sus to making porn jokes abt minor...
Generic: ud be surprised
Generic: we have caught many pedos on here
Justins: yikes
Generic: if i may quote something i said earlier
Generic: Satan_: u coming to hell for ur sons birthday tmr?
God_himself: ofc. i still dont forgive the sad sack of shit for wut he did but.
Satan_claus: and u two are the worse ones
Generic: i was referring to somebody whos username was jesus69
Generic: a 24 yr old who made a 15 yr old show his bare ass on a zoom call
Justins: YIKES
Justins: why
Justins: that's so gross
Generic: makes me sad. jesus was a cool dude.
Generic: until ofc
Generic: yk
Justins: yeah
Satan_claus: before generic showed his 39 cock to him
Justins: zoinks
Generic: we dont talk abt that
Justins: barfs
Satan_claus: sry
Generic: ~cums~
Justins: A
Justins: this is my 13th reason
Generic: lmao im on my 15th
Justins: love to see it
Generic: 1 failed suicide attempts lets u get extra
Generic: attempt*
Justins: idk if I should laugh or feel pity
Generic: lmaooo it wasnt an attempt.
Satan_claus: btw I'm 6 years old
Generic: btw i didnt ask
Justins: I just don't because I think its so embarrassing to die
Generic: fr
Generic: dying is cringe
Justins: yeah
Generic: like bruh
Satan_claus: I'm going to be watching this chat for 24 hours
Generic: just *pfft*
Generic: just live
Generic: SMH
Justins: honestly
Justins: me @ my mom
Generic: wut.
Generic: me in ur mom
Justins: because she's dead
Justins: oh
Justins: necrophila
Generic: weve talked abt necrophillia way too much here
Generic: lets jus say my dog got hit by a car abt a week ago. and uh. yea.
Generic: thas all ill say
Justins: getting the sense that other than the racism this community could be ok
Justins: I-
Generic: theres rly not much racism.
Satan_claus: hanging niggers is a-ok
Generic: just one kid
Generic: and nvm
Generic: 2 kids
Justins: I-
Justins: yeah maybe not for me
Generic: i dont mind the occasional stereotypical joke every now and then.
Generic: but that.
Generic: is a bit much
Justins: I agree
Generic: anyways
Justins: as a fellow black crayola crayon im not sure how to feel
Generic: i hate black ppl
Justins: but I-
Generic: and all minoritites
Generic: LMAOOO
Justins: OOP
Generic: im jus playin
Generic: i love nig~
Generic: nigeria
Generic: great nation
Justins: yea
Justins: I hate white people
Generic: how could u insult the superior race like that
Generic: smh
Generic: lynch him
Justins: not the cracker talking
Justins: omg
Generic: dont make me live up to our races name.
Generic: *snaps whip*
Justins: ok massah
Generic: ok im done i cant do that much longer
Justins: yeah racism gets exhausting ikr
Justins: lol
Justins: anyways I gotta blast and forget about this interaction
Generic: im gonna blast
Generic: on ur face
Generic: damn he rly left
Generic: anyway
Generic: nobody is on
Generic: gn
Arr_be_dar: eyo
Arr_be_dar: anyone got the torture dance with iroginal song??
Arr_be_dar: i dont
Arr_be_dar: and its my only regret rn
Arr_be_dar: i found it
Arr_be_dar: and i will cherish this forever
Koda: ni-
Generic: gg~
Koda: no
Koda: stfu
Koda: smh weird ass
Koda: bored as
Koda: FUCK
Generic: merry chrimas
Koda: its not christmas here yet
Generic: lmao imagine being canadian
Koda: ah yes
Generic: so wut time is it for u rn
Koda: lets not speak of the 30 million people in california
Koda: who it also isnt christmas for.
Generic: california doesnt exist
Koda: 11:26 pm.
Generic: u cannot prove to me that california is real
Koda: you cannot prove to me that being american is better than canadian.
Koda: you can say "imagine being canadian" all u want lol
Generic: i never said it was :|
Koda: but you mfs STRUGGLING
Generic: u think i like my country...
Koda: idrc
Generic: im moving outa here as soon as i can
Koda: alr?
Generic: ight im out fuck u
Koda: mk
Void_the_proto: hmm
Void_the_proto: .fl
Anjuschka: Huhu
Callmelili: AHHHHHHH
Callmelili: I got a thick ass phone case
Mxangel: Oop
Callmelili: H iangel
Mxangel: Hi lili
Callmelili: I having good christmas
Mxangel: Cool
Callmelili: L
Mxangel: :P
Callmelili: lol
Mommymilkers42069: im going to hell as well i wear revealing clothes

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