# 'ZD07 - 08 - 01 - 2022tab1and2 GMT 2335

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Blue_jollyrancher: don't yell
Callmelili: I had a fight with logan
Koda: nobody cares
Separatio: yeah
(anon): You fought wolverine?
Separatio: shut up
Separatio: retarded anon
Callmelili: https://i.postimg.cc/FFgCxC6q/5-F541-BD0-61-B9-421-B-9237-C4-CD0-C148-
Callmelili: https://i.postimg.cc/FFgCxC6q/5-F541-BD0-61-B9-421-B-9237-C4-CD0-C148-
Separatio: i litterally hitting a wall right now
Separatio: ew
Separatio: tf
Blue_jollyrancher: don't hurt yourself
Callmelili: Logan that’s logan
Blue_jollyrancher: no one cares
Callmelili: Ik
Callmelili: It’s funi
Blue_jollyrancher: not really
Separatio: THATS LOGAN
Callmelili: YEAH
Methamphetamine_hunter69: looking like a snack
Methamphetamine_hunter69: jk
Methamphetamine_hunter69: lol
Callmelili: LOL
Koda: damn logan ugly asf
Callmelili: Ikr
Separatio: i need bleach
Furryanimeboy: that it im screaming
Separatio: he need the kardashian treatment
Callmelili: He does
Callmelili: He’s observing and crying
Separatio: lol
Methamphetamine_hunter69: no he is talking to me
Separatio: maybe the tears will wipe that clown of a face away
Callmelili: Fuck
Callmelili: He’s uglt
Separatio: hes the reason buildings are built to a lethal height
Separatio: https://postimg.cc/JH8N63nR
Separatio: [url=https://postimages.org/][img]https://i.postimg.cc/cCgFJXGt/IMG-
Furryanimeboy: he's the reason lethal poison exist
Separatio: lol
Separatio: [IMG-20220106-082151.jpg](https://postimg.cc/JH8N63nR)
Separatio: nvm
Separatio: image no worky
Callmelili: Gay
Separatio: https://i.postimg.cc/wvPSFt6J/Screenshot-2021-12-17-1-21-05-PM.png
Callmelili: Logan fuck off
Separatio: https://i.postimg.cc/cCgFJXGt/IMG-20220106-082151.jpg
Separatio: e
Callmelili: I’ll expose u more
Callmelili: OOP LOSSERE
Callmelili: Logan’s a pussy
Separatio: https://i.postimg.cc/j25481XB/Screenshot-2021-11-18-11-03-55-AM.png
Separatio: thats my reaction to logans face
Callmelili: *my earsrums die*
Callmelili: Logan’s a little faggot
Separatio: dont use that word
Callmelili: Sorry
Separatio: around a little bitch like logan
Callmelili: OHHHHHHHH
Separatio: hes still in 3rd grade he dont need to hear that
Callmelili: he said he was in 9th even his sister said he was 15
Separatio: his sister that i banged
Furryanimegirl: whats going on
Callmelili: His sister is7
Separatio: roasting
Callmelili: >.>
Separatio: it was a joke
Callmelili: Mk
Separatio: dur
Separatio: e
Separatio: e
Separatio: e
Separatio: e
Separatio: e
Separatio: e
Furryanimegirl: WHHHHYYY
Callmelili: Bro I’m going to his house to fucking see if he is dead soon
Separatio: lili
Furryanimeboy: why not
Callmelili: Ye
Separatio: how old do you think i am
Callmelili: Idk
Separatio: geuss
Furryanimeboy: 21
Callmelili: A cop?
Separatio: no
Separatio: im 15
Callmelili: oh fuck it’s logan
Furryanimeboy: bro im older than you
Separatio: UHHHHHH
Furryanimegirl: by one year
Furryanimeboy: still older
Furryanimegirl: stfu
Callmelili: Hell ur one year older than me
Furryanimeboy: okay
Callmelili: I’m only 14
Separatio: its but yet im Superior
Separatio: lol
Callmelili: Lol
Callmelili: Let us fuck Logan up
Callmelili: If he isn’t desd
Callmelili: LOL
Separatio: too far
Separatio: you see
Separatio: thats evidence
Callmelili: Mkb
Callmelili: Let’s fight with him when he comes back
Callmelili: He wa stalking to hunter
Callmelili: If hunter is a traitor
Callmelili: They both going down
Separatio: https://i.postimg.cc/TPb2ZjQw/Screenshot-2021-11-10-9-57-16-AM.png
Callmelili: Nice
Separatio: i just googled }{
Callmelili: We love that
Callmelili: Mk sep
Separatio: what
Callmelili: If u see Logan fucking war with him
Callmelili: Bye guys
Separatio: bye
Callmelili: See u soon
Separatio: bi
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Separatio: hm
Blue_jollyrancher: hi
Separatio: hi
Exagoni: hi
Separatio: hi
Separatio: i have 9 minutes
Blue_jollyrancher: nice
Separatio: 5
Separatio: 4
Separatio: 3
Separatio: 2
Separatio: 1
Separatio: bye
Blue_jollyrancher: bye
(anon): my dad farted on my dog and now its dead
Exagoni: um
Exagoni: dead chat
Separatio: ima backa
Sannkaed: yespd
Blue_jollyrancher: hilo
Exagoni: board
Exagoni: frik
Exagoni: embed fail
Kingucurimzon: hello everyone
Exagoni: hi
Obamabinladen: hello
Obamabinladen: anyone there?
Obamabinladen: woo hoo chats dead
Todd_clorox: Good job killing the chat, ya asshole.
Obamabinladen: ur welcom
Exagoni: hi
(anon): wtf do you want?
Exagoni: ?
Exagoni: this chat is dead asf today
Callmelili: Gosh
Todd_clorox: It's your fault it's dead, ya jerk.
Exagoni: how
Callmelili: Wtf
Callmelili: *cough*
Badge: covid
Mommymilkers42069: eulb
Callmelili: E
Callmelili: Chats slow
Badge: coz its a card game
Callmelili: I think Logan killed himself
Callmelili: Idc
Badge: not a chat website
Mommymilkers42069: lili not fucking funny
Badge: wtf
Mommymilkers42069: you can get arrested
Callmelili: *now glad he’s dead*
Mommymilkers42069: lili told logan to go off himself
Mommymilkers42069: lili
Callmelili: Go fuck badge ur hot together
Badge: wtff
Callmelili: Aren’t y’all together?
Badge: Lili what in the actual fuck
Mommymilkers42069: no you dumb bitch
Callmelili: Who’s daddy milk
Mommymilkers42069: MY FUCKING GF
Mommymilkers42069: you dumb whore
Callmelili: Badge is a girl
Callmelili: I thought y’all were a thing
Mommymilkers42069: daddy milk is her main you dumb fuck
Badge: im not in any relationships
Mommymilkers42069: is eulb on
Exagoni: wtf is happening
Badge: check on ur friends list
Badge: if they green they online
Mommymilkers42069: eh im too lazy to do friends list
Exagoni: good to know *adds everyone*
Badge: all you do is /fa then persons name
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Callmelili: Stop being rude :/
Callmelili: I don’t like it
Exagoni: who is being rude?
Callmelili: Badge and milk
Badge: no way
Callmelili: Mommymilkers42069: you dumb whore
Badge: lili told logan to off themselves
Mommymilkers42069: no
Exagoni: what???
Callmelili: Yeah
Exagoni: did he actually do that
Callmelili: He was bein an ass
Badge: still
Mommymilkers42069: Callmelili: I think Logan killed himself
Callmelili: Idc
Badge: not a chat website
Mommymilkers42069: lili not fucking funny
Badge: wtf
Mommymilkers42069: you can get arrested
Mommymilkers42069: Callmelili: *now glad he’s dead*
Mommymilkers42069: lili told logan to go off himself
Mommymilkers42069: lili
Callmelili: Go fuck badge ur hot together
Badge: wtff
Callmelili: Aren’t y’all together?
Badge: Lili what in the actual fuck
Mommymilkers42069: no you dumb bitch
Badge: you shouldn't do that
Exagoni: wtf
Exagoni: yeah no
Mommymilkers42069: there is the direct chat
Mommymilkers42069: dont turn shit on us
Exagoni: two wrongs don't make a right
Callmelili: And he wanted to we don’t know if he did
Callmelili: Ffs
Callmelili: He’s my ex
Callmelili: Stop being assholes
Callmelili: I don’t appreciate being attacked
(anon): I’m really uncomfortable and it’s none of ur buisness anyways
Mommymilkers42069: especially saying that someone should off themselves
Callmelili: Stop being so mean
Mommymilkers42069: oh act like the victim
Callmelili: Let’s talk about something else
Callmelili: I’m not acting like I an
Mommymilkers42069: act like a poor bitch
Callmelili: Ur being an ass
Mommymilkers42069: yes you are
Mommymilkers42069: says the one who told someone to off themselves
Callmelili: I just want to leave that alone I don’t know what I feel rn
Mommymilkers42069: well it was your decision
Mommymilkers42069: Do you not know how many people die a year from offing
Mommymilkers42069: most of them is because of people like you
Callmelili: Ik
Callmelili: Just piss off
Badge: Its very touchy subject
Callmelili: I KNOW
Badge: a*
Mommymilkers42069: lili
Mommymilkers42069: you need to stfu
Callmelili: what bow
Callmelili: No
Callmelili: :3
Mommymilkers42069: you cause the god damn drama
Callmelili: U don’t own me
Callmelili: So fuck off
Badge: lol
Mommymilkers42069: you tell people to go suck their own dicks. told me to suck my
own clit. how about you do that so itll shut you fat flapping lips the fuck up
Callmelili: No
Callmelili: :3
Separatio: lili stop
Exagoni: bruh
Mommymilkers42069: i am not dealing with your period blood clot lookin ass today
Badge: hello there
Exagoni: imagine being flexible enough to lick ur own clit tho-
Separatio: you just starting shit
Exagoni: sheesh
Callmelili: I haven’t done shit they started going after me
Mommymilkers42069: so when you want to grow up talk to me
Callmelili: I don’t want to talk to u
Separatio: idc anymore
Badge: hm
Exagoni: the one time this chat has been active today. :P
Mommymilkers42069: Callmelili: I think Logan killed himself
Callmelili: Idc
Badge: not a chat website
Mommymilkers42069: lili not fucking funny
Badge: wtf
Mommymilkers42069: you can get arrested
Mommymilkers42069: Callmelili: *now glad he’s dead*
Mommymilkers42069: lili told logan to go off himself
Mommymilkers42069: lili
Callmelili: Go fuck badge ur hot together
Badge: wtff
Callmelili: Aren’t y’all together?
Badge: Lili what in the actual fuck
Mommymilkers42069: no you dumb bitch
Mommymilkers42069: here separatio this is what made me be an asshat
Callmelili: Go fuck ur gf
Mommymilkers42069: ok
Separatio: lili
Separatio: SHUT UP
Callmelili: im not in the mood
Callmelili: NO
Callmelili: I WONT SHUT UP
Mommymilkers42069: thatll be more fun then your lips flapping
Callmelili: oh fuck u
Mommymilkers42069: and you being a twitchy twat
Mommymilkers42069: :3
Callmelili: And ur ugly
Badge: lol
Mommymilkers42069: eh
Separatio: lili your the reason there is an undo button for the undo button
Callmelili: K?
Mommymilkers42069: i know but my gf would strongly disagree and you about 2 weeks
ago would as well
Callmelili: The undo button was there before I was alive
Mommymilkers42069: your mom wished it was
Callmelili: It was :3
Badge: can we not go down that root
Callmelili: yeah I just wanna stop this rn
Callmelili: Can we be civil for once
Callmelili: :/
Badge: coz we better and mature
Callmelili: We all can be better-
Fcklgbtq: hello
Callmelili: Oh hi logan
Callmelili: lol
Badge: what
Callmelili: Hee hates the lgbtq
Callmelili: And he’s racist
Badge: Wtf
Mommymilkers42069: so he hates you
Callmelili: I regret him too
Callmelili: Lol
Mommymilkers42069: ah thats why he was calling you a whore while you were together
Badge: Wait wait wait
Callmelili: but I wasn’t fucking around
Callmelili: But whatever
Callmelili: Idc anymore
Callmelili: Would u wanna be wit someone looking like…
Badge: Milkers if they were being racists and homophobic then in the end both sides
are worse
Badge: im stil confused about this all
Mommymilkers42069: earlier lili was repeatedly telling logan that he would be
better offing himself
Callmelili: Lol
Callmelili: https://i.postimg.cc/d132VtyN/1-EB54-A08-D284-4476-9767-005282071-
Badge: whats the link
Callmelili: Logan
Badge: i aint clicking on it
Callmelili: Just do show image-
Callmelili: lol
Callmelili: He looks cursed
Badge: but its thats private stuff you shouldn't of done that
Badge: Be nice
Callmelili: K
Badge: this ain't school
Callmelili: Mk
Badge: -_-
Callmelili: Mk
Mommymilkers42069: lili also leaked daughters noods if you wanna talk about fucked
up stuff
Callmelili: Just one
Badge: wtf
Callmelili: She didn’t care
Badge: also more wtf who gave them her nufes
Callmelili: She was fine with it
Badge: she said that but im sure she wasnt
Callmelili: Mk
Callmelili: Even though she talk sexually in public chat
Badge: lili listen plz you just do what you like
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Badge: she didnt consent to you to show that stuff
Callmelili: Mk
Badge: Take responsibility ffs
Badge: ima be afk
Callmelili: Holy shit
Callmelili: The news is in my town
Callmelili: Because the athlete died-
Callmelili: Probably-
Daughter: by the way no i didnt give u permission to leak stuff so maybe dont next
Daughter: k bye
Callmelili: E
Callmelili: Wtf
Justsaft: asd
Callmelili: F
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Callmelili: Cleep
Mommymilkers42069: no
Callmelili: Blep
Blue_jollyrancher: No
Callmelili: Mep
Callmelili: Cleep
Mommymilkers42069: you saying it is very disrespectful
Callmelili: Cleep men
Mommymilkers42069: eulbbbbbbbbbbbbb
Callmelili: Blep
Callmelili: Blep
Mommymilkers42069: lili
Callmelili: Blep
Callmelili: Blep
Callmelili: Blep
Mommymilkers42069: this is why youre a dissapointment
Callmelili: Blep
Callmelili: Pleb
Callmelili: Pleb
Callmelili: Pleb
Callmelili: Pleb
Callmelili: Pleb
Mommymilkers42069: still
Mommymilkers42069: dissapointment
Callmelili: K
Mommymilkers42069: eulb
Callmelili: Logan wanted to rape me
Mommymilkers42069: no
Callmelili: ye
Mommymilkers42069: he said he hoped you did
Mommymilkers42069: dumb no memory bitch
Mommymilkers42069: lili just stfu youre sounding even stupider by the moment and my
brain cells are rapidly deteriorating
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Mommymilkers42069: blueeeeee
Blue_jollyrancher: Milk
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi
Mommymilkers42069: :)
Justalia: anyboddyyy?
Generic: yup
Justalia: oh ok
Justalia: hii
Generic: hello
Generic: are u new?
Justalia: mhmm
Generic: if u are daughter.
Generic: smh
Justalia: ??
Generic: one sec
Mommymilkers42069: gebbbbbbbb
Generic: ok so ur not daughter.
Generic: ight.
Justalia: that question didn't make sense.
Justalia: but okkk
Generic: howd u find this game
Mommymilkers42069: cursed chat
Generic: mommy
Mommymilkers42069: hm
Justalia: eh, got invited to play a game from my friends. realized they left and
the code thingy didnt work
Generic: me and my girl have 0 classes together next semester.
Generic: smh
Generic: im sad.
Justalia: lol
Mommymilkers42069: damn
Generic: omg we got matching rings tho.
Mommymilkers42069: wait id if my girlfriend and i have classes next semester
Mommymilkers42069: aw
Generic: i rly started crying on the bus im ngl. i already miss her. and its gon be
at least a week b4 i see her next.
Mommymilkers42069: aw
Generic: ill brb
(anon): heyooo
Mommymilkers42069: ?
(anon): ded caht
Mommymilkers42069: mhm
(anon): welp, ima go
Mommymilkers42069: mk bye anon
(anon): Hello?
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Mxangel: :P
Tfossyy: ;P
Mxangel: Anything happen while I was gone?
Mommymilkers42069: eh
Tfossyy: nope
Mommymilkers42069: you werent here
Tfossyy: im allways here
Tfossyy: i stay in the darkness
Mommymilkers42069: stfu
Mxangel: Koda didn't cancel anybody else? :P
Mommymilkers42069: no
Mommymilkers42069: i called lili out
Mxangel: >_>
Mommymilkers42069: hm
Generic: im back
Mommymilkers42069: gebbbyyy
Generic: hello
Mommymilkers42069: hai
Generic: oc
Generic: never do coke no fuck a nose bleed
Blue_jollyrancher: hello?
Mxangel: :P
Mommymilkers42069: P :
Blue_jollyrancher: ) : P
Mommymilkers42069: bopo
Blue_jollyrancher: pelb
Mommymilkers42069: pelb
Mxangel: d:
Mommymilkers42069: angel
Mxangel: milk
Mommymilkers42069: ih
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Mxangel: Heyy :P
Blue_jollyrancher: blop
Mommymilkers42069: pllb
Mommymilkers42069: polb
Blue_jollyrancher: klim
Mommymilkers42069: eulb
Blue_jollyrancher: ih
Mommymilkers42069: olleh
Mommymilkers42069: woh si uoy
Blue_jollyrancher: enif uoy
Mommymilkers42069: ko
Mommymilkers42069: mi derob
Mxangel: emas
Blue_jollyrancher: emas
Mommymilkers42069: kcid
Blue_jollyrancher: yussup
Mommymilkers42069: kcus ym kcid 😏
Blue_jollyrancher: rf?
Mxangel: <_<
Mommymilkers42069: yag
Blue_jollyrancher: ib
Mommymilkers42069: nap
Mommymilkers42069: ynroh


kantendestroyer MajanMajanson
Koda: hello im ur dad
Generic: where tf u been for the last 11 years mf
Mommymilkers42069: koda say that to logan
Callmelili: Tell Logan to go fuck himself
Koda: god damn
Koda: i come in for 3 seconds
Koda: and yall coming up to me like an orphan begging to be adopted in an orphanage
Koda: like damn, back up
Mommymilkers42069: why is it whenever you see logans name you pop up
Callmelili: IS KODA LOGAN
Koda: i think she meant you
Koda: not me.
Mommymilkers42069: ^
Koda: and no
Koda: im not logan.
Koda: disgusting you'd think im someone that ugly.
Callmecali: Kodas gotta be logan
Koda: how.
Koda: what is your logic :|
Callmecali: Ur buddy already said it
Mommymilkers42069: i meant lili
Mommymilkers42069: dumb cunt
Callmecali: Oh lol
Callmecali: Well idk I'm always on
Koda: yea
Koda: so i guess YOU are logan then :|
Koda: by your logic.
Generic: y we talkin bout logic in here
Callmecali: Nop
Koda: because i have the most logic here
Mommymilkers42069: logic of lili: 📉📉📉📉📉📉
Callmecali: Rude
Callmecali: I have some
Mommymilkers42069: 🤏
(anon): lilis logic is 0 but i have -600000000
Callmecali: LOL
Callmecali: Idek my iq because I have 0
Mommymilkers42069: lmfao
Koda: so
Koda: so far on the
Generic: i been on the low i been takin my time
Koda: pedophile list
Koda: we got
Koda: Rin
Koda: Mxangel
Koda: Daughter
Koda: Comenlal
Koda: Jesus69
Generic: daughter?
Koda: and thats it.
Callmecali: Jan
Callmecali: Logan
Koda: my boy u were there when we exposed daughter.
Koda: that was literally a few hours ago.
Callmecali: O-
Koda: logan isnt a pedo but jan is.
Generic: u exposed her for having other accts.
Callmecali: What happend
Koda: she sexualized lili
Koda: lili s 14
Koda: she is 17
Generic: and she is?
Mommymilkers42069: shes 16
Koda: legal age in england is 16.
(anon): yeah that was my bad
Koda: neko said she is 17
Mommymilkers42069: from what ive heard
Callmecali: Logan is he wanted to have phone sex
Generic: ok who cares x-x
Koda: so that means daughter told neko she is 16.
Koda: pedophile
Koda: ass
Koda: shit.
(anon): yes
Generic: again who fkn cares its not like wut jesus pulled.
Generic: or wut rin pulled
Koda: so?
Koda: what would you rather do?
Koda: just accept the pedo?
(anon): i won't do it again
(anon): but i admit
Koda: its not like we are doing EXTRA work here
Callmecali: Logan is a late abortion
Koda: we are just knowing they're a pedo
Koda: cancelling them
Koda: and moving on.
(anon): im kinda retarded
Generic: tbh idrc abt anybody here x-x
Koda: no forgiveness.
Koda: thats a YOU thing
Koda: not a people thing.
Callmecali: Then why are u here
Mommymilkers42069: you dont care about me gebby T-T
Generic: bc i have no life outside of school
Koda: "dont expect me back" headass..
Generic: frfr
Generic: smh
Generic: cringe
Koda: lmaoooo
Koda: knife talk is a top 10 rap song of 2021
Koda: ok bye.
Generic: :|
(anon): yes
Callmecali: LOL
Callmecali: Fuck
Mommymilkers42069: hm
Koda: fuck me
Generic: im a mf schemaboy
Koda: D A D D DY
Generic: im a dreamer boy
Generic: i love a girl that dont even fkn need a boy
Generic: baby im a beamer boy
Koda: wants and needs a top 5 rap song of 2021
Generic: i need a beamer boy
Koda: gay
Generic: i want a z3 thas a 2 seater boy
Generic: ok i pull my cash out
Generic: shawty pass out
Generic: take her ass out
Generic: then i spazz out
Generic: ok yea i hit that
Generic: shawty get back
Generic: i got death notes
Generic: where my list at
Callmecali: Kkk
Koda: that was the end generic?
Generic: nope.
Koda: yep.
Generic: but ion feel like typing out lyrics rn.
Koda: then die
Generic: yea im in my zone now
Generic: i put my phone down
Generic: im own my own now
Koda: the day someone
Generic: yea im on my own now
Koda: says
Koda: "im gonna kill myself" then actually does it
Generic: yo girl she wanna go down
Generic: on a real one
Koda: is the day
Generic: i hit tracy
Generic: like wuts the deal bruh?
Koda: nothing happens
Generic: u see me doin shows now
Generic: im a pro now
Generic: i got hoes now
Generic: and i got some dough now
Generic: but they dont wanna hear that
Generic: they want that real shit
Generic: they want that drug talk
Generic: that i cant feel shit
Generic: im never coming home now
Generic: all alone now
Koda: oh
Koda: he died.
Generic: cant let my bros down
Koda: r.i.p
Generic: cant let my bros down
Generic: i feel like im a no one
Koda: server mute got this man again
Generic: thas wut they told me
Generic: imma show u
Koda: 2-0
Generic: goddamnit i jus got ratio'd by the server again
Generic: smh
Koda: they told ur ass to stfu
Generic: cant believe it
Koda: Koda: oh
Koda: he died.
Koda: r.i.p
Koda: server mute got this man again
Koda: 2-0
Koda: yikes.
Koda: generic
Generic: mane FUCK this server
Koda: i can see ur msgs now
Generic: nice.
Koda: actually i always could, i lied that time so u would stfu
Generic: ...
Koda: lmao
Callmecali: Aids
Koda: get gotted x-x
Callmecali: Whi wantwo Logan's neighborhood?
Koda: Koda: oh
Koda: he died.
Generic: cant let my bros down
Koda: r.i.p
Generic: cant let my bros down
Generic: i feel like im a no one
Koda: you were here the whole time.
Generic: mane im gonna KILL MYSELF
Koda: lol
Generic: y u always tryna spend my money
Generic: y u always gotta act so funny
Generic: i got 6 gold chains on and im going dummy while yo bitch gimme brains in
the back of the hummer
Koda: its gon be real funny
Koda: when u like
Koda: fr get muted and dont believe me
Generic: u want me to get muted rn?
Koda: yuh
Koda: spam
Generic: ight
Generic: *inhales*
Generic: OIJ
Generic: fjFjj
Generic: ggj
Generic: g
Koda: ill tell u how long it takes to get muted
Generic: gjg
Generic: jjgjo
Generic: dj
Generic: czojcjzjf
Generic: djf
Generic: djf
Mommymilkers42069: ijnijnijn
Mommymilkers42069: pp
Koda: oh
Koda: i think hes gone.
Koda: Generic: gjg
Generic: jjgjo
Generic: dj
Generic: czojcjzjf
Generic: djf
Generic: djf
Mommymilkers42069: hm
Koda: hm
Mommymilkers42069: mh
Koda: mhph daddy`
Mommymilkers42069: 😏
Koda: stfu
Mommymilkers42069: ayo
Koda: no
Koda: no ayo
Mommymilkers42069: oya
Koda: mk
Callmecali: What should we do the next time Logan's on
Mommymilkers42069: yao
Koda: ming?
Callmecali: No,just kill
Callmecali: Cleep
Mommymilkers42069: uwu
Callmecali: Uwo
Koda: gen u can come back now.
Mommymilkers42069: owo
Mommymilkers42069: gebbbyyyyyy
Callmecali: UwU
Callmecali: Bleeeeeeeppp
Koda: prolly busy
Mommymilkers42069: its blep
Callmecali: Blep
Mommymilkers42069: not BlEeEeEeEpPp
Callmecali: Blep
Callmecali: Bloop
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Callmecali: Blep
Mommymilkers42069: yez
Callmecali: DeD
Mommymilkers42069: dEd
Callmecali: Gae
Mommymilkers42069: GeBbBbBbBbBbYyYyY
Callmecali: Gebbbbyyhhyyyyy
Mommymilkers42069: no
Callmecali: Ye
Mommymilkers42069: no
Callmecali: No
Mommymilkers42069: no
Callmecali: Lol Logan's a lil bitch
Mommymilkers42069: r u obsessed
Callmecali: No
Callmecali: I have other problems
Callmecali: He wants to get down on shell
Mommymilkers42069: oh hell naw
(anon): horrible
Mommymilkers42069: he gotta go through me first
(anon): shoot him
Callmecali: Lol and wanted to have phone sex with me
Mommymilkers42069: yes
Callmecali: I said NO
Mommymilkers42069: he also tried to suck his own dick
Callmecali: He did
Mommymilkers42069: whats he gonna try to do next Piss over his shoulder?
Callmecali: In front of his sister
Mommymilkers42069: sounds more like a stepsis
Callmecali: Lol
Callmecali: Ye
Callmecali: He says he has friends
Callmecali: Bitch
Mommymilkers42069: them yummy long pubic hair mmm stepsis -logan
Callmecali: No Xd
Mommymilkers42069: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3Z0tw_HzDs
Mommymilkers42069: thats him
Callmecali: Cursed
Callmecali: He don't shave
Callmecali: I can't believe he likes my state-
Callmecali: And their teams-
Callmecali: Like where I was born state
Callmecali: Imma get those sweatshirts and keep for myself but first clean them
Callmecali: Jeez
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Callmecali: Hi
Blue_jollyrancher: hi
Blue_jollyrancher: klim
Callmecali: Logan and i are officially over
Callmecali: He obviously wants shell
Blue_jollyrancher: oof
Callmecali: He wanted to have sex on call-
Callmecali: T.v.
Callmecali: Oop
Callmecali: Rip
Callmecali: I'm dead
Callmecali: Gay
Callmecali: Logan does little kids
(anon): owo
Blue_jollyrancher: uwu
Callmecali: Lmao
Mommymilkers42069: ovo
Callmecali: Owl
Mommymilkers42069: yes
Blue_jollyrancher: owu
Callmecali: ,c.f. Gggygyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Callmecali: Let's bully Logan when he is on
Mommymilkers42069: eulbbbbbbbbb
Blue_jollyrancher: klimmmmmmmmm
Mommymilkers42069: ehehhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Callmecali: Yes?
Blue_jollyrancher: i'm so warm
Blue_jollyrancher: its nice
Callmecali: E
Blue_jollyrancher: klim
Blue_jollyrancher: kilm
Blue_jollyrancher: klim
Mommymilkers42069: i want physical touch 😔
Bolitascafeces: Same
Blue_jollyrancher: same
Mommymilkers42069: sey eulb?
Callmecali: See
Callmecali: Sanme
Blue_jollyrancher: m'I derob
Mommymilkers42069: emas
Mommymilkers42069: muc
(anon): cum
Mommymilkers42069: hcum
Blue_jollyrancher: muc
Mommymilkers42069: ymmuy
Blue_jollyrancher: I tnaw seldduc
Mommymilkers42069: I tnaw sessik
Blue_jollyrancher: emas
Mommymilkers42069: i tnaw ym dneirflrig rof sessik dna seigguh
Blue_jollyrancher: doom
Mommymilkers42069: xes
Blue_jollyrancher: evol
Mommymilkers42069: evol
Blue_jollyrancher: guh
Mommymilkers42069: yxems
Blue_jollyrancher: ym deah si gnitaolf
Mommymilkers42069: ym kcid si gnitaolf
Blue_jollyrancher: ecion
Mommymilkers42069: ykcus ykcus
Blue_jollyrancher: foo
Mommymilkers42069: eulb
Blue_jollyrancher: sey
Mommymilkers42069: mi derob
Blue_jollyrancher: emas
Blue_jollyrancher: i tnaw gorf
Mommymilkers42069: sey
Blue_jollyrancher: dna tac
Mommymilkers42069: i tog tac
Blue_jollyrancher: !yttik
Mommymilkers42069: !ytitt
Blue_jollyrancher: lol yttit
Koda: yo
Blue_jollyrancher: ih adok
Koda: ufts
Blue_jollyrancher: han
Koda: km
Blue_jollyrancher: dolc dna mraw klim
Mommymilkers42069: nmad
Jadduck: Plague Diamond
Blue_jollyrancher: haey
Generic: ur mom
Generic: is blue ok?
Blue_jollyrancher: ebyam
Generic: oh ight
Blue_jollyrancher: woh era uoy
Jadduck: doog
(anon): poop
Mxangel: :P
Koda: titty
Koda: penis
Blue_jollyrancher: klim uoy ereht?
Koda: can you not.
Mommymilkers42069: ybbeg
Blue_jollyrancher: ybbeg?
Mommymilkers42069: erehw ybbeg
Blue_jollyrancher: kdi
Koda: this is why i hate it here.
Koda: .-- .... -.-- / -.-. .- -. .----. - / -.-- --- ..- / .--- ..- ... - / -.. ---
/ - .... .. ... ..--..
Blue_jollyrancher: kdi
Mommymilkers42069: YBBEG
Mommymilkers42069: ADOWK
Koda: no.
Mommymilkers42069: kwoda
Koda: what
Mommymilkers42069: hiii
Koda: N.O.S.T
Jadduck: D.I.E
Koda: shut ur unfunny ass up.
Jadduck: why
Koda: cause ur as annoying as logan
Jadduck: why
Koda: just are
Koda: thats how it is
Koda: i mean
Koda: i didnt make it that way
Koda: you did
Koda: your mom did
Jadduck: why though
Koda: i made her tho
Koda: made her night last night
Jadduck: why
Koda: something we did make s her bed too
Jadduck: why
Koda: after i messed it up
Koda: we had to make up her bed again
Koda: so that no one would get suspicious
Koda: but god damn
Koda: we were rocking the walls
Jadduck: what color are the bedsheets
Koda: it was like that one episode of spongebob
Koda: yknow when he dances with the jellyfish in the house?
Koda: and the speakers are hella loud and shit
Koda: yea, that was me and ur mom
Koda: dancing in the sheets ;)
Jadduck: stadium rave
Koda: the whole house was bouncing
Koda: i mean
kantendestroyer MajanMajanson
Generic: jjgjo
Generic: dj
Generic: czojcjzjf
Generic: djf
Generic: djf
Mommymilkers42069: ijnijnijn
Mommymilkers42069: pp
Koda: oh
Koda: i think hes gone.
Koda: Generic: gjg
Generic: jjgjo
Generic: dj
Generic: czojcjzjf
Generic: djf
Generic: djf
Mommymilkers42069: hm
Koda: hm
Mommymilkers42069: mh
Koda: mhph daddy`
Mommymilkers42069: 😏
Koda: stfu
Mommymilkers42069: ayo
Koda: no
Koda: no ayo
Mommymilkers42069: oya
Koda: mk
Callmecali: What should we do the next time Logan's on
Mommymilkers42069: yao
Koda: ming?
Callmecali: No,just kill
Callmecali: Cleep
Mommymilkers42069: uwu
Callmecali: Uwo
Koda: gen u can come back now.
Mommymilkers42069: owo
Mommymilkers42069: gebbbyyyyyy
Callmecali: UwU
Callmecali: Bleeeeeeeppp
Koda: prolly busy
Mommymilkers42069: its blep
Callmecali: Blep
Mommymilkers42069: not BlEeEeEeEpPp
Callmecali: Blep
Callmecali: Bloop
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Callmecali: Blep
Mommymilkers42069: yez
Callmecali: DeD
Mommymilkers42069: dEd
Callmecali: Gae
Mommymilkers42069: GeBbBbBbBbBbYyYyY
Callmecali: Gebbbbyyhhyyyyy
Mommymilkers42069: no
Callmecali: Ye
Mommymilkers42069: no
Callmecali: No
Mommymilkers42069: no
Callmecali: Lol Logan's a lil bitch
Mommymilkers42069: r u obsessed
Callmecali: No
Callmecali: I have other problems
Callmecali: He wants to get down on shell
Mommymilkers42069: oh hell naw
(anon): horrible
Mommymilkers42069: he gotta go through me first
(anon): shoot him
Callmecali: Lol and wanted to have phone sex with me
Mommymilkers42069: yes
Callmecali: I said NO
Mommymilkers42069: he also tried to suck his own dick
Callmecali: He did
Mommymilkers42069: whats he gonna try to do next Piss over his shoulder?
Callmecali: In front of his sister
Mommymilkers42069: sounds more like a stepsis
Callmecali: Lol
Callmecali: Ye
Callmecali: He says he has friends
Callmecali: Bitch
Mommymilkers42069: them yummy long pubic hair mmm stepsis -logan
Callmecali: No Xd
Mommymilkers42069: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3Z0tw_HzDs
Mommymilkers42069: thats him
Callmecali: Cursed
Callmecali: He don't shave
Callmecali: I can't believe he likes my state-
Callmecali: And their teams-
Callmecali: Like where I was born state
Callmecali: Imma get those sweatshirts and keep for myself but first clean them
Callmecali: Jeez
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Callmecali: Hi
Blue_jollyrancher: hi
Blue_jollyrancher: klim
Callmecali: Logan and i are officially over
Callmecali: He obviously wants shell
Blue_jollyrancher: oof
Callmecali: He wanted to have sex on call-
Callmecali: T.v.
Callmecali: Oop
Callmecali: Rip
Callmecali: I'm dead
Callmecali: Gay
Callmecali: Logan does little kids
(anon): owo
Blue_jollyrancher: uwu
Callmecali: Lmao
Mommymilkers42069: ovo
Callmecali: Owl
Mommymilkers42069: yes
Blue_jollyrancher: owu
Callmecali: ,c.f. Gggygyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Callmecali: Let's bully Logan when he is on
Mommymilkers42069: eulbbbbbbbbb
Blue_jollyrancher: klimmmmmmmmm
Mommymilkers42069: ehehhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Callmecali: Yes?
Blue_jollyrancher: i'm so warm
Blue_jollyrancher: its nice
Callmecali: E
Blue_jollyrancher: klim
Blue_jollyrancher: kilm
Blue_jollyrancher: klim
Mommymilkers42069: i want physical touch 😔
Bolitascafeces: Same
Blue_jollyrancher: same
Mommymilkers42069: sey eulb?
Callmecali: See
Callmecali: Sanme
Blue_jollyrancher: m'I derob
Mommymilkers42069: emas
Mommymilkers42069: muc
(anon): cum
Mommymilkers42069: hcum
Blue_jollyrancher: muc
Mommymilkers42069: ymmuy
Blue_jollyrancher: I tnaw seldduc
Mommymilkers42069: I tnaw sessik
Blue_jollyrancher: emas
Mommymilkers42069: i tnaw ym dneirflrig rof sessik dna seigguh
Blue_jollyrancher: doom
Mommymilkers42069: xes
Blue_jollyrancher: evol
Mommymilkers42069: evol
Blue_jollyrancher: guh
Mommymilkers42069: yxems
Blue_jollyrancher: ym deah si gnitaolf
Mommymilkers42069: ym kcid si gnitaolf
Blue_jollyrancher: ecion
Mommymilkers42069: ykcus ykcus
Blue_jollyrancher: foo
Mommymilkers42069: eulb
Blue_jollyrancher: sey
Mommymilkers42069: mi derob
Blue_jollyrancher: emas
Blue_jollyrancher: i tnaw gorf
Mommymilkers42069: sey
Blue_jollyrancher: dna tac
Mommymilkers42069: i tog tac
Blue_jollyrancher: !yttik
Mommymilkers42069: !ytitt
Blue_jollyrancher: lol yttit
Koda: yo
Blue_jollyrancher: ih adok
Koda: ufts
Blue_jollyrancher: han
Koda: km
Blue_jollyrancher: dolc dna mraw klim
Mommymilkers42069: nmad
Jadduck: Plague Diamond
Blue_jollyrancher: haey
Generic: ur mom
Generic: is blue ok?
Blue_jollyrancher: ebyam
Generic: oh ight
Blue_jollyrancher: woh era uoy
Jadduck: doog
(anon): poop
Mxangel: :P
Koda: titty
Koda: penis
Blue_jollyrancher: klim uoy ereht?
Koda: can you not.
Mommymilkers42069: ybbeg
Blue_jollyrancher: ybbeg?
Mommymilkers42069: erehw ybbeg
Blue_jollyrancher: kdi
Koda: this is why i hate it here.
Koda: .-- .... -.-- / -.-. .- -. .----. - / -.-- --- ..- / .--- ..- ... - / -.. ---
/ - .... .. ... ..--..
Blue_jollyrancher: kdi
Mommymilkers42069: YBBEG
Mommymilkers42069: ADOWK
Koda: no.
Mommymilkers42069: kwoda
Koda: what
Mommymilkers42069: hiii
Koda: N.O.S.T
Jadduck: D.I.E
Koda: shut ur unfunny ass up.
Jadduck: why
Koda: cause ur as annoying as logan
Jadduck: why
Koda: just are
Koda: thats how it is
Koda: i mean
Koda: i didnt make it that way
Koda: you did
Koda: your mom did
Jadduck: why though
Koda: i made her tho
Koda: made her night last night
Jadduck: why
Koda: something we did make s her bed too
Jadduck: why
Koda: after i messed it up
Koda: we had to make up her bed again
Koda: so that no one would get suspicious
Koda: but god damn
Koda: we were rocking the walls
Jadduck: what color are the bedsheets
Koda: it was like that one episode of spongebob
Koda: yknow when he dances with the jellyfish in the house?
Koda: and the speakers are hella loud and shit
Koda: yea, that was me and ur mom
Koda: dancing in the sheets ;)
Jadduck: stadium rave
Koda: the whole house was bouncing
Koda: i mean
Koda: she is quite
Koda: big.
Koda: but thats okay
Koda: just more area for my cum to hit.
Jadduck: and yours is quite
Jadduck: missing
Koda: how would u know?
Koda: thats kinda gay
Jadduck: hey
Jadduck: just like you!
Jadduck: its very relatable
Koda: this the dude who wanted to show me his camo pants?
Jadduck: mhm
Koda: dont accuse people of being gay til u come out of the closet yourself
Jadduck: you that upset over it?
Jadduck: also, i am gay
Koda: how is that me being upset?
Koda: yea we know.
Jadduck: ok
Koda: k
Koda: lol
Jadduck: we've reached an impasse
Koda: 87-0 x-x
Jadduck: your politics bore me
Koda: america's don't tho
Koda: ur country is fucked.
Koda: like really fucked.
Jadduck: no way
Jadduck: really?
Koda: yup
Jadduck: we are definitely not in debt to China
Koda: you're literally in debt to yourself so gas prices are like
Koda: aboce 3 dollars everywhere there.
Koda: above*
Jadduck: oh debt is not the reason for high gas price
Koda: then why
Koda: why is it that high
Koda: for fucking what.
Koda: and will you mfs stop shooting up schools?
Koda: you guys have had like
Jadduck: because Biden looked at all the natural resources we have here in the US
and said, "we dont need these"
Koda: 100 more school shootings than the country in second place
Koda: like damn, we get it, you guys are in first place for it.
Koda: but gas was just as high when trump was president
Jadduck: there is no way to prevent shootings
Koda: and i thought gas prices were dropping in america?
Jadduck: they were low
Jadduck: when we were pumping it ourselves
Jadduck: now we are relying on some 3rd world country
Koda: sounds like an america issue.
Jadduck: yeah
Koda: yup
Jadduck: i heard knife crime is pretty high over there
Koda: in vancouver?
Jadduck: just over in that general direction
Koda: no, not really.
Jadduck: facing outward
Koda: it's pretty peaceful where i live.
Jadduck: same
Koda: and in *MOST* of canada
Jadduck: maple syrup
Jadduck: yum
Koda: systematic racism
Koda: yum
Jadduck: bruh i just said syrup
Koda: tf am i supposed to say?
Koda: burgers?
Koda: :|
Jadduck: yes
Koda: no.
Jadduck: bbq
Koda: everywhere makes that.
Koda: syrup is KNOWN for being canadian.
Jadduck: Aunt Jemima
Koda: yup
Jadduck: they took her image off the logo because it was apparently racist
Jadduck: ?
Jadduck: how
Koda: well
Koda: THAT syrup just happens to be american so.
Koda: :/
Koda: u tell me lol
Jadduck: i dont know how its racist
Jadduck: because it isnt
Koda: i think it was because she was a slave.
Koda: i mean
Koda: the syrup was made like
Jadduck: she WAS
Koda: 130 years ago.
Koda: it wasnt made by a black person.
Koda: but the logo was a slaved black woman.
Jadduck: her image was paid for
Koda: and we KNOW how black people were treated back then
Koda: so
Jadduck: her family got paid per bottle
Koda: she was a SLAVE
Koda: she was lucky to be paid AT ALL
Jadduck: but she was financially compensated, correct? they got her permission, and
her family's permission, and they got paid per bottle
Koda: ok if you were a slave
Koda: not getting paid
Koda: probably broke.
Jadduck: she was paid tho
Jadduck: cant use that
Koda: she was paid AFTER they asked her to be
Koda: tf was she supposed to do?
Jadduck: cant change the argument like that
Koda: just say "nah ima be a broke slave"
Koda: like wtf???
Jadduck: she was a freed slave, was she not?
Koda: after she became a logo
Koda: not before.
Koda: and its not like they just changed it for nothing
Koda: obviously the black community complained about it
Koda: for what reason? who fucking cares
Koda: its syrup
Koda: The cleveland indians changing their name to the gaurdians has its reasons
Koda: redskins becoming the washington football team.
Koda: yea, so why argue
Koda: its changed, boohoo
Koda: ove on.
Koda: move on*
Jadduck: but there was no need to change it
Koda: im sure the thousands of black people who argued to have it changed could
tell you different.
Koda: but you wont find out in this chat.
Jadduck: let me guess
Jadduck: BLM?
Koda: idfk im canadian
Koda: i mean we still had that but
Koda: ours were much more peaceful and understanding.
Koda: the protesters)
Jadduck: our BLM is a fucking domestic terrorist group
Koda: oh you're THAT white
Koda: lmao i see now
Jadduck: im not white
Koda: so what are u then?
Jadduck: they were fucking destroying stores
Jadduck: and stealing
Koda: what are u?
Jadduck: and vandalizing
Koda: if not white
Koda: are u black?
Jadduck: im Cuban
Koda: im talking about the color of ur skin my guy.
Koda: not ur fuckin origins lol
Mommymilkers42069: im a bffr
Jadduck: race or ethnicity
Koda: bffr?
Koda: race
Koda: color
Koda: of ur skin
Jadduck: Hispanic
Koda: what color are u
Koda: damn
Koda: white, black, brown what?
Koda: may as well just send a pic of ur hand
Koda: put three fingers up in the pic as well to prove its u
Jadduck: im brown
Jadduck: like a Hispanic
Koda: how brown is brown?
Koda: lke chocolate?
Koda: or like fuckin..
Koda: zendaya
Jadduck: kinda
Jadduck: a little darker
Koda: so it isnt even your people who are dying x-x
Jadduck: what do you mean "my people" lmao
Koda: your slightly darker than zendaya people.
Koda: its black people
Jadduck: no way
Koda: black people were dying.
Jadduck: BLM (Black Lives Matter) isnt about Hispanics?
Koda: aint no lightskin mf was out there getting beat by a cop.
Koda: no.
Jadduck: oh you're THAT kind of liberal
Koda: but thats what im saying
Koda: YOU and YOUR people
Jadduck: do you know how many non blacks get beat by cops
Koda: cannot understand what they felt.

kantendestroyer MajanMajanson
Koda: :/
Koda: u tell me lol
Jadduck: i dont know how its racist
Jadduck: because it isnt
Koda: i think it was because she was a slave.
Koda: i mean
Koda: the syrup was made like
Jadduck: she WAS
Koda: 130 years ago.
Koda: it wasnt made by a black person.
Koda: but the logo was a slaved black woman.
Jadduck: her image was paid for
Koda: and we KNOW how black people were treated back then
Koda: so
Jadduck: her family got paid per bottle
Koda: she was a SLAVE
Koda: she was lucky to be paid AT ALL
Jadduck: but she was financially compensated, correct? they got her permission, and
her family's permission, and they got paid per bottle
Koda: ok if you were a slave
Koda: not getting paid
Koda: probably broke.
Jadduck: she was paid tho
Jadduck: cant use that
Koda: she was paid AFTER they asked her to be
Koda: tf was she supposed to do?
Jadduck: cant change the argument like that
Koda: just say "nah ima be a broke slave"
Koda: like wtf???
Jadduck: she was a freed slave, was she not?
Koda: after she became a logo
Koda: not before.
Koda: and its not like they just changed it for nothing
Koda: obviously the black community complained about it
Koda: for what reason? who fucking cares
Koda: its syrup
Koda: The cleveland indians changing their name to the gaurdians has its reasons
Koda: redskins becoming the washington football team.
Koda: yea, so why argue
Koda: its changed, boohoo
Koda: ove on.
Koda: move on*
Jadduck: but there was no need to change it
Koda: im sure the thousands of black people who argued to have it changed could
tell you different.
Koda: but you wont find out in this chat.
Jadduck: let me guess
Jadduck: BLM?
Koda: idfk im canadian
Koda: i mean we still had that but
Koda: ours were much more peaceful and understanding.
Koda: the protesters)
Jadduck: our BLM is a fucking domestic terrorist group
Koda: oh you're THAT white
Koda: lmao i see now
Jadduck: im not white
Koda: so what are u then?
Jadduck: they were fucking destroying stores
Jadduck: and stealing
Koda: what are u?
Jadduck: and vandalizing
Koda: if not white
Koda: are u black?
Jadduck: im Cuban
Koda: im talking about the color of ur skin my guy.
Koda: not ur fuckin origins lol
Mommymilkers42069: im a bffr
Jadduck: race or ethnicity
Koda: bffr?
Koda: race
Koda: color
Koda: of ur skin
Jadduck: Hispanic
Koda: what color are u
Koda: damn
Koda: white, black, brown what?
Koda: may as well just send a pic of ur hand
Koda: put three fingers up in the pic as well to prove its u
Jadduck: im brown
Jadduck: like a Hispanic
Koda: how brown is brown?
Koda: lke chocolate?
Koda: or like fuckin..
Koda: zendaya
Jadduck: kinda
Jadduck: a little darker
Koda: so it isnt even your people who are dying x-x
Jadduck: what do you mean "my people" lmao
Koda: your slightly darker than zendaya people.
Koda: its black people
Jadduck: no way
Koda: black people were dying.
Jadduck: BLM (Black Lives Matter) isnt about Hispanics?
Koda: aint no lightskin mf was out there getting beat by a cop.
Koda: no.
Jadduck: oh you're THAT kind of liberal
Koda: but thats what im saying
Koda: YOU and YOUR people
Jadduck: do you know how many non blacks get beat by cops
Koda: cannot understand what they felt.
Koda: but its not about non blacks.
Jadduck: more white guys shoot white guys than whites shoot blacks
Jadduck: but we dont talk about the whites, or the spanish, or the others
Koda: oh nah u definitely have said the hard r irl
Koda: im out of this convo before u accidently use it on me
Koda: lmao bye loser
Jadduck: what a snowflake lmao
Jadduck: "you and your people"
Jadduck: thats the most white shit ever
Koda: you said BLM is a terrorist group
Koda: that has to be the most trump supporter thing ive ever heard
Koda: and i dont support him OR biden
Koda: or anyone in america lmaooo
Jadduck: so looting and destroying property is fine?
Jadduck: okay
Koda: it stopped them from getting beat and shot pretty good.
Koda: i havent seen as much racism in the news
Koda: rittenhouse case was some bs
Koda: nothing to do with race but
Jadduck: BLM vandalized the Massachusetts 54th reg memorial
Koda: still
Koda: american bs.
Jadduck: the memorial to the first full BLACK regiment
Jadduck: and they vandalized it
Jadduck: explain
Koda: second
Koda: but ok.
Koda: hey
Koda: maybe work on the history
Koda: cya dumbass x-x
Jadduck: 4doorsmorewhores
Jadduck: Gen
Rinalin: Jadduck
Rinalin: get your bitch ass over here right now?
Jadduck: no
Rinalin: the fuck am I hearing
Rinalin: that after I blocked you
Rinalin: koda
Rinalin: is saying I talked to you when I didn’t?
Jadduck: Koda is koda
Jadduck: speaking of which
Jadduck: blocked
Rinalin: What?
Rinalin: nigga
Rinalin: really?
Jadduck: inner peace
Jadduck: finally
Rinalin: WHY the hell…
Jadduck: kek
Rinalin: I hate you!
Rinalin: AGAIN
Rinalin: AGAIN
Rinalin: Am I aiming to high?
Rinalin: always wanting things I can’t have
Jadduck: You're aiming too low
Lookconsist: D:
Rinalin: I hate you!
Rinalin: and you think you’re better?!
Rinalin: youre 14!
Jadduck: and you're 19
Rinalin: YOU. ARE. 14.
Jadduck: your point?
Rinalin: exactly.
Themooserapist: Raping moose, all day long, raping moose while I sing this song
Rinalin: im not gonna be with you.
Rinalin: moose
Jadduck: i dont want you to be
Rinalin: can I have my moose soup now?
Rinalin: DID
Rinalin: YOU
Rinalin: LIE
Themooserapist: Rape rape rape the moose gently down the streeeeaaaammm
Jadduck: i havent said anything about you
Jadduck: i could care less what YOU think about me
Rinalin: So why did he say
Rinalin: I was talking to you
Rinalin: when I wasn’t
Rinalin: someone here loed
Rinalin: lied
Jadduck: because he's Koda
Rinalin: so someone wants koda
Rinalin: or someone wants me
Rinalin: and I refuse
Jadduck: its not me
Rinalin: i absolutely
Jadduck: thats for sure
Themooserapist: I want to rape moose
Themooserapist: All the mooseses
Rinalin: refuse to date any degenerate who visits this site again
Rinalin: I’m too pretty
Rinalin: I’m too sweet
Rinalin: I’m too
Themooserapist: You sound fat
Rinalin: I’m too ducking amazing
Jadduck: true
Themooserapist: Like a moose
Rinalin: wow
Rinalin: thqnks
Jadduck: np
Rinalin: in chubby
Rinalin: so I guess it makes sense
Themooserapist: Chubby means fat
Jadduck: true
Jadduck: very good
Rinalin: Rood
Rinalin: hold up
Themooserapist: Fat fatty fat fat trying to hide her fatness with cute words
Lookconsist: tbh can’t expect serious relationships on here :/
Themooserapist: Right?
Jadduck: somewhat
Rinalin: A picture rin made today https://postimg.cc/PPxnT6J5
Mxangel: <3
Themooserapist: Can’t see it thank god
Rinalin: ;-;
Rinalin: I don’t care
Themooserapist: I don’t want to barf
Rinalin: I don’t care
Rinalin: I don’t care
Rinalin: I don’t care
Rinalin: I don’t care
Jadduck: then why post it?
Themooserapist: I am eating hickory sticks
Jadduck: meh
Themooserapist: Fat slut
Rinalin: I AM A SLUT
Rinalin: CORRECT
Jadduck: i would say Neko is better
Rinalin: Neko is a mannnnn
Rinalin: neko is heavier than meeeee
Jadduck: Void makes a better woman
Lookconsist: You’re not fat at all dw
Themooserapist: Fucking gross fatness smelt folds and I have to move your fucking
gut to get at your disgusting snatch baaaaaaarrrrrffff boner killer supreme
Rinalin: Void is a man
Jadduck: i know
Jadduck: Can you stop bugging me now? im playing CoD and enjoyed when i didnt have
to converse with you
Themooserapist: Flip you over now it’s worse your droopy funbags are now even
droopier like cow udders and your gut is just unspeakable
Rinalin: GO AWAY
Mxangel: Well, my wifi cut out
Themooserapist: All any man can do is picture a much hotter woman
Mxangel: Riiiinnnnnnn
Rinalin: Am I fat?
Themooserapist: Very
Jadduck: hehe
Rinalin: https://postimg.cc/PPxnT6J5
Lookconsist: woah why are you being so mean :(
Rinalin: am I fat?
Jadduck: she used to ask me those questions
Mxangel: Nah
Rinalin: Thank you.
Rinalin: thank you
Jadduck: i never said you were fat
Mxangel: You're beautiful <3
Rinalin: yes
Jadduck: i said meh
Rinalin: you did
Rinalin: fuck you
Rinalin: leave me alone
Themooserapist: Honestly? You have awful posture
Jadduck: because i dont really care
Rinalin: you ruined it
Rinalin: it was a pose
Themooserapist: Makes you look fat
Rinalin: fuck off
Rinalin: you said it didn’t work
Rinalin: fuck off
Rinalin: Go die
Rinalin: i hate you
Themooserapist: Also you are fat lol
Jadduck: yeah honestly moose isnt funny
Rinalin: Fine
Rinalin: i guess I’m bbw
Themooserapist: Then why am I laughing I lolol lol
Jadduck: somewhat
Themooserapist: No you are fine
Rinalin: F if k you
Mxangel: Themooserapist, just fuck off for now
Rinalin: FUCK. YOU
Rinalin: F US K YOU
Themooserapist: These days you are thin
Jadduck: just block him
Themooserapist: Most women are whales lol
Rinalin: No
Rinalin: I like his account name
Rinalin: i can’t
Jadduck: he built like a hanging water balloon
Themooserapist: Hey I was just being serious now she’s fine lol
Rinalin: Leave me alone
Rinalin: fuck you
Lookconsist: :(
Rinalin: I’m not forgiving you today
Themooserapist: Most women these days are fucking gross she is fine just a weird
Jadduck: thats fine Rin
Themooserapist: You still a dumb slag
Jadduck: just stop crawling back to Koda
Rinalin: Don’t talk to me Jadduck
Rinalin: I hate you
Rinalin: I
Rinalin: WANT
Rinalin: KODA
Rinalin: NE
Jadduck: hes not a good choice for you
Rinalin: THEN WHO IS?
Rinalin: THEN.
Rinalin: WHO.
Rinalin: IS
Jadduck: not me
Themooserapist: Ew people cheat on you
Rinalin: YEAH
Themooserapist: I have never been cheated on that I know of
Themooserapist: Lolol wow
Jadduck: why would they cheat if you're so amazing?
Rinalin: Cause
Rinalin: maybe I’m not
Jadduck: finally
Themooserapist: You are pretty bonkers in an interesting way
Rinalin: Mhm
Rinalin: thanks?
Rinalin: yeah
Rinalin: we were dating
Lookconsist: Nah if someone cheats it’s cause they’re a coward
Rinalin: we were friends
Themooserapist: Cheating means you picked a shithead
Rinalin: jadd is racist in a chat I’m not even present I
Rinalin: in
Jadduck: im not racist but okay
Rinalin: …
Rinalin: Nom
Rinalin: blm
Themooserapist: Wut
Jadduck: i support the cause
Jadduck: but the RIOTERS
Rinalin: YOU
Rinalin: SAID
Themooserapist: Oh no
Rinalin: TOO MUCH
Rinalin: SHUT UP
Themooserapist: Ahem
Themooserapist: I’ll just take the heat on that one
Jadduck: good for you?
Themooserapist: Black lives matters is a terrorist org
Themooserapist: Anyone who supports BLM is probably a dumb fucking commie stooge
Jadduck: nor does it care for yours and yet, here we are
Themooserapist: And unemployed
Themooserapist: Rioters should be shot in the streets
Themooserapist: By whoever
Jadduck: the cause it worthy, the choices by the protesters were not very smart
Rinalin: They’re going to far c
Rinalin: ill agree
Rinalin: i hate the hair shit
Rinalin: the style
Rinalin: but
Jadduck: i hate the smash and grabbing
Rinalin: it’s just like feminism
Jadduck: and vandalizing
Rinalin: they went to far
Rinalin: but
Themooserapist: You think any of those protesters were gonna invent a thing that
helps mankind? Think we lose any future Einsteins if we machine gun them?
Rinalin: you made him come to me with that shit
Rinalin: why?
Rinalin: why did he say I talked to you?
Themooserapist: No way they are all pot smoking losers
Rinalin: you said my name didn’t you?
Themooserapist: Unemployed bums with Lib Arts degrees
Jadduck: me?
Lookconsist: I’m so confused lmao
Themooserapist: Fuck blm
Rinalin: Koda is being a dick
Rinalin: cause of Jadduck
Jadduck: as always
Jadduck: nah
Jadduck: have*
Rinalin: You made koda
Rinalin: mad at me in the first place
Rinalin: And it’s been downhill from there
Rinalin: fuck
Rinalin: you
Jadduck: yes he seems to listen to me very well
Rinalin: rin is a ceritified peedo
Themooserapist: Is that seriously your pic?
Rinalin: Cause you can’t trust peedos
Rinalin: yed
Rinalin: yes
Rinalin: thqts obviously me
Rinalin: i think I’m pretty
Rinalin: I’ll post myself
Themooserapist: Like you seriously show your body to randoms online
Jadduck: mhm
Rinalin: I don’t care
Themooserapist: You deserve to be cheated on quite frankly
Rinalin: i have nothing to live for anyway
Rinalin: yeah
Themooserapist: Clearly
Jadduck: what?
Rinalin: thqts why I’m learning to deal with it
Themooserapist: You engage in self destructive behaviours and debase yourself for
Lookconsist: That’s kind of a shitty thing to say :( nobody deserves that

kantendestroyer MajanMajanson
Themooserapist: Most women these days are fucking gross she is fine just a weird
Jadduck: thats fine Rin
Themooserapist: You still a dumb slag
Jadduck: just stop crawling back to Koda
Rinalin: Don’t talk to me Jadduck
Rinalin: I hate you
Rinalin: I
Rinalin: WANT
Rinalin: KODA
Rinalin: NE
Jadduck: hes not a good choice for you
Rinalin: THEN WHO IS?
Rinalin: THEN.
Rinalin: WHO.
Rinalin: IS
Jadduck: not me
Themooserapist: Ew people cheat on you
Rinalin: YEAH
Themooserapist: I have never been cheated on that I know of
Themooserapist: Lolol wow
Jadduck: why would they cheat if you're so amazing?
Rinalin: Cause
Rinalin: maybe I’m not
Jadduck: finally
Themooserapist: You are pretty bonkers in an interesting way
Rinalin: Mhm
Rinalin: thanks?
Rinalin: yeah
Rinalin: we were dating
Lookconsist: Nah if someone cheats it’s cause they’re a coward
Rinalin: we were friends
Themooserapist: Cheating means you picked a shithead
Rinalin: jadd is racist in a chat I’m not even present I
Rinalin: in
Jadduck: im not racist but okay
Rinalin: …
Rinalin: Nom
Rinalin: blm
Themooserapist: Wut
Jadduck: i support the cause
Jadduck: but the RIOTERS
Rinalin: YOU
Rinalin: SAID
Themooserapist: Oh no
Rinalin: TOO MUCH
Rinalin: SHUT UP
Themooserapist: Ahem
Themooserapist: I’ll just take the heat on that one
Jadduck: good for you?
Themooserapist: Black lives matters is a terrorist org
Themooserapist: Anyone who supports BLM is probably a dumb fucking commie stooge
Jadduck: nor does it care for yours and yet, here we are
Themooserapist: And unemployed
Themooserapist: Rioters should be shot in the streets
Themooserapist: By whoever
Jadduck: the cause it worthy, the choices by the protesters were not very smart
Rinalin: They’re going to far c
Rinalin: ill agree
Rinalin: i hate the hair shit
Rinalin: the style
Rinalin: but
Jadduck: i hate the smash and grabbing
Rinalin: it’s just like feminism
Jadduck: and vandalizing
Rinalin: they went to far
Rinalin: but
Themooserapist: You think any of those protesters were gonna invent a thing that
helps mankind? Think we lose any future Einsteins if we machine gun them?
Rinalin: you made him come to me with that shit
Rinalin: why?
Rinalin: why did he say I talked to you?
Themooserapist: No way they are all pot smoking losers
Rinalin: you said my name didn’t you?
Themooserapist: Unemployed bums with Lib Arts degrees
Jadduck: me?
Lookconsist: I’m so confused lmao
Themooserapist: Fuck blm
Rinalin: Koda is being a dick
Rinalin: cause of Jadduck
Jadduck: as always
Jadduck: nah
Jadduck: have*
Rinalin: You made koda
Rinalin: mad at me in the first place
Rinalin: And it’s been downhill from there
Rinalin: fuck
Rinalin: you
Jadduck: yes he seems to listen to me very well
Rinalin: rin is a ceritified peedo
Themooserapist: Is that seriously your pic?
Rinalin: Cause you can’t trust peedos
Rinalin: yed
Rinalin: yes
Rinalin: thqts obviously me
Rinalin: i think I’m pretty
Rinalin: I’ll post myself
Themooserapist: Like you seriously show your body to randoms online
Jadduck: mhm
Rinalin: I don’t care
Themooserapist: You deserve to be cheated on quite frankly
Rinalin: i have nothing to live for anyway
Rinalin: yeah
Themooserapist: Clearly
Jadduck: what?
Rinalin: thqts why I’m learning to deal with it
Themooserapist: You engage in self destructive behaviours and debase yourself for
Lookconsist: That’s kind of a shitty thing to say :( nobody deserves that
Jadduck: you got Enrique
Rinalin: Meh
Jadduck: thats something
Rinalin: fuck sex
Rinalin: fuck
Rinalin: sex
Jadduck: fine
Rinalin: ill become abstinate
Rinalin: fuck toy
Themooserapist: You should try respecting yourself
Jadduck: give me enrique then
Themooserapist: Give that a shot lol
Rinalin: Fuck you
Rinalin: no
Rinalin: no
Jadduck: -_-
Themooserapist: Ah well I tried
Rinalin: no one else does
Rinalin: why should I
Rinalin: I did
Rinalin: just cause I show my body
Themooserapist: *blinks*
Rinalin: doesn’t mean internet proud of it
Jadduck: I still do, thats why i wanted to still be friends
Themooserapist: Anyhoo lol
Rinalin: I’m not*
Jadduck: but im not so sure anymore
Rinalin: I don’t !
Themooserapist: You are clearly well past saving
Rinalin: I had friends like this before
Lookconsist: You can show your body and be proud of it, but definitely make sure
that you know your own worth <3
Jadduck: i didnt backstab you
Rinalin: who stuck their nose
Rinalin: where it didn’t belong
Rinalin: if I wanna jump
Lookconsist: dont base it on other people’s opinion of you
Rinalin: let me jump dammit
Themooserapist: Showing your body to the entire internet is pathetic and desperate
Jadduck: you always came to me when you were sad
Rinalin: Meh
Rinalin: thats yo ur opinion
Themooserapist: No self respecting man looking for a mate will touch that
Lookconsist: depends on how you do it tbh
Rinalin: And I’ll never do it again
Themooserapist: Only fuckbois
Rinalin: Welp
Themooserapist: And weirdos
Lookconsist: she doesn’t have to do it for a guy
Rinalin: rin is a virgin
Rinalin: who’s never gonna get fucked anyway
Jadduck: i took time to help you, and sort the issue
Rinalin: so I wasn’t worried about it
Rinalin: And then
Rinalin: you got it so I had to block you
Rinalin: and then
Rinalin: my relationship was fucked
Rinalin: that was your mistake
Rinalin: and I’m dealing with the consequences
Themooserapist: Relationship thats rich lol
Rinalin: fuck you
Rinalin: Hm?
Jadduck: so i should have not helped you?
Rinalin: NO
Jadduck: i should not have been sympathetic?
Themooserapist: I bet your longest relationship is measured in weeks
Rinalin: I never had an issue
Rinalin: No…
Rinalin: 3 years
Themooserapist: How many abortions?
Rinalin: im a virgin
Themooserapist: How many tattoos?
Jadduck: you would come crying to me nearly every other day
Rinalin: None
Rinalin: are you stereotyping me?
Themooserapist: Hmmmm you might not be ruined yet
Rinalin: Because I didn’t wanna lose him
Themooserapist: Was trying to but you won’t fit
Rinalin: I’m just a hopeless romantic with a nymph o attitude
Themooserapist: Yeah that’s ducking weird
Rinalin: I was too focused on what my family thought of me
Rinalin: and studies
Rinalin: im Still too focused
Rinalin: I have no friends irl
Themooserapist: You show yourself like a camgirl whore but are a virgin without
Rinalin: cause shit like this happens then too
Rinalin: Yep
Lookconsist: tbf there are furries on here, I won’t judge them and they’re free to
do what they want
Themooserapist: Well I guess some part of you knows that you don’t have the
maturity for sex yet
Rinalin: I’m. Not. Into gays. Or furries.
Lookconsist: But imo being a nympho is less weird than rhat
Lookconsist: Than that*
Rinalin: I’m just really horny
Lookconsist: Fair enough
Jadduck: and?
Themooserapist: Showing your body to randoms online for a hit of dopamine from a
compliment or two is weak
Rinalin: I try to be pretty
Rinalin: they say show some skin
Rinalin: I’ll do it
Themooserapist: That’s weak
Rinalin: I don’t care
Rinalin: I am weak
Rinalin: I’ll accept it
Themooserapist: Being weak is generally best left to weaklings
Rinalin: i prefer it
Rinalin: i wish.
I wish someone would use me
Rinalin: But they dont
Themooserapist: Barf
Lookconsist: :((
Rinalin: Meh
Themooserapist: I don’t blame them
Rinalin: that’s ur opinion
Rinalin: like i said
Rinalin: anyway
Themooserapist: I wouldn’t touch a woman that anyone can google pics of in her
undies lolol
Rinalin: oh
Themooserapist: Seriously
Rinalin: you can’t
Rinalin: ?
Rinalin: I just made my own link
Rinalin: it’s private
Themooserapist: Well somehow I have your pic now
Rinalin: Yes
Themooserapist: Sigh
Rinalin: but you don’t like it
Rinalin: so why would you keep it?
Lookconsist: you “have” her pic now huh
Themooserapist: That is so it the point lol
Themooserapist: I don’t have it it’s gone I couldn’t care less but it took nothing
to get it
Rinalin: See
Rinalin: cause I gave
Themooserapist: You gave that out for basically free lol
Rinalin: So?
Themooserapist: So don’t
Rinalin: why would I make people waste their money on me?
Themooserapist: Sheesh
Rinalin: thats rood
Rinalin: and a waste
Jadduck: well im saving that link
Themooserapist: Lemme guess no relationship with your dad?
Rinalin: …
Themooserapist: I am not it’s gone lol
Rinalin: you’re a horrible person then
Rinalin: Jadduck
Jadduck: why?
Rinalin: taking Advantage of a girl
Jadduck: you gave me the image
Rinalin: who just wanted to stop being insulted
Jadduck: free will
Rinalin: fine
Themooserapist: Why save it she is like a seven you can google tens all day long
Rinalin: fuck ut
Themooserapist: What is the appeal of average cchicks
Jadduck: how is me saving the image insulting?
Rinalin: I got my feelings hirt
Themooserapist: Yeah I don’t actually get that lol
Jadduck: we all do Rin
Rinalin: i sent the image to prove you wrong
Rinalin: yiy insulted me
Rinalin: YOU
Themooserapist: You obviously want male attention
Rinalin: you might be a woman
Rinalin: this is the internet after all
Jadduck: i stayed neutral
Rinalin: I hate you
Themooserapist: Do I sound at all like a woman lol
Rinalin: fuckjng keep it
Rinalin: see if I care
Rinalin: I can’t hear you
Themooserapist: I hear a lot but not that
Jadduck: okay
Rinalin: I do care
Rinalin: why did
Rinalin: i say that
Rinalin: okay
Themooserapist: A woman lolol no woman talks like me
Rinalin: if I say
Themooserapist: You are nuts
Rinalin: I don’t want you to have it anymore
Rinalin: what are you gonna do
Rinalin: still keep it?
Themooserapist: No wonder people cheat on you they get tired of the desperate crazy
behavior lol
Jadduck: ooh
Rinalin: Yeah.
Rinalin: thank you for giving me more reasons to just accept it’s gonna happen
Jadduck: so do you want me to unbookmark it?
Rinalin: you’d be a terrible father
Rinalin: I WANT YOU
Themooserapist: Excellent self fulfilling prophecy
Jadduck: alright chill
Rinalin: …
Themooserapist: You can fail forever in a self sustaining loop out work here is
done lol
Jadduck: i deleted it
Rinalin: …
Rinalin: hm
Jadduck: it is no longer bookmarked
Rinalin: what was your goal James?
Rinalin: when you told koda all that shit?
Themooserapist: Hahahaha he printed it out he is tapi by the picture to a doll as
we speak
Jadduck: to get Plague Diamond
Rinalin: what was your goal?
Rinalin: did you think you were helping me?
Themooserapist: He is gonna fuck the shit outta that doll
Jadduck: i didnt tell koda anything
Rinalin: You fucking liar
Jadduck: i dont know where koda gets his ideas from
Rinalin: he used my account and talked to you
Themooserapist: Hahahahaha I kept the link I am posting it on Reddit btw you dumb
Jadduck: well, thats not my fault
Rinalin: You’re lying
Jadduck: you gave him access
Rinalin: youre lying
Rinalin: So he could block you dimbass
Themooserapist: They have a bunch of subreddits for dumb slags like you
Rinalin: i wasn’t gonna be a peedo
Rinalin: Please leave me alone moose
Themooserapist: Never I am gonna make you famous
Jadduck: so you're gonna tell me Koda blocked me on YOUR account?
Rinalin: What?
Rinalin: Yes?
Rinalin: I said he could
Lookconsist: Wait why do you know all these subreddits
Jadduck: why did he have access to your account
Rinalin: Please don’t?
Themooserapist: Sorry infamous but you are too dumb to know the diff just relax
Rinalin: Infamous
Mxangel: Moose, this is too far. You really shouldn't be doin that
Themooserapist: RELAX
Rinalin: go down in history with a negative connotation
Themooserapist: I am kidding
Themooserapist: I didn’t save it lol
Rinalin: famous is similar.
But is positive
Themooserapist: Reddit is for lame
Rinalin: Cause I have it to him
Rinalin: I trusted him
Jadduck: why did he have access?
Jadduck: hm
Rinalin: I gave it to him
Themooserapist: I am innately trustworthy
Jadduck: well thats your fault
Rinalin: I didn’t wanna be a pedo you retard
Jadduck: you made that choice
Themooserapist: My hostility is matched only by my intelligence
Rinalin: And it was smart
Rinalin: but you still found a way to ruin shit
Rinalin: you still found a way
Rinalin: maybe it was you and void who messed up cali
Themooserapist: God you sound young
Jadduck: oh it was definatly us
Themooserapist: Just drumming up drama
Rinalin: I’m 19
Themooserapist: Shocker
Rinalin: He’s 14
Themooserapist: …..ew
Rinalin: Exactly ya
Themooserapist: Wtf is wrong with you
Rinalin: Woooow
Rinalin: fhanks
Rinalin: thank you.
Anything else?
Themooserapist: Wait are you somehow the victim?
Rinalin: anything else?
Jadduck: i will say, she didnt know
Rinalin: no?
Jadduck: it is not her fault
Rinalin: not in the way you’re thinking?
Themooserapist: Then why are you reacting with shock
Rinalin: Huh?
Themooserapist: Probably should add details lol
Rinalin: No
Themooserapist: She didn’t known
Rinalin: this isn’t even ur business
Rinalin: pm is just too much work
Themooserapist: She didn’t know ahahahahahahaha wow
Rinalin: I need to do someghing
Rinalin: what?
Rinalin: what?
Rinalin: JADDUCK
Jadduck: hm
Themooserapist: Ok ok hang in she didn’t know she was talking to a 14 year old
Rinalin: what now?
Rinalin: oh my fucking god
Rinalin: Shut up
Rinalin: shut up
Rinalin: shut up
Jadduck: she didnt
Themooserapist: This chick is fucking DUMB
Rinalin: yes.
Yes I am
Jadduck: my voice is rather deep
Rinalin: anything else
Rinalin: fyuck you
Themooserapist: She got played by a goddamned 14 year old wow
Rinalin: …
Rinalin: i know
Mxangel: Moose. This shit isn't funny
Jadduck: man stfu
Themooserapist: Well start by re-examining your life choices.
Jadduck: moose you aint shit
Rinalin: im retarded myself
Rinalin: please stop
Rinalin: he’s just bored
Themooserapist: No shit
Rinalin: leave moose alone

Themooserapist: You are retarded so go fix that

Rinalin: Can’t
Jadduck: alright moose go right ahead
Rinalin: was born this way
Themooserapist: Yes you can ugh your fatalism is lame
Rinalin: Meh
Themooserapist: You clearly have no father
Rinalin: I don’t need to be better for you
Rinalin: I do
Rinalin: you’re correct
Themooserapist: Obviously not for me
Rinalin: nor a mother
Themooserapist: I’m meant like in your life
Rinalin: rin is orphan
Rinalin: no
Rinalin: because it’s you telling me
Themooserapist: Providing guidance lol
Rinalin: its your opinion of what you think is right
Rinalin: how old are you?
Themooserapist: Guidance like not talking to 14 year olds online
Themooserapist: Lolol
Rinalin: Noooo?
Rinalin: shut up
Themooserapist: Goddamn woman
Rinalin: Shut up
Themooserapist: You need a strong male figure in your life to fucking spank you in
a non sexual way
Jadduck: so should i step in or no?
Themooserapist: Yeah protect her not the 14 year old nice moral compass lolol
Rinalin: Mhm
Rinalin: goooood
Themooserapist: I rape moose every day and I am the voice of reason here
Jadduck: well, you are having a small penis moment
Rinalin: You’re not
Themooserapist: You all should be deeply shamed lol
Rinalin: you’re newb with a thene
Rinalin: cool
Rinalin: fuck you
Rinalin: yiure probably fat
Themooserapist: Ahhhh good times
Jadduck: hes a discord mod
Rinalin: Yeah
Themooserapist: No but I’ll be honest I am watching what I eat
Themooserapist: Older now

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