# 'ZG09 - 10 - 01 - 2022 Tab2 GMT 2110

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11:09 PM 57,681 11:10 PM 57,704

Death25: *hands milk 3 bottles of bleach*
(anon): hey heavy
(anon): spell icup
Death25: N I
Death25: O
(anon): Izzzzz Boris!
Mommymilkers42069: *bleaches eyes*
Death25: Milk can smash my head in
Death25: You*
Mommymilkers42069: no
Death25: Y
Mommymilkers42069: y tho
Death25: My fucking head hurts
Death25: And I want to die cause of it
Mommymilkers42069: damn
Death25: Yep
(anon): e
(anon): a
Purple_jollyrancher: I have changed colors
(anon): poggurs
(anon): e a ooooooo
(anon): a uh aoooooooo eeeeeeeeee ooooooooooooooooooooooooo
(anon): Eaoeoooooooooooooooo aooooooo ae eea aeeeee aaa a a a a a
(anon): bea
(anon): bao boooo baaaa
Purple_jollyrancher: blorp
(anon): blup
(anon): bloup
Death25: ....
Purple_jollyrancher: Hi death
(anon): Im dead!
(anon): SHHHH
(anon): YOU ARE DEAD!
(anon): Ok.
Death25: Hi purple
Purple_jollyrancher: I feel sick
Death25: I want to die
Themooserapist: Well it was a good day today! I raped a moose!
(anon): e
Themooserapist: Hi five
Death25: No
Death25: Gg
Themooserapist: Don’t leave me hanging bro
Themooserapist: Raping a moose isn’t easy holla at your boy
Death25: Too late cause idfc
Death25: Gn
Themooserapist: Wow tough crowd
Themooserapist: Well let me at least tell you in detail about the rape
Themooserapist: It was really hot
(anon): go on
Themooserapist: Like here is my tag line: I fucked the hole that I put into it
(anon): smh
Themooserapist: No good?
(anon): you shoot it and THEN fuck it
Themooserapist: Well yeah that’s what I didn
(anon): no u fuck it in the ass then shoot its legs to let the wulvs fuk it too
Themooserapist: I put the hole in it with my crossbow
Themooserapist: And then fucked the hole
Themooserapist: While the moose was still a little alive and making weird moose
getting raped and dying noises
Themooserapist: I recorded them on my phone
Death25: Ea
Death25: Wa
Themooserapist: When Tempe moose died I felt it…..inside……and I came so fucking
Mommymilkers42069: hi moose
Themooserapist: So here it was like this
Themooserapist: Hey milkers I am just describing a successful moose raping I did
earlier today
Mommymilkers42069: um umm
Themooserapist: As the moose died I nutted so fucking hard
Themooserapist: Because I was inside it
Mommymilkers42069: damn
Themooserapist: So needless to say I am thoroughly satisfied
Blue_jollyrancher: oof
Themooserapist: And that moose is thoroughly dead and defiled
The_moose: Hello?
Themooserapist: Oh my hello there
The_moose: Oh no
Themooserapist: Come here often?
The_moose: No
Themooserapist: No don’t go stay
Themooserapist: I am friendly
The_moose: Why
Themooserapist: I want you to lower your guard so I can ra-oh you mean why stay uh
so we can talk and have good times ya that’s it
Themooserapist: Hey does this rag smell like chloroform?
Themooserapist: *winds crossbow*
The_moose: No its apple juice
Themooserapist: Uh huh *keeps winding* that’s whatever you were talking about for
The_moose: *I kick the bow away* uh huh
Themooserapist: So would you prefer a classic broadhead or something more modern
like a “Bolt Cutter”
The_moose: And i'm leaving bye
Themooserapist: *takes aim* good I like a bit of sport
The_moose: nope bye *Disappears*
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm feeling sick
Mommymilkers42069: not good
Blue_jollyrancher: very not good
Themooserapist: Best part of being a moose rapist is that nobody cares
Themooserapist: Rape a human every gets all crazy
Blue_jollyrancher: yup
Nekogirl: radio installed TwT
Mommymilkers42069: hi neko
Nekogirl: hi
Mommymilkers42069: hru
Blue_jollyrancher: NEKOOOOOOOOOOOOO hi
Nekogirl: tired and hurting
Nekogirl: hi blue
Mommymilkers42069: damn
Nekogirl: but i did clean a barn in an undershirt in 30 degree weather so....
Blue_jollyrancher: 30 lucky the high has been 15
Mommymilkers42069: why neko
Nekogirl: because is was easier, and it really didnt feel that cold to me
Blue_jollyrancher: Do you want a hug?
Nekogirl: *shrugs*
Blue_jollyrancher: *Hugs carefully*
Nekogirl: :3
(anon): Hello Donovan, I am glad you are still intact
Blue_jollyrancher: Was it okay neko?
Nekogirl: of course
Nekogirl: oh i did a thing
Blue_jollyrancher: What?
Nekogirl: i tied a sled to a four-wheeler and surfed behind it in the snow in
shorts and a t-shirt
Blue_jollyrancher: epic
(anon): Very exciting
Nekogirl: also decided to have a little photo shoot with my dad and little brother
to surprise mom
Nekogirl: and my dad is leaving
Blue_jollyrancher: he is?
Nekogirl: yeah as soon as he wakes up today
Blue_jollyrancher: for?
Nekogirl: work, he has a month long job
Blue_jollyrancher: okay
Nekogirl: im also going to the mall tomorrow and i dont know which me i'm gonna buy
things for....
Mommymilkers42069: whatever sticks out
Blue_jollyrancher: both
(anon): Both.
Nekogirl: well.......my mom is the one taking me
Blue_jollyrancher: ooooo
Nekogirl: and she still kinda controls the way i dress
Blue_jollyrancher: claim toxic masculinity
Blue_jollyrancher: it'll work
(anon): Yes
(anon): Strategy
Mommymilkers42069: as long as i dont dress like what my parents call a slut or a
whore i can wear it
Nekogirl: eh, she got mad at me for nail polish
Nekogirl: and gave me a funny look for the eyeliner
Blue_jollyrancher: damn
Nekogirl: and a firm "fuck no" for wanting cute clothes/makeup
(anon): That is exceptionally uncool
(anon): Sue her until she relents.
Nekogirl: doesnt make her a bad mom but pain
Blue_jollyrancher: yeah
Nekogirl: anyway i might jsut say fuck it and buy a maid costume in front of her
(anon): Do it for the vine.
Nekogirl: but eh, i dont know my dimensions
Blue_jollyrancher: that would be epic
Nekogirl: or something worse
Nekogirl: "*proceeds to walk to the back of spencers*"
Blue_jollyrancher: I almost bought a vibrator there
Nekogirl: no i think she would straight up kill me
Blue_jollyrancher: same to my mom
Nekogirl: i had to keep my brother from going to the back of spencer's when he was
like 7 but he was innocent so i couldnt tell him why he couldnt go back there
Blue_jollyrancher: monsters
Nekogirl: anyway i think her face would be hilarious to watch as i bought "that"
kind of tail
Blue_jollyrancher: it would
Nekogirl: but she would take it and everything i own
Nekogirl: including the stuff i paid for
Blue_jollyrancher: fair
Nekogirl: oh well, i can move out in a year anyway
Blue_jollyrancher: yup
Themooserapist: I got kicked
Blue_jollyrancher: fair
Themooserapist: Sigh
Themooserapist: People are so sensitive
Blue_jollyrancher: I just realized I gotta wait another few months after i'm 18 to
meet my crush
Drnewpsie: Wiener
Themooserapist: Be sure to fuck on the first date
Blue_jollyrancher: I can't visit during the summer like I wwanted ;-;
Bartholemew: Sup queers
Themooserapist: Guys love it when you fuck right away
Themooserapist: They totally stay for that
Bartholemew: Stfu
Nekogirl: i mean im the opposite
Bartholemew: Weird ass pedophile
Blue_jollyrancher: you are?
Themooserapist: She is waiting until 18 lol
Themooserapist: And not with me you dipshit
Bartholemew: Nigga
Bartholemew: What
Themooserapist: I rape moose not people
Drnewpsie: That’s fucking weird af
Themooserapist: I mean isn’t the name a giveaway
Themooserapist: Sheesh
Drnewpsie: Not raping moose but waiting until 18
Themooserapist: I dunno ask her not me
Bartholemew: Would you rail your mom if she was a moose?
Themooserapist: Damn….that’s a good question
Themooserapist: No it would be too weird
Themooserapist: I mean weirder than my mother being a moose even
Bartholemew: Would you fuck Bambi
Themooserapist: I would rape Bambi to death a thousand times
Themooserapist: That would be my Heaven
Drnewpsie: Dude
Bartholemew: Your going to hell and getting railed by Lil Nas X
Drnewpsie: What the fuck
Themooserapist: Just endless respawning Bambi fuck yes I am getting hard again
Themooserapist: Get up Bambi hahahaha jk rape rape rape
Themooserapist: UNGH UNGH UNGH
Drnewpsie: Dude… shut the fuck up
Themooserapist: No lol
Bartholemew: Go fuck your mom
Themooserapist: No we covered that keep up
Blue_jollyrancher: ayy where you the one asking for daughter and ron earlier
Themooserapist: I would also rape Bambi’s father in front of Bambi to assert
Themooserapist: No not I
Blue_jollyrancher: Not ou
Blue_jollyrancher: you
Themooserapist: Dunno who they are
Drnewpsie: God is a mirror
Blue_jollyrancher: You you where asking about daughter and ron
Themooserapist: If god had antlers and looked vaguely like a moose I would rape the
shit out of god
Bartholemew: Stfu
Themooserapist: UNGH UNGH UNGH
Fluffyfurryboi: wtf did I come on do?
Blue_jollyrancher: Hia fluff
Bartholemew: Stfu
Themooserapist: Hey you furry fuck are you vaguely moose like
Blue_jollyrancher: No they are not
Bartholemew: They are
Themooserapist: Nuts
Fluffyfurryboi: im not? why do you wanna know?
Shitassniggerdick: Shitassniggerdick
Themooserapist: Whoa so edgy lol
Blue_jollyrancher: Look at his name fluff
Themooserapist: I wanted to know because if you looked like a moose I would rape
Bartholemew: Answer the fucking questions you furry whore
Fluffyfurryboi: if im honest
Fluffyfurryboi: anything I go I watch youtube with
Fluffyfurryboi: like right now
Drnewpsie: Dude
Drnewpsie: Jesus was apart of the Kansas Coty Choefs
Bartholemew: Blue what do you for a living and shit
Themooserapist: Could you modify your fur suit to look like a moose
Fluffyfurryboi: god im probably gonna laugh my ass off tonight
Blue_jollyrancher: Why does it matter
Bartholemew: Just answer
Blue_jollyrancher: School
Nekogirl: i live :3
Themooserapist: Well if he could make the modifications then I could rape him
Bartholemew: What fucking grade
Drnewpsie: I live in a empty void if gay
Drnewpsie: With
Blue_jollyrancher: why the hell should I tell you
Drnewpsie: Jesus
Bartholemew: Just fucking answer you edge lord wannabe
Nekogirl: im a junior :3
Blue_jollyrancher: You'er not my mommy
Bartholemew: You’re
Nekogirl: with shit transcripts
Bartholemew: So why are you on here so fucking much
Drnewpsie: I’m in a fire, with hitler drinking aka gator blood, under the moon,
with pebbles in my right hand and feathers in my left hand.
Blue_jollyrancher: Why do you care
Nekogirl: i mean im not really
Bartholemew: Dude stop being such a fuckin pussy and answer the question
Bartholemew: Neko not you stfu
Nekogirl: im only on here like once a week
Blue_jollyrancher: Nah I'm good lol
Bartholemew: You’re definitely in like 7th grade
Nekogirl: ima be honest if bart is older than us this gereation is fucked
Blue_jollyrancher: nope good try
Blue_jollyrancher: True neko
Nekogirl: to many assholes and people seeing through rose color glasses
Blue_jollyrancher: Very true
Nekogirl: whatever happened to keep to yourself and just fuckin deal with it
Drnewpsie: I got one pencil between my leg, and now I got grass in my left hand
hand, I look up to see it he sky is color yellow, the sun is a baby’s face, I look
around to see an oasis of sand, I’m now looking at my feet I’m standing on a bible,
now I’m with Donald trump.
Bartholemew: Freedom of Speech
Nekogirl: ....the FBI would like to know your location
Nekogirl: ok well i have a point that i can make here
(anon): jimmy wants to come to ur house
Drnewpsie: I hate the ATF
Blue_jollyrancher: Daughter talk now then?
Nekogirl: freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences
Drnewpsie: I have a 5ft by 5ft plutonium sphere in my basement.
Fluffyfurryboi: im laughing myself to death
Nekogirl: and there arent near enough consequences anymore
Blue_jollyrancher: true
Drnewpsie: I’m going to get my a van and 300+ pounds of fertilizer
Fluffyfurryboi: im dyin to night everyone! WOOOOOOOOOOO
Generic: i am existing
Bartholemew: Y’all niggas weird
Blue_jollyrancher: We know
Nekogirl: hi gen
Generic: hello
Fluffyfurryboi: oh god this is good
Drnewpsie: I’m going to get ammonia and bleach,
Generic: i literally ask my girl if shes tired and she says no.
Generic: 3 minutes later
Generic: she falls asleep
Generic: :|
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi gen
Nekogirl: pffft
Drnewpsie: Well why the fuck are you in here
Drnewpsie: I’m my ass
Nekogirl: reminds me of my zoom calls with yeet
Drnewpsie: Yeet
Nekogirl: i passed out during TwT
Drnewpsie: Nibba
Generic: im ngl im tired asf but ion wanna go to sleep
Nekogirl: also the ammonia and bleach, mix them and look close in the bottle
Generic: even better
Generic: lock urself in a room with the mixture
Nekogirl: ^
Generic: u might cough of some blood and not be able to breathe
Generic: but ull be ight
Nekogirl: well im gonna go drink
Blue_jollyrancher: bye neko
Nekogirl: bye :3
Generic: ugh im bored
Fluffyfurryboi: same
Fluffyfurryboi: so im making myself try not to laugh and all that
Generic: oh my
Generic: im jus listening to music
Generic: i like how chat died the second i got here x-x
Blue_jollyrancher: yeah
Nekogirl: gen want a hug?
Generic: i mean yes. but i mean irl hugs.
Nekogirl: oh TwT
Generic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMX2lPum_pg
Nekogirl: back to drinking
Generic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnLKATL7OZw
Koda: deez
Emmma: ⛹️
(anon): https://preview.redd.it/a91g03u8cab51.jpg?
Koda: yikes
Death25: Gm
Callmelili: Pfft
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Blue_jollyrancher: blep
Lynettesbussy: ur maw
Generic: i been drownin in this liquor bottle but drown is not enough
Generic: they tell me that i wont live to see tmr
Generic: but ion give fuck
Generic: runnin out of patience out of pleasure
Generic: and runnin out of luck
Mommymilkers42069: .-.
Jadduck: sad
Mommymilkers42069: ?
Jadduck: idk
Jadduck: im bored
Jadduck: ive downed 3 ginger ales
Generic: ginger ale is heat
Jadduck: true
Mommymilkers42069: the burps
Callmelili: Fuck
Generic: me
Callmelili: OwO
Callmelili: Really?
Generic: :|
Callmelili: lol
Callmelili: Jk
Callmelili: I’m fuckin dead
Callmelili: Pp
Generic: im fkn horny and i want my girl smh
Callmelili: Owo
Callmelili: Go fuck her
Callmelili: Lol
Callmelili: Then go over to her house
Callmelili: ;3
Callmelili: Hot
Callmelili: Fuck
Generic: cant
Callmelili: Ehy
Callmelili: Fuck
Callmelili: Tel her about cards
Callmelili: Fuk
Generic: y would i do that x-x
Generic: this shits already cringy as is
Callmelili: Cum cum cum in her ass
Callmelili: Don’t use a condommmm
Callmelili: Hey gen
Callmelili: Gen
Generic: wut
Callmelili: Has Logan been on?
Generic: which one x-x
Callmelili: You know which one
Generic: the racist one?
Callmelili: The one I dated
Generic: uh he was on yesterday.
Callmelili: >.>
Generic: either that or somebody was pretending to be him
Generic: bc it wasnt his normal acct
Callmelili: Logan94?
Generic: i think so
Generic: i wasnt rly paying attention
Callmelili: That’s hin
Callmelili: What happend
Generic: i was jus glancing at chat every now and then
Callmelili: Was he being racist
Generic: believe it or not. i aint been as active as i used to
Generic: i have no clue. i wasnt paying attention like i said
Callmelili: Mk
Generic: i jus noticed the name 'logan'
Callmelili: I’m tryna get him to kill himself I know it’s bad
Callmelili: But no one likes him lol
Generic: wtf.
Callmelili: Idk man
Callmelili: He’s gettin on my nerves
Callmelili: And he wanted to do it but he’s a pussy
Generic: dont tell ppl to kill themselves
Callmelili: I won’t now
Generic: for one.
Generic: logan isnt rly suicidal
Generic: he jus wants attention
Callmelili: Bro he’s lying
Generic: it doesnt take a genius to figure that out.
Callmelili: Oof
Callmelili: Thats why he literally asked all the ppl to date him
Generic: hes cringe asf x-x
Callmelili: I mean he might get a hitman to kill me
Generic: lmao thas funny
Callmelili: That’s how pissed he was
Generic: bruh. u rly think a 14 yr old is gon try to hire a hitman on u x-x
Callmelili: Fucking hell
Callmelili: I’m not scared of him
Callmelili: I can beat him up
Callmelili: Pussy
Callmelili: Ffs
Callmelili: My moms stressing me out
Jadduck: lmao
Callmelili: Fuck
Callmelili: Hey blue
Generic: ok
Generic: blues prolly rping or something
Jadduck: definitely
Blue_jollyrancher: I was eating
Blue_jollyrancher: I may be online but that does't mean i'm looking at the screen
Generic: ik
Blue_jollyrancher: Oh look Jadd and Gen aren't responding the must be rping
Generic: other ppl do it to me.
Generic: but tbf u have a history of that so.
Blue_jollyrancher: So check whos online I wouldn't rp with anyone online
Generic: i dont have charles on my fl
Blue_jollyrancher: Charles doesn't get on till 8 or 8 central time

Nekogirl: i passed out during TwT
Drnewpsie: Nibba
Generic: im ngl im tired asf but ion wanna go to sleep
Nekogirl: also the ammonia and bleach, mix them and look close in the bottle
Generic: even better
Generic: lock urself in a room with the mixture
Nekogirl: ^
Generic: u might cough of some blood and not be able to breathe
Generic: but ull be ight
Nekogirl: well im gonna go drink
Blue_jollyrancher: bye neko
Nekogirl: bye :3
Generic: ugh im bored
Fluffyfurryboi: same
Fluffyfurryboi: so im making myself try not to laugh and all that
Generic: oh my
Generic: im jus listening to music
Generic: i like how chat died the second i got here x-x
Blue_jollyrancher: yeah
Nekogirl: gen want a hug?
Generic: i mean yes. but i mean irl hugs.
Nekogirl: oh TwT
Generic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMX2lPum_pg
Nekogirl: back to drinking
Generic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnLKATL7OZw
Koda: deez
Emmma: ⛹️
(anon): https://preview.redd.it/a91g03u8cab51.jpg?
Koda: yikes
Death25: Gm
Callmelili: Pfft
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Blue_jollyrancher: blep
Lynettesbussy: ur maw
Generic: i been drownin in this liquor bottle but drown is not enough
Generic: they tell me that i wont live to see tmr
Generic: but ion give fuck
Generic: runnin out of patience out of pleasure
Generic: and runnin out of luck
Mommymilkers42069: .-.
Jadduck: sad
Mommymilkers42069: ?
Jadduck: idk
Jadduck: im bored
Jadduck: ive downed 3 ginger ales
Generic: ginger ale is heat
Jadduck: true
Mommymilkers42069: the burps
Callmelili: Fuck
Generic: me
Callmelili: OwO
Callmelili: Really?
Generic: :|
Callmelili: lol
Callmelili: Jk
Callmelili: I’m fuckin dead
Callmelili: Pp
Generic: im fkn horny and i want my girl smh
Callmelili: Owo
Callmelili: Go fuck her
Callmelili: Lol
Callmelili: Then go over to her house
Callmelili: ;3
Callmelili: Hot
Callmelili: Fuck
Generic: cant
Callmelili: Ehy
Callmelili: Fuck
Callmelili: Tel her about cards
Callmelili: Fuk
Generic: y would i do that x-x
Generic: this shits already cringy as is
Callmelili: Cum cum cum in her ass
Callmelili: Don’t use a condommmm
Callmelili: Hey gen
Callmelili: Gen
Generic: wut
Callmelili: Has Logan been on?
Generic: which one x-x
Callmelili: You know which one
Generic: the racist one?
Callmelili: The one I dated
Generic: uh he was on yesterday.
Callmelili: >.>
Generic: either that or somebody was pretending to be him
Generic: bc it wasnt his normal acct
Callmelili: Logan94?
Generic: i think so
Generic: i wasnt rly paying attention
Callmelili: That’s hin
Callmelili: What happend
Generic: i was jus glancing at chat every now and then
Callmelili: Was he being racist
Generic: believe it or not. i aint been as active as i used to
Generic: i have no clue. i wasnt paying attention like i said
Callmelili: Mk
Generic: i jus noticed the name 'logan'
Callmelili: I’m tryna get him to kill himself I know it’s bad
Callmelili: But no one likes him lol
Generic: wtf.
Callmelili: Idk man
Callmelili: He’s gettin on my nerves
Callmelili: And he wanted to do it but he’s a pussy
Generic: dont tell ppl to kill themselves
Callmelili: I won’t now
Generic: for one.
Generic: logan isnt rly suicidal
Generic: he jus wants attention
Callmelili: Bro he’s lying
Generic: it doesnt take a genius to figure that out.
Callmelili: Oof
Callmelili: Thats why he literally asked all the ppl to date him
Generic: hes cringe asf x-x
Callmelili: I mean he might get a hitman to kill me
Generic: lmao thas funny
Callmelili: That’s how pissed he was
Generic: bruh. u rly think a 14 yr old is gon try to hire a hitman on u x-x
Callmelili: Fucking hell
Callmelili: I’m not scared of him
Callmelili: I can beat him up
Callmelili: Pussy
Callmelili: Ffs
Callmelili: My moms stressing me out
Jadduck: lmao
Callmelili: Fuck
Callmelili: Hey blue
Generic: ok
Generic: blues prolly rping or something
Jadduck: definitely
Blue_jollyrancher: I was eating
Blue_jollyrancher: I may be online but that does't mean i'm looking at the screen
Generic: ik
Blue_jollyrancher: Oh look Jadd and Gen aren't responding the must be rping
Generic: other ppl do it to me.
Generic: but tbf u have a history of that so.
Blue_jollyrancher: So check whos online I wouldn't rp with anyone online
Generic: i dont have charles on my fl
Blue_jollyrancher: Charles doesn't get on till 8 or 8 central time
Mxangel: :P
Generic: cum in my ass and call me an oatmeal creampie
Jadduck: no thanks
(anon): who wants deez
Generic: wuts deez x-x
(anon): deez nuts in you're mouth
Generic: XD
Generic: LMAO
Generic: LOL
Generic: ROFL
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello
Blue_jollyrancher: ?
Generic: no
Blue_jollyrancher: oh okay
Mxangel: https://www.amazon.com/Political-Satire-Hide-Biden-Holder/dp/B08NCDJFTD/
Blue_jollyrancher: its so cold
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Mxangel: :P
Mommymilkers42069: angel hi
Mxangel: Hiii
Mommymilkers42069: :3
Blue_jollyrancher: hi
Mxangel: Heyy :P
Mxangel: I got 3 days off in a row <3
Blue_jollyrancher: nice
Mommymilkers42069: ih eulb
Mxangel: I also got some pride flags the other day
Blue_jollyrancher: ih klim
Mxangel: One of the flags has a mark on it, but I can't tell if it's a stain or if
it's meant to be there
Mommymilkers42069: hm what does it look like
Mxangel: It looks like a detailed sketch of an abdomen and a small dick
Mxangel: I'm not even joking
Mxangel: https://postimg.cc/PPr1FPHd
Mxangel: Kinda blurry, but you can still see it pretty well
Blue_jollyrancher: That is a stain in a very odd shape
Mxangel: I choose to believe that some talented worker made that stain on purpose
Mxangel: Because it looks too much like male anatomy to be coincidence
V33: eeee
V33: eee
V33: jhvluv
(anon): e
Blue_jollyrancher: e
Logan94: hello?
Logan94: ok then ill go
Mxangel: Ok I found the same stain on another pan flag >_>
Mommymilkers42069: oop
Mommymilkers42069: i got my flag at spencers
Mxangel: Cool
Mommymilkers42069: i got a chunny belly
Mxangel: <3
Mommymilkers42069: chubby
Blue_jollyrancher: I got a fat belly
Mxangel: Lol, lots of my friends do
Mommymilkers42069: i despise it
Mxangel: I think chubby bellies are cute
Mommymilkers42069: i dont like mine
Blue_jollyrancher: I hate mine
Mxangel: That's understandable
Mommymilkers42069: u-u
Mommymilkers42069: welp im bored
Mxangel: Same
Mxangel: I'm showing people some music :P
Mommymilkers42069: so i keep trying to turn my tv up and it changes my led coor
Blue_jollyrancher: oof
Mommymilkers42069: its going from a rose gold to a bright as hell teal
Blue_jollyrancher: oooooof
Mommymilkers42069: what da dog doin
Blue_jollyrancher: woof woof
Mommymilkers42069: do you know bue
Mommymilkers42069: blue
Blue_jollyrancher: woof
Mommymilkers42069: owa owa
Blue_jollyrancher: owa owa
Mommymilkers42069: yxems
Rinalin: Heheheh
Mommymilkers42069: rinnnnnnn
Rinalin: Hai milk
Mommymilkers42069: how is you
Rinalin: Still ill
Rinalin: hetting better
Mommymilkers42069: damn
Rinalin: koda is being nice again
Mommymilkers42069: good
Mxangel: Let's see how long it lasts this time
(anon): my bet is on 5 hours
(anon): no wait
(anon): 20 minutes
(anon): 10 minutes
Mommymilkers42069: tooot toooooot tot toot
Mxangel: *toot*
Mxangel: :P
Blue_jollyrancher: Back!
Blue_jollyrancher: damn no one here okay
Mommymilkers42069: i is
Blue_jollyrancher: hi
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Generic: hello
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi
Mxangel: I also here, but have nothing to say :P
Mommymilkers42069: geb
Generic: wut
Mommymilkers42069: gebbbbbbbbbb
Blue_jollyrancher: How are ya gen
Generic: eh i have an exam tmr
Generic: its an english one so shits gon be exhausting asf
Mommymilkers42069: oof
Blue_jollyrancher: I got two assignments due in 3 hours also in english
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm going to turn them in late idc
Blue_jollyrancher: I NEED MONEY
(anon): What for
Blue_jollyrancher: Drugs
Generic: i have court in 12 days :)
Generic: no drugs for me
(anon): what kinda drugs
Blue_jollyrancher: Weed
Blue_jollyrancher: Nicotine
Generic: percs
Generic: i miss my percs bruh. but i cant do them bc imma get drug tested.
Todd_clorox: cocaine
Todd_clorox: I miss my cocaine bruh. But I can't do them bc I'm dead.
Blue_jollyrancher: I have a vape but its ASS
Generic: coke is tempting.
Generic: but shits dangerous these days (yes i fkn know that its dangerous period,
but a lot of coke is being laced with fentanyl these days)
Blue_jollyrancher: ^^^
Blue_jollyrancher: My and some pals said we were gonna try LSD together
Mommymilkers42069: i took some white stuff and laughed my ass off
Mommymilkers42069: friend found that on the road
Blue_jollyrancher: dumbass
Mommymilkers42069: it was fun
Mommymilkers42069: my friend just laughed at me
Koda: wiener moment.
Generic: lsd is fun
Koda: nice.
Generic: well ive never done it. but ive HEARD its a good time.
Mommymilkers42069: idk what it was
Generic: acid
Mommymilkers42069: neither did my friend
Koda: ok bye
Feces: p
Feces: wheremst art thou fuckes
Feces: hello ?
Koda: deleting discord feels like stopping an addiction.
Feces: i am a cocaine user
Koda: you are unfunny.
Feces: u too bb
Koda: nah just you.
Feces: ok ✓
Koda: yup
Feces: stfu
Koda: make better music.
Feces: be a better person 😜
Feces: ( u can't)
Koda: got the whole chat laughing.
Blue_jollyrancher: You deleted discord?
Koda: yes lmaooo
Blue_jollyrancher: sad I liked texting you
Rinalin: Damn it koda
Koda: lmaoooo
Feces: retar
Rinalin: Do I Wally
Rinalin: really*
Koda: wally?
Rinalin: have to get twitch again
Rinalin: shut up
Koda: no idrc
Rinalin: Oh?
Rinalin: SEE
Koda: im just saying u dont have to :|
Rinalin: ;-;
Rinalin: you no care
Blue_jollyrancher: Koda da best friend
Rinalin: …
Rinalin: im already disgusted
Koda: koda
Koda: da koda
Blue_jollyrancher: lol
Rinalin: …
Rinalin: You had a plan
Rinalin: Rin doesn’t want to play with you anymore koda
Feces: i cant even remember why koda dislikes me onj
Koda: oh
Koda: okay?
Rinalin: I dislike koda
Feces: truly mad (insanity)🙏
Blue_jollyrancher: blep
Jadduck: hi blue
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi Jadd
Feces: john addcock
Jadduck: whats good
Blue_jollyrancher: Nothing really whats good with you
Jadduck: i got my payment
Blue_jollyrancher: nice nice
Rinalin: I miss lady milk
Jadduck: im scared
Blue_jollyrancher: why
Jadduck: because she is here
Rinalin: also
Jadduck: thats why
Blue_jollyrancher: oop-
Jadduck: shes unpredictable
Koda: lmaooooooooo
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi Miss Rin
Jadduck: is scary bue
Rinalin: Leave me alone
Blue_jollyrancher: bue?
Jadduck: it was mistake
Jadduck: too much money on my keyboard
Koda: welp im out ig
Koda: bye
Blue_jollyrancher: bye koda
Rinalin: He left me
Rinalin: here
Rinalin: vy myself
Rinalin: Damn it
Rinalin: now km mad at everyone
Blue_jollyrancher: why
Rinalin: Leave me alone
Blue_jollyrancher: okay
Jadduck: im not qualified blue
Rinalin: Flirting in front of mine very eyes
Mommymilkers42069: badussy
Rinalin: Milkyyyyy
Mommymilkers42069: helo
Jadduck: carefull milk, she's fresh
Rinalin: I am mad
Mommymilkers42069: y
Rinalin: i like milk
Blue_jollyrancher: Flirting?
Rinalin: hush
Rinalin: yes
Jadduck: wait flirting?
Rinalin: IN
Jadduck: when
Rinalin: SHUT UP
Blue_jollyrancher: who
Rinalin: YOUUUUU
Generic: oh no
Jadduck: blue, what crimes have you done
Blue_jollyrancher: with?
Rinalin: Genie!
Rinalin: …koda
Rinalin: He forces me
Rinalin: to come to cards
Blue_jollyrancher: Hes my friend
Rinalin: i bet 👀
Mommymilkers42069: eh
Rinalin: you like him more than I do
Blue_jollyrancher: I like charles
Jadduck: why do you still listen to Koda?
Rinalin: sureeeeee
Jadduck: just curious
Jadduck: jeez
Rinalin: Shut up
Jadduck: you make these choices, not me

Mommymilkers42069: so i keep trying to turn my tv up and it changes my led coor
Blue_jollyrancher: oof
Mommymilkers42069: its going from a rose gold to a bright as hell teal
Blue_jollyrancher: oooooof
Mommymilkers42069: what da dog doin
Blue_jollyrancher: woof woof
Mommymilkers42069: do you know bue
Mommymilkers42069: blue
Blue_jollyrancher: woof
Mommymilkers42069: owa owa
Blue_jollyrancher: owa owa
Mommymilkers42069: yxems
Rinalin: Heheheh
Mommymilkers42069: rinnnnnnn
Rinalin: Hai milk
Mommymilkers42069: how is you
Rinalin: Still ill
Rinalin: hetting better
Mommymilkers42069: damn
Rinalin: koda is being nice again
Mommymilkers42069: good
Mxangel: Let's see how long it lasts this time
(anon): my bet is on 5 hours
(anon): no wait
(anon): 20 minutes
(anon): 10 minutes
Mommymilkers42069: tooot toooooot tot toot
Mxangel: *toot*
Mxangel: :P
Blue_jollyrancher: Back!
Blue_jollyrancher: damn no one here okay
Mommymilkers42069: i is
Blue_jollyrancher: hi
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Generic: hello
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi
Mxangel: I also here, but have nothing to say :P
Mommymilkers42069: geb
Generic: wut
Mommymilkers42069: gebbbbbbbbbb
Blue_jollyrancher: How are ya gen
Generic: eh i have an exam tmr
Generic: its an english one so shits gon be exhausting asf
Mommymilkers42069: oof
Blue_jollyrancher: I got two assignments due in 3 hours also in english
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm going to turn them in late idc
Blue_jollyrancher: I NEED MONEY
(anon): What for
Blue_jollyrancher: Drugs
Generic: i have court in 12 days :)
Generic: no drugs for me
(anon): what kinda drugs
Blue_jollyrancher: Weed
Blue_jollyrancher: Nicotine
Generic: percs
Generic: i miss my percs bruh. but i cant do them bc imma get drug tested.
Todd_clorox: cocaine
Todd_clorox: I miss my cocaine bruh. But I can't do them bc I'm dead.
Blue_jollyrancher: I have a vape but its ASS
Generic: coke is tempting.
Generic: but shits dangerous these days (yes i fkn know that its dangerous period,
but a lot of coke is being laced with fentanyl these days)
Blue_jollyrancher: ^^^
Blue_jollyrancher: My and some pals said we were gonna try LSD together
Mommymilkers42069: i took some white stuff and laughed my ass off
Mommymilkers42069: friend found that on the road
Blue_jollyrancher: dumbass
Mommymilkers42069: it was fun
Mommymilkers42069: my friend just laughed at me
Koda: wiener moment.
Generic: lsd is fun
Koda: nice.
Generic: well ive never done it. but ive HEARD its a good time.
Mommymilkers42069: idk what it was
Generic: acid
Mommymilkers42069: neither did my friend
Koda: ok bye
Feces: p
Feces: wheremst art thou fuckes
Feces: hello ?
Koda: deleting discord feels like stopping an addiction.
Feces: i am a cocaine user
Koda: you are unfunny.
Feces: u too bb
Koda: nah just you.
Feces: ok ✓
Koda: yup
Feces: stfu
Koda: make better music.
Feces: be a better person 😜
Feces: ( u can't)
Koda: got the whole chat laughing.
Blue_jollyrancher: You deleted discord?
Koda: yes lmaooo
Blue_jollyrancher: sad I liked texting you
Rinalin: Damn it koda
Koda: lmaoooo
Feces: retar
Rinalin: Do I Wally
Rinalin: really*
Koda: wally?
Rinalin: have to get twitch again
Rinalin: shut up
Koda: no idrc
Rinalin: Oh?
Rinalin: SEE
Koda: im just saying u dont have to :|
Rinalin: ;-;
Rinalin: you no care
Blue_jollyrancher: Koda da best friend
Rinalin: …
Rinalin: im already disgusted
Koda: koda
Koda: da koda
Blue_jollyrancher: lol
Rinalin: …
Rinalin: You had a plan
Rinalin: Rin doesn’t want to play with you anymore koda
Feces: i cant even remember why koda dislikes me onj
Koda: oh
Koda: okay?
Rinalin: I dislike koda
Feces: truly mad (insanity)🙏
Blue_jollyrancher: blep
Jadduck: hi blue
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi Jadd
Feces: john addcock
Jadduck: whats good
Blue_jollyrancher: Nothing really whats good with you
Jadduck: i got my payment
Blue_jollyrancher: nice nice
Rinalin: I miss lady milk
Jadduck: im scared
Blue_jollyrancher: why
Jadduck: because she is here
Rinalin: also
Jadduck: thats why
Blue_jollyrancher: oop-
Jadduck: shes unpredictable
Koda: lmaooooooooo
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi Miss Rin
Jadduck: is scary bue
Rinalin: Leave me alone
Blue_jollyrancher: bue?
Jadduck: it was mistake
Jadduck: too much money on my keyboard
Koda: welp im out ig
Koda: bye
Blue_jollyrancher: bye koda
Rinalin: He left me
Rinalin: here
Rinalin: vy myself
Rinalin: Damn it
Rinalin: now km mad at everyone
Blue_jollyrancher: why
Rinalin: Leave me alone
Blue_jollyrancher: okay
Jadduck: im not qualified blue
Rinalin: Flirting in front of mine very eyes
Mommymilkers42069: badussy
Rinalin: Milkyyyyy
Mommymilkers42069: helo
Jadduck: carefull milk, she's fresh
Rinalin: I am mad
Mommymilkers42069: y
Rinalin: i like milk
Blue_jollyrancher: Flirting?
Rinalin: hush
Rinalin: yes
Jadduck: wait flirting?
Rinalin: IN
Jadduck: when
Rinalin: SHUT UP
Blue_jollyrancher: who
Rinalin: YOUUUUU
Generic: oh no
Jadduck: blue, what crimes have you done
Blue_jollyrancher: with?
Rinalin: Genie!
Rinalin: …koda
Rinalin: He forces me
Rinalin: to come to cards
Blue_jollyrancher: Hes my friend
Rinalin: i bet 👀
Mommymilkers42069: eh
Rinalin: you like him more than I do
Blue_jollyrancher: I like charles
Jadduck: why do you still listen to Koda?
Rinalin: sureeeeee
Jadduck: just curious
Jadduck: jeez
Rinalin: Shut up
Jadduck: you make these choices, not me
Rinalin: Shut.
Jadduck: nyet
Blue_jollyrancher: I say I love you too Charles every night I can
Rinalin: Congratz
Rinalin: ?
Rinalin: Anyway
Rinalin: he says
Rinalin: oh I love you
Rinalin: I miss you
Rinalin: I say
Rinalin: block me
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi milk
Rinalin: diesnt block me
Rinalin: is nice to me
Blue_jollyrancher: wait
Rinalin: and then
Blue_jollyrancher: ih klim
Rinalin: makes me
Rinalin: come here
Rinalin: and flirts
Jadduck: bruh
Rinalin: then leaves me to be mad at everyone
Jadduck: you genuinely confuse me
Mommymilkers42069: ih eub
Rinalin: Shut up
Mommymilkers42069: eulb
Rinalin: …
Blue_jollyrancher: sey
Rinalin: im leaving
Jadduck: okay
Mommymilkers42069: nooooo
Jadduck: bye bye
Jadduck: have fun
Jadduck: safe travels
Rinalin: Bye milk
Mommymilkers42069: bye :(
Rinalin: shut up james
Blue_jollyrancher: bye rin
Rinalin: i hope you go bald
Rinalin: leavr mr alone blue
Jadduck: i hope you become infertile
Jadduck: kek
Blue_jollyrancher: kilm woh era uoy
Blue_jollyrancher: Gen you still here
Mommymilkers42069: ho gnitalpmetnoc gniyd
Generic: wut
Blue_jollyrancher: hi
Generic: hi
Blue_jollyrancher: on t'nod od taht
Generic: ok
Jadduck: alright, imma go watch Puffer
Mommymilkers42069: ymm mom setah em. sehs gnilles reh tnrmtrapa rof reh fb. ehs
devom resolc rof em
Blue_jollyrancher: tahw?
(anon): e
Mommymilkers42069: ehs setah em
Mommymilkers42069: ym mom seod
Generic: bro wut x-x
Blue_jollyrancher: kI
(anon): breuh
Blue_jollyrancher: smom etah nredlihc
Mommymilkers42069: on ehs sevael em tuo rpf reh fb
(anon): im confused
Generic: bro i put it in translate and nothing is showing up
Blue_jollyrancher: kcuf taht
Generic: oh
Generic: its backwards im dumb
(anon): from what I understand, it appears their text is scrambled atleast somewhat
Generic: read each word backwords
Generic: ekil siht
(anon): ahhhh! I see
Mommymilkers42069: i dlot reh taht i lliw worht reh tuo fo ym efil
Generic: damn who is 'her' and wut did she do
Blue_jollyrancher: riaf
Generic: do u rly want me to talk like yall in order for u to respond x-x
Blue_jollyrancher: mom
(anon): Fuck if I know, im busy playing crossout
Mommymilkers42069: i annaw eid
Generic: nmad ohw si 'reh' dna tuw did ehs od
Mommymilkers42069: ym mom
Generic: ho
Blue_jollyrancher: tahw tuoba ruoy fg
Generic: tuw ehs od
Mommymilkers42069: ym mom setah em. sehs gnilles reh tnrmtrapa rof reh fb. ehs
devom resolc rof em
Mommymilkers42069: ha tihs
Generic: y
Generic: 'ha tish'
Blue_jollyrancher: tahw
Mommymilkers42069: i tnow evael reh
Blue_jollyrancher: haey
Mommymilkers42069: ereht
(anon): ah fuck I went over budget again
Generic: on the dick for a trick then after that she fuck her friend
Generic: i aint gon trick off no bitch ion pay i jus get in
(anon): I have an odd feeling that adding several dozen Thrusters and Jet engines
to a Delivery van was a very bad idea...
Generic: excuse me anon supreme?
(anon): yeah?
Generic: wait.
Generic: im confused
Generic: are there two anons rn?
Blue_jollyrancher: who are you
(anon): No im playing crossout rn
Generic: one is using capitals and one isnt.
Generic: so 2
Anon_supreme: It was 100% a bad idea to add jet engines to my van though... now I
made a heat seeking explosive spinner top
Generic: ok yea thats wut i thought
(anon): Explosie spinner top?!
(anon): BRITISH
(anon): a fookin' spin'ah tuhp
(anon): good question!
(anon): haha
(anon): Minor Spelling Mistake smh
(anon): gaymotors owo
Anon_supreme: oh fuck no
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello Supreme
Anon_supreme: 'eyo
(anon): we're all the same guy btw
(anon): surprise
(anon): wait wut
(anon): im not u dumbfuck
(anon): smh
(anon): we are legion
(anon): GO INTO MY EYE
Mommymilkers42069: anon supreme
(anon): Pass me the MCGRIDDLE!!!
Anon_supreme: yeah?
(anon): bro mcgriddle sux
Mommymilkers42069: hiii
Anon_supreme: 'eyo
Generic: anon u are starting some controversy
Mommymilkers42069: how are you
Generic: mcgriddles are heat x-x
Anon_supreme: eh, bord
Anon_supreme: *Bored
(anon): smh
(anon): it sux
Bigganalls: ypo whats the invite codesman
Generic: proof
(anon): atleast it aint them pancakes
(anon): hotcakes my arse they cold as shit
Generic: i aint ever had the hotcakes
Anon_supreme: YOU TAKE THAT BACK
Generic: but the mcgriddle is just a pancake sandwich
Generic: so i imagine the hotcakes are good
(anon): they shit
(anon): cold, bland and dry as fuk
(anon): oh hell nah this anon WRONG
Generic: it all depends on wut mcdonalds u get it from. and whos working.
Generic: one bad experience does not equal bad
Greg_heffley: *Tsk* well I refuse to be an anon
Blue_jollyrancher: I like waffles
Generic: long time no see.
Greg_heffley: Good to be back
Generic: i stg if manny shows up x-x
Greg_heffley: Manny is in the boiler of our house
Anon_supreme: lmfao
Mommymilkers42069: blue
Blue_jollyrancher: Yes?
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Blue_jollyrancher: blep
Generic: bloop
(anon): imma eat some chocolate coated pickles
Generic: wtf.
Generic: mf dont like mcgriddles but hes gon go eat some choccy piccys
Generic: x-x
Blue_jollyrancher: z-z
Anon_supreme: HEUUGHH-
Anon_supreme: I thought chocolate covered salmon was bad but eugh-
(anon): yummy
Generic: killed chat with ur choccy salmy
Feces: hello again chat o/
Blue_jollyrancher: hi f
Death25: E
Koda: im gonna beat a baby
Greg_heffley: do good, kick manny in the face
Koda: yea ill fuck up the rest of his teeth
Feces: mr crapper wins some crap
Generic: didnt ask + fatherless
Koda: ^^^^^^
Koda: factual
(anon): ratio + racist + fatherless + no mom + adopted +didn't ask + don't care +
Koda: + no nut
(anon): no dick
(anon): no balls
Feces: im looking for your mother
(anon): and probably no butthole because this mfer feeds off of radiation
Feces: ⏳
Generic: motherfuckerer
Koda: mother fuck me
Koda: i mean
Koda: motherfucker
(anon): poggurs
Generic: wit.
Feces: wit.
(anon): wut
(anon): mother fucking is poggurs
(anon): smh
Feces: anon why are you c
Generic: no comment
(anon): idk
Feces: u c
(anon): u
Feces: us
Feces: sus
(anon): n
(anon): AUH
(anon): AHM SUS
Mommymilkers42069: if anyone needs me whisper
Feces: auh D:
(anon): amogus
Feces: world's finest dick-cutting machine
(anon): im sorry... what now?
Feces: are you dick
(anon): I don't have one dear
Feces: oh dear! oh,,,,
Greg_heffley: SOUND ZE ALARM!
(anon): hmmm
(anon): I suppose im too easy to see
Blue_jollyrancher: hello puro
(anon): yes yes, hello
Blue_jollyrancher: We need to talk if you please
(anon): *Sigh* Fine, I supposseeee I have time
Feces: pmongus
(anon): e
Blue_jollyrancher: e
(anon): ppmongus
Feces: əᵊ
Feces: why is this website made out of penis bricks from early 90s
(anon): Im deframing that slut for once and doing us all a favor, trust me on this
Blue_jollyrancher: No this is not the way I want to talk to *Her*
(anon): who do you mean by her?
Blue_jollyrancher: Not whoever you are
Blue_jollyrancher: I want to talk to Puro
(anon): hahah... you mean the one that everyone loved to fuck?
Blue_jollyrancher: The real one
(anon): shes moved on sweetcheeks
Blue_jollyrancher: My friend
Feces: among us catastrophies
Greg_heffley: I don't know who the hell you think you are, but that account is NOT
yours and I will do my Damnest to get you out of it
Blue_jollyrancher: Not the person people call a slut her my friend
(anon): she moved on, and so should you
Blue_jollyrancher: Who are you I will find out
Greg_heffley: I'll be back, Im getting Kendrick to do his specialty
(anon): the same person who rigs it all of course, your beloved queen!
Blue_jollyrancher: I have no queen
(anon): why of course you do hon
Blue_jollyrancher: I am a equal with the others
(anon): we all have one, just some dont accept me
Blue_jollyrancher: Who is my queen then enlighten me
(anon): you already know, quit lying
Blue_jollyrancher: Nope I don't lie
(anon): of course you do
(anon): your love for us is simply not real
Blue_jollyrancher: not about this
Blue_jollyrancher: Until I know who you are I have no queen.
(anon): you dont love, you cant love.
(anon): so go back to your little whore corner, and grovel at your loss
(anon): we all know its for the better
Blue_jollyrancher: boo hoo so sad
Blue_jollyrancher: hiding as a anon
(anon): hmm, you know nobody loves you right?
Blue_jollyrancher: I have been told much worse
(anon): everyone who "Cares" about you, only wants to get into your pants
(anon): that purple freak? He cant stand you
Blue_jollyrancher: Who tell me
(anon): purple name... starts with oh what a C? i think?
Blue_jollyrancher: mhm sure....
(anon): he doesnt
(anon): think about it, when does he get on to comfort you when you need it most?
(anon): he only gets on to fuck you, then dips when he gets bored
Blue_jollyrancher: He there when I need him
(anon): that sound familiar to another purple named person
Blue_jollyrancher: haha funny
(anon): dont believe me?
Blue_jollyrancher: nope not at all
(anon): well then give it a few weeks until he stops entirely
(anon): and youll come back, groveling for miss whore to come back
Blue_jollyrancher: Shes not a whore
(anon): of course she is
Blue_jollyrancher: Shes not
(anon): did somebody say my name?
(anon): with 23 people under her belt for repeat sexual targets, its hard to say
shes not a whore
Blue_jollyrancher: SHE IS NOT A WHORE
(anon): she is
Blue_jollyrancher: NOT
(anon): and when shes with you, shes in goooodddd company
Blue_jollyrancher: She is not a whore
(anon): she is
Blue_jollyrancher: Not
(anon): so stop denying it and accept that she is dead and she will never come back
Blue_jollyrancher: Shes not dead shes my friend
(anon): then why would she insult you so ruthlessly?
(anon): why would she drug people, and lie and steal and rape?
Blue_jollyrancher: I don't care if she does
Blue_jollyrancher: Shes my friend

(anon): so you'd value a felon over me?

(anon): how pitiful...
(anon): and I expected you to have changed since I last showed...
Blue_jollyrancher: I don't even know who you are
(anon): really, despite this you have 0 guesses?
Blue_jollyrancher: Zero
Tom_the_second: even stupider then I thought... Pathetic.
(anon): called it
Blue_jollyrancher: Hahha loser
Tom_the_second: hm, how amusing
Tom_the_second: you take to instantly insulting me when I appear
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm stronger than you think tom
Tom_the_second: really, explain why you fall on others so often
Tom_the_second: and why you fail to stay stable so often?
Generic: oh no not tom
(anon): oh fuck that
Blue_jollyrancher: The others make me stronger
Generic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuSMyJZs7qk
Tom_the_second: hmm, without the others youd simply collapse
Tom_the_second: its that simple
Generic: tom stfu literally nobody likes u x-x
Generic: kys
Tom_the_second: well, farewell and ill be back to ruin more people later
Blue_jollyrancher: bye dumbass~
Generic: school shooter headass
Mommymilkers42069: geb is right
Blue_jollyrancher: This is why you got suspended~
(anon): he legit gon shoot up a school lmfao
(anon): wait he what?!
Generic: mf gon be the next ethan crumbly wit yo cringe ass
Mommymilkers42069: oop
Blue_jollyrancher: He touched a teachers ass
Generic: i bet he looks jus like ethan too x-x
(anon): ohuhuhuu I wanna hear this!
(anon): and his ass is GONE
Generic: yea ik
Generic: he left as soon as i showed up x-x
(anon): fuckin' pussyyy
Generic: pussy ass mf
(anon): this man gets it ^
Blue_jollyrancher: yes he does
(anon): he gets it on lol
(anon): he sex mann
(anon): e
Generic: so uh
Generic: yall wanna hear a joke?
Blue_jollyrancher: sure
Generic: *ahem*
Generic: *inhales*
Generic: *exhales*
Generic: so uh
Generic: y did the uh
Generic: y did the chicken cross the road?
(anon): why
Lucky_the_bunny: Oh I know this one!
Lucky_the_bunny: To get to KFC!
(anon): oop
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi lucky
Generic: to get to the other side
Generic: XD
Generic: LMAO
Lucky_the_bunny: hiya blue, how ya doin'?
Generic: ROFL
Generic: LOL
Generic: GET IT GUYS?
Lucky_the_bunny: nah it got hit by a car my gy
Lucky_the_bunny: (Guy
Generic: dont assume my gender smh
Blue_jollyrancher: Kinda stressed tbh but its fine how are you
Lucky_the_bunny: you person of indiscriminate origin
Lucky_the_bunny: eh, im doin' ok
Generic: thank u
(anon): e
Blue_jollyrancher: cool
(anon): razormind moment
Lucky_the_bunny: k imma go, I hear my microwave going ballistic in the other room
because I put a fork in it
(anon): bruh
Blue_jollyrancher: oh no
(anon): AMogUS
Generic: joemogus
Separatio: When you waiting for your pizza rolls to be done

Separatio: welp bye ima go play valorant
(anon): poggurs

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