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PinguinMafia bluuuoriginal
Mommymilkers42069: she would
Fluffyfurryboi: I dont know if im allowed to say anything
Mommymilkers42069: like
Fluffyfurryboi: hello?
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Fluffyfurryboi: *hugs milk* hai
Mommymilkers42069: *hugs back* haiii
Fluffyfurryboi: now what?
Mommymilkers42069: i dunno
Fluffyfurryboi: what do you wanna do?
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Fluffyfurryboi: hai
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi
Mommymilkers42069: haiiii
Fluffyfurryboi: *cuddles blue* im a bit sleepy I think
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi
Fluffyfurryboi: I dont know how I am sometimes
Blue_jollyrancher: *I cuddle back *
Fluffyfurryboi: I mean ive been though stuff and I didnt get a therapist
Fluffyfurryboi: dont focus on my issues
Fluffyfurryboi: im fine
Fluffyfurryboi: ok anyways dont focus on that, lets just have a good time
Fluffyfurryboi: hello?
Fluffyfurryboi: again. . .
Blue_jollyrancher: Huh?
Fluffyfurryboi: ive done it again
Fluffyfurryboi: I keep killing chat
(anon): e
Blue_jollyrancher: E
Charles_fenton: a
Mommymilkers42069: e
(anon): damn you
Blue_jollyrancher: SPRORTS
Charles_fenton: Its in the store
Fluffyfurryboi: what a shame
(anon): e
(anon): bruh
Blue_jollyrancher: If I ever have a daughter I would name her Octavia
(anon): mitch mconnel
(anon): feed me poor people.
Fluffyfurryboi: that a good name
Blue_jollyrancher: It's one of my favorite characters names
(anon): sounds familiar
Blue_jollyrancher: Hellava boss
Blue_jollyrancher: *helluva
(anon): ARRH
Fluffyfurryboi: oh you watch that blue?
Blue_jollyrancher: Yes I do
Fluffyfurryboi: favorite character
Blue_jollyrancher: Octavia Ozzie and blitz
Fluffyfurryboi: ok time to rewatch it all so I can have a favorite
Fluffyfurryboi: cause its been too long
Blue_jollyrancher: Mhm
Fluffyfurryboi: hello?
Fluffyfurryboi: anyone there?
Fluffyfurryboi: hello?
Fluffyfurryboi: trees?
Fluffyfurryboi: guess I need to get ready
Fluffyfurryboi: bye bye
Callmelili: Morning mother fuckers
Zakk__: thats rude
Zakk__: keep it up
Callmelili: I’m saying good morning
Zakk__: ik
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Separatio: hello
Separatio: finnally
Separatio: ive been going /fl
Separatio: over and over
Separatio: someones finally on
Blue_jollyrancher: What you need sep?
Separatio: oh im just bored
Blue_jollyrancher: Fair
Blue_jollyrancher: I CAN'T
Separatio: JUST
Separatio: DO
Separatio: IT
Trees_the_proto: wtf...
Separatio: EEEEEE
Trees_the_proto: Has Fuckin Left...
Blue_jollyrancher: Well bye
Separatio: sry i hvae to go
Separatio: the teachers watchdog is on my ass
Landon010: hello?
Derpynugget0891: hi
Landon010: hi
Landon010: hrui
Generic: bruh i got the elmotron
Generic: smh
Landon010: ok...
Generic: watchu know abt the elmotron landon
Landon010: weird but ok
Generic: i bet u gave it to me huh
Generic: meanie
Landon010: no u
Generic: i didnt give u elmotron mf
Landon010: ok and
Landon010: so what u up to
Landon010: hello/
Landon010: hello?
Derpynugget0891: sup
Greatconsideration: ni
Landon010: were u here the other day?
Derpynugget0891: me?
Landon010: yea
Derpynugget0891: i dont think so
Landon010: good
Landon010: u better be glad XD
Derpynugget0891: i didn't even know you could use the chat without being in a game
Landon010: yea its lobby chat
Landon010: for people who really dont wanna play but just hang out
Landon010: ive been on her for 3 years and this is the place i linger the most
Landon010: here*
Derpynugget0891: i like playing with custom decks
Landon010: i might sound like im in a movie but ive seen people come and
go...sometimes you catch 1 or 2 people trying to rp
Landon010: so yea this place is a fun place to hang
Derpynugget0891: ok then ill start having 2 of these tabs open and then i can talk
to people in the lobby
Landon010: good idea
Landon010: fyi sometimes we have fights or sometimes we will just be weird af
Derpynugget0891: and think i care im just bored
Landon010: so yea
Landon010: like yesterday we went off on someone who basicaly deserved it
Derpynugget0891: aw crap my mouse just died
Landon010: dang
Derpynugget0891: hold on i got to go get some baatteries
Landon010: ok'
Derpynugget0891: okm im back
Landon010: so what now
Derpynugget0891: hey man dont look at me
Derpynugget0891: wanna play a game
Derpynugget0891: jion the only english one
Landon0101: hello?
Derpynugget0891: what the f
Landon010: dang
Landon010: so back to loby talk
Derpynugget0891: i guess so
Landon010: how long have u been playing?
Derpynugget0891: i was playing yesterday but i was actually playing the game
Derpynugget0891: about half a year
Landon010: ok cool
Derpynugget0891: i forgot the password to my original account though
Landon010: oof
Derpynugget0891: i wish you could friend people in this game
Landon010: u can
Derpynugget0891: how
Landon010: just do "/fa NAME"
Landon010: just copy paste their name into your chat box
Landon010: so if i wanted to friend you i would do "/fa Derpynugget0891
Derpynugget0891: ok done
Landon010: ok glad i can help a brother out
Derpynugget0891: do you want to know the story behind this name
Landon010: im afraid to ask ngl
Landon010: new world leaders
Adolf Dripler
Beneto Swaggolini
Joseph Ballen
Franklin D Guccibelt
Derpynugget0891: when i play skyrim i thought of the stupidest name i could think
of so all the ai would have to say it the name was Derpynugget08 but that was taken
Derpynugget0891: *played
Landon010: noice
Landon010: so wyd
Derpynugget0891: ?
Landon010: what u up to
Landon010: WHAT YOU DOIN-- wyd
Derpynugget0891: sitting in the nurse's office cause of a migraine
Landon010: dang
Derpynugget0891: man freshman year sucks
Landon010: your 9th grader?
Derpynugget0891: yea
Landon010: age
Derpynugget0891: 14
Derpynugget0891: i turn 15 this year
Landon010: smol child. leave! while u can bc this place will f your mind up
Landon010: 15 is to pure of an age to be on here
Derpynugget0891: nothing can corrupt your min more than my school district
Derpynugget0891: *mind
Landon010: true
Landon010: ehh your already to deep into this then
Derpynugget0891: exactly
Landon010: u can stay brother
Landon010: ima join the game
Derpynugget0891: wich one
Derpynugget0891: nevermind i think i know
Generic: who is nug
Derpynugget0891: anyone there
Derpynugget0891: anyone
Derpynugget0891: anyone there
Jadduck: Check in
Jadduck: Check out
Separatio: penis
Sannkaed: deadass chat
Furryanimegirl: yep
Furryanimeboy: reeeee
Exagoni: hi
Exagoni: is this place dead or what
Logan94: hello?
Logan94: 5
Logan94: 4
Logan94: 3
Logan94: 2
Logan94: 1
Logan94: bye
Generic: wont be missed
Tallguy: bitches be nutting for over 30 seconds
Callmelili: Ded
Generic: garys mod :O
(anon): nigger alert nigger alert
(anon): 5-0 thats going to be 1 nigger at my location
(anon): Is execution necessary sarge?
(anon): Yes, all niggers must be abolished. And so should the 13th amendment.
(anon): Sarge will u please cum on my face sarge?
(anon): Granted. Whip out my cock and start sucking.
(anon): I know you have them nigger lips so you should do just fine
(anon): *starts giving sarge the sloppiest toppy* nghh~
Generic: welp.
Generic: that happened
Koda: hi
Koda: glad this site kinda died.
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Generic: u shoulda seen wut the anons were saying x-x
Blue_jollyrancher: What were they saying
Generic: u want me to copy pasta?
Blue_jollyrancher: If you wanna
Generic: a lot of n word
Generic: so plz dont cancel me smh
Generic: (anon): nigger alert nigger alert
(anon): 5-0 thats going to be 1 nigger at my location
(anon): Is execution necessary sarge?
(anon): Yes, all niggers must be abolished. And so should the 13th amendment.
Blue_jollyrancher: Okay
Generic: (anon): Sarge will u please cum on my face sarge?
(anon): Granted. Whip out my cock and start sucking.
(anon): I know you have them nigger lips so you should do just fine
(anon): *starts giving sarge the sloppiest toppy* nghh~
Vuse: 🛸     🌎 °  🌓 •  .°•   🚀 ✯
   ★ *     °    🛰  °·   🪐
.   • ° ★ • ☄
Generic: yo wtf thas sick x-x
Blue_jollyrancher: I don't need to see at more
Vuse: My dad died when we couldn’t remember his blood type. As he died, he kept
insisting for us to “be positive,” but it’s hard without him.

(anon): niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers
niggers niggers niggers
(anon): no
Generic: and hes back
(anon): dn is back
Blue_jollyrancher: My throat hurts
(anon): probably from too much dn
Generic: who is mario12
Generic: and y is he whispering me "i see u"
Generic: and
Generic: ";)"
(anon): Rape
Generic: talk to me in pub mario
Generic: or ill start running ip checks on u
Blue_jollyrancher: Could be Logan being a creep
Generic: true
Generic: or koda trying to expose me for some shit
Blue_jollyrancher: Maybe
Generic: nope neither of them
Blue_jollyrancher: Moose?
Generic: no def not moose
Generic: i thought they whispered the wrong person at first
Blue_jollyrancher: Tom's punk ass
Generic: but then they proceeded to whisper me again
Generic: and tom doesnt talk like that
Blue_jollyrancher: Tell him to choke on dick cheese
Generic: hes in a fkn game rn
Generic: should i join?
Generic: its public
Blue_jollyrancher: Go ahead
Blue_jollyrancher: I will too
Blue_jollyrancher: That was fucking weird
Generic: agreed
(anon): amogus
Generic: guys amogus is so cool!
(anon): amogus is too sussy
(anon): kill amogus
Generic: let amogus live
Generic: not sussy enoug
Generic: smh
Generic: internet sucky moment
(anon): yes
(anon): no
(anon): yes
(anon): ses
(anon): no
(anon): sus
(anon): sussssyyyy
(anon): amongus
(anon): pusssyyyyy
(anon): ohhhhhhhhhh
(anon): cyan has a tight bussy owo
Generic: anon u wanna see som susssy
(anon): yes sus
(anon): show me the sus
Generic: :O
(anon): Owo
Generic: sussy sussy baks
Generic: smh
(anon): among us pc
Generic: yes
Generic: anon
Generic: log in so i can add u
(anon): no
Generic: plz
(anon): no mom im gameing
Generic: at least lemme know its u when u an anon x-x
Generic: sussy man
(anon): yes daddy
Generic: bye mommy
(anon): uwu(
Generic: hello
Generic: sussy anon
Generic: are u there
Koda: bounce that ass
Koda: roof roof
Countrychick19: Hi
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Generic: smokin cookie crisp
Generic: stupid bitch
Generic: smokin cookie crisp
Generic: stupid bitch
Generic: i feel like a chemist with all this weed i jus got to mixin shit
Generic: i fuck that bitch in the back of a challenger
Generic: darin a *n word* to challenge us
Blue_jollyrancher: I want soup
Generic: im shootin to accurate when i pull up swervin inside the mf acura
Generic: good soup
Blue_jollyrancher: Warm soup
Generic: soup is the worst base food ever
Generic: change my mind
Koda: hi
Generic: feel free to ask me wut "base food" means if ur not sure
Generic: hello koda
Koda: base food
Koda: cock and balls
Generic: sure
Blue_jollyrancher: What is base food ?
Generic: ok for example
Generic: pizza
Koda: tokyo's revenge fr censored the word "fake" in his song goodmorningtokyo
Koda: so base food is different for everyone?
Generic: i used to think it said fuck
Generic: but yea i watched the genius interview or wutever it was
Blue_jollyrancher: Like you mean main dish?
Generic: nah nah
Koda: ....
Generic: like food that comes in different varients
Koda: so like
Koda: most foods
Koda: :|
Generic: like plan base pizza would be cheese pizza
Generic: plain*
Koda: so doesnt that mean base chicken is just
Koda: the alive chicken.
Koda: or raw chicken?
Generic: ^
Generic: those are mostly used for my satanic rituals tho
Koda: well
Koda: the first pizza made actually had basil on it
Koda: but sure.
Generic: who?
Koda: "who asked"
Koda: shut ur dumbass up x-x
Generic: dammit
Koda: unfunny ass mf lmao
Generic: bruh shut up smh
Koda: "dont expect me back" headass
Koda: everyone expected u to come back :|
Generic: *cries*
Koda: stfu a man isnt really sad unless he is crying AND pissing himself
Koda: guyble rule 79 says that
Generic: does shitting count.
Koda: every man knows that.
Generic: smokin cookie crisp
Generic: stupid bitch
Generic: smokin cookie crisp
Generic: stupid bitch
Generic: i feel like a chemist with all this weed i jus got to mixin shit
Generic: i fuck that bitch in the back of a challenger
Generic: darin a *n word* to challenge us
Generic: im shootin to accurate when i pull up swervin inside the mf acura
Generic: uh.
Generic: hello
Generic: ?
Herr_sex_haver: cring
(anon): How low do deez nuts go?
Generic: the goddamn mr incredible becoming uncanny meme keeps evolving x-x
Generic: somehow mfs find new ways to keep it fresh
Beas: penis
Beas: noice
Koda: nice cock
Themooserapist: You know what I love most about raping moose?
Themooserapist: How difficult it is
Themooserapist: I mean think about it
Themooserapist: Moose is a powerful mean tempered beast
Themooserapist: Many times larger and stronger than the strongest man and much more
conditioned to combat and fighting
Themooserapist: Nature is nonstop war
Themooserapist: And somehow you gotta incapacitate that thing long enough to rape
it and then kill it
Themooserapist: Any man can kill a moose. But can you make it your bitch first?
Themooserapist: *flex*
Generic: i like how ur jus talking to literally nobody
Themooserapist: Got a kitty on my lap
(anon): rape it
(anon): rape ur pussy
Generic: anons be on some weird shit x-x
(anon): I raped my pussy 19 times today
Generic: wtf
Generic: lili log in
(anon): No
Generic: y
(anon): Fuck yo
(anon): Lol
(anon): Gay
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Blue_jollyrancher: QUICK
Blue_jollyrancher: Apple or orange
Mommymilkers42069: apple
Blue_jollyrancher: Okay apple cinnamon sticks it is
Mommymilkers42069: um um
Generic: pears or plums
Generic: (there is a right answer)
Blue_jollyrancher: I like both
Generic: wrong
Blue_jollyrancher: Pears
Generic: *inhales*
Blue_jollyrancher: What I like plums more I just assumed you didn't like em
Generic: plums are the most underrated fruit
Generic: fire as
Generic: pears on the other hand
Generic: *throws up*
Blue_jollyrancher: Have you ever had passion fruit
Jadduck: yes
Jadduck: its very nice
Generic: havent had passion fruit
Mommymilkers42069: have you had spider fruit
Mommymilkers42069: i think
Generic: u ever had cockroach fruit?
Blue_jollyrancher: Passion fruit looks nasty but it tastes so good
Generic: btw
Generic: dragonfruit is nasty
Generic: idc how good it looks
Generic: shit is disgusting
Blue_jollyrancher: Facts
Generic: it taste like literally nothing with a slight hint of a generic melon
Generic: (no pun intended)
Blue_jollyrancher: Mhm
Generic: idfk wut they do with dragonfruit punch to make it taste so good tho x-x
Generic: bc that shit is BUSSIN
Blue_jollyrancher: Mhm
Generic: watchu know abt gamersupps blue
Callmelili: Lol
Mommymilkers42069: <img
Rambutan_Wikimedia_Forest_and_Kim_Starr.jpg" alt="15 strange fruits and vegetables
- CBS News"/>
Mommymilkers42069: im pretty sure thats it
Generic: looks like a fkn coconut with pubic hairs
Koda: SO
Koda: whos gonna have my kids?
Generic: cant
Generic: im male
Koda: why
Koda: mmmmmm
Koda: excuses
Koda: fuck my bum
Jadduck: 💀
Blue_jollyrancher: That shit is yummy milk it starts with an L though
Koda: ur ass is yummy
Jadduck: 💀
Blue_jollyrancher: Huh?
Koda: huh?
Jadduck: Blue
Blue_jollyrancher: Yes?
Jadduck: have you seen my skull collection?
Blue_jollyrancher: Yes
Jadduck: what?
Jadduck: who gave you a tour?
Blue_jollyrancher: You
Jadduck: i forgor
Blue_jollyrancher: Damn that sucks
Mommymilkers42069: pelb
Jadduck: poob
Mommymilkers42069: no
Jadduck: yep
Mommymilkers42069: no
Jadduck: why
Mommymilkers42069: just no
Jadduck: y mad?
Mommymilkers42069: im not
Jadduck: you seem mad tho
Jadduck: it was just a boop
Mommymilkers42069: i dont want boop
Mommymilkers42069: plus its blue and my think
Mommymilkers42069: thing
Jadduck: well i stole your thing
Mommymilkers42069: too bad
Jadduck: for you
Jadduck: its mine now
Mommymilkers42069: fuck off
Jadduck: why
Mommymilkers42069: cause i dont wanna deal with bs
Jadduck: fine deal with SB
Jadduck: Succulent Bacon
Mommymilkers42069: blue
Blue_jollyrancher: Hum?
Mommymilkers42069: im trying to put a complicated af dress
Mommymilkers42069: T-T
Blue_jollyrancher: Oof
Mommymilkers42069: got it
Fluffyfurryboi: hello
Trees_the_proto: Fluff!
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Fluffyfurryboi: I got on and remember what happened saturday
Fluffyfurryboi: and dont ask
Fluffyfurryboi: but anyways
Fluffyfurryboi: hello everyone
Fluffyfurryboi: and I killed chat
Mommymilkers42069: noooo
Fluffyfurryboi: oh hi milk
Fluffyfurryboi: I carried and empty soda can with my mouth, hit it with ym knee and
hit a tooth
Fluffyfurryboi: it hurt
Mommymilkers42069: owwwwww
Fluffyfurryboi: well it hurt the skin around it
Fluffyfurryboi: still hurt
Mommymilkers42069: damn
Fluffyfurryboi: oh, I uh, also felt sad and then now I just feel a bit sad
Fluffyfurryboi: I did it again
Fluffyfurryboi: I killed chat again
Mommymilkers42069: im fucking trying on bathing suits
Fluffyfurryboi: sorry
Tallguy: nice
Mommymilkers42069: i didnt mean it like that
Fluffyfurryboi: I usually think there are more people on
Fluffyfurryboi: well I guess I hope you find something you like
Fluffyfurryboi: if ya need me just ask
Blue_jollyrancher: I wanna sleep
Blue_jollyrancher: So baf
Blue_jollyrancher: Bad
Fluffyfurryboi: hi blue
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi
Fluffyfurryboi: im a bit sad, but doing good, how about you?
Rinalin: Mhm
Blue_jollyrancher: Cold tired pain but fine
Fluffyfurryboi: so somewhat similar?
Blue_jollyrancher: Yeah
Fluffyfurryboi: cause I was goin home and baseball got me in the face
Blue_jollyrancher: I got my head bent the wrong way and a soar throat
Fluffyfurryboi: ok yeah so its somewhat similar aint it?
Blue_jollyrancher: Mhm
Fluffyfurryboi: I remember saturday
Fluffyfurryboi: anyways
Fluffyfurryboi: I did it again
Blue_jollyrancher: I don't remember a lot
Fluffyfurryboi: I just get this constant feeling half of what I say makes chat go
Blue_jollyrancher: My head has been spinning
Fluffyfurryboi: well
Fluffyfurryboi: now what?
Blue_jollyrancher: Idk
Mommymilkers42069: flufffffffffffff
Fluffyfurryboi: hai
Mommymilkers42069: haiiiiiii
Fluffyfurryboi: haiiiiiiiiiiii
Mommymilkers42069: haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Todd_clorox: I like to store craft beer in my butt.
Fluffyfurryboi: haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
(anon): e
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii *deep breath*
(anon): hoi
Fluffyfurryboi: milks gotta say more than that
Fluffyfurryboi: ima get ready
(anon): k hav fun
Dr_k: Goooddd afternoon everyone!
*deep breath*
Dr_k: hello
Fluffyfurryboi: hai
Dr_k: anything interesting going on in here right now?
Fluffyfurryboi: I dont know
Dr_k: ah damn
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Zakk__: amingus
(anon): ello
Panzershrek: anyone up yet?
Panzershrek: ah welp ive got a test to make up
Panzershrek: hey neko are you on yet?
Panzershrek: anyone up?
Panzershrek: well this is strange
Panzershrek: usually the chat would be pretty active around this time
Panzershrek: jesus christ im bored
Panzershrek: just talkin to myself
Panzershrek: anyway im pretty sure my grandpa will pay me to 3d print parts out for
Landon010: anyone?]]
Separatio: i need cursed images
Landon010: no
Landon010: none 4 u
Landon010: hello?
Itembrief: hola
Landon010: hi
Landon010: no habla espanola
Landon010: hello?
Landon010: ANYONE
Landon010: YOOOOOOo
Landon010: ASOPRTS
Landon010: E A SPORTS
Landon010: the lobby has litteraly been quiet 4, 2 days straight
Furryanimeboy: yea
Landon010: hru
Furryanimeboy: good you
Landon010: ehh
Landon010: wyd
Landon010: wheres yur gir;
Landon010: girl*
Landon010: ...
Furryanimeboy: no clue shes problem working on work right now
Furryanimeboy: probably*
Landon010: oh ok
Landon010: i just havent seen yall in a bit
Furryanimeboy: bro im so bored we aren't doing anything in class right now cause we
have done are final
Landon010: dang
Landon010: luckyy
Landon010: i gtg ttyl
Furryanimeboy: see ya
Ieatass76: let me in
Landon010: anyone in lobby?
Landon010: ....anyone?
Landon010: T.T
Landon010: why no one on anymore...
Landon010: RED
Landon010: R
Landon010: E
Landon010: D
Landon010: MAMAAAAAA
Landon010: OOOOOOO
Landon010: 400000 people use to chat here now its a ghost town...
Landon010: so hows my day goin....pretty good
Logan94: hello?
Landon010: XD
Landon010: hi
Logan94: who else is on
Landon010: idk the other 2 arnt awnsering
Logan94: ok
Landon010: they just watch
Logan94: you mean blue and gen right
Landon010: yea
Logan94: ok
Depresseddom52: im fucking bored
Landon010: there he is
Logan94: hey dom
Depresseddom52: yoooooo
Landon010: hru
Logan94: awful
Depresseddom52: i could be better but it aint too bad
Landon010: ok why
Generic: wtf
Generic: when did dom get back
Depresseddom52: hi gen
Logan94: just now
Generic: oh
Depresseddom52: like 2 minutes ago
Depresseddom52: or just now
Landon010: yea
Generic: who?
Depresseddom52: asked or cares
Generic: damn
Depresseddom52: we get it
Landon010: ....
Depresseddom52: sorry im in a pissy mood now
Landon010: why
Depresseddom52: this autistic kid in my bio class wont stfu about the plague for a
project cause he didn't get it and its fucking annoying
Depresseddom52: like no offense to autistic people but still
Depresseddom52: its just really annoying
Logan94: they do be like that
Landon010: yea
Depresseddom52: now hes protesting for plague
Landon010: dam
Logan94: aka covid
Depresseddom52: no not covid
Depresseddom52: covid a virus and we doing bacteria
Logan94: ooooooooh
(anon): so why are u ehh logan
Logan94: same
Logan94: what anon
Depresseddom52: plus we talking bout the plague from fucking 1600s
Landon010: who anon r u talkin about?
Depresseddom52: im dehydrated and i dont know why
Depresseddom52: im gonna go buy a water from the library rq
Logan94: cool?
Depresseddom52: brb
Logan94: i dont have school tomorrow because so many people got covid this week
Landon010: what is the average size?
Logan94: so thats pog
Logan94: wdym
Landon010: yes
Landon010: perhaps
Logan94: ?
Landon010: exactly
Logan94: lmao
Landon010: what do u consider big...
Logan94: a 18 wheeler
Landon010: nice
Logan94: sorry im thinking about semi trucks for some reason
Landon010: what about uranus
Landon010: XD
Logan94: wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
Landon010: -_o
Logan94: for me its just muscle lmao not fat
Landon010: so wat now
Logan94: no idea
Landon010: same
Landon010: 1. Blue_jollyrancher
2. Depresseddom52
3. Generic
4. Logan94
Landon010: only people on rn
Logan94: oof
Logan94: can i tell you a joe
Landon010: out of 50
Logan94: joke
Landon010: sure
Logan94: you know how jake from state farm is black right
Logan94: i think its funny a black man works at the state farm
Logan94: XD
Landon010: true
Landon010: why do dads take a 2nd pair of socks golfing...
Logan94: why
Landon010: in case they get a hole in one
Landon010: Ah
Landon010: Ah
Landon010: Ah
Landon010: AH
Landon010: *proceeds to walk out*
Landon010: ah
Landon010: ah
Landon010: ah
Logan94: they arent funny theyre fucking cringy
Landon010: why cant leopards hide?
Logan94: anyway what do you call 2 frinds that like math
Logan94: why
Landon010: bc they are always spoted
Landon010: AH
Landon010: AH
Landon010: AH
Landon010: AH
Logan94: anyway what do you call 2 frinds that like math
Logan94: friends
Landon010: algibros
Logan94: DAMNIT
Landon010: what do evil chickens lay
Landon010: deviled eggs
Landon010: AH
Landon010: AH
Logan94: i was gonna call lili a joke but then i remembered that jokes have
Landon010: AH
Landon010: 0o0
Landon010: cold
Logan94: XD
Logan94: anyway
Logan94: im bored af
Logan94: BLUE
Logan94: BLUE
Logan94: BLUE
Logan94: BLUE
Logan94: BLUE
Logan94: BLUE
Landon010: my teacher said have a good day so i went home
Logan94: BLUE
Logan94: BLUE
Logan94: BLUE
Logan94: BLUE
Logan94: BLUE
Logan94: BLUE
Logan94: BLUE
Logan94: BLUE
Logan94: BLUE
Logan94: BLUE
Logan94: BLUE
Logan94: lmao
Landon010: i called the cops on my son bc he was resisting arrest
Landon010: ah]
Landon010: ah
Landon010: aha
Landon010: ah
Landon010: so what nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
Landon010: so what anon do you always keep telling to be quiet
Landon010: ugh]
Landon010: im bored
Landon010: so what happened after i left 2 days ago
Two2ducks: i take up the space worth 39995 people
Generic: gay
Logan94: hello?
Prostaatpiraat: hello
Logan94: anyone else here
Logan94: ill take that as a no
Generic: ur mom
Two2ducks: hot
Furryanimeboy: REE
(anon): Hey
Franks92: good morning onee-san nwn
Mommymilkers42069: bwep
(anon): uwu
Mommymilkers42069: hi anon
(anon): *nuzzles chu* mm~ hewwo mommy
Mommymilkers42069: um hello
Mommymilkers42069: how are you
(anon): me howny
(anon): owo
Mommymilkers42069: mhm
(anon): wait im gay
(anon): sorry i forgot
Mommymilkers42069: lmao
Mxangel: >_>
Mommymilkers42069: hi angel
Mxangel: Hi milk
Mommymilkers42069: hru
Mxangel: I'm alright, I suppose
Mxangel: My best friend has covid ;-;
Mommymilkers42069: damn
Generic: sussy amogus
Mommymilkers42069: geb
Generic: wub
Mommymilkers42069: haillo
Dieritze: hallo
Mxangel: hola
Mommymilkers42069: po
Darfichmitspielen: hallo
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Muttimiteuter: was geht
Mommymilkers42069: ?
(anon): dn
Blue_jollyrancher: Ble
Blue_jollyrancher: P
Mxangel: :P
Blue_jollyrancher: blep
Mommymilkers42069: eulb
Blue_jollyrancher: klim
Mommymilkers42069: iah
Blue_jollyrancher: olleh
Mommymilkers42069: yeknom
Blue_jollyrancher: hoo
Mommymilkers42069: i yrc
Blue_jollyrancher: yhw
Mommymilkers42069: ym enohp si
Blue_jollyrancher: si?
Mommymilkers42069: gnieb bmud
Blue_jollyrancher: hha riaf
Mommymilkers42069: dna swardhtiw
Blue_jollyrancher: riaf
Mommymilkers42069: morf epav
Blue_jollyrancher: i t'nac yas eht emas
Mommymilkers42069: nmad
Blue_jollyrancher: hseeeeeeehs
Mommymilkers42069: daeddddddddddd
Blue_jollyrancher: mhm
(anon): Poopie shit dicks
Blue_jollyrancher: no u
(anon): Kyrlhdkhxhx
(anon): Zktxkxkxkx
(anon): Jgzjxkxkxtztxy
(anon): Ngxjxit6
Hitlerdu43: hi
Blue_jollyrancher: yo?
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Mommymilkers42069: kcus ym kcoc
Mxangel: ko
Mommymilkers42069: -hu
Mxangel: lol
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Blue_jollyrancher: blep
Mxangel: :P
Blue_jollyrancher: My throat itches
Generic: lemme itch it for u x-x
Blue_jollyrancher: with what?
Generic: my...fingers?
Blue_jollyrancher: how?
Generic: ill...shove my fingers down ur throat
Generic: and itch it
Blue_jollyrancher: I'll just burn it with a lighter
Countrychick19: Hi
Generic: bye
Blue_jollyrancher: bye
Countrychick19: Hu
Countrychick19: Hi
Generic: she eyes me like a pisces when i am weak
Generic: ive been locked inside ur heart shaped box for weeks
Generic: ive been drawn into ur magnet tar pit trap
Generic: i wish i could eat ur cancer when u turn black
Generic: HEY
Generic: WAIT
Generic: ive got a new complaitn
Generic: forever in debt to ur priceless advice
Bigchungusredditmancatsy: squid game
Bigchungusredditmancatsy: aint no game
Spoonlicker: squid game
Bigchungusredditmancatsy: squid game aint no game
Generic: oh god not new randos
Spoonlicker: squid game aint no gaame
Bigchungusredditmancatsy: squid game no game
Spoonlicker: sqigd game no game
Mxangel: Hot damn, I haven't listened to heart-shaped box in a while
Mxangel: Welp, time to change that
Generic: ur welcome
Spoonlicker: quid game aint no game
Generic: i been getting back into nirvana lately
Generic: y does that exist
Generic: and y does it have 5 million views x-x
Mxangel: Why not?
Generic: bc no
Mxangel: It's good
Generic: i will never listen to it again.
Mxangel: Whyy?
(anon): imagine bullying someone over their taste in music
Generic: stfu anon
(anon): big e moment
Generic: nobody likes yall
Generic: the original song is good.
(anon): ok buddy
Generic: i dont understand the point of listening to a fkn roman 1201391294848 BC
version of it
Generic: and literally nobody was talking to u x-x.
(anon): yes
Generic: ok
(anon): but did i ask +_+
Generic: oh shit we got an original mans in here
Generic: would u like a medal my goodman?
(anon): no just a bullet to the nuts thank you
Generic: i dont partake in masochism
Generic: find somebody else
(anon): understandable have a CBT filled day
Blue_jollyrancher: I want ice cream
Generic: i want anal
Blue_jollyrancher: same tho

Themooserapist: Am I gonna die?

Themooserapist: Don’t sugar coat it
Blue_jollyrancher: Too little moose meat in your diet
Themooserapist: Well I mean define too much lol
Blue_jollyrancher: if you don't eat more moose shlong you'll die
Themooserapist: I eat a lot of fibre
Themooserapist: I eat the entire moose
Blue_jollyrancher: But you need m ore
Themooserapist: So if it’s male I do eat the penis yes
Themooserapist: It makes me virile
Themooserapist: No homo
Themooserapist: It’s not related to moose eating trust me
Themooserapist: The blood coming from my anus has another cause
Themooserapist: Yet to be determined
Blue_jollyrancher: hemorrhoids
Themooserapist: Hmmm a possibility for sure
Themooserapist: Had them before
Themooserapist: Hang on I’ll explore the region with my fingers in a non gay way
Themooserapist: Still exploring
Themooserapist: Oh god I am getting erect
Themooserapist: … I…….gay for myself?
Themooserapist: Ah there they are confirmed for piles
Themooserapist: Oh shit
Themooserapist: Sirens outside my place
Themooserapist: Hang on I gotta get my gat
Themooserapist: I dunno who they are here for it might be for my neighbour
Themooserapist: He’s a sex pervert
Themooserapist: If it’s for me then those coppers are gonna eat lead!
Themooserapist: It’s my neighbour hahahaha they are here for him
Nekogirl: i live :3
Nekogirl: and have had a few interesting things happen to me in the last 24 hours,
but i thought i should check on this trainwreck of a website
Nekogirl: so if anyone is listening to me ramble, how are you doing?
(anon): idk
(anon): i feel like a plastic bag
Nekogirl: why is that?
Nekogirl: would it happen to be because you are empty and worthless after being
Blue_jollyrancher: Same
Nekogirl: hi blue :3
Blue_jollyrancher: hi neko
Nekogirl: hru?
(anon): more like empty and worthless after using someone else
Blue_jollyrancher: Internally conflicted hbu?
Nekogirl: ah, well then that would make you a depressed whore anon
(anon): yes
Nekogirl: i am a bit better but i have a similar problem blue
Blue_jollyrancher: things are good and bad at the same time
Nekogirl: wanna talk about both?
Blue_jollyrancher: sure should we let the anon watch?
Nekogirl: nah
(anon): aw
(anon): please?
Nekogirl: anon is kinda manipulative
Nekogirl: dont want them having anything they can use
(anon): i promise i'm a changed man
Blue_jollyrancher: No if I bet your who I think you are fuck off
(anon): i'm so sorry
Nekogirl: debatable
(anon): it was all an accident
Blue_jollyrancher: Bull honk
Nekogirl: an accident
(anon): i just lost myself and forgot who i was
Blue_jollyrancher: Look if its daughter account person not you
Nekogirl: the door is the little red x at the top of the screen
(anon): it won't ever happen again, i promise
Nekogirl: you're right
Nekogirl: because i dont trust anyone
(anon): I know
(anon): And maybe you shouldn't
Nekogirl: to be fair, that has nothing to do with you
(anon): Well, you can say that but I still feel responsible, so
Nekogirl: you are responsible for a particularly bad day, that is the value i put
into the situation
Nekogirl: dont think you had that great an impact, it would be more accurate to
sell yourself short
(anon): I suppose I do tend to underdeliver
Generic: damn wtf happened x-x
Generic: ah toms an anon
Generic: nice
(anon): Yes
Nekogirl: i now have a hit list, that's what happened
Nekogirl: anyway
(anon): Oh? Me too
Nekogirl: im gonna stick with the positive thing that happened to me
Nekogirl: cause i dont have the energy to fight
Generic: she dont love me she jus love how i feel
Generic: imma fuck her till i know that she real
Generic: ion love her but i love how it feel
Nekogirl: gen no lyrics please
Generic: when i fuck her and she make me a meal
Generic: fr
Themooserapist: Worst taste NA detected
Generic: told her baby im the type to get faded
Generic: and i know it that she like that im famous
Generic: i aint tryna make this shit complicated
Generic: we only came bc we both gettin naked
Themooserapist: Gag, this is awful
Generic: white girl on me i got cocaine on me do it in the bathroom i can feel my
bones break
Themooserapist: This dumbshit thinks these lyrics are GOOD. I’ll just be in the
back crying for the future of humanity
Generic: she eyes me like a pisces when i am weak
Nekogirl: oh random thing, some one actually asked me out :3
Generic: ive been locked inside ur heart shaped box for weeks
Generic: ive been drawn into ur magnet tar pit trap
(anon): Very good
Generic: i wish i could eat ur cancer when u turn black
Generic: HEY
Generic: WAIT
Generic: ive got a new complaint
Generic: for ever in debt to ur priceless advice
Themooserapist: Dead man talking lol
Themooserapist: Just tell us if Courtney did it
Blue_jollyrancher: I have distracted someone yay!
Themooserapist: Remember to get your whole head in front of the shotgun
Nekogirl: not distracted
Generic: at least ur not making fun of the music itself this time
Blue_jollyrancher: cloths
Generic: cuz if ur rly gon hate on nirvana u got a problem x-x
Nekogirl: oof
Themooserapist: Nirvana was dope
Themooserapist: I am old enough to remember them :)
Generic: how old ARE u
Themooserapist: Old as fuck lol
Generic: if u were conscious in the early 90s then...
Nekogirl: i got a Creedence Clearwater record album with fortunate son, up around
the bend, and have you ever seen the rain
Generic: come as u are
Generic: as u were
Generic: as i want u to be
Nekogirl: i am now gonna wake my family up blasting fortunate son as loud as i can
Generic: fortnite :O
Themooserapist: Greenday’s Dookie is what really got me tbh
Themooserapist: First time I heard Basket Case my head asploded
Nekogirl: i got an areosmith and lynard skynard record album too
Nekogirl: also Michael jackson for some reason
Themooserapist: Thriller was an lp I grew up with
Nekogirl: yep, i knew the thriller dance straight outa the womb
Themooserapist: Did the dance as you came into the world lol
Nekogirl: no that was reserved for the waltz
Themooserapist: You suck at improv
Themooserapist: You say “yes and”
Nekogirl: i hate improv
Themooserapist: It shows lol
Nekogirl: yeah
Themooserapist: Tina Fey wants you to try saying “yes and” rather than “no” or
“but” and see what happens sometimes
Themooserapist: Read Bossypants
Nekogirl: tina fey can get stuck in the movie human centipede as a victim
Themooserapist: Heh so much for the sisterhood lol
Blue_jollyrancher: I want to crush my head like a watermelon
Nekogirl: no blue
Themooserapist: Can I watch that?
Blue_jollyrancher: it hurts
Themooserapist: Oh headache boo
Blue_jollyrancher: no physical pain too the drugs wore off
Themooserapist: Headaches suck ass I am fortunate to rarely get them
Blue_jollyrancher: and emotional pain
Blue_jollyrancher: just pain everywhere
Themooserapist: Emotional pain is whatever
Themooserapist: Headaches you have my sympathy
Blue_jollyrancher: how do you stop it
Nekogirl: the grinch's sedative
Themooserapist: Emotional pain? Study stoic philosophy
Themooserapist: Or Buddhism
Nekogirl: that is the first thing i agree with you on moose
Blue_jollyrancher: drugs got it
Themooserapist: Not too much Buddhism though it gets weird
Nekogirl: stoicism is a great thing to practice
Themooserapist: Just the main bits none of the chanting lol
Themooserapist: Same thing with stoicism just the main bits
Themooserapist: Stoicism goes a bit weird when you get further into it
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm too confused
Nekogirl: yeah dont lose feeling, just enough to lessen emotional blows
Themooserapist: Emotional control and resilience is a necessity for adult life
Generic: i tried practicing stoicism for like a week. im aint emotionally stable
enough for that shit x-x
Generic: i aint*
Themooserapist: Shocker lol
Nekogirl: yes and almost no one in this generation has it
Blue_jollyrancher: drugs numb it
Themooserapist: I know I am glad I grew up in the 70s and 80s
Generic: hol up hol up
Themooserapist: I got beat up and beat people up and did drugs and skipped school
and still turned out ok
Nekogirl: someone sued a person for harrassment because they tickled them, which
technically falls under harrassment
Generic: GREW UP in the 70s and 80s????
Themooserapist: Yeah dude I am old as fuck lol
Generic: goddamn how fkn old are u
Themooserapist: I was saying that earlier
Generic: 50s?
Themooserapist: 40s
Generic: wtf are u doing on a game like this x-x
Nekogirl: i have done all but 2 of those things
Blue_jollyrancher: I've done all but 1
Themooserapist: Are you kidding I have been playing this game since the start
Nekogirl: well im gonna go prepare for a date and a dance
Blue_jollyrancher: bye neko
Generic: gl
Nekogirl: have fun you crazy kids
Themooserapist: I am weird lol
Blue_jollyrancher: i'm gonna be afk cry and listen to music
Generic: nice
Themooserapist: I am laughing at Redlettermedia
Generic: cya
Themooserapist: Stoned and easy work day tomorrow
Themooserapist: Life is good
Blue_jollyrancher: .c
Generic: wish i could get high :(
Generic: smh
Generic: my court date is gon be moved to a different day tho
Themooserapist: I get stoned after work every night
Generic: u live in the states?
Themooserapist: Lol you got caught for something?
Themooserapist: Canada
Generic: a
Generic: ah*
Generic: yuh so i had this brownie and i gave a friend some
Generic: started freaking tf out
Themooserapist: Hahahaha yeah brownies are dangerous
Generic: come to find out they had taken some pills b4
Generic: and shit got mixd up
Generic: mf died for like 2 minutes
Themooserapist: Lulz wtf pills were those
Themooserapist: Need to get me some
Generic: lmao he was tellin me afterwards that he was seein shit
Generic: like everybody was green and he felt like he was in a box x-x
Generic: but yea the problem is this happened at school
Generic: sooo.
Themooserapist: I never went to school much lol
Generic: ill prolly get probation for like 6-12 months
Generic: bs
Generic: literally more than half the kids at my school do drugs (mostly weed) but
they dont take every single one of them mfs to court
Generic: its all bc the kid had a reaction.
Themooserapist: In Canada not only would you not even be charged we would all laugh
at the kid
Generic: wait is weed legal nationwide in canada?
Themooserapist: Yup I buy from a dispensary a block from my place and it’s cheaper
than my old dealer
Themooserapist: Pay tax and everything lol
Generic: goddamn
Generic: lucky mfs
Themooserapist: Long time coming I remember buying weed in Washington State before
it was legal in Canada and being jealous of you lol
Generic: either way
Generic: im still underrage
Generic: so
Themooserapist: Yeah don’t start until you are in your late 20s early 30s like I
Generic: too late x0x
Themooserapist: Brain is done developing then and the weed doesn’t do much
permanent stuff
Generic: plus ive dabbled in other more questionable things
Themooserapist: Lol ah well I was lucky I just drank until I got into white collar
office shit and needed a substance abuse disorder like everyone else and weed made
more sense than booze
Themooserapist: Now I know I saved my brain a bit too lol
Generic: i aint talkin alcohol
Themooserapist: I didn’t do shrooms or mdma until I was in my 30s too
Generic: ive been wanting to try shrooms
Themooserapist: Weird as hell
Generic: but i aint have no one ive felt comfortable doing it with
Themooserapist: Always gave me bad gas and dry heaves
Generic: and u aint catchin me doin that shit by myself
Themooserapist: Yeah no you want a babysitter
Generic: id prolly wake up naked in the middle of the woods
Themooserapist: My first time I did 7 grams and was hallucinating wildly for a
solid eight hours
Generic: goddamn
Themooserapist: Never did that much again lol
Generic: i almost did acid once. but the situation just wasnt right
Themooserapist: MDMA is the perfect drug but I got lucky I did MDMA on the west
coast about fifteen years ago
Themooserapist: When there was no fentanyl
Generic: yea fentanyl seems to be in everything these days
Themooserapist: Just mdma and mdma cut with speed
Generic: scary as shit
Themooserapist: I wouldn’t trust anything now
Themooserapist: I just smoke weed
Generic: fair
Themooserapist: Pure Molly is a pretty unique experience
Themooserapist: I am lucky :)
Themooserapist: I still have three pills left from a batch I bought fifteen years
Themooserapist: They keep forever
Generic: only pills ive done are percocets and xanax. but i mean those are pretty
easy to get these days
Themooserapist: Maybe when I am 50
Themooserapist: The only MDMA I would ever trust lol
Generic: percs always made me nauseous so id crush them up and snort them
Themooserapist: Because I bought ten pills and did seven of them
Themooserapist: Anything opiod makes me sick
Generic: id honestly try most things under the right circumstance.
Themooserapist: I only wanted to try things that offered enhancement and peak
Generic: 3 things i wont touch. heroin, coke, and meth
Themooserapist: MDMA and high dose mushrooms qualify
Themooserapist: God I got offered coke a lot back in my clubbing days but never did
it the MDMA was always enough for me
Themooserapist: Coke just turned people into assholes
Generic: im jus scared of how good it will feel.
Themooserapist: Expensive too and addictive as hell
Generic: plus again with the fentanyl shit
Themooserapist: MDMA has no physical addictive properties at all
Themooserapist: No withdrawal and mushrooms sure doesn’t
Themooserapist: Yeah these days I would just stick with weed
Themooserapist: Smoke it or eat/dab if you need more
Generic: ive only done eddies a handful of times. can never handle the taste
Themooserapist: Edibles?
Generic: but that also might be bc ive only done hella concentrated homemade ones
Generic: and yea.
Themooserapist: I make wicked brownies, no weed taste at all and they will blow
your hair back
Themooserapist: My ex is even better lol
Generic: watchu think abt nicotine?
Themooserapist: Never
Themooserapist: Never smoked a cigarette in my life lol
Generic: we have vapes now. which is still dumb asf.
Themooserapist: Makes zero sense to me when weed is legal and available
Generic: u dont know abt it man.
Themooserapist: I guess it’s for people that need something while they work
Generic: nic jus feels different, its hard to describe
Themooserapist: I can handle my shit until quitting time lol
Generic: but honestly after like a month if u constantly smoke. u dont even feel it


Logan94: hello?
Prostaatpiraat: hello
Logan94: anyone else here
Logan94: ill take that as a no
Generic: ur mom
Two2ducks: hot
Furryanimeboy: REE
(anon): Hey
(anon): Ftyfgtycg
Fluffyfurryboi: hello
Fluffyfurryboi: hello?
Fluffyfurryboi: anyone?
Trees_the_proto: yello?
Fluffyfurryboi: NO DONT LEAVE
Trees_the_proto: uh?
Fluffyfurryboi: oh
Fluffyfurryboi: uh
Trees_the_proto: what the f-
Fluffyfurryboi: *hugs you* hai =3
Fluffyfurryboi: sorry about my shouting
Fluffyfurryboi: trees?
Trees_the_proto: ye?
Fluffyfurryboi: I wanna talk about anything
Trees_the_proto: i'm on reddit...
Trees_the_proto: sorry...
Fluffyfurryboi: its ok
Fluffyfurryboi: my throat is a bit sore, I think
Trees_the_proto: eh, i wouldn't know...
Fluffyfurryboi: I think I may at some point be sick
Fluffyfurryboi: *cuddles you* but im not sick yet, just some throat issues
Trees_the_proto: dont die on me yet~
Fluffyfurryboi: well, what would you do to my body~
Fluffyfurryboi: trees?
Fluffyfurryboi: whyyyyyyy
Fluffyfurryboi: trees come baaaaaaaaaaaaack
Fluffyfurryboi: is anyone else here?
Fluffyfurryboi: probably not. . .
Fluffyfurryboi: sorry
Fluffyfurryboi: I dont like being alone
Trees_the_proto: me neither, tbh...
Fluffyfurryboi: *I sit on your lap* I dont have long before I go
Fluffyfurryboi: so what do you wanna do?
Trees_the_proto: i just wanted cuddles...
Fluffyfurryboi: okie *I cuddle you* im not gonna get off yet then
Trees_the_proto: well, what do you want?
Fluffyfurryboi: *I lay down on you* I dont know
Trees_the_proto: why are we doing this in public chat...?
Fluffyfurryboi: well im not doing anything that shouldn't be said in public chat
Trees_the_proto: fluff, how are you so cute~?
Fluffyfurryboi: hehe, im not cute, but I dont really know
Fluffyfurryboi: I need to go, but dont worry, ill be back in about 9 hours or so
Panzershrek: ello
Panzershrek: anyone up yet?
Panzershrek: Ah welp another morning of me talking to myself
Trees_the_proto: fluff was on, im on reddit...
Panzershrek: ello trees
Panzershrek: How has life been?
Trees_the_proto: shit
Panzershrek: I see
Panzershrek: any sign of neko?
Trees_the_proto: neko..., haven't really seen em...
Trees_the_proto: not even on discord...
Panzershrek: Do you think that her parents might have caught her?
Panzershrek: ah shit ive gtg
Trees_the_proto: idfk
Panzershrek: alright im back
Trees_the_proto: yeah idk bout neko...
Panzershrek: If her parents caught her then theres nothing we can do
Panzershrek: She unfriended me on discord for some reason
Panzershrek: so i cant call or message her
Trees_the_proto: me too, tbh...
Panzershrek: She also unfriended you>
Panzershrek: ?
Trees_the_proto: ye
Panzershrek: That deeply worries me
Panzershrek: If she unfriended both of us, that could mean that it was a last ditch
effort to get rid of any evidence
Panzershrek: It might mean that her parents grew suspicious of her activity with us
and planned to search her phone
Trees_the_proto: she told me why one day, think it was "I dont wanna have my folks
see random people on there who aren't on my phone" i dont really fucking
Panzershrek: You can go thru the logs right?
Panzershrek: discord lets you search for the line
Trees_the_proto: she said it on cards.
Panzershrek: oh
Panzershrek: The last thing she said to me was "Im jealous"
Panzershrek: I had told her about the "Object" I bought off amazon
Panzershrek: But thats not important
Trees_the_proto: uh?
Trees_the_proto: wha-
Panzershrek: She may be grounded, perhaps her parents found something they werent
supposed to see
Panzershrek: She was buying "Questionable" outfits from amazon right?
Panzershrek: Her parents might have found one
Panzershrek: that would be very hard to explain
Trees_the_proto: how questionable we talkin?
Panzershrek: Like maid dress questionable
Trees_the_proto: ah...
Trees_the_proto: probably...
Panzershrek: stuff only for the eyes of the beholder
Trees_the_proto: yeah....
Panzershrek: if my parents found any of the stuff i have, i would be disowned
Trees_the_proto: whatcha got thru pm?
Panzershrek: well lets go thru the list
Panzershrek: although im not sure you wanna hear it
Panzershrek: actually nah
Panzershrek: ill just tell you that the last thing i got were handcuffs
Panzershrek: sadly they had a safety release which was disappointing to say the
Panzershrek: oh
Panzershrek: oh shit
Panzershrek: anyway im not exactly sure how im gonna get rid of the safety release
Trees_the_proto: But kinky….
Panzershrek: Indeed, nice to know im not the only one
Panzershrek: Im thinking maybe a heavyduty wirecutter
Trees_the_proto: Yea…
Panzershrek: The only real saw that I can access is at school in my robotics class
Panzershrek: we use it to saw thru metal
Panzershrek: it saws thru metal like butter
Panzershrek: but its kinda hard to get handcuffs into such a high profile area
Panzershrek: my 3rd idea was to use a file but im not sure if it would work
Trees_the_proto: Yea,
Panzershrek: it sucks since on the page it said nothing about a safety release
Trees_the_proto: Got any like handsaws at your place?
Panzershrek: and on the picture i didnt see the safety release since it was covered
by the fluff
Panzershrek: ive got a handsaw for cutting wood but it aint an electic one
Trees_the_proto: Ah, best out of luck…
Trees_the_proto: Hmmm
Panzershrek: Could a leaf cutter perhaps work?
Panzershrek: the ones with the long ass blade
Trees_the_proto: Probably would break the cuffs with it
Panzershrek: The safety release is a little lever that sticks out
Trees_the_proto: Eh maybe…
Panzershrek: If i can cut down the lever to the point is no longer a lever
Panzershrek: and I cant reach the lever
Panzershrek: then theres no problem
Trees_the_proto: Probably work
Trees_the_proto: Idrfk
Panzershrek: the lever is made out of metal though
Trees_the_proto: Well I gtg, cheers panzer
Panzershrek: see ya
Panzershrek: good luck in your endeavours
Trees_the_proto: Remember to hide your evidence
Panzershrek: see ya trees
Landon010: AHHHHHHH
Blue_jollyrancher: GOOD MORNING
Landon010: hru
Trees_the_proto: ugh -.-
Landon010: long time no see trees
Trees_the_proto: its gonna be even longer.
Landon010: why
Trees_the_proto: if you dont quiet with that old joke...
Blue_jollyrancher: i'm fine lando
Landon010: THEN YOULL BE GONE FOREVER...and good to hear
Blue_jollyrancher: hru lando
Trees_the_proto: its the oppisite, you won't have any legs to see me, landon.

Landon010: im back
Landon010: sry i didnt mean to leave like that
Landon010: hello?
Trees_the_proto: no.
Landon010: no?
Landon010: wdym
Landon010: well he left
Landon010: but wyd blue
Blue_jollyrancher: watching a movie and half killing myself on caffeine
Landon010: neat
Landon010: out 4 school?
Blue_jollyrancher: nope
Landon010: u sound like my ex XD
Blue_jollyrancher: oof what was her name
Landon010: Stacy why?
Blue_jollyrancher: Stacys mom has got it going on lol
Landon010: wdym?
Blue_jollyrancher: the song?
Landon010: oh *slaps forehead* AHHHH I FORGOT
Blue_jollyrancher: lol
Landon010: so why r u at home?
Landon010: rona?
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm at school
Landon010: oh
Landon010: sounds nice to be drinking coffie
Landon010: what grade u in?
Blue_jollyrancher: 11th
Landon010: nice
Landon010: what r ur new year goal
Blue_jollyrancher: not to die
Landon010: mine is making a new rubber band ball... last years rubber band ball was
the size of a softball (only rubber bands nothing else)
Landon010: not to die is pretty good 2
Blue_jollyrancher: yup
Landon010: so what now
Landon010: wat movie yall watching?
Landon010: ur a dude, right? what would you consider big....
Blue_jollyrancher: landon i'm a girl and big is like 5
Landon010: oh
Landon010: sry i forgot
Blue_jollyrancher: its fine
Landon010: but i crush records
Blue_jollyrancher: nice
Landon010: what about uranus XD
Blue_jollyrancher: what about it
Landon010: nvm
Landon010: you seem like a dude ngl tho (not saying you are) your prob just a
Blue_jollyrancher: i can flop between
Landon010: 0-o
Landon010: wut
Landon010: *visible confusion*
Landon010: *visible confusion*
Blue_jollyrancher: Gender is a construct
Blue_jollyrancher: I fluid between how i feel
Landon010: so u r a dude...originaly
Blue_jollyrancher: no
Landon010: oh
Landon010: ok
Landon010: do u want to change subjects
Blue_jollyrancher: sure
Landon010: so ur trn to pick topic
Landon010: better yet wanna do fun Q&A
Blue_jollyrancher: sure
Landon010: uhhhh
Landon010: i suppose your fav color is blue so whats your fav animal
Blue_jollyrancher: My favorite color is green actually and animal is a kapibara
Landon010: ur turn
Blue_jollyrancher: Favorite song?
Landon010: California dreaming for soft rock and He stopped loving er today
Blue_jollyrancher: nice
Landon010: fav season
Blue_jollyrancher: fall
Landon010: neat
Blue_jollyrancher: fav food?
Landon010: ribs
Landon010: rack ribs off pigs
Blue_jollyrancher: nice
Landon010: fav show?
Landon010: like series or movie
Blue_jollyrancher: freedom writers
Landon010: whats it about?
Blue_jollyrancher: it points out social issues and all that
Landon010: cool
Landon010: ur turn
Blue_jollyrancher: fav book
Landon010: dont usualy read but "10 true war stories WW2"
Landon010: its about medal of honor people in the war
Blue_jollyrancher: cool
Landon010: yea
Landon010: which one? law and order or law and order SVU
Blue_jollyrancher: law and order SVU
Landon010: YEA
Blue_jollyrancher: mhm
Landon010: the intro is banger ngl
Landon010: ur turn
Blue_jollyrancher: fav drink
Landon010: Sweet tea
Landon010: fav nolstagic game
Blue_jollyrancher: nice i gtg
Landon010: same
Landon010: nice talk
(anon): jo
Blue_jollyrancher: back
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Generic: bloop
Mommymilkers42069: gebbbbbbbbbbbbbby
Generic: wub
Generic: .fl
(anon): e
Generic: no
(anon): eeEEeEeerfghggdssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasdff
Blue_jollyrancher: I want to sleep eat and then sleep forever
(anon): i want e
Callmelili: *COUGH*
Generic: she eyes me like a pisces when i am weak
Generic: ive been locked inside ur heart shaped box for weeks
Generic: ive been drawn into ur magnet tar pit trap
Generic: i wish i could eat ur cancer when u turn black
Generic: HEY
Generic: WAIT
Generic: ive got a new complaint
Generic: forever in debt to ur priceless advice
Mommymilkers42069: jesus better be prayin for this dude
Generic: which dude x-x
Mommymilkers42069: this dude depar a girl i know
Generic: oh
Captain11: ello
Themooserapist: Rape rape rape all day long
Themooserapist: Rape rape rape while I sing this song
Mommymilkers42069: not funny
Generic: welp thats one thing to see the second u get out of the shower
Callmelili: Fuck
Callmelili: Idc
Generic: i cant take one percocet start the night off i jus took a 60
Callmelili: Etf
Generic: burberry on me shoot u in ur back it jus got pretty ricky

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